Dr. Jamal H. Bryant, IT KNOCKS ME OFF MY FEET - February 02th, 2020

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[Music] but would you join me in Ecclesiastes chapter 3 Ecclesiastes chapter 3 we're in Ecclesiastes chapter 3 for the entire year of 2020 queezy asked his chapter three I'm gonna look at verse 1 and verse 8 queasy estis chapter 3 verse 1 and verse 8 once you've found it won't you declare I have it let's declare it aloud together there's a time for everything and a season for every activity under the heavens now go down to verse number 8 Ecclesiastes 3 verse number 8 come on everybody a time to love and now let's go over to the New Testament of Luke chapter 7 Luke chapter 7 verses 36 through 38 Luke 7 verses 36 through 38 once you have found that would you declare out loud I got it read silently as I read aloud when one of the Pharisees invited Jesus to have dinner with him he went to the Pharisees house and reclined at the table a woman in that town who lived a sinful life learned that Jesus was eating at the Pharisees house so she came there with an alabaster jar of perfume as she stood behind him at his feet weeping she began to wet his feet with her tears then she wiped them with her hair kissed them and poured perfume on her you may be seated the first installment of this sermon series I'm gonna preach using as a subject it knocks me off my feet look at the person beside you and telling me it'll knock you off your feet my pill parents led a pilgrimage to New York for the Christmas holidays to bond and spend quality time together as a family hye-young my mothers out in ireri was to take the family to the Broadway musical called Motown which chronicles Berry Gordy's meteoric rise in the music industry both professionally and personally although not for mine Motown undoubtedly provided the soundtrack for an entire generation the plague honored for Tony Award nominations and the storyline gives the behind the scene journey of Diana Ross Smokey Robinson Marvin Gaye and Michael Jackson yet there is no mention of the genius of Stevie Wonder so as a hardened fan I was a conscientious objector I told my mother I wasn't going he's the longest serving artists on the label and has won the most awards for anybody who has ever been associated songs in the key of life and inner visions national treasures the reality is is not a real black wedding until somebody's singing a ribbon in the sky an only Stevie Wonder could rewrite the time old standard happy birthday and remix it as a tribute to dr. King even if you don't like them you can't help but to sway when you hear the words I don't want to bore you with troubles but there's something about your love that makes me weak and knocks me off my feet there's something about your love I don't want to bore you with it but it makes me weak and it knocks me off my feet I think I ought to remind you before you have a flashback you just had communion so what does it mean to be knocked off your feet it's not really literal as much as it is metaphorical to be knocked off your feet to meet somebody who takes your breath away makes time stand still makes you recalibrate trying to figure out because you are proficient in English while you're stuttering being knocked off your feet it's what all of us felt last week when we got the news that Kobe Bryant and his daughter died in a helicopter crash knocked off our feet knowing even while being impeached that Trump is still in office it'll knock you off your feet I don't know whether you've ever had that experience whether you've ever had that encounter whether you're 90 years old or 19 you've had some moment that actually knocks you off your feet I'm utterly convinced that the heavenly father must have some kind of foot fetish came to Atlanta a year ago didn't have a place to stay and so the church put me on in a hotel on Peachtree put me on a hotel in a hotel on Peachtree and every day I do three miles while I'm doing my three miles I would keep walking past this store and I couldn't believe the name of the store which treat your feet Buckhead walk past it every day lower asian lady kept beckoning me to come in saying I'm gonna rub your feet I'm new to Atlanta so the Lord what kind of spirit is here what kind of stuff at a into huh I never seen nothing like this I began pleading to the blood again going into prayer every day I'd walk past and she said please let me rub your feet I say no and I just skirted on then one day I'm walking past and she said let me rub your feet I'm gonna do it for free I look both ways I whispered can you take me right now I went in to treat your feet Buckhead I took off my shoes took off my socks and when I did that sitting in the chair she then pulled out for me a chart on reflexology which is an alternative medical practice involving the application of pressure points to specific parts of the foot it's based on a theory that the foot is connected to certain organs and certain body parts as it goes the left foot is connected to the left side of the body and the right foot is connected to all the organs on the right side of the body the belief holds that if you apply pressure to certain areas of the foot it will immediately alleviate pain or discomfort to a specific correlating area of the body reflexology not validated by any insurance company but reflexologist defend the pressure received in the feet sends signals that places the balance of the nervous system and releases endorphins that reduces pain so Joshua was told that every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon I'm givin it to you I want every person if you would would you just lift your left foot up lift it up even while you're seated and I want you to place it down steadily because you don't even understand that in this moment the same prophecy of Joshua just got released over you God said I am now giving you territory that you didn't even have before this I can't believe y'all didn't shout about I said God just gave you new territory that you previously did not have the pressure you are presently under is preparation for the platform you are about to be over I think I said it too fast the pressure you are under is preparation for the platform you are about to be over a prophesied while of preaching in Exodus chapter 3 Moses is tending sheep and watch what the Lord says to Moses he says take your shoes off and I need you to see what is happening here in the story he tells Moses take off your shoes take off your sandals but they are on the inside and the mountainside that they're on has broken glass and God says take off your shoes the mountainside has chip rocks and God says take off your shoes the mountainside here this has scorpions and God says take off your shoes because what God was saying to Moses is what he's saying to you if you now have authority here it is over what was designed to her view and so you're able to walk through some stuff that other people would have crumbled over at foam heaven no idea how it is that you a but a high step through trauma and disappointment and heartbreak and setbacks and broken promises and you're still standing and they don't understand I did this with my shoes off there there is glory on my life that you cannot interrupt I remember I remember hearing the scampering of feet slide across the laminate floors of a prestigious religious leader in Luke chapter he says Luke chapter 7 this prestigious religious leader was hosting a private dinner party that was invitation only the guest of honor was our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and yet I keep hearing the scampering of feet in the background those feet belonged to an uninvited guest a woman with a sullied reputation she slipped in through the back door because she had no invitation and yet she got in I want you to lift up that hand right where you are I want to speak something over your life and only 500 of you will receive it those of you that got faith you better respond to it God said this is the season where all you need is a foot in the door you you you don't even need it open if they just leave it cracked and here's your shout God said i'ma put you where they didn't want you where they tried to block you when they thought that you were not qualified but y'all better get yourself together why cuz your is getting ready to get through the door somebody I don't know whether is the catering staff don't know whether it was housekeeping but they left the door unlocked she slipped him through the backdoor cuz all she needed was a foot in the door and once she got in she found where Jesus was in the room she found where Jesus was in the Roma and watch what the text tells us in Luke 7 verse 38 she's behind him and when she's behind Jesus she breaks down and starts crying every now and again you ought to be crying when you are in the presence of God and you ought to be crying why pester you ought to be crying when you realize what's behind you some of y'all can't crack are you still in it but I need some people in here that know when I look back over my life when I seen the stuff that I endured the shots that I've taken what people knowingly tried to do to break me but I give God glory why cuz it's behind me now I'm forgetting those things which are behind and I press crying you this crying is an act of surrendered worship crying is an avalanche of emotions sometimes you cry while you sitting in the car and nobody done nothing to you but you begin to weep until you're not even consolable I need somebody who ever had to sit in your bed and cry I need somebody that ever sat in your car set in the shower sometimes you can be in the middle of worship in church and tears are stopped coming down your face and you don't even know why you cry but when I'm crying I don't need you to give me a tissue I don't even need you to hug me I need you to back up off me so I can get this off my system because I'm purging myself from some stuff that I've been here crying is an overwhelming emotion I'm crying and when you see me crying in church it's not because I'm sad I'm crying because I'm set free see sometimes when I cry you don't have nothing to do with tears but I'm crying out to God because my soul needs a release some of y'all don't believe it there were two blind men who about the side of the road and they heard Jesus was passing by and the Bible said that they cried son of David have mercy on me so when you hear me worshipping in church and I'm crying out under God I'm trying not to god coz I need him here it is to show me what I can't see and I need somebody in this room that needs God to show you something this week would you try out loud like you need him to show you suck my worshippers are coming in just one moment but you'll see it wasn't just one man crying there were two men trying by the side of the road would you look at the person beside you say don't let me worship by myself there's power in agreement if both of us try out under God every do it at the same time god I don't do it for one of us you gonna do it for both of us don't you sit today by somebody that ain't no worship be seated please hallelujah hallelujah thank you holy God I feel something get ready to break right through here if you don't need nothing don't say nothing the sound you get ready to hear is getting ready to upset the spirit of the Antichrist are y'all ain't sayin nothin I found another person crime this man was trying in Mark's Gospel in Mark's Gospel disc Arabia the crazier shout you've never given in church he's trying out under God watch this cuz he wants to get rid of his demons he said is some stuff in me that ain't right and I need God to pull it out of the mix and I can't sitting here acting - but I'm sick of his nasty spirit there's a lion spirit there's a bitter spirit this jealous spirit so I'm trying out on the dog if there's anything in me that's not like you some of y'all can shout could you think you perfect cuz you were born in the Koala don't you ain't got no demons but I need 500 of y'all that are sick of being attacked by the enemy you had me last year but I'm not charging these demons in 2020 pull it out of me fight you holy God be seated please be seated please church people can always see other people's stuff but can't see their only issue I need you to pull on whoever's next to you and telling you set by the right worship when I cry out under God every demonic attack that has been levied on your life is coming out of your system when you try out and hit that thing that's India that is not holy [Applause] this is the first time you ever said it out loud but I came to kill a demon today I need a thousand I just ran out under God and it helps us to understand what we've been saying in church but never understood I am anointed my sis well from the top of my head where else to the sole of my feet I am anointed from the top of my head God help me to the sole of my feet y'all giving it in a minute I am and on it from the top of my head to the sole of my feet now stay with me cuz you don't even know why you shout the soles of your feet I'm connected to all of your internal organs God yummy God says so when you worship me none of your organs will fail that whatever is going on on the inside this dinner ready to be restored who wanna be sound now don't say y'all they got trouble with your kidney trouble with your liver trouble with some pancreas which are shouted she's trying and the Texas is crying and she's behind Jesus she's behind Jesus what's this and changes her position she changes our position and then goes in front of him when you are in authentic worship your position will change and everybody focuses on the alabaster box and they ignore her tears she uses the tears and uses the tears watch this to moisten her hair the Bible said that a woman's hair it is is her glory I told y'all I'm teaching on worship today so I only know how to give God glory through pain if I've been through nothing I can't worship God but anybody who knows there will be glory after this man there will she gets in front of them Jesus is sitting there and I need you to see what he does he said now not even moving and she does something that messed me up she starts rubbing his feet he never made sense to me jumping that little store on Peachtree why is she rubbing his feet she's she's rubbing his feet was this not because is something wrong with him she's putting pressure on the feet of God because there's something going on with her yummy-yum y'all missed it everybody sees she's trying but they don't know what she crying about I think I lost you when I worship God you late so business what I'm giving so when I worship Him when I worship Him out of my pain I worship Him through my internal distress I am adding pressure to God that you got a deal with something that's going on inside of me see some of y'all when you see the shouting you think that everything is all good when I shout this cuz I'm trying to make it better y'all get ready to miss that thing when I give God glory I'm putting pressure on the feet of God thank God you know when I'm dealing with you know how hard it is you're not that struggle a month may happen let's get maybe a sound or worship in this room let's get ready to miss some people up if you don't need nothing don't say nothing but God said your worship oughta match the pain of the struggle of what you're dealing with on the inside you only got 60 seconds I'm telling you I will never person in the room that's putting a mandate on the father god I need this handled I need this resolved I need this would you give him glory and worship it until he feels put pressure on them I'm reading on my worship espresso order I need you to turn it up make God handle your son make God deal with your daughter my god boss the look at your bills [Music] [Applause] you may be seated you may be seated you may be seated [Applause] hey you may be seated put pressure on hey I said the pressure on I said look Raja watch God do it I need you to lift up that hand open up your mouth God you gotta get me out of this contract you gotta get me out of this house you gotta get me out of this relationship well press on [Applause] she's she worshipping them I gotta show you this she's adding pressure to the feet of God and the church people get mad saying they shouldn't do all of that I can't see all that screaming is unnecessary I wish they would sit down somewhere and Jesus said who you think you are I've been in your presence for almost two hours and you a worship me yet but there's somebody in the room that needs my glory I don't know where you are but if you ain't going home the same way your cash some brass hog [Applause] she [Music] [Applause] she puts pressure on the feet of God because what she's dealing with is not anything external is something internal God has given me to sweep through this room in 90 seconds or less but those of you who are dealing with something going on in your internal body hallelujah dealing with something your internal body here this I need you to buy faith would you just start laying hands on yourself hallelujah I'm putting pressure on this ain't for nothing material it ain't nothing for tangible honey God to touch my mind I need God to deal with my heart my spirit being off for the last six months honey God to deal with it I'll say you doing it but you ain't applying tears to it you not letting me feel and experience your pain in it it's only gonna be 60 seconds watch this God says today I'm getting ready to stop internal bleeding cuz the folk around you got no clue what you dealing with but God said when you worship me hear this before you get back to your car the matter is gonna be resolved I don't know who this is for but it's only gonna be 60 seconds of worship at the feet of God I don't care what you gotta do if you gotta lay prostrate if you gotta lift your hand if you gotta cry out loud but I want you to show me what would you do to apply pressure you'll they got sixty Seconds open up your mouth and try out under God God deal with [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] you only got 10 seconds left with no music let me hear the sound the worshipers apply pressure with no music 10 seconds open up your mouth [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] lift up that hand clues [Music] lift up that hand right where you are [Music] jesus said to the woman I did an autopsy while you were worshiping and I finally figured out what was wrong with you I know what you're contending with what you're dealing with and I'm gonna say this that's what Jesus said to the woman is what I'm saying to 2000 of you and when you get this word of release I hope that you'll celebrate it he didn't say to this woman you are now dead free he didn't say to the woman you are now a millionaire he didn't say to the woman you gonna find the man of your dreams by Valentine's Day watch what he said to the woman is what are you saying the new birth today said because you applied pressure to me because you touch me while you were in pain i'ma give you a happy ending I don't know who needs this load taking off of you but I'm telling you yelping a tear this roof clear on God said because of how you shelled it here's your release all of your sins are forgiven god I can't hear nobody whatever you did last year whatever you did last night whatever you did last week all of your self [Music] [Applause] all your sins are forgiven and I didn't do it for the church people cuz they act like they ain't got no demons and they act like they're not dealing with anything lift that hand didn't worship I want to speak this over you and then I release you I pray over every lifted hand as your pastor that over the next 48 to 72 hours God will begin to alleviate the pressure you have been under I really thought y'all were shot better than [Applause] said he's gonna alleviate all of the undue stress that you have been under I declare and decree over every lifted hand whatever your enemies have tried to hold over your head God said in this next shout nothing is over your head is now under your feet and closing y'all can receive the word of the Lord I dare to just dance or deny I dare to just jump on it I just celebrated me I want you to stand I'm finished I'm just not through I need you to stand life has a way of knocking you off your feet one week ago today Kobe Bryant and his family would y'all not gonna believe it we're taking communion one week ago today at this time and had no idea that hours after communion it will be their last day on earth holding the doors of the church cuz most of us in this room may never be on a helicopter but you're always gonna be on the road of life and I want you to know that you're worth dying for that you're so valuable to God that he interrupted accidents you couldn't even see [Applause] and he did it with no pressure you hear in this room and you need to get saved you need to give your life over to God you slipped in life has tried to make you ashamed of what you've done and what you who you were with but all you need it was a foot in the door you're in this room and you're saying pastor you'll have no idea you have no idea that you were talking to me I'm talking to those of you in this room who have cried but ran out of tears I'm saying to you forthrightly unapologetically unashamedly I want to be your pastor I'm telling you more than anything I want Jesus to be your Lord I'm telling you I want you to be a part of the family the community known as new birth if you're in this room you're saying pastor this is where I belong this is where I'm supposed to be this is where I'm gonna grow in God that's where you are would you slip out of that out don't stop until you meet me at this altar I need you to come right now wherever it is that you are whoever it is that you are I need you to come [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come on clap your hands is it coming [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] listen to me nothing in your life happened by accident [Applause] is a good place for me to remind you that all things work together for good to those that love human are called according to his purpose new birth I hope you'll celebrate a little bit better a little bit louder than there [Applause] would you all pull in two steps on the pull in two steps I need you to know visit us for insights those of you who are viewing online I don't know where you are don't know where you're located where you're situated early this morning I met the leaders of our church in prayer and we prayed for you we prayed not only that you would get here we prayed that you would get saved pray that you would join the church we pray we put pressure on God that your life would be completely altered by your experience in worship today because what I need y'all to do give me please I want you to apply positive peer pressure you're gonna apply positive peer pressure I want you to move around in your role in your section I want you to find three people who you don't know find three people you never met before three people you got no history with I want you to walk right up on them and find out if they're saved find out if they got a church home and find out if they've given their life over to God every person is doing that every person is moving y'all ain't talking to nobody you're really gonna act like that [Music] there's somebody here I need you to come somebody here I need you to come those of you who are viewing online I want you to become a part of our sampler go to new person or right now get connected right now bless that wonderful name of Jesus come on clap your hands they still coming [Music] [Applause] I'm almost finished I'm just waiting on three more people to come when those three come I'm going to leash you would you look at the people around you tell them hurry up and get saved hurry up and join the church hurry up and get your life together you hear I need you to come quickly please all have sinned and fallen short of his glory [Applause] [Music] [Applause] new birth would you stretch your right hand to faith don't do it yet I need you to clap they still coming in the aisles come on come on come on [Applause] even at the risk of getting on somebody's nerves but you just asked the person on your left and it's the person on your left are you sure you saved sure you got a church on you can't live with communion on your breath come on now we've been forgiven should you write Hindi faithfulness try it again search your right hand to faith repeat after me you're in the right place at the right time John in the right church serving the only gone and I know that's right if you know Brite come on declare show your right I want those of you who are here if you'll follow us this way Nupur come on make some noise they came as friends they even as family yes the loan [Music]
Channel: True Word Of Yeshua
Views: 125,391
Rating: 4.7854939 out of 5
Id: FDc_Yl9zH5I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 6sec (2766 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 02 2020
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