Dr. Jamal H. Bryant, I'M NOT TRYING TO BE FUNNY - November 03th, 2019

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I'll see you frustrated I'll see you walking around having to be your home life coach having to talk yourself into it having to motivate yourself when God ain't saying nothing and he ain't showin nothing he said be not weary in well-doing for in due season you shall reap if you say not please forgive me I talking to everybody I'm just talking to those that are standing because you did not faint because you did not give up because you did not throw in the towel because you didn't walk away from God God said give me the next 12 months and watch me exceed your expectation and can't do what you've been praying [Music] some thing Genesis chapter 18 I want to highlight if I can verses 12 through 15 Genesis 18 verses 12 through 15 Lord speak in this place talk to us we yearn to hear your voice change something heal something kill something saying your name we pray amen Genesis 18 verses 12 through 15 so Sarah laughed to herself as she thought after I am worn out and my husband is old can I still have pleasure then the Lord said Abraham why did sell laughs and say well I really have a child now that I am old is anything too hard for God I need you to look at the person beside you and ask them that question is anything too hard for God I will return to you at the appointed time next year and Sarah will have a son Sarah was afraid so she lied and said I did not laugh but he said yes you did laugh you may be seated beginning our new series today that I'm gonna be preaching on throughout the entire month of November don't get it twisted about being misunderstood and Genesis 8 verse number 12 Sara laughed to herself because she didn't think at this stage in her life she would still have pleasure the Lord wanted to know what you laughing for Sara said 9 ain't laugh and the lowest said to her stop lying I heard you you did laugh I want to preach for a little while this morning using as a subject I'm not trying to be funny I'm not trying to be funny recently in the midst of my travels I slipped into an empty theatre two casts glanced at one of the most discussed films of this year The Joker serves as a mythical historic prequel on the background of Batman's archrival all intensive purposes it was an expose on the mental health crisis in America and how society woefully under serves those who are psychologically overwhelmed however they are layers of trauma that went grossly unaddressed in this cinematic presentation from being raised by mother who suffered from gross delusions navigating being an infant who is abstracted from his home due to endangerment I'm never being told that he was adopted until he was thirty being misled about his paternal lineage imagining relationships that never existed his medication was eliminated and counselling was no longer offered strangely with a twist of irony the only job that he seemed to qualify for was that of being a clown derided by colleagues who were in the same craft extended no sympathy from his supervisor and beaten by bullies in the street his only comfort came from holding a gun and all of this from the experience of a white male who otherwise would be extended privilege how much greater is the burden for black people who have psychological trauma when only 11% of us have access to medical insurance only one out of three get the care that they are needed in the area of mental health the Mellen aided in america who suffer from schizophrenia bipolar disorder and PTSD are more likely to be incarcerated than to be cared for not to mention the surge and disproportionate autism found in our children connected clearly two shots of vaccinations the stigma stigma assigned to them in sanctuaries schools and families giving them further alienation where no where can they find comfort or a circle of safety laughing at them talking about running away from them is both inhumane and unchristian romans twelve and two reminds us we are transformed by the renewing of our minds the Lord arrested me this week those of you who have a family member who is suffering from psychological trauma whether that schizophrenia is bipolar chronic depression or PTSD would you just lift that hand right where it is that you sit or even if it's you yourself or contending with those issues if every person with lifted hands even those of you who are streaming virtually I plead the blood over your family members who are being stopped with mental distress I declare and decree that every resource that is needed for their balance and for their mental equilibrium will be released into their life I declare and decree over every lifted hand that serves prace for a family member who is battling for their sanity that the Grace and the peace of God will visit them before this month comes to a conclusion and those of you who shared that level of faith and believe here it is that God is a mind regulator would you give God at Thanksgiving in advance [Applause] come on you can do better than that I need you to clap cause it's a Burnout mother near you there's a frustrated father near you there is a disturbed wife near you would you give God praise for them they need to know that they are in a sanctuary of support of people who are not idling them or judging them or ostracizing them but we stand in the gap with them believing there is nothing too hard for our God early on in the film before the Joker completes his precipitous fall there's a scene of him on public transportation sitting in front of him is a blacked-out ler with his mother and the joke is performing antics that keep the child engaged and entertained the hard-working black mother who is obviously annoyed turns and tells him curtly please cease all interaction with my child and this he burst out laughing hysterically which further infuriates the mother she asked him candidly are you laughing he then hands the mother a card that says forgive my laughter I have a condition and on the back it's printed it's a medical condition causing sudden frequent uncontrollable laughter that doesn't match how I feel this can happen to people with a brain injury or certain neurological conditions and people who really don't understand your plane had misappropriated your emotion just because I'm laughing don't mean stuff is funny sometimes I'm laughing cuz I'm frustrated sometimes I'm laughing cuz I'm trying not to cry sometimes I'm laughing so I don't cuss sometimes I'm laughing to give you time to correct your story sometimes I'm laughing to myself cuz you think I'm stupid in the documentary in the documentary entitled beyond laughter in tears a journey of hope it chronicles those afflicted with pseudobulbar affect also known as PBA pseudobulbar affect is resident in nearly two million citizens it's exhibited by frequent involuntary bouts of laughing and crying the Mayo Clinic advises the patient's feel just like everybody else but they express it in exaggerated or inappropriate ways the laughter can sometimes turn into tears and a novice may mistake it for depression what people don't know sometimes I'm not depressed I'm just disgusted and typically when it is that you have those overarching feelings you will self isolate because I don't know when I'm gonna cry I don't know when I'm gonna break down I don't know how long I'm gonna have to sit in this car I don't know how many days I'm gonna be wrestled and confined to this bed sometimes I gotta shut down so I don't go off talking to some people who are in this room that feel like that sometimes there are some days where you can't find your happy place where you don't have the energy to pretend or to be phony well you can't go through the perfunctory casualties and just extend that the gratitude that people want that you don't even have the energy to extend I'm talking to some people who are just quiet could you arrays old-school if I ain't got nothing good to say ain't gonna say nothing at all so stop trying to make me talk please don't believe that every time you hear some laughter that is connected to comedy there's such a thing as a nervous laughter nervous laughter that can be generated from alarm from embarrassment from discomfort from confusion it's usually not so robust and it is infused with insecurity and it is often laced with awkward glances there occasions where you gotta check your enemies oh you think that's funny they're people who are laughing at you because they think they got away with it people who are laughing because they think that they got the upper hand they're people who are laughing because they believe there's no way you're gonna be able to survive and they have no idea it is the grace of God that has covered you because there were moments and seasons of your life where you just wanted to be in the fetal position where you want to suck your own thumb where you want to cry uncontrollably and people have no idea that I was so discombobulated I didn't even want to be comforted but I needed God to cover me because it was just the grace of God that didn't allow me to backslide into the thing that would have a broken me I'm thankful that in spite of all of my depression in spite of my alienation I was not or to drugs or the alcohol load of violets and please don't think because you see me sitting calm it doesn't mean that there's not a roller coaster going on on the inside of me and I gotta talk myself off of the ledge because I'm wrestling between who I am and what I believe I'm called to be ladies and gentleman far from a vaudeville show and nowhere near the Apollo Theater the Spirit of the Lord showed up in the presence of the patriarch is known as Abraham he's considered the father of the faith even while it is that he's sterile Abraham his son is in a place where God doesn't seem to be answering his prayers and yet God's got the nerve to visit him y'all didn't hear what I just said it's in a place where his prayers are not being answered and then God got the nerve to visit him I speak over the life of people who are in this room and those who are connected through technology who have gone through a season where looks like God is not answering your prayers I believe by faith today that this week you are going to have a visit from the Holy Spirit God is going to show up and commune with you and I hope you ready for it it ain't gonna happen at church it's gonna happen while you're at your outside I need you to brace yourself the Spirit of the Living to come to your home the holy spirit right now is seeking to visit some people in eight the people who you think holy spirit ain't coming necessarily for those that are screaming the loudest those who are chanting the loudest those who are running the fastest but the presence of the holy spirit is searching out in this sanctuary is searching out those who are streaming who have been miserable who have been unhappy who have been unfulfilled who have been dissatisfied who have been unsettled the Holy Spirit now is getting ready to be dispatched from heaven just say now is the time for the Holy Spirit to come to you having all this spirit don't mean you don't dance having all this weird don't mean you go yell but sometimes having the Holy Spirit is that which gives you perfect peace when there's a storm on the inside of you that you cannot control and yet and not manage spirit of the Living God fall grass on somebody today I don't know where you are the Spirit of the Living God [Applause] he is our comforter he's our comfort how comfort the Spirit of the Lord announce table him as he is announcing to people who can hear my voice that next year this bad the same you thought you would never have it's getting ready to show up in your life you can hear me a better noun sit again by November the fire 2020 FSA you've been asking God to do is about to manifest in your life y'all still need hurt me 365 days I see you struggle and toil and fight and wrestle but let's say of this is Toby in your hair because I'm telling you you gonna have it I'll sing you frustrated I'll see you walking around having to be your own life coach heaven atop yourself into it having to motivate yourself when God a sayin nothin and he ain't showin nothing he said be not weary in well-doing boy in due season we shall reap if you faint not please forgive me I ain't talking to everybody I'm just talking to those that are standing because you didn't my Saint because you did not give up because you did not throw in the towel because you didn't walk away from God God's sake give me the next 12 months and watch me exceed your expectation you know what you've been praying since you're gonna have that child Abraham a year from now forget the fact that your wife is 90 years old and never given birth so she hadn't just been praying for it this year she been praying for years fasting for years serving for years nice for years supporting others for years and yet nothing is happening for her God said I watched you and I wanted to see if you would remember that I always saved the best for last god I can't hear nobody in here you ain't got a reason to be jealous or nobody whatever God got for you yes don't be given to you what whatever you asked for in his name it shall be released don't forget at the time of attacks that you able to procreate as early as 14 the Virgin Mary gave birth to Jesus she won in 15 years of age your timing is off only because you are comparing yourself to other people schedule what God has for you is not predicated on when other people got it there is nothing more powerful than an idea whose time has come and I came to tell 80 of you it is your time now you didn't hear what I just said I better say it again it is your time man don't look at your neighbor they're saying the word for your neighbor this is for you I want you to lay hands on yourself it's my time to start that business it's my time to get the house it's my time to get married yes my time to walk in my gift yes my time the flow and the anointed yes my time the lead is my time to be in charge yes my and in verse 12 of Genesis 18 it recalls that Sarah was eavesdropping the law wasn't even talking to her he was tall named Abraham I'm telling you you don't pay to be nosy there's a whole nother Sarma whole nother book whole nother series now you can look at your neighbor just tell them man your business Sarah is eavesdropping when the angel of the presence of the Lord prophesize and the Bible says in verse number 12 look at it and she laughed to herself she left herself impounded whether in her old age would she be able to have pleasure I got back that thing up is no children search today so I got be careful how I talk about this she wasn't laughing about whether she could had a child this is Genesis 18 ain't no viagra no cialis y'all ain't saying nothin to me she tryin to figure out can my husband still work in verse number 12 she don't say is God able she won no is Abraham a Oh y'all ain't saying nothin to me she tryin to figure out all this time I've been having to do all the work myself y'all look straight ahead I'm in the Bible I've been with this same neck growth dissatisfied I ain't getting nothing out of it he don't know how to please me y'all look straight ahead am i don't get pleasure this time twelve wives just gave me a high five in the spirit I know you can't do it right because your husband just give it to me in the spirit I got you she said now that the Lord is Widom now that the presence of God is Widom am I going to find pleasure it wasn't a laughter burst in hilarity it was birthed in disparity she was saying in no uncertain terms that only one person in your section can identify with I got a laugh to stop from crying cuz I'm in a marriage I'm in a relationship I'm in a circle of friends thick I get nothing out of it got cry right through here and I'm sick of always being there for other people and nobody ever has how I feel god I can't find nobody in here can get pleasure some of y'all man some of y'all I feel a tomato spirit being thrown at me right here I get it I'm talking to y'all deep super spiritual people but sometimes I just want to know God are you gonna ever let me be satisfied again god I can't hear nobody in here this is just for 50 y'all that ain't stuck up and you don't care what other people think say or how they row - God said this is the year not of cars clothes and money but this is the year that you finally get satisfaction that this is the year that finally somebody will have a man to take care you is the year that you finally don't feel like a priority this is the year that folks will stop everything they do it just to make sure that you're happy I need you to look at your neighbor and tell them this will be the best year of your life you ain't gonna have to sacrifice nothing you ain't gonna have to give up nothing you ain't gonna have to hide nothing that's saying that you are yes uh fruition thank you first number 13 be seated my time is almost up verse number 13 the Lord asks Abraham why did Sam laugh that's what the law said in verse number 13 meet a mystery put that on the screen for me verse number 13 Justice 18 the Lord said to Abraham why did Sarah laugh back that thing up go to verse number 12 look at verse number 12 so Sarah laughed to herself as she thought go to verse number 13 then the Lord said to Abraham why did Sarah laugh y'all missed it climbed back up in the verse number 12 Sarah laughed to herself as she thought verse number 13 and the Lord said to Abraham why did Sarah laugh what is amazing y'all is that Sarah never laughed out loud [Applause] she just laughed in her head some of y'all ought to be shouting because God set the prayers on your answer if the stuff you never talked about but the stuff you had in your head is about the manifests I need you to grab that neighbor's hand and say neighbor I'm not trying to be polished but in the next 12 months if you ever see me laughing to myself it's because I told the devil I'm gonna have the last laugh oh my god if you believe that in 2020 you gonna be able to shout this job the world giveth and the world can't take it away when I think about what he studies for me I said I wasn't don't tell nobody I just can't see myself trap that neighbors hand and say neighbor congratulations you just surprised the more seasoned your life and everything that's a Miskin ridin manga yes don't be happy enough let everything I'm free yes unless [Applause] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] this is your happy season I thought y'all were shout better than that this is your cease if you'll indulge me for one moment I've wrestled with God over this message over this sermon on the way it is that you are but if I can't feel safe in the sanctuary where can I go those of you who have been battling with chronic depression I want you to come meet me at this altar please those of you that don't remember the last time you were happy I want you to meet me at this altar please does he have been flirting with the idea of suicide I want you to meet me at this altar please both of you who are on behavior modification prescription I want you to meet me at this altar please [Music] the black church has got to disavow this notion that mental health is a taboo issue that we don't talk about standing at five four three James Baldwin said you can't fix it until you face it [Applause] there's a language that has happened in charismatic churches the language that we use inappropriately i'ma deal with it on Tuesday is people talking about I don't claim it Oh God is saying if you don't claim it how am I gonna get the glory when I handle it I once was blind but now I see how much it lay hands on your head those of you who at the altar I'm gonna say to you and even if no other preachers ever said it to you softly musicians I want to say to to you would you look this way you can have Jesus and a therapist [Music] as only saying nothing to me to joke hear what I just said you can have Jesus and a therapist you can have to hold this spirit but I still want you to take your prescription call y'all don't got quiet right through here I want you to let your hands on your head Satan hear me is the enemy of happiness y'all didn't hear me I want to say it again Satan is the enemy of happiness he doesn't want to see you happy I'm speaking over your life I'm speaking the 300 of you who are streaming now 42 of you who belong at this altar but your two shadow come forget about these people I need you to get to this altar so what names must be no shopping summer this is a surgicenter you don't even know that this altar is outpatient God gonna give you what you need and you gonna be able to go home afterwards come on I see you coming you're gonna get stronger with every step you take [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I was depressed last two years of my life I was depressed didn't know why couldn't figure out why tell me I was depressed couldn't even function couldn't even really operate and I want you to hear me I wish to press with a growing church how depressed was this with a television ministry I was depressed with a thriving itinerary I would depress here me with healthy kids how's the press him me and I thought I was under attack and I didn't know that I was in transition [Applause] hear me I need you to hear my heart give me well if I was happy he couldn't have pulled me out of Baltimore [Applause] the only say you're nothing to me he said I got a cut off everything you leaning on so you can trust me for the next chapter your wife sometimes what you are feeling is your transition for God to get you to where he needs you to be but he's got to stop you from false codependency so you can realize greater is He that is in me don't let these church people for you can have the Holy Ghost and still be unhappy y'all are saying nothing to meet you you can know your purpose but can't find your passion the grace of God has got to recalibrate your GPS why are you saying this to me I'm saying it to you cuz God who knows letting you go through this emotional void and vacuum cuz he gave you ready for what he's got unleash in 2020 I just need you to do me a favor a new birth I need y'all to back me up just promise me you won't quit before December 31st I thought y'all was going shout better than that promise me you like don't give up on God because in the next 12 months he's gonna give you what it is that you need it's gonna confirm it lay hands on your head please new birth stretch your right hand to faith those of you who are streaming and desirous to be in the flow of what God is doing it this all to type your name on that screen your child's name on that screen your siblings name on that screen I pray for every person who's at this altar and every person who's connected to this move of God I pray that tonight while you sleep God will perform open-heart surgery I pray that he'll stop putting your heart back together again I pray that God would put a force field around your mind and around your thinking around your imagination around your dreams and around your thoughts I pray that God today will release a restraining order to keep you away from toxic people that people that bring negativity into your environment will no longer be able to get close to you and those of you that know that you have survived some things that would have killed weaker people I'll tell you right where you are would you give God a shelter Thanksgiving right there right there y'all a shout good listen to me our spiritual counselors our spiritual counselors after church would have concluded our spiritual counselors are gonna be in the chapel we want to pray with you we want to stand with you one of the weapons the enemy uses is the weapon of isolation to make you feel like you in it by yourself I want you to know you are in good company y'all don't believe it let me show you this every person in this room every person in this room that is over 30 every person in this room that is over 30 has had two opportunities to have a nervous breakdown y'all ain't sayin nothin to me everybody in here over 30 survived something here's your shout twice that the hand of God was able to navigate you through I want you to embrace somebody around you and tell them God your mind the God come on god you're my god bless you [Music] everybody [Music]
Channel: True Word Of Yeshua
Views: 72,703
Rating: 4.8145938 out of 5
Id: p4XcPpAorlY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 41sec (2741 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 03 2019
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