Down Texas Way - Full Movie | Buck Jones, Tim McCoy, Raymond Hatton

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[Music] to fight in the tasting every ruff right right [Music] right [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] already came thanks what this is very good round of March I guess you fellas can load that stock tomorrow without any help from me though I'm down in Texas I kind of look around that I'd get some new ideas about running livestock Texas I didn't know you were figuring on taking a trip Jim Dandy Hopkins is having a birthday he's wrote me about that she's putting on a big surprise shindig for him some are supposed Robert to be there too huh no he will he'll get quite a kick out of meet the sandy beach for the first time do it it's about time you Rough Riders we're getting together again well we haven't been together for quite a spell but I can't think of a better excuse for a reunion and Sandy's birthday can you that's excuse or not well if you want to get in touch with me about anything just wire me and Tara Sandy's hotel that's down Texas all right have a good time oh I will go on boys you're lucky tonight for a change daddy lucky nothing do you know I all know my shirt in these games if it you ain't up to form tonight John what's wrong got something on your mind you want to spin yes I I got this letter from Kansas City today real [Applause] when you're older wife and I you never did say nothing about you mr. John I guess everybody around here including myself just took for granted that you did yes I know in about 20 years of his father even I thought she was dead anyway Dave always believed when his mother passed away when he was a baby hello what are you gonna do it'll be an awful shock to the kid that's why I've got to think about it I can't tell him till I know just how to put it to him she's his mother and I want him to respect that fact no matter what mistakes we made as man and wife attractive but maybe it's like she says in the letter did you start all over again don't be so tough on me perhaps go on deal you're no mood for cards tonight John yes go on I just want to get it off my mind for a spell we're getting late you better go over and close up this room no no hurry I can trust Pete to handle things go ahead deal them oh I wish you hadn't come here Logan I could have met you on the outside take it easy what her back doors for Joe keep his eyes peeled for God's did he get that letter today yeah sure seemed to lock it for a loop what do you do about it the old man didn't tell the son he just shoved the letter in his pocket and he said he'd have to figure a way to break the news today who's the woman that's gonna be mr. Dodd oh you'll be surprised to know who I got the penis and dies and when she is widow she takes over everything the bank the store the saloon the whole works I get it I gotta hide not until we're set for say about red did he meet the sheriff oh yeah he's living the poker game now without a little plug at the sheriff's ranch outside of town good well I'll take care of dad when he finishes a pinochle game across the street do you know what to do when it's all over there's use your head and you'll be running this woman's dead attendant Barna come on bill you're sure that nobody did you come in nobody saw me right into town and nobody's gonna see me go out hi Barry gherkin kind of late aren't you yeah kinda but I'm all through now thinking my T's will walk along with that you don't mind if I do penis alongside of a pretty gal sniffy you're an old flatterer yeah but I'll bet you I wouldn't have to look far to find a body to back me up you're right smithy they don't come any prettier well what I'd like to know is married but I'm buying a wonderful wedding present and I'm staking them to their furniture if that uncle yours and you're a power feed knuckling in there again tonight how come they ain't raising the roof they are awfully quiet oh but they finally learn to play the game without fighting hey we're losing our reputation by being too peaceful like I told you you game [Music] you better stop hotel people and go back to manhunt gosh you sure gummed up your technique they're really angry one of these nights they're gonna kill each other in one of them brawls fighting over a silly card game why you both ought to be ashamed you get all that dead weight past your bedtime go ahead marry on them you wait and you go on get on home to that ranch go ahead before Mike Simmons decides to hide himself another Foreman and I take this old saddle flatfoot on for another game and that hundred dollars alright pop but you hold your temper you know one of these days you two are gonna let that card game break up a swell friendship I bet you they still believe they saved you from Papa New York and now they're gonna have all the fun of helpless make up again well here's your winner I better get across and help Pete close up Hey Oh I'll drop over tomorrow make payment on the mortgage you hold on this hotel you know I hope you get this thing washed up one of these days now you take your time about that well I wouldn't crack down on you've you've never paid it back good night sandy good night I'll get him as he goes past that corner coming from the hotel to the saloon you stick around after it's over and see what happened get ready here he comes yeah he's dead oh I knew it mr. Dodge what happened where's uncle sandy but he wrote off after he shot him Smitty here said they were fighting like mad again over their pinochle game what we heard and didn't we miss Mary yes how you see their Luke right out and get the sheriff he's at his ranch you bet Hopkins will hang for this or I'm crazy who was that I didn't see I don't know hey uncle sandy couldn't have done this they quarreled yes but [Music] we're gonna take him over the office [Music] well that's all over beginning tomorrow we start taking over the town the next United States Marshal sandy Hopkins is on your trail bird well whatever it all we got to do is bump him off wait I got a better idea I want him alive he's gonna come in handy get mr. dodge into town who fellas squat around here like you don't know he's coming and I'll handle him [Music] [Applause] [Music] what about your globe I let you have it but I take that advice yourself mash them up get his heart and fabulous animal [Music] you get that ahead and put still alive [Music] I advise you not to do those go on ahead remove the back is not his plan he knows the next moves I'll get going [Music] how are you how do you injure reckon you don't get that's right what have we got the best rulers in the state of Texas thank is we got the early bathtub with running water that's right a Kansas City well I can certainly use that where's Andy opt-ins you around know a marshal Tim why Mary what what look at you with long dresses ominous well you're a grown woman at last time what's the matter Oh everything where's sandy I don't know but something terrible is happening come on tell me all about it who are you Holy Smoke you re yes but for hours I thought this must all be just terrible nightmare the robbing the stage driver the other passenger and then when they brought me here because they said it wasn't in their plans to murder women when I just couldn't believe I would end dodge on my way to join my husband are you and dodge the wife of John dodge of dog town you know my husband and my son why are you here well they'll murder hold that's all tightly and threw me in here after they killed I'm trying to help things ma'am I won the hotel in Dodge your sunday was a mighty fine land he's doing all right myself it must be because his father such a fine man how is John well didn't come any better than John Dodge he was one of the best friends I ever had had I just hold on yourself ma'am he went awful quick he went happy he never knew what hit him and some folks say that's the best way to go after all all right drop the cannon easy and stick them up pull you what do you want I want some more than some grub and 94 days get inside and leave me to it you we can't go in there what do you mean we can't go in there to shack in it's got grubbing it right at his Spurs brave marshal Hopkins this is a bit of luck right into my hand don't look so good you know me remember you put me in a penitentiary about a year ago down in Arizona yeah correction if I'm any judge that's where you gotta be now told you there wasn't a jail strong enough to hold me and I also told you when I cut out at be looking you up and here you are right a night he's a prisoner you're amongst friends Victoria was hungry they shot some droppin watch your step say you fellas saddle up while I go over to the shack and get a pot of coffee off the Steve sit down get over by the window where I can watch it oh hey that's you don't touch that girl unless you feel lucky hey what do you saving him for it was me I'd knock him off right enough with it ain't now a deal to bump off lawmen it's too risky but what we got in mind going back where you come from I got accepted I on you too there was a fella listen you're speaking about mrs. John Dodge so what she's the wife of my best friend whom these skunks murdered last night kidnapped her from her stage and brought her here the same as they hogtied me ain't that bad they're gonna hang you this time when they catch up with your robins you hope I know it close that door speak your piece and speak it fast what do you want what is this Dave welcome I'll break your neck for bringing in strangers I ain't told him nothing well then who is he what does he want that's none of your business told you was travelin keep your shirt on thank you for the grub you two mugs want to do me a favor make that tinhorn sweat before you're skinny don't make a move till I get out of here [Music] they read instead of playing foot with the sheriff and you to see the fireworks yeah I just got through telling Dave and Mary that Sandy and John a draw fired one of them card girls sometime I know like a hunch huh yeah that did yeah I got a doped out two different especially with Hopkins being an ex lawman and knowing all the tricks yeah sure outsmarting that Sheriff miss boss ante sure is so what do you mean Pete you've got a doped out different I knew of a lawman back in Kansas that went crooked once and headed a bunch of Steven killers his name was Ted cooked being a deputy US Marshal they took him years to catch up with him yeah yes the fact is that this case is so much like that one that Hopkins coulda got his idea you're a liar well what do you think you know about it I happen to be the United States Marshals as long the devil man you are speaking about Ted Cook was framed that ain't healthy for United States morsel around to right now there's one of his charged with killing a man here last night and it fast on the droids a stranger might pay you to remember that to make lemons oh yeah sure well I reckon that calls for the drinks on the house come on fellas and join the marshal never mind I drink alone on paper if I were you I'd forget about that Kansas story I'm liable to pick you up for what you know about so I'm still hunting for a couple of fellows that go away on that deal I'd say it that's one I'm breathing too healthy to tangle with well here's one man he ain't got pluck I'm gonna help say the Dodgers killer gets what's coming to him yeah that's one thing we all got to look after all right how come he made a liar out of you Pete he seemed to know what he was talking about - yeah sure he did that's cause he's a liar himself you know he pulled that stunt to protect Hopkins he thinks he's daughter behind the us bed and gives him special privileges yeah they feed Vice many affair Oh there there's somebody in this room speak up Rome start shooting you hit me with a handful of buckshot oh hiya fella fine damn are you what did you get in oh just a while ago wrote in just as you were going in for swim I registered under the name of John Robert you know we can't be seen together the rooms just across the hall I guess you know Sandy's in a jam yeah I know but how did you find out I've seen what I can't figure out is why they brought me here in YouTube I can't even talk it and it's coming back to supply we are going to get that mic and by the others I'm awake yeah but how did the car look I just remembered I have this knife in my bag turn on the shopkins now cut you loose so fast before now let's watch your phone you can grab an entire behind the door we can't escape what I really stink yeah [Applause] hurry up we've got to feed it back to town like Morgan Hardy well the way this whole thing stacks up to trying to put this murderer I can't stand his left but we've got to act accordingly that's about right Kim you got to start him but find the old man dodges affairs the back room on that saloon the Dodge use for an office you have to go through this alone to get into the office there's a back door good enough for me it's right where I'm heading see you later right uphold the law yeah all right ready here's your bed soon as the other men get some rest we'll start out again on Sandy's trail so stick around now that I got the authority sure I'm gonna prove peach hunch in mind that Hopkins didn't kill Dodd just cause he lost his head there's something bigger behind a man allows our hunts to interfere with his horse theft he'd have to get into trouble I thought I made that clear in this room last night who are you tonight this marshal McCall sandy Hopkins was no Impaler mine when he was in the service I came here to find him whoever it was that killed John does he's gonna be a lot of help sheriff all you government fellows are like a bunch of politicians flickering seeds when you get together take your hand off that gun get up on your feet now hold all marshal didn't mean nothing it's just at the hotel it'll run out up over the killing a Dodge sandy Hopkins is guilty and pay the penalty the same as anybody else if I were you sheriff I'd make sure the next time I swore in a deputy it was one that had some respect for his government I know but he's all right he's just a little hot-headed come on man get outside we don't cause no trouble on that wagon rolls in no we'll have the folks in this town so worked up they'll have Hopkins strung up before the marshal and turn around yeah figuring on him come breezing in here is he no yeah I'll uh come for the saloon to meet the boys and they get here you get to work in that blacksmith all right all the way but Stieb you keep your eye out for Logan what do you boys Fred out so I found out a dang thing certain what everybody else knows but I'll meet the shoe-leather all for my boots have sandy Hopkins's within 30 miles of this man do you think he's guilty and I don't know all the evidence points had he done it public opinion says he did I just come from dodges funeral and the people took it pretty hard especially young dodge it's not Mary to walk over to the hotel with me Dave please try to believe uncle sandy didn't do it and that marshal Tim will prove it I'm trying Mary well I I'll see you later we'll see how pete and luke are coming with pops things if that don't prove he had a reason for killing the boss I'll eat it a mortgage on sandy Hopkins hotel I'd have no pop had this no did anybody else it ain't even been recorded yet that was due to be paid off the day your pop was murdered now there's a pony for you kid if I ever seen one maybe sandy didn't have the money made it's bad blood over their mortgage there that guardian I'm gonna find sandy Hopkins if it's the last thing I ever do better tell in Hanover just a minute kid I guess this will say more than I can name but they your pop was killed well I get he was gonna tell you all up and about her too yes he figured he didn't have to the chance to do it right but she didn't die like we all thought and he knew it they were separated when you were just a baby so they couldn't get along together the last thing he said was he wanted you to respect the fact that she was your mother and to remember that too in case anything happened to him I in cemented I guess he meant about his property at all waiting for someone yeah waiting to catch they've died you see I am interested in buying a spoon in the store that they like gonna bracel Kennedy won with his father that's before the old man was killed you didn't have no no dismissed whether he came back to town or went on to the Simmons ranch you don't miss the saloon oh thank you very much good morning I hope you rested well I did did I hear you call that fella Logan yes mr. Burt Logan do you know him Logan no I that was wrong thanks ever so much well here she is man your home the most pleasurable little town in the whole Texas [Applause] I've lived here all my life you can be mighty proud of John for what is done for this time why there ain't a man here that the wouldn't have laid down his life for no siree here come talking where's all of him well we said we'd string him up didn't we yeah well come on well that's what are we waiting on come on man [Applause] hey Vaughn down and keepsies moving it's just hard find a nice crowd turned out to hooking you man unless no jewelers are coming how are you David I would have talked to you sandy about a lot of things Dave is my boy my son his mother well that must be John's wife yeah why weights a lot of words because your father didn't eat well what are we waiting on let's string him up what I killed his father what are you saying what's the matter at all these people are they crazy you tell him ma'am what happened you killed my husband and you said you were his friend when you took me off that stage at high point plan to kill me to take me home son that settles it let's bring him up there's a rope waiting around the corner [Music] hold on what's going on out there let's find out marshal Tim they've got uncle sandy if they're going to hang him do something don't you worry [Music] watch Italians too good for you yes after killing the best friend this town ever had yeah and framing to kill dodges wife - just to get out of paying that mortgage hurry up and let's get it over with will you hear what I have to say that's right boys let's not be too hasty he killed your old man didn't eat go ahead mitten if you love my husband for what he did for you in this town there'll be no hanging here today turn em loose this man killed my husband and he's going to pay for it how about it folks if he's guilty he will pay for it he's gonna have a fair trial first I'll take that rope off shut up take him down to the jail lock him up time you got here to stop these crazy and doing this hey hold it got her out all they didn't take me home please I'm sorry mother but I still want to hear what sandy has to say shoot the united states marshal in the packet and very smart might come up your deal they got hopkins what are you worried about who are you I was a guest at your Shack yesterday Logan thought you said you were heading for the border I changed my mind got myself in on your deal my deal I don't get it he'll we'll come on inside will taught over start talking your bonehead I was sucking on a porch to me you came up and help me up and said it was hungry isn't it convict heading for Mexico I know you didn't do it but you're gonna be a lot safer in there as an outside with that mouth Oh Tim I don't understand why didn't you tell them because honey we got to give marshal Roberts a chance to get the lowdown on the gang is behind all this right marshal that's right so buck big get here after all yeah hi Robin it looks like you're barking up the wrong tree come on sit down there's no deal I want to buy a partnership with mrs. Nagy figured you need some legitimate cash no to help a runner affairs in this town if you say mrs. Dodge yeah oh we've been friends for years that is ever since she and her husband split up he used to tend bar for me the old day what's so funny about that you polishing your glasses yeah that's what's so funny about it I happen to be in a back room last night and I didn't have to go any further than Dodgers Bible to find this take a look at it that's on the back John dodging and green United in married June 1st 1879 Kansas City Fort Riley you know Logan this mrs. duck doesn't look any more like you're mrs. Dodds and I look like Abe Lincoln not does she all right Robert you and she's not mrs. dad I'd remember this is my deal and I'll give any orders all right with me as long as you begin at the beginning and tell me how you expect to get away with it supporting the real mrs. Dodd shows up she long she's been dead for two years only dies didn't know it he wouldn't cut me in on the gravy's getting out of this town so I decided to take over you started him by killing him huh well I wouldn't say that I just eliminated them still all right with me nice way to put it put you all under arrest another thing I'm going to explain it that's Marshall Bob Probert getting a real killer of your father my daughter this isn't your mother he's working with Logan on his gang then you were always good at handling without see if you can get some information out of this one magic child thing special Tim davon after Logan they'll kill him stay there and I look at the day but have to pull matter to no time now run along making a break in the old mine keep me covered and then follow me there [Music] don't get a chance let's go darling [Music] the same place let's go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I'm gonna give you more of a break than you gave my product load up [Music] [Music] gets in trouble Tim take the tunnel and I'll take the shaft [Music] right we ain't gonna kill you yet we need you we'll never get out of here with an washing on our trail [Music] what that we've got to cover it in there come out with their hands in the air we ain't coming marshal unless you want us to bring out Dave dodged it never mind me marshal come and get them good deal with you marshal the kids light or I'll get away throwing your guns we'll bring them out [Music] well I guess we've got to do it but [Music] there come our gun alright y'all pick him up we'll get them to Marshalls anyway on our way out all right Marshalls coming out in the open don't do it they'll kill you oh no they won't get over there were the rest of your gang [Music] are you doing kid I'm alright then just put my pillow let the peace birds of jail release sandy come on move out I've done the HIPAA man up in my day man but this is the first time I ever got mixed up with a lady crook let alone being in jail with why well you don't think I'm enjoying it do you oh come with you got mixed up with that and Remus a critic [Laughter] but you don't understand the target see I was married when I was pretty young and my husband turned out to be all bad you got a set a mess of trouble but I never did a wrong thing in my life mr. Hopkins honest I didn't what you wrote the letter Stan you were the board his mother didn't you enjoy oh yes I did they made me do it they threatened to kill me if I did good to have kids is to march over our friends of the earth now why couldn't you say that I was a prisoner in that Shack same as you were after all I did let you free do you believe you mr. Hopkins then you could get me out of all this I believe you got something there man yes yes I knew you would get you out of here now send you to the penitentiary for 20 years [Music] keep away from me your Black Widow oh shut up you little runt come on get in there and it looks like you've got a full house sure yeah but I never expected to be hold of the female for trial neither did we when we started this thing we might have noted it happened sometime though since we've been trailing with a fellow who's a kind of a specialist on widows so I noticed I listen you two you just cut it out I walk for women for life especially then tie their shoes that's me all right sure is everything all right uncle Sammy everything is just fine honey I'll get my horse ride you fellas out of town for everything marshal thank you that's all right all right goodbye mr. Roberts all right please come back soon I'll do that for fighting I get an invitation to the wedding and that won't be long fine I'll embellisher clean this town everybody quickly I'll say they did to think that we came down here to give this old tile to birthday boy it almost turned out to be a necktie party didn't it it sure did and I recollected plazma birthday wanted that's right it was hey Tim I got an idea Danny suppose you bring the young folks up to the ranch and I'll throw a real party a wedding party what do you say market paid but you two Gophers know how I feel about what you done for me are you serious about that Derby Tim let's get out of here before he turns a hundred percent jackass and starts bawling I think you're right I'm going back to Wyoming right now and me to Arizona so long Rough Riders so long Rough Rider [Music] right [Music]
Channel: The Film Detective
Views: 97,442
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Film, tv, Buck Jones, Adventure, Howard Bretherton, Classic TV Show, shows', Movies, Action, 'episodic, Down Texas Way, Tim McCoy, TV, Raymond Hatton, Down Texas Way - Full Movie, Adele Buffington
Id: xhaVpgX4FXc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 27sec (3327 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 09 2018
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