22 THUNDERING GUN SLINGERS (1945), Buster Crabbe, Fuzzy St. John

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[Music] so you're the one behind this night riding gang that call themselves vigilantes that's right somebody had to step in and stop the rustling I don't know what your game is creddie but you're not hanging me because you think I'm a rustlers there was plenty of evidence that said you were guilty of rustling from the holiday outfit they'll fall sepahan be planted well I wouldn't know about that come on let's get this over with boss I got eat far as I'm concerned he was given a fair trial and found guilty you'll pay off of this Kirby it's out-and-out murder and you know it this when was it called murder to hang a Rustler and that's the way it'll stack up with everyone alright fellas back to town take it easy doc you've got a pause heavy as a grizzly bear ain't supposed to dr. killman's anyhow horse doctor you're better than nothing I guess but not much yep every day you ain't got a lick of sense sir you wouldn't got yourself all busted up at your age you got no business trying to write a bad horse they shouldn't have done that I never could believe that Dave Carson was rustling for me it didn't make sense anyhow he he was entitled to a fair and open trial did you see who they were no I was too far away but I recognized Dave Carson's horse and I'm sure he was a man they home what's got into this country anyhow everyone acts like it going to local folks being hung and range Wars popping up like mushrooms good this used to be a nice peaceful Valley you're right doc and I don't know the answer we never had so much wrestling here before and those night riding vigilantes haven't stopped at any all they've done is bring fear and suspicion everybody's jumpy and distrustful flying off the handle starting feuds something got to be done doc and I don't know what it is well it looks to me like everyone needs a dose a supper molasses is sort of fair up there thank you horrible it's obscene Dave Carson's died like that it wasn't a law nor justice I hate all this trouble and bloodshed sometimes I feel tempted to accept Steve Kirby's offer and sell out doing the best exam dad you couldn't sell the ranch oh I guess not tell me I'd never be happy any place out I want to live the rest of my days right here [Applause] I'll have something to buzz about tomorrow yeah when the folks start stewing about the rust we just hang them or Russia I'll keep them happy that's not the half of it what's the matter with you you look like little arrows or something well thinking we hung we're old man this time you mean you have doubts about him being guilty you seem to forget that his nephew is Billy Carson no man in his right mind is going out of his way to start trouble with that choco dynamite I didn't forget I'm very happy about it are you crazy he won't be at all pleased when he finds out his office Min Ho I'm gonna make sure that he does care about it honey boys my mouth feels like a seven years ago give me a shot of bourbon didn't have a lot of trouble with rustlers up faraway ranchers are getting so jittery like hang a man if he even looks ID wise the cow don't belong to him no last bell to get strung up with an old-time rancher in the country named Dave Carson your mighty free with your talk about who you call a wrestler there well I'm sorry if I stepped on anybody's toes I'll just talk about what I heard it was the ringleader behind this hanging I don't know Carson was accused of wrestling from Jeff Halliday and then they had some trouble or some grazing land so it's reasonable to suppose that Halliday from one of the hangin party that's close enough I can figure it out from there Dave Carson happens to be my uncle you could take it from me he's no wrestler sing that tune from now on if you feel Gaby stuck my neck out that time funny and I can't hear a thing I better take your folks the mule has been bitten by a rattlesnake I can't find any symptoms but I'll have that back leg picked up in a minute hey she's gonna have to get up or I can't stop to that hind leg [Applause] there's Jeff Holliday I'm going to have another talk with him you better go faster rather than fit him he needs doctoring more nuts on renewal is nothing wrong with him hello Jeff hello he's glad to see you up and around Thanks you'll have to slap his ear down this family begins ambitious to act like two-year-old again have you changed your mind about selling out to me yet why should I sell I'm happy where I am Jeff does that bad arm yours well it's feeling pretty good doc but I thought as long as I was in town I'll have you take another look at it that's fine come on in hey why is Steve Kerr be so interested in buying your place we're honored to be a sealant me to get it at his price he didn't offer me half what the righteous work brought enough a lot of good stuff around here for their songs since all this trouble started not now Hank Billy Carson won't lose any time getting here so watch mine okay but I never did like playing with dynamite go ahead remember when I told you that might be Carsten that's Billy Carson all right now remember we're not supposed to hit him just give him the idea that Jeff Holliday is trying to beat him to the punch all right let him happy [Music] her face why did you take a shot at me who took a shot who would win don't you try to lie out about who's real out of what the hell are they outfit I don't work for nobody I'm a horse doctor a darn good one to match up a human noun in like horses better I guess I owe you an apology hey you owe me more than that you'd earn you're busted my neck and sprung a pickle out of chips sorry everybody can make them a yeah but you don't have to be so all-fired violins about it listen listen I better Helen your horse go on oh gee I'm sorry doc help you on again yeah get away from me you you'd already come on man Oh baby [Applause] we let him have it like you said Steve he's headed for town now and should be here any minute I'll bet you could fry an egg on the back of his neck nice going now I'll take over you stay here Burt there he is in front of Doc's office is any more I can do for you doc yeah you might come in and look the limit on the back cuz I ain't double-jointed okay I'll have to thank him sometime for being so obliging you must be pretty good self-made you plenty member yeah hello Jeff we'll see without your weaith or to drop by and see how you were well I'm feeling fine almost as good as new again I'm glad to hear it hey Billy Carson just blew into town he didn't say why came but you can bet he isn't here to pick strawberries well what Billy Carson has on his mind is no concern to me I have no quarrel with him well I hope he feels the same way you know they say he's death and destruction when he's prodded into action I know I've heard about him thanks for dropping in I know trouble don't you just like to hear the news hey Jeff you change your mind about selling you know where to find me dad I'm terribly worried about this what are you going to do I don't know but if it's war they want honey I guess that's what's got to be tell him and you had absolutely nothing to do with Dave Carson's death that would do no good they'd only think I was trying to lie out of a fight I'm telling you this per mistress hangings got to be stopped it ain't slowed up there Russell none it's got everyone on edge nobody seems to know who's behind it or whose have to be picked on next that's the caused all the trouble around here and I'm getting tired of picking bullets out of people give me a shot of that good bourbon you did your job all right in yeah I had this Billy Carson this way looking for bear all right Marty hello doc what's your friends Billy Carson have to say what are you talking about I don't know nobody Carter just rode into town with him rode into town so what I was that bad huh oh god I told Mike wait a minute wait a minute what's the matter he told me you had an exterminating job to do I thought he meant bugs or something like that Oh stay where you are what's your business here a lady bandit that is new and different I'm not a bin no isn't that a gun in your hand yes it is a gun and I know how to use it answer my question what's your business here I'm afraid it's not with you lady maybe you're wrong about that you can put your hands down now Thanks your name Billy Carson it is I've never had any reason to be ashamed of it you mind telling me your name I'm bad Halliday you're going to listen to what I have to say conversation can't be very interesting miss Halliday if you have to hold me at the point of a gun to make me listen this is funny no ma'am gun and anybody's hand is never very humorous you think dad had something to do with the death of Dave Carson but it's not true and I won't let you force them into a fight I'm sorry miss Halliday I can't give you in this matters between your dad and myself I was on my way home the night that gang Hungate car I saw them at a distance and dad didn't know anything about it until I told him hey do you think I'm lying no no no you can't never blame my girl you know quit your dad and I will your life isn't as important to me as it you know you shouldn't try to play play bandit miss Halliday that's a man's job [Applause] melody that's right I'm bill Carson I guess the names familiar thought you'd dig I was why aren't you healed no reason for it cautions death one that'll gang up on Amanda hanging this and very up to stand up and say so but you can believe me or not about your business I don't believe you holiday and I don't like to come in and won't fight back but my Uncle Dave wasn't given a chance he was murdered very well if that's the way you want it that's the way it'll have to be that's exactly the way I want that's shooting [Music] damn [Music] Hey you-you'd you're making a terrible mistake Jeff Hardy was slowed by a horse I was here right in this room dr. D when they hung Dave costume Garson has accused of rustling holiday stuck who else had any quarrel with him well the thing was done with a night riding gang nobody knows who they are but Dave Carson is the only man they went after I could be mistaken Halliday lied out if there's a man alive has never made a mistake and true enough if I find there's anybody else responsible for this murder I'll apologize I'll be here when you feel like apologizing Jeff Dave Carson had some disagreement that didn't stop me from being good friends to motel angry I'd like to help find a man it promoted that hang and thanks doc I could use a little help see I'm a stranger in town here I bet you know the gossip about everything yeah what does he mean to us hello there there's quite a traveler yeah I like to circulate so I noticed Carson's out there good I hear you've taken over the Dave Carson outfit that's right and the next to Kim any objections no none at all I hold its note for 15,000 I suppose you'll take care of that you see the trouble he was having with Jeff holiday cost him a lot of money so I made him a loan until he could get on his feet that was right Nancy I know that that doesn't look like Dave Carson's writing meaning that I'm a liar I'll go putting words in my mouth mister I said it didn't look like he's writing this song what do you think that isn't he can't swear that ain't as far as I know David never pressed for money but you know means nothing at all I lay your arms you don't even know you're alive I you can't say that [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] things of you Dutch getting yourself mixed up in a saloon brawl there's Steve curry in solid my intelligence that wasn't much to fight about you know what without you we're a stranger here maybe you don't know we aim to keep law and order in this town I have you're so interested in law and order sheriff why don't you round up that gang of murderers who call themselves vigilante you point him out to me and I will if I could point him out Sheriff there wouldn't be anything left for you to do Sheriff Dave Carson owed me $15,000 and I expect that to be taken care of before anyone else has given legal title to that right now that's legitimate what are you saying now don't rush me Sheriff what a little time to think it over come on Jack it's not something fishy about that $15,000 no there's a lot of things around here that I'd like to smell out about somebody was doing some fumigated got a smoke is the best for that type fumigating yeah I thought you did a pretty good job of copying that name if you didn't seem to fool 100 percent yes good enough the way I've got things planned will cash in on that mobile always roof your plan to have Carson tangle with Holliday didn't turn out very well alright maybe that did misfire listen we can knock off holiday throw suspicion on Carson everybody knows that he came here with that in mind then with Halladay out of the way we'll have no trouble in scaring the geralyn's are selling out the vigilantes then can take care of cars doc what do you know about this fella I was talking to in this loom before Kirby came over I don't know anything about names ed Slade as far as I know he keeps get along pretty well without working seems like he made a special trip to pride me into a fight with Halliday I'd like to know the reason why there he is now he's coming out of the saloon you don't have an idea if I kept my eye on him for a while it might lead to something that's worth a try hey there's two of them hadn't I better go along with you now thanks doc I'll try to be careful keep out of trouble this time [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] holiday holiday yeah what do you want well I just happened to notice that some of your stock seemed still drifted over to the Carson range or thanks I'll write over a Hazen back yeah there was quite a few young careful moment look like it's ready for the branding iron what is it dad oh nothing important just some of our stalker straight over on the Carson range and I've got to want to bring them back I'm going with you no you better stay at home honey it may take a lot of hard riding [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] dad [Applause] [Music] sure I just found out that Halliday was murdered I know all about you wait a minute I didn't shoot him that's your story I heard a different one that's the one I believe what makes you think I shot Halliday I heard the gunshots and I saw you ride away from where you left him lying dead ed Slade shot your dad missed them I was trailing him when you saw me leave there I don't know what reason Slade had for killing him but he did it in cold blood dad had no quarrel with Ed Slade he had no quarrel with anyone but you dot you saw me trailing Slade when I left town you figured he was up to some devilment that's right I have heard a lot of poor alibis but that's the worst of the lot and I'll do all I can to make sure you hang for that murder I was sorry about your father miss Halliday if there's anything I can do thanks for girl we certainly ought to her to see that her father's murder does a dance on thin air you're making a big mistake show you're helping the murderer by deciding that I'm guilty and letting it go at that there's a lot more behind this than just the killing Jeff Halliday I've heard that song before and something better if you ask me sheriff I've got $15,000 something the Carson outfit and he won't be able to run it how about appointing me to look after the property so I can protect my money well that seems fair enough I'm not gonna stand for it I don't think you have much to say about it see you later Sheriff you'd be in charge with this murders turned out to be right handy for Steve Kirby and I was thinking the same thing myself don't you have a long time with nothing to do but just sit and think oh come on I'd like to see you after well done you know sheriff I I won't be able to stay here very long with you I got an important job to do when you leave here you won't be worried about any job I see don't seem to think these are serious trouble maybe it'll grow on hmm well I gotta go okay sure are you feeling all right certainly I feel fine you look at my picking maybe your livers out away there's nothing the matter with my liver maybe not all right hope so I don't have a rattlesnake inside of me than on ossified liver if it should ever get rambunctious let me know a little tonic for hello doc a little patching up job for you that's only a little scratch that looks like a gunshot wound yeah it is but it was nice event I was a teen of a gun went off and just nicked me though that's too bad huh I mean it's too bad you had an accident oh I'll pick you right up okay dad's gotten back yes sure he's back him down where is it he got himself Nick with a bullet and stopped by doc to get patched up why did you let him do a fool thing like that what's wrong with that plenty they've got Carson hooked with a holiday murder but he claims he saw Eddie do the killing and swap led with it then Edie goes to that Gabby horse doctor with a gunshot wound that might add up to some folks and we wouldn't like the answer maybe the docs the only one knows anything about it that's one too many you've got to manage some way to keep his mouth shut and we'd better speed up the plans we have for Carson felis you all know Jeff holiday was a fine man and every time I think of that killer coming here to murdering the matter I guess they don't take care of ya thanks doc that fixes me up just like news yeah good good perfect yeah yeah I'll be seeing you hey Doc stop don't want to wear that for stuff there is I don't know why you here a minute ago well he ain't here now and that could spell bad news for you I don't spell bad news for him he tried to open his trap it might be best that you stay clear of town for a few days you could get busy on that holidaying okay all right men up to the bar the drinks are on the house and if you don't get what you wanted your own fault [Music] belly you wanted me to see well what about it drop down a side hey ed slates got a gunshot wound I see well the truth you have a chance to prove anything you can in court and that's where it will have to be proved there's no doubt of Carson being guilty and I don't see any sense in a court trial yeah Vic you couldn't change your mind if I brought the corpse right here he told you who killed him himself that's right you mind if I visit the prisoner no go ahead you sure you feel all right certainly I feel all right and open your mouth I thought you thought what I can't understand how any human with all the symptoms of an occupied liver can say he feels all right maybe I'm wrong hey wait a minute doc you know what I do feel a little funny in here I shouldn't bother anybody pigheaded as you are but I hate to see any humans suffer with an occupied liver by the way I just happen to have a little that tonic you win oh that's me tasting stuff well you can't what brought the five liver with tough and ice cream take a big swig and hold on me I'm stroked away I'm in favor of making circular to get what's coming to him right off of the bat hey Dad hi hi hey there's a mob on their way here and I got a hankerin I don't mean you no good somebody's mighty anxious see me hung for murder yeah okay wait you'll get out of here now come on come on hey wait a minute open the door hurry up some danced late about the Hannah Diego Jeff before you drove out of camp that's the lead I'll follow it up hey what did you do with the sheriff duck oh he's all right just take a little nap but get your guns in the dead hey if you don't prove that Slade's guilty I'm gonna mess I got a horse up and back let's get out of here Hey sure sure kara wake up Tara what happened do you present what about him he's not Masetto escaped where's that horse doctor let's get him alive thank you changes with Carson shoot on sight you'd better get word to end this Carson escape [Music] I have a little business matter to take up with you I'm sorry I don't feel like talking do what you feel like doesn't matter you get funny about to tell you the same thing why don't you sell this place while you can to move out of here Carl will never sell this much you've changed your mind if you and me used to take a little trip across the border now listen you can save yourself a lot of trouble you can do it the hard way makes no difference to me oh no you don't now listen why don't you be sensible [Music] white horse it is Honda yep let's drop in on him and surprising why keep your gun on the dock what's he doing here he was trying to frighten me into selling out now things begin to make sense he's the one that killed your father that's a lie you can't prove nothing you'll be just as dead whether I can prove it or not I know we had some reason for wanting to prod me into a fight with your father that's why I was trailing him come on inside you got a lot to talk about I should have tied that new hind leg are you all right remember god you're all wrong if you think I'm hugging you that's the sheriff's business that isn't what I want to talk to you about what is it you want I want you to tell me who killed Jeff Halliday and who the kingpin you are fitted you're out of your head I don't know who killed Halliday you get as far as I know you better talk Dawson I've got nothing to lose if you don't talk I'll hang I might as well hang you first how can I tell you something I don't know I don't know of any kingpin or who killed Jeff Halliday all right guys Han you've got me all wrong I'll tell you anything you want to know if I could miss Halliday you can't stand by and see you murder me in cold blood hey sure if you believe me you'll keep me from coming in here one peep out of you hello sheriff what brings you out here only cars and escaped jail we're hunting for it you'd be in the complaining witness I thought maybe might be headed this way maybe I better take a look around Oh what don't you suppose I would know if anyone hit a ride sure OSHA would oh don't worry we'll get him yeah she's alright she set them on their way that's a good for you Dawson thanks babe doc you know where they were murdered Uncle Dave I do the hanging tree isn't far from here alright Dawson get going go on wait a minute I'll tell you what you want to know I'm not gonna hang to save anybody Edie slate is the one who killed Halladay I told you Steve Kirby is the big boss have used the orders he was cleaning up around here by starting trouble then buying stuff cheap Kirby huh yeah keep talking well those who wouldn't sell out we gather up a bunch of the boys hey could I converse with you in private why certainly come into my office I did go on reach for Kirby say you had a chance to get away why didn't you keep going for two reasons the first I'd like to get a hold of that forged note of course I'll pass it right over then what and I'm gonna throw you in jail for murder you're crazy how can you charge me with murder I killed ed Slade Kirby and big decide he'd rather talk and die [Music] product of population they don't want to be disturbed everything boys deep service behind all these hanging the killings Ruslan Billy's like to settle with him in person [Music] thanks man we have tried again in the morning what's been keeping you Sheriff come on put up their hands I'm gonna lock you up for keeps this time by the way how you living here I'll take care of you next come on March Wow again again they're the men you want sheriffing gives a signed confession read it over carefully you know Jackie doesn't believe it yet I want to thank you for all your help in this bed we're gonna be neighbors now I hope I'm not good one I'm sure you will be oh hell yes say I'm sorry for what I've done to you but do you understand I hope that you are that's alright just to show you that there's no hard feelings thank you and I have another drink sure why not hey are ya that smells like good stuff Sheriff where'd you get it well our help yeah well there hey Daniel head there you go good stuff begin hey Dad what's the matter with the sheriff [Music] [Laughter] [Music] you
Channel: Wm. Thomas Sherman
Views: 139,331
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Buster Crabbe, Al St. John, Fuzzy St. John
Id: WxwboGU_o0Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 3sec (3483 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 17 2019
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