Forbidden Trails (1941) | Full Movie | Tim McCoy | Buck Jones | Rough Riders

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[Music] [Music] so [Music] is [Music] with [Music] is you two fellas are lucky getting out today yeah when you get out you might look us up out west at yucca city yeah when i get out [Music] hey stay in there hey what do you want here's something ought to interest you to fellas retired that's a laugh read the rest of it buck roberts famous us marshall retires to his arizona ranch as long as he's alive he'll keep bringing us back to this hole that's what he threatened remember but when we get to yucca city and see nelson we'll take care of mr roberts you get it yeah i get it [Applause] well here we are in yoga city uh red moon huh looks like the boss games have a nice layout i'll say gosh just what i wanted mary you think of everything everything to spoil you little tadpole i'm in the trailer come on sully i'll let you ride along don't take it too far bud oh they'll be all right mary you know i'm an awfully lucky fellow my kids are getting all the breaks too why i don't know what you're talking about mr kramer after all i have to work somewhere so might as well be here oh look mary when are we gonna get married when you're sure of your success that's important for sally and bud they come first the freight line is their future well i know that but now we're not going to argue about that again i couldn't possibly love you anymore say a year from today than i do right now besides hello jim hello fulton um i'll go after the children who's that she works here when did you get out two days ago howard's with me we heard you had a nice layout here and howard me thought we'd cut in with you listen fulton it so happens that i don't need any partners you know i made a mistake once a bad one and i paid for it my slate is clean and that's the way i'm gonna keep it all right suit yourself but i'd do some tall thinking about it if i were you you're gonna need protection when i get back and i'll give it to you where you going gonna pay a visit to a mutual friend of ours buck roberts the marshal that locked us up once uh you remember look fulton you can't do anything to robert he took care of my kids while i was in the pen and he he never told him about me being there he only felt sorry for you he blamed me for leading you astray after a year he got you a parole but he kept howard me in that hole for our full stretch i know but he was only thinking of my kids but i'm only thinking of me robert ain't gonna get away with it that's why we're going to pay him this little visit so long but we'll be seeing you [Music] here this should see you through all right uh shove off and take care of that buck robert you're worried about before he takes a notion to tangle in my affairs well that won't take long [Music] is [Music] you're grinning like a moon struck boy's doing a slow job this fall when i get back i'm going to get my big barbecue where do you think you're going we're to sandy's wedding don't you remember down texas way you mean to say sandy's finally hitching up with that water yes kind of sounds sappy doesn't it i gotta see that that wedding goes through this time because i've busted it up enough already [Music] well i guess you ought to stand up with him at times [Music] hey is tim going to be there too no sandy got a wire from tencent he's roundups a little late this fall guess i'll have to hold the groom up all by myself they kind of look after the outfit with it back in a week oh they were to me buck after things thanks so long button [Music] i don't know what we're going to all this trouble for to come out here to get buck roberts so let's go up to his house and get him yeah and when they'd find him with a bullet in his back we'd go back to the pen only this time we'd end up with a rope around our necks no for a long time i've had nothing to do but plan robert's finish so we're gonna do it my way get that chair all right what i tell you marshall buck roberts [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] jeff jim so [Music] so [Music] trooper [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so there goes his horse heading for the rank [Music] robbers his whole gang will be out here yeah [Applause] [Music] but they won't find much of him left [Music] something's happened to buck i wonder what happened better ride for saw booms huh you can't get those fancy glitches on over those boots i never took my boots off in the daytime in my life i'm super serious about that i'll give them one listen give me that razor i'll figure it out we got the things here yeah now that's it [Music] [Music] and if sandy don't go through with it this time i'd sue him and that's that there won't be enough left of him to stew [Music] there with those things wrapping around your legs you look like a bull naked yeah what am i shaking for well not for the drinks there's a music hurry or choosing features of the creature here wait a minute wait a minute get this cursed dear beloved we are gathered here to witness one of the most beautiful of our sacraments that of marriage i am sure you children will appreciate the seriousness of this step hold your fire reverend sue can you spare me a minute and they thought they had me cremated yeah now stay down darn you how do you expect to get well oh tim he's a bummed up it's the wonder his ribs ain't all busted not to mention all the skin that's peeled off in other places you're worse than a hen on a hot griddle there's nothing wrong with me i'm all right this fellow fulton you were telling me about must be a pretty bad egg yeah forgot all about him getting out of the pan out of been on my guards my fault he used the name of kramer where does he fit into this picture tim remember the fella i was telling you about that his wife died and left him a couple of kids hmm well fulton framed him and i found out about it and i got him a parole didn't you look after those kids well somebody had to take care of the little shavers where is he where is he where is he well he ain't dead hi tim hello no killer dad brushed my butt when i got that telegram of yours just scared the stuff and plumb out of me are you a killer um how's the bride what'd you do walk out on a honeymoon i ain't even hitched yet i couldn't shop for a wedding when buck might be dying maybe who got you a couple of followers by the name of fulton and howard you remember those two that buck got a hold of about four years ago on that stage hold up yeah well they're out of the pen no well what are we waiting for we're not waiting for a thing and you and i are starting right for yucca city they don't know either one of us and for us would be a cinch you shutter and if he tries to move out of this house while we're gone put a hole straight through him now wait a minute fellas wait a minute come here cam killer you know we've been pals for a long time how long have we been operating together oh i don't know guess about 20 years what's that got to do with it you're going to take advantage of this situation deal me a cold deck huh you're in no condition to get mixed up in this deal besides as i said before they don't know either one of us we'll get the job done come on killer so long rough rider so long rough rider just a minute i know you're chewing gum but if you make one move i'll put a hole right straight through you by golly i believe you would this is it barn there's the red moon saloon you can pull up and drop me there well thanks for the lift partner well glad to have you along whoa brownie if you're sticking around if down i'll proceed well when you get rid of this load of freight why why don't you stop back to saloon and buy your drink well thank you sir after that long dusty ride a fellow needs a wedding all right brownie stop [Music] [Music] great [Music] you're a stranger in yucca city aren't you yeah just came in from santa fe santa fe my name is ace porter mine's nelson i'm glad noah have a drink this is my place no but i might sit in that poker game over there fine [Music] [Laughter] you better buy plenty stranger because you're going to need them well i'm prepared to [Music] all right the lance dealer [Music] hi [Music] are you mr kramer the owner of this outfit well yes but where's my driver whiskey hanover well he's back in santa fe he got himself another job and he asked me to take over seeing as how i was a freighter out of work said you wanted this load delivered on time well of course i want it on time but i can't understand whiskey pulling a stunt like that he's worked for me ever since i started this line maybe he got drunk again pop nah nah nothing like that bub it's just as i told you mr uh kremer and if i'm satisfactory to you i'd like to have the job oh let him pop well it seems as if i haven't much choice what's your name hopkins sandy hopkins my buddy but i like bud better well i'm glad you know that bug oh well bud you better take sandy around and back and show him the bar in his storehouse you bet you uh you can unload back there but i'll show you the ropes well thanks for the job mr kramer come on brownie stop [Music] well tony they don't have to see that and these look good enough for a raise of about 500. not me i'm clean [Music] i got them all oh sorry tony they're not quite good enough a little aceful [Music] never in my life seen such luck no wonder they call you ace brother in one spot sure work overtime for you he ought to be working for the house boss yeah i need a dream there you are tony i never drink myself but i will buy one for the house thanks come on fellas well you've done all right yeah it's not bad i'd like to talk to you everything i make in the business of that kind of luck in a place like this for instance well i might consider it what's on your mind you know anything about pharaoh [Music] enough to be able to deal 15 consecutive cards for the house on a percentage [Music] that's a deal come on take over ac is going to handle the play new dealer here boys [Music] i want to talk to you stick around who is that fellow going in there with nelson i don't know he was around here last week i think they call him top of that [Music] so we won't be bothered with roberts anymore good we hid out a couple of days in the high sierras to freeze our trail how'd you come out with kramer before he left fair enough i gave him plenty to think about hey you must have he looks worried all he needs now is one good joke to bring him around and that's going to be what things are going to happen to that trial shipment of high grade or of his he's going to find out that it'll be smarter to have the protection of a partnership i get it i've had enough cash me in one of these hello stranger hello there hello well i see you didn't lose no time and yourself a job you're right i didn't you feel lucky well i just don't feel like that it right now well that case i suppose boys we better take it easy you get yourself a drink [Applause] putin's in the back room there with nelson he owns the place that's howard over at the end of the bar what are you waiting for don't get so fast there's more behind this than buck realizes we've got to find out what it is before we take in fulton and howard you mean they're going to take nelson in on this that's the way it looks i think our play is to cut ourselves in and string along with them well you know this stranger i've never run into one of these layouts that i haven't been able to take so go ahead and start dealing them with cardboard in two days kramer hauls that high grade so you'll have time to give him one more chance to sign this partnership agreement you can tackle him again in the morning you think of everything don't you i'm pretty sure kramer will do almost anything to keep his past a secret from that girl he expects to marry how about some money on account i feel lucky sure try your luck got a new dealer over there named ace give me some chips well i got to quit you stranger hope you can call him better than i can parker thanks so your name's ace that's what they call me well two hundred dollars the ace loses toppers the ace wins looks like the ace wins phrase that fella's good alright he's been turning up just like that ever since you put him over there give me a beer there's my last two bits and it'll be a whole month until i draw any more faith that is unless a fellow knows where he can make a little easy money around this town you're jim cramer's new driver ain't you yeah see i know you from some place don't you you don't know do you yeah you're joe howard that's right i got out of the pen just two days after you and fulton walked in hopkins is my name and the same color that set me up railroaded you and fulton but roberts yeah that saddle flat foot you know the next time he crosses my path i got a bullet for him with his name roped right on him you're a little light panel he's done for what we're a page for doing me the favor i ain't heard such good news since i got out with him driving for creamer you may not get together that's what i was thinking what kramer got to offer let's see interesting there ain't no real money in packing another dumb freight no you will get out of that pharaoh game over there and we'll tell you about it was that proven it's who it is i still say the ace loses these wins sorry brother you're dealing seconds mystic give me that box drop that gun for me drop it come here i'm waiting for you you stubborn idiot what are you doing here i'm taking it take it easy there's more to this than just getting fulton take our torso let's get out of here take him into my office get those other lights lit thanks stranger that fellow had me all wrong in that card game who are you i don't get it are you all right i heard the shots over at my place sure i'm all right but this stranger here just killed howard howard [Music] yes mr roberts am i glad to see you i'm awfully glad to see you too jim oh uh why yeah this is united states marshall buck roberts my good friend ed nelson the owner of the place we practically built yucca city together glad to know you marshall all right this is ace porter my pharaoh dealer i'm marshall and thanks again i'm sorry that fella you seem to want got away i don't like troublemakers hanging around my place you haven't gotten away yet the gym i was on my way up to see you good say that kids are sure gonna be glad to see you come along see you later anytime the united states marshall eh [Music] nice cooperation ace [Music] you'll be all right here you just stay put and i'll slip back into town find out the lowdown who are you anyhow i'm kramer's new driver i was just making the deal with howard to join up with you fellas when roberts walked in so you know robert yeah and i've got just as much reason to hate him as you have he sent me up for five years once listen you ride with nelson and me and you'll have a chance to get eaten not beat it and tell nelson where i am and tell him i want to see him right now he'll be here [Applause] [Music] i just can't figure anything else for me to do but but cut fulton in i've got a buck on account of my kids and mary besides those those miners had never let me handle that high grade if they knew i was a next con hey yeah haven't you told mary anything about being in jail yet oh i know i i can't hey listen fella mary's the kind of girl you say she is buddy she loves you for what you are not for what you were you're right but don't you see mary's given me and my kids five years of devotion ever since we came to yucca city why she's she's worked as hard as i have to build up the line i can't let it all blow up in her face those miners can't turn me down mary have to know why yeah i guess you're right the only way to prove to me you're on the level is by getting that first shipment through one time hey jim have you told anybody else but mary about the high grade deal no one or two of my best friends like ed nelson nelson you think a lot of that fella don't you sure he's been swell even loaned me money when times were tough why oh nothing just asking questions though fools slipping up on killing roberts and bringing him here on their trail that hopkins sure didn't stop shooting off that light he fulton is safe just outside of town about a half a mile down the upper road says he wants to see you right away bill tells me you're working for kramer yeah fulton said it's right-handed like we'll need you and it'll be worth plenty stick on the job you'll be tipped off when things start to pop until you get the boys together and keep your eyes open i'll be right back skinner oh that's another thing i was going to tell you i found out that that new driver i hired is tied in with fulton according to that you'll have to take that shipment out alone i intend to well you get better get moving then have you take the back road out of town i'll keep an eye out on fulton it's uncle buck god geez buddy you all son of a gun how you growing uh-huh and don't tell me this little lady is sally sure she's grown up too she was a warner baby remember uh-huh where did you come from uncle bob why didn't you stannis atlanta or something but sally listen darling you know your uncle buck don't like to write letters i'd rather just bust in on people oh uh buckeye i want you to know miss dorne one of these days she's gonna be our mom pop promise but has it all planned i'm awfully glad to meet you mr roberts jim's told me how you looked after the children for him that year he spent mexico oh oh yes yes i i got quite a kick out of that why uh mr roberts is going to be around town for a while he's got some business to attend to listen jim you better send me a wire when you get to santa fe i will oh come on gang let's go how old is that 10 or years cowboy six years old how's your hand always got the weight on it that girl's still there drift on over and see what's going on but jim why is it necessary to do it tonight well look mary i didn't want to worry but buck's heard that there's some outlaws operating in this territory that's why he's here he figures that if the outlaws have gotten window for a high-grade shipment we throw them off the track by starting a day ahead of time you see this way i'll reach the mines tonight and have a good early start with that high grade by somehow i just thought i'd check and see if there's any more i could do tonight before i turn in ah yes there is sandy go around to the stable i'll meet you in a few minutes i'd like to check some of that freight good night man good night sandy we're driving out to the mines tonight to load up with that high grade arm and get started before sunny and day ahead of time to fool you fellas i'm heading for the stables now you tell nelson i'll be on that wagon with kramer at sun up watching for you fellas take good care of things like it back won't you i will and on top of not getting rid of roberts you're dumb enough to start that shooting fracas and make matters worse well why didn't you tell that crooked pharaoh dealer you're to lay off of me he was taking orders from me he was giving you a little lesson how easy it is to keep an ombre broke here's your 500. now you get back to the shack on my south range and stay there you hear from me from now on i'm taking matters into my own hands and i'm beginning by getting rid of roberts we can't make a move until we do now shove off we're all set boss where are we going this time tonight you're not going anywhere boy son what's getting that vine well what do you mean get in there now you know son i can explain this thing to your entire satisfaction yeah well i'm not interested in your explanation turn around put your hands behind your back all right let them get that high grade in the meantime we'll send marshall buck roberts into the neatest trap he ever fell for then we'll deal with kramer when he brings that all through jackrabbit pass in the morning with that mule skinner on the seat with him that part ought to be easy hopkins said he'd keep his eyes peeled for us here's the plan and we've got to work fast you say you saw roberts headed for the kramer's house with jim's two kids yeah we're going to get robert through that boy he'll fall for anything that kid tells him listen cowboys about your bedtime isn't it i heard it i'm taking care of you tonight and you've got to go to bed well i'll be drifting down the street good night good night good night uncle bob all right sam get mounted i'll meet you at the fork on the jackrabbit trail hey hey where's that marshall front of your pups bud uncle brock he just went down the street what's wrong bill if jim took the jackrabbit trail up to the mines tonight he's in danger miss mary danger yes i just overheard three strangers talking at the saloon they look like outlaws to me they said something about trailing jim for some high grade ore i couldn't get all of it but anyway they're headed in that direction i'm gonna go and tell uncle buck he'll stop bud let him go it'll save time meanwhile i'll start ahead of the marshall maybe i can help jim oh thanks bill please hurry welcome the book what's the matter cowboy uncle buck you got to hurry and go after pop when the jackrabbit trail to the mines they might kill him uncle buck julie who are you talking about son strangers bill two he's a good friend of ours said they look like outlaws he came to the house to get you to help he said he heard him talking about training park with that high grade ore please hurry uncle bob mary's awful worried too tell you what to do cowboy you go home tell mary not to worry and don't you worry all right but don't forget the jackrabbit trail to the mines i won't sign lauren give me drake that piano player to start the music yes sir looking for somebody marshall yeah fulton oh you mean the fellow that party got cheated at the pharaoh table tonight that's right well you didn't really expect him to stick around here with you on his trail did you i expect anything important you see i know him you do or is that furrow dealer you call ace well he's off shift and he'll be back later if you'd like to stick around i'll be around well blaze has happened to you come on we've got to work fast nelson's arranged an ambush for brook and jack rabbit pass i couldn't find him to head him off there you are come on [Music] the kid performed like a trained seal roberts'll be along any minute framer's been through here all right dirty fresh wagon tracks yeah he'll get his too right here at sunup [Music] here he comes get ready [Music] stick him up robert what's the idea that's what i want to know god get excited i'm just trying to keep you fellas from messing up a sweet deal sweet deal what do you mean sweet deal you'll find out marshall i'll come here so long leaving their star-totten flatfoot into our trap i don't get it nelson didn't say anything about you being on this and you're supposed to be riding with kramer hopkins yeah supposed to me but kramer got wise that i was working with fulton and had me covered and tied me up and threw me in the freight stable until he's come along checking on me i got suspicious when i saw kramer leaving town alone nelson says we're to take our very good friend here to putin's hideout well what's holding us you boys will hear about the change in plans when we tell them to float you know where the hideout is we don't so be long all right follow us [Music] we're going to keep roberts right here you've tried every way you knew to get cramer to sign that partnership agreement maybe if he thinks robert's here is in some real danger you might have a little luck you won't have any more luck with jimin you had with me and you know what i'm talking about putin well maybe i won't miss this time wait a minute now don't be a fool all your life put away that gun start using that thing up there for a change think kramer's not going to cut you in fulton you can depend on that he's already told murray about being an ex-convict and he's on his way out to tell the miners the same thing now get that through your thick skull well that isn't going to change our minds he doesn't want anything to happen to you robert well we got to keep him alive for a while because kramer thinks this big ape is nothing but a little tin angel because he got him paroled while you were still in the clink i guess you're right well let's go tell nelson about it you stay here hopkins and guard the marshall we'll pick you up at sun up that'll be a pleasure for five long years while i was in that prison where you sent me i've been dreaming of this day when i'd get you on a spot you double cross and flatwork well you and folk will will get your last laugh in the morning come along don't be too rough on him hopkins save a piece of him for me now bud you stop you're worrying everything's gonna be all right but we've been waiting all night for some work from uncle buck and pops yeah i know but they'll be back soon come on you help me unpack the new phrase huh all right well roberts is gone what happened thought you fellas knew how to tie up a man he sure did a spell job on ty left robert never mind the argument tell us what happened and when you've only been gone about 10 minutes must work on them wrong secretly all night what were you doing you're not blaming me are you a big love i cut it off i only stepped out the door for a minute to see if you fellas were coming and when i come back he grabbed me right from behind the door which way did he go well he's heading for town probably to get help keep us from getting kramer in that high grade can we cut him off we can try get mounted you got that agreement yeah right here give it to me i'll make him sign it and we'll beat roberts to it [Music] there's our meat let's take it [Music] so you're trying to pull a fast one huh with what you thought you had it figured out didn't you and uh you've been in on this deal all alone just about since you and i first met you better sign this partnership paper jim begin to behave until you had little brains and everything will be all right then we'll be partners look at as long as we're gonna be partners why don't you sign it it's all right with me and i think we can hit it off i'll sign it when he signs that we'll take him [Applause] now you sign it and we're in business [Music] all right jim now we're partners now you can get down i'll take over from here [Music] [Music] now [Applause] well that's it you just signed your own warrant hi killer hi tim hi buck huh load of rocks eh yeah we decided to let the real shipment go through tomorrow on schedule oh jim i want you to meet marshall mccall hiya marshall hi jim and also the killer marshall killer we'd better known as sandy does killer that's right well i'm sorry i had you all wrong sandy that's all right bub but you sure entire mighty tight gag first time sandy ever kept his mouth shut in his life hey hey who's it coming hello tom i see you've got my wire on time i've been riding all over the country trying to find you knew we were getting warm when we run across silver up the line thanks for bringing it how you killer all right looks like the rough rider's mopped up again yeah you're right and here's something that'll make the stretch a little longer for nelson there you are tom all right hit him for town boys marshall you might stop and pick up that silent partner over yonder right well marshall i don't know how to thank you i get up in that wagon well i don't understand get up on that uh wagon you get on back to town and marry that little girl that's waiting for you that's just what i'm gonna do well if you don't we're coming back here and find out the reason why long jim bye marshall good luck you know well that ends that little bit of trouble yep that's right and speaking of trouble i don't know how the killer's sitting at home but i'd suggest you come down to the ranch i'm giving a good big barbecue down there you know hot ribs and speaking of trouble i got a heap of it stored up for me down there in texas hey you boys you just gotta help me out how about kim well you're the one that's marrying the gal not us you just gotta help me bug can't do a thing for you this time pal you're gonna have to get out of this one by yourself because i'm going back to wyoming so long rough riders and i'm heading back for texas so long rough riders so long rough riders is [Music] it's always great to know they're on your time
Channel: Western TV Shows
Views: 16,102
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Western TV Show, Western TV Series, TV Series, TV Show, Full Movie, Feature Film, Movie, tim McCoy, buck jones, rough riders, Buck Jones, Tim McCoy, Raymond Hatton, Adele Buffington, Robert N. Bradbury, Forbidden Trails Movie, Forbidden Trails Full Movie, Forbidden Trails Feature Film, Forbidden Trails, Western Movie, Western, prison
Id: 847dMRHRSPk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 30sec (3570 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 21 2020
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