Range Law (1931) | Full Movie | Ken Maynard | Frances Dade | Frank Mayo

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[Music] my [Applause] [Applause] wait a minute what's the idea of taking a pot shot of the gent well ask honor frisco you old son of a gun say i mistook you for somebody else the three four gents would like to get me anyhow i i thought you were still in jail well i'm supposed to be but instead of making a getaway over the wall like you did i just got myself smuggled in an outbound garbage truck the smell was terrible uh are you drifting for the border no i'm kind of figuring on hiring out to some coward fit around here where i'm not known as well as i am up north mountains is safer and i could uh right handy hat what's your game frisco well i sort of a free and easy change in the brands what oh nothing exactly criminal the the only armories i steal from is the other rustlers i see no much obliged i think i'll stick to cow punching besides there's a gent move down here lately that i want to keep my eye on me and him used to ride range together somebody blowed the bosses safe i never could figure out how that stolen stuff got in my bedroom but i got a pretty good idea the jet i'm referring to put it there i aim to prove it that's what they had you in jail for huh sure right away he pulls up stakes leaves the country i hear he change his name come down here and start the cow town bank somewhere or which he had to have money yep and i figured was the money out of that blowed safe what's going on over there frisco oh maybe just some deer hunting yeah maybe [Applause] so [Music] pretty good shooting fresco huh oh that weren't so good i missed it clean the first time [Applause] say it seems to me like it's a powerful lot of shooting over there for just deer hunting i said maybe dear hunting and then again maybe it's up by a bull eagle in his outfit up to something bull legal what's his game oh cattle rustling and occasionally holding up a stage or a bank if there's one handy bad medicine yeah he's the rustler that i've been changing brands on he don't seem to like it very well that's what gave me that nervous trigger finger i see tarzan come on son oh i gotta be going frisco which way is the town well your shark cut across the ravine there and and you'll hit the trail just over the ridge thanks that's fine over glad seeing you again frisco be good willie you betcha oh boy city if they get after you you hightail for the mountains i got a hideout i'd be plumb glad to share with you thanks frisco i won't be forgetting it so long so long i'll be expecting you hi blunt not illegal i wasn't expecting you out here i got something important for you bull yeah what happened had to use both barrels the shotgun messenger and the driver too then both of them where's the express box i left it out there with the boys to blow open figured there might be some useless stuff they could scatter around on the back trail better get any posse pointing their nose in the wrong direction it's a right smart idea bull sure figured it might get the sheriff to thinking frisco done it but if i don't know jews coming out from town i'd have waited to get the money and bring it along in tonight i'll meet you at the bank that's how i figured what i came out to talk to you about is hap connors they ain't caught him have it no but i heard from a ranger that he was headed this way until they lost his trail or maybe he's making for the border and then again maybe he's heading south looking for me here's his picture show it to the boys and tell them i'll double that reward for the gent that brings him in dead that's the only way i want any sheriff to find him i got you oh pretty swell thorson huh see they're brand new too i wonder how they kind of be way out here [Applause] how i i just riding along you know pick them up slippers see them feet in the honeycomb foreign did you boys find any stuff to scatter on that back trail well there wasn't much just a pair of slippers and we threw them on the road and then the wrappers off of them further down yeah that's all it was well anyway that ought to be enough to head the process in frisky's direction the sheriff's out looking for the stage now i hope he finds it yeah all you fellas got to do is to lay low until i get back to town hey are you going somewhere only a little honeymoon trip after my wedding tomorrow oh oh you're really gonna get hooked up then huh yeah well don't you think it's about time [Music] stop just cleaning out this [Music] [Applause] come on old girl come on out here you bad thing you should have known better than run around without no good yellow tomcat i told you you can't trust men ever i beg your pardon miss are these your slippers why why those are the ones i ordered for the dance tonight but i don't understand how did you get me i just picked them up on the way in cute little cusses ain't they i know i bet the storekeeper gave them you to give to me yes that's it he asked me to fetch him over when he knew i was riding this way say i like this little cream-colored one what are you crying about baby huh are you fond of kittens sure i am miss puppies and babies all such lies [Music] i guess i better be looking at the boss miss kind of that sign out there well i'm the boss you and if you're looking for a job start roundup on monday well thanks miss i'll sure be here bright and early but aren't you going to ask how much we pay [Music] well since how you didn't ask me for any recommendation i just leave let the wages go you find out how good a puncher i am well i guess i better be drifting goodbye goodbye [Laughter] here you get back well thanks for bringing the slippers you're welcome miss are you coming to the dance tonight well i might drift in for a while if uh well i'd be glad to save you a dance gosh miss thanks i'll sure be there all right goodbye goodbye got any soap in there partner they plumb neglected me in here sure oh just a minute here i dropped it there you are my supplies you well acquainted around here i reckon i know every person in the valley you a stranger what i meant nobody but a girl up the road here aways just wondering what her name might be what does she look like well she's about 15 hands high mighty pretty blonde hair not a bit hard to look at well i know several answer and then general markings yeah but this is different prettiest blue eyes you ever saw you ever see a vowel in the early morning with a dew on it sun just began to shine i can't say i ever noticed in particular well that's just what hers looks like when she's looking right at you cutest little nose just turns up kind of speck not pug you know just cute does she live in a gray ranch house with white trimmings and a red barn off to one side that's her all right know who she is yeah her name's ruth warren if you come to the dance tonight you'll see her there oh thanks i'm aiming to be there all right hey john [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm sorry i guess i'm all out of practice well this is a toothpaste it was new last year maybe they don't dance it yet where you come from no ma'am none of the step sign was a two-step but i'll teach it to you come on now now one two one two turn around [Music] he's in there now dancing with your girl yeah for you and the boys go horse and get set convenient to plug him if he tries to make a getaway all right come on boys see i sure enjoyed that dance more than any dance i ever had i enjoyed it too here he is boys come on bring him along i want you to get hit over there in them bushes while i go inside and if he tries to get out through one of them windows let him have it don't you think it's my idea for me to run over tomorrow to your rants kind of get the lay of land before i start to work well i'm afraid i couldn't give you much time tomorrow you see i'm getting married the afternoon [Applause] married well i see well i'm sure wishing you a lot of luck thank you man you're married i don't have to wish him anything he just naturally has all the luck in the world you'll meet him pretty soon he had to run down to his office he'll be back i'd sure like to know him you'd like to come to the wedding i'd like very much to have you well thanks miss i i don't know i don't think i'd know exactly how to dress for a wedding oh jim honey friend come on oh this is my fiance mr blunt my name is connors paint it hap connors ain't it kind of careless for an escaped convict to show up in public i reckon i'll take care of him until the sheriff shows up no you don't no you don't belong back up take your hand away from there take it away back up now easy take it easy i listen you folks this portal is personal and private like i wouldn't want to see anybody get hurt everybody keep quiet stay right where you are how blonde let you move where you are come on boys oh come on boys what's the matter plus did he get away yeah he got out through one of the windows and someone knocked bull cold come on let's go and see if we can get it i am come on boys get into them and get after now [Applause] hey wait a minute it's me wait a minute so all right hey geo elegance ah frisco gee i'm sorry come on let me help you up i didn't know it was you what you trailed me for you old devil i love some of that gang backing talent trying to get me well i was just sneaking back into town see if i could give you a little protection if you needed it i guess i needed it all right you know that fella that was aiming to shoot you that's legal the one i was telling you about legal blanc had him planted there to kill you he's the one that was trying to hold you on the inside i see so it's blunt now huh it was wilson when he road rage with me up north i suspicion he was the fella he was after he being a banker and all but we've got to get to my hideout over the rain wait a minute fresco i got to get back to town prado have you gone from local hat just about i guess over a girl and she's marrying that bronx i gotta get back to town quick as i can see if i can't do something to stop it no that is a mangy layout all right i'll go along and help you out wait a minute frisco i better go intend to it alone won't attract as much attention let me go along well so look let's go do you look out for yourself pap i'm trying my best [Applause] what happened slim looks like a hold up how do you know well boston messenger darren got a load of buck shot let's look it over boy don't see the mailbag anyplace either [Applause] you know jim i feel so tired after all that excitement tonight i think i'll say good night good night i'm sure you must say ruth you know i'd feel easier if you'd keep this handy but jim what would i need that for connors he might figure on doing something to you to hurt me jim i'm sure he wouldn't why brought me these slippers this afternoon he fetched you them slippers and didn't you tell me you ordered them sent by express yes but the star keeper asked him to bring them well it ain't likely a storekeeper would be using an escape convict for a messenger damn what are you thinking that maybe hap connors can tell why the stage is late i don't understand listen ruth when i found the evidence that sent connors to prison he swore he'd get even and there ain't no sense taken chances well all right jim you think so well good night good night [Applause] right now i'm all the mother you've got now pearl tabby was run over by wagon this evening thank you and don't give you any dinner and i'm just terrible excuse me miss now don't be afraid of me none there's just a few things i want to say to you before your wedding well that's all right miss you just keep that gun pointed right to me till i speak my little piece then you can make up your mind what to do with me howdy sheriff hi jim hello boys did you find the stage coach yeah at the bottom of wolf canyon an accident no hold up driver and messenger both killed say that's too bad ain't it yeah say sheriff i've been talking to miss warren about them slippers that connor's fetched her yeah you know there's only one place that connors could have got them slippers why don't you come on up with me and check with miss warren about what i told you all right jim here bro take care sure you ain't here boys i'll be right back sir you can't make me believe that about jim well anyhow miss you might postpone the wedding till i can get some proof for you look we like it around and back before you know keep my plant there where you are put your hands up steady back up there now stay right where you are take it easy hands up keep them up hitting there get that hand up high give me that gun i reckon you can't pull out of this connors ruth the sheriff would like to know about them slippers you got on he fetched them to you didn't he why why yes and you ordered him sent by express didn't you yes but the star keeper asked him to bring them yeah you see thanks miss the stage was held up this afternoon and what you say makes it right plain who got that express box why sure i arrest you connors for highway robbery and murder [Applause] howdy sheriff hello jim i got a hot tip for you got the stage hold up no cleve bronscomb was coming in this morning and seen frisco going off north fork trail is he sure passed right close to him i'd like to take my boys and corel that old brother but i reckon we better stick right here close as long as we got this corner on our hands well don't let that stop you i can round up some men for you plenty able to take care of connors would you do that jim why sure come here seniority see senorita what's on your mind i hear the stage coaches laugh yeah do you know anything about it she's senor yesterday i very far out i sit down by the roadside my feet is very tired sure i guess well what happened pretty soon what time of day was this oh this is very late the sun she is almost down can i see a man he come riding by very fast you have a big box like honey saddle horn say you know this homer you'll see him again see senor all right come along with me come over here connor you ever see the zombie before get over close where you can see him i tell you about what's up sheriff what's the idea this woman seen you yesterday making a getaway with that express box what's a lie i never saw her before oh you know me but i see you on the block of horse shut up what are you doing [Music] take your hands off say what are you trying to do anyhow i'm sorry sheriff i guess i just lost my temper yeah will you start anything more and i'll have you put an iron come on senorita i reckon that ought to be enough to get the sheriff out of town and leave you boys in full control of connors yeah you're right boys see i i don't quite get your drift boss well supposing connors tries to escape while the sheriff is gone you'd have to shoot him wouldn't you well suppose he don't well he will all right if he goes into his cell and acts careless enough to let him get holy on oh no not my gun he's liable to get careless too about how he uses it well can't you make sure it's loaded with blanks oh well that's different and you can pack another gun hid to plug him with when he tries to make a break oh i get you how do you understand yeah all right come along she sees in your adios here's your men sheriff i reckon you know all of them sure howdy boys ain't no doubt about it being frisco you seen cleve oh no i seen him close up sheriff yeah well this time i figure on catching up with that old reprobate you boys think you can keep this connors here behind the bars while i'm away he's a desperate hombre you don't have to worry about that sir we'll take good care of him we sure will well i hope you find frisco sheriff and i'm sorry you ain't going to be on hand for my wedding this afternoon i'm going to sorry myself jim on so long now i'll tell you the lays [Applause] one i boys send a thing like that to anybody i'll tell you girls i saw that before mrs jones had that for a wedding presentations there darling you know this marriage is just like draw poker you never know when you're going to improve your hand now the first time i was married oh i was all doubtful and flustered like but bill turned out the best of the whole lot if only he didn't last long now jack and i'll wait in here so we can plug connor coming down the hole in case you missed fire sure your guns all right yeah they're all right this has got blanks in it this is loaded hi connors howdy ready for your dinner no i guess not my jail grubbed my stomach just nicely don't seem to agree that's too bad you seem to run out of tough luck don't you connors yeah connor well what tough luck for one fella is good luck for another what do you mean the sheriff said this one girl is going to get the reward of your capture to make a nice wedding present in it she's not married yet is she oh no not yet but it might be inside a half an hour well a lot of things could happen in half an hour they have a cigarette collars don't mind if i do well what am i going to do with it got a match well it's against the rules to give prisoners matches but i reckon i'd give you a light thanks we better go see what's up [Applause] where's connor what happened why instead of shooting like you'd order he swatted me one on the job look he got out the window oh boy oh he made it all right yes we made it all right let's go hurry up come on i'm glad to get rid of this i know you're okay how would you like to have these what where'd you get them right in the sheriff's office and under his nose i know you can get away with anything hurry up yeah get on where are you come on oh come on then the second time i jumped at the chance anxious i soon found out i'd married a horse thief like i say it's a gamble you never know what you're gonna get my dear it's a gamble for these poor children give a nice smile [Music] folks i'm about to join in holy matrimony jim and ruth here jim since you put a sand blown valley on the map i reckon you're entitled to the most beautiful flower that ever blossomed in it he surely is quiet please getting married according to hoyle is approved by the statue of the state and the church but before i begin tying it i want to find out if there's any liar here who says it shouldn't be done if is let him speak up pronto or forever keep his mouth shut just a minute judge this is an outrage what does this mean counting on this gent here occupying a cell that i just vacated in a certain state prison under the circumstances i wouldn't like to have a nice young miss like you tied up with him if you just go along quiet like with my partner they'll give me a few days to gather evidence to prove my suspicions all right frisco just a minute you stand back lost easy back it up back it up better come on miss i i guess hap means it and don't you be scared on this no harm is going to come to you now listen i'll just tarry here just a while partner while you get a good start win hurry up i'll see that you swing for this connors now listen blonde i wouldn't be building any galas till i was sure whose neck was going to stretch on it i don't know who this horse is miss but he'll probably find his way home after we turn him loose i won't go nazi here hat said i wasn't to use any more forces necessary but he's plum set on breaking up this wedding so you might just as well come on well i guess folks i'm gonna have to leave you don't let my leaving break up the party none hey look they run all our houses off well she won't eat them beans and sow belly of course they ain't real polite grub for a lady they will kill her quail or something no can't go popping off no signals today i wish you'd go on in and reason with her well first of all last night she said she didn't want to ever see me again i was just giving her time to make up her mind well you can't set no store on what any woman says you go on in you can talk better with women than what i can i don't want to trouble you none miss but them groceries on your plate they ain't half as bad as they look frisco cooked them himself if plum breaks his heart you won't eat them besides they'll keep you from starving to death i'd rather starve and eat anything you or he gave me a missus plum ridiculous i hate you both of you you you murderers gee miss i know it's your privilege to think whatever you want to think about me but i never did murder anybody but sometimes you're gonna thank me for what i've done just as much as you're hating me now and why do you keep me here there's no one to look after my ranch and and who will feed the kittens kittens ain't nobody that'll take care of them no of course not put them in the basket no one will ever find them gee that is tough well i guess it's up to me to see after him but won't they catch you maybe so but i can't let them cat started yeah by the way miss where'd i find the milk in the cow what you gonna do half i'm going to play nurse made to litter of kittens now you can't take no chances like that fresco you ought to see the cute little cusses well i reckon starving to death to be plumbed to strengthen for cats i gotta do it you know miss i'm kind of worried about hat blowing off that away i think i saw a funny little shack hitting the way back up in the hills better take a look at it yeah come on boys let's go i'll bet hats got into trouble already wow so come on [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] so i reckon that's the end of him all right they'll be financed by in a couple days let's go back and report the vlog three there it is boys on he's been here all right get back get it hands up i've had an almighty hard time catching up with you frisco i kind of reckon maybe you never would i wanted to give you this what is it it's a pardon signed by the governor just before you escaped well thanks sheriff but now i've got to rest you all over again for helping kidnap that girl where is she gosh almighty ain't she around here somewhere we ain't seen her why i left it here less than an hour ago yeah hey miss ruth where are you hey hey ruth where are you ruth looks like she went this way listen frisco you get your horse and trail alone all right sheriff don't you worry about me trying to get away come on boys [Applause] hey bull you think bond will pay the reward for killing connors even if we can't find a body to deliver well what are you worried about i did the killing didn't i yeah but the rest of us are in on it they're gonna give me that reward oh you think so huh sure i do and after this is gonna be a fair split all around too say what are you driving at a bloody better watch his step you know he's responsible for that job that sent connors to jail i found out all about that guess what i told you and the rest of them feel the same way about it oh yeah [Applause] get around there come on get around their whole city i don't know about this milking cow how steady that'll do hold it right there now be a good fella be a good girl hello fella what is it jack pulling us just kill connors you did eh where is he his body went over the cliff into the north fork we ain't been able to get him out yet his bull there no but he said for you to meet him out of the shack i'll get going right away come on damn i'm coming along slow but sure i hope you keep eating that little girl getting awesome laugh out of me i guess she'd see me here trying to get this milk out of you you don't know how much trouble i had getting this you wouldn't be screaming and yelling around the way you are playing nurse made kittens come here hey don't hold on like that here well yeah i know you're gonna get it right now wait a minute yeah you take it easy there let loose you are not try that can't try it huh huh but you want any after all that trouble there huh that's it get it grab it good huh coming too fast i guess well let's try another one i'll see if another one hungry come on here i'm going to give you a little drop now come on take a little drop huh don't you want um [Music] so [Applause] ah jeff there's the man you're a wanton i caught him for you why what are you talking about rob the stage that's why they crawled over the strip jim took why i didn't do that grab a hold of more and i am thanking you a whole lot more than you think yeah there miss ruth it's all right everything's all right now you see connors she just saw legal a little while back shooter man fella he plugged was going to tell how it was jim blunt had done that safe blowing that you was put away for me we're going back to town and pick up the little cry but sure you find blonde just inside the door legal plugged him with a bullet meant for me yeah yeah go get him there there miss ruth come on now don't cry anymore it's all over now nothing to cry about listen i guess i got a lot to thank you for too and say i fed your kittens i had an awful time with that cow though cowboy much of her milker you know finally got enough to feed him the little tummies just stood out like a toy balloon you oughta seen him i guess i'll have to make you partner adopting those kittens stakanas connors some folks call me hap it's kind of short for happen i guess because i happen to meet folks i'm happy you happen to happen pack [Music] you
Channel: Classic Hollywood Movies
Views: 29,857
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cowboy movie, Classic Hollywood Movies, Entertainment, Film, Movies, wild west, hollywood western, b-western, Hollywood Movies, Ken Maynard, Range Law Movie, Range Law Full Movie, Range Law Feature Film, Range Law, feature film, full movie, western movie, western, cowboy, Frances Dade, Frank Mayo
Id: svIVTQ57uPA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 0sec (3540 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 20 2020
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