Arizona Bound aka The Rough Riders (1941) Buck Jones & Tim McCoy | Classic Cowboy Western

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[Music] yes [Music] is [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] bunion if you don't stop whittling you won't have enough dogs left to walk on [Music] it all comes from a wearing boot that's my theory if the dumb race had never tough to wear and leather on the feet warts and corns and bunions and everything would just never happen that's all is there anything more beautiful than an arizona night yeah feet that don't hurt running you know something [Music] i should have bought for this place a long time ago and settle down ah this is a life ah you make me sick you know doing well if that madison sent for you to torture guns again for your uncle sam you'd get out of this place the dog gone quick they couldn't see you for dirt that's just where you're wrong this time bunion i've hung my guns up for good no more manhunt for me that madison knows that too we understand each other telegram for you buck joe asked me to bring it out said it's important thanks slim bad news [Music] anybody dead not good ain't nothing happened that's talk coming out from fort worth is there [Music] so oh well so that's it huh well and now that you've quit for good all you gotta do is just tell him so yeah it's a pretty tough thing to do to a pile like medicine but mesa city well that's nothing but a little just a gopher hole in the desert and one of the toughest overhauls in arizona something must have happened to have that sent me a wire like that had one of them in saddle a horse willy and bunyan tell us not to expect that stock i'll pick it up and measure what to tell you all you got to do is get a wire from that medicine and you're skinning out of hair just as fast as lighting you you button your left do like i told you [Music] so hello miranda working on sunday what this place has done to you the united states mail in wells fargo doesn't wait for sunday or any other day well i'm telling you right now if that sweetheart of your succeeds in getting the stage through this time i'm taking the next one out of this heathen hole joe's got to get it through aunt miranda he's just got to oh why your father ever left kansas city and civilization to come out here and be killed by those thieving barbarians i'll never understand hey oh somebody get a doctor well steve it looks like that states coach line is practically yours yep just how to finish it up [Music] too bad about young joe he got hit in the shoulder i heard about it sorry tagger don't look like we're going to get in the shipments out of here now don't worry about it we'll have a stage going out of here in no time boss will be happy with that load [Music] get it sure it's a good one too now that's fine and they're gonna get bigger and better now that miss masters can't get any more drivers but what i can understand is what you want that stage line steve we're doing all right ain't we not good enough that stage makes a lot more times up ahead with shipments coming out of all those districts when i take over we let this town rest a while and operate on the others say that's great you sure got them figured out boys come on boys the drinks are on the house [Music] give the boys a drink hey look who's here [Music] roberts howdy buck howdy long time no see that's right last time we were together we were holding hands remember yeah yeah i remember you were handcuffed to me you uh still pushing the law no quite a year ago no yeah just dropped in here to pick up some cattle are delivered i'm glad to hear it because the law hasn't been so lucky around here lately that looks kind of peaceful to me well we serve sarsaparilla for those who like it peaceful what do you say we have one why not [Music] [Applause] give him sarsaparilla i never forget what my friends drink still got that half dollar with the two heads on it you don't forget much either do you nothing i want to remember well here's hoping you pick up that cattle with no casualties [Music] i will [Applause] [Music] i'll be seeing you around sure i'm always here [Music] well stranger looking for somebody oh nobody in particular i was just surprised a place like this and keep open on sunday hey fellas a sky pilot what do you want us to do preacher sing well i think that might be a very good idea well we'll we'll sing for you we got a lot of good singers here but before we do suppose you do a little dance for us oh you suggested i do a little singing suppose you fellas joined in a song get over to that piano all of you youtube come on bartender join the choir [Music] put away that gun now let's hear your delta tones who me you uh wait a minute parson come into the back room i've got a proposition to make you sure go ahead i'll be on in a minute now let's hear you play bury me not on the long prairie and all the boys are going to join in the singing i don't know [Music] [Music] is [Music] doing better every minute [Music] we'll be buried on the long prairie [Music] well you certainly got those boys lined up all right little singing would be good for them i don't like it no why because i don't like preachers and we don't want any preachers here in mesa city well what are you gonna do about it i'll tell you what i'll do i'll flip your coin heads i win tails you win if you win i'll build you the finest church in arizona if you lose you'll get out of town brothel well i i never like gambling with coins but i don't know what i'll do with you i'll pay your hand to poker under the same conditions a preacher playing poker well why not when there's a church at stake all right so you think it's funny making people sing hell no red [Applause] [Applause] of b start or drop agreeable to me uh just more supposed to cut for deal king hey my lucky day say that preachy fellaini you sure made them come on you seem to be kinda sour you wasn't doing so bad yourself what do you have well i'll have the same with what he was thinking see he wasn't doing much singing where's that lily lily you better not let him hear you say that why not he used to be united states marshall no yeah i heard him tell taggart he's ranching now united states martial tough tough one of the toughest in the state i remember about five years ago don't ever be around when he starts chewing gum habit of his when he's mad choose gum when he gets mad i never heard it what is that stuff well that's what you ordered sarsaparilla give me a beer here say uh what is that filler's name buck roberts roberts say that's the fella that i got some cattle for not so fast we don't give credit to strangers hey who's asking for credit he's gonna lose a franchise sure wells fargo can't stand losing all that gold sure you know i'm afraid to ship anything on it now you know it was blowing foolish of her to fight around that line after her old man was killed why a woman ain't got a chance in town like this hey when does the next stage lead well that's hard to tell considering the way they're killing off the drivers and hold ups yep the last one yes came in with a bullet in his shoulder yeah i saw it when i wrote into town where those men in there well too many of mine are worried about getting a ghoul out of here i know it sounds like a lot of questions but who's the lady she runs the stage line now nice how's the boy the doc says he'll be all right he's hurt pretty bad in the left shoulder and they got the goal didn't they yes you know miss ruth we all liked your father was powerful glad to do business with him fact is it was rogers here that got the wells fargo franchise for him in the first place yes i know and i know what you're trying to say mr hart you've got to get your gold out and i haven't been able to do it oh we don't blame you the fact is well ruth steve taggart mentioned that hot here could guarantee delivery if we'd support him by recommending that wells fargo would turn over the border cities franchise to him but how can tiger get drivers when i can't get it by bringing some men in from out of the state with the idea of sending some arm in to stop these holders and you've got to admit miss ruth that his money and power can supply that kind of protection yes he has well what are you going to do well i reckon we'll have to wait and listen to what tag has got to say and in the meantime we'll have to hold up the shipments we can't afford to take any more chances even with the ones going out tomorrow i understand and thanks for telling me oh that's all right miss ruth and if we can help you at any time like just let us know thanks how do you do how do you do miss i have to see the stage when i drove in with that wounded boy you don't mind i'd like to have a talk with you i've never seen you in mesa city before right my name is roberts i rode in from my ranch to pick up some cattle here and uh i think i can help you if i just get to talk with that boy help me i don't understand i heard what those miners said while they're in here it looks like you're in a jam yes it looks like i'm going to lose my franchise uh it may not be as bad as all of that you see i have a few friends with the wells fargo company and uh i wish you wouldn't mention that until i have a talk with a boy that's awfully nice of you mr roberts if you wait until i make a report on that hold up i'll be glad to take you over thank you well looks like i've got you this time preacher four kings i'm afraid they're not good enough four aces hey i don't get this i'll tell you what i'll do i'll play you one more hand double or nothing oh no we'll start building that church monday so say how did he get them four aces i don't know that was a marked deck too you better keep an eye on that hombre never mind about him or became a buck roberts he's the one i'm worried about he left a little while ago i'll find him and don't let him out of your sight i want to know everything he does well i put some whiskers on the shaved deck and won a church for the community they told me there was a young fellow hurt badly in the states all of them yeah well i find him wrecking down at miss root and where's miss ruth oh i'll tell you you'll go right down the road there there's a great big rock but don't ever lie there's not much i can tell you it all happened too quick you see mr roberts it's the first time joe ever took the stage out all the other drivers were killed hmm so nobody's ever seen any of these hold up men no they're all masked most of them fired behind the bushes but i'm all right i'm going to take that stage out again tomorrow joe you can't dr brown says you're not to budge out of this house young man driving a stage with one hand it's ridiculous i can do it do you think you can get those miners to reconsider and ship that goal tomorrow well i might get the mail through but they're worried about risking any more gold you've got to if we can get just one shipment through i'm sure we can save that franchise for you but how i can't get any more drivers i'm driving you're not i'm driving you sure why not i've driven state coaches all over this country well i'm going with you oh no you're not not with that shoulder i'm taking this out alone myself this time besides this is going to be different yes how i'm going to take the shortcut the regal rock pass those outlaws won't be expecting that well that's an idea you might get through that way but what about the mail that's off the schedule almost into tucson well uncle sam will just have to take a vacation for a few days that's all well i guess this is it i wonder who that can be somebody looking for somebody are you gentlemen looking for someone does miss ruth live here yes she does well i'm looking for a fella called buck roberts is he here yes he's inside oh i miss miranda masters miss ruth's aunt well i'm mighty happy to know you miss miranda my name's hopkins sandy hopkins and this is parson mccall a minister in this awful place i want to see that boy that got hurt on the stage for me he's inside oh you come in we're just having tea thank oh you roberts this is mr hopkins he's been looking for you uh you're the fella i missed you every place in town i got them critters over at the corral waiting for you you recollect the part from don't you oh yes i rather enjoyed the singing this afternoon yeah so did i this is the young man that was injured isn't it indeed it is mr mccall it's outrageous the killings and butcherings going on in this heathen place miss ruth don't you think you'd better run along and see what you can do with those miners yes excuse me please i've heard young man fine thanks they haven't got me down yet they're not going to either uh that's a spirit well i guess i'll be mosing along oh by the way mr uh hopkins is the name hopkins i'm taking the stage out of here tomorrow and i'll pay you well if you'll stay here and take care of the stock for me it's a deal thank you oh mr roberts aren't you going to stay for tea see no thank you well you don't have tea uh parson a parson always has joe yes thanks how about you mr hopkins oh oh certain sure one lump or two i gotta talk to you quick all right come on i followed robertson the girl over to her house he told her that kitty take the stage out tomorrow if she could get their miners to ship their gold i thought so once a lawman always won but he's not going to go by the regular route he's going to take a shortcut through eagle rock pass to foolish oh he is is he well this is just where his foot is going to slip red we're going to lay these hold ups right in his lap huh sit down i'll tell you so you see you've got to give me one more chance well if you say you've got this fella to drive for you miss ruth and you think there's a chance of getting through i know i will give me the gold shipment tomorrow if i fail then i'm through then you should accept taggart's offer but i know i won't i can't well it's all right with me here too thank you you're real friends [Music] i hear you are taking the stage out tomorrow news travels fast around here i wouldn't try it if i were you buck why not i got business in two some a horse needs a rest besides i'm gonna do someone a favor robert's your lion you don't mean that do you tiger and now wait a minute i just don't get it that's all once a law man always a law man so i'm not falling for your reasons for taking out that stage no no and there never was a town big enough to hold the two of us you're right just dropped in to tell you if you want to ship any gold it'll get a safe ride thanks for telling me [Music] hi carson i was a boy with a wounded shoulder he's all right whoever took a shot at him just wasn't good enough well target what arrangements have you made for building the church i'm not making any give us a drink you're not what i don't pay off when a man deals a crooked deck it happened to be your deck yeah but i saw you dealing it from the bottom yeah you keep out of this tiger now get up on your feet so you're a bad man eh gunfighter well i'll just give you the kind of a break you wouldn't have given me i'm gonna start counting and when i reach three fill your hand and start shooting one two [Applause] three i thought so well tiger i want the money for that church tomorrow of all the yellow dogs come on in the back room any word from the miners yes i had a talk with them they've agreed to send the gold down tonight and you can pull out on schedule in the morning oh that's fine i'll be ready thank you mr roberts i believe you understand how much this means to me i do don't you worry everything's gonna be all right so joe what are you doing here telling you goodbyes like that you're in no condition to make this trip soon i can still shoot here take this [Applause] how about it miss i don't guess i'd want him any other way you market paid good luck goodbye joe bye yeah it's ridiculous do you want to take such chances with his wounded arm oh i think he'll be all right with mr roberts so there's where we make our turn yeah likes that gun now and take it easy you three take cover there [Applause] ready son atta boy what are you slowing them down for a little rough in here i thought it'd be easier on your shoulder yeah i guess you're right we're in the clear [Applause] stop right here stick them up around you holy there's too many of them hand it over to him all right boys get out of here [Applause] thanks a lot buck i'll see you later when you get rid of that monkey [Applause] so you know these rats you framed this just perfect didn't you you knew a shortcut yeah and i could put the gun away now because we were in the clear you'd slow down to make it easier on my shoulder oh wait a minute kid you got this all wrong shut up i ought to kill you right now but you look a lot better on the end of a rope turn him around and get back to town and don't forget my finger just itching to pull this trigger come here go go you know who you've sent out with our gold shipments why what's the matter do you recognize these sacks why yes they're wells fargo they're ours yes packard found him in robert's saddlebags this morning i got suspicious of him when he walked into my place yesterday so i had his saddlebags checked this is what i found miss ruth you sent that boy in our gold right into a trap here comes the stage [Music] [Applause] come on get out of here yo what happened you'll find out here's your bandit man he knows where the gold is we know all about that did the gang get all the stuff yeah i tried to stop him but he grabbed my gun red takes him in and lock him up until the citizens of this town decide what they want to do with them the citizens of this town know what they want to do with it come on give me that gut yeah preachy you look honest you keep it come on well miss masters i guess this clears up a lot of things you know i think i'll go down and have a talk with that young man i'm going with it richie i'm going to try and get my money for them quicker don't look like it's been used recently no not since the sheriff was shot two years ago but it'll hold you you fellas wait out here get in here [Music] well you can cool off first bell time hangs heavy on your hands you can clean up a bit what sounds like you're gonna have a right smart time at the end of a rope don't you worry you fellas we got him safe all right [Music] where do you think you're going i want to see that fella and try and get my money what are you going to do parson try and save him maybe all right well robert i'm surprised to see you corral like this look here feller you can't do this to me you've got to pay me for them critters or my boss down in texas will string me up too come on have a heart and give me my money will you you might as well you can't take it with you you two fellas seem to have a hard time getting it through your thick skulls that i didn't have anything to do with that hold up i ain't saying you did and i ain't saying you didn't but i am saying that you're a low down lion skunk you eat that word someday woody what give me that i'll get something for what he owes me ain't you gonna stick around for the nighttime party no siree i got some mighty important business to attend to you're not helping matters trying to deny things backed up by so much proof what proof plenty of proof especially those wells fargo bags that tag it found in your saddle pockets that's a lie you don't expect him to admit it to you parson yes i do you know a man wants to go before his maker with a clear conscience now if you name the other members of your band we can recover that gold how about it robert i don't know anything about it and if tiger's got any wells fargo bags why don't you ask him about it those people mean business robert it'll go easier with you if you tell what you did with that goal you're just wasting your breath parson oh i guess you're right well i did the best i could gentlemen [Music] keep your hands off your gun that's not the man you want that man's united states marshal but he's right about tiger they switched boxes on that stage roberts told me the whole story and if you'll come along with me i'll show you where your gold is [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] please up here comes the parsons what happened robert's got away didn't he united states marshall roberts got away let me show you something there's your shipment oh i thought the bandits got it robert switched the boxes last night taggers outfit held up that stage all they got was a load of rocks when did you first find out that roberts was a u.s marshal well i knew him a long time ago down the southern part of the state are you crazy what's the idea writing in here like this oh something's up lost we don't like it we thought you might be needing help what do you mean help well there was no gold in that box rocks i was right that fella's no preacher he's in cahoots with robert he's in the express officer on the real goal right now robert switch boxes on you it looks bad for us steve you two get down there and lay on that goal the rest of you inside we're gonna have to shoot this out [Music] tiger's the man you want i've known him a long time too he's been trying to get me out of congress since i came here and we'd better go have a talk with mr tiger that's right and he's waiting for you up at saloon now keep your hands up and get out of here [Music] all right make it snappy [Music] get your men together and head for the saloon and get these women off the street ruth take miranda home [Music] all right [Music] [Music] all right killer sure pull that one out slick well uh got her done here's your pistol hey where's damn well he ought to be long moved anytime [Music] here i come tigers and these outfit have barricaded themselves in the saloon in the express office townspeople are going to keep them on the fire do we get there well looks like here's where the rough riders ride again go well cowboy [Music] no [Music] [Music] [Music] tag explainer barricaded in the saloon stage office i've already got a couple of our boys we can't get him out we're getting low on ammunition what do you think we better do buck [Music] come on [Music] [Music] so drop those guns and turn on that barricade [Music] [Applause] put your hands in the air walk out that door got that gun [Music] i'll walk up the street [Music] hey killer there's a box for you where's him he's cleaning up the express office we're attacking the back room take him all right come on damn [Music] come on tiger you want me roberts come in and get me [Music] [Applause] uh here's your coach tim well let's load him in marshall will meet us at the state line arches are hard lost it in there come on [Music] [Music] i'll take it easy you fellas don't anyone try anything funny so you're a united states marshal too i didn't think you acted like a minister i never said i was a minister the town pinned that moniker on you're going to get a board lady if you're going to take this stage out of town though you know looks like this shipment is going through well if they don't they'll always say we try to found this or put it aboard have a nice time at miranda well you can stay in this town if you want to not me oh you'll be back watch your hooks get them off here i guess the whole town owes you an apology marshall thanks you sure clean this town up fast yes i'm not finished yet get up on that coach go on get up there but i don't understand hey what is this you will i guess you two youngsters need a preacher worse than mesa city guys you'll find someone up in green river oh real good luck to you thanks bye bye [Applause] oh there goes three fine colors hi marshall hiya buck hi tim hi killer i got a load of pressure for the penitentiary a bunch of gold in there for the mint and the prospective bride and groom to see a sky pilot and green river take good care of him will they well you got quite a load there you're telling me well i'll see you later buck okay later tim killer now that that's settled i'm going to tell you something there i was sitting in my hotel in texas just about to get hits to the prettiest little witty you ever set your eyes on when i got that full message of yours saying to meet you here in mesa city thought you said we were through with this manhunting business well we couldn't turn bat madison down could we of course we couldn't i was taken to that to get your message you know running a ranch like i've been doing up in wyoming as well as liable to get old-fashioned and settle down or something tell me buck how are you doing down this stage oh fair to medlin i wish you fellas to drop off for a little while you know sat around not me i'm heading for texas and i'm heading for wyoming well so long rough riders [Music] ride [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh
Channel: Cult Cinema Classics
Views: 33,969
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Drama, History, War, Western
Id: Mzw-OJsZYsU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 12sec (3132 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 13 2022
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