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foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] come on lost and we get all day oh i'm working as fast i can i got it nice haul chief all right come on let's go you can't get away with this forever miller someday they're gonna catch up with you oh i've been doing all right so far hey y'all partner so you don't get nervous don't take so much time blackie it's a long way to redwood just shut up hey brocky wasn't that a little bit too real well i had to make the guy believe it didn't i if anything goes wrong they'd be looking for some redwood there come in the ranger station [Applause] hello captain this is the mine agent red river i've just been held up by the miller gang the miller gang yes yes we'll handle it good work get sergeant strong yes yes sir sergeant the miller gang just held up the red river mine office could every available man out here headed toward redwood yesterday did you say they were headed toward redwood yes that's right mine agent heard him say it just as they left in that case do you mind if we head in the opposite direction what do you mean sounds like one of miller's tricks he's too clever to tip his hand that way go to it sergeant [Music] oh [Music] [Music] great [Music] ah [Music] get her out man get him [Music] [Applause] i could have shot a little straighter but i need you you can grill me all night i still don't know what you're talking about how many men did you say were in miller's gang i didn't say i don't know anything about him how long have you been with miller were you with him when he robbed the centerville bank i told you i don't even know him but how come you were riding with him when the rangers caught up with you was that miller i suppose you were just out taking your daily riding exercise when miller and his men happened along right yeah that's what happened why don't you get about half smart lawson you talk and go easy with it all right i'll talk biller has about 15 men working for him and has a tie up with 10 other gangs located all over the state he has a connection below the border to get rid of the stuff frame that's why you haven't able to trail miller are you satisfied satisfied that you're doing a mighty poor job of lying the first place blackie miller works alone he's not tied up with any of the gangs in this state secondly he's not operating through any fence below the border we know that you know so much what are you asking me all these questions for i told you i don't know anything about melanie's gang well i guess he's gonna be stubborn you're right ranger you won't get nothing out of me all right boys take him away we'll continue this in the morning yeah i'm still here talking though he had the key to the front door in his pocket sure was tough luck tim oh that's all right i'll get him to talk in the morning hey if you have to smoke those cocktails why don't you learn to light the right end you just smoking long enough for that yeah i guess i am remember the first time you cut me smoking back in the barn and i knocked your ears down didn't i you sure did well that's a big brother's report but this particular big brother is intended to get a little sleep too okay how do you say we turn in no i think i'll stay up a little while i'll have it your own way but don't be too late about it i'm telling you something must have happened to him yeah that's what i'm afraid of hey what about it y'all look like you've lost your best friend lawson hadn't shown up yet the rangers must have caught it oh is that all it's wearing you well ain't that enough he's liable to talk ah don't worry about lawson even if they have got him they won't hold him long he'll be back here before morning red get this hot stuff into town it's burning my fingers anything you want me to tell him yes tell him we're tired of his stalling and for him to give you the money for the sullivan's job you're red [Music] take hank with you what do i want him for i can find my way there alone yes i know man but with all that money on you i'm worried about you you know red the woods are just full hold up man all right come on hank [Music] [Music] what time did you get in last night all about two o'clock look to your eyes it looks like four o'clock sergeant rossen got away how did it happen somebody broke in about three o'clock this morning any idea who it was we don't know his heart was knocked on conscious and when he came to the cell was empty oh you're the only one around here who's this car tip cigarette i'm afraid i'm gonna have to turn you in jack for what i haven't done anything i don't know what you're talking about you know lawson's gone don't you well what's that got to do with me don't try to fool me oh why did you do it what are you doing with miller in his gang i didn't go and i don't know anything about the miller gang you're always trying to hang things i remain lying to myself about you for years ever since you were a kid always covering up making excuses for you i suppose i'm going to allow myself just one more lie turn in that badge and clear out okay if that's what you want it's good enough for me i'm going back to bayless never guess in a million years who this letter's from the governor am i getting more no you're colder than an icebox icebox sure the butcher wants you to pay that meatball no this is from a very important man tim straw you hit the bull's eye what he had to say oh you mean about you send you his special regards just special not extra special no just common everyday special did he say anything about coming here dad no but his brother jack is i didn't think he'd last long in the ranges i guess you don't care very much for jack i guess you're a pretty good guesser and you don't want to feel that way about it he's a little different from tim but underneath he's not a bad kid if you can get underneath you carry on about him just like tim does well you've got to make allowances james tried hard to raising proper since the baker's gang made orphans out of both of them to try and get you some dinner before it's too late if you'll stop talking about jack what are we going to have for supper tonight and hi hello hey don't i read a better hello than that i just blew it down yes i know how did you know news travels awfully fast especially bad news now is that a nice reception to give a ranger that's down here on special duty do he yes a little undercover work you know i'm puzzled and what am i to do believe you're a tim's letter hello fellas nice company you're keeping some of your undercover friends oh i meet all kinds of people in my work yes so i noticed well uh i'll drop over and see you sometime yes do sometimes hello blackie hello kid you sure had a little awesome break in a smart way yes a smart amount of the rangers what but you know that you're no good to us unless you're in the service you don't think i want to leave do you i couldn't help it i was forced to uh wait a minute give me a chance wacky i'll show you what i can do you'll get a chance all right but one more bonehead trick like that and you're through okay come on boys here's the job i got lined up on the pineville bank tomorrow night after that there'll be plenty more now here's the setup [Applause] good morning sir good morning sergeant what can i do for you after nine i want to resign it's too soon after breakfast for jokes this is no joke sir i mean it but why i'd rather not discuss that sir something wrong maybe i can help you this is something personal i've got to handle it alone but what a legal absence do no sir i hate to lose you tim i hate to go sir but i've got to well tim of course you know best but if there's anything i can do just let me know thank you sir i'll fill out your resignation in the six months that i have been present at the bayless bank it's been held up three times these depositors threatened to withdraw their money from the bank unless fully guaranteed against these robberies but i've done the best i can with no help just a minute general just a minute all i can say is that if you can't handle the situation we'll get a younger man no one man can deal with miller my dad has asked for help time and again and you refused it i don't propose to argue the question all i can say is and i speak for the rest of these citizens is that if anything further happens to the bank it means your job sheriff good day don't worry dad what is this the cattleman's convention or something dude hello dave hello ann hello oh it's nice to see you what brought you down here well i was just riding the grub line i thought if i dropped in on you i might get a little home cooking we'll see that you got plenty of that sure that's all you came down for well not exactly i oh jack of course well guess i better get started on my dinner that's right you know a shortcut to a man's heart through the kitchen the way to tim's heart is through his brother sit down tim thanks i suppose ann was right about the reason for being down here yes have you seen anything of jack lately no he hasn't been around for some time i've been pretty worried about him i haven't heard anything from him since he quit the service you'd probably pop up soon then you'll be able to straighten everything out meanwhile you're just the man i'm looking for what do you mean i'm having trouble with the miller gang you've stuck up the bank in town three times if anything else happens to that bank it means my job you know i'm not a ranger any longer dave i resign because i if there's anything i can do that'll help you anyway i'll only be too glad to do it uh ranger no ranger you're still tops with me thanks dave what do you want me to do you might drop over and see price he's the new president of the bank he'll probably be able to give you a good line on things all right i'll go right over and see him now see it's up right well i won't be late well the drake place is empty i'll arrange to take it for you well then i'll have my stuff sent right over there i can't tell you what a relief it is to have your help i'm at my wit's end if we have another robbery i'm through well i don't know how much help i could beat you you know i'm no longer a ranger any help i'd give you would be unofficial but sheriff sage is an old friend of mine there isn't anything i wouldn't do for him well at any rate we welcome your help this miller gang requires a man of your caliber you've got quite a reputation in these parts thank you are you quite certain it's the miller gang well reasonably certain they seem to be partial to buying depositors money have you any reason to believe they're in this territory at the present time i don't know you can never tell when they'll strike one thing more i think things would work out better if no one knew i was on this case so suppose we say i'm just here in a friendly visit you can count on me your own information i'll be at the drake cabin in case you need me that's splendid goodbye and thanks goodbye [Applause] okay you and hank take the stuff down the price tell them to give you the money for the last two jobs okay so how long is this going to keep up lackey we ain't had any dough for a couple of weeks it shouldn't take him that long to unload that guy price is probably holding up plenty on us say what are we doing working for our health yeah shut up i can use money just as well as the rest of you there's any spoken to be done i'll do it i'm not worrying about collecting from christ we'll get it one way or another now if there's any of you that's not satisfied to string along with me let him talk up now all right jack tell price of the last shipment he gets unless we get some cash chrysler hello here are the bonds from the pineville bank nice work that's what we thought now the boss wants the doe for the last two jobs and he wants it right now well doesn't he realize that it takes time to circulate this stuff if we flood the state with a lot of hot money we'll have every ranger and sheriff on our necks you can't explain that to miller the only thing that talks with him is money you can tell him from me to take care of his part of the deal i'll take care of mine does the bank expect any heavy deposits soon oh there may be something at the end of the week say you can't rob this place again the town's up in arms already we can't huh remember this miller handles that part of a deal and we'll be seen and by the way you might tell him that there's a ranger in town he says he's resigned from the service but he may be working undercover forget about the ranger we'll handle him you just worry about getting us some cash well that's the best food i've had in many in many months then you've probably been doing your own cooking i got to put my chin out for that tonight i was talking to price today any information he's worried about that miller gang looks like we'll have plenty of work on our hands i'm afraid you're right wish i could say to him that the sheriff's time isn't his own i got some work to do over the office so long see you soon can i help all right i'll start you off easy and then if i like your work i'll promote you that's fine boss i'll do my best cause i need the work dad tell me you left the rangers why'd you do it oh i needed a rest sure it wasn't jack not it exactly jay he isn't worth it tim oh jack's all right he he just needs a little straightening out you've been saying that for a long time but he's just no good you know i raised that kid but i feel that any mistakes he makes are more or less my fault don't you think he's taken advantage of you long enough how long can you keep on covering up for you can't help it anne still my brother well that's the way i am i'm sorry tim i shouldn't have said anything no that's all right i knew it you what luck we've been washing the same dish all this time well i could have told you the rangers are no good as dishwashers there is any doubt in my mind about that you've convinced me that's the way you feel about it i quit i'm afraid you better make this your occasional hobby and stick to your own profession say speaking of professions i've got to be going because i really have some work to do good night when it's morning in montana i'll put on a gay bandana or a sunny morning makes me feel gay i'll be singing in the saddle while i'm rounding up the cattle when it's moaning down montana away you'd leave [Music] here when it's morning in montana i put on a gay bandana for a sunday morning makes me feel gay i'll be singing in the saddle while i'm rounding up the cattle when it's morning down montana way well the cowboys in the bunk house will be up and out at five they'll take a breath of air and say it's great to be alive when it's morning in montana i'll be singing old susanna ride the prairie all the days [Applause] well hello sergeant welcome to bayless you remember me charlie stevens you know charlie stevens i travel for the lone style leather company makers of the finest saddle boots and holsters in the whole country hello folks i want you to meet the finest ranger in the whole state of texas god is faster than greece lightning i bet he could bring in the whole miller gang single-handed and he's going to do it too believe you me you'll pull up a chair and sit in thanks i'll just sit down here and give it [Applause] i just saw the guy that grilled me at the ranger station he's down at the saloon we'll take care of him you better get back to miller we can't take any more chances he's plenty tough they don't come any quicker on the draw we like him that way it makes it that much more interesting how we know which one he is you'll know him quick enough you'll spot him as a ranger a mile off get going [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] big moving if you wanted to get off a couple of fast shots you do it this way if i pull this lift up in your blind side you could do this i'll go back and tell your boss or whoever sent you when the time is ripe i'm coming for him now get out of here [Applause] so what happened that guy's dynamite he sure means trouble he's the fastest man on the trigger i've ever seen i'm gonna find butcher gunman you are i'd like to meet up with that guy just once i'd show him how to handle a gun if i'm not mistaken you get that chance what do you mean he said he was coming for you when he was ready maybe we better lay off that bank job for a couple of days it'd be safer you know we ain't putting off that job on the balance bank for nobody so a chance to get our hands on some real money for a change the price said the whole town is stirred up over that last robbery that's just too bad but we're going through with it anyway and just so you boys don't worry too much i'll see that the range is put out of the way red here's what i want you to do [Music] do [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] this [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] i've been expecting something like this who sent you nobody suddenly who sent you you heard me i'll give you three seconds to change your mind who was it [Music] [Applause] [Music] the legs being robbed [Music] so [Music] yeah a bunch like this can be spotted a mile off break it up i'll meet you to carve it later [Music] [Applause] [Music] looks like we've lost them better spread out and see if we can pick up the trail [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] jack i've been afraid of this all along honest tim i didn't want to do it i've never done anything like this before they forced me to do it give me a chance i'll never do it again please don't send me to jail please tim i'll see this gets back where it came from [Applause] what am i gonna do jim [Applause] stay where you are you're under arrest [Applause] well boys it looks as though you caught up with me [Music] but there must be something we can do dad [Applause] but what can we do tim treated beauty he's been sentenced to five years five long years and for what she'll jack tim's like that even willing to go to jail for that brother there must be some way we can make tim talk that's a big job man i know it but i'm going to try oh tim why did you do it oh i know you're covering up for jack dad feels the same way but we can't do anything if you refuse to talk there's nothing i can say anne tim no one in the whole world is worth the sacrifice you're making least of all jack if you'd only tell the truth we can help you i said everything i have to say in court don't you realize you're giving up five years of your life yes i realized that but well there's nothing i can do but you must do something oh please all right tim if you want talk then i will i'm done who i am goodbye [Music] it's hard to believe any man could make such a sacrifice i know it's hard to believe of anyone but tim you know his record know what he's done he's been with you for over 10 years i know that he has a record any ranger might envy but we could only get a confession from his brother i'm afraid that's impossible he's no good he's used him always like to cover up for the things he's done why should this time be an exception and you feel that jack is actually mixed up with the miller outfit i do and so did tim that's why he resigned from the service hmm and that explains why jack left the same day that miller's man made his escape from the guard house we always thought lawson must have had some inside help that only goes to prove what i've said captain you've got to do something about tim i feel sure that your word would be strong enough to get him a pardon you've convinced me young lady i'll get in touch with the governor at once oh thank you captain so [Music] light that lamp george well the old place don't look so bad does it hey what'd we come back here for blakey i'm on my way to pay price a little visit we're going to collect everybody that's coming to us tonight that's the way to talk boys and don't let him soft soapy either don't let that worry you now let's sit down and take it easy in a little while i'll give you boys a lesson in bill collected let's have a drink i don't know how to thank you dave for all you've done for me well don't thank me to him it was all anne's work well i i didn't know how to begin because you've done so much for me i'm seeing you back in the services thanks enough for me tim you know i've got a pretty tough job ahead of me i asked especially for the assignment to clean up that miller gang you might run into complications no complications this time i mean business has it ever occurred to you why miller and his gang keeps returning to bayless yes but i haven't been able to figure out the answer i've had plenty of time to think i've come to the conclusion the reason miller spends so much time around bayless is because he has some way of disposing of his loot around here any idea who might be doing it for him our friend price price i'm sure you're wrong i don't think so you know none of the bonds that miller and his gang has stolen have been recovered where could be a safer place to keep those bonds in a bank or a better method of distributing them but it's only a hunch tim maybe a hunch but it gives the right answers if that's the way you feel about it the only thing to do is to see price will he be in his office this early i don't know but we can go over and see i hope you're right about this well that remains to be seen i had a funny hunch about this full price anyway for a long time [Music] suicide [Music] things are getting too hot for me i swore they'd never get me and i kept my word and why would a man who was contemplating suicide take the trouble to go to a typewriter and write a note would it be or more aptitude with pencil and sign his name rather than sign it on the typewriter [Music] this may not be a case of suicide after all what do you mean and no powder burns and evidence that wound was too far around to the left why a man couldn't possibly get his hand the position to fire that shot shot that killed him was fired at a distance i don't think he committed suicide i don't think he wrote that note now maybe if we keep this thing quiet for a while and not report it it might lead to something right okay hello jack hello tim surprise well yeah i never expected to see you here i thought you were still i was pardoned a few days ago see that's great i see you're back to the rangers too huh you never spent much time in a room six by nine with nothing to look forward to but an occasional letter did you didn't take you long to forget it oh i didn't forget tim and why didn't you write well i was busy i meant to i was jumping around from one place doing what prospecting i'll take your word for it be careful you don't end up the way price did he was a sap you'll never hear me killing myself come on over to the cabin i want to talk to you [Applause] well what's on your mind i'm afraid i'm going to have to take you in what you're still training with miller you know i'm not i told you i've been prospecting but with a shovel or a shotgun i don't know what you're talking about and how come your new price was dead when nobody else in town did well i i saw some of the boys tim and then you know how news travels oh quit stalling kid why don't you tell me what this is all about i've never steered you wrong all my life i've tried to help you and i'm not going to let you down now oh come on come on kid just like you used to where will i find miller i want him all right all right he's up to his cabin off along pine road it's in the base of the foothills keep bearing to the left until you pass rock river canyon and you can't miss him tim how deep are you into this well i'll [Applause] jack get up there quick tim miller's trying for a quick getaway [Applause] [Applause] i'll hear it not bad blackie i told you i'd handle it right what's up that ranger jack's brother just plugged lawson is headed this way oh you're crazy how does he know where the cabin is jack spelling works but lawson got him you two ride out and get the boys we might need help i better stay here with you blackie you might need help all right go ahead hank [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey blacky what are you doing what do you think i'm not crazy why split this six ways that's an idea we'll split it two ways [Applause] why split it at all what you hurry miller you're not going anywhere you like all the rages aren't you tough when you got a gun on a man all right i'll give you a break you'll never give anyone [Applause] [Applause] so don't move anybody well anna how am i doing i think you'll be the only ranger on record to become a fresh class dishwasher [Applause] well i take it all back as a dishwasher you're a first class ranger [Applause] you
Channel: El Quixote
Views: 65,555
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: music, joe rogan, snl, wwe, lofi, shane dawson, fox news, msnbc, t series, songs, jake paul, eminem, taylor swift, trump, game of thrones, espn, drake, trump media, tik tok, tom mix, tim mccoy, western movies, frontier justice, horse, saddles, law, las vegas, texas, arizona, black jack, nfl, nba, baseball, movies, television, abc, cbs, cnn, nbc, gold mine, bbc, rugby, money, politics, washington dc, gaming, table, NEW YORK, YOU TUBE, youtube, google, james bond, cowboys, ranches, war, history, 1930'S, INDIANS
Id: gq6esZBTg6c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 40sec (3280 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 22 2022
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