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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] carries your rights as a citizen assisting law enforcement that's one reason i picked this neck of the wood why these hicks they all eat up that large stuff [Laughter] you're right more even this little booklet of coin money for us cost two cents say a price four bucks but don't forget about the costumes henderson ten cents for this a dollar for a sheet we dab on a little paint and cut a couple of slits for eyes and the suckers fork over ten smackers well the booklets and costumes they're all right but that's two bit stuff here's the real reason we're in cactus creek what is it tin ore take a look at it titus up to now this country's had to import practically all of its tin from the east indies but not anymore from all sides the tin deposits in this county alone will be the richest in the world and in a couple of weeks we'll have a title to every piece of land that contains that ore is that why you're buying up all the ranches that's right and i'm not through buying yet suppose the ranchers catch on want those dumbbells now would any of them connect ernest moore head of the league of patriots with such a contemptible racket i think that calls for a drink title is that right you double crossing chief you fake paper i know all about your crooked scheme guy why mr gorham what are you talking about you and your flag waving it's all a trick to get our land away from us you've worked it in other places a friend of mine in dallas why would i want your ranches i'm not a farmer no you're a swindler now i know why joe welch was murdered last month then you bought his property for a song from his widow my hanging's too good for you and your gang using patriotism to cover up your crimes nagoram aren't you jumping at conclusions i can prove every word i say and tomorrow morning just as soon as it's light i'm going to tell every rancher in this valley just what you're doing and wait till they hear about you too henderson the respectable banker hanging around with thieves and cutthroats i'll help ride you out of town on a rail for weeks i'm standing past no league of patriots for me but your foreman is one of our most loyal members it's a fine boy he's going to marry my daughter but that's no sign we agree on everything if bart feels your league is going to help him make a better citizen of himself that's okay by me but i don't feel that i need it what mr adams as a good citizen it's up to you to help curb the crime in this community we've got law here now and it suits me what about patriotism you know these are very vital times people don't understand what patriotism is the league will help them learn what's your angle on all this angle well i have no angle mr adams i merely want to help the community in which i live and serve my native land we need you don't you understand you're respected now by your neighbors but you'll be an outcast if you stay out of the league i reckon not now i don't need to rush you mr moore but well i've got john goran's papers to go through gorham huh the law that you seem so satisfied with now didn't keep him from being murdered did it i sent for marshall trigger tim rand i reckon he can handle things okay but if you ever change your mind that day won't ever come oh by the way uh who is gorham's heir i've been sort of interested in his property you know it's high and dry and seems to be a likely spot for a health farm i haven't found a wheel yet maybe banker henderson would know all right i'll ask him when i see him good day mr adams good day sir [Music] so [Applause] so i got him with one shot trigger tim ran ain't a problem anymore good work titus yes i have been plenty upset since i heard adam set for him he's a cleverest ring detective in the southwest you mean he was we'll say i picked this up on adam's place i was coming from there when i spotted ryan say that's the richest sample we've had yet none of the other ranches not even gorham's place showed any signs like that the heart of the vein must run right through sam adams place if i could only get that old moss back to join the league you'll never do it well maybe it can be work through art oh he's only the foreman he wouldn't be if he'd marry margie adams just suppose old sam adams met with an accident and art marries the girl exactly the broken bar a ranch would be ours the next day arc davis will do anything i tell him to i've got him right where i want him it's a good thing it wasn't a couple of inches lower well i played dead so i couldn't hear his horse any longer but i can't figure out who'd want to take a shot at me or why somebody who don't want you looking into john gorham's disappearance hey look at this everybody letters from a dozen cities chicago saint louis san antone here's one from marshall rand boy am i glad to see you hey look you've just got to do something about art what's the matter with art you do have a fight it's the worst thing that ever happened to the band we've got a chance at a national radio now wait a minute tell me calmly what's this all about art so wrapped up in the league of patriots you don't have time for much else what's the league of patriots a new outfit in town run by an umbrella named moore what's its object moore says it's to promote citizenship in law enforcement but when he talks to me i got a feeling he's thinking entirely different how does he intend to accomplish all this search me all he seems to do is to hold lodge meetings and try to buy all the ranches around here is he going in the cow business he's got a health farm bee in his bonnet and the youth camp and some other civic enterprises he keeps art so busy i can't get him to sign a swell radio contract we've been offered i suppose our to the meeting now right he's there every night i think i'll just ride into town and look him up do you mind if i go along no we're glad to have you load on the steam marshall we're due to start broadcasting in three days don't worry buzz that's why i say to you men of the league of patriots no sacrifice is too great to accomplish this end patriotism that is our watchword one for all and all for one [Applause] you take that one and i'll go around the back and see what you can see so is hey ladies and gentlemen is the purpose of this organization good night and thank you that speech was great mr moore well thank you my boy maybe you want to go out and do things that's the spirit art high ideals always inspire right-thinking men to want to go [Music] what hit you uh my horse strong little fellow art you better call around to my office tomorrow afternoon and i'll explain the work of the junior officer to you well sure mr moore don't worry about him he'll be all right when he has a couple of drinks under his belt come on titus you need something on that cut come on in here now [Music] tell me what really happened well it was adam's he was peeping in your window outside spying on us huh yeah was someone else with him i couldn't see who it was but could he hit what should we do get rid of adam's all right if he gets anything on us he'll turn hard against us and we'll lose our chance of getting the ranch don't forget the tent and henderson i want you to take these and put them in the bank ball until adams is taken care of i don't want these land deeds or these ore samples around this office what's your plan listen tomorrow morning you ride out of town [Applause] [Music] there's art well i'll put up your horse i'll see you in the morning you can just as well stay here tim i think i'll stay over at the old castle then i won't be so conspicuous [Music] marshall ryan hello white how's the boy sam was tired so i'm gonna put his heart away for him well tell me tim what brings you back here john gorham's disappearance yeah we're all pretty much broken up about that but the league's on the job yes i've been hearing about this league well gee isn't it great tim it's not only a privilege to be a citizen it's a glorious responsibility you've been working pretty hard on this league haven't you yes sir every minute i can spare away from a ranch work what about your band has buzz been talking to you well he said something about a radio contract what about it well tim i don't have time my lead work is important bringing happiness to people is about as important as things you can do in life art well i reckon their safety comes first that's my job yeah but you never hear a tam the league's permanent and besides there's too much crime for one man to handle i was counting on you to help me well i'll help all i can i promise well i'm glad to hear that just cq me that's what cq that's a short wave signal you see buzz and i both have one sending and receiving since well you can tell me about that some other time if i don't if i don't get to the bunk right now i'm going to go to sleep on my feet well look that's damn you're not sore about me in the league are you no just curious well where's notice that way [Music] so now from here on it's dorm's place you know sam adams told me that mr moore was trying to buy this place i want to buy it doesn't look like the site for a health farm to me and the cattle i know don't need rocks let's take a look at the ranch house anyway hmm see those prints see those are all a light they all have that same long looping world now they must belong to gorham because i found some others that match them in the bedroom in the kitchen [Music] so so something has been burned here recently now that's it looks like a piece of suspender maybe an old belt i wish sam was here he'd be able to tell us where the guard was in the habit of burning a lot of refuge in this fireplace or not hmm here's something suspended there's no sign in that fireplace if i put it having been fired into it you know what i think [Music] huh you got a bad moon there come on let me get you in the house you make it yeah come on easy [Music] we don't get that out it's going to get infected think you can stand it sure go ahead so misty mate i didn't even get a good look at his horse i ain't surprised exactly i've been figuring it was near time for something to happen to me how are you feeling mr adams oh i'm all right look at this bullet that dug out of his shoulder i'm gonna hang on to it too why to see if it matches that one i took off the fireplace thinking right all right sam oh yes i'll be all right an arch you better take him around home aren't you going long not till i look around this ranch a little more 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 why didn't i bring an adding machine i think it's wonderful all these people riding into art in the band what's wonderful about it art is so pig-headed he isn't he has a duty to his community well what about his duty to the band oh when i think of the dole we're not going to make 2011 2000 it's dad something's wrong dad you're hurt it's only a shoulder wound honey well who what get out who did it i wished i knew well wait a minute where are you going damn well but you can't i want to hear that song look art i've got the contract and everything i'm sorry buzz no he's sorry four million people waiting to hear him sing and he's sorry but i tell you he couldn't have seen me i was too far away i told you i didn't want any witnesses well i didn't know i was around [Applause] now get in that storeroom i want him to see you [Music] well lord i'll be with you in a minute where's titus what's the matter what's happened sam adams has been shot sam adams is he dead no i chased the gun when he looked something like titus where did this happen the gorham points oh well then it couldn't have been titus i sent him to alta mesa early this morning that's the opposite direction well he could have swung around that way well i didn't think for a minute that you had anything to do with mr moore but titus might be double cause impossible ray titus is absolutely dependable here's the ropes and things that you are man was it hot in how to measure today ark thinks you've been out shooting sam adams why i haven't been near gorham's place well uh you see i stopped at the bank and uh henderson told me about the shooting he'll be easy you fool you've started something now get henderson over here we got to work fast well mr moore couldn't have had anything to do with it tim he's a fine man with high ideas i don't doubt it but tell me what you do you'll head back to the ranch and keep your eye on sam we know by tomorrow morning whether titus is innocent or not [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] hey come out of there i'll bless you [Music] [Music] now [Music] thank you [Music] do [Music] [Music] here's the bullet we found gorham's fireplace this one i dug out of sam's shoulder and that's the one that was fired at me by titus last night there couldn't be a mistake could you tell him not a chance are you gonna arrest them now i'm gonna have to tighten this well now more is all right i know that but putting titus in jail it's too easy on him i'll turn to him myself i'll wait a minute hey come back here you wait here bud i can handle it better alone it must have been tim rand nobody else would think of pulling a stunt like that well do you think he did it just to get a bullet from my gun why of course he did he's pretty if you shot sam adams but where's your proof heart you've got to have proof i've got it can you come clean and tell me why you shot him or already well i didn't shoot him i'm counting three one two three this is the law's business arc nice work marshall pick up your gun you come along with me what are you taking me in for he was trying to shoot me arresting you for the murder of john gorham and the attempted murderer sam adams come on [Music] all right it's legal all right [Music] satisfied and now just spent 13 weeks on america's coast to coast network first broadcast tomorrow and from the addams ranch oh the boys will be glad won't they and our listeners do you know that we have five thousand fan letters [Applause] you're leaving yeah i'm delete tam at the jake but we gotta rehearse i'll be back to sundown [Music] don't be surprised with anything i say [Music] hello thomas there's no use marshall i'm still not talking well i am i just left more i know all about john gorham's death that's an old trick ran you think so i know that you crept up to gorham's window and shot him the bullet passed through him and landed in the fireplace where he burned his clothes and you buried his body in the woods i did it because moore ordered it well if i'm gonna swing he's gonna swing with me he planned every bit of it can you prove it yeah oh he's only trying to save his own skin and after all mr moore has done for you oh shut up and get out i've got to thank well whenever you're ready to tell the whole truth let me know titus i'll be waiting come on [Music] you still think moore isn't in on these crimes he hasn't any motive does titus [Music] why didn't you tell me that you found john gorham's body because i haven't that was just a stab in the dark and it worked remember those fingerprints we found in gorham's house yeah i've checked titus with them they matches one set perfectly the other said i haven't been able to identify you need more well i don't know but if i get all these fingerprints and they match the set that i have would you be convinced then that he's mixed up in these shootings i don't know well suppose i could give you a very strong motive suppose you and buzz help sure all right come on let's find a book that two boys more foul part like a ton of breaks he doesn't act like a crook i told him a statewide it's a shame if he's all right well when i waited me one thing at a time more promised to be the broadcaster he'd be ready to 8 30. will henderson be there with him well he said he would i'm going to sing and it's a shame to waste that singing on a fake broadcast what's the only way i get more fingerprints be careful of that mic after he's handled it right if you keep those colors busy for an hour then give me time to finish my job that's all i ask so [Music] all right my boy you're responsible for this marvelous opportunity the league is overwhelmingly indebted to you well after what titus did i thought i know i know how you feel my boy just to think ray titus of all people should betray my faith [Music] and a good good evening ladies and gentlemen wnx is honored tonight to bring you a special feature sponsored by the league of patriots opening our program this evening is uh mr art davis gifted cowboy singer and composer art will sing one of his own compositions untitled the west is always ready [Music] if the cow hands have to battle let the women round up cattle the west is always ready if it comes if there's gonna be disputing and they need some fancy shooting the west is always ready if it comes we'll always keep our stand for what the constitution cites we're all for one and one for all to keep this bill of rights let's remember general custer it won't take us long to muster the west is always ready if it comes [Music] the west is always ready if it comes every tommy hawking indian they all share the same opinion the west is always ready if it comes [Music] say the martins and the boys all heard the call of the vulcan sound they put aside their feud and they're with us in this jam if there's anyone who attacks us we have plenty here tobaccos yes the rest is always ready if it comes the prairie patriots let's all boaster with the sixth gun in each holster the west is always ready if it comes any foe who thinks they're smarties they will join the necktie party the west is always ready if it comes we'll fight just like the pioneers who were so strong and brave we'll fight to save this strip of land that our forefathers gave yes when the call of mine is needed we'll show them some stampeding the west is always ready [Music] [Applause] [Applause] it will only be for a little while until i come back to you [Music] darling think of me always wear a smile until i come back to you [Music] promise me forever that our love will forever be true [Music] it will only be for a little while until i come back to you [Music] it will only be oh just for a little while [Music] until i come back to you [Music] darling think of me always will smile until i come back to you [Music] promise me forever that i love will forever be true [Music] for it will only be just for a little while [Music] until i'll come back to you [Music] [Applause] [Music] and now ladies and gentlemen i'm sure you will all be interested in hearing from the man who is responsible for the great patriotic work being done in the state it gives me utmost pleasure to present to you mr ernest moore president and founder of the league of patriots mr moore [Applause] thank you mr weston and good evening uh ladies and gentlemen of the radio audience i am deeply gratified to have the opportunity of telling you of the aims and ideals of the league of paphius no longer do we walk blindly in the dark [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] see tim i understand about the fingerprints matching up but what does all this mean means that mourinho's outfit have got something up their sleeves besides health farms [Music] report of the assay office will tell us exactly what their racket is we're here goro lane he's found shop six weeks ago here's wiley he left town overnight without a word to anybody now moore owns every one of those ranchers what do we do next well we're going to bait the hook for mr moore give me these [Music] [Music] she [Music] [Music] stay there and watch down the hall so [Music] [Music] [Music] in them let's worry about that [Music] looks like moore's been here sure henderson probably told him about that burglary [Music] well they got their oar samples back too we're gonna have to spring that trap today our okay don't you tell buzz because i'm supposed to broadcast five o'clock oh you'll make it all right let's put this place in august all right [Music] marshall rand doesn't think titus lied he's on his way out to gorham woods now and he's going to arrest you the minute he gets back now i know that you're not guilty mr moore you couldn't be well thank you my boy that's why i came to warn you now the best trail out of town is north and i'll work night and day to prove your innocence mr moore we can't let the league fail now that's very nice of you art adios adios [Music] a fine boy and a loyal friend that voice faith in you as well is magnificent that's a lot of bunk can't you see it was all faked tim rand put him up to that to call my hand all right i'm seeing him but not the way he's expecting it i don't get it rand expects me to make a break for it and i will but i'll take titus with me i'm not leaving him here to hang me with a confession the jail brain's probably there i'll take care of that too lefty twin come here [Music] square want you to pack those saddlebags we're traveling lefty round up brad and the other boys i think i've got an idea how to get marshall tim round out of town [Music] now more probably try to break titus out of this jail but whatever i do or wherever i go don't you follow me you stay right here and keep your eye on it i've got more sized up right he'd try to figure some way to get me out of town and i'll play his game that is for a little while but you just keep in touch with buzz on that shortwave set of yours there i'll contact him and let him know what road moore's gang takes and whatever you do don't try to capture this outfit single-handed you're due to broadcast in a couple of hours okay tim the fun started already art well good luck fellas follow you fellas [Music] english [Music] [Music] so all right boys let's try it again riding the texas trail one two three hold it get that radio set working marks you to call in any minute [Music] [Music] [Music] all right a couple of you boys watch the [Music] all back take it easy bill oh so two more times [Music] here am i glad to see you more you think i deserve you here come on let's get out of here [Music] come on hold it get his horse all right turn around get moving [Music] look what i found sneaking around back wait a minute it's worth more to us alive you won't get away at this more come on bring him along get on your horse anymore are you sure that sets working buzz hart should have called in before this it's working wxbw calling wxad wxbw calling wxad and nwxad now so well that's funny more must have made a move by now keep trying wxbw calling wxad wxbw calling wxad [Music] we'll split it three forks and meet across the border tomorrow night but what about me oh shut up let him alone will you i'm handling him in my own way yeah you're figuring on collecting the ransom and keeping it for yourself what do you mean i'm no double crosser that's what you say cq cq mayday mayday mayday mayday matter with you going crazy lay off of him will you at least till we get across the border that's hard sounds like he's in trouble i'll say he's in trouble looks as though more in the gang have got him listen more if you're asking me to get across the border you're heading the wrong way you should take the indian head trail we're on the indian head trail who's asking you now one more peep out of you and i'm going to let you have it come on let's get going we've got to get across the border before dark cqcq may day may day cq cq wait a minute radio where you've been sending signals have you yes it's a short wave set climb the saddle so they're heading for the border through indian head trail right well i'll be there to meet him you keep that thing tuned in i'll get a posse good [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] scatter it's the posse man [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey all right now fellas well you beat it for the right as fast as you can you've gone the air in a half hour thanks tim i didn't think [Music] oh where is he where is he why doesn't he come you know marge everything happens to me are you all right yeah i'm already chatter cut the shadow we got five minutes airplane marge go round up the bars all right adjust that mic [Applause] until i come back to you [Music] promise me forever that i love will forever be true or it will only be just for a little while [Music] until i'll come back to you [Music]
Channel: El Quixote
Views: 46,194
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: music, joe rogan, snl, wwe, lofi, shane dawson, fox news, msnbc, t series, songs, jake paul, eminem, taylor swift, trump, game of thrones, espn, drake, trump media, tik tok, tom mix, tim mccoy, western movies, frontier justice, horse, saddles, law, las vegas, texas, arizona, black jack, nfl, nba, baseball, movies, television, abc, cbs, cnn, nbc, gold mine, bbc, rugby, money, politics, washington dc, gaming, table, NEW YORK, YOU TUBE, youtube, google, james bond, cowboys, ranches, war, history, 1930'S, INDIANS
Id: RVTb_aK_dOo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 54sec (3234 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 15 2022
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