Punishment Trivia Murder Party! (Jackbox Games)

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- [Courtney] Three, two, one. - I got a hunch that it's pudding! (Tommy screams) (upbeat theme music) - Ooh. Spooky. Wow. Hi, I'm Anna Faris and we're on Smosh Games today. Video's starting! - I had no idea. - Wow. Spooky. Ooh. - [Tommy] That's very close. - Sounds like a horny cat. (Sarah and Tommy laugh) (Courtney groans) - I was saying spooky because we're playing "Trivia Murder Party 2" - Ooh. - Reloaded. - We're gonna play a game. - Is that "Saw?" Is that what you're doing? - Yep, I'm trying. - But, we're not just playing that. We're not just playing "Trivia Murder Party 2," we are playing punishment "Trivia Murder Party 2." - Of course, of course. - So, it's a trivia game. I have a hard time with this game. I'm not very good at trivia. But, when you lose and you are out of the game, you then take one of these manila folders that are top secret cases, and the case is what your punishment is gonna be. Porz! - [Tommy] Porz. - The thing I scream every time I look at my face after the shower. - So, wait. There's a definite chance to get the room code "porn." - I hope so. - Yeah! Or corn! - One time on stream I did get one that was just "Epstein didn't kill himself" and it was so like, whoa! - [Shayne] That's awesome. - You got the acronym for that, right? - Yeah. Pepstein Oidn't Rill Zrimhself. (everyone laughs) Everybody's in? - I think so. Tomeybones. - Whoa, I ship it! - Who am I getting shipped with? Who am I getting shipped with? (everyone screams) - That means, Sexy killer - Sexy killer. - I'm the sexy killer. You got shipped with Ian from Smosh, idiot. (everyone laughs) - "Trivia Murder Party 2." - You're too good at that voice. - Dos es spookies. - [Menacing Game Voice] Prepare to die! - Oh no. - It's "The Shining." It's "The Shining" floor. - "The Shining" is just what happens to me whenever I stay at Comfort Inn. - Stop. Oh no! - War never changes. - Oh, I know it! - Wait, I actually don't think I know this one. - Oh, (beep). - I don't know. - I made a mistake. Yep, I made a mistake. - Yeah! - Call of Duty starts with a 10 year old calling you slurs. - [Ian] Wow, three of you guys died immediately. - [Menacing Game Voice] I'm going to dictate a message to you. The player who writes the fewest of my words will die. - Oh God. - (beep) - [Menacing Game Voice] And we begin. Dear Dog Owners, what is it like to feel unconditional love in spite of all of your human flaws? I bet it is really nice. How do you feel about having to pick up dog poop? I suspect that is the best part. Time's up! - Oh. (Tommy laughs) - I didn't get to bet. (Ian groans) - Tommy Bowes! Tommy's the first. - [Menacing Game Voice] I can't send this letter, are you kidding me? - Yeah, well... I like blinked and then he was like four sentences later and I was like... - No! - So, I just passed away? - You're dead. - Tommy has passed away. - If you want the reward, I think it's this one. (Sarah laughs) - You don't know. - [Tommy] Hey, you like picking up dog poop? (Courtney laughs) - Oh. $10 at Sizzlers that you can redeem in five years. (Tommy makes whipping sounds) - Okay. (Sarah laughs) There's nothing inside. Guess I'm good. - Nope. (everyone laughs) - It's a single bee, let me kiss it. Okay, here we go. Branded card. Mystery detective hat. - Mystery detective hat! - It's like, yes we know what that is! It is "solve this mystery when you pop it on your head." That's all it says. Where dat hat at? (beep) - [Person Behind The Camera] You look like two kids in a (beep)-- - [Courtney] Do you need to, like, hold your sleeves down? - Yeah. - Mr. Adultman from "Bojack." - He's Detective Adultman. - [Sarah] You look like Inspector Gadget. - You look like a character from "Despicable Me." - I'm sorry, is the punishment "roast me?" - You look like you're about to enter into "Wacky Races." - I've got a hunch! - Tommy, I need you to say a detective line before you place the hat on. - I'm sorry. - Like, "there's a mystery afoot!" - Is it pudding? - And then, you'll have to curtsy or something. - Like a detective. - Gotcha. - Ready? - Three, two, one. - I got a hunch that it's pudding! (squishing sound) - There you go! - [Damien] What are you feeling? - [Sarah] Solve the mystery! Just lift it. - It's all in the back so I'm gonna do this. I'm gonna do that (screams). Okay, imagine like the fattest slug going "hey!" up on your head. That's what this is. It's gotta be pudding. - [Courtney] Ready? Three, two, one, lift! (everyone screams) - It's spaghetti! - [Courtney] Dude, that was my dream last time I had a mystery hat! - [Damien] That was Summer Games for me years ago. - Smells old. - I love old spaghetti. - Yay, Tommy! - I want spaghetti now. Do we have any leftover spaghetti? Any loose spaghetti perhaps? - It's time to leave this crime in the past-a. (characters grunt) - I'm gonna need to check my sauce. (characters grunt) I think we should make an influencer room that's just full of spaghetti. - That'd be great. Tomey is exploded. - Tomey is dead. - Ian from Smosh in the lead. - Wow, we have gotten through one question of 10. - [Menacing Game Voice] What does it mean if our room service breakfast is a la carte? - Oh. - Boom! - Yeah! - We eat out too much. - We, hotel-lias. - Oh shoot. - [Menacing Game Voice] is also a symbol of the Chinese Zodiac? - (beep)! - Oh, Zodiac Killer. - Never seen this, dude. - It's a-- - Why would you say it? - It's the Kung Fu Panda! - It's Ted Cruz's dad. - I don't... I would love it if Kung Fu Panda is the Chinese Zodiac. - It's literally just Jack Black. - Yeah! - No! I picked... I went with crane. - [Menacing Game Voice] Type in an answer that fits this category. Everyone else will answer too, and if anyone matches you, you die! (Sarah gasps) - Okay, got it. - [Menacing Game Voice] Now, let's see if there are any matches. (Ian laughs) Fef! (everyone laughs) - Wow, you survived, you're safe. - I'm safe! - I like how they let you write more than one letter. - I wrote fef and it allowed it! - Dude, that's a throwback to Smosh Live. - [Menacing Game Voice] Which cereal has a mascot that is spineless? (Ian laughs) - The coward. Oh, I actually I knew this one was coming up. That's awesome. I, like, guessed. I was like this is the only one I can think of, and it popped up right there. - That's amazing. - Yay! - If anyone got that wrong that'd be bad. - We are literally a class of children. - The Trix rabbit is not a coward. - These questions are so easy. - He fought in two wars. - [Menacing Game Voice] What is not in the original "Dracula" novel? - Oh we're (beep). These questions are so easy. - Oh, I've read this. - I know this one. - If Shayne doesn't know it... - I forget. - Dang it! - Yes! I did know it! - Whoa! - Dang. - We're screwed. - Someone's gonna die. - Oh frick. - Choose a spot to hide. - [Menacing Game Voice] I would say "don't get too comfortable," but I feel like that's obvious. - [Courtney] Oh dang it. I know everyone picked the one I picked. Dang it. Dang it, dang it, dang it. I'm screwed. - I can't look. - I get to kill! - No, don't kill, don't kill. You can abstain. - That's true, Tommy. You could be that cool. - Cut the middle one. - How far does it? No! - Just obliterating people. - Three deaths in a row. - That was pretty epic, man. A successful ghost. That's the problem with being a ghost, you can't kill people because then they can immediately enact revenge. - [Damien] They can sue you, dude. - [Sarah] We're all gonna know in a second. - Okay, it says that... - Nope. - I get... $5,000 put into my bank account from Smosh. So, thanks, Smosh. - That's you just paying yourself. - "You're a wet blanket. "Wear this wet sheet for the rest of the video." - Wow! - Yeah, in time of great national illness. Let's cover you in wet clothes. - Yeah, let's make me cold and wet. A great environment for virus to propagate. It's so wet! - Such a wet blankie. - It's so wet. Oh my God. - I got spaghetti, you got pneumonia. - Let's call the whole thing off. - Oh no. - Yucky. It's damp. - It's properly wet. Ooh. - Okay. - Sorry, go for it. Ooh. These are the only pants I brought. (Sarah laughs) - Well, oops. - And I'm not wearing a bra. (Sarah and Tommy laugh) - Oh, I hope this is the good one but it could not be. "Live your best life. "Everyone compliments the loser "for one minute!" I told you this was the good one! - You're psychic as hell! - I told you this was the good one! - All right, I'm gonna put one minute on the clock. - 35 minutes on the clock. - Nope, one minute on the clock. - 45 minutes on the clock. - Three, two, one. (overlapping chatter) - There was that one guy who insulted me at a Sizzler, and you were like, "look, Shayne, you're my best friend. "I'm gonna track this person down, I'm gonna kill him." And you did. You tracked him all the way to Milwaukee. You found where he was staying at, and you murdered him in cold blood. And you did it all for me. And I just thought, like, you're a very giving person to go and kill someone solely for insulting me at a Sizzler. You went and killed them. And you didn't even use a weapon. You just did it with your bare hands. And you said you enjoyed it. Which, you know, I respect you for. I respect you for enjoying killing people. - They don't squarnt very good, but you squarnt really good. (bell dings) - [Tommy] Feel good now? - [Courtney] You are a good cat dad. - Thank you. - Hey, can I do my punishment now. - I guess. - Okay, it says... "Vegemite donut." "That's it. "Eat the Vegemite donut." - Oh no. - Can someone remind me what Vegemite is? - So, Vegemite is when they make beer, the things that are left over from the yeast, it's very nutritional, so they scrape it off and it's spread on bread. Other places do it super, super thin. We in America screw it up and have a bunch and put it in a donut, and it's yucky and salty and earthy. - What's the difference between Vegemite and Marmite? - It's the same thing. - Is it? - I think there's a slight difference. - Marmites grow from the top and Vegemites grow from the bottom. - Marmites evolve with the sun stone? - Is that like the entire top is Vegemite? Wow! Nice job, Cass. - [Ian] I might want a bite of that after though. - [Damien] Should we have a trash can ready? - Here we go! - Oh, it smells bad! - Three, two, one! - [Damien] Actually that's a lot of B vitamins. (Courtney gags) - [Sarah] Maybe the glaze? (Courtney gags) (Courtney spits) - The smell is not in my top 10 smells. (Courtney groans) - [Ian] Can I have a nibble? (Courtney groans) (Sarah laughs) - [Ian] Can I have a bite? - [Damien] Oh, the smell is really rough mixed with the Courtney spit. (Courtney screams) - Are you okay? - Oh, it smells like old rice or something. - All right, shall we continue on? - Oh boy! That was so bad, guys. - [Menacing Game Voice] Where do you wear a circlet? - On your circles, duh. - (beep) I don't know this. - What? - I don't know it either. - Are you serious? It's the easiest. (Courtney screams) - 'Cause you know the names for the things on the other parts of the body. - I know that because of RPGs. - Sarah, no! - [Menacing Game Voice] Enter a real four-letter word with your device. Don't make it easy. If someone cracks your password, you die! - Start guessing. Four-letter password. It was gonna be caps and then I thought it was too obvious. Oh, you guys have time to re-do a bunch. - Yeah. - P is the last letter, folks. - Oh, really? Oh, soap? - Damn it. - [Menacing Game Voice] Your security's been breached. - That's a good one. - I still die? - No, you survived I think? - You guessed it? - I guessed soap? - You got it! - You're dead. - You killed Sarah. - I killed you? - Yeah, good job. - I'm so proud of you though. - Thank you. - I like how this is like a huge achievement and you're like sorry. - I'm sorry. - I was like dumb, fart, cock. (Shayne laughs) - Ass with three s's. - We all went dirty but she went clean. - All right, hand me that envelope. - You know what actually would be smart is to just not do a word. - Oh, no! - You have to get a divorce. - Social distance hickey. A hickey while social distancing. So, it is a vacuum with lips on the end of it. - That looks sick! - Whoa! - Bring that shit into the frame. - Hell yeah, I want one. Did you put chap stick on it? - Yep, they put lipstick on it. - [Courtney] That's awesome! - Sarah, do you mind if I give you a hickey? Sarah, let me give you a hickey. Look at this. - [Shayne] I don't trust Ian with this thing. - [Sarah] There's a hair on it! - How do I turn it off? Oh, it's the power button. That's weird. - I don't like that it's in the shape of a cock. - I gotta admit that the comments regarding this device are gonna be rough! - Right here, buddy. - It's the power button? I wonder if this is gonna work? - I don't know. I think you have to press kinda hard to get the suction. (Sarah laughs) - Ready? Three, two, one! (Sarah gags) - [Damien] It smells really bad, doesn't it? - That feels-- (everyone screams) - I imagine that's how gross it would be to be kissed in real life, I imagine. (Sarah gags) - I hate the feeling. Oh no! Oh no, guys! Look! - That looks like a sick tat! - All right, let's see if we can beat Shayne now in the actual final round. - [Courtney] Are you winning? - I guess so. - [Sarah] Yeah you're the only one alive. - Wow. That's pretty cool. Never been alive before. - Oh boy. - $7,000? - Dude, you're destroying us, my guy! - The elevator broke. - Uh oh. - Here we go. - [Menacing Game Voice] I'm gonna give you a category. - Oh yeah, this is the trivia race. - [Menacing Game Voice] Taco Bell menu items! - And you can select more than one answer. - But if you're a ghost, you have access to answers that the living people do not. That's where you get that random chance to come back. - Cruciferous vegetables. - And you can select more than one? - Yeah, you can. - And not selecting one, and then getting that right then it's not, also counts as a go forward. - Damn it! - Yeah! - Boom, baby! One, two, three. - I'm on the board now. - We're coming behind you. I don't know this. - Dang it! - I thought it might have been... Yeah. Damien, you and I we're... - Caffeinated. - Oh yeah. - You don't know nothing about me, Ian. - Oh yeah! - Oh crap. - I got one of them wrong. - What? - Dang it! - Orange soda usually has caffeine. - All the Mormons in the house should know that, right? - [Menacing Game Voice] Don't look behind you! - Stop! - The shadows. - Uh oh, Courtney. - I want you in a horror movie yelling "stop" at a ghost. - I don't know. - No, yes! - Yeah, baby! One, two, three! - [Menacing Game Voice] That one was too easy. - Damn, Shayne you're killing it! Can you try doing worse? - (beep) I have no idea. - No! - I didn't know The Thinker wasn't one. - Please, please, please, please. - Catchin' up to ya, Shayne! - No! - You guys are dead now forever. - Mime? - God damn it! - None of them! (Courtney screams) (Ian screams) - [Sarah] You're just full on that guy from "Despicable Me." - Babbo Natale. - Isn't that Claudio's uncle? - Do you know what Claudio's last name stands for? - Not quite. Yeah! - Christmas. - Am I gonna get swallowed by that dark? - Whoa! - Shayne has to get all answers correct in order to exit. - [Menacing Game Voice] If you want to break through that barrier you'll need to perfectly answer this question. - Oh. - I never even heard of a pinniped. - [Ian] Which is probably a trick question, but I'm goin' for it! - All three? - Oh (beep) - I would like your life please. - One more question! - About time travel. - I don't know this one, I guessed. - This might be a trick question. - It might be none. - I know "Dusk Till Dawn" is a vampire movie. - Wow. - Damien won. - No, I didn't get it all right. I need to get all of them right. - Whoa! Here we go, baby! - Gotta get all three right! - Oh no. - [Sarah] You gotta get all three right. - This seems like a trick. (everyone groans) No! - I don't understand the rules of this. - You have to get all three right. - I thought I did. - Thank you to my last roommate. - I don't know any of this. - What?! - Shayne you won! - Yay! - Holy smokes! - I think that's the first time I've won in "Trivia Murder Party." - That's fantastic. - Well you did good. - Wow, thanks guys. Thank you for helping me survive and get $7,000. Extremely cool. Thank you to all you for not knowing stuff. - [Ian] Tommy Bowes, you got poor listening skills. - What? (Courtney laughs) - We learned a lot. We mainly learned not to give Ian a lip vacuum. A mouth vacuum. Don't ever give Ian one of those. - [Tommy] I think that's the lesson of this. - [Shayne] That's the main lesson. Don't give Ian a mouth vacuum. - I have pneumonia now. - Guys, we have other videos that I highly recommend. - So many videos. - Definitely a couple. We have at least two. They're right here. Subscribe. - You can. - It's pretty unbelievably cool. - And be sure, call your parents. They worry. - They worry. Even if they're in the other room, call them on the telephone. Confuse them. - And don't forget to brush your teeth. - And don't forget to write! So long! Take care!
Channel: Smosh Games
Views: 706,702
Rating: 4.970983 out of 5
Keywords: smosh, smosh games, gaming, comedy, funny, Punishment Trivia Murder Party! (Jackbox Games), jackbox games, trivia murder party, smosh games jackbox
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 3sec (1263 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 28 2020
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