big brain charades (Board AF)

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- Yodeling. (laughing) (yodeling) (dramatic music) - What is up, my friendos? Today, we are playing a game called Monikers. You may know it as Fishbowl or may be Popcorn we think it might be called? - I don't know. Honestly I don't think it matters. - It's 9000 IQ charades. - It's charades with three rounds. Our first round, you can only use words. Anything, but the word on the card that you're trying to get your team to guess. Second round, you can do that with only one word and then third round is charades. So we're going to pick the ones that we liked the best and make a new deck out of that. And that's the deck that we're going to use for every round going forward. Oh, let's name our teams. - Oh okay. We are Team Bright. - Bright! - Bright. - And you are team-- - Team Dark (laughing) - Yeah, we're Team Dork. - So to start we are each going to get 10 cards and we are going to choose our seven favorite and put them in the deck. - Can I say a tip for everyone? Make sure you're paying attention even when it's not your team so that you are knowing all the cards in that deck, it'll make it easier for you in the future. - Pro tip! - [Together] Pro tip! Pro tip. - So we're going to start off with Sarah Widdle. We've got all the cards there and she has this many amount of time. - [Sarah] 60 seconds I believe. - Well, we don't, that's the twist. We don't know. - We actually don't know. - Yeah that's the bonk hour glass. - But if we all stay on the same timer it's equal. - How much money in the grains? - [Presenter] Three, two, one, believe in your dreams. - She wants to skin 101 Dalmatians. - [Together] Cruella de Vil. - This is the big wooden animal that-- - Trojan Horse! - Nice! - This is a martial arts weapon with two sticks. - Nun chucks! - Two sticks. - Okay. This is what I'm doing. - Staring at you. - Staring contest? - Me mugging. - Hardcore. - Metal? - Like you're running around and you're doing stuff on your, you're jumping off of sidewalks and walls and stuff. - [Together] Parkour! - Okay, this is where you sing in the mountains and it's like-- - Yodeling! - Yes, this is where you are kind of singing against someone. - Harmonizing! - Epic, used to be a big thing and you two back in the day. - Rap battle! - She fell on live TV. - Grape Lady. - I put that card in there. - And then this is a little, cute little rat that comes out of the ground and he's like brown. And they like stand on their-- - Golfer, groundhog. - Prairie dog! - No, but like, I think they're African. - Meerkat. - Yeah, they had a show. - Teach me how to-- - Dougie. - Nice. - Is that it? Oh and then where in the world is? - Carmen Sandiego. - [Group] Time! - This is so cute for the meerkat. It's just like a drawing of a meerkat. - I picked that one out. - It's so cute. - [Contestant] That's smart. - All right Team Dorks. Are you ready? - Team Dork! - Three, two, one, believe in your dreams. - Okay. It was Tom Hanks on SNL. - David of Pumpkins. S. Pumpkins. - Damn! Amazing! - It was my card. - Okay, okay, okay, you're cuddling and you're the one, yep. - Big spoon. - Okay, oh, happened in San Francisco. Murderer. - Zodiac killer. - Ooh, I just woke up stinky. It's coming out of my mouth. - Bad breath. Morning breath. - Morning breath. - Yep, morning breath. This is a thing in the early 2000s. - Boning. - No, put it in the back of your pickup and it would dangle down in the back. - Truck balls. - Squirrels love? - [Together] Nuts. - Truck nuts. - Truck nut. - This is so weird. - Okay, I think they're blue, no they're orange. Or they're blue, I forget. Willy Wonka-- - Oompa Loompas. - Oh, they're orange. - Bear? The big one. - Grizzly. - Grizzly man. - Last word is the family. - Grizzly Adams. - Damn! - Get it Spencer. - So this person complains all the time at stores. - Karen. - This is a modern game! - Big guy, Princess Bride. - [Together] Andre The Giant. - You guys are killing it. - Nice! - Waka waka waka. - Tarplane! - No. - He did say it. - I said Pacman as you said time. I think I'm the - I don't know and I don't care. - best person in the world. - Yeah. - So that's why you should get the point? Damian are you ready? - Yes. - Believe in your dreams. - You ready? - You would lie straight on a bench and take a picture of it for your friends. - [Together] Planking. - Stepping backwards like Michael Jackson. - [Contestants] Moon walking. - Han shot this person first. Skipping, skipping. - Oh, friend. - Okay, this is a book about, for children about a - The bible. - starving little bug and they would keep eating leaves and it was really bright. - The rainbow caterpillar? - The lady bug? - I heard that's the one. - The caterpillar? The hungry caterpillar. - How? - The very hungry caterpillar. - There we go. There we go. - How hungry was he? - Okay, this is a dad thing, and you go... - [Sarah] Dad joke. Father joke. - Finger guns? - Yeah. She hid in an attic and we read her diary. - Anne Frank. - This is a very slow creature that made-- - Sloth. - What age? It's so young. - Aging sloth. - Young! - Baby sloth? - There we go. This is a video game where you'll play a her sign animal and it's wacky, you say ba, and it was very popular like five years ago for streamers. - Pinata? - It was baa, baa. - Sheep? Goat? - Goat simulator? - Oh, goat simulator, yeah, I remember those videos. - You are weeping and you don't look good doing it. - Ugly crying. - Ugly. - The shortest member of the very rich family in Game of Thrones. He was blonde. - Tyrion Lannister. - There we go. She dammit has goop. Goop, goop. - Gwyneth Paltrow! - There we go, okay. - No more, you can't do anymore. - You're done. - Two, one, believe in your dreams. - The bad guy in Narcos. - Pablo Escobar. - He's who Han Solo shot. - [Contestant] Greedo. - Wow. Nerds. - It's when you really gotta urinate you go... - Pee pee dance. - (beep) out for? - Harambe. - Okay, it's what you sit down in when you're playing Vija. - What? Can you speak English? - Gaming chair. - What was that? - Gamer chair. - Damn, how'd you know that? - When you see a big chonker, what do you say? - Damn. What that do? - O Lawd, he comin. (laughing) - The big purple guy from McDonald's. - Grimace. - I know, Grimace. - When you... - Make it rain. - When you... - Oh, blue steel. - I think words more then actions are nice. - Pout. Duck face. - No, it's like... - Smize. - It's a Madonna song. - No, you can use sounds and gestures. - Oh you can? - Voguing! - Oh vogue! - When you love Starbucks. - Basic! - Yeah but you're a-- - [Contestants] Basic bitch. - And waka waka waka. - Pacman! - Damn! - Wow. With time to spare. - So that ends round one. So currently the score is Team Bright with 41 points and then Team Dark with 48. - So guys, for the second round, the game says you can only use one word as a clue, no sounds, no gestures. So waka waka waka doesn't work. - But I will argue that waka is a word. - Are we counting waka as a word? - It's a Blitz Ball player from Final Fantasy 10. It counts. - There's better words. - Okay, Courtney, three, two, one, believe in your dreams. - Diary. - Anne Franke. - Anne Franke. - Urination. - Pee pee dance, the pee dance. - (beep) - Out for Harambe. - Hanks. - Tom? - Tom Hanks. - I don't know. - Big? - Skip. Chungus. - O Lawd he comin. (laughing) - I'm so lost. - Singing. - Yodeling. Rap battle. - Starbucks. - Basic bitch. - Damn! - Looking. - Looking, I don't know. - looking, looking, looking. - Staring contest. - Mountains. - [Contestants] Yodeling. - Weapon. - [Contestants] Nun chucks. - Anti-vax. - [Contestants] Karen. - Narcos. - Pablo Escobar. - Mouth. - Grape Lady. - Maybe skip. - Skipping. Backwards. - Moon walk. - [Contestants] Damn. - Arcade. - Pacman. - Nice! (laughing) - Time. - Nice job Courtney! - Good job! - Good job, that was intense. - Yeah, you guys didn't get all of them though. - We didn't, we didn't. - That sucks that you couldn't get all of them. - Spencer got all of them. - I feel like that was more cards than I got in being able to say anything. - Three, two, one, believe in your dreams. - Wonka. - [Contestants] Oompa Loompa. - We're screwed. - Slow. - Baby sloth. - Where? - Carmen Sandiego. - Oh damn. - Francisco. - Pablo Escobar? - Oh, Francisco. - No San Francisco. - [Contestants] Zodiac Killer. - Dangling. - Pee pee dance. - No. - Ah, dangling, dangling. Put it aside. Keep going. - Goop. - Gwyneth Paltrow. - Dalmatians. - [Contestants] Cruella De Vil. - Sheep. - Oh, the startled goat. The fainting goat. - No that was the practice round. Sheep? Skip. - Bear. - Grizzly man. Grizzly Adams. - Grizzly Adams, yeah. - Book. - Anne Franke. - You already said it. - Skip. - Dad. - Finger guns. - Han. - Greedo. - [Contestants] Time! - Good job. - Nice. - You did it! - It's honestly the easy ones. 'Cause they're so vague. - You're so vague you probably think a song is about something. I'm gonna tweet that. I'm gonna tweet that immediately. - All right, one word. You ready? Ready team? - Yes, one word. - Time master. - One word. Lots of laughs. Three, two, one, believe in your heart. - Lay. - Planking. - Wild. - Meerkat. - Sit. - Dang beetle man. - Graffiti, no. - Skip. - Okay, purple. - Grimace. - Nice. Cuddle. - Big spoon. - Yes. Frenchman. - [Contestants] Andre the Giant. - Yeah, nice. Wait, that was two words. - Frenchman, one word. - Oh Frenchman, okay. - Yeah, it was one word on the card. Cash. - I don't know. - Skip. I know. - That was my card. - Madonna. - Vogue. Voguing. - Vogue. Nice. - Tears. - Ugly crying, nice. - Ugly cry. - Dance. - Moonwalk? - Rap? Moon walking? Rap battle? - Dougie. - Yes, fall. - Grape Lady. - Ugly cry. We've already done that. - Hardcore. - [Contestants] Parkour. - Stinky. - Morning breath. - Hanks. - David S. Pumpkins. - Wooden. - [Contestants] Trojan horse. - Nice. - Time. You carried us that round, damn. - No, you carried the first half, not gonna lie. - Well I guess we're just a great team. - All right, you have this many cards. Can you do it? - I don't know. Can I? Three, two, one, go believe in your dreams. - Game. I'll come back to it. Balls. - Truck nuts. - Book. - Oh wait, no, oh. The Very Hungry Caterpillar. - Oh! - Little. - Spoon or... Little. Oh god. (beep) Baby Sloth. - Skip. - I only have two other ones left. - Yeah, skip. Well we can come back to it. - Oh, money. - Make it rain. - Sit. - Okay. - [Contestant] Sit. Sarah used that words too and I don't know what it means. - Game. (laughing) - Let's do this. - They're fairly some toughies. - All right. - [Contestants] Three, two, one. - Believe in your dreams. - Game. - Gaming chair. - Yup. - Wow! - (beep) That's right. - Forgot all about that one. - Oh, thrones. - Tyrion Lannister. - That was gonna be my next clue. - Sheep. - Goat simulator. - There you go, yes, thank you. - That was the one I said sit for, and you said sit. - 64 added to Team Bright. - Oh no. - For round three, just charades. No words. Sound effects are okay within reason. - All right, so I guess Spencer begins this next round if we wanna go by the rules or... - You know what, I'm taking off my jacket. - Whoa. - Oh my God. - He's going into dark mode. - He's going hectic. - Three, two, one, believe in your dreams. - Oh, pee pee dance. - He already put it down before he charaded. - [Contestant] O Lawd she comin? - [Contestants] Meerkat Manor. Meerkat. - [Sarah] What? - Skip it. - Wha? - Nun chucks. - Num num chucks. - Staring contest. - [Contestant] Planking. - See I couldn't have done that sitting down. - Deez nuts. Oh truck nuts. - That could've been a few things. - [Contestant] Meerkat. Gaming chair. - Nice. - Truck nuts. - (beep) out for Harambe. - Nice! - It's funny 'cause the prompt is just Harambe but... - Oh, Pacman. - Parkour. Was it parkour? - Grape Lady. - Breath. Stinky, morning breath. - Time! Time now. You got it, you got it, you got it. No, you got it. - Nice job Spencer. - [Presenter] Three, two, one, believe in your dreams. - Perceive these nuts. - Charades. - Hungry Caterpillar. - How hungry was he? - Very Hungry Caterpillar. Meerkat! - Basic bitch. - Yep. - Ooh, that's good. (gasps) - Shocker. - Staring contest. O Lawd he comin. - I never know that one. Grizzly Adams. - Great facial expressions. - Baby sloth. - [Sarah] Smoking? - [Contestants] Cruella De Vil. - Cocaine. Cocaine? Andre the Giant. - Oh, yeah. Okay. - I don't know. I don't know. - Did cocaine? - Skipping. - Goat simulator. - Yodeling? Dancing. - Oompa Loompa, Willy Wonka. - You just sang the song. - Oompa Loompa. - Sound effects are okay. - Sound effects are okay. - The whole song. - She sang the whole ass song. - The song says Oompa Loompa in it. - Coffees and smoke. - Andre the Giant. Tyrion Lannister. - Hey, hey you. - Karen! - Trojan horse! Anne Franke. - That's not bad. - Damn. - That was, I didn't even-- - Voguing! - Teach me how to dougie! And time. - No one taught me. - Big spoon. - Time. - [Sarah] I wanted to say it but-- - It's okay. - That was good. That was really good. - That was real good. - [Sarah] All right, Shane, you ready? - Believe in your dreams! - Where's our Carmen Sandiego? Finger guns. - Oh, Greedo. - [Spencer] Oh. (quirky music) - No. - [Sarah] He got so mad. - He's hacking. He's stabbing. - Stabbing. - Oh, oh, not nun chucks stab. Writing. Stabbing. - They should skip. - (beep) - They don't deserve it. - That wasn't your fault. - Yodeling? (laughing) (yodeling) - [Spencer] Interesting. - [Presenter] Oh, parkour. - Ugly cry. - That's good. Andre the giant. - [Contestants] Voguing. - Nice. - Yeah. - [Spencer] Make it rain. - [Contestant] Nice. - Beatboxing. Rap battling. - Rap battle. - Epic rap battling. - Morning breath? Ate something, it's a rainbow. McDonald's. Oh, oh, Grimace! - Grimace. - No. - [Spencer] Anne Franke. Finger guns. Moon walking. - [Presenter] Time. - You didn't do that one with your fingers? - Oh yeah. - All right, are you ready? - [Presenter] Three, two, one, believe in your heart. Finger guns. - It's so easy. - Lisa Franke! - Skip it for now. - That was a practice round. - I had no idea. - [Contestants] Big spoon! - Pablo Escobar. - What's his name? - There we go. - Movie. - It's the movie. Is that that San Francisco murderer thing? - Shopping. Oompa Loompa. - Blonde. Tom Hanks! Oh, David S. Pumpkins. Gaming. Truck nuts. - Online shopping? I don't know. - Skip it for now. - Yeah (beep) that one. - This is confusing. - I'll get it. - [Presenter] But you can't look at it. Zodiac Killer. - [Woman] Yeah, there you go. - Oh and writing, okay. - Cruella De Vil. Okay, let's try again. - [Spencer] A long cigarette. - [Presenter] Ian. Hair. Movie about hair? - Legally Blonde? Gwyneth Paltrow. - Oh my God, good job. - Yeah, that one skipped. - David S. Pumpkins. - Yes. - Yeah! We did it! Let's count up the points and get that final tally. - Well we lost. - Light versus dark. - There's no doubt we lost. - It's okay. - [Cameraman] Okay, Team Dark has 119. So 119 points. - Nice nice. - All right we did it. - [Cameraman] Team light has 148. - They're so close but Team Bright wins! - We won! We won! - By a narrow margin, Team Bright has taken the victory today. (cheering) But that's okay because I think we all won in how much fun we had. If you're not done watching Smosh, we got a couple more videos for you. - We have so much fun. - We do have a couple more so why don't you click over here, click over, could be either. - There's two funs! - You never know. - Two videos to perceive. - Double the pleasure. Double the fun. - Perceive these videos. - Spencer you smell very good. - I switched deodorants. I bought Native! - You bought Native? Do you like it? - Yeah! (cheering)
Channel: Smosh Games
Views: 412,171
Rating: 4.9766254 out of 5
Keywords: smosh, smosh games, gaming, comedy, funny, big brain charades (Board AF), board games, party games, monikers, charades
Id: KxGqOMF3vqY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 21sec (1041 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 10 2021
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