Mystery Mario Party Cupcake Challenge

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- There was like a Dijon moment with the sugar. - Oh my god it smells! - But then it became pure hell. - [Sarah] Oh my god. - That's how you get four wishes from a genie. (dinging) - Hey guys, we are doing something very, very special. We are playing mystery cupcake challenge. Are you ready? You better be ready. So how this is gonna work today is there are how many, there are eight cupcakes? - That's how many. - Yup and eight people. - That's how many cupcakes there are. We are going to play a Mario party and we're gonna do a mini game and whoever gets eliminated in the mini game has to draw a cupcake. Now the catch is, all of these cupcakes are made by Garrett. - Oh no. - And he touched them with his gross fingies. - He put his fingie in every one of these. - [Sarah] Oh (beep). - One of these cupcakes of each of the colors is a good'n and one is a bad'n. You guys wanna take some guesses as to what's in there? - Shrek. - Poop. - Shrek. - Shrek is inside of one 'em. - Hot. What's our team name, man? - Ba, ba, ha Baby, no wait (laughing) - That's it, Babaha. - Babaha baby. - We're Team Babaha. - Babaha. What's your team name? - [Shayne] What's our team name, man? - The 1960 Buffalo Bills. - They didn't? - Nope. - Yeah, sure. (laughing) - Team Sommy? - Wow, I guess you've named us already. - Team Sorry. (laughter) - We're Shy Guy and we're Team Sorry. - Team Kencer? - Kencer? - Kimcer. - Kencer. Spemmy. - Spemmy! - That's gotta be the worst ship name I've heard. - What's your ship name? Kencer. - Kencer. (laughter) - I am a Cancer. Wait, wait, wait, what's on Koopa's forehead? - Those are his eyebrows. - No in between. - No. - [Sarah] He's got a little dingle dangle. - It's benign. - Ready up everybody. - Ready, go. - We're gonna play through until everyone gets eliminated. - Ya da. - That was fun. - I don't feel confident. - Do you think you can fit a whole cupcake in your mouth? - You're gonna try. - I think I can. - So you push the button for your steak to go down and then you flip it on the on the pan until it gets seared on all sides. If you jerk it too hard, the steak flies out. - [Kimmy] That's definitely, I like my meat on the floor, so. - Is that real-time ray tracing? - Ugh. - Yep. - [Sarah] Go Tommy, go, go, go Tommy go. - [Kimmy] Spencer you've got this. - [Matt] Damien you gotta flick it harder. - [Kimmy] Spencer you're flipping just right, I'm so proud of you. - Give it a good flick. - [Ian] Make sure you don't flip it out of the pan. - [Matt] Yeah don't flip it out of the pan 'cause then you gotta eat it. - [Kimmy] I was going to say, wrist but it's not wrist, he's using the full arm. (clapping) - Yeah, yeah. - [Kimmy] Is it the fastest person to cook it, or the best cooking? - Come on, Damien! - Here we go. - There we go. - There it is! Second place! (clapping) - Spencer! Spencer! (trilling) - [Ian] Uh oh, one side left on both of 'em! - Spencer! - Spencer! - Spencer! - Damn! - [Tommy] I wanna practice, I wanna practice! - [Spencer] I figured the game out, like at the very end. - Wario! - New record! - All right, so who was the loser? - It was me, I wanted to- - Now as a duo, you can either choose to take a cupcake or if Sarah wants to take a cupcake. - Oh I- - You're just taking it? - Do you think you can fit the whole cupcake in your mouth? - Don't do it. - Oh Spencer, that's your thing. - I highly doubt you can do it. - It'd be funny if we all tried to fit the cupcake in our mouth in one bite. - [Shayne] Now every color is a 50/50 right? - Yep. - So if this is bad, the next round. - Yeah I'm gonna lose and get a cupcake. - Bum, bum, bum bum. - Oh it looks good. - Oh that's curry. There's a bunch of curry. - This is a bad one. It is hollow inside. - [Sarah] Then I'm gonna lose the next one and get a blue. - Here we go! - [All] Three, two, one. - [Damien] Here we go, wee! Look at him go, he did it. - [Sarah] I'm so proud of you. Your mustache looks good. - Oh no, it's bad! - Oh Tommy! - How is it? (yelling) - Okay. - Oh buddy. - Okay, it was - Oh no your teeth! - Oh he's never looked better. - It was filled with mustard. - Oh no! - So much mustard. - Oh my god. - Ew! - No, there was like a Dijon moment with the sugar but then it became pure hell. - Oh it smells! Oh my god! - That's how you get four wishes from a genie. (laughter) - So if one blue cupcake was bad, does that mean the other one is good? - That one's good! - Kimmy who's to say? Who's to say? - We don't know! - [Matt] All right what are we thinking? - [Sarah] I like the puzzle ones. - [Damien] Slaparazzi's fun. - Slaparazzi? - What is that? Oh I'm bad at that one. - Slaparazzi it is. (laughter) - Oh can I have a cupcake? (laughter) - [Ian] Oh this one, how do we? - So you wanna be the most central one in the photo. You wanna knock everybody else out of the way and be the central. - Center of attention game. - If I lose I keep playing? - No if you lose and you get a good cupcake, you keep playing. - Mother (beep). - [Spencer] I would just love a good cupcake. - Spencer. - Oh we're doing. - Yeah you gotta. - Ha ha! - Oh what? - Wario! - [Sarah] It's that belly. - [Shayne] Ah I'ma gonna win! - [Damien] Oh you did it man, you're the smartest one! - Oh look at that! - Damn! - I'ma gonna get a picture. - You got it now. - Yes! - That's bullcrap! - Wario! - Oh my god! - Yes, murder them. Show them what's what. (laughter) - I hate you! - It's 'cause you're so fat! - I hate you! - Stop being so fat! - Yes Matt, you've done it. (laughter) - You're so large! - It's a great shot. - Wow, wow! (laughter) - [Kimmy] It's so weird, you don't know what the angle's gonna be until it comes up. - No! - No! - [Damien] They're trying to overtake you, dude! - No! - Yeah! - [Spencer] I look featured, bro. - [Kimmy] You would definitely get some residuals from that. - Oh my god you guys got destroyed. - Ian annihilated. That's two wins for Wario. - Two wins for the Buffalo Bills of 1980. The Bears. - Chicago Bears. - 1959. - All right, shotgun? - [Sarah] Yeah I got last place. - Are you gonna stay in the game or do you wanna risk it? - [Sarah] I think I'm gonna go with Damien's strategy with. - See what happens when you tell people your strategy? - But you have to talk we're on camera. - I get it but you can say other things! - Okay (laughter). - [Sarah] I think I want a blue one to match my teammate's mouth. - Oh sure. (clapping) - Aww. - Friendship. - I hope Garrett really pulled a crazy one and made both of those bad. - Fine. - He honestly might have. - That was horrible. Blue was so stainy. I feel like out of all the colors, blue really sticks with you. - How much of that cupcake you think you can fit it all in? - [Kimmy] Do you want me to get you a trashcan? - She might! - Mm, smells so good! - Three, two. - Is it all over squishy? - Spit it, you have to finish it though. - Mm-mm. - Oh she gonna die. - [Matt] It's just rocks! It's actually really good, I'm very jealous. - What is that? You okay? - How are you feeling? - (laughing) It's not a good one! - Oh no! (laughing) - What's that? - What is that? - What is that? - Oh no! - [Matt] Sarah, do you wanna take a guess? - Is it mustard, is it mayo? - Sarah that is Trader Joe's Speculoos Cookie Butter. - Oh! - Oh! - I'm actually very jealous that is my favorite substance on the earth. - Really? - Yeah it's so good. - Cookie butter is pretty great. - Your reaction was so ambiguous, I couldn't tell. - Well I got a whiff of mustard when I started the cupcake. - That was me going (exhales). (laughter) - [Ian] Alright Goomba ready up. - Goomba, ready? - I'm Goomba! I am Goomba and I am ready. - [Shayne] This is where I do bad. I do bad on this type. - No we got this, Wario. Come on Wario! - [Sarah] The good ones are cookie butter. - [Matt] No there are some good ones in here that are not. - Uh oh! - Uh oh. - Who did it. (laughter) - Oh, oh, oh (beeps). (cheering) Damn it! (laughter) I might have broke the controller. - What happened? - I dropped the controller! - You broke it! - It happens. - Damn it! This always happens with Mario Party. This always happens. I have never played Mario Party and ended up having a good time. - He's so dramatic. - Quit having such sweaty hands, sweaty. - I'm always like, "Mario Party!" And then later that night I'm like, "Why did I play Mario Party?" - [Sarah] Maybe you should be a better gamer. - The bad green one is gonna be wasabi. - I don't know about that, I think you're wrong. If the pink one is salmon roe dude you're good. - [Sarah] That ain't bad. - [Damien] And it is salty. - It's gonna be bad. - Should have gone with green. Should have gone with green. - Oh it's hollow. - [Matt] Do you wanna take a bet as to if it's good or bad? - But the good ones are hollow too, Shayne. - [All] Three, two, one. - [Sarah] Take a big bite! (laughter) - Take a bigger bite. - Take a big bite. - Take a champion bite. - Take another bigger bite. - Is it good? - What's it looking like? - [Sarah] There's something in the middle. - [Matt] Stick your nose in there, see if there's a smell. (laughter) - What do you think? - Is that a diamond ring in the middle? - How you feeling? - Shayne? - Cookie butter! - It's a cookie butter! (clapping) - Well technically it's cookie dough, not cookie butter. - You have salmonella! - It's different. - I take it back, this is the first time Mario Party has ended up in a good time. - Aww. - Look at you. - Okay. - Kinda wanna Candy Shakedown. - Oh no, not this one. - It's jerk off time, guys. - This is like when you get something stuck in your guitar and you're trying to get it out. - [Ian] Just so everyone says who they are, I'm Wario. - [Sarah] I'm Shy Guy. - Spencer's Goomba. - I'm the Goomba. - Excuse me. - I'm the baby. - [Sarah] My burp tastes like cupcake. - I got so screwed. - I got so fricking screwed. - Ah faster! - Come on, here we go. Oh there we go, cookie cookie. - I was doing so well. - Who wants a cookie. - No! - Ah, Goomba! - Wario! - Woo! - Goomba! - No, not again. (laughter) - Dude, Spencer go pink. - Yeah honestly, best strategy, go pink. - What're you thinking, Spencer? - Go green. - (beep) you guys. - Whoa! - He's going for that moment! - I never like had to truly eat (beep) on Smosh Games. - Oh man, buddy. - Yeah no you really haven't. - I had the whatever the, not the fish sauce, what was that that I had? - Oh yeah you did you had fish sauce. - It was fish sauce. - Excrement. - It can't be worse than that. (boings) - Are you gonna do it all at once like you said? - One big bite! - Oh! - Do the whole bite. - Oh, Spencer! - Oh no! - Oh no, Spencer! You don't know what you just did! - It's butter! (laughter) - [Sarah] Matt's just right there are he barfs all over him and then we have to end. - Oh no, oh buddy. - Don't cry. - [Ian] It's ejected from the Mars base. - Total Recall. - Yeah Total Recall. That's what your face looks like. - [Kimmy] Oh man, Spence. - There was enough cupcake, oh I'm so sorry. - [Matt] It's okay, it's okay. (screaming) You want to take any guess as to what that was? - Mayonnaise? - That was mayonnaise! (yelling) - That's not that bad! - I wanted that one! (laughter) - [Shayne] Damien would have loved that cupcake. - You are a raccoon in a human's body! - What was the brand though, cause if it's Sir Kensington's scooping mayo, you know I'm down. - Are you trying to get free (beep)? - No but Sir Kensington's, if- - *We know you got that one ad deal with Kensington's mayonnaise. - What's that? Yeah they do have avocado oil options. That's crazy. - No, no. - [Shayne] Oh this one is anxiety. - So if it's your turn you're trying to get as many pets in as possible but if you get too many you wake daddy. This is more random, I wanted to do this one. - You pet that head, that wiggle. - [Sarah] Pet that caterpillar. ♪ Pet that wiggle ♪ - [Kimmy] Whoa there, whoa. - [Ian] He got a little stressed out there. - [Spencer] Hit the whoa. - [Kimmy] Get the little baby. (gasping) - Oh he knows but he's okay with it. - [Shayne] Pet the (beep) out of that caterpillar. - [Damien] What do you think that surface feels like? I bet it's like those pillows with the really short strands that feel like, when you rub them one way they look. - Ooh micro suede. - Yeah the micro suede. - No I bet he feels like one of those naked cats where they. - Oh ho ho. - You think they feel like skin, but they actually have very soft little hairs. - I like to think he feels like a basketball at the YMCA. - But with little soft hair, like peach fuzz. - Yeah like a human. - [Matt] C'mon Wario, what're you gonna do? - [Damien] Oh this is it, he's dead. - This is it, you're donezo. - He's donezo, dude. Donezo mode. - Super done. - [All] Ahhh! - Oh my god. - Dude, always chaotic energy. - Stream remember, Shy Guy's out, we're out so it's the top of the top three. - Oh what? - Yeah. So you gotta do better than the third. - Oh no! (screaming) - You woke daddy! - I woke father! - So it's Damien. - Otosan! - Oh I won? - And now I get to eat the frosting cupcake. - What are you thinking? Green or red? It's Christmas. - Well I'm wearing green. - Ooh. - [Shayne] You picked it up, it's like chess. - [Sarah] Can't wait 'til you have ketchup in there, you idiot. - Spencer, I'm not gonna cry. (laughter) - It saved my ass. - [Sarah] Do we think relish for this one? - [Kimmy] Are you gonna do the whole thing in one bite? - [Shayne] Or wasabi. - [All] Three, two, one. - Big bite boy! - Do it. - Oh! - Uh oh! - Is that guac, guacamole? - Uh oh. - Oh it's a weird one. - Oh you feel weird. - That's delicious. - Oh what is it though? - That doesn't mean anything. (laughter) - Oh you got the band aids one! (laughter) That is sweet mochi paste. Sweet, sweet mochi paste. - That's why I'm getting that sweet mochi taste. - [Sarah] So this one you guys will guess which cloud you wanna go on, but if someone else goes on the same cloud, none of you get money. - Oh I get to just be a sabotaging ghost. - Yes. - Yep! - Gosh, Ian. - Golly gosh, dude. - [Sarah] Dude I think I'm gonna get that cookie butter. That is like no joke. - It's so good and they make an ice cream, it is the best ever. - It tastes like if you drop a Biscoff in your tea, while flying and then you get to the bottom. It's like a reward. - Oh! - Oh! - [Shayne] Oh I see what you're doing. - Yeah, you gotta guess. - Very good. - It's how we got the job. - Oh! - Oh! - Aye, aye, aye go for the 10. Ian's last right now, is he gonna go for the big one? He gets a lot of the big ones. - Yeah Ian's a saboteur. Look at the (beep) grin on his face. - [Sarah] He's chaotic. - [Damien] He wants to ruin your day. - Ian don't do it! Thank god. - No one went for it! - I tried. - You didn't even move! - You got what we call, dumb fingers. - Oh no, oh no I lost! That means I have to choose a cupcake which has the last chance of getting a good cupcake. Wow that is crazy. - Yeah the red one. Whoa did you use my strat? - That's crazy, I didn't, what? - Sorry, what's your strategy here? - [All] Three, two, one. - Mayonnaise! - You could've 100% won this. - Ooh what is it? - It's poo poo. - Uh oh. - It's sweet chili. - It's a bunch of doo doo. - Oh he swallowed it. - It's good. - Oh are you for real? - Yeah it's good. - What is it? - I don't know but it's good. - Lick the red. - What does it taste like, take a guess. - Lick the red (laughing). - No it was good, you don't even need to. - You don't wanna know? - It's good. - Can we see what it is though, for Matt? - For me? - You really don't wanna know? - I would love to know. You plug your ears! Tell us what it is. - Because if I tell you what it is and it's bad then everyone's gonna be like wow dude. - No it's good, it's a good one. - No take another bite, if it's good take another bite. - [Kimmy] Yeah if you like it so much, fricking eat it all. - Go on, have some more. - Have some more. - It's good. - It's a hotdog. - Ian are you crying? - That looks like yams. (laughter) - It's so good. - It's so good. - [Kimmy] I wanna know what it is. - What does good mean? - What's the flavor? - Matt can you tell us what it was? - Cause they're not all cookie butter. - They're not all cookie butter. - No mine was mochi. - I'm not sure what was inside of it. - That's what I wanna know! - It was good. - You smell weird. - He smells weird, right? - You smell not like cupcake. - He doesn't smell like cupcake. - I mean I had some coffee before this. Some My Favorite Coffee. (upbeat music) - I'm pretty sure you had marinara sauce. - No it was good. - [Damien] It didn't look like it, it was good. - Really? - It looked red. - All right let's see, we'll find the next person that loses. - But the red would have been the frosting, the frosting's red. - I do think the stakes are definitely high now because we're not sure if Ian just ate the bad one or not. - Yeah what the hell. - I didn't eat the bad one. - [Matt] You've gotta dodge the mans. - [Sarah] You're in second place right? - [Kimmy] Oh you dodge the mans. - [Sarah] So it's between Matt and Kimmy, they're the only two that haven't eaten a cupcake. - Oh dang, Matt! - Oh this is totally our game, since we're the 1984 Bears. - Jets. - Exactly. - You've got this. - [Sarah] Don't stop, don't stop, don't stop. - But I wanna make sure. - Just go in a circle. - [Sarah] Yep go in a circle. Don't stop, yep. - Oh come on! - Don't stop. Keep moving, moving, move! - Shy Guy is just like spinning. Shy Guy's actually got it down. - [Tommy] I'm taking a nap over here. - No! - Ah, no! - Ah no, no no! - No! - [Tommy] What if I run away from them? - Ah, damn it! - Y'all got murdered. - Goomba. - Goomba! - That wasn't fair, she got stun-locked, I saw it. - Oh god, I don't know what to do. - You gotta eat a cupcake. - Oh! (laughter) That solves it. - So they could both be (beep) or Ian could be lying. - Go green. - Why would I lie about it! It was good. - You are an agent of chaos. - I would 100% go for red. - Honestly if it's marinara, I'm down. - Because the green one we still don't know and I definitely got a good green one. So that one at least has a chance. - All right, let's see how this goes. - Ready? - It smells good. - [All] Three, two, one. - [Spencer] Don't worry teammate, I got you. - Take a bigger bite. - Bro I got the good one. (triumphant music) - Yeah I got the bad one. (laughter) - And we're all sitting here like, yeah you got the bad one. - It was disgusting. - You smelled, that's why I got down here. - I was like, you know that scene in Bridesmaids, where she's like, "It's good, it's really good". - That's why I got so close 'cause I was trying to smell your breath and when he said marinara I was like it is kinda marinara. - Please get a napkin, Sarah. - Why, does it look bad? - No she's doing a Joker face. - I'm the Joker. - Why so serious? - Sarah looks great. - You're the winner I guess you have to eat that green cupcake. You won! - That's not how that works at all. - That's not how that works. - That's like so how this works, though. (beeps) (laughter) (cackling) - It's filled with curses. - [All] Three, two, one. - Oh my god. - Oh my god. - What is it? - That's wasabi. - That's guacamole right there. - It's spicy guacamole. (clapping) - Good job, Matt. ♪ Guacamole, guacamole, guac, guacamole ♪ - Happy birthday, Matt! - Let us know in the comments what should we have filled inside these cupcakes? You guys need to tell us. And for those of you who want to see more, tell us what other treats we should be ruining. - And there's also two videos down here if you wanna keep watching. - Whoa look at these! Look at these! - Happy birthday, Matt! - This room smells terrible. - It's not his birthday it's my birthday. - It's my birthday, today and on Monday. - No it's not it's.
Channel: Smosh Games
Views: 496,150
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smosh, smosh games, gaming, comedy, funny, Mystery Mario Party Cupcake Challenge, mystery challenge, smosh challenge, smosh games challenge, punishment, mario party, taste test, food
Id: _kZBH4vJ1ag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 11sec (1151 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 26 2021
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