Blessed or Cursed Challenge

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- I really feel like it's important for us to leave here not cursed. - Yeah, Shayne, don't choose wrong. - Hold on, hold on. (suspenseful music) - Oh, you're blocking your third eye, man. (laughing) - I'm channeling it! (upbeat music) - Are you feeling lucky punk? Well, are you? Hey, we're doing a pretty fun challenge today. A game of 50-50 chance. Welcome to test your luck win a buck. I don't know. (laughing) - We got two different boxes in front of us. We're not going to be able to see what's inside but you, the audience, will. And we're going to do several rounds of chance. Is it going to be a good prize or a terrible prize? A delicious drink, or a yucky drink? Mentos and Coke, or Mentos and something that doesn't react with Coke? We don't know. And hey, we do a lot of challenges like this. So if you want to see more of those, why not hit that sweet, sweet subscribe button? - We'll wait. - So who is feeling lucky? - I am! - Oh, well I am too. - Was that too much? - No, it was just the right amount of luck. (hip hop music) - So our first challenge is good drink or bad drink. It's a 50-50 chance that one of them is good, and that one of them is bad. We don't know. And I'm really scared right now. Are you scared? - Yeah, but I'm also excited. - Okay. - It's like 50-50. - I really feel like you're trying to outdo me right now. - I would never, Keith. - Oh, you're so sweet. - I feel like that's what happens when you have a kid, it's like 50-50 chance they're bad or good. - Do either of you consider yourselves lucky or unlucky? - I'm blessed. - Same! (screaming) (laughing) - I am blessed and highly favored in the Lord. - So if you're both blessed, I don't know. That's gonna be tough. - Oh, no, no, don't do that. That just messed me all the way up. (laughing) - I often wonder that when I watch football and players on both sides are like, "God is on our side." I'm like, "Well, he's on one of your sides." (laughing) (dramatic music) - So one thing I do want to make clear is you guys sort of gravitated toward these boxes and then we put this stuff in. You don't have to stay here right now. You can change up if you want. Like there's no bias here. We're not trying to stack it here. - You guys have to work together to decide who gets who. - No God put you here. - God definitely put me here but I'm going to allow him to decide where I go next. - [Jackie] Okay. How are you gonna let... - Rock, paper, scissors. - Okay, okay. - Do you agree to that? - Yeah I agree to that 'cause you know he's on my side as well. - [Keith] Okay. I want this one. - Okay. See, now I want this box because he wants it. - Rock, paper, scissors, shoot! (loud buzzer) - Aw, (bleep)! - Jackie, you never switch boxes. Are you guys ready? - Yeah, I mean, we don't have a choice. We're here. - [Shayne] Alright. Three, two, one. (groaning) (loud buzzer) (sad trumpet sound effect) (bell dings) - [Keith] That ain't right. - What was it? - It kind of tastes like liquid Tums. (laughing) - What did Keith drink? - Some damn apple cider vinegar. (all awing) - I'm glad I only took a sip. - Oh, Gatorade or as Jackie called it, "liquid Tums." - You know? - Gatorade's gonna love that. (dramatic music) - Which box are you feeling man? - Honestly, I'm feeling this one. - I'm feeling that one too. - Are you seriously? We're gonna have to rock, paper, scissors? - What is up, guys. May I but in here, in the last one it was good. - Yeah. - Okay. - So there's a good chance it's going to switch over to this one. - No, it's the same exact chance. There's no change. - You think that one's just gonna be - There's no change. - You're saying that's gonna be the good one every time? - Well, there's statistically every time we go at it, it's the exact same situation Shayne. - Shayne, what do you mean good every time? This is the second round? - Mine is a 50-50 shot. (laughing) - But you both were immediately like, "This one." - Well we both- - No body is thinking- - We didn't even get to explain why we felt that. You were just like, "Whoa, what the (bleep) with this box!" (rock music) - Go and think about it. (laughing) - Noah, let's rock, paper, scissors, go on shoot. - All right, on shoot. - We're gonna go on shoot. - You guys are making a mistake! - Rock, paper, scissors, shoot! (loud buzzer) - There we go. - I'll teach y'all a trick right now. When you're talking to people about rock, paper, scissors you go like, "We're going to go on this." Right? We're going to go on this. - [Noah] Oh and you tried the- - I did this with my hand. And then you were like, "Oh paper." And so I used rock and then you beat me. So that's why you're like "Oh, we're just going to do like a couple rounds or like one" And if you do that people go like "yeah, a scissor." And then you- - Wait, what kind of experiment forces you to lose? - No you can use it however you want. I just wanted to see what he did. It doesn't matter. - I don't get it still. - All right. You ready Damien? Count down? - 29. 28. - Three, two one! (suspenseful music) - Oh, hmm, oh. Oh, I know that flavor and it's not a good one. (cheering) - Damien, I don't know about you, but I got Sprite from a plastic bottle. (bell dings) - Mine was similar in that it was salt dissolved in lukewarm water. - [Keith] Oh no! (loud buzzer) - Let's check. - Yup. - That's some lukewarm salt ass water. - Did you literally know it was from a plastic bottle? - You can taste it. - Oh you can tell. (dramatic music) - See, now the real problem we have is that this has been the good one twice in a row. - I want this. - Are you saying Shayne wanted this one? (laughing) - Which one do you want? - How did you even think about it? (laughing) - Now that I called it out in the last round Sarah is going, "Oh, Shayne's all thinking about this." So I think she's probably going to make this the good one. 'Cause I said that she would wouldn't make it the good one. - Yeah exactly why I'm here. - So are you choosing that one? - No, I think that's the good one but... Look, you're right. It is a 50-50 chance. But I'm thinking like what Sarah's strategy? - [Jackie] But Shayne- - But what about probability? - She's strategizing up you. 'Cause now you're saying a lot. - I'm obviously here I like this one because I didn't have to explain it, like you, I just, knew. I mean we can go rock paper, scissors, whatever. Do you want to- - Build a snowman? - Play? - I'm... No. I'm gonna pick this one. We don't need to play rock paper. Hey, we don't need to play rock paper scissors. We don't need to... Hey listen. We don't need to play rock, paper, scissors. - Three. - Two. - One. (suspenseful music) (loud buzzer) (laughing) - That's so messed up Sarah. (bell dings) - Oh my God. - It just tastes like (bleep) public pool. - Oh my god, it is, it's peach Snapple. - Oh, I love that kind. - Mine was clam juice. (laughing) - Yeah! You lucky son of a bitch. - Let's go to the next round. (hip hop music) - Now we're onto the second round. This time we have presents! In these boxes there's a good present and there's a (bleep) one so again, a 50-50 chance. - But they're both presents. So how can it be (bleep)? - I feel like Sarah will find a way. - Have you ever got some coal from Santa Claus? - No, because that's... - For bad... - For bad kids. - You were a bad kid. - You were a bad kid. - Yeah and I got a piece of coal. - Did you really? - Yeah. (dramatic music) - Could you be a little selfish for a second? Which box do you want? - I want you to have the good box. - No, no, no. I'm saying which box, ow. Which box do you want? - Did you just almost break your own neck? - Look, my neck is very stiff you guys. (laughing) - I think that's a good box. - Okay. Then I want this box. - So let's play rock, paper, scissors. - Honestly my eyes just crossed. Rock, paper, scissors, shoot. (loud buzzer) - Oh... - We'll have to switch. - Which one do you want? - This one. - Okay, okay. Oh, it feels cold over here. Okay. - [All] Three, two, one! (Olivia gasps) (applause) (bell dings) (sad trumpet sound effect) (loud buzzer) - Oh my god it smells so good. - Wait, can I smell it? - [Damien] Wait can we eat that? - Can I eat it? - [Sarah] Don't eat that. - Oh... - So still this side has been good every time. - Yeah. (dramatic music) - Keith! - Bro you shouldn't be happy to see me. - Why? - 'Cause I mean, it's like a 50-50 chance that your thing is bad. - But we both got the yucky thing last time. - I don't know, but I want to win this time. - Well, I want you to win too. I'm going to take the Olivia route. And be a martyr. - Which box do you want? I'll let you choose. Whichever box you want, you can have. - This box right here is screaming danger but like a good danger. - [Keith] Okay. - So I'm going to take it. - You're going to take it? - [Damien] I'm gonna take it. - Okay, well I'm gonna take this one. - Okay. - [All] Three, two, one! (Damien gasps) - Oh buddy. It's money. (cheering) (bell dings) (applause) (laughing) - [Shayne] What's it a gift card to? - It looks like it's Target Visa. - A Target card! - Target millions of other locations in the U.S. Keith that's where we live! - Keith, what'd you get, Keith? - I got some twigs. (loud buzzer) (laughing) - Yeah, you could start a fire with that! - Hold on, I'm not done. And some plastic. (applause) - Good, good, you got litter! - You can rub that together and make some carcinogens. - That's fine, that's fine. - You actually can. You can become rich. He will starve, you won't. - That's right. To give a man $25 to Target. You can feed it for a day, but teach a man $25 to Target? - And then he hit my box. (laughing) (dramatic music) - So Noah, you got the good thing last time, I got the bad thing. So we're starting a trend here. I need to break that curse now. - You think that you're gonna break it? I mean, that's just a question. There's a 50-50 shot that you're gonna break your curse. - Okay. - But have you thought about what Sarah's thing? - [Jackie] Yeah, what's Sarah thinking, Shayne? (laughing) - Oh, well I okay. The last round she finally went this way but that makes me think she'll probably go back to this way for me. - Okay. - [Shayne] I think. - For you. - I just think she's trying to, in my mind, I think Sarah was trying to destroy me. - Okay. Well, I want you to get the box that you want so you can try to break the curse. I really feel like it's important for us to, to leave here not cursed. - Yeah, Shayne, don't choose wrong. - Hold on, hold on. (suspenseful music) - Oh, you're blocking your third eye man. (laughing) - I'm channeling it. Hold on. - You have to open up your third eye. - Oh! - Come on, open up your chakras. - You got this. - [Olivia] Oh. - I'm going with this one. - Oh, over there? Okay, okay. - [Shayne] That's the good one. - [Noah] All right. - And so you're fine with that one. - I'm not going to fight you for that. I want you to break your curse. - [Jackie] Y'all are too nice. - I would like nothing more than for you to walk out of here not having to relive these memories. - All right I'm not trusting this. I'm taking this one. - All right. - Shayne that was the smartest choice you've ever made! - There we go. - That was a smart move. - You want a countdown? - Yeah. - [All] Three, two, one! - That's a good one. - Wooh! (Noah screams) (bell dings) (sad trumpet sound effect) (loud buzzer) _ But I got some La Croix cans! (cheering) - And plastic, Keith. So right now Jackie and Noah, you guys are the luckiest. You guys are two in a row with the luck. Whereas I am zero and two. Does everybody else... Is anyone else as unlucky as me? - I'm zero and two. - Okay but you know what? We're all still blessed. (hip hop music) - All right. We're here for the final round of 50-50. For this one, we've gotten bottles of diet soda and some Mentos. And we don't know, one bottle is flat. One bottle is not flat. We don't know which one's which, just both are presented with no caps. And we're then going to decide which one do we want to put Mentos in. - You said one was a flat earther? - Yes. - One's a flat earther. Will not react to Mentos. (dramatic music) - I have a record, I'm two and O right now. And you're 0 and 2? - Yeah, no, I don't know. I'm just zero. - Keith, honestly, I feel this one. - You feel that one? - I think this one's going to be my winner. - I'm going to let you feel that and I guess I'll go to the other side. - Yeah. - So switch sides. - All right. - Let's do it. - No arguing whatsoever. - [Olivia] Three, two, one! - Plops, dude, plops! (screaming) - Oh yay, I won! (bell dings) - Keith got a point. (dramatic music) - I'll do three, how many are you doing? - I'll do the whole sleeve. - Oh, god, okay. - Should I not? - If you can get it all in there. It just might explode before- - A whole sleeve of the fresh maker? - Wait, wait, wait. - Good luck. - I'm just going to do three. Ready? - Count us down. - [All] Three, two, one! (suspenseful music) (screaming) (laughing) - [Sarah] Olivia gets a point! (cheering) - Wait does it work again if I put more in there? - [Damien] Don't waste the fresh maker! - Oh it's done. - It's done, just like a man. (laughing) (dramatic music) - All right. - All right. - It's the final round. It's time for me to get my luck back. - You think you're lucky enough to guess what the fresh maker will react to? - Dude, I'm so confident about this. I'm putting five. - [All] Three, two, one! (suspenseful music) - There were so many that went in there. (laughing) - That's the saddest thing I've ever seen. (laughing) - [Damien] You're even bad at being unlucky. - [Sara] Damien got a point! (bell dings) (Damien screams) (cheering) - Did you put any in that? - A couple more. - Were both of them fizzy? - No. - No Shayne lost. (loud buzzer) (sad trumpet sound effect) - I lost and I didn't even get what I wanted. (laughing) - [Damien] You wanted your juice? - I wanted the juice. - Shayne, if you want to bend over that, I can make this happen for you. (laughing) - [All] Two, one! (Shayne gurgling) - Yes! - [Sarah] Technically you tied, but Shayne's the biggest loser here. (applause) - [Noah] He lost every 50-50. - I taste like the floor at an AMC. I want to thank everyone for being so lucky. You know, I did it on purpose. I picked the wrong ones on purpose because I understand Sarah's psychology and I understood the pattern and I knew, and you know what? You know what I know? I know you're a psychology too. And I know that you can go to and check out clothes and you can subscribe. And there's these videos down here that you can watch. And I highly recommend because you'll notice that in every video I'm using my brain and I'm... 'Cause I don't have luck. I have willpower. - [Sarah] You have a psychology degree. - I have my psychology degree and that's how I... And you can notice, look for clues in other videos. All right. Thank you guys so much. We'll see you later. - Bye everybody! - Bye!
Channel: Smosh Pit
Views: 1,415,055
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smosh, smosh pit, smosh games, funny, comedy, Blessed or Cursed Challenge, 50 50 challenge, mystery drink challenge, coke and mentos, gift, challenge, gross, weird food
Id: J0sZsKZUYqo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 0sec (960 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 15 2020
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