We Play Giant Uno (but with punishments)

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(exciting music plays) - [Narrator] Something big is coming. Smosh is coming to Twitch baby. So follow our Twitch, so you can see moderately funny (beep) like this, (gasps) (screams) - [Damian] Stop eating mayonnaise! - [Narrator] That's what I'm talking about. - Give me your cards! (girls laughing) - Good, take them! (Group laughing) - This really smells like somebody (beep) their pants and ran two miles. (fun intro music) - Hello everyone and welcome to punishment-UNO. - [Group] Punishment-UNO! - Cause we can't just play normal UNO. - And it may be called UNO, but it's many, many punishments, not just UNO punishment. - Including ones, we don't even know what they are. - They're written in invisible ink. - So within this stack of giant UNO cards, we have six extra punishments. So we have the typical, you know, draw four, draw two cards, reverse cards, but we also have some fun punishments, like eat a scorpion, you know. (dramatic sound) - what's up? - What? Anyway... (laughter) - Like you leave your mouth open on the table and just sorta coax it in or like what do you mean? - Yeah, we have a live scorpions. - Awesome! (laughs) - We've eaten them before, haven't we? - Not alive! (chatter in background) - And then we're also going to play with the seven zero rule. If you haven't heard that rule, it basically is, Whenever someone lays down a seven, then you get to choose a player, you want to swap decks with. And if someone lays down a zero, we pass it along with the flow of play. What is it? - The flow of traffic! - The flow of traffic. - You have the right of way on the main thoroughfare. - You know what'd be so cute, if we just had a couple of hamsters running around on this table. - Oh my god I would love that! - Not with all the scorpions! - That'd be awesome , just chilling around... - Can we invent a hamster board game. (encouraging cheers and woos) - Mouse trap but with hamster? - But you have to bring your own hamster. - You try to trap them, this could be huge. - So, before we get started, go ahead and subscribe - Do it! - because we have a lot of new content. Obviously the set looks beautiful and refreshed, so we got a lot of new, exciting things happening - we're going to be on MTV cribs soon. - Really? You think so? - Yeah. They called me, Oh, dang it That was just - Just for you? - a dream I had. (laughter) - So whenever you lay down a punishment card, let's say this has a punishment on it, it will go to the next person playing. (sounds of understanding) So if I had a punishment card, I laid it down, we're going this way, It's going to Jackie. - And you can't reverse them? - You can't reverse them. - Oh yeah, that's the rules. (laughter) You know, I think we're all friends here. I am going to win. I just want to put that out there. - I'm scared of Jackie! - Right! - Okay now bring out the hamsters. So before we get started with this game, let's let's fill out these two wild card punishments. Does anyone have any pitches for punishments? - You've got to eat a Glizzy as fast as possible. - What's a Glizzy? - It's a hot dog. - Where does that term come from? - Glizzy! Come on, comment down below, if you know, what a Glizzy is. And if you're a Glizzy Gladiator comment twice. - Do we have hot dogs here? - I asked Garrett if we had access and he said, Oh, is it the punishment to have access to hotdogs? And then he walked away. So I don't know what that means. (laughter) - Didn't even wait for your answer, he just ran away? - Okay let's do punishments, thar we don't need much supply. - Okay I got one, What if you have to chug a lot of gummy bears? (laughter) - Oh my God, whoa, Imagine swallowing a mouthful of Gummy bears whole, that sounds really cool. - I think that's how you choke. (talking over each other) - swallow one whole Dorito. I've done that before. It's really bad. - Didn't you cut your throat? - Sorry, sorry, sorry I absolutely destroyed my throat. Trying to swallow a Dorito whole. - That's a punishment, write that down. - But I did it and I am proud of myself. - What if we combined punishment and good thing, where... - It could be a good thing. - So it's all in one, - Oh where you have to do a really embarrassing, stupid dance for one minute, but then everybody tells you amazing compliments, like real stuff for like a full minute, while you're doing this, so you're embarrassed. - Wow! - but also people are nice. - That sounds like a double punished. (laughter) - I think I like that, do guys like that? (Group agrees) We also have a nice little stage area. - It's the compliment dance. - I love that. - Can another one just be tell us a secret. - I feel like I've run out of words, that are safe. - We've been here a while telling secrets. What secrets do I have? - I have lots of secrets . (Excited chatter and laughter) - So how about it's just Jackie tells a secret? (laughter) - And if it lands on you, you gotta tell two. - No! - And you have to share the dark burden with her. - Jackie has to tell you a secret in your ear and you got to repeat it for everyone else. - But it's telephone game style. - Yeah we just might ruin your secret. - So Jackie tells a secret. (Jackie laughs) Are you guys ready to play? - [Group] Yes! - We got the hamsters! Good thing I brought my big hands today, for these big cards. - You're doing excellently Sarah. - Thank you! - Oh yeah we have been shrunk down to mouse size, in order to play with this normal deck of UNO. (clears throat) - Hamster size! - All right, here we go. First card yellow three. - Okay and as someone that really knows how to actively play this game, I just have to put maybe another three down or yellow. - A three or the same color. - Okay, cool! (laughs) - So big! - Interesting enough Yugi-boy. - Oh, remember the seven and zero rule gang. - Thanks man. - I'm just going to start it off. Let's make sure Sarah is in last place. - [Group] Oh! - So we're playing like that? - Hey all I'm saying is, that's how you play a game, right? - That's a skip right? Is that a skip or a reverse? [ Noah, Sarah And Damien] That's a reverse. - So it's gonna go to Courtney. - I'm going to do this and just like, and just see like, if this is going to hurt me or benefit me. Is this a thing? - Yeah. So he has to draw two cards. - Yeah. There's no, there's no stacking. - So what's crazy is, now you can be in possession of a punishment. - That doesn't necessarily help me. That actually kind of hurts everyone. I didn't think about that and I just reversed it. (laughter) - [Courtney] Oh! Three! - Okay, okay let's do it. - No! [Group] Oh! - That's how you get ahead. - It's fine. - Oh, you were able to do something about it. - I'm still okay. - Similarly I'm once again, sorry Jackie. - Oh, but is it a sorry, you know, like, - Cause she's going to feed me a scorpion. - And hen I get skipped, because that's how you play the game. Okay, thanks Damien. - You know what, Sarah? I just want to say like, I'm sorry about earlier. (Excited noises) - Sorry about earlier, let's be friends - Well how about back? ( excited noises) - Thank you very much, that's so nice. - Oh, so nice is it okay if it's the same number? - Yes. - Yeah, That's the only thing I've been doing this entire time, such as now. (Courtney laughs) - Wow. Great, great, great. - Jackie Do you remember we're friends - We are friends and your eyeshadow looks so good today - Thank you! - Your nails look so great today and I'm sorry about your lipstick. - Whoa No! (Excited noises) - Lucky! - Wait, hold up are you one of the little weirdos, that likes that stuff? - I do like red onions, - Ooh. (clapping) but I brought this back, because I enjoyed like how... - what happened to me? - spicy it was for you. And I think it's really funny. All right, ready guys? (Courtney screams) (laughter) - You're not gonna do well with the rest of the punishments Courtney. 29, 28. - [Group] One! (bites onion) - That's a bite - Spicy boy - [Man Off Camera] Finish it! - No way dude! - [Noah] That's good for you. - [Jackie] Wow! - Yeah, it's an assault. It's an assault on your mouth. - Oh my god it's so spicy - Yum! Red is the spiciest onion. - Oh my God! Why is it so spicy? - And you're not even chewing. You're like in a fraternity now or a sorority (laughter) - It's overwhelming (makes choking noises) - You swallow it? - [Group] Yay! (cheering and clapping) - I couldn't swallow it. - And your lipstick still looks good. - Look at that. Look, the layers. - It's very satisfying. It's like the earths core. - Noah, here you go. - [Group] Whoa! - I'm changing the color to red. - All right - You had three cards Noah? - I had three cards, so now I'm just, you know, back to where I started. - Oh god - That's fine - It's red now? I'll be nice for now. - Oh good. Thank you Courtney. I will not be being nice today. I will be doing this seven to swap cards with Courtney. (dramatic sound) - [Group] Oh! - I literally... - Oh wait don't show everybody! - Sorry - Oh no! - This matters. (laughter) - We're going to do this bad boy right here. - Noah again, so sorry, but have to lay down this Mega Skip you lose three turns. (dramatic sound) (screaming) - I thought we were friends. I tried to write my wrong. (laughter) - I'm sorry. - You're halfway to a Linkin Park song, with those two (inaudible). (laughing) - Straight up! - Okay. Yeah, it's sad because look, he doesn't get to play. (laughter) - You won't win this high stakes game. - I'm going to do UNO, but also then I have to trade with Sarah. (excited noises) (dramatic sound) - Oh my gosh (inaudible) - UNO! (bell sound) - wait. - Oh! Another card swap. (dramatic sound) - Okay so can I take your cards? - Yes you can. ( talking over each other excitedly) - UNO! (bell sound) - What punishments did Jackie have? (Jackie laughs) - [Courtney] Oh God! - Here's one, that I'm putting down. (Jackie laughs) (dramatic sound) - Whoa! So Jackie will tell you a secret and you have... - Wait, but he gets skipped. So it's me. - Oh, he gets skipped. - Oh, I don't even get the juicy secret? - You don't get to play. - So Jackie's going to tell you a secret and then you have to present it to class Courtney. - Okay. - My secret, Cause the only one I think of is really disgusting and I don't want people to know that. (talking over each other excitedly) - Remember it's going on the internet. - Save it for last. - Uh - Say it in a language she doesn't know. (whispers inaudibly) - Did she just say Sarah? - I heard very clearly Sarah Whittle. I've been stealing Sarah Whittle's bone marrow. (laughing) - Okay, do I tell the secret, as if it was my own? - However you want to tell the story- - Okay, I'm going to do the, is it okay if I do like just my own? Once when I was younger, I wrote a letter to the guy who played Zero from holes. It was a love letter and I had plans to move to Los Angeles and convince him to be my husband. - It could still happen Jackie. (laughter and cheering) - it was very deep. I was like, hey, just like, wait for me, okay? Like I know you live in California , (laughter) but just like wait for me. - All right, so Courtney, the color, I am going to change it to is blue. - Blue you say? Is it blue or if it's a blue or a one - Oh I'm sorry. Well then it's... oh do I play it then? - Yeah yeah yeah - It is a seven (dramatic sound) and I will trade cards with Courtney. (inaudible) - Don't ask him. (laughter) - I would like to take Jackie's card. (sounds of excitement and outrage) - It makes more sense. (Bell sound) - UNO! - [Courtney] It's only one more card. - You did me dirty. - Jackie You would've had to draw to oblivion anyway, like you would have had five cards or whatever. - Why did I have to draw to oblivion, like this should be you. (laughing) - All right, so then I can play this. (dramatic sound) [Group] Yeah! - I could do this right? - [Group] Yeah! - Imma swap with Damian. (Excited noises) - Who would've thought? - What do you think he thought? - What do you think he thought? He's 100 years old. - I have none no playable cards. - These cards are so big. - Is it my turn? - Is it your third turn or? - [Man Off Camera] This is the last skip! (wrong buzzer sound) - Oh gosh. - [Jackie] That's why Noah's so salty. - Oh yeah. You don't get to play. - Last on though you can play next time. - The game looks really fun though guys. - If Jackie doesn't win. - Oh no, wow wild! I'm switching it to yellow. - You're switching it to yellow of all things? - Yellow! - I don't have one of those. - Oh no! - Guess I'll draw. Man! That's dangerous. That was a really bad idea. (wrong buzzer sound) (Damien mumbles) (Group laughs) - I'm not saying it for mine, I'm saying it, because making me... - Are you guys really serious right now? No! (laughter) - Okay Finally I have a yellow (dramatic sound) - Choose a player to swap cards with: Jackie! (laughing and screaming) (screaming over each other) - [Noah] Wow that's unbelievable. How many cards is that? (frustrated sounds) - I feel like there's a conspiracy against me. - This is UNO. Mario party, Mario kart, monopoly and UNO are the games that are friendship enders. - Oh they are! - That's this right? - Are you serious? - How many cars is that Jackie? - This deck is trashed. (laughter) (wrong buzzer sound) - Are you serious? - Yes I'm serious. Lord! (beeping sound) Let me make sure I know how to read. - I know how to read color - If you get a wild card also that works. - [ Group] Oh, Whoa. (wrong buzzer sound) - You don't even get to play. - And now I finally get to play. I have waited so long. - So much has changed. - Welcome to the game. - And Finally, I get to play something. (dramatic sound) - No, no, no. (screaming and talking over each other) - I though we should, you know, bring back memories, you know? Yeah you know what? Thanks! - Oh, look at that. - Oh look at that. desert scorpion or dessert scorpion not desert scorpion, ups. - It can be both though. - S in parenthesis. - Oh my God. I'm so sad. It's all broken up. Poor guy. - Oh, but it's drizzled. It's got a white chocolate drizzle. - We've definitely had this on "Put it in my mouth" I think. - It wasn't presented... that looks good. - It was like a Halloween episode, so we had to eat all kinds of bugs. I remember I tried to eat a tarantula butt, but it was too thick and too hard. - I had a tarantula leg once. - The legs are okay. - I had a beetle once in a pie. - How'd that go Jackie? - Not good. (group laughs) - I'm so sad. So here he is in all of his broken glory. - Oh it's a little baby - Oh that's cute. - [Jackie] Get in there. (screams) I'm just gonna - Eat the whole thing? - slap it in there. - Yeah you want a countdown? - Yeah Give me a count in. - All right [Group] Three, two, one (dramatic sound building) (crunches scorpion) - [Noah] Oh wow. Sounds like a crunch bar - [Damian] You're a champion. - [Sarah] Very auditable - No! (upbeat music plays) (Group laughs) - Did you eat it? - Wow. Well done. - Oh, there's so much in my teeth. (Group laughs) - Can I just point out how impressed you were moments ago that Sarah swallowed an onion and you're just like, [Damian And Jackie] Throw this scorpion in. (gags) - Oh my god I did it! - Oh my gosh. (cheering) - Oh my Gosh so it's like he's not just dead. He's stale. (sympathetic sounds) - Dusty, old, like stale Cheetos. - Dusty ass scorpion - like a scorpion mummy (gags) - It's like crawling back up. - Wow UNO (children cheer) - Done-zo! Spaghetti! - Whoa! What? (hitting sound) - Big money. Big money up on the board. - No whammies (clapping) - Yeah let's start with Noah this time. We'll start with the other direction. - Well done. - And we'll go this way? - Oh, I don't like any of these. - Me neither. - Oh, I think my deck is great. - You've activated my trap Yugi-boy. (laughter) Feels good to say it. - This is going to go this way. - Oh Dang it! - Wow! - Uh-oh coming in hot. - And that skips you? - Yup! - All righty - These cards are horrible. - Jackie. I like what you do. I'm going to do the same to Courtney. (screaming) - [Damian] This is the round. - This is gonna take four hours. - It will. - I'm switching the colors to blue. - Well, unfortunately Jackie, there's only one card I can play that's blue. So I apologize. - Don't even apologize. (wrong buzzer sound) - It's a skip - Oh no! - Don't worry about it. - See that makes me real nervous. - You better hope she doesn't have a reverse or no puts a reverse. All right, sorry Noah - Jackie, I've had an opportunity to play punishment on you like four times now. - No, no it's okay Jackie, I got you. ( Group cheers) and the color I am switching to is... I'm switching to blue. - My favorite color. - Really? - Jackie I just got a punishment, that I didn't use on you last round. (Group screams and laughs) - Jackie! - Oh my god! This round! My goodness. - Guess what I still don't have a blue. - Okay. Green. - Green? - No, no! (laughs) (Damian mumbles ) The color is green? - Greem! - Greem? - It's green! - Courtney, I want you to know, I'm sorry I really don't have a green card. - Why? - That's another plus four - Why?! - I'm going to switch it. I'm going to switch it to blue. I feel blue. - Oh Jackie that's a good thing. - My favorite color (laughter) ♪ This is the worst ♪ - I'm so sorry - It's fine! - Jackie I know Green's had punishments for you and I didn't want to do that, but now that it's blue, I have to just do this and I'm sorry. It's my only option. - It's fine, it's cool. - I play dak magician. - This video is just call apology UNO. (Group laughs and agrees) - I don't have any blue of course. (sounds of disbelief) - Aha! ( sounds of encouragement) My hand is cramping. - Relief, sweet relief. - I'm gonna...look at that. - Okay all right, what else you got? - [Group] Uh! - What else does he have indeed? - I got another blue. I'm okay for now. - Good to know. (laughs) - [Noah] You have any blues? - Oh my god! - Aha! (dramatic sound) (sounds of excitement) - Choose a player to swap cards with. - Noah! - All right! - wow! (inaudible) - You reap what you sow (laughing) - My hand was hurting so I'm glad that was a change. - Now I'm going to go through this encyclopedia. Figure out what to do. - Courtney you're in you're due for something nice. - Wow, Really? - One minute dance with compliments. (Excited noises) I'm gonna be like a Twi'lek in knights of the old republic. (club sounds) - I want to believe what you're saying. - I want to believe you can dance. (speed up sound) - Courtney. You have a strong sense of justice and that always impresses me. I'm always happy to having seeing you in a day. - Look at that Tik Tok move. (sped up and talking over each other) - You're a very supportive friend. You're a beautiful person. - I think you're very talented. - You're welcoming. (speaking over each other) - I think when you put your mind to something, you can really do it. - You're like a chamaeleon with your look and your everything you're doing great. (screaming compliments over each other) - I wish I could do the dead drop at the end. That'd be so cool. (cheering) Thanks guys, that was embarrassing in every way. You guys are actually very nice. And I wish I had four ears so I can been able to hear each thing, from each of you. (group laughs) All Right? What color is it going to be now? - Aw, man. I would have to say yellow. - Okay, UNO (bell sound) - Oh (Beep)! - Oh God dammit. (speaking over each other) - Red lipstick in my white Valentino bag. - I put the power in your hands. - What does that mean? - Oh no. - Well you made it red, man. You could've not done that and now there's not really much. I can do. Don't put the power in my hands. - I'm just saying it's your fault. - Courtney, you remember that time, that you smelled like farts? Oh wait that that's now. (screams and cheers) - No! So she's gonna have to spritz on some (inaudible) - I'm going to enjoy my perfume while I can. - I'm gonna miss you. - You can spray it on her. - I didn't say who was the punishment for. - Yeah. Just do it over there. - Oh my God. This is gonna suck. And like everyone's gonna avoid me the rest of the day. (laughter) - You can wash it with some like acetone. You'll be fine. - You're going to forget about it. (screams disgusted) - Wow. - Oh my God it's bad. - Can I smell? - I don't want to smell it. (Fart noise) Oh my god, That's not. Okay. - This is dangerous. (fart sound) (laughs disgusted) (Talking over each other) I thought it would be be a joke fart smell. It smells like a literal (beep). - A sick person created this. I'm gonna have the worst day. - Go for it. - Alright. - Spritz on those farts girl. (dramatic building sound) (fart sounds) (disgusted noises) - Like y'all sometimes I think on YouTube, people play things up and they're like, wow, I'm so scared by this. This smells real bad. - Are you holding your breath? - Ah! It just came in anyway. (screams) - Oh it's literal poop. - It's baby (beep), It's that type of (beep). (talking over each other disgustedly) - It's the first time, that I wanna wear my mask. - Actually yeah that's a good idea. - I almost just barfed! (disgusted sounds) - This is real bad, it got in my mask, what the (beep)?! Let's keep playing, I've got two cards let's go. (laughing) - You might have to change, but you like actually might have to go change. (laughing) - It smells so bad, give me your cards. - Take them and win. Let me memorize so I can help you. (laughing) - Great awesome! - This really smells like someone (beep) their pants and then ran two miles. - Okay no joke I once in a red lobster saw a cowboy (beep) his pants, that's story for another day, it smelled like this. - It's another seven, (dramatic sound) give me your cards Noah. Oh my God I want more cards to fan it out. - Okay, I will help you however I can. Sarah. Get your victory. - Yeah I just put down a seven. (dramatic sound) Oh God! Here you go! (Laughter and disgusted sounds) - Yup. All right, let's do it. One. Here we go. Courtney's turn. (laughing and cussing) - I stink. - I am shaking. - There's no escape. - Yes, yes awesome! - UNO! (bell sound) - Yes there you go. - In attempts to help you Just in case. - Is it my turn? - Yeah! - It smells like a farm in here. Oh my god I can't I'm gonna barf. Okay here. Sorry Jackie you have to eat a spicy bean. (dramatic sound) - What? (laughing) - Noah supported me in it. - I supported that decision. - Are they all spicy? - The Carolina Reaper I would not recommend. - Oh, you should do that one. - Should I spin it? - All right spin it. - Come on Carolina Reaper. - Siracha! - No, no, no, you gotta to do it again. (laughter) - What rules are y'all on? - No, you have to calibrate the spinners. That's what it is. You got to do it one more time, but with the calibrated one. (talking over each other) - I don't know who's more full of shit... - Eat this bean. - It's cayenne. (agreeing sounds) - Oh, eat two. - What? What are these rules, y'all are making up on the spot? - Okay eat it in [Group] Three, two, one - [Courtney] Cayenne! (Alarm sounds) (laughing) - I've never tried these beans. - Oh boy! (laughs and chokes a little) - You guys want to hang out with me later. - Jackie is it's your turn. Can you win? - Do you have a red? - No she needed... - Damian! - Oh my God. I'm so stinky. - I'm trying to help you. I want to end this cause the (beep) - I'm so stinky - Cause she smell like dukey. - No I don't. (laughter) - I think you should put another layer on. Right? - [Group] Yeah! - That will make hell for everyone. - Oh my God. (retching noises) - What's up It's your girl Courtney diaper town Miller. - Sorry, Jackie, but you gon have to eat a bug. (dramatic sound) - Oh man! - That's back in the pile? - Yeah! (laughs) - Oh okay I love this. - You love bugs? - I love bugs. (laughter) I have a lot of spice in my mouth and I have to eat a bug now. - The chocolate will help. - I'm just gonna open it up. - Jackie, I know you're excited about this, Cause you want to be known as the bug girl right? - Yeah. Can I be like the bug bish? - Oh yeah the bug bish. - Why ? Okay are you ready? - [Group] Three, two one - Focus on the chocolate. Focus on the chocolate. - It's covering the spice - What are you Joe Rogan in Fear Factor? - Entirely possible? - He's like eat the reindeer testicle. - It's rice Krispie treat. (cheering) - You got it. I believe in you. - I will say that did balance out the cayenne. - Oh Cute. - I don't know how you didn't barf. - Just looking at my cards. - Cause I thought. I'm sorry. - That's okay. - I think at this point it's a collaborative effort. - Alright. Alright. I hope you have a blue. - Yeah I do. - Oh, Two cards for Damian. And then Courtney. It's your turn. - Okay. - UNO (bell sound) - Oh, that's good! - Two cards for Damian. - Thank you for those two cards I like them. And then yellow. - You smell like someone who's been in the same tracksuit for two weeks and I'm too close (inaudible) - No Olivia Smells pretty good. - Yeah, you want to keep people six feet away from you? Just fart spray yourself . (mumbling over each other) - Sour baby poop! - It's horrible. - I'm going to pick for a yellow card. Oh my gosh. Is this your cards? No, this is the yellow that I drew. (dramatic sound) - Me or anybody. Just don't do Courtney - I mean, but like be strategic though. are you trying to win or are you trying to end the game? - What is winning? is winning being the person, who ran out of cards first? Or is waiting no longer sitting next to (beep) smell girl? - Hey! (laughter) - I have a very clear answer for myself. - I'm going to trade cards with Jackie. (cheering) - What a weird strategy. - The air is very thick. - [Sarah] All right. - What's that smell? I think it's victory! (cheering and clapping) (sound of confetti cannons) - Bad smell, very bad smell. - It's victory, smells awful. It smells so bad. - I just feel like we all kind of lost at the end. - Learning what this smell and experience is like I will eat anything. I will eat anything. Except (beep). - What about the fart smell-spray? - Dude, never! - Alright. So comment down below. If you guys liked punishment UNO and maybe comment down below some punishments, we could do for the next time we play this. Be sure to subscribe. If you're not done watching Smosh games We have two videos right down here. One of them YouTube pick and one of them we picked just for you - and both of them smell very nice. - They smell very nice. There's no punishment involved. - I thought you were gonna be like comment down below you smell like crap. (laughing)
Channel: Smosh Games
Views: 778,811
Rating: 4.9641881 out of 5
Keywords: smosh, smosh games, gaming, comedy, funny, We Play Giant Uno (but with punishments)
Id: D2kXxnmWDYQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 2sec (1802 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 25 2020
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