Punishment Jumanji!

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(yelling loudly) (giggling) (static beep) - Hello everyone and welcome to "Jumanji". If 2020 has taught us anything it's that we're trapped in "Jumanji". And it's not my fault, okay? (laughs) - I don't know. - It is in fact Sarah Whittle's fault. (all laughing) - This is what we need to do. We need to finish the game and we will solve all the problems. - All right. - Yeah. That's what the world needs. - I mean look, - Yes - the timing on this, you might be right. (Sarah laughs) - So we're gonna play this board game of "Jumanji". It's a pretty simple game. You're gonna roll the dice. You move forward; But each spot that you land on has a different consequence. If you land on a blank space you're going to pull a disaster card, decode it in this wonderful decoder here, read the little poem. And then everyone else is going to try and roll the die. We're having how many sides of this? Eight? We have eight sided die. We're all gonna try to match the ax. And then everyone else can move forward the amount of spaces. But if we fail, we're gonna put it over here on the "disaster zone". (giggling)I don't know what it's called. And if this fills up, we lose. So this is a game if we all lose, we all lose. And if we all win, we all win. We're trying to get to the center of "Jumanji" to close the game, end the game, free people, free the rock, who knows what happens in this timeline. And then if we land on a rhino, this isn't smash games if there isn't punishment. So if you land on a rhino, you will pull a punishment. We have bug kebabs, we have, you're gonna transform into a llama, we have stampedes, we have swapped bodies. It's gonna be a real good time. How do you guys feel? - There's basically a bunch of random punishments and then there's "eat bugs". (all laughing) - Yeah, yeah let me get a look at that. - Oh. Awful. - Oh, no. - Oh, oh it's like a bug bug. - (laughing) they're so many. - Oh! No, it's a bug bug. - Oh my God, this looks like a prop from "Men in Black". - Oh, it's a bug bug I thought it was like, you know, but sometimes they hide in chocolate. That's a bug. - No. - This is "Jumanji". (laughing) If you like what we do here, which is punish each other mildly and then really intensely, please subscribe. Are you guys ready to play? - Yeah. - Yeah. - All right. I will be green and I have three, one, two, three, pull this. All right. Flying in from the sky. He's in a bad mood. Oh no, he's hungry. The game is not food. So you guys all need to roll the die on your die. There's also a free space and that makes you guys move one space. Are you ready? - Yep. - Yeah. - Go. - What are we trying to get? - Oh. You got a wild one. You got a wild one. You're trying to get the die. You're trying to get that's a wild one so you. - Oh, oh I did it. - Oh, we did it. Yes, perfect. So then everyone moves one space. Except for me. - Oh my God. (groans) - I'm rolling, I don't know what I need, I'm rolling. - We've avoided disaster. - Oh, good. - I'm gonna play D&D by souls what it's like.(laughing) - I'm only gonna say no because that round went too fast. - [Sarah] Yeah. - Usually you have a wizard you're waiting on who didn't check his spells by the time I'm a barbarian. I smacked two times. I'm waiting. I'm sitting here. You're over here going through your spell. You know what your spells are? We didn't just campaign eight weeks Shane. We've been in this campaign eight weeks and you still don't know your spells? Why are we waiting on you to pick a spell? You know, we fighting five goblins. Just fire balling. Just fire balling. - Are you okay? If we did something happen. - I've never played D&D but I feel like I know now. (all laughing) - All right, Jackie. Two spaces for you. - Okay.(chuckles) this is a dream. Okay. (all laughing) - You need to tell the therapy about this.(laughing) - That's fun. - One, two. - What do you think the wizard represents?(laughing) - Okay. Decode it. Let's see if I can read, "Pretty flowers, but don't take a smell. "Their petals are poison. That will make you swell." - Okay. - So we need a wild or a saber. - Jackie, can you flip this and count us down. - Okay. Three, two, one (all growl gently) - Oh, I got the wild. I got the wild. - Oh I got extra oh, saber. (all shouting) - I got it, what was the timing Jackie? - I'd say you got it. - Okay, this is a team. (all laughing) - Yeah, this is a team game. (all laughing) yeah. She got it. She got it. Everybody wins. (all laugh) - One, two, three (all laughing) - You've got a lot of rhinos coming up. - I won't, plus one axe. (all laughing) I'm hoping to get an eight so I can hit it for nine. And then I'm gonna go for my bonus attack. Cause as a barbarian and I'm raging, I get to attack twice. - Exactly. - This would be a good time to check your spells (Sarah laughs) because I'm gonna rolling. - You know, I think I'm gonna wait. - No, no (laughing) one. - One. - one. You have to do a punishment. - One should be the bad one. One should be the bad one. - No, I won't be. - "Hear the drums. "Listen to loud drum music on headphones for one round". - Oh, okay. - That's nice.it's nice. - Here we go. - ( Jackie and Iffy laugh) Can we just get the Phil Collins drums on repeat? (all produce drum-like thuds) - Can you hear? - What? - What's your favorite color Iffy? - It looks like everyone's talking. (Sarah laughs) - But I don't hear you. - All right. He loves wizards he loves-- - [Iffy] I saw you and that wizard and you gotta pick a spell. (Jackie laughs) - One, two, three, four, five. Oh, okay. - What's it saying. What's it saying. - "They like to laugh, but they're not your friends. "If you take them lightly, it will be your end." Oh my gosh. That's a hyena. - This is so loud I couldn't even read so I just ( Sarah and Jackie laugh) - All right. We need the sword. - I'm just gonna roll, I saw the saber. - [Sarah] Saber. - [Jackie] Saber. - Okay. Three, two, one, bam. I'll get the saber. Get the saber. Get the saber. Get the saber. Get the saber. Oh my God. - Oh my God. - Oh my God. - We did it. - We got it. We did it. We did it. - Oh, you did it. (all laugh) - So we all move forward one except for Shane. (murmurs) All right. Eight. - Eight. - five, six, seven, eight oh. "They are strong creatures for their small size. "But when they are other than many "they'll cause your demise." Ants. So we all have to roll a rope. Are you ready? - Yes. - Yeah. - It's a goddamn rope. - Rope. - Rope. - Tie me up. - I saw the picture because I can't hear what you're saying. - Three, two, one, go. (dice clacking) Rope, rope, rope, rope, rope, - Rope, rope, rope, rope, rope, rope, - Oh my God. Okay. Oh my God well, that's right. - Three, two, one. Oh, no we didn't get it. So no one moves and we've added to the disaster here. - Is that the first one we failed? - Yes. - Okay. That's the first one we failed. Iffy, Iffy, describe your perfect date. - What? - Describe your perfect date. - It looks like based on reading your lips. It looks like you're saying happy princess. (Sarah and Shane laugh) - That's true. That's me. - That's exactly what we're talking about. - Yeah. The press princess is not good. Okay, have a roll. Four. So I need to go four. One, two, three, four "There's a plague in the air. Try not to breathe. "The fog is so thick and it's 1000 degrees". Okay. - Jumanji but it's just like, ♪ what's up guys ♪ ♪ we're here today. ♪ ♪ we're in the jungle and we're going on a pitch. ♪ (all laugh) - So we're looking for a die. - Die. - Time to die. - Okay, ready? Three, two, one go. - Whoa. Wild on the first roll. - Okay. Okay. - Oh, we did it. Yes, we did it. Yes. - Oh, cool. Great. - So we all move three. One, two, three - one two three. - [Sarah] Yay. You're free Iffy. - Yeah. Am free. But my brain will be tingling with those sounds for the rest of the game. (Sarah laughs) - But here we go. Six. That's what I see. One, two, three, four, five, six. Okay. I have to wait for everyone to roll. - To roll. - A five or an eight. So one by one we'll try to roll a five or an eight. If the person fails on one roll then Iffy goes back a space and we keep going until we roll a five or an eight. - Don't worry Iffy. I'm gonna roll a five right now. - Spencer. (all giggle) - Three. (all laugh) - Don't worry Iffy, I'll roll a five or an eight. (buzz sound) (soft giggles) - Shit. - I don't think I can do this but I'm gonna try (buzz sound) - Two sevens in a row. - All right here we go. - I thought it was five. - Here it is. (buzz sound) - Nope. A two. For Iffy, five or eight. (buzz sound) Two. Another two. - Great. Here we go. - I wish it was a two or a seven. (Sarah giggles) (buzz sound) - Six - That's a six. - Okay. Cool, we go back one more. - [Sarah] Wow. - You're sending me home. You all gonna send me all the way home man. (buzz sound) - [Sarah] Three - That's a three. (all chuckle) - Take home - Two. (all laugh) - You're now excited about being. - I feel like a dick every time. - You've got this. (buzz sound) - Four. - And we do that. - That's one off. - [Jackie] Five or eight. - Eight. - Eight. - Yay! - I told you I would eventually figure it out. - You're back at the beginning, good job. - Yeah, yeah. Cool. I was zoomed in too. - Seven - Seven. One two, three, four, five, six, seven - Is that a punishment? - Yes it is. - That's a rhino.that's a rhino. - That's a thick rhino too. - I wonder what's going to be Shane. - [Sarah] I wonder. - "You're someone else now swap seats "with the player to your left. "And now you're that player." - Cool. - So you get to just skip your turn? - Yep. - So you're green? - Yep. You are green. - I'm green. Four. One, two, three, four - What is this? - Cold up Johnson. - "A giant ice storm cover your knees "quick get inside or you might freeze." (Sarah giggles) - You guys need to roll a die. - [Sarah] Okay. - All right. - I begin. - Oh my God wow. (Sarah laughs) (Jackie laughs) - Come on Iffy. Iffy. Oh no. - Dang. - All right. That card add it to the disaster zone. - All right. We've got to "Jumanjis". - [Sarah] Okay. - Okay. All right. - Good luck. - Thanks. Five. One, two, three, four, five. - Oh, is it a bird? That's a rhino. (all laugh) - Oh my gosh this if this is a bird. - Rhino. - So sorry Jackie. - Oh man. - Oh, "Wear a llama mask (all laugh) "until you roll an even number during your turn". I can do that. - Okay, okay. - I think that's the one. - You're transforming into a llama. - You can't eat bugs if you have a llama mask on. (Sarah laughs) - Exactly. Let's see how this, you know what? Okay. (all laugh) (llama bleating sound) - Oh, it's so cute. - Is that spooky? - Yeah. I love that.Actually it's perfect. (all laugh) Your mic isn't covered. It's perfect. (Jackie growls softly) - [Iffy] All right. Turn that. Turn things around. - Can you see anything? - I can't. (Sarah laughs) - One, two, three, four. - [Sarah] One, two, three, four. - Jesus. - Is that a rhino? - Yes. It is. - Yeah. - (Sarah laughs) - "Windstorm leaf blower to the face" (all laugh) - Go. (leaf blower roaring) (Iffy growling softly) - Oh (laughing) - Let me clean the table real quick. I don't wanna remember where their spots are? (static beep) - There we go. Seven. One two three, four, five, six, seven. (llama bleating sound) "The building is trembling. You are in a trouble. "Hurry and escape, or you'll be covered in rubble." There's a earthquake. Everyone get an axe. So you ready? Are you ready Jackie? - Yeah. (all chuckle) Three, two, one go. - Oh, boom, boom, boom, boom. - We got it. We got it. Everyone can move forward one space. - One step. Gosh idiot. One, come on. I haven't had a regular draw yet. - [Sarah] You were punished. - Okay. (Jackie growls) - You know what? You know what? " Meal time, eat a bug" (all laughing) (Iffy screams) - All right, Shane you wanna grab the pudding? (llama bleating sound) - There's two but you only need to eat one. - Oh one whole kebab? - [Jackie] Yeah. That's the whole kebab. (Iffy screams) Okay. Okay. (Iffy utters gibberish) (Sarah laughs) Okay. (Iffy utters gibberish) (all laugh) Oh, it's crunchy. It's very crunchy. So much, so much crunch. Here's a stick. - Thank you. Thank you for this stick. - Okay. - Thank you. - All right.you know, I learned this-- - It's a bunch of crunch. - From a friend of Smash Bear Grylls. He said, you know what? When you're going through something like this, just throw your head back and think of bacon. (Iffy chewing noisily) (Sarah laughing) Oh, I apologize to the CDC? (Sarah laughing) - To the CDC (laughing) - It is nine in the morning right now. (laughing) Now it's my turn. Six. Okay. "The clouds open up the thunder roars lightening cracks "and down it pours" We all need to match a die. Are you ready? - Yes - Yes. All right. Three, two, one go. I got it. - I got it. - I got it. - I got it. - Yay. (all clap) All right. Everyone moves one. Oh, and three away. Oh, also I forgot when you're near the center you have to roll the exact amount of spaces to get to "Jumanji". (beep sound) Or you stay at the same place - One. So I have my first "Jumanji" card. (Sarah laughs) - Is that really your first "Jumanji" card? - Yeah. This is my first "Jumanji" card. - Oh my God. You just literally patted across punishments. (all laugh) - "They grow much faster than bamboos. "Take care or they'll come after you". You have to roll a saber. - Saber. - Saber. - Five, four, three, two, one. - Saber time.no come on. - I got a one. - Saber. - Yeah. Damn, it's good time. All right, we all move three? Oh, you know what? That means one, two, three. We won! (all cheer) - And only if we had to get punished. - That's so good. (all laughing) - Oh, you have to wear the mask? Oh, okay. I'm sorry. I'm sorry about that. - I had to swap seats. - I'm really sorry about that too. - Oh yeah. I didn't get punished at all. Nice - Still tastes the bugs in my mouth. No seasonings either. - You know what? As solidarity I'll munch on some bugs. (drum sounds) Yeah. I'll try it out. - Be an ally girl, be an ally. - Jackie. (all laugh) - Guys, I hope you enjoyed this, Iffy really took one for the team. (Sarah munching loudly) Sarah, how is that? Is that all right? - No seasons right? - Oh my God. - Yeah. Really fun. Anyways. I hope you guys enjoyed this and good news, there's more stuff for you to watch. We've got a video here, video here, you check it out. Are there probably other videos you can find where we're eating bugs. - Oh, God. - There's plenty, plenty of that over the years. So I hope you're having a good day, because Sarah and Iffy are not. - Yeah, those bugs are thick too. - They're thick and crunchy, there's dimension to it - Anyways, Goodbyes.
Channel: Smosh Games
Views: 462,965
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smosh, smosh games, gaming, comedy, funny, Punishment Jumanji!, jumanji, jumanji board game
Id: 3z-4StATZpQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 23sec (1043 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 05 2021
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