Don't Get Stabbed! (Board AF)

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- I got a stab, but I'm gonna use human shield, and I'm gonna use Ian as a human shield. - [Sarah] He's so mad. - I'm biding my time! - He's not Baby-Ian. He's Angry-Ian. - Oh, look at that. I got a stab. But guess what? I have a human shield. - Oh! (dramatic music plays) - It's spooky season. Because of that, we gotta to play a spooky game. So we are playing Don't Get Stabbed. This is Don't Get Stabbed. One player is the killer. While the rest are the victims. Each turn a player, draws a card. If a victim pulls a stab card, they can use an action card to avoid being stabbed or heal a wound. Once the victim gets three stab cards they die and are eliminated from the game. The killer wins by killing all the victims. The victims win by turning in pairs of matching cards to draw from the car pile to spell out the word car and escape. - It's surprisingly a lot like Exploding Kittens except for it's kind of teams where it's murderer versus victims. - Exploding victims. - We're all gonna take turns being the killer. Give me the prop. Give me the prop. (beep) No, no. (Sarah laughs) - He's the youngest oldest person here. - Can you watch my boss while I go get groceries? (everyone laughs) - I got him on one of those little monkey tail leash things. I'm gonna start as the killer, so I'm gonna wear, I'm gonna do my- - What's your killer name? - Mike. (everyone laughs) - Just Mike. Yeah, just Mike. Killer Mike. Here I am. Look at this. (person screams) - How offended do you think hockey goalies were? - They're like, "This is bad for our brand." - [Matt] Most of them are killers as it is. All right, so here we go. So everyone's going to start with an action card. Sarah, you can go first. - Here we go. Ooh! Now it's your turn now. - Now it's my turn. Holy (beep), lemme get stabbed. Nope. - Oh, I don't wanna get stabbed. Oh, you're gonna get stabbed, Courtney. - [Ian] It's gonna be stab. - I'm good, guys. - [Shayne] Ian's gonna get stabbed. - Nope. - [Matt] He didn't get stabbed? - Didn't get stabbed. - You're screwed killer. - [Matt] Okay, okay. - All right. - Check this out. Nope. - We're doing pretty good. - You think you're going to get stabbed? - I don't know. I have a thing where I could peek at them. Should I use it this early? - [Matt] Well, if you have something that could stop you from getting stabbed you don't have to do it, but remember I'm the killer as you might be able to notice from this mask. (Sarah and Courtney laugh) - I try not to judge books by their fricking covers, you know? - [Matt] Yeah, no, it's true. You don't know, I could be a- - (beep) - Oh! You got the stabbed! - I'm just gonna take it. - [Matt] You're taking it. If you get three stabs on the table, you die and you're out of the game. However, there are action cards that could remove a stab like a first aid kit. - [Sarah] Don't get stabbed. - I didn't get stabbed right. - [Matt] All right, as the killer. Ooh, I got a stab card, but because I'm the killer. I can put it back anywhere I want- - In the middle! That's not the middle! - That was kinda not the middle. - [Matt] Still kind of ish the middle. - Wasn't quite the middle. - All right, my turn. - Baby-Ian. - Oh! Stab, but I am going to block that stab, so it doesn't count. I'm gonna discard this and then I'm going to put this- - [Ian] So you played dead? - [Sarah] I played dead. It is blocked, and I will put the stab card in the middle of the deck. - A lot of these cards have cute little tropes, movie tropes on them. - Very good. I'm good. - I'm just gonna go for it. Frick! - What is up with this? You should probably use your thingy. - Courtney. - Okay. My thing is called a human shield. The stab is given to another victim of your choice. - I don't think you should use that. - The chosen victim cannot block the stab. If there are no other victims alive, this card blocks the stab. Sorry, guys. I gotta give someone a stab. - [Matt] Who you gonna give it to? Possibly the token idiot, maybe? - Who wants to get stabbed? - No, you wanna save the token idiot. - Who's the virgin? They don't get stabbed. - [Matt] Could it be Baby-Ian? - Baby-Ian? I can take a stab. I'm not afraid. - Really? - Yeah, I'll take a stab. I'll take one for the team. - Take a stab. - Watch me pull a stab right now. Stab, stab. Oh, okay. - [Matt] Okay, I get to keep going. - All right, are you good? - [Matt] I'm a good. - Look at my nails. I got Halloween nails. Look at that. - [Ian] Spooky! - Okay, now your turn. - Oh, wait, hold on. - Did you get stabbed? - No. I got a pair, so I'm gonna play it. I'm gonna pull one of those car cards. - [Courtney] Car cards. - Car, car. - [Matt] You got an A. Okay, you're one third of the way. - I'm gonna use my action card gut instinct. Look at the next five cards because I don't wanna get (beep) stabbed again. - [Matt] Guys, what's your favorite Halloween- - Stop trying to make movie Halloween. - Courtney, I have an ability to skip my turn. So, let me know if it's gonna land on me. - I think you're gonna be okay. - Are you be gonna be okay? - You're gonna be okay. - Am I gonna be okay? - No. (Sarah and Matt laugh) - What? - [Matt] Go ahead, buddy. - Why are you always? - [Courtney] It's your turn. - [Sarah] She said no. - Oh. - Oh, actually, yeah, you're right. It was somebody else that's not good in this situation. - I'm gonna play my get drunk doublies. - [Matt] All right, flip a card. - People really do be getting drunk during murder movies. - No keys! - [Matt] So, because it is a dud card, we will go back to the bottom of the desk. And that does not count. - Ian, what the (beep)? - I'm sorry. I was looking for the keys. I couldn't find the keys. - We're gonna die! - [Matt] Because of you. All right, I'm gonna draw. Ooh, stab. But I'm gonna put it anywhere I want in the deck. - I think it's ridiculous that the killer can't be stabbed. - [Matt] Why would I stab myself? I'm the killer. - I know it's controversial yet bright. - [Matt] Yeah, I'm gonna to play this creep card which allows me to view all the cards in a victim's hand. - But does it really matter? What's the strategy? - [Matt] The strategy is I just put the stab card somewhere in the deck. - [Sarah] Now my turn. - [Matt] Your turn. Oh, no, it's a stab card. - I'm gonna first aid it. So, I remove the stab. - [Courtney] You just put that one down? - [Matt] Yeah. (Courtney laughs) - You're supposed to put it in the middle. - [Matt] No, it says the killer can put it anywhere. You have to put it in the middle. - I think I know it's a stab card, but that's okay. We're just gonna deal with it. Oh. - Yeah, when I was trying to count that up, I forgot to count Matt. - Yeah, he's here. - [Matt] I'm the killer. - So, I'm definitely about to get frickin' stabbed. - What? - I'm definitely about to get stabbed. (everyone mocks Courtney) Stop! (Courtney yells) - I have first aid. - Oh, okay! (Courtney sighs) - So, I'm gonna use it. I'm doing the worst in this game, bro. - Yeah. (everyone laughs) - And it's a stab. - [Matt] Wow! - It's almost like the killer put them all in the middle of the deck. - [Ian] I'm applying first aid, and I am applying the card middle. - [Matt] Middle. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. Middle this. - Middle this! - He just got to puberty. Baby-Ian grew up. - You're not my real dad. - [Matt] I'm actually gonna play lurk, and it allows me to draw two cards. - What is your weapon of choice as the killer? - [Matt] Well, my weapon of choice? Words. (Sarah laughs) - [Courtney] That's awesome. - Hey, you're not very good. - [Matt] You suck. - Ooh! I got a double! Investigate a strange noise. It's probably just the wind. So, I get to get a car card. Is it a C or an R? It's a C! - [Matt] Why did you put this upside down? - Yeah, we're one away from winning, baby! One away! - Uh oh. - Did you get stabbed? - Why do you have so many cards? You have so many. - Why are you so lucky? - [Ian] Give us some of your cards. - Hey, don't be a chode. - You just learn that one? - Yeah. - Is it me? - Mr. Chode's wild ride. - I'm gonna get freakin' stabbed. Oh, phew. - [Matt] Ian. - Oh, phew. Sorry, I took your catchphrase. Oh phew. - [Sarah] What? - Oh Sarah. - Well (beep) you. - [Matt] Oh! Sarah got stabbed - It doesn't matter. I get two more stabs. - Yeah, you need three stabs to die. - Oh, have sex. - People do be having sex in murder movies. - [Shayne] Here we go, here's the win. Dang it! - [Matt] It's an A. It goes to the bottom of the deck. - That's how people in New York say car. - I had sex for nothing. - You got laid just for some A. (Courtney yells) - [Matt] That's two stabs. - I don't wanna be out. - What's it like to have a stab? - It's not a part of a balanced breakfast. - Dang it. - If you had to be stabbed where would you get stabbed? - [Matt] Eyeball. - In the ass. - In the butt. Like, in a butt cheek would not be- - You wouldn't be able to sit for a long time. - Yeah, but just safety wise it would be- - I was thinking the ass cheek, but it sounded so much worse. - Yeah, like you just said in the ass, which is- - Yeah, that would not be fun. - I think, like, right in that sweet spot under the clavicle, you know where people always get shot with an arrow and they're like, "Oh, just a battle wound." - I think my forehead. Like, 'cause it'd be really hard to penetrate. - Oh. Four out of five doctors agree getting stabbed is bad. - And nobody has cards to, like, block other people's stabbings? - [Matt] They might but they might not wanna use it. - Yeah, Shayne. - We're not friends. (Courtney and Sarah laugh) - [Courtney] God! - Damn it! - We're just all in this cabin in the woods together. - [Matt] He got stabbed. - I don't wanna get stabbed! Plot twist. I don't wanna get stabbed. Oh, thank God. - [Sarah] Oh yeah, you're close. Oh, I'm close! - That's what she said. Oh no! - [Matt] I'm going to use stalk which means I can shuffle the deck. - Mother F. Don't look! - That's great. That's great. - That's pretty awesome. - Thanks, murderer. This murderer's a really nice guy. - [Matt] I'm just toying with your brains. I'm messing with you guys. - I think though if you were running, if you were in this, like, crappy situation maybe getting stabbed in the arm would be the best. - Yeah, getting stabbed in the arm is pretty good. - [Matt] Okay. - [Ian] I want good cards. You're getting all the good cards. - It's fine. We're about to win. - We're gonna win, guys. - Check this out. - [Ian] What is it? What are you playing? - [Courtney] Ooh, what does it say? - [Shayne] Check this out. Damn it. - Oh, classic line in a murder movie. I'll be right back. - That was my chance. Now we're gonna lose. - [Matt] Courtney. - I believe in us, guys. I believe in us, team. - I keep getting things. Hold on. Okay. - I feel good about this next pull. - Guys, I kind of have a tummy ache. Just got a little tummy ache. Probably from my Tim Tam and coffee and some chips. (Courtney burps) A little concoction in there. - [Matt] I'm gonna play sabotage. View a victim's hand and steal a card of your choice. Shayne, you got a bunch of cards. - You mother (beep). - [Matt] Let me see your hand. - Oh, you're very (beep). (everyone laughs) - Imagine if you talked to a killer that way. - You're very (beep.) - Hey, stop being an (beep). - I've always wanted, like, a scary movie but instead of, like, a sorority girl being the one, it was just like an old Jewish man. (everyone laughs) - Just inconvenienced by the situation. - Oh, this is a horrible Tuesday night. - See, I think you (beep) up with that. - Oh, you're done. - [Matt] Oh, I'm done. - Finally. - [Matt] Finally. Is it a stab? - [Courtney] The pictures on these cards, I will say they're very funny. It looks like they drew them in Makerosoft Paint. - Makerosoft. - [Sarah] It looks kinda like South Park-ish. (Courtney yells) - (beep)! Does anybody have the capacity to save me before I die and leave the game? - Nope. - Nice knowing who my friends are. - [Matt] Courtney is dead. - [Sarah] RIP Courtney. - [Matt] Ian, go ahead. - [Ian] Matt stole from the right people. - Damn. - Whoa, whoa, whoa. Cellphone. I got two of the cell phone dies which means I can pull from here. - What's it say? Cell phone dies. - If it's an R we win. It is no key. - [Matt] No keys! - No, bitch. (Courtney laughs) - Hey. - [Courtney] Scolding a murderer as if it's a dog. - No! - [Ian] Oh no! - Stab is blocked! - [Ian] Oh yeah! - Good job. Good job. - Time for me to get stabbed. - [Matt] How'd you know? - [Sarah] All right, Ian. - [Matt] Guys, I'm gonna win. You are each one stab away from dying. - Shut up. - [Matt] Okay, just wanna make sure the audience at home knows. - I don't know what you have left, but I'm, oh wait nevermind. - [Matt] No, you're the victim. - Oh shoot. - [Sarah] He looked at the killer part of the card. - [Matt] Ian would be the guy in a horror movie who was like, "no, I'm the killer!" - Sorry, I'm gonna play this. It's gut instinct, so I get to look at the next five cards. - [Sarah] Don't mess up the order. - Oh (beep). - You messed up the order - Yeah, I messed up the order. - [Sarah] Okay, that was first. Put that on the bottom. - [Ian] What? This one? - [Sarah] Yep. - [Ian] What? - How many cards do you need? - Five. - Okay. - Thanks, Mom. - It was like this and then don't mix them up. - [Matt] Can I just stab you? Like, in real life? - [Sarah] Very good, gold star for Ian. - [Ian] Put that one back? - [Matt] No, no. All right, my turn. - I'm gonna put a chef hat on you and try and bake a cake with you. - [Matt] Sarah, go ahead. - Okay. Okay, Shayne. - [Ian] Ooh, what's it gonna be? - Here it is, my final stab. Nope. (Shayne laughs) - You good, bro? - I'm getting stabbed this next. - [Matt] All right, I'm gonna play killer draws two cards. - Take 'em. - [Sarah] No stabby boys? - No stabbies. This is a close game. - This is a very close game. All right. (beep) So, scream for help. If another victim will give you any action card, the stab will be blocked. - [Matt] Any action card. - Any action card. - Help, help. Do you want to help? - [Matt] Absolutely not. - All right, I'm dead. - Oh no! - [Matt] We all watched it happen. - You didn't have action cards or you just didn't want to give it to her? - Oh no! (Ian yells) - [Matt] What's gonna happen? - [Shayne] It's up to Ian. Oh! - You didn't have any action cards? - No. - Congrats to the killer, you killed us all. - [Matt] Yay! - [Creepy Voice] Victory! - Courtney, wanna be killer? - Yeah. - Choose a costume. - Okay. - Courtney killer. - Courtney Ruth Killer. This is a good luck. - [Sarah] I like it a lot. - Can't wait to kill you guys. So embarrassing you got killed by this. - This is straight up every emo, every like scene girl that went to shows. - Yeah, they'd be like this. (rock music plays) - We're going to win. There's no way that the scene killer can kill us. - The scene killer. - There's gonna be some blood on the dance floor. - Do you want to go in the same order? - That's a like a scene band. - Let's go the other way. - [Sarah] Ian, you go first! - Oh gosh, oh my goodness. - [Sarah] This game's done in Australia. - All right. - Get me stabbed, baby. Ah. - Show me stabbing. - [Ian] You don't want the stab card. You don't want the stab card. - We want to get rid of them quick. - [Shayne] Stock it up. - This is so cool. I don't get stabbed at all. - Nice. But I do. - Wow! - Scream for help if anyone wants to save me. (wind blows) - Not gonna save you. That sucks for you. It's too early in the game. - What're you talking about? - It's just one. You might get a first aid and you could remove that. You can remove that stab at any point. - This is just an ass wound. - Just an ass wound. - It's just an ass wound. - Get all three then I'm just out of the game. I'll go take a (beep) for fun. (Shayne laughs) - Is it for fun or necessity? - No, not for necessity. You can just make one. - You can manifest a (beep). - Oh no, it's a stabby stab. - Oh no! - I'm gonna apply first aid. - Oh no, why don't you ask friends for help? Oh, wait they don't do that. - I don't want your help, Shayne. Your help is all winy and poopy. - What? - It's true, it is poopy. I'm going to play two. And I'm going to flip. Yeah! - [Ian] Let's go, champ! - Hell yeah, we got a C, baby! - Oh. - Nothing, wow. Okay, okay. - Okay. - Okay. What do we have? Okay. I'm also, excuse me. I am going to make, I'm gonna make one victim draw two cards. If they draw a stab card, it cannot be blocked. - Whoa! - The person I choose is I'm just gonna make Ian do it. - My pleasure. - Not a surprise. - My pleasure. - What if there's two stab cards? - No stabs or are you going to pretend? - He's pretending. - It was his turn anyways, right? - Now I gotta draw another one. - [Sarah] Yep! - Oh man, that's a stab. (everyone laughs) But fortunately I pulled a first aid in that. - [Sarah] Oh, it canceled out. - Oh! Look at me being nice for you. - Thank you, Court. - [Courtney] So nice. - Now I go. - Okay. - I think what we need to do is get more of those car cards. - Oh! - [Ian] Yeah, I think that's what we need to do. - Probably be a good idea. - [Sarah] Oh boy, there's a stabby boy in there! - I got the stab and I put it back. - Put it back! - (beep). I got a stab. - Oh. - Oh no, Ian. - I'm gonna take it like a man. I'm gonna take this butt stab like a man. - Butt stab. - [Courtney] Butt stab. - You good, bro? - No, I'm a murderer. - So I got a stab, but I'm gonna use a human shield. And I'm gonna use Ian as a human shield. - [Courtney] So he takes the stab. - I already have a stab, you dummy. - I figured he's got experience. - [Courtney] Oh no. Oh no. You have awoken. - You have no idea what you've just unleashed. - We no longer have Baby-Ian. It is now Mean-Ian. - [Sarah] He's so mad. - I'm not mad. I'm biding my time. - [Courtney] He's Angry-Ian. - I'm Angry-Ian. You have no idea what you've brought unto yourself. - [Matt] We're all supposed to play together, Ian. - He just changed the rules. I think I gotta kill Ian off. - He's that eccentric billionaire in a horror movie that- - Oh look at that. I got a stab. But guess what? I have a human shield. - Oh! - That's right. Take your stab back. - Karma is a bitch! - We're killing each other off! - I was like, that is fine. I'm just going to get you. - All right, go ahead, Shayne. - [Ian] Even though it does not benefit us - [Matt] Sarah and I are doing great. - I'm (beep) out. - [Courtney] You're dead? - Wow. This is what happens. - [Ian] We got separated. - [Sarah] I'm just gonna go for it. - [Matt] Wow. - But I'm going to block the stab and play dead. So, go right in the middle where all the other stab cards are. - Right in the (beep) middle. - View a victim's card and steal the card of your choice. Matt, I'm interested in your deck. I get to look at it and see one. I'm interested in your deck. - Whoa, nice deck! - Nice deck! - Whoa, big fat deck. (Shayne laughs) - Thank you. - Got a juicy deck. - All right, Ian pull that stab card. - [Courtney] That was the one I used. - [Ian] Go for it. - Aw! - Stabby stabs? - Oh, you took it. - I did. I took the one. First stab, how's it feel? - [Matt] It doesn't feel good. It feels bad. It hurts. - Here we go. And I'm going to play this get drunk card. I love you, man. - Let's go. - [Sarah] Let's get an A or an R! Hey! - Hey! - Wow! Pretty good. - [Sarah] Everybody say wayo. - Wayo! - All right, your turn, Ian. - Okay. Oh yeah, dude. - [Courtney] Oh! Stab, you didn't have card? - You guys are stabbing each other and then you die. - Oh no. Okay, so Matt and Sarah you're the only ones left. You are the only two left. - Come on, Matt. Don't (beep) it up. - Come one frenemies. Let's go. - Don't (beep) this up. - Boo boo. - Does anyone say that? Boo boo? - Boo woo. - Courtney killer, it's your turn. She's sugar. - I'm using my action card that says the killer draws two extra cards. Okay, let's see what else. Killer draws two extra cards. - What? - Oh no, a stab. Gonna put it. - [Shayne] You can put the stab anywhere. - And one more, okay. Cool, thank you. I'm done. - [Sarah] Very cool. (Matt yells) - I'm gonna scream for help. Sarah, you have a lot of cards over there. Not funny. - Fine, I'll give it to you. - I'm using it and that blocks my stab. - Wow, Ian, look at them. - That's how friendship works. We weren't using each other as human shields. - Yeah, Ian. - You started it. - It's better to have both of us in the game than just me in the game. - Yeah, I would have wanted to keep us alive too but Shayne started it. (Sarah gasps) - [Courtney] First stab of the game. - First stab. - Oh stab, oh no. I have a action card that I'd like to use. Steal one random card from a victim. (Greg laughs) - Thanks. - Not that one, oh no! - Hope it's not a damn it! (Courtney laughs) - And I'm going to put down two. - [Ian] Car, car, car, car! - [Sarah] Car! - [Deep Voice] Defeat! - We won, everybody. - Good job. Sorry I didn't get to murder you guys. - The killer scene queen loses. - Better luck next time for me. - But also won my heart. - 'Cause if you get killed, it's not. You don't get to share the victory necessarily. - No, you died. - Yeah, we're in the afterlife watching over 'em. - Matt and Sarah have won. - We all won. - Guys, we play games like this all the time on Twitch and on our fricking YouTube channel. So, you should subscribe to join the party and watch us whenever they come out. But for now we have more content just for you. More games, more fun, family friendly, maybe not, content. - Definitely not family friendly. This is not Olive Garden. - Yeah, it is not Olive Garden, but it is Smosh Games. And we freaking love you. - Everyone, say your favorite cuss word on three. One, two, three! (beep) - The Pope.
Channel: Smosh Games
Views: 718,236
Rating: 4.9615479 out of 5
Keywords: smosh, smosh games, gaming, comedy, funny, Don't Get Stabbed! (Board AF), smosh board af, board af, don't get stabbed, card game, board game, new game, new, 2020, halloween
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 24sec (1404 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 18 2020
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