5 FNAF Fan Games

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Summoning u/DirectDoggo He's done it! :D

Also, apologies if you didn't want to be summoned!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 29 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/PuppetGeist πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 06 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 19 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TickTockGJ πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 06 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 06 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies
πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/-Mike_- πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 06 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

And Final Nights 4.

And Dormitabis.

And JOLLY 3 (which he seemed to adore btw, IvanG)

And Bubba's Dine- WAIT WTF

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/caelywobbles234 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 06 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 06 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Congrats doggo :D! Hopin he does a series on 3

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/JeliLiam πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 06 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

You know you made it as a fangame developer when Mark plays your game.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Tiger-Bear991 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 06 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

If he does make a let's play of it, he should start with the first game imo

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/radioangeloid66 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 06 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies
I'm braced. I'm so- [assorted screaming] I see it! I'm sexually attracted to robots.. Hello everybody! My name is Markiplier, and welcome to the mega episode of Five Nights at Freddy's fan games. Now you may think that I've played a lot of Five Nights at Freddy's fan games in my career, But to be perfectly honest, I haven't even scratched the surface. As you can see, this is page 1, of almost 5000 games! The Five Nights at Freddy's fan game world is ludicrously big. BUT I'm here to give you value. I've picked out five different Five Nights at Freddy's- [laughing] Good god! Every time I sc- wait. Every time I - wait, let me try to... No? Hmm? [laughs] There it is, there it is, there it is, there it is! I got it. There's my boy. And I'm doing this because I care. Because I don't want to waste your time. Because I want to treat you to something special! I want to improve what a Let's Play is, and this time you get a BUFFET! All-you-can-eat of the various different Five Nights at Freddy's fan games. So without further a[weird noise]do, let's get started Now, I played the Final Nights 3 demo, as far as I remember, so this is, this is a- [loud, bass-heavy music] Aww, man! Mmm, yeah. Yeah, that's good stuff. Hey, ho! Hey, ho! Look at! You! How's it! Going? Okay, all right, I'm gonna get going. See you in the game, buddies! That's creepy. God what- Ah. Don't look at me like that! [narrator fading in: "As I previously stated in my earlier post-"] Hi? [narrator: "the mystery of Fredbear's is a very..."] [narrator: "interesting one."] Uh-huh? ["Not much seems to be known,"] [narrator: "But I think I got a good lead so far. A couple of days ago, I was sent something in the mail,"] Uh-huh? [narrator: "And I was told what was inside may be of interest to me."] Uh-huh? [narrator: "Finally, after sorting out all the rest of the junk mail I got,"] Uhhh? [narrator: "I opened this one, and to my pleasure saw some very intriguing things inside."] [narrator: "On the outside was a note that said,"] [narrator: "This once belonged to my grandfather, who worked at Fredbear's." [narrator: "He disappeared soon after and this was all that was left of him."] [narrator: "New information is always great, and it's even better with a story attached."] [narrator: "I rumbled inside the letter and to my amazement, I found a key to the entrance of Fredbear's Family Diner."] [narrator: "I'm thinking that the person's grandfather may have worked here as a night guard or something, by the chip attached to the key."] [narrator: "As of right now I am planning on visiting the old establishment soon,"] [narrator: "and see what I can do with what was sent to me."] [narrator: "If anyone has any clues to who this grandfather character is, leave a reply below."] [narrator: "I really am interested in knowing who this person is, really."] [narrator: "Max Donovan,"] [narrator: "paranormal investigator."] All right, well, you're gonna die! I know that for a f- whaaaa? Investigation 1- these are so well-made! That's the thing about like all these- [narrator: "This is it. Where it all started."] Whoa. Whoa-hahahaha. Seriously, they're so well made! That's the- that's such an impressive thing about it! Like they're honestly well made. There's a lot of love that's been put into these. Look at this shit! I got a backp- [narrator: "Nope, that won't work."] I didn't try anything! ["Nope, that won't work."] Okay, alright, whatever you say! I am outie! Okay, but there's so much, like, love put into these games, It's shocking. All right, let's go into here. I'm probably gonna die... [chuckling nervously] Choose the keys, I guess? Hi-yah! That's really cool. [markiplier reading] "The pup-" I didn't read that!!! Where am I?! Who am I?! Why are you?! Who's there? Hello. Okay, what have you got for me? Ohh. Well that's a comforting sound. Ahh. Ohh. Okay. Dive headfirst into the fan? Okay. That's an option. What is the growling?! Huh?! Wanna explain to me what the growling is?! Huh? Hmm. All right. Mm-kay. All right , I don't know what you want, but I'll wander around this place. Ahhh! Oh. Whyyyy-? Wai-, whoa, I see someone's doing kung fu back there! Wait a minute. Is that just - is that just the dust cloud, or am I seeing something going wibbity-woobity in the back? I coulda sworn I saw someone going wibbity-woobity. Alright, time to go forward, I gue- [sudden steam escaping hiss] Why- FUCKING STEAM! God dammit! You sack o' tits. YOUUUU sack o' TITS! Oh, you're a big bunch o' ass! All right. Fine then. Got blasted in the ass with steam. I don't think that key's gonna work- [narrator: "Nope that won't work."] Shocking. I know. Who'da thought it wouldn't work? Man, this is cool! I've got to admit this- this is legitimately cool. This is really cool! Huh-? Heard the thumpy. I'll try this here. I don't know what this is. It worked, apparently! I don't know. Oh, OHHhhh! It's a flashlight. Ahh. [chuckling] Well. I got myself a key, and now I am going to use it here. It's so awesome. It's like a point-and-click adventure game! It's so cool! HEYYYY. You don't need to be so thumpy, ya door! Uh, whaaa... It's quiet... Oh, there we go! The comforting noises of madness. All right. Hello... How about a flashlight? K-chunk-a... [narrator: "Nope, that won't work."] All right, that won't work then, apparently. OH THAT- All right! I think I fixed it! Not a hundred percent sure, but I think I fixed it! All right, let's go down the- I DID see something going wibble-wobble in the- HI! [distress giggling] Can I shine you with a flashlight? [narrator: "Nope, that won't work."] All right, I guess this is normal! Ah yes. I love this. It's my favorite show! Hello... Oh. Oh, it is my favorite show! OH! Oh. Okay. [increasingly agitated] Why hi. Hello! Hi. What am I doing? And why?! I'm not sure. I don't... I don't fully understand... What I'm doing here. Okay. [unsettled chuckling] Nothin'! Just fiddle-diddling with my flashlight. I have no idea. [squeak] Okay? I... What is- what am I- hello? All right... Hello! How ya doin'? Welcome to the... all right- [Loud screamy jumspcare noise!] Ahhhhh! [laughing] Wh-a-a-a-at? [still laughing] What did you want from me?! What could you have possibly wanted from me? What was the POINT of that?! I'm a paranormal investigator! I don't watch a puppet show! Mmm. Aahhhh. Okay, so the answer is, gotta... flash 'em. Wh- h- hey! I s- [Loud screamy jumpscare noise!] [laughing] Wh-h- I just... don't get it! That's all, just- I don't get it. I just don't get it. All right, see ya! See ya, have a good day! Have a good day... I spy- [jumpscare] [loud Mark noises] [high-pitched] I just- please don't kick me out, again! It's like a live- Bwah... I see you! Hello. Hmmm. [knowing chuckle] Ah-ha-ha-ha! Hon-hon-hon. EnchantΓ©. Okay, so I'm supposed to peekaboo the puppets, but not the puppet... The puppet-suh, but not the puppet. All right, thank you! I don't know. This is a good show... it's a great ... show... I got nothing else to say besides how good the show is... It's really good. Love it even. All right, well, you keep peek-a-booing me. I ain't gonna change! I'm just as handsome as I was before! Okay, peek-a-boo! I see you- Okay, all right... I see... Hello? Hi. I'm fine. My name is Markipl- Oh, okay. All right. Hi! Hello. My name is Markiplier. I'm- [sigh] I'm... I make videos on the internet? I have a funny feeling I'm... doin' well, but I don't know- [loud fast ticking] WHY-AAH! Kay, HI! All right! WELL then! Thank you for the... ohhhh.... All right, we did it! All right! Good job everybo- [phone ringing] Ohh, hey. How's it goin'? [phone ringing] Ohhh kay, all right... [answering machine noise] Well, hahaha... [answering machine voice: "Hello there, new night guard, and welcome to my establishment!"] Okayyyyy... [answering machine: "(laughing) I'm just messing with you, Henry!"] [answering machine: "I'll give you the quick rundown on how the animatronics and the building systems you requested actually function."] [answering machine: "First up you have your cameras up front."] [answering machine: "Activate them by pressing SPACE on the keyboard in front of you."] [answering machine: "You can press S to exit back out."] [Markiplier sound] [answering machine: "I took the liberty to go into some state of the art tech for us here."] [answering machine: "A screen that can detect your fingers' locations with invisible lasers..."] [answering machine: "Pretty fancy stuff. "] [answering machine: "Anyway, touch a ??? on your buttons to switch cameras."] [answering machine: "Any room with a green triangle can be selected..."] [answering machine: "....even the vents."] "Now you also have your alarm and air-refresh buttons." "For now you'll only need the alarm." "Pressing it will signal a bright, loud, and red alarm to ring in whatever room you have selected on the camera." "You can ring the alarm near your office by using the left shift key." "Now onto your animatronic buddies! Courtesy of me, of course." "Fredbear is up first. I gave him the role of power management, basically." "If he noticed a lack of people he will go into different rooms," "and try and find guests or staff members." "And if he decides the place is completely empty..." "He'll shut off the power." "Not something you want NOW, is it?" "Now, all you have to do is lead him to you." "He'll go after any noise. So whenever he's taking a break to take in any sounds or signals," "try ringing the alarms in nearby rooms," "leading him toward you a couple of times." "Once he's close enough, say Party Room 1," "then ring the alarm near your office." "That's the shift key, remember?" "Bonnie, however, is a bit of a different beast." "He'll wander around looking for intruders." "Normally, if you wear your guard uniform, he'll read a chip inside it and not register you as an intruder." "Howwwever, you didn't exactly..." "...fit..." "the last guard's uniform, so until you can tailor yourself a new one, just try to avoid any contact with him." "But if he does manage to enter your office, try..." "...and stay..." "...completely..." "still." "One of his parameters for checking if someone's human is if it moves." "Thusly, if you stay completely still, he..." "...probably..." "won't register you a human," "and thus not as an intruder." "All right!" "Hope you got all that. Good luck, and I'll see you tomorrow!" Okay! I don't understand any of it, or why. Why do I need to bring them to me? Why do I need to bring them to me? I d- I don't- Who is there? Oh, is that a poster? I don't know what's happening. I- I'm very confused! Sir? Get up! Call 9-1-1? Hello? Can you help you? All right! Can't do that. I have no idea what I'm doing. I- I literally have no idea- whoa, hey I can mo-o-o-ove. I can move! All righty then! That's not good. Hey! Uh... Ring rong! Oh, that's... weird... [imitating steam noise] p-sshhhhh Oh, they're 𝐦𝐨𝐯𝐒𝐧𝐠. I don't know what that π™’π™šπ™–π™£π™¨. [Distressed noises] Fire in the kitchen! Hello? Mmmm. Okay! All right. Well, I might be boned. I might be. I might be expressly, completely boned. Ooh! Hello, hi! Ring Rong?? Hello? Hi! Oh, that's weird! I'm not the free-roam, you guys are the free roam! Oh that's real good. That's real good. Well, hey. [Animatronic clanking in background] Oh, hello! Oh, excuse you... please back up. Nope! Uh-uh, nooo, nope! Nope! Uh-uh. NOPE! [Giggling] I'm gonna go with a big ol'- All right! See ya. [high-pitched] Oo-kaaAAAYYYYYY! All RIGHT! That happened! I- A- [powering down sound] Oooooooh... [whispering] welp Shit. [whispering] I don't know what's happening. Or why. Oh! Hello! [Music begins to play] That's a problem. That's a big problem. That's a problem, and I'm gonna thunkle a solution to this problem. But can you give me a few more minutes? 'Cause I can't come up with no s- s'lution... Anyway Just gonna accept my fate. Gonna accept my fate. Look at ya. Yup. I am dead. Probably dead. Very dead. I'm dead now. All right, well, see ya. I'M BRACED. I'M SO- [jumpscare scream] [sighing] Ahhh.... Damn. Damn, son. Where'd you get that? But anyway that is all the time I have for Five Nigh- Final Nights 4. I gotta move onto the next game here. Oh, boy. [music box in Freddy playing] Oh boy. [still playing] Yeah, seems about right... Oh, it's All Star! ♬ Don't stop coming - fed to the rules and I hit the ground running - didn't make sense not to live for fu- ♬ [Windows error noise] [Giggling] Wait, what? What? "What Dayshift at Freddy's 1 ending will you continue from?" [Giggling harder] I don't-! What?! I had no idea what this game was, so I have no idea! I'm just gonna pick random. I would like Gnarl- Oh soapy sounds real good. Man, I should have played DSAF1, I guess, but nah, too late. Ohh. [Quietly giggling] Hi! Hi Phone Guy! [Phone guy stammering] No... [Mark reading] "Welcome to the new and improved Freddy's!" [Mark reading] "Thank you for responding! Most people don't want to work here after what happened at the old location." [Mark reading] "Are the rumors true?" I don't know what rumors, but are the rumors true? [Phone guy stammering] [Mark reading] "No, nothing could be further from the truth!" [Phone guy sputtering] [Mark reading] "Fredbear wasn't even in Reno on June 24th. That is propaganda spread by those Candie's Burgers and Chips asshole-" [Phone Guy] "Oh, wait." [Mark reading] "Wait did you mean the last location? Oh yeah. I guess so." [Phone guy stammering] [Mark reading] "Essentially we're hiring you here to work the day shift." [Mark reading] "You'll be wearing mascot suits, delivering pizza, cleaning up messes, all that kind of stuff." [Mark reading] "You ever work in one of these joints before?" [Mark partly reading] "I worked in Colorado... I worked at Fre-" Why? Why??? Hah- This is really in-depth... I am out of my element. All right... [reading] "I worked at the sister location filled with doggos." That sounds like me. [Phone guy] "Well, you know..." [Mark reading] "I'm terribly sorry. I don't know what the company was thinking the la- that time." [reading] "Let's put only random doggos in a location!" [reading] "All it was for one doggo to start barking..." [reading] "We had to ship the leftover doggos to as many locations as possible," [reading] "meaning we kinda have random doggos roaming around most locations." [Phone Guy] "Well, you know." [Mark reading] "You seem to know what you're doing! Our grand reopening is tomorrow, you know..." [reading] "Today is a trial day of sorts to make sure the robots work and most of them don't catch fire." [reading/stumbling] "The trans- the trash file - the trash pile may combust." [Phone guy] "Uh... whatever." [Mark reading] "So..." [reading] "Would you like a small tour so you can see what you got..." [reading] "...around the day shift?" [reading] "Just a short tour, all right?" [reading] "Sure thing! I'll only show you the most vital stops." Now let us depart! [reading] "Welcome to the show stage! This is one of the areas where you can perform with our brand new robots." [reading] "That chicken looks oddly... promiscuous." Eh, I don't wanna... say nothing about that chicken, but uh, [lip smacking noises] [reading] "Yeah, if you ask me the company is asking for troubles," [reading] "giving a robot those hips." [reading] "Imagine if foxy had hips like that..." [reading] "*ahem*" I don't wanna imagine that. I don't wanna imagine that at all, actually. I don't wanna even closely imagine that. [Phone Guy] "So..." [reading] "This is the Prize Corner!" [reading] "Our groovy clerk Matt will exchange all tokens you give him for cool prizes." "Isn't that neat?" "Another thing you've got to do here is wind up a music box over in the Prize Corner." [Phone Guy] "These things happen sometimes." [Mark reading] "That white-" [reading] "That white circle on the top-left of your screen indicates how urgent it is that you wind up the box." "If you let it wind all the way down, IT comes out." Uhhh... "W- What is it?" "Oh, that doesn't matter." All right... "All that matters is that you don't let the box wind all the way down." "Please. For everyone's sake." All right. "What is that noise?" [Phone Guy] "These things happen sometimes." [Mark, reading] "That's the mangle." "Basically too many people yiffed the damn fox." "So we made it less sexy, but someone keeps tearing it apart." "I'm pretty sure it's Dave." "I'm too lazy to put it back together," "and the company can't afford a technician." "We spent all of our moolah building these terrible plastic abominations." "So we sorta just use it as a take apart-put back together attraction." "It's easier than actually trying to talk to Dave." "Believe me, it's easier." Is Dave the purple guy...? [reading] "Wait... the restrooms have cameras in them!" That's... "We've gotta put them in there! Ever since what happened in Seattle." "Seriously, who knew that Freddy could do so much damage with just a urinal and a blow-torch?" [laughs] I don't want to know that story. I really don't, actually. [Phone Guy] "Now that we're in the office, we can start our job interview!" "So what's your name?" All right... Oh. Ah! Okay, sure! My name is... my name is... Fr.... Free... Freem.... My name is Freemp. Freemple... Freemplton. I'm sorry, I misspelled my name. My name is Freempltn. [Phone Guy] "I remember that name... from Colorado." "Any past crime related activity?" We're both aware of what I did to Foxy. We are both aware of what I did with Foxy. [Phone Guy] "Oh, yeah, look the plast- [word fumbling] the past is the past, but frankly, the newer plastic models might be too fragile for that, especially the Trashpile." [reading] "They are literally made- [laughing] They are literally made of dildo material though!" I can't help it! [Phone Guy] "Yeah, I told them making robotics out of plastic and latex was a crummy idea." "Do you have any medical issues we should know about?" I... [reading] "When I pee, there's blood. Sometimes I cough up metal pieces. I have the gout." "...I am sexually attracted to robots..." [Phone Guy] "Well look, just keep your shmekinwhepper... [laughing] NO ONE KEEPS FREEMPLTN'S SHMEKINWHEPPER IN FREEMPLTN'S BRIEFS! NO ONE! AND IT WON'T BE YOU! [Phone Guy] "Seems you're in acceptable medical condition! Now..." "Since you've worked for Freddy's, you've already signed our contract. No need to sign it again pal, we own you." Wait... what? Whatever you say. Save game? Sure, alright. I saved it. I'm so happy. [anxious chuckles] Alright... Ooohhhhh... Hello. Why are you here? [Reading] "Interact with Mangle." I guess? "Pick fleshlights-" [laughing] [laughing] Okay. All right. Well. All right. [Mangle static] [Mangle: "Fleshlight time."] Agh, no. I- [disgust noises] [Reading and giggling] "You found two fleshlights!" I don't... I don't- I don't think I like that... I don't like that. I'm gonna talk to you. [Mangle:" Ayyy lmao"] Ayyyy! Hey how's it going? Pizza? [Mangle: "Feed me pizza and call me your meme, slut."] Nah I don't like that. Nope, don't like that as much. I'm gonna repair you. Ah- oh! Uhh... [Reading] "Oh, we've got one! Botched Mangle! You botched that up!" "In all seriousness, it looks even worse now." Let's try to repair it again come on. Let's give this another go if at first you don't succeed get back on that horse. Oh Don't I'm not done yet man. Let me give another crack at this. I just gotta get some elbow grease in there I gotta get your elbows all greased up. Oh shit that doesn't go there. What are you doing? WHY Get out shit All right well I guess we'll just have to Try that again god. This is ridiculous. This is ludicrous. I love it. I'm gonna make balloon animals All right, okay time to inflate some balloons Penis like oh Just good, let's go back away from this one and see why I guess I'm out of here. Okay, whatever you say I need oh Ah let's interact with Balloon Boy oh I'm gonna throw you at a wall Well, I'm sorry Employee what have you done? Why did you do this I'd expect this sort of behavior from Dave, but from you Now we no longer have a balloon boy. What's stopping the kids from all ganging up on toy Freddy and kick in the shins in Ripping rest Wait for this to finish I gotta get my suit on don't I don't I have to get my suit on isn't that a thing I have to do hi, I am NOT going to kick you please I Don't want to know what foxy fuf is I'm gonna play that I'm not Pratt this isn't my proudest I'm Okay, seriously what in the actual fuck? Shoo, we're golden heady as we're golden And scare children ah Excellent time to find some kids to scare the shit out of hello oh shit what up children Sorry Ye be honest with me, did you put on the floating at Barratt just to scare small children I'm gonna do Get out This top No more Golden Bear scrotum. I don't know what that means. I really don't understand what that means I guess all right well if I don't get more scrotum. I guess that's all Don't get no more scrotum. Hello. You are doing great You are loved mr.. Orange, man. I needed that oh All right, okay, bye Where's your questions? Would you like to know my child I am NOT your child and you are not my Papa for us to clear? Nobody likes the plastic beer In plastic mmm those two traits make me worse than Balloon Boy and fredbear who each only have one of those two qualities Okay, what is suffering you feel like the only thing that I know anymore Okay, all right you go be at all-star. Thank you mid die now see ya all right toy chica Goddamn, those hips devourer Devourer chicas oven-baked avian, bhai Okay, all right well, that's weird I don't know what that means is that a euphemism for something? I'm just gonna leave now all right. See you around. What's in the back room? Wow Foxy nice dick I guess that's that's not right Give the Fox repair foxy even you can't repair a broken heart What was that again the fucking fog, I don't want to that's I don't wanna yar pair hair I mean if the Fox I guess I'm still not showing this. Oh. Yeah. Oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah Harder father. Oh yeah. Oh, yes. Spank me harder daddy. Oh, yes I May have you the Fox get out? Completely fair that is a hundred percent fair that is fair. You are fair and just I Don't feel good about myself. No, I don't I don't feel good about myself. No oddly enough No, I think you're I think your summary reason of my existence is absolutely correct if I if I had to imagine what would be? Written on my gravestone. It would be you sick fuck so I think I'm gonna leave this one there. That is God it's like five minutes of fuckboys really is Anyway, that is day shift at Freddy's and that is only Game two of this adventure, so uh huh oh? Very nice, okay Oh Okay, I didn't know what I was looking at it was purple guys sitting at a table whoa Hi welcome to the party. Okay. All right. Well. I guess that's just Alright, let's get into this. Are you sure new game fairly sure This is weird this is so stylized I Don't know what's happening. Is that a dumpster? Is that a back alley somewhere is that important there seems to be some purple pants and shoes hanging out of a dumpster? Not a very elegant way of hiding a body, but you did your best I suppose 12 next earlier 12 Oh Eee, okay alright, I don't understand. Hello? Hello, hello? Whooa, okay Alright, control in front of the computer... [Phone guy, distorted]: Hello? Hello, Hello? It appears I've found you. It's worth a try so Your name's J - Joh, John? I think it's John. Well my name is Peter, and I'm a former lifeguard for Freddy Fazbears, and as far as I know, you've never met me, but you're just as deep in this as me. Every survivor I can find can help us to get out of here, so I'm gonna try and keep you alive John I can't protect you, but I might have some useful information on what to do if THEY wake up. By they I'm talking about your uh, your "childhood friends." Now before you start questioning me. How you could meet them after they were killed back in the 80s. There's a pretty simple answer You're dead John. No. I'm not joking. I'm unsure of how you died But I know that you definitely made a mistake by doing so. I think I should probably explain myself here So so let me hurry up You might have already noticed that this place probably looks familiar to you There's a good reason for that. This is Fredbear's family diner, kind of To be exact it's an eternal purgatory your memory shaped the place so for you it probably looks like a mix of wherever you last worked or lived in Freabear's. On that you're pretty well You could have done a much worse look for this place in your head, but that's trivia You don't even know what you do need to know is that this eternal purgatory Could potentially be escaped from and then I have a plan on how to do so however Assist me on this. It's not quite ready I'll explain it to you tomorrow, but for now it's an important step for you to look onto the office table It's a fan that is located next to you and get the audio tape that is in there out of it You will need this if you want to escape from here However, it appears that we are really running short on time, and I should really hurry and explain What to do against your friends if any of your friends come to your Security office you're gonna experience them from a more hostile side See I currently don't know exactly what happened to them, but I know something really weird must've happened to their spirits. They're Pretty messed up and broken and I don't think they're very mentally stable See what I noticed when encountering them earlier when I was still the only normal person here Was that upon putting their side on me? The only way to make them wander off is to hide from them Now the only way to really hide from them in your case probably is just getting out of sight from the door through here So if you see anybody in them run somewhere that as far away from the doors as possible I don't think anyone's active tonight, but I could be wrong. There's this really weird daily cycle of activity So I'm going after that. I might have gotten it wrong a little so don't rely on too much on me And I think that's everything for now I'm not entirely sure if your friends would be hostile towards you, but I can't throw the idea out I don't think they'll be able to remember you at all really all the early one is Dammit, I need to go right now or Orleans gonna find me I'll get back to you later Mark: Okay, alright. I don't understand anything. That's happening here I am 100 percent lost and I just don't know and I don't know and what was on the table What were you tal- I collected the tape. Okay. Alright. That doesn't sound good Why? Hello Okay, alrighty, then I don't understand What happenin. hmm Alrighty then... This is weird. I'm dead? I'm dead. I'm? Why is that? There's nothin? huuuaaa [Mumbling incoherently] I don't like that Ooh, whoa, hey, whoo, hey, whoo, hey, okay- Hey, oh! Hi! Fred-mangle. Mangle-Freddy. Oh! Okay, all right. I don't understand anything about that, but I'm dead,okay? I'm dead and this is purgatory? This purgatory??? Ohhh uh oh I saw that [panicked stammering] [door creak] [Panicked stammering, this time Louderβ„’] Hello? Friend? Ooh... Okay. Alright, well, alright, then I am fine. Everything is fine Ooh, ahh Okay alright I Oh, uhoh That's not good. That's not good. Oh boy. That's the opposite of good. I don't like any of this. I- I have sworn that I saw... Uhoh [Panic] No no no! That's not what I wanted! Ohh, no. Ohhh Ahh Okay Hey, hey, hey, hey, watcha moving around heavy metal for? You doing something to Foxy over there? Huh? You doing some you shouldn't be doing? Eugh My purgatory- That's not good, so What's the point- uh oh, you know what- oh, no, that's... I saw you on the thing... I don't like that So what's the point of looking at the cameras? There's no one there after me? euhh No no no no That's not what I- that's not what I- hey, that's not what I wanted oh Oh Okay alright, I'm not gonna complain about it. Yeah, you've unlocked characters... characters This is really well done. This is pretty- pretty impressive. It's because they need what inside of you My theory on why these ghosts turned into animatronics And that's someone or something made an attempt of manifesting them into physical bodies out of thin air It sounds impossible, right? Yeah. That's the thing. Whoever made the attempt failed. Most likely horribly. That's why all these characters look so weird and broken so in order to fix themselves They possibly need a way bigger plasma source, and I think that's where you come You're an unarmed adult ghost which makes you a potential meal for them. They don't see us as humans, John. They only see us as a chance for survival Can we really blame them for it? Question leaving a message not actually talking to you Dude yourself together bro well moving on I think only one character is gonna become active tonight and that is the bear character I cannot identify I have no idea. What exactly he is, but it appears as a manifestation was someone fruitful He seems to be glitching in and out of existence Which is why I dubbed him "Am I Real?" Clever, right? Yeah... Not really. You really need to keep an eye on that guy though or else you're gonna run into massive problems If he's fixed and clean you're absolutely fine. If he's broken, on the other hand, watch him for a few seconds. He should turn back to normal. If you don't keep him normal. He's gonna really hurt you Now remember that plan I mentioned. Yeah, you do. This plan is a still a work in progress. And I don't have everything ready yet, however. I'm pretty sure that there's more audiotapes like the one you, hopefully, picked up from the recorder yesterday - uhuh And they're going to appear in a different camera every night If you see it click on it with that now the old computer in your room, and you'll probably obtain it now I'm leaving it up to you. Don't waste too much time listening to this. He might already be active. He? Hi, Bonnie! Ok bye, Bonnie. oh excuse me all right, so I need to look in the in the in the computer monitors for these things? I need to look in the computer monitors. Is that what you're saying? so how- How does that work exactly? How does that work? Hi Yoy? Yoy?! Yoy. Yoy?! Yoy. Yoy. Did you say yoy or yoooooooour? Yoy? Don't know what yoy means. Yoy hoy meenoy. I know what Yoy hoy meenoy means I don't know what yoy means. I see nothing. I see a whole lot of nothing. It's a whole lot of nothing. Just a meehoy menoy here. Did you drop your hat. Is that a cake? Is that for me? yoy meenoy. Alright well. anyway You have good day now - OH - OH - ah Okay, thanks for the heads up. Thank you for that for the alert I don't think yoy, yoy is not a- uh oh. That's not good. I should probably look, huh Probably look, huh Looks I don't feel good about looking. Oh hello. You are you doing me few shooing? Homie homie me no homie, homie annoy Me boy, you mean oh, I don't know where that Goddamn tape is I just don't know oh hi oh That's not good. That is the opposite of good Okay, well, I don't know. I don't know I don't know I Don't know I'm looking I'm not seeing though. I don't see nothing oh, I don't see nothing Okay, well there's bad. Oh oh Hi hello, okay good ah that's not I'm not gonna look at that Mmm Okay, all right, then well. I don't the doorbell okay. That's gone now. All right everything's fine apparently barely, everything's fine Whoa? No, not that not that that's not what I wanted. Oh, oh I win Yeah All right, let's carry onon why not? Nice hello, hello. Hello, who's that? Okay, I'm back. I'm gonna hurry. This time mostly cuz they're probably pretty active right now now There's this big mess of parts and stuff Dez appeared only after you first arrived It appears to have four lamps in it and for some reason. It's full of sharp teeth It looks like something straight out of a goddamn horror attraction of the u.s. Anyway, once it's assembled all of the parts. It is going to appear on your ceiling whoa I think the best way to just keep it away is to look at donuts up there so make sure to do that it Dislikes being watched yeah Oh, yeah Remembers a plasma source issue the old plasma source that was used to create these messed up ghosts is uh it's still around here If it's there play dead Instantly look at the ceiling and do absolutely nothing until you hear it walk away That's pretty much. The only way to keep it out get it. It doesn't like other ghosts It's pretty interesting it appears to want back what's theirs? well, I'm gonna leave you to it and don't forget about collecting the tape I Can't find the tapes. I don't know where they are. I don't know what you want from me. What about what about my plasma? I don't know why it wants my plasma. Huh is it trying to sell me hmm? Don't like any of this yeah, oh Okay, all right. Goodbye, then. I don't know what you why am I supposed to look at the ceiling so much I'm supposed to play dad So it's like the same mechanics for two different things, but I don't know which ones which Well like it like none of this okay? Hi, okay, well that's not good Mmm. All right. That's weird Okay, that was really weird Mmm. That's not oh no not that no I didn't like that Most but Please don't take my goo you took my goo. Didn't you you took my goo? Ah? Yeah, it was a ghost ghost ghost ooh there. There's a ghost ectoplasmic goo all right that is Dormant abbess that is pretty good. No. It's different. It's definitely differently a lot of these things the the fascinating thing about it is they? They all come from a different perspective of the same genre And yet they all take some really unique Interesting ideas to it very good I like and by the way I didn't mention it, but all the links to the games are available in the description down below So if you want to play any of these you can and should they are down there all right next up jolly three Oh That's cool. Oh That's so cool. Oh That's so cool That is really cool. That's not gonna line that is really cool. All right. Let's do this. I'm ready I'm ready. Please scare me so good. Please scare me No Yeah Damn oh Good god That was one hell of an intro Not bad not bad at all not bad Alright, uh hello. Do you hear me? No. I do not all right, so you should be facing the main security office Doesn't know a security office, huh? It's more of a control room if you ask me mm-hmm. Okay. You know what to do I don't get in it's more facts and get out pretty simple, right well Not if you don't know what you're doing. I don't know what I'm doing I Don't know. I don't know Wow Wow I don't know what I'm doing oh oh oh oh okay, I Love in front of you. I love you excrete gas that fry animatronic circuits Oh Now you know This little link screams gasps. There's enough supply for them Yeah, if you run out of gas you open up the camera and click the little red icon you thought by corner This is the maintenance screen. Yeah a bunch of things you need to keep track of Is gas supply? Once the gas supply is empty. You could refill it by clicking and holding the refill button when you excrete gas You will lose oxygen and your body will try to intake much faster temporarily And this will cause the oxygen supply to go down for this, but they'll automatically fill itself But these applies mango broken and you'll need to fix them to face gaston click Repair to automatically repair it now you may notice these spinning fans in the screen heat room in this building has fans These fans may break from time to time and you'll need to fix them to fix a fan click on the room But the broken pane and click the button repair fan now the poem is You won't know what band is broken The facility used to have two feature where you know what fan is broken but That means you have to go to every camera until you're on the road with the broken fan If you don't prepare them your vision may go slowly dark these fans excrete oxygen from outside But don't worry your vision will completely don't All right, I think that's it for tonight I don't know like what we're doing Oh Hi, hi Hello, hello Well, I'd like that alright. Well. This is wonderful That's not good oh Boy alright I don't know. I don't know Panic I'm panicking should I panic it's panic iguana what to do? Oh, no. There's another animatronic out. I don't know what that matter On the way to me will and that just a wonderful Okay alright, okay, I think I understand so when they get to me when they get over to me I need to use the gas to be able to disable them, so I need to know which ones coming I Said boys dress it up. I cannot jump it up I am crying to cash it up I am I Think that's bug I Have no idea Wow Wow What the hell What in the heck am all right, okay? This is this is legitimately cool This is super well made and I can already see that there's a lot of depth to it And there's a lot of reason to look at the camera because you want to know which fan Is gonna be the one that's gonna cause problems for you? Yeah, yeah, that's true okay, so Both of these guys are still there. I need to make sure that my gas supply is always full and Ready to rock and then I need to keep an eye on which fan is the one that's lowest So that I can always stay ahead of the curve seems like this one this one this one are already low all right hello Hello, okay. Good good good. Oh my god. This is regarding Nicolas Okay, I just wanna I may not even be able to beat the first night I may not be able to beat the first night, but I'm gonna try my damnedest to be able to do that Man this is just so much stuff that you need to look at it's just like camera after camera after camera and there's so much Stuff happening in the backgrounds of each camera like what the hell is that shit? I mean these are obviously slightly different animatronics than what we're used to and Top a lot of work has been put into this. No joke about that. You're still there. You're still there my gas Supply is apparently good Where do I even see the time? Is there any location with which to see the time because I don't see that Oh 2 a.m. To a 100 That sounds low or maybe it's the same speed. It's always been, but seeing this minutes tick by like that is move fun No now they're being really easy on me All right, well, I guess I shouldn't complain okay that one's almost dead It looks like this one's about to fail which is okay, cuz I know which one No not that one shit shit, which one which one which one oh, no wait, that's a different thing Oh Shit oh shit, I don't know what that is I Can't breathe okay I don't know eyes are broken fan. Oh Oh, I saw a shadow some oh. Oh okay. That's what I needed to do Ah Aha I want to mention There's something very different about this game compared to a lot of five nights at freddys fan games like if you told me That this one was made by Scott and I didn't know it I think I'd lean towards believing it because it has has this sort of polished feel to it from the sound to the music to all the different variety of rooms to the tightness of the mechanics to the the punchiness of the actions it Kind of does lead me to believe that this is really high quality stuff Hey, there's even Scott Caan's a little symbol over there This is legitimately high quality stuff that should not be overlooked it is legitimately quality I've said legitimate ly like ten bajillion times now, but this is good. This is really good Yeah, and I imagine that this is an animatronic that is gonna get up at some point later on who knows when Who knows when but it's gonna happen because there's three pathways that I can see right here And they all lead back to this room here So I just got to find out how to be able to beat them, and then I'm gonna be happy that fans low Fan fan fan fan fan fan and that phase real low on my break It's all gonna Bryce I knew it I knew it how did I know it that's different sounds fair? All right, we're filled we're full. I'm very full oh hi buddy. Hey, but in ski are you doing over there? Hey one of those fans in the break. I know it Right there goes which one there. It is there it is I got it. I got it. I got it. I got it. Okay. I got it all right. Where are you? Where are you, buddy? No, don't wave of me. I don't like that. Okay. God. This is a panic This is a kind of panic that I haven't felt from a lot of these fan games like like that's that's what I really love About that the five nights at Freddy's thing is like it gives you this sense of panic like especially in the beginning face when you don't know what you're doing gives you the sense of dread where you're just totally at a loss for everything and anything Oh God Right, but it's fun so far so good the fans are doing good I Don't know which one's gonna go down. This one's pretty low Are you there you are you're getting closer now when you get in here. You're not gonna be doing All right Huh I don't need to be so quick and spastic about it. I really don't but Okay, I'm gonna try my best shit fans gonna die right when I don't need it - That's not Everything's fine Everything's fine everything's fine. If if they're high, okay. I've got my gas I've got my ass And you're gonna turn into glass when you come in here. I've got a fist made of fuck and I'm a blue eyed fuck shit wait wait now Well the thing you didn't need my fist made it fuck alright, okay, did you back where you were supposed to be no oh Hi, hello you didn't go back as far as I thought you would You don't want to know what I'm gonna do with this fist if you come in here Yeah I know you can imagine all the ways that this is going to impact your day to day life But to be perfectly honest. I don't care about that right now. This is time, right? Okay, that doesn't sound good oh I don't want to go that way just something First okay, why why have I do that why am I do? Remember find something and get out quickly stay for too long and you're dead Got it. All right Why do I have to do this why can't you be on scouting duty dark? Ones Try finding the password-protected safe that I can hack into I'm trying my best man. I've got plungers you want plunger. I got done to plunge I got lots of plunge I'm trying to find him yes Try hacking into one of those oh I see We have to hurry I got this yeah What? I can't hack them safe. I need the safe port number, and you know anybody gets added through you Quickly phone isn't you a program? No. I don't want to do this It's welcome to the grid mm-hmm if you use your mouse to left-click on a box you'll create a pathway at right now If you get left clicking on the box you'll change the arrows direction Okay, I did it going whoa ah I heard a thing that's prob mm Nope, see don't don't like that. Don't like that at all I Do that I'd really don't want to Don't like that I have a bad feeling about this I Knew something was wrong whoa oh my god Holy shit, all right, I'm gonna leave this one here Holy shit good God Good God Mike cool That was amazing like I'm not I'm not being hyperbolic about it. That was legitimately amazing that was really really well done That was astonishingly well done. That was stupidly well done, and I didn't even scratch the surface of it That was so good That was like five nights at Or those like sister location on steroids that was ludicrously good man I Didn't think there was gonna be any of these that I was tempted to play all the way through, but this is one of them Easily easily, this is one that I would love to play through my god That was so good anyway. I'm gonna leave this one here Huh and I'm gonna move on to the last game in this series, so this one is called Bubba's diner now I don't know if this game is more serious than the other one I have no idea if this is a silly one or a serious one, but I'm gonna play it nonetheless I Don't know who Bubba is Bubba's diner was originally created on scratch as a way to occupy its creators boredom The Dining area the one you're at right now the toilets on your right to private party rooms right in front of you Back room to your left and the basement over in the party hall feel free to walk around and get to know the location but beware Time is passing you have until 6 a.m.. To conclude your task tonight You have only one use the printer while watching the location when you're ready go to the room on your left That's where you'll find your office, huh? So it's kind of like pizzeria simulator kind of thing going on here with Bubba An ax can I have that Can I have that I need that for stuff and things I need it to compliment my fist which is very good at one specific task All right What do we have here? Oh? Aha Windows 95 While you wait for the printer, what's the cameras in test animatronics? Yes test the program to go over this more noise That is where there's more people we let them walk around during some parts of the day the kids love them Anyway use the sound displays on the screens to make noise and learn them your room is noisy, too If you feel uncomfortable with the animatronics staring at you just getting away the different today. Have a good night way tomorrow Just kick them away Kisum what do I do - boy? They're moving? I don't Like that print some holster worn dot JPEG. Oh boy Oh boy press s to back ok alright ok I don't like this. I don't like this at all I Don't know what I'm doing, but I feel good about it. I don't feel good about this Oh, hey, whoa? Hey? Whoa whoa? Whoa whoa? That's right outside my door. I don't know what do you? Hide mm-hmm, that's not good well alright Well um something tells me there's something behind me hmm I Knew it. I knew that Anyway, it didn't seem like I was able to kick them back or kiss them back, so I don't know what you wanted from me Just get no way What does that mean? What do you mean get no way? That doesn't make any sense. What do you mean get no way? that doesn't make any sense it makes oh that makes ya get no just I don't don't get no way ah My ball I'm dead alright. I don't know what you want me to do. I can't do nothing Oh, whatever What happened why I don't know what what are you doing what I don't know what is causing them to go away ah Why I don't know What do you were? See that's the thing like this compared to the last game. It's funny This the difficulty curve of the last one seemed harder. There was a lot more things to do and yet this one I'm having more trouble with and it's more frustrating the other one I died a bunch But it was more satisfying because it felt like it was my fault Here, I just don't know what I'm doing I Think I'm maybe I'm starting to get it man, I don't know cuz I think if they're by my door They got to go back to the employee area, right Or if they're by my door they got to go back to the main lobby area if if I lure them there But it's not working with this guy see he's just coming in the door. No matter what new or Me homey no indeed oh Me horny Okay well, that's a difference so what does that mean? I don't even know if it's gonna be enough Cuz I think I was just gonna get behind alright. Oh yeah there he is he's right by my door god dammit, okay? I'm so close come on. I'm close. I think I don't know- oh, I'm fubernucked No, I'm not Father knocked I'm the opposite of Fabra knocked eyed. I'm not fubernucked. All right. Okay, all right, okay? What do I do? This task is done. All right? Okay, okay All right, I'm all done here. Well So that explains that I guess I think. Oh, confusing. Where am I now? What am I doing? Why am I looking at this? Is this supposed to signify me being at home? Do I need to look at something? Is this a loading screen? I don't know what it is! Is it a puzzle? *Markinoise* Ye- No I'm not bored. Yes, I'm a little hungry Yeah Yeah, okay, all right, I approve of the promotional material, I think. I guess I'm done now. Okay, I'll carry on with my life, okay or the games gonna crash! What is at the end of it? Why did you go to big screen? Curiosity; I spend half hour writing these facts Okay, all right. I don't know what that means Yeah, "Well you may know the location. That means that you know where to go when they ask you to. For today you got two tasks. The first one is to go to your office again and print more stuff. The second one, though, isn't such a pleasant task. You see, we're having some problems with the toilet over in the men's bathroom Yeah, clogged toilet, of course, you're paid to be the guy that does the kind of stuff that nobody wants to do, the handyman for short. Move these arms, repair yourself, and set some classic music. You're about to move crap out of the toilet." All right "Have a good night." Okay. Thank you. Thank you so much. I'm gonna go do that. I guess, if I have to. Alright 'Danger'. Why would you say there was danger? I have to do the other task first Oh- Why do I have to do the other task? That's stupid. Okay, I'll do the other task. I guess. Alright, here we go. Can I get one of them in the toilet? Toilet. Toilet. Go to the toilet. Go to the toilet? Yes! Yes! Yes, I've boned you! Ah Yeah, get rekt *Mark Being Markimoo* Did I win? *Sputters* Did I win? I don't know what the fuck happened! What happened? Oh god, my voice is almost completely gone now. What the hell happened? I have no idea what happened. Oh, ah What? What- is he? Bubba's Diner: Where fantasy and dreams come to life. Come do life. They don't just come TO life, they come DO life. Okay, that's not...a lot of money. It's good..good amount of money, but for a diner- Oh Yeah, that's no good. That's no good. It's no good. That's not good. That is not good. Anyway! My voice is just about shot, but thank you so much for joining me for five Fve Nights at Freddy's fan games. Let me know what you think of these games. One of them, Jolly three, had a lot more polish than the others, but it doesn't mean that the others didn't have their own certain charm And, I hope you guys enjoyed me compiling it in one video. I certainly had a lot of fun playing this and contrasting them against each other And I think the video as a whole is better off than it would be if I was individually playing these games. Now, I don't think I'm gonna play any of these games to completion in a video series unless- Maybe Jolly three, but just because that was so damn cool, but let me know what you think down the comments below Thank you everybody so much for watching, and if you want to see more videos like, this big ole compilationy videos, Let me know down there as well. Thank you everybody so much for watching and as always I will see you in the next video buh-bye! (printer noises) Chica, what's happening? What's goin on?
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 7,307,086
Rating: 4.952528 out of 5
Keywords: fnaf, five nights at freddy's, fan games, markiplier, final nights 4, dayshift at freddy's, dormitabis, jolly 3, bubba's diner
Id: wZHsLvkFye8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 51sec (4491 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 06 2018
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