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Reddit Comments

I agree with Mark that this is a seriously good game, hope to see more of it in the future.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/DrHexagon_ 📅︎︎ Oct 06 2018 🗫︎ replies

The firefighter is seriously scary

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Aatzy 📅︎︎ Oct 06 2018 🗫︎ replies

Want to play this game so much!Well done devs <3

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Prasuki 📅︎︎ Oct 06 2018 🗫︎ replies
hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome to Muir now Emmure is a demo for lovely that's not sinister at all that's lovely now Emmure is a game that is school I don't know I'm not describing it well at all so this is a game that is kind of like neverending nightmares from what I saw in the screenshots but maybe not no this is well this oh no it is this is it the place I saw in my dream I know she wanted me to find it but why that's cool okay well your picture of your wife was all crossed out and I assume your wife might be dead oh this is awesome oh this is super cool hello baby nice face look don't look so good I guess there's nothing back the way I came and I can't leave before I get my answers okay alright losers lounge on the couch for a bit a drawer with an odd design on it looks like I can open it okay do it then mm-hmm a doorknob with an intricate design Oh tab inventory cool oh this is neat Oh also the mansion kind of reminds me of amnesia the Dark Descent hello hello Oh doorknob seems to be missing well maybe this one Oh doorknob come on put it on the thing yeah no there we go got it oh that's bizarre what is this on the wall some kind of painted door why the thunderkick up right there huh something about this weird door okay I'll come back to that some kind of magic door situation going on here who put this here and why some child okay Oh what was that I don't know maybe you're losing it this paint almost looks fresh hmm worship chamber what are they worshiping the helix fossile will okay I can offer you power that voice this is what I saw my dream The Shining troppa troppa so hebron trapeze Oh he'd Rijn oh my god oh that was so cool but also why I've got a trap of Easterns it feels strangely warmed at the touch and doesn't obey reality as most objects do Oh so you can just tell that just by looking at it I don't really know much about the shining trapa so he'd ruin other than the fact that it holds indescribable power I just know that little anecdote about it I don't think I would survive long without it but I also can't shake this feeling that I would have been better off not finding it talking about oh my god I've got a trap as of he'd ruin oh boy trapezoid Hren for the hell is wrong with you okay where am I now who's moving over here shift to sprint why do I need to sprint it always happens that you tell me to sprint and then something why do I need to hide why do I need to hide why is this having up tired down cross there's something going on with this door right here of like the shadows also okay try that didn't seem to work huh funny about that you know okay well oh wait the pulse oh wait hang on a second what the hell happened here Oh scp-682 bye-bye hey hey everything keeps changing I am Not Afraid of you oh I'm afraid of you Oh what are you [Music] [Music] okay you could go away at any time now that'd be great holy [ __ ] why are you still here go away which is maybe I gotta like duck out after he goes this way okay so I think that's what I was supposed to do I definitely probably probably should that's not right that's bad why would that be a thing that's possible pulse okay I'm tuckered I'm real tired okay I'm better now Oh okey hey buddy how are you doing hey pal ba Kirino if I can just get to the door again what I should have just gone for the door I should it should just come for the door I'm gonna wait no if I go for the door he's gonna he's gonna be right with the door leads out right okay here we go I'm going okay I got it here we go use it okay I did that don't trust your memories reality is a lie I long for the sweet release of death okay well that's a little morbid why was that I need to remember wait can you feel it will I saw something big so I'm big over there the energy that pulsates from the wall I feel many pulsations and many times bathe in its power bayview in the pulsations of an energy oh that that voice again it feels almost painful to hear it Oh God the trap is a hedron's pulse can be used to reveal special glyphs that can charge it with energy oh the power is capable of more than you realize but you must learn to harness it okay can I trust my own eyes this can't be happening I need to remember what something I don't want to die alone you die in your sleep you die in real life you die in your sleep you done in real life you die in your sleep done really as you doing you sleep you die in life okay that's interesting he looks like a strange blade of some kind but I can't reach it between the bars power oh well this is hell is it ain't so bad so bad about it okay so I gotta I gotta use this in a circle I got it well this a bad idea Oh oh my god oh my god okay I'm assuming I got blow you up but I kind of want to see what happens when I give you a hug first oh you're stuck oh my god you're not that stuck I am sorry I I'm very sorry okay hang on I'm very sorry about that will I led you wrong I thought you loose key can I go home - dagdu I go bye wait what well what just ran by on the floor I hate it what is that should I run away from it it's just a transport oh this is hell oh boy I get a dagger tax stunned enemies okay yeah okay I heard it from my left I thought that all right well you're gonna be like that huh gonna be like down I'm gonna blast you who think I'm gonna scare to you and nope oh yeah right in your goiter oh oh thanks I guess ah what just a dream I doubt that even in my sleep I can't escape this place oh geez wait there's that doorknob again hello baby you don't look so good it's so Tareq and metallic shard doorknob I feel strangely warm to the touch strange when I woke up I found the same object from my dream next to me looks to be some type of jam or shard or something seems like it's designed to go into something so maybe I can find a use for it nightmare the truth I don't remember ever writing this in my journal where the hell did this come from I always scoffed at those who said would say that ignorance is bliss that drive to learn the truth and do what I always felt was right as what pushed me through most of my life but is the truth always worth seeking probably maybe not hello booth there's some secrets here office games so cool it's just really well made and it's kind of nice look to it how did this chandelier fall shame really oh you know the the Fung Shui of this living room is death we messed up I should be able to use the door that I remove the doorknob before I fell asleep just doesn't make any sense that was too sudden for my tastes all right thank you for this oh there's a door here now clewd doorways added these damn doors litter the halls of the mansion at least one of these must be accessible so I should keep an eye out for anything that sticks out also shouldn't forget to make good use of the trap to see who can I open it large metal door with some rust around the edges looks really out of place and well wherever I am doors locked of course it is why wouldn't it be there is no mansion or a markiplier Manor so what you're talking about here whoa all those yellow fur is they're gonna thought that was a different look okay oh is that a door made of skin God or is is the air around it smells horrible looks as if it's been put together with some kind of leather yeah human leather locked not that I would want to enter it anyway why does it have to make that sound Oh oh hey boy hey buddy hey hey buddy oh oh oh [ __ ] oh I feel so tired I just want to get out of this place okay I thought the floor was gonna crack there for sure oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait I didn't boo-boo I just you know probably not okay I just wanna make sure I wasn't all represent sure but I just want to make sure what's out here [Music] oh that wasn't it but I oh but now I guess I should have examined it Oh God this stone pedestal is in sets in the top I wonder if it's connected to that massive platform okay how about this metallic shard removed oh that's so cool my god change my mind close it put it back that scream that was this has to be it looks like there are more slots to fill oh okay oh I love it when I open the screamy door hello oh who is it and what is it what is what and what is who some plain wooden door the smell of pine floats around it does it now okay still locked trust safe weird I felt like I've seen this door before I don't like you I don't like you what who are you Tom now will you know the rules I joined what you of course you know me my fine friend and I can tell you more about your situation but first you must do something for me how about this tell me what's going on here whoa what's wrong with your face man this room is my home and in my home you follow my rules when talking to me you must be seated in the chair in front of me treat it like a game if it helps you understand so please sit all right but you better answer my questions afterwards darkness whatever questions but your face I hate it why is this the way this works Oh what me to do that Oh everything's all fuzzy now what oh now things aren't fuzzy what the hell okay let's keep it like this cuz this is weird talk ah damn it I thought I had removed that option that isn't available right now but it isn't like you need it at the moment what do you mean what is it supposed to do the actual process of how it works is much too complex for your monkey brain that's racist to put it simply it creates a dimensional bubble that is replicated from the current state of the universe the bubble remains in an unchanging state and you can shift your consciousness into it at will however doing so destroys the Curan universe so so it's kind of like going back in time no I guess if you can say that it does help it if they don't helps you understand oh but you can't use it because I haven't set it up yet so leave that button alone okay save I guess I already told you that button doesn't work oh oh that I thought you were talking about the error button for you and ow do you know me I am he who sees through which has been seen through by not so many I'm a lover of stories in the fine art of wordsmith re I'm your one and only true friend in this awful predicament you find yourself in okay I feel like you're messing with me and I'm not really in the mood just tell me what you know fine fine you can just call me the safe room guy yeah call me that will I can offer you help but you will have to err fine the most dancers yourself I'm going to give you a key that goes through a door in the mansion you need to go through that door where you'll find its soul trapped inside you will either destroy this soul or free it saver destroy his soul this really is just a game to you isn't it well an eternity of reading does get rather dull regardless of how you feel about what I say you have other choice yeah this is ridiculous but I'll hear her you say from guy so say you're trying to tell me the truth here how do i free or destroy a soul to save you must seek out something important to the soul that reminds them of their humanity to destroy it you must force them to repeat their death repeat their death are you asking me to be a murderer each soul committed atrocities before they died so maybe feeling sorry for them is optional regardless you will need to go do some investigating to figure out how to do either no need to fret about that part we both know that investigation comes naturally to you but why is it that I have to do any of this because you said so your question will probably be answered in time probably so here take the key so I can get back to whatever it is I do he given to me by safe room guy okay fine give me the damn key hopefully I'll wake up soon so this can all be over with don't treat it like it's a dream Willy if you do it maybe the blast when you ever have that was not a threat by the way mister warning door that son key unlocks is wide and down some stairs I think anywho if you need help you can always come back and see me again okay thank you I'm gonna go righty-ho here I go no trust you know honestly I don't know doji's looks like the kind of door you'd see in a child's room does a child live here probably oh it's like that other game I play a lover of art head downstairs I want to see if there's anything over here just a bookcase although it is embedded into the wall for some reason and you guys it's doorway because it's a doorway you silly Billy that's because it's a silly-billy doorway silly okay here anything important through time and space he said I'm sure he did some kind of sci-fi door strange light okay weird a handgun strange that somebody would just leave it here like this looks like somebody left a note sir will I took the liberty of retrieving your handgun for you as you know it won't be able to eradicate the most capable of wraiths but several doses of lead should put them down for a time if you find yourself under assault with only a bullet to spare well time shot is their striking should provide a moment of reprieve also my dear will if you want to keep your head affixed to your neck then you must learn to keep quiet and stick to the darkness you may find the darkness arduous but it is only necessary to put out your light sources when they are within eyesight sound however has a way of penetrating doors and thin walls so you must always be attentive to how much noise you're making of course these places you will be visiting have a tendency to break the natural laws that govern the world of man to keep your wits about you and you should be fine I have a few errands to take care of but rest assured I'll be seeing you later sincerely Johnny this handgun is mine how's it possible I can't use this fearing what's yours is bad it is a destructive tool take it um I don't need any more convincing stubbornness won't get me killed I'll take it despite a damn antagonizing crystal telling me to okay haven't held one in quite some time I should reefa millyar eyes myself with it [Music] I don't want to shoot bang no ammo figures well you think I want to check that before I just started Whangdoodle and guns willy-nilly simple door doesn't seem out of place like the others paint does seem a little unusual though okay so the only one this is the white door he was talking about what's over okay oh okay well that doesn't make a lot of sense but I'm not gonna question it well I'm talker alright and door you'd see it as school whatever you say man whatever you say are you sure you want to enter this door well now that you present it as an option I'm not so sure here we go oh it's like something out of Silent Hill oh hey I hate anymore I hate it even more some kind of lobby oh I hated the most okay judging by the side of the door it might be a janitor's closet okay I don't have a key for it all right well salmon seating looks pretty comfy but where is everyone good question rustic fireplace reminds me over cabin by the lake okay slightly dated elevator smells like electricity Oh what do you feel den Sierra's in here will when these spots are revealed through my power you will see what once was okay oh my god oh I don't want to see it again oh no no I'm sorry oh boy oh boy oh boy ring the bell can bring it if I wanted to if somebody's nearby they'll probably hear it oh no no I thought that might work oh this is the way out what is that thing on the door looks like a vagina kind of long as this square in Dead something we placed on like this door if I'm going to get out of here all right good smoke seeping out of it and need some kind of tool and I need a lot of stuff to deal with a lot of the stuff oh it was there step 7 let me go off all the way up first oh well I thought that was a thing okay let me go top geez this axe is covered in blood and requires someone twice my size to even carry it but to keep my handgun ready yeah you okay something jamming the keyhole won't open hey Beauty I hear you gotta tell me twice I guess we're okay go I guess I'll go Oh Oh big boy well that guy look like a firefighter let's go hey wait a minute hey oh my god ow my head I died okay thank you I didn't know you'd be that soon behind me thank you how am I still alive you know good question Christ everything seems so real but not real okay maybe let's not go to the top floor first let's go somewhere else collapse by degree there's one more level and maybe the monsters not gonna be on that loop okay this seems cleaner at least that's nice Oh hate it hate it here ACK no keys oh no but an option to hide place reeks I hope it isn't what I think it is looks like someone took an axe to this place Oh funny about that funny about that funny about that there's some batteries I guess child's drawing [Music] no no no no no no no no hi all right that's my bad um hello hello there mister I see you found one of my drawings my name is Ann Marie who are you my name is will and I'm looking for a way to leave this building do you know how this is a strange question isn't that what the front door is for well yeah but there's some type of lock over the door lock oh well don't all the doors here have locks you do know I you can unlock doors from the inside right I never mind are there others who might be able to help me well there's Brennen but I don't think he likes me anymore oh they're also all my friends down below gathered for my tea party you're a strange person but my friends like strange people so you should join us oh thanks for the invite but I don't have time to play maybe I'll go talk to this Brennan okay well I'm looking for a certain somebody who was always late to tea parties if you find him be sure to bring him okay if you do I might be able to get to help you get out of here I don't maybe I will we'll see thanks mister bye things were terrifying me by the way that was just absolutely horrifying by the way that was not a joke in any way shape or form that was goddamn terrifying I gotta be bit I'll be right back my food is almost here I'm just gonna leave this right here if something happens it's not my fault oh-oh-oh I came back and we're down here I'm guessing I'm guessing the died somehow and I don't know how that happened oh hey how you doing hey kid stop skipping oh hi we'll have you found my friends that oh he's definitely not him we need to find him and take him to the Tea Party okay oh this is oh my god that's why are you doing that so what was in here that killed me is the question that's the question with the dead okay so that's the dude doesn't see no no open hiding space okay how do I put G for gun reload do I put combine okay oh my god it makes no sense when I look out to where the rest of this room is supposed to be there's just nothing it's almost as if it doesn't exist yeah good point so this isn't real oh oh okay charred key must go to some other maybe some other wha-hey who use silly-billy okay inspect even though the key was found inside that burned up a two-room I don't think it belongs to anything in this room was it left for me intentionally only of you intentionally we're gonna come in here was it probably unlikely okay door unlocked I'm assuming there was a door unlocked that I just came out of okay so then I probably got to go up here okay you're up here yeah okay if you're up here then that's bodes well for me okay that's good oh [Music] how you doing hello hey I'm looking for a way out of this place so you guys save him whoo forever angry mostly it himself or torture there never ends tragic for most perspectives not tragic enough for me are you talking about something in the hall what can you tell me about it we used to be close but that time is long pissed you find them or you'll find what you need in his apartment sorry I stutter his door is locked but you can get in from above kill that coward do it for me in the girl Oh how's this piece of paper not burden oh hey don't come bursting through that door don't come bursting through that door okay glad we'd covered that oh he oh I gotta go hey that better have been the sound of you leaving for be oh hey oh looks like this person was visually hacked apart I need to stop staring at before I get sick okay good point woo I can charge up and then I can stop him then I can stun him okay that's exit PI there's one more door here oh I'll get that no doesn't seem to be an oh oh oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] find the box find the box listen listen okay hey holy ham I lit candles any on a box okay hey okay well I got all the aminals I got it I can do I gotta I gotta go I gotta hide I gotta hide god that's terrifying why is that so terrifying it's sold yeah it's so scary it's so scary it's so scary let's just get away from that guy Oh is he gone it sounded like he went but I'm gonna go I'm gonna go over here because there was another stairwell Hey holy Sh hey wait no no no he on too dangerous for that right now will you she's skipping what are you worried about if she's a skippity dude out to the loo uh-oh it's a different stairwell weed Oh eyes that's not good Oh Oh a safe room we will never forgive ourselves check on Brennan buy more cigarettes uh-huh big stuff to daddy bear alright alright whatever I get cuz I can't go man that looks like a face what is this sound Oh give a gift you know just get I need to get our I'm gonna hide scary you scary ass mother humph oh you big boy that's your big boy he's a really big boy hmm why what I need to call that L there because I needed to open there's something stuck in the door give me that key give me that key give me that Oh I think just fall out from the guts okay I got a small key not entering that room but it looks like maybe the maybe the elevator is now available let me pop in here real quick hey buddy hey how you doing listen I want to talk to you about something um so this doesn't work right is your final warning I got nothing to say you don't you know it doesn't work so there's no reason to be in here unless unless there was something else hallway on floor a but I don't want to go to floor a I want to come out of where I was and I need to go need to go up I need to go up one more see what's up here Oh some kind of code okay wait a minute what is that you see that like this airflow thing is that important is that a clue or something I don't know but I think that the elevator works now so I'm gonna go try to take the elevator to wherever the elevator is gonna take me and then I'll go from there oh maybe not maybe nevermind okay then what's this key - says maintenance ah maintenance wait there's a maintenance on the first floor okay so maybe I can just cut through this go down to the first floor through here I can't I'm very tired oh god damn it all I could see anybody her body by your doing that's the face oh that's good to know okay how's the family great I just gotta get downstairs [ __ ] [ __ ] Oh oh oh oh God okay oh no keep good tip good run run away bye whoa mud run runnin runnin runnin runnin runnin runnin runnin runnin runnin runnin tonight I'm very tuckered okay hang on am i safe I'm probably not safe okay so there was a maintenance from right here there we go ah screwdriver that's important um birthday card attacked the wall this probably could code in there or something maybe birthdays are usually a code Scrabble more bullets good a place to hide just in case I need them okay let's combine this with that okay that's good clues oh my god there's so many clues okay uh janitors room whatever lobby elevator stuck on one of the other floors it's not working now exit vent I've got the thing to do that fire broke out in small residence eight-year-old in kitchen okay all right okay okay um Amory died in a fire along with her father okay drawing two firefighters Oh oh I see what it was a firefighter tried to save her and then a firefighter didn't save her oh so maybe Davidson was a firefighter okay not father along with Brennan Brennan is the big guy help us help but no help came happy birthday 40th birthday you old fart Ronnie I can't believe it was in 40 years since that September January night when mom finally squeezed you out you should visit soon she really misses you okay take lobby change roof password to something easy to remember tell garrison new password call al so garrison knows or maybe that is the password but garrison knows that's weird okay so none of these uh all these have been scribbled out so I'm guessing it's none of those wait one one one wait 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I think it's 1 1 1 1 right mat that would make sense to me ok so I got to go back up so up here oh wait a minute Hey well hi we'll have you found my friend is your friend definitely not him okay what about this one that's him mr. whitetail you really need to stop being late can you take him to the Tea Party out for me I'll meet you down there afterwards okay okay take to the basement basement Wow where's the basement one one no one one one one oh please tell me this didn't start before I got that no I have it okay so it's not one one one one but that's what's on the note one one one one unless asbestos how the eyes might be one three five nine maybe hey okay that was it oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] gaze into the night pick up dirty apartment keys okay is that just saying the keys are dirtier the apartment that it goes to is dirty oh you know what I'm gonna gaze longingly into the night because I thought that might have been some kind of final resolution to all this but apparently not I'm talkin breathin and all this smoke does nothing good for the lungs looking out beyond the edge of this rooftop I can see a single set of buildings beyond those nothing as if I'm in a bubble snapshot of something real out there somewhere must be where my dream ends okay if you say so buddy but I don't know how true that might be might be all kinds of untrue if you ask me I'm Tucker again nobody's asking me ooh what is that Oh coin the shape of a spaceship no room god damn this stupid big-ass bear let's try it's like got the inventory management of hey there we go uh of like some of the Resident Evil games a small spaceship that I assume a kids toils oh it's made out of metal and quite heavy not sure why but it really looks out of place dad I'll find my cheese for this unless I need an oversized paperweight okay almost bring my hand on the doorknob well then what was the point oh it's dark oh yeah dude okay what is that okay so there definitely is a basement but I don't know how to get to the basement also I gotta say I thought this was just a demo and I think it actually still is a demo but it's just really oh okay I'm gonna oh that's that's not the right person okay Widow also inspect these uh I may need to try every door oh god damn it really okay well I'm gonna do that then oh there we go got it in it Oh child's drawing mommy daddy okay that's good examine book price $59.99 you got it baby Oh garrison writing on the front doesn't seem like anything useful overcoming addiction of some kind lots of post-it notes going on here sticky-notes no real logic most of them just seemed to be with words of encouragement okay that's weird oh damn it these visions it's just sick no I don't want to see it again god damn it if I can get by all the blood it looks like I can work my way down the hole of that room below if I'm careful there we go I wasn't careful Oh God [Music] Oh another body this one is different though sadness anger death this place reeks of human emotion much like the rate that wanders the halls hmm might be worth trying to figure out what happened here broken bottle found this sharp guy in room c6 okay gas mask I can't do that I got to go do this tea party thing suicide note I feel that this life one simple [ __ ] job to save those who need it the most since that summer day I've withered away to nothing but a drunkard wasting of a man maybe that's all I really have ever been I failed little anne-marie poor girl burned death trying to save her stuffed animal and Tom a talented musician and friend who trusted me now just another life wasted by my incompetence what a [ __ ] friend I was that couldn't even keep him safe why should I deserve to live anne-marie will never play with her toys again never grow up an experienced life Tom will never go home to see his wife and children never plays piano in another concert hall I don't deserve forgiveness but I found a way to get out of all this he said he can help me all I have to do is give in illegible after all if I can forget all of this and find eternal happiness and why wouldn't I agree okay hallway for a okay is there anything else over here another glass shard that might be Brennan that might actually be Brennan like Brennan got it killed himself of regret and that caused him to be trapped in this hellscape that I'm in and then if that's the case then I must have done something similar because all this seems to be like little shards of reality looks like some kind of memorial oh okay so I got it I got do this basement thing [ __ ] whoa fast fast lot faster line faster yes screw you screw you buddy through you buddy screw you buddy yeah you got the granddaddy a little lady hey so where is this basement I guess it would be down one from the stairs that'd be it oh let me also tamper with this yo maybe this leads to the basement ah does it do it do it do it do okay table set table set here okay hey again mister you can call me Willie Annie okay then we'll and I thought your name was will funny although I really can't tell if you're being serious or not it's just we'll well well I have good news oh yeah what's that I have something that I think will unlock the door you can have it too but I'm not allowed to give it to you until you can prove to me that you deserve it kid I'm not playing games here if you have what I need them you need to give it to me sorry mister I'll be punished if I do that I have an idea I drew some pictures of me with Brennan and his friend if you bring those to me then it will prove that you understand it you'll be punished are these your drawings well you have to you have all of them except one I can't help for you until you have all of them though damn it kid I don't have time for this I'm sorry I want to help but it's fine I'll find your last drawing I don't know where that would be boiler room well this doesn't look happy no matter what it's it's a death trap for me to go in here and then die okay I thought that was something going on there I guess I haven't also I also haven't been like exploring with this thing can you take this goddamn bear off my hands daaad be great please that go oh I didn't know this one down oh jeez wooden beams moon beams oh hey oh sweet now I got another way in okay but I still haven't been able to dump these things I think I probably got to go put them back where they were if anything it's the most amazing whoa oh oh sorry I'm in your house dude and not much of old [ __ ] well how about so yes yeah that's right yeah that's right Oh [Music] i'ma show ya well that was a big-ass waste of my goddamn bullets ah [ __ ] well I shouldn't have done that I got damn it oh well [ __ ] um Frick ah [ __ ] okay well I'm perma boned oh I'm very boned I'm unbelievable I wasted all of my bullets which is very wise of me I just got to put these things back this is where I first met Ann Marie oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa am i more than just skin um whoa body appears mutilated beyond recognition something must have just kept smashing this man long after he died smashing okay so I've gotta find it wasn't in here it's kind of these yeah this one yeah it was this one okay I'm gonna put the bear back drop in drop I don't need either of those I guess I could have dropped them anywhere well that was dumb of me I need to find the last drawing but I need the gas mask for something I believe and the glass probably same thing okay so this is the other side but it's not open this is the quote-unquote ritual space I'm gonna take the gas mask Equipe oh that's good broken bottle Oh God okay move their their broken bottle oh it's a weapon all right whatever good enough for me I don't know how to use it but pick up glass shard okay well that's good I guess all right well now I have these but I don't think they're they're gonna help me there's there's some kind of a I should have died beside them how I wish I did [Music] do you understand well this man lost his humanity and now wanders aimlessly in these halls exploit his death and escape this place this man I I can't afford to feel for the dead I should do whatever it is I need to do to escape this place so this is where the choice lies in whether or not I feel sorry for this guy okay I'm gonna drop this Oh really broken flashlight needs that much okay I'm gonna drop this for a second I'm not gonna drop it right on top of that pick this up let's combine let's inspect this may I figure out some way to get it to work let's drop that pick up the glass shard and equipped it pick up the drop ship thing okay so there's somewhere in here a goddamn drawing and I need to find it all right don't let me down what wait what am i doing what there you are Brennan why did I call Brennan brennon please stop I forgive you remember who you are he'll then I know you are I'm sure he forgives you as well oh I didn't even know that was gonna do that a photo of two friends Ann Marie was holding this when she approached the fireman maybe this is what I need to get out of this place but I didn't find the last but I didn't find the last drawing but I didn't find the last one I didn't think I did oh if Ida used the glass shard on him that would have killed him maybe maybe she didn't mean the drawings like these drawings but I think that was what it was but also there were scribbles on paintings something like that Oh uh-oh I guess that might have been a bug but I'm not complaining cuz hey I don't have to wander around forever looking for last drawing oh geez geez why the hell is Anne on the wall like that I can only hope you're at peace now I should get moving I don't want to be here there's another metallic shard but that's what the game is all these doors they lead to the different little pocket worlds that these people are trapped in and this hub I'm in it so I can only assume that I'm trapped here for some reason oh you know what I'm gonna pass that by but what is this well do you remember what it was like crying over the loss of a loved one the absolute pain and despair that seared into your flesh after that night is left scars for the world to see trust me when I say that in the end you can learn to reconcile with this pain however you must accept that your actions here have consequences and I'm glad to see that you've put yourself on the right path you've shown empathy for a man who others would say did not deserve it I know that things have been rather terrible for you lately but I also know that inside you are I'm just man who wants to see the world become a better place I must be honest with you and tell you that I care little of what happens to the other souls in this place the only thing I wish to see happen is for you to come out of this the man that I know you want yourself to be sometimes you might just wish for all of this to end it saddens me to have to tell you that this is only the beginning of your anguish however that light inside of you can make it through the darkness you just have to not lose sight of who you are yours truly Walt so there is something about a weight I took the toy out of it oh I wonder what the what does the toy do what do I do with the toy huh talak shard remove all right one step closer it's weird looks like there are more slots than before is this thing changing no matter I've got to keep moving well weird well where do I keep moving to what do I keep doing where do I go Oh what you sure you want to enter this door yes Oh [Music] fresh air this is nice I'm sure it'll turn on nice real soon what is this maybe this leads somewhere yeah maybe it does maybe it doesn't well what is that about if I right-click it it does this weird like floaty thing what is this place oh it's a tank I was out of bullets oh there we go man that was a hell of a demo please keep an eye out for our upcoming Kickstarter as well as the full demo that wasn't the full demo that was awesome that was amazing that was like what a demo should be that was a real sampling of the game that left you wanting more that's so cool this was so good honestly truly this was really really really good I love this it had all of the feeling that I wanted out of getting into a world it left me wanting for more I was exploring it was gritty gory scary it terrified me the atmosphere was good the sounds was good I really want to see this turn into something big so if there's a Kickstarter going on right now I'll put it in the description below like I would love to see this kind of thing funded and I would love to see this kind of game get made it does remind me of neverending nightmares in a way but with more like exploration and more and more feel to it more like a deeper connection to the world I like it a lot there's a lot to love out of this I mean it was a little bit back and forth for a while there but still kind of like feeling out the world is part of the game itself so let me know what you guys think of it down in the comments below thank you everybody so much for watching I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did if you did let me know down in the comments and just thanks for watching if you want to help support the channel click that join button and as always see you in the next video bye-bye [Music]
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 2,212,333
Rating: 4.963697 out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, immure, demo, early access, scary game, horror game, jumpscare, reactions, screaming, scared, scary, horror
Id: SAznk7rZ6BY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 10sec (3490 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 05 2018
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