Throw Throw Burrito! (Board AF)

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(epic music) - [Shayne] Shut up! - He's so close to my head. - Three, two, one. - [Courtney & Ian] Bruh. (Sarah laughs) - Bozo the clown. - Burrito! (gunfire echoes) (all groan) (Sarah screams) (Courtney and Sarah laugh) - [Matt] The number of animal noises. (triumphantly laughing) - [Courtney] Catch one, Spencer! - [Courtney & Sarah] Catch it! (epic music) (dice rolling) - [Matt] This is Throw Throw Burrito, where card-matching meets dodgeball meets burritos. The object of the game is to get as many points by matching three cards of any kind. Everyone goes at the exact same time, drawing and discarding cards in a circle. If you match three burrito cards, a battle is initiated. A burrito brawl means the players on either side of the matcher must grab and throw a burrito as fast as they can. Burrito war means everyone at the table must fight, and burrito duel means you pick two people to face off in a classic duel. The person that gets hit first in any battle gets one point deducted from their total. The player at the end of the round with the most points gets the Fear Me token. If anyone is rewarded the Fear Me token twice in a row, they win the game. It's kind of chaotic. We're all going to be going at the same time, so you guys are gonna have to buckle up. These are not our cards. These are our draw piles. So basically, pull five. - I would like a helmet. - There's no helmets in burrito tossing. Ready? On the count of burrito. One, two, three, burrito. (bell dings) - Okay. (upbeat vocal music) - [Sarah] Okay, okay, okay. So what do I want to do? - [Matt] So the idea is to, the moment you get three- - Three of a kind, you put them down. Damn it! - [Matt] Three of a kind, you put them down. - Three of a kind! - [Courtney] Put them down. - [Matt] All right. Put them down, put them down. - To do - oh (beep), I just got rid of a card that I had. - I know. - I know, that's the whole point. Gets chaos. - Burrito war! (buzzer sounds) - Oh God! (burrito smacks) (Matt yelps) Here, you get a bruise. (sad music) (burrito smacks) (Matt groans) - [Matt] I get a bruise. - [Spencer] I didn't get to thrown one. Let's start over. - [Sarah] You gotta go fast. - Burrito war! (Sarah and Courtney scream) (burrito smacks) - [Sarah] Me! - That was you. - Damn it. (laughing) - [Matt] Two bruises. - And the round's over once all of these are taken by Matt. - Yes, yes. All right. - [Sarah] Okay. - Burrito brawl! (burrito smacks) (Courtney laughs) - Spencer. - I'm done. - [Ian] Take a bruise. (Courtney and Sarah laugh) - That's so sad. - That's so sad, who do you pick out? Oh crap. Oh crap. - [Matt] Oh no. - Oh crap! Oh frick. All right, burrito brawl! Not me! Not me! - Oh. (burrito smacks) (Sarah and Courtney laugh) - [Spencer] I'm sorry, Courtney. - That was so gentle. - It was supposed to be Courtney. - Thank you. Oh, it's a duel. - All right, burrito duel! I have burrito duel. It'll be between- - [Spencer] It's my favorite non-alcoholic beer. - Spencer and Matt. (Wild West music) I'll count from three. Okay, ready? - Go! - One, two, three, burrito! - And they both duck. (Sarah laughs) - They're both on the defense! They're both on the defense! - But watch out for the corners! (burrito smacks) - Damn it! (all cheer) - Oh, you got Matt! - [Sarah] You're at three bruises right now? - [Ian] One more bruise to go. - And then, burrito! Go! - [Courtney] Oh, no. (Matt groans) I gotta make noises and focus. - Oh, another point. Another three-fer. - Burrito duel. - Okay, between who? - Between Ian and Sarah. (Matt laughs) - Okay. Bring it on. - Sorry. One, two, three, burrito! (burrito smacks) - Oh, what? (Ian laughs) - [Courtney] Wow. - You can pick it up! You can keep going! - I got her on the bounce! I got her on the bounce! - No, it doesn't count on the bounce. - It was a ricochet! It was a ricochet! - You can't hide. - That's not where you're supposed to be. - Burritos pass through solid objects. One layer. - [Matt] Damn it. - Quick, Sarah. - No! (burrito smacks) (bell rings) - [Matt] All the points are out. - [Ian] All the points are out. - [Sarah] How small can I get? - [Matt] Tally up your points. - I got six. - You won. - So now I have the Fear Me card. Do you want to explain? - You're the target. We all need to go after you now, because if you win another round, the game game is over. - Game game. - If somebody else wins, then you have to have a duel with that person. And if you win, you win. If that person wins, they win the game. - I forgot deodorant today. Oof. - I am not liable. - One, two, three, burrito. (upbeat music) - And then I discard. Okay, okay, okay, okay. (Matt groans) Okay, what do I do? - Burrito brawl! (Sarah screams) (burrito smacks) It was so close! - [Ian] Do we just keep going? - [Sarah] You're stinky. - [Spencer] All right, burrito brawl. - Oh frick. (burrito smacks) Fricking frick! (Ian laughs) - [Spencer] Oh, son of a... (intense music) (burrito smacks) - Sarah, that's for you. - I'm so sorry, Sarah. - Guys, we need to bully Ian, you fricking butthole. - What are you talking about? - We always need to bully Ian. Always. Guys, we have to try and bully Ian. - He can't win! He can't win. Spencer, your pile's getting closer to you by the minute. - [Spencer] It's called stretch. - [Sarah] I'm playing at a disadvantage. - [Spencer] Do you want the table to knock over, or not? - I'm pushing against- - Burrito duel! - No, wait, he's gotta choose. - [Sarah] Bro. - Courtney and Spencer. (Spencer whispers) (Courtney whimpers) Your burrito, sir. Courtney's just gonna peg me. She won't even be going for Spencer. - [Sarah] I mean, I would not hate it. - I'm not into pegging, sorry. - Oh, all right. Three, two, one, burrito! (Courtney whimpers) (burrito smacks) (Courtney laughs) - [Matt] Wow! - Whoa, you knocked his burrito out! - You knocked it out of his hands! You disarmed him! - [Matt] You disarmed him! You de-burrito'd him! (burrito smacks) - I think that counts. - Now I have two burritos. (all laugh) - Hit her. Someone has to die. - Sorry, Spencer. - You hit my hand. - All right, all right. - Taking a bruise. - [Courtney] You're sweet. - [Sarah] What an honorable man. - [Courtney] You're sweet, you know that? - All right, burrito. - I forgot all the cards I had. - I got nervous when you said burrito. - I know, me too. - [Ian] Sorry. - [Sarah] Hey, man. Bring the freaking cards closer to me, man. - [Matt] Burrito war. (intense music) (Sarah yells) (burrito smacks) - It hit her. - It ricocheted. It didn't hit me. - It didn't? - It didn't. - [Matt] Ian takes it. - [Ian] All right. - It can't hit you on a bounce, okay? - It can't hit you on a bounce, like real dodgeball. - Consider Ian bullied. - I'm not cheating, okay? I'm grabbing three at a time because I'm just starting- - Burrito brawl! (Courtney groans) (burrito smacks) - Who was that? - Matt. - Oh, that was a tie! - [Matt] Tie? - I think Matt got hurt first. - [Sarah] Matt? Okay. - No, no, Matt hit me first. (burrito smacks) - Oh, look at you, honorable man. - I felt it. - All right. Ready? - [Courtney] Guys, Spencer's so- - And burrito. - [Ian] Oh. I'm sorry, I just messed up. - [Courtney] Sorry, I just went. - [Ian] I just freaking went! - Come on, Ian. - What? - [Sarah] You're going slow. - Oops. Okay, getting rid of one. - So close! - Burrito duel. - Between who? Between who? - We're gonna do Matt and Ian. - [Sarah] Hell yeah. - [Ian] (sighs) All right. - Ian does his cards too slow. I only have one card. - All right, all right. Gentleman's agreement: we will not hide. We will just turn and throw. - Probably a woman's agreement. One, two, three, burrito! (burritos smack) - Whoa, right into the clavicle. - [Spencer] That was good. - Going for the jugular. - [Courtney] I only heard it. - Did he jump the gun? That was fast. - No, it was on, I was watching it. It was fine. - I heard it. - Dang, boy's got some spins. - [Sarah] Fricking sniper dude. - Oh my God, that's another bruise for Ian. - [Matt] That's another bruise. And that's it. - [Sarah] Have you ever been sniped by a burrito? - [Matt] And that's it. (all exclaim) - [Courtney] That's all the bruises? - [Matt] That's all the bruises. All right, let's count them up, kids. - [Courtney] Wow. - [Sarah] That means I can't put down any of the points I have in my hands? - [Ian] Damn, I got bruises this time. - [Matt] No, only the points that you have on the floor. - [Sarah] Damn. Fricking- - Courtney, winner? - I got seven. - Courtney Winner. - [Sarah] Courtney Winner! (Courtney cheers) - All right, now it's up to the two of you. It's up to the two of you. You guys have to duel. - No. - All right, ready? You're gonna turn around and fight on burrito. One, two, three, burrito! - I have a hostage! (burrito smacks) (Sarah laughs) (burrito smacks) - Ow. - You actually strucketh my arm with your throw. - Oh, really? - I hit it? - Yeah, she grazed my arm. - Hey, Courtney wins! - So she takes - well, no, she takes the Fear Me card. - Oh, we keep going? - Honestly, I'm just glad Shayne's not playing. - Yeah. - Because we don't have burrito-shaped holes in our torsos. - [Ian] Oh, geez, yeah. - Sports make me so anxious. - No, dude, remember kickball? Summer Games? - Yeah, that was a good time, and no one had a bad time after. - (laughs) My favorite clip ever of Olivia is, "You know what, Keith? "Don't even let me, get me started with your (beep)!" And I don't know who was supposed to, but they edited it and they put the little text. - Keith, don't even let me, get me started with your (beep), you (beep)! - [Man] Hey! (whistle blows) - [Sarah] "Started"! Forty thousand dollars. - Do you think Adam Scott is related to Travis Scott? - [Matt] They actually are. - [Sarah] I think so. I think so. (contemplative music) - [Matt] All right, on burrito. Ready? - [Spencer] Bruh. - [Ian] Burrito. - [Sarah] Burrito. - [Matt] Burrito. (intense music) - [Courtney] Burrito. - [Sarah] Burrito. - [Spencer] Burrito, bro. - [Courtney] Burrito, burrito. - [Spencer] Wawa burrito. - [Ian] Wawa burrito. - Fricking frick. I'm throwing away all the wrong ones! - Burrito brawl! (intense music) (burrito smacks) - That I got. - Spencer got it. - [Spencer] Okay. - [Courtney] It's so tough. Burrito! - [Ian] That's the backup deck. - [Spencer] How many cards do I got now? - [Sarah] Fricking, fricking frick. - [Ian] I want to keep that. - [Spencer] No take-backs. - No take-backs. (Courtney laughs) - Can you, can you- - [Ian] No take-backs. - [Sarah] Can you... - [Matt] Spencer, what are you doing? Spencer. - [Spencer] Sarah, Sarah. - [Sarah] Can you- - [Spencer] Come on, Sarah. Sarah. Geez Louise. - [Sarah] I literally can't stretch it. - Oh, burrito brawl. - (screams) No! No! - Why do you always aim for Sarah? - 'Cause I got a big head. - It's a brawl. I have to go against her. (burrito smacks) - [Matt & Courtney] Burrito. - Oh, look, they're face-up. - Burrito war! (burrito smacks) (Sarah screams) - Matt, you always go for me. - [Courtney] That was tough. That was tough, man. - All right, you ready? - [Courtney] That was a tough call. - Ready? And burrito. - Take the L. - These are face-up. - [Courtney] They're all face-up. - [Matt] Face-down! - [Sarah] (laughs) What? - [Courtney] Hey, I say screw it. If that's how they're being given to you, just, you know. - [Sarah] Yeah. - [Spencer] Bro, I don't think- - Burrito brawl! Courtney. - Is that what a brawl is? - No. (burrito smacks) Oh, my titty! - Brawl is the people on either side of me. - [Sarah] Brawl is everyone. - No, that's war. - [Sarah] Oh. - Sorry. - Bro! - I missed your head, though. - That's the whole - you don't miss my head. You don't aim for it in the first place. - It's just head or titty, which one do you want? - Is that all you see me as? A head and a titty? (contemplative music) - [Matt] All right. Here we go. - Burrito duel! - Who and who? - We haven't seen Sarah and Spence do a duel. (Sarah stammers) - [Courtney] Sparah. - Spence - Sparah. Oh, I like that. Sparah. - [Sarah] Bring it on, bro. - On burrito. - On burrito. - On burrito. - Hiding is allowed. - She just said it. - Three, two, one. - It's not allowed. - Burrito! (burrito smacks) (all cheer) (gasping) (sad music) - [Ian] What? Come on. - And burrito. - A fricking burrito. - I'm running out of cards. I have zero cards to pull from now. - [Courtney] Burrito! - [Ian] There's a serious back-up of cards going on. - [Courtney] Back that card up, back that card up. - I have zero - throw some cards over here. - [Matt] No, you gotta wait. That's the whole point. - [Sarah] Finally, finally. - [Courtney] Don't yell at me. - [Matt] You gotta wait. - Thank you. - Okay, you can't be mad, but- - [Sarah] Don't be mad? Okay, duel. - Do you want to go? It's okay. - Do you want to go? - You can vote me. Vote me and I'll go. - I'll put Courtney in. - [Ian] She's quick on the draw. - [Matt] Courtney and who? - And I want to have her go against Ian. (Courtney groans) - Why? - [Sarah] Kick his ass! - No. - [Sarah] Kill him. - Kill him. - No. - [Sarah] Kill him. - Kill. - One, two, three, burrito! (laughs) He just ran out of the room. - I didn't even turn around. I just threw it over my head. Did nobody hit each other? - [Matt] Nobody did. - Nobody hit it. Uh-oh. Uh-oh. (burrito smacks) - [Courtney] That's not cool. (burrito smacks) (Matt and Sarah exclaim) - [Ian] I tapped her, though! - [Courtney] It's okay. No, he tapped me. - [Sarah] Okay. - [Courtney] He tapped me. - [Ian] I ran out of the room. - [Courtney] No, he tapped me. - I figured that was the ultimate defense. - [Courtney & Sarah] Burrito! - [Spencer] Burrito, bro. - [Courtney] Burrito, though. (intense music) (burrito smacks) - Oh, what? - What happens if you catch it? - I caught it and it's my little baby now. - [Matt] Technically if you catch it, that's you. - [Ian] You have to eat it. - [Matt] No, that's you. - You have to eat it. Is that the actual rule on there? - Dead serious, yes. If you catch a burrito that's been thrown to you, the player who threw the burrito loses the battle. (Sarah & Courtney cheer) - Ah. Then I shall take this bruise. - Thank you, titties. You did it. - [Spencer] I got no cards. - [Ian] Sorry. - [Matt] No cards? - [Sarah] I don't got no cards, either. - Burrito duel! - [Sarah] Between who? - Matt and Spencer. - [Sarah] Oh, wow. - [Spencer] Finally. I get to redeem myself. - You got a lot of points over here. - Get your redemption. - I stink, oh my God. - [Ian] Three, two- - [Spencer] It didn't work for me. - [Matt] Really? Oh, man, that's how I got- - [Spencer] That's how I hit Courtney right in the- - Oh! (laughs) Courtney's stinky. - I'm really stinky, bro. - [Ian] All right, ready? (sad music) - [Ian] One. Burrito! (burrito ricochets) (all laugh) - [Ian] Where did that go? - It landed in my lap. (burrito ricochets) (all laugh) (burrito smacks) - Oh, got him. - That's all right. I'll take it. - Well done. - I'm sorry, Courtney. - Burrito! - Burrito war! (intense music) (Sarah exclaims) (burrito smacks) - [Ian] That was Matt. - I didn't see your burrito, and I got nervous. - All right, so now we take our points. We tally everything up. - [Ian] Yeah. - [Sarah] I have three points. - [Matt] I have one point. - [Courtney] (laughs) So I didn't like it. I put it the other way. - [Matt] Damn. - I said I was going to win, and I did. - [Ian] Eleven. Boy! - [Matt] Minus one? - [Courtney] My cards are all messed up. - [Ian] Oh (beep), ten! Boy! I guess we need to duel. - Three, two, one, Bollywood. (burrito ricochets) - (beep)! - I didn't say burrito. - Say burrito, say burrito. Say burrito. - Burrito! (laughs) - Now you have two guns. Oh damn, Spencer. (Sarah screams) (burrito ricochets) Oh no! - [Courtney] Melee! Melee! - [Sarah] It ricocheted. It ricocheted. Just punch him in the head with the burrito. - [Courtney] That counts as getting hit! That counts as getting hit. (burrito smacks) - [Matt] Spencer is the winner! - Under what grounds? - Stop the count! - Spencer and Courtney duel to see who is the winner of the game. - Final champ. - Spencer versus stinky. (all laugh) - Hey! - One, two, three, burrito! (burrito ricochets) (gunshot echoes) (burrito smacks) - Well, you tried. There was an attempt. (Courtney laughs) - [Sarah] Spencer is crowned champion! - I won it fair and square. - One, two, three, burrito. (light vocal music) - All right, six cards. I'm a cheater already. - [Sarah] Stupid. - [Matt] Stupid. - [Sarah] You stupid cheater. - [Spencer] First of all, stupid. - Whoops. (beep), you grabbed my floaty-goaty. - [Sarah] Frick. - That was a punto. - [Courtney] You're a punto. - [Spencer] There you go. There you go, fam. - [Ian] Thanks, bro. - [Spencer] Sorry, you just draw too slow. - [Sarah] They're not the same colors. - Bruh. (Ian laughs) That was a good one. - [Matt] Burrito duel! Spencer and Sarah. (all groan) One, two, three, burrito. (burrito smacks) - [Matt] Wow, damn. - You're so nice. Why do you all hate him? - You guys, I try to dodge. I try to dodge so I can take my time. - But your dodge was like this: (whines) (Spencer growls) - I can't see the chat. - All right, back in! - All right. Burrito brawl! (intense music) - [Courtney] Oh (beep). (burrito smacks) - [Courtney] Oh (beep). - Here. Here's another one. - (beep) - Oh, finally, dude. - That's a punto. - Dude, I have no thing. - Dude! - [Sarah] Dude! - [Spencer] Burrito brawl. - I got (screams) (Courtney laughs) I punched it with my hand. - [Spencer] Burrito bro. (Courtney screams) - [Sarah] Burrito. - [Courtney] Burrito. - [Spencer] Burrito brawl. - Really? (intense music) (burrito smacks) - What? What happened? - Oh, damn. You just got sniped. - Spencer said burrito brawl. - Spencer said- - You said burrito brawl. - Let's start over. - You said burrito brawl. - Give me all these. - So that's me and Sarah. - Oh, it is you and Sarah. (Sarah screams) - Burrito. - Someone in chat pointed out that I stick my tongue out when I think, and I feel exposed. You know who else does it? - [Matt] He's got to make- - Burrito war! (intense music) (Sarah screams) - Whoa. That was some Matrix stuff right there. You know what's the best burrito? California burrito. - I like breakfast burritos. - Burrito brawl! Courtney and Spencer. (burrito smacks) - Oh, you hit me in the arm. - [Matt] The last bruise. - [Courtney] No! - [Matt] All right, count them up, kids. - [Sarah] I have zero points, 'cause I got three bruises and three points. - [Ian] Oh, that's rough. - [Matt] Damn, Ian and Spencer have to duel for the winner. (Wild West music) - We've got to duel. - [Sarah] Ware potato. - [Ian] Just so you know, I selected odd job. - [Courtney] B-game Bernie Sanders. - He's so close to my head. - Three, two, one. - [Courtney & Ian] Bruh. - Bozo the clown. - Burrito! (gunfire echoes) (all groan) (Sarah screams) (Courtney laughs) - [Matt] The number of animal noises. (burrito ricochets) (Ian laughs) - [Courtney] Catch one, Spencer! - [Courtney & Sarah] Catch it! - [Sarah] Catch it! You could catch it! - You could catch it. If you catch it, you win the game forever. (burrito smacks) (all groan) (laughing) Chipped! So Ian, he has the Fear Me card. - I have the Fear Me. You're five. - One, two, three, burrito. - He's talking (beep), dude. - He's talking (beep), dude. - [Spencer] All my alts. - I like Spencer. - She loves this fat ass. - Burrito brawl. (burrito smacks) - Burrito duel. Let's do Spencer and Matt. - [Matt] Bro, you keep taking from this pile I put down. - I didn't pull from there. - You absolutely did. - Did not. - [Sarah] I think we need a larger table. - I think you didn't put down three. - No, I always put down three. - I think you're cheating. - Bro, you're in a duel right now. Get your head in the game. - Yeah, get your head in the game. - [Spencer] Get your head in the game. - On burrito. - Don't do that thing where you don't say burrito. - Okay. (Sarah laughs) One, two, three, Brendon Urie. - Gam it. - Gam it? - Gambits is my favorite X-Man. - Bargain Mart. Burned this ass. (Matt & Sarah laugh) Burrito! (burrito ricochets) - I felt that. - [Courtney] Geez. A laser. - [Matt] Yeah, go ahead. - I felt that go right past my head. - Are you working out, bro? - Guys, Spencer is so precious. - He is precious. (burrito smacks) - Oh, got him in the back. - Spencer is baby. - One, two, three, burrito. (calming instrumental music) (all vocalizing) - [Spencer] Burrito brawl. - [Sarah] Get him, get him. (burrito smacks) The first time I've ever won in this game! - [Spencer] It hit my hand. Hand burrito. - Burrito. - Burrito brawl! (intense music) (burrito smacks) - Not - (stammers) it's you and me. - You just hit me. - That's because I have horrible depth perception. (burrito smacks) - Damn it! (all cheer) - [Courtney] Wow, Sarah. - [Spencer] Oh, snap. - [Courtney] Oh, shoot, dude. - Burrito brawl! Courtney and Ian. (burrito smacks) (Courtney groans) - Right on my rack. - [Sarah] You got rid of three right there? Burrito war! (burrito smacks) - Damn it. (Sarah laughs) - I'm gonna hear burrito next time you call it, and I'm gonna go like- (all laugh) - "Here's your burrito, (beep)!" - [Courtney] That's good. - That's good. - [Sarah] That's some good stuff. - Burrito brawl! (burrito smacks) - All right, that's the last one. (all exclaim) - [Sarah] I had a burrito duel. I can't count it. - [Ian] Oh, too bad. - [Matt] I have one point. - [Spencer] I have one, two, three, four points. It's time to duel! - No, she has seven. Yeah, you guys have to duel. - Duel! - For all the burritos! - For all the burritos. - The loser has to buy the winner a burrito. - I think that's a great idea. - I love this idea. - Okay, this feels unfair. - Three, two, one. Bruce Wayne. Brunch. Burrito! (burrito smacks) - [Courtney] Head. - Oh, you got my head! (all exclaim) - [Sarah] It was a headshot. - [Matt] Wow! - It was a headshot. - [Ian] Yeah, you got my head. - Headshot. - Oh, my gosh. - Ian buys Sarah and the rest of the cast a burrito! (all cheer) - [Sarah] It's burrito time! - I hope you guys are ready for the dollar menu. - Guys, that has been Throw Throw Burrito. - I'm stressed out. - I'm hungry. - We are all very stressed out. Sarah's taken three naps, and she's still tired. - I might have a concussion. - [Courtney] No. - Ian definitely has a concussion, but it was from something that happened off-camera. - Are you sure it's not con queso? (all exclaim) - If you guys want to see us play more stuff like this, let us know in the comments below, but before that, we've got some stuff for you to watch. A video over here. - Whoa. - A video over there. We got a bunch of videos. Guys, we got twenty seconds to vamp. - Wait, wait, wait. Do you guys get queso in your burritos? (burrito smacks) - [Courtney] No. (gasping) - [Matt] Oh no! He's dead! - Why you gotta do that to my Spencer? (Courtney screams) (burrito smacks) Why you got to do that to my bussy? - Oh, look, it landed perfectly in his arms. That's so cute.
Channel: Smosh Games
Views: 289,607
Rating: 4.9411006 out of 5
Keywords: smosh, smosh games, gaming, comedy, funny, Throw Throw Burrito! (Board AF), board af, throw throw burrito, game, gameplay, board games
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 47sec (1247 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 29 2020
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