We Become Paranormal Detectives (Board AF)

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(upbeat music) - [Voice Over] Shut up! - So Kimmy now gets to hold the pen in this thing and I draw with her hand. (soothing romantic music) - Sorry is my hand unsteady. (laughs) - I think every ghost makes a mistake. - Oopsie. (competitive music) - Guten tag gamers. Today we're going to be playing one of my favorite games of all time on Board AF, "Paranormal Detectives". A body has been found. So one of us will be the ghost of said body. Thankfully, the rest of us here are all very gifted detectives with psychic abilities. And all the detectives get to know is using these little blood markers, where the injuries are on this dead body and what their gender marker would be. That's it. So one of us is going to get to play the ghost and we get a scenario card and it describes who killed us, how it happened, what the weapon was, where we were and why were we killed. They're gonna be playing these cards, dropping down abilities like, having the ghost answer a question with this Ouija board or having them mouth a word to them. Having them make a sound, but not a word. If you guess the correct who, why, where, how and weapon you are the winner along with the ghost. If not it's whoever gets closest. Wiener. Be the wiener. - Yeah I'm excited. Let's detect the paranormal. - So Damian, since you are the expert of this game, why don't you start out as the ghost. - I would love to play the ghost. Oooo. (spooky music) - Damien's going to make for one, he's going to be a really good ghost some day. - Thanks man. - He be get like haunting abilities.. - Like I wonder about that sometime. Like, you know, eventually like, hopefully not for a long time, but like, I think Damien will be a very good ghost. - Thank you. - You think about that? - Like, I think he's going to (beep) with people. Like, he'll definitely haunt people, but he'll do it in a funny way. - I feel like you've planned on like, what would it be like to kill Damien? And then he'd be like, no, then he'd haunt me. Wait, that'd be kind of fun. So you just like.. (group chatter) - All right, so I've got all my situations here. So all I get to show you this time. - Person identifies as male. - Now he's a man. Overdose. There's no blood marker on the body? - No blood marker on the body. - Interesting. - We don't know where that person was injured. - So the one sentence I get to read for y'all is young man with a small box in his pocket. - So Iffy you'll start first, we'll go clockwise. - Let's start off with the mystery. Let's do Ghost Touch. - [Damien] Ghost touch. - To find out what was the murder weapon, the alleged murder weapon. - So I now get to draw on Iffy's back as the ghost and nobody else really gets to benefit. - [Ian] And I'm just going to watch his elbows, then I'll know exactly what he's drawn. - This is my distraction technique for Iffy. (speaks gibberish) Spider going up your back... - That's also the best card to play because you get like kind of a free massage. - It's quarantine, none of us have been touched in years. - So Iffy what Shane did in the practice, was he tried to draw it while Damien was drawing, but it did not work at all, cause I drew a rifle and he drew like a dog. - I drew a dog basically. - They're kind of similar. - Yeah. - How you feeling Iffy? - Yeah actually. - Oh! - Wow. - That's crazy. - I'm picking up what you're putting down. - Okay, okay. - I play Dark magi... Nah, using the Hangman's Knot. - These. - The ropes of wisdom. Where? What location were you at? - Where were you? - Interesting. - I think he was at the Parthenon. - (indiscernible) twist them out perfectly to just say Coachella? (laughter) - Okay. I got, I got this. - [Iffy] I'm picking up what you're putting down. - I am not. - I'm picking up right what you putting down, good stuff. - Okay, I think I've gotcha. - This is where? - This is where. - Okay. - Okay. I am going to use, the Whispers of the Shadows, which means that Damien has to, he gets to mouth one word to me. Mr. Ghost. Mr. Mr. Ghost. what was the relation to this person that got murdered and the murderer? - This makes it tough for us. - I don't know. - Well, that didn't help. - That didn't help you? - Seemed to help Kimmy. - I'm picking up what you're putting down. - Shane's focusing very hard. So Mr.Ghost man, with small box in pocket, I'm going to do the Ghost Meter, and I would like you to describe, how were you feeling when you were in the process of being murdered? - In the process of it? So not before it, in the process of it. - And not after, cause that wouldn't be helpful. - This is the Ghost Meter. So we've got a few different like gauges here, where it's like elephant to ant. So it's like big to small. We've got heavy to light. How did I feel as I was dying? - Probably not very good. - He put it towards a scale of like evil. - Bad. - Bad, sorry. Towards the scale of bad. In the middle between old and young, a little bit trended towards young. And then put it at black. - Blue. - It's purple. - It's a good thing I said that out loud. - See right now people are trying to be strategic, so we don't just like directly give away things. Cause you could ask, as long as it's not a yes or no question, you can ask it. People can ask like who did this to you and then, but then everybody knows it. - All right, Iffy, Iffster. What you gotta put down buddy? - Ghost, I speak to you, and I ask you to give me a Ghost Scream, to let me know how you died. - So what is a Ghost Scream? - Hah! - The ghost makes a sound, or indicates an object in the room. - The ghost is looking around. The ghost is deciding what his object of choice will be. He decided to go to for the scream. (choking sound) - K K K K K K. - Mmhhm. Don't do that, or you'll be a ghost too. Hi, I'm Damian, and I'm a ghost. - Shane talk. What? - I would try to ask more vague questions, but I am so lost. - That's okay. - So I'm gonna use my Tarot Cards and ask, why were you murdered? What was the reasoning here for this death? Tarot Card show me the truth. - So the Tarot Card is a fun one. He has the option to put down whatever cards might hint, as to the answer of the question here. - Okay, so Damien has put down the fool, and there's a hand going to a sun. And the son appears to be above water with something that says don't know. - Iffy's getting it. Effie's got it. (excited scream) - I mean, I feel like Iffy might get it, I don't know. - I don't know. - You're able to make your first guess now, if you feel like it. - All right. - So you're gonna make a guess? - I'm going to wait until my turn to make a guess. - Shane, do you want to make a guess? You don't have to. - Oh, I think he's going for it. (cheeky laughter) - I'm gonna make a guess here. - Confident. - Okay, God, all right. This is gonna sound insane. I just, I was completely thinking different than this, and I just decided to go with this. - Great I'm excited. - I think you are an astronaut on the dark side of the moon, and you lost oxygen, and that's the black box or that's something in your pocket. So the weapon is just a lack of oxygen to the spaceship. - Wow. - And you're in a spaceship. - I am not... - Yep, going real crazy. - So I get to write down on Shane, how many he got right. - So I said you're an astronaut, there's a malfunction, in the spaceship and you suffocated from the oxygen tanks. - Okay. I get to write down how many are correct. - That is so far away from what I'm guessing. - I just decided to go insane with it. - That was good, that was really good. - I like it. - Because I couldn't get you to whisper, who this person was that killed him, I'm going to now ask you to scream it. With a Ghost Scream. Who is this person that caused the untimely death, of our dear poor man? - I can indicate an object or I can make a sound, but not a word. I'll do just a sound, hmm. - That was the relation? - Yeah, okay, so... - And you also didn't ask the who before you said something weird like, - What was the relation? - Relationship to them, yeah. - I am ready to make my guess. - Great. - I believe this man was eating at a restaurant. He was so excited to eat his food, that he choked on his food and suffocated to death. - But you, you didn't say the who... - He was excited, and the man, he wanted to eat his food. He choked on his food, suffocated to death on his food in the restaurant. - Okay, what would the weapon be in that case? - The food. - Food. Okay. And I'll write down for you, how many you got right. (making ghost noises) - Wow, okay. So here's something that might help. I'm gonna use one of my ghost cards. Cause we've just had two people have difficulty getting it full on so I'm going to give you a bit of a gimme here. I'll be using the Talking Board, where I get to place markers on the talking board. I can do that now and just answer whatever I want. So you don't even know what this is in relation to, but I'm going to write it out. - Y'all gonna feel dumb when he puts spaceship. You're like space ship, oxygen tank, and I was like food in a restaurant. - So this ghost came here all the way from the moon. - This is actually going to really maybe give away some things. - Probably still won't get it. Let's see. - I know it now. - Penis, penis. - God, I just wrote it out. I know it, dammit it. But it's still a spaceship. (mocking laughter) - Kimmy? - Okay. - I'm the ghost. Would you like to talk to me? - So yeah, I do. Using the Quill Pen, describe to me why this murder and or death took place. - Okay. - So Kimmy now gets to hold the pen in this thing, and I draw with her hand. (slow romantic music) - Sorry, is my hand unsteady? - All right think of a ghost who makes a mistake, and he's like, no, no, wait, wait. - Oopsy. - No, you just got to commit to it. You just have to commit. - Kimmy you need potassium. - What? - You're shaky. - I'm sorry, I have a tough time of like letting my hand relax. - Okay. Oh, all right. - Thank you Ghost Man. Okay, so that looks like (whispers) That I don't know. Okay so I'm going to guess. - You want to do your guess? All right. - The weapon let's go. - Let's go. Let's go Kimmy. - Young man with small box in his pocket. I assume that this guy is proposing to somebody. I believe that the murderer is a waiter. Someone that he hired for this proposal. It was an accidental thing that occurred because the waiter was rushing to get this whole thing set up for this dude and his future fiance. And it happened at a restaurant. The man that was murdered is allergic to peanuts and the weapon was the peanut, because he's definitely allergic to them. And he went into anaphylactic shock. Okay. Okay. Damn. - I think I got. - I'm going to use the Talking Board to say who killed this man. (snickering) - Okay. (talking in low tones) - But thank you. - Thank you ghost for conserving exactly what I was saying. You were wrong because it is the chef or the cook, who put the peanuts in the dish, killing him because he is definitely allergic to peanuts. - What's the why? - He was in a rush and it was accidental. - And where is this? - This was done in the kitchen. (laughs) No! - All right Shane, you sticking with your space - God damn it ghost. - Your space scenario? - So dining area was not? - There's specific words on this card that I'm looking for. - Don't let Kimmy take this from me. - Okay. Using the Quill Pen, where did this happen? - Clear your mind of whimsy. (slow romantic music playing) - I think that's pretty good. Okay. All right. I'm going to go for this. I think the person was a cook. Why? They were in a rush and accidentally put peanuts. The where is a restaurant. (nervous laughter) - It's happening. It's happening. - The how was suffocation from an allergic reaction. The weapon was allergies. Yeah. Anaphylactic shock. - The weapon would be the object, so you have to.. (talking over each other) - The peanuts. The thing that he had an allergic reaction to would be the peanuts. - Ooh, someone's all out of guesses. - But I'm done now. - Probably dead. - But that's okay because Shane wins. (congratulating noises) - What a twist. - From the dark side of the moon. You were like the weapon was Suffoca... It was, it was a allergic reaction, I was like... - Well, you had said peanut earlier in the thing too. So I was like, okay, just... - Wow. - I did not expect restaurant to be the tough one to get. - What's the deal with purple? - I mean, you turn purple cause you suffocate. That was hard. - The ropes are a fork and a spoon. - Yes. - Oh, I thought it was a person with their shadow. (talking over each other) - So here's the story. This scenario is called the proposal. You nailed it there. I invited my girlfriend to our favorite restaurant, and I was going to propose marriage. We ordered our favorites. Duck with red cabbage for me, and spicy risotto with peanuts for her. The clumsy cook was in a rush and prepared our meals in the same pan. I was allergic to nuts and as soon as I took my first bite, I had an allergic reaction and suffocated. She never even saw the engagement ring. I hope she knows how much I love her. - Oh my God. - I think we can agree though. Iffy essentially had it, you just said kitchen and I specified that it was a restaurant that the kitchen is in. - I had it and said waiter instead of cook. That was the one thing I missed. (talking at the same time) - You're a ridiculous ghost. it's like, no, you haven't saw, I can't go on yet. You haven't solved it. And it's like, okay, it wasn't a kitchen. It was a full Applebee's. Like, thank you. - Thank you. Bye! - So who want's to be the ghost next? - I'll ghost up. - You'll ghost up? - Yeah. Oooohh. - I love the skeleton behind you too. It looks like we're taking roll over, like skeleton, here. I'm here teacher, I was early. - The sentence that you all have is a man with a backpack. - Hm. - I bet I already know what happened. I'm going to guess. - All right, I guess we'll start with Ian. - Ian. - Oh shoot. Really? Okay. I'm going to try this again. Through the Haunted Mirror, which you have to do a pantomime, that max three seconds. So the relation between the murdered and the murderer. (xylophone playing) Okay. I apparently ask terrible questions. - It's gonna make so much sense, once we figured out what it is. - Did that do anything for you Ian? - Nah! - Ghost man, can you show us the weapon with the Hangman's Knot please? Spooky ropes. I like the ghost noises. - Actually I was thinking this. - Can you imagine a ghost, just doing arts and crafts like this? - Haven't you seen Ghost? - That's such a good point. - It's a good movie. - Oh, okay. The murder weapon. (making ghost sounds) - All right. I'm getting something. The ghost is here. Ghost, if you do indeed be here, I'm a pirate now., use these Tarot Cards to tell us who took you from us. - Ooh. - Tarot cards. - Ooh. - Everyone seems so sure. I got nothing. I am so lost. - And this is the who? - Yes. - I'm feeling real good about this. - I'm feeling terrible. - You know what? I'm going to try this out just for fun, because you get two right? No, no I'm not. - We don't have a where yet. - Well, it's pretty obvious. - Ah. - No, Shane go ahead. - I'm gonna use the Tarot Cards. I'm gonna use my Tarot Cards to ask, where did this take place? - Dude I play Dark magician. - You can't. - I play Pot of Greed, dude. - (beep) I play the Fiend Megacyber. - You do? Dude, I play Red Eyes Black Metal Dragon. And I already had the fusions all set up on the... - Son of a bitch. - Oh wow, this is the where. - Where, where, where, where, where. - Okay. That's great. (ghost noises) - The where is datass. - I just saw the butt, yeah. - You know I'm going to go for a guess just because... - Cause you're afraid I'm going to get it? - I'm going to guess that this person was hiking, and they came onto someone's private property. Now I'm going to guess that the homeowner is the one who killed them. Why, he saw that they were trying to ho... He was trying to get over his fence into his private property. So how, he shocked them with his electric fence. - Oohh. Okay. - You should have guessed in space. - Yeah the dark side of the moon. - Mr. Ghost, can you tell me how was he killed, with your Whispers of Shadows? (making strange sound) - Got it. Cool. - Wait, what? I wish I asked something with more syllables. - You do have bad luck. You keep asking for the Whisper and the word ends up being like aaahh. - Yeah the whisper's like (wheezing sound) Yeah, I am totally out of lines. - I'm stoked. I'm so stoked for this next round. - Mr. Ghostman, using the Ghost Touch, man, could you please indicate to me on my back area, who murdered me? - Am I able to look? No, probably not. No, no, that wouldn't make sense. - No. - Oh, that was good. - Dude that was so close to killing one of us, dude. - For clarification, I did the same one three times. Thank you. Cool, cool, cool, cool, cool. - Iffy? - Yes. - I'm getting something. (strange guttural sounds) Using Talking Board, I would like you to tell me why you done got killed. - This is going to be a thinker. - That's okay. A thinker for a stinker. - Uhuh, okay I've got it. Ghost, tell me if I'm right. This dude was a hiker who accidentally offed himself. They were in the mountains doing some rock climbing, and they cut their hands on something very jagged, like jagged rock or a hunting knife, one of the two. - Guess. - You know, there's the same, like a jagged, jagged... - One you said is right and one you said is wrong. - Don't tell him that. - I wanna say jagged rock. - I think I got it. - Okay. - Very proud. - Using Ghost Touch, what was the weapon that killed you? - You're trying to be all sneaky. (talking over each other) He's getting on his back there. - Editors add in sexy music. (slow romantic music playing) - Are you gonna guess? - Yeah, it's wrong, but I'm going to go for it. So basically everything Damien just said. (laughing altogether) He was doing some rock climbing, and it was himself, and he cut his hand, I think with his knife by accident. That's that's what I'm getting with the ghost touch. So I'm going to say he accidentally cut his own hand with a knife. - I'm going to say you're right! - Can I say why? - If you say the right why, I will give it to Ian. - Wait, I'll say the right why. - I wanna say the why? (talking over each other) - Oh I have forgotten what the why was, God damn it. - Just repeat everything and it probably will give you the hint - Why did he cut his hand? - For the win Shane? - This pressure is just, it's actually, the pressure is now, (beep) I can't. - Everything he said, but the why was because he got tangled in his rope. He tried to cut himself loose and he cut his hand. - Close enough. I will give it to you, but you right. It is literally free solo. I was on a lone hiking trip to the mountains. And at some point there was an avalanche and a boulder crushed my hand. I couldn't free it, so to survive, I was forced to cut it off myself, with the only tool I had with me, a pocket knife. (talking over each other) Unfortunately, I lost too much blood before I could find help and died. - Oh no. - We were, we were still way off. - Is the list there rock climbing? - It's the mountain's trail... (talking over each other) - So we didn't in general really get the why, but it's always up to the ghost. - So you're free ghost. You're free. - Yo, this has been Paranormal Detectives on Board AF. I had so much fun. Everybody did so well... (talking over each other) (indiscernible) - Oh yeah, we should figure out if we should do it. Let's bring this on the road. Let's actually become paranormal detectives. - Oh yeah, cold cases going. - I think it'll work. - Let's get a groovy van. - I'll be the dog. Iffy thank you so much for stopping by. - Oh any time. - And y'all this been great. Hey, if you want to watch more Board AF, why don't you click gosh dang over here. Or if you're not sick of us yet, you could also click over there. - That'd be, that'd be sicko mode. - If you haven't subscribed. Well golly gosh, thanks for finding us either way, but we sure would like you to subscribe. You'll find this more easily next time. And we're always going to have fun for you. These board AF cut downs always happen. The, the Twit streams, you can find us on Monday afternoons from 3.00 to 6:00 PM Pacific time, but then otherwise we're going to have a cutdown for you that next week on a Sunday. - That's right. That's right Damien. - That's it. - Bye bye.
Channel: Smosh Games
Views: 373,044
Rating: 4.9717417 out of 5
Keywords: smosh, smosh games, gaming, comedy, funny, We Become Paranormal Detectives (Board AF), paranormal detectives, board af, board games, halloween, spooky, 2020
Id: -jMLn4EGnwg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 10sec (1450 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 01 2020
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