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alright well first of all you guys are all incompetent [Music] you what's happened [Music] the eastern warlock was here and he asked for that gold that you owe him for poker last week when you guys play poker so I had to give it to him we have gotten through the door I've had the key in my backpack valid [Music] did you laugh at me whether it's there Wow boy why is my temple ruins when there should be an army there protecting it let you asking I can't see I today on board a f5 brought together some of my best disciples and we are playing a Dark Lord a game where I shall be the Dark Lord that's why I'm dressed just like this and these my servants are going to explain to me why they failed every task I give them so it's just like a card game oh no it's more like a conversation game where the points don't matter and you kinda just have fun with your friends no and these are very close like the hood is around my ears everything sounds a little weird hello and welcome to the miracle worker for these I have returned to find your ugly faces here but what I don't see is a beautiful face of the princess I asked for you to bring me you what happened oh right right I remember the princess and the one that you wanted us to grab yeah well you see I was going for the princess right but then I thought what other royalty is there in the way of the princess he got a king he got a queen it's not just any Queen that was in my way you see we have the mummy Queen of all things taking a little bandages wrapping me up so I couldn't move yes every queen is a mummy once they have a daughter our princess I wanted a princess drawing right right well what I had broken out of those a mummy bandages or whatever I look to see where my backup is and who should I see but yes the with a mysterious potion just drink it why were you drinking he was hunting me a princess well I can explain it wasn't a potion for me I was making sure that it was because I found the wicked elf princess and bows over there she tricked me and made me drop the love potion all over the floor bows more like Bozo well quickly say that what happened look I'm gonna be real with you man we were supposed to go to the volcano today and we had the love potion and everything I tripped him because he actually yes I see him yes you yes because he's the actual love potion in his book bag and he tried to steal it and that was a fake one oh you trying to steal from me no sir it was in fact him I gave him the ready cash to buy the other love potion after she knocked me over and broke the last one and he spent it sandwiches interruption I I got it I gotta interrupt that because I just said that the potion the real one is in your book bag and I saw him get this balloon it was not very stable he tied his book back to the balloon and just let it go away and he's trying to act like that didn't happen hold up hold up hold up now why would I do that why would I send my book bag into space when I need it how else would we have gotten through the door I had the key in my backpack valid and remember I gave Shane the coins to buy another love potion so what you're saying is why would you send your potion up into space cuz it had my key to get back in the door how else would I be here right so my question to you is why does it seem that Yui lying to me here is your first withering stare no or I didn't even have to sign EP so Bose now that you've received your first withering stare three will lose you the game so it's not a game to win but it's a game not to lose and then I get beheaded live on camera then you go to detain scene I know I know that's the last thing you will this new Orca transfer is my hi it's me the new or just so you all know the Australian voice I was doing was not my character my character is not spoken yet oh I decided because I was doing a terrible accent I'm really glad nobody picked me so that I have a chance to kind of like prep I thought you were Canadian I don't know what yummy you in the corn have been quite quite yes crap quite quiet yeah today be Monday's the day I count me gold one by one and I seem to have lost some like you know where my lost gold is um yeah sorry um okay so yeah I immediately wonder why I know you're around your gold see I okay so the the eastern warlock was here and he asked for that gold that you owe him for poker last week when you guys play poker yeah so I I had to give it to him because I was doing you a favor obviously cuz you need to eat he was very mad and you you talked about that yesterday we talked about that over brunch owed on a minute Oh Don I feel like this guy's full of crap because if you really gave gold to the Eastern wizard how did you get that fancy new lantern in your room okay Wow Damien really really screwed over a good friend here okay when we're playing croquet yesterday after brunch we were talking about how good friends but now pulled hold the crap on okay I couldn't have gone and bought that thing yesterday yesterday I got that lantern that was a gift for my grandmother because it was snowing yesterday I couldn't have gone to the market yesterday when there was a sandstorm okay now hold on hold on the village knows did that guy can't see anything I mean everybody knows that yeah I mean it was a snowstorm like did you not wonder why the snow or the sand was so cold and wet yeah get your eyes checked you guys know I work at the watchtower I was at the top of the ladder and I saw everything this guy was just in front of his house and he was just like fan there my friend because I think this both of these people are kind of silly gooses they're not the smartest because that's the most offensive phrasing okay because as you know our fortress is in a barren desert it can snow in the desert did you see the news on Twitter it snowed in the Sahara that's that's valid we are now in the desert why why didn't I just said myself that I just it's like just did you check Twitter are usually it's not okay okay hold up hold up we've all read the howling book we've all read it and we know what the helling book says we it says in our land of the earth it's the opposite of global warming it is getting colder no this in yours that I don't know all right well first of all you guys are only competent at least I can come home to a good hearty meal which is not that fun to me right now who forgot to go to the store to buy food someone forgot the Lean Cuisine where's Ari Lissa as you know I am usually in charge of getting the goblins food I don't have the best taste buds so we need to eat I actually assigned that one today mian he was supposed to get your food while I was down at the placid river fishing for the rest are more like the flaccid River ha ha he confused me because I thought this and that's where he was all right well you got straight screwed on that one more time double I stare excellent Amy those Lean Cuisines for him no quite sure what you're doing right now is the whole thing I think you know the argument might be over but my tummy still rumbles where's my Lean Cuisine right so I'm singing about link we sing inhale a dark Overlord as yourself meats up millions blare little more meat on the bones so I was actually going to make you the soup of 1000 tentacles that's right from a different Dark Lord Cthulhu himself right off his face and where there I was I got to about now 559 tentacles to get to uh you know given to you when who should come traipsing along but miss Bose over there with a wind spell bellowing all the tentacles everywhere blows him right at my head and I got no food for you coming into the kitchen they're just blowing everywhere the wind okay one what was he doing in the kitchen it is my responsibility to cook for you yeah I don't even know what he's doing in there so when I walked in to make your dinner today I was very surprised that he's even in there and I'm just gonna tell you this right now I've been working for you for what 21 years now 21 342 days yes you know what I do best let's just pull out my crystal ball and see what really happened okay whoa what is that is that I can't see it that looks like that looks like Shane going into the kitchen and taking the rotisserie chicken out that I was making you deserve but believe me baby Nikki it it's him going in and just taking the chicken out of what the hell you fat oh yeah okay [ __ ] okay hold on okay hold on [ __ ] because last time I checked I was dealing with the stinking corpse okay I put the stinking corpse in the oven to deal with it like just to just save it there just cuz I was like okay and it wasn't on I was just like I need to store this here like we always do we always know I went that's exactly what happened I went in to make dinner and he took the dinner out of the oven so that he could cremate this corpse he is the reason why oh he's the reason why your dinners not ready and look here's the skull of the corpse he cremated he took your dinner out to do that I took the dinner out I set it on the table okay hold on I set the dinner out okay what the heck is your hint card you don't have to do that okay I took the body down to the dark dungeon but I didn't take the chicken away I put it on the table she never said anything about me eating it let me throwing it out I took it out of the oven I set it there because my job was to take care of the corpse and I took it down to the dark dungeon I was doing my job her job if she was there as she said she's supposed to be she that's her job in the kitchen why why didn't she do something about it okay you know because we all know I'm bossy bossy and I was just doing my job if you're getting away of my job so are you passing the buck dough's okay yeah I'll pass it to her all right everybody he says that he he something about dark dungeon buddy took the chicken out of the chicken was on the table yeah how did you not see a chicken on the table look Dark Lord that's me yeah I know I know honey we've been through a yes yeah um look at this map of your own of your own house yeah the dark dungeon is right next to the kitchen it's it's the oversight by me I will admit yes it's it's right there your chicken is in the oven now I'm getting your dinner ready but why your dinner is not ready right now is because he took the chicken out for six hours so he could cremate a body and that's the fact I'm working on getting that dinner for you know why why was it so essential that you cremate the body then stopping me from eating my food now okay what do I do sorry I've never played a board game okay this is sound like a lot of flying town BS right okay that's a term and that I use boldness not yes because he's bold I'm just gonna use logic here as the flying town people of Athens do that I took the chicken out I cremated the corpse in my crematorium in the dark dungeon and she was in charge of putting the chicken back she was there and it sounds like she just delayed for six hours okay like the people of the flying town do hold on I have another card here yeah you don't want him to cook chicken and then so and then also you know she's a happy village [ __ ] cremate body thus anything I tried to cook in there I use the dark shelby's 4-inch filled you sir I want to receive before you say anything whenever you give me a mean look I get hard just know that what you wanted me just never tried to fix anything no initiative wheels are get a withering stare okay Wow I don't well as I wait for my food to be made again at least I can play with my wonderful dragon thigh don't did you laugh at me did you laugh at me boy two points I want to play this game with your ex-wife find out where are you my beautiful dragon what was that ah your majesty okay perhaps you can tell me why my dragon fidon't is not coming up were here ah my Dark Lord I got some bad news for you and some good news depending on how you look at it oh my god every real true Dark Lord needs a rival you know I mean somebody that really just rustles their jimmies and makes them angry every day and that's where the other dark overlord comes into play he swooped in while Wes was on guard duty snuck right by him Wes didn't even look and see it I was too far away otherwise I would've helped I was trying to get your dinner done as you remember I was fishing I was getting our food and I was bringing it back when foes used her magic whirlwind and sent me flying down in the dark dungeon with all of the fish I was not on guard duty at the time well you really got to stuff up with that air magic it is not very becoming you know I'm trying to get really tired of West trying to blame me and say that I'm out to get him and you know I told you before man he keeps screwing up I'm trying to make sure this castle runs as efficiently as possible are currently faced I know and the reason why he's not telling the truth is because I'm gonna be real man I was at the tavern I had a really rough night last night and I just needed to cope with it somehow and you know how we deal with our problems man it's not the best that I'm not proud of it but wow that's an Steve yeah you can't only get mad at someone for being honest yeah I deal with their demons I understand I mean yeah and I mean I hate to say it but I just got a pin it back on him cuz he eventually he's gotta own up to his mistakes and deal with them so what does he have to say about that oh yes how did you get blown into the dark dungeon if she was actually at the tavern yeah as you with her story from the previous evening she said she was in the kitchen cooking your dinner if she was in fact at the tavern and not cooking your dinner how do you explain that correct one way or the other you were lying to me in this story or the loss thus meaning where were you well he really got away with that home didn't lie it was a rotisserie chicken I put it in the oven I went to the tavern I mean I can I can hang on to that she did do that okay she was like I'm gonna go get trashed confirmed it's time to get drunk I so sweet I'm gonna go deal with this dead body so she went to this heaven because she had a bad evening with the chicken head because she didn't want to stay there so he the dinner was in fact her fault allowing how I barely want to know why the dark overlord has taken my dragon I don't like I said I was unconscious in the basement because she were winded with winmagic him down the stairs inadvertently knocking me all the way down and knocking me up so if you want to ask why I was unconscious at the bottom of the stairs you should probably ask Damien Oh using and his fashionable shoes right right claims of shoes fashionable shoes I got from a different overlord that I already took down for you you know gave him what for you ain't even heard of him because I have quick or killed of my dragon well this was which is where said I got wind magic down the stairs now here's the deal I hate to keep harping on this whole thing but we had some other things to deal with because someone by their own admission did go drop a killer chicken into the kitchen oven didn't stop me if you want but I wasn't gonna blame it on you he's going somewhere I mean that just I don't know I guess have you something to say yeah I just feel like I feels like the world is caving in on me and I'm already having a bad day and I'm just like wow just you know if you want to give me a stare or whatever and I'm just gonna do better next time man Wow once again Bo's coming with the honesty and I think we're really missing that here in the earth yes but there is a reason why we survive and that's cuz we lie you miss know whether it's there oh oh I was gonna twist that into blame and shame beause I'm sorry that it yeah - now we live in we learned that's okay it's not my fault we learned wow this game is easy with Game of Thrones not coming back to 2019 there was absolutely no reason for me to have my HBO go accounts or HBO now I'm not actually that I need you don't watch insecure I know that's a good show what if the castles on your budget I asked you yeah sir people first Showtime what you skinemax I asked you to cancel my HBO now account until 2019 why is it when I looked at my bank statement I saw another 1099 was wrong from my gold account from your what oh that count your gold account exactly your gold account which you buy for it's a year-long subscription so I couldn't cancel it but I did cancel it it'll be canceled at the end of the year that's it no blame I'm not gonna blame anybody else it's good to see it is not good to see that my able to accomplish something Wow I have no stairs perhaps I will look at the man in the mirror I like that Michael Jackson song hey oh you pretty young thing my armies seem to be not progressing as far or as wide as they should be you in the pleather I assume you're the general huge storm or him and to that you of the dress to the most fanciest of anyone besides me which I have noticed and watch yourself if you were to take any attention away from this fine fellow wow that was not my intention master tell me sir why are my armies not as strong as they could be well sir as you know the Dragon was taken this is highly unfortunate yes and the person on guard duty as you remember was in fact a nyan who really even knows now is yeah so if you want to blame someone blame Damien for letting the slimy servant of the dragon occult cult for coming in and stealing it that is your armies have lost faith since their pet dragon has not been there all right all right so obviously you're gonna have questions about this whole slimy servant thing I understand that that looks a little sketchy right off the bat but we had a problem in the reich's that we needed to deal with and that's why I brought him in see everybody has been dealing lately with a little bit of infighting because of the possessed girl now she's a little crazy but gosh darnit she's fun and a lot of the men have been fighting over her because they've all fallen in love now you know me I'm not worried about love I want us to win I want us to win these battles but I needed someone a third party to come in get rid of this possessed girl so that there would be no blame on any of us and that the armies could continue on as normal now my question is how come if Wes is worried about me with a slimy servant he would he was in charge of God in the temple and the temple is now in ruins temple in ruins your temple you my temple yours where I had armies at and it's in ruin it ruins you say am i ruined now but the temple is for sure because of this guy since so didn't you destroy the temple for fun no also Hebrew no maybe that kylo Ren fellow so Damien admits to bringing in the slimy serve it lets stole the dragon which solved the problem da covilhã if you remember from last time other dark Overlord stole the dragon this guide was brought in a deal with Abbas s Co which he did why don't you explain the damn temple you know I'm not gonna question it I got confused myself there mmm yes why is my temple in ruins when there should be an army there protecting it let you asking I can't see I yes okay so that's time you see my eyes there may be a withering stares okay well that would be highly unfortunate as as you said III know sir that you love your whiskey and you I don't want to pin the blame on anyone but him but you did in fact have a great amount of fun destroying the temple as it was a temple to your former adversary which you defeated gloriously in battle so if you would like to blame anyone blame Damien for bringing in his slimy servant and making those terrifying noises with his stupid heavy metal demon band oh yes yes I'm glad you brought up the terrifying noises because I really like telling my general my dark overlord exactly what I've been doing for his armies so we took care of the possessed girl using the slimy servant we've already gone past that and the terrifying noise my friend that's called a victory yell have you ever heard a thousand orcs coming over a mountain you hear them long before you see them and you wet yourself in fear that's the kind of army we want for now microwave yes is if you know how much he loves his whiskey why did you hire the horrible bartender should we be casting an order me and Shane - no no let them fight wait oh hold on my brain I was having a bit of a brain fight you're right Wes I have to apologize to you there's no issue with the bartender because the horrible bartender was ordered by none other in poor bartenders to aid me and my my servants in the thing we enjoy them so look I'm gonna be real I know that you don't you know get involved with a lot of like the menial tasks in the castle but my job is to yes pick people out but I'm not in charge of the budget guess who is Shane that's right and two weeks ago she would not need to stop talking about how tight it would be if we got the Grim Reaper in our army that's it exists what is this guy cost a lot we literally spent a lot of our budget just to get the Grim Reaper upfront and I'm not gonna lie it looks pretty sick but that's where all the money went that's that's where the money went so I'm like we're the money in it yes can we fire the Grim Reaper so we can make room for a better army we can train them we can hire okay yes I wouldn't suggest firing the Grim Reaper okay yeah I'm sorry the Grim Reaper is the physical incarnation of death itself is there anyone better to have on your side to fight anymore he can kill how do you say that we're not doc over notice right here I said on your side the two the two most powerful beings in the universe I will suck you out of Oracle just give me a chance not looking at you because it's a little awkward also don't call me daddy anymore okay daddy anyways you and the grim reaper come on that's like the team-up of the century so yes I did hire the Grim Reaper and are you really seriously upset about that hold up hold up hold up so you're not going to tell Otto SIA hear about your fanfiction between him and the Grim Reaper oh I'll gladly tell about [Applause] well that didn't get a chance that is three withering stares sorry look at this top card and if it has skulls on it than I lose I am fired there are to be punished to the greatest extent of our law Sandia reach over there Oh No let the floggings commence Thank You Shan and pose for coming here and talking to her asses off if you want to see more of this game let us know down below if you wanna games all work discuss its YouTube by will I hope that you enjoyed this episode of board a if you did I could almost understand you wanting to watch last week's episode by clicking the box on the left or if not even watch this one to the right which is something that YouTube picked out okay [Music]
Channel: Smosh Games
Views: 2,046,303
Rating: 4.9583764 out of 5
Keywords: aye dark overlord, dark lord, lord, dark overlord, dark overlord game, tabletop game, shayne smosh games, damien smosh games, boze, boze smosh games, joven smosh games, joven, smosh games, aye dark overlord game, board games, smosh board af, board af, smosh board games, smosh games board af, tabletop, table top, watch it played, aye dark overlord watch it played, serving our dark lord
Id: 2XVJ-qVWw6I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 12sec (1872 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 22 2018
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