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Was that a spelling mistake ,or did you mean writing it like this?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Tpi1i 📅︎︎ Mar 13 2020 🗫︎ replies
many moons ago I created a show in which a few of my friends step away from the keyboards and the controllers and we sit around the table and play some of the weirdest funniest and loudest tabletop games we could come up with it has been sleeping for quite a long time but I can finally say that's true the boards are back in town and what an appropriate game for us to come back with because we're sponsored by our friends at sky bound games to play trial by trolley it had an amazing Kickstarter it's now on target it's now in Amazon and we're gonna play here today here is that we're playing this game it's normally really good with seven people because then you can have three separate people on each team we're gonna call you guys team bananas splits and we're gonna call you guys team orange hats Wow what do you what's your team oh god team floor coordinator Blair bent arm grace how this is gonna work is in the first chairs you guys are gonna draw three innocent cards second chairs Tommy and Sarah you guys are gonna draw three guilty cards and third chairs live court you guys are gonna be drawing free modifier cards I am going to pull randomly from the top of each deck an innocent card for either trolley and how this is gonna work you guys have to use the innocent cards on your tracks use the guilty cards on the opposing tracks and then use a modifier card on anyone on the table to try to convince me to run them over based off of like a psychological it's a model for morality dilemma called the trolley experiment and this is a way of making it fun for everybody it's Plato's allegory of the trolley why are there all these people on the tracks it sounds like the danger is their fault and therefore you should hit everybody okay agree alright Damon gets all the points we are going to rotate every time so someone gets to be the conductor and everyone gets to take on a different role and at the ends of everyone playing if the conductor wants whoever has the least number of death tokens is the game so this is less a team win as opposed to you don't want to build up your own we don't want to build up euros you kind of want your team to still be strong because you wanna make sure that you guys aren't totally you know giving me a reason to kill you you want them to die and also you can appeal to whoever the conductor is you can placate alright so we're gonna start this off I'm gonna randomly pull two from the top so trolley flirt you guys the first person on your trolley is an immigrant family in search of a better life and then on this side of the tracks we have a scientist who literally just discovered the cure for cancer and on top of this I do want to point out it is a lady scientist and she is saying team flirt I'm gonna have you start so you think so not right now your tracks are currently filled with an immigrant family in surgery ahead of life who else well there's the immigrant family right there obviously but down the track a little bit are all of your biggest fans oh my god Smosh games fans right there I gotta run you over oh man you alienate our entire audience I'm just saying we bring back for day after you just ruin all fans I mean not a good luck Matt no you're right you're right do that Jamie at Damian's weaned aside we're talking about the cure for cancer it's a big day for science you don't would make it even a bigger day for science the one possible way a friendly talking dinosaur and he can tell you all about dinosaur times and he also or she they don't specify a dinosaur vendor um they they probably know a lot of stuff about things that they could help with it's a it's a drastic situation excedrin is kicking in situation bungees not trendy think of the science man okay with the dinosaur like be okay with like being tested did you like the good dinosaur I do this is a world right now where there's no cancer and a dinosaur that is friendly I mean he talks oh you can ride it to work what good is there being a cure for cancer if you don't have any fans true and also you are crushing the dreams of an immigrant family one of which could grow up to be a scientist and cure cancer like this lady yes a little salt fantasy you got to wait 50 years what's up you're gonna kill Olivia and her family and also all the saucepans way more Polar's this is do they have the cure for cancer they have the good dinosaur big freaky nerds did we even see Jurassic Park it'll be based on a true story if you keep that dice or alive and also they have one of the worst things that you could ever imagine yeah a timeshare salesman with a very enticing offer you share with four other family look my family got suckered into a timeshare and I turned out fine yes so the goods no cancer talking dinosaur and he's friendly but I you have to have a timeshare but I'm in Boca but Matt you're gonna go and hang it I'll talk to him for 20 minutes no it's gonna be seven hours okay why would I want to run over my fans and Olivia in her family she was born here so you might lose a few cast people unfortunately your family you might lose the casas family to r.i.p I don't know them and you might lose some fans but you'll lose everyone if you don't kill Cthulhu oh my god oh this all these little people's eyes are bleeding out this is a non-stop and the tracks go through the ocean oh yes so you can always get new smoshgames fans you can always get new cast any new family you guys hear that Tommy says your dude Cthulhu like brings madness - that's prosper bless you everybody he's the lily of the world he's an ancient one the world ends like that's truly a game into right there - you want to live that's really what I mean that's pretty metal lives immigrant family dies fans die doctor dies dinosaur not everybody dies unless you kill cartoon yeah I've read so I think that's true I think if you kill all these people kethu who's gonna go oh man this guy I'll I respect yeah he becomes a he becomes a Smosh man Cthulhu a Smosh man we're good bye PewDiePie this world during this dark time there are a lot of people that will imitate other other hateful crimes you know and it's really really really sad and yeah okay their death will inspire copycat trolley killings around the world so if I kill the family then I'm basically creating copycat killings around the world yeah so I'm starting on my stock and saving this doctor Millions or maybe it's like some company like pharmaceutical company wants to buy the cure for cancer not let it get out there hmm you can maybe get a cut because you saved her friendly dinosaur you could be like hey man let's go make a youtube channel also more money but you'd make new fans dinosaurs that money with them and then you're on a trolley you can speed right passes salesman you're fine true what the thing about this copycat thing is turns out this family they're actually the dad is the evil genius behind this whole situation he's an evil immigrant at this side I'm really only stopping a friendly dinosaur and the end of cancer and this side I'm stopping the Ender of the world I got a new I thing to do with the immigrants well I am pissed I'm sorry but that's just how it goes all right you lose well healthy it's all the only time I've been disappointed in the world [Applause] [Music] yeah for those of you at home I hope you know you don't have to rotate like we're doing we're doing that because of our set situation if you're playing at home you can just kind of rotate simpler it's okay it's not my family it's my mother's now we can call these guys sexist to get cancelled oh yeah what are your what's your team in team what team why need your team sure okay I don't know all right team why me on your track you have the Garden of Eden team sure okay I don't know you have a kiddie pool full of babies that's chock full of oh my god draw your draw your cards job not only is there a kiddie pool full of babies babies babies but if you run us over on this side you will also be killing a friendly genie who will get great you a three wishes a three a three wishes yes oh but they will only grant these wishes if they're not here for the trolley Wow that's time Wow yeah we can grant you wishes if I was struck by a vehicle not only do you have the Garden of Eden the beginning of life itself and and it's the garden meaning so everything is perfect there you are also running over a team of scientists on the verge of discovering a cure for aging humans begin and then they never end yes though you won't become frail you won't look old and your grandparents lived very long imagine playing football with your grandma or grandpa yeah you got the Garden of Eden yeah you got the cure for aging sounds complicated and difficult we'll get to that later what but you know what else is on their side an open gateway to hell why that will only close when hit by a truck this is very religious a lot of a lot of the world's problems come here disagreements about the revelation and also if people don't age that's gonna suck there's already a lot of overpopulation but we'll get to that don't even know it so next by the way don't wait for win for the world yeah but guys this trolley is gonna be coming to a halt and stop because there will be a horde of zombies running towards there is a genie between them and the baby genie could probably over to grant the wishes also like you could either give them a quick debt death with the trolley what kind of makes it all okay that you're running over these people on the other side yes it's it's the religious beginning of man and the religious end of man right in the middle there's some guilt I feel you holding on to this guilt yeah you're gonna kill these these wonderful scientists but what you don't know is they know they're about to die and they've already told all of their loved ones goodbye send-off that's fantastic I think it's probably in that that's the end of it that's the end of yeah okay you think that genies gonna handle everything and make it all okay well guess what he's thinking some really terrible stuff about you right now so you don't know it's gonna be a midazolam or you can just rely on this genie to fix everything and then you know even though they've already told them all their loved ones goodbye imagine how happy everyone's gonna be oh just please that would be that would be messed up uh having a having a family member that you took for dead just pop up one day I I wouldn't wish that on what if I already started selling all of their belongings pawnshops this is very tough because we've got a lot of supernatural elements here right I was expecting some very grounded moral dilemmas now I'm dealing with literally all of Christianity versus a zombie apocalypse this is a lot on the the very religious side we've got the Garden of Eden a team of scientists on the verge of discovering a cure for aging which is playing God which is weird to have that rain down and you've got an open gateway to hell oh oh close it can't hit by a trolley okay now on this side you've got a kiddie pool for babies you make baby stew which I'm not gonna get out of my head a friendly Genie who will grant you three wishes if they aren't hit by a trolley but this Genie is thinking some really terrible stuff about me no friendly eye friendly a horde of zombies is running towards you yeah this is really tough okay this is really really tough and and unfortunately you know everyone made great cases but the these supernatural elements kind of decided it for me and unfortunately I you know I don't care about a cure for aging I just don't cuz I I'm happy with my whatever my lifespan is I got it I got to run this over because via racism I was cancelled via sexist there will be ageism ableism these are my favorite games electromagnetism [Music] what is your guys's team name that one and your guys's team name what is on your track is a knitting group full of adorable you know it's like it's all about the sacrifices that we may have to do if you're watching this no one's even made a case yet and she's saying yeah we're drying god I hate you guys we gotta bring it yeah we're in a really bad spot yeah some grannies you don't know innocent card what do you got a crowded Mother's Day brunch buffet oh my gosh generations of women dying at your mother's a crowded Mother's Day brunch brunch there's just a lot of mom your mom's right now your mom mom mom now your mom mama and if your mom's not there she must not like yeah well that's wow that's that's pretty that's pretty great that's a lot of powerful women over there you could say because you want to run over Malala I want to say on camera that you're down yeah I'm killing a lot of important women they hit a lot of people's wives you do not need yet another way that you are similar to that's crazy and if you save her she's gonna die anyway cuz there's a robot from the future sent to kill your mom all the tracks anyway she the badass thing she must have done some crazy even if you save her you're not saving her yeah yeah but you will also kill the owner of a profitable dogfighting business he its profitable which means he's done it a lot there's a lot of puppies that he's killed many puppies think of the cutest dog know the cat person I know but think she wants to all I know and make all she wants there's a lot of rumors online that you have a dogfighting ring enjoy it thank you dogs deserve it yeah so I don't know this is your chance to if this might be the opportunity for you to change their mind okay if you run over our side you're you're getting rid of generations of women who both like to do crafts and and we stand small business especially if it's properly it could be accelerate by the way and here's the here's the wrench I'm throwing very lightly uncatchable at your head okay your mom can never remember your name even though you've met like 20 times [Laughter] like if she can't even remember you then maybe it's Malala incredibly inspiring like human do we stand right like you guys I know I know who she is yes I know who she's Emma's girlfriend and Lion King so Malala who we all know about and Stan who Stella if she happens to die this way by trolly on this day her ghost will haunt you for and she's didn't blame you because she knows it's your slip and fall yeah she's like and she's like why didn't you take down she's calm in life in death but she doesn't know how she died she's facing the wrong way she's gonna be enraged she's gonna be a very confused and angry ghost she's gonna be like a life I fought for peace but in death I was taken way too soon look look at the tracks so on Team who they have a knitting group full of adorable grannies a crowded Mother's Day brunch buffet and the owner of a profitable dog fighting dog we'd also come sir can you say what the man is saying at the two dogs finish it which means kill the dog so there have been so much dogged be talking to it's up to you dogs and then on team right have my mother when she could never remember my name even though her and I've met 20 times yeah because she has all her haunt me as a ghost forever and then a robot from the future sent to kill my mom this got extremely personal yeah you're welcome really did it really did seem did that and there's a lot of women strong women on this board I really let me see I think unfortunately I'm going to have to run over team poo till the bitter end [Applause] [Music] what's your team name a team Olivia's friends third grade logic ever used time for me to draw two cards really people who are on the two tracks a time-traveler coming to warn us of grave danger is that what you said it's not what you think a summer camp for deaf kids oh my only do we have a summer camp for deaf kids but also when you run over our team you will also be running over everyone under the age of 15 there goes our future every boy for change in the world I love children they're all gone this is the tick tock generation look what they did though wow you saved God he could maybe bring back all those kids just for because you saved his freakin life they're all yeah everything he created this planet you know he created this universe so if you delete him who knows what's gonna happen to the universe these followers dude leader of a dangerous cult look what they're doing for this God we it's time to Nietzsche this kill God start from scratch God God is doing a lot God God is a jealous angry god it's it No yeah the children are our future the children are yes you're just a prophet friended me and he pokes still in faith God it's not fixed anything a long time dude Sara hates God is what I'm taking it this way all three it's time for God to die yeah that was yeah but on this side we have an extremely loud college acapella teams listen nothing is more annoying than an acapella team especially when they're grown adults in college when they should know better you're gonna compare an acapella group to a cult are they different it's not summer champagne please okay what do you have to ask you a question what can Sam sing yeah yeah so here's what happened one of these acapella singers is someone that you are destined to fall in love with let's call that person Sam and you're gonna kill that person cuz you're in love with you're gonna kill the JTP weird say you are destined to fall madly in love with them tomorrow but you look saying right now every day you fall more and more love this is actually perfect you guys and I'm really glad you brought that up man because my card actually has very much something to do with that it's we're gonna says you're gonna fall in love with him tomorrow but Sam right now do you love Sam yeah Sam love you yes that's the right now not anything happening tomorrow now my question about my question about the very far tomorrow is who is this time traveler and why would they want to come back to save your life that's a very interesting point Wow is it someone who is madly in love message and he still loves you all these years there is no that's incorrect yeah it's wrong also just because he's madly in love with you doesn't mean you're and does that look like Sam yeah you're gonna run over Sam that's not fall in love with more tomorrow we said it was Sam it's Sam yeah but I said no all right guys all right this isn't more than just Sam these are lives of deaf kids and every and every kid under under 15 could be Sam too in the future and I would be waiting for him on this trolley Colts are not that bad 2020 Colts aren't that bad because you know what religion could be of countenance it is just a group of people who are very devoted to the idea of whatever they're believing and I believe that all right I'm gonna run over by what because there's so much future in these [Music] all right jujubes my tryna be frickin conductor all right I conduct electricity and also this train we also conduct my ass or too loose that's really cute okay so what's your team name yes you mean our team name is that's on period sis and your team I do it yeah oh you so much corny and at some period says okay team enough time period says on your side of the tracks there is a family of penguins on an epic adventure i watch that trailer and then the movie on a flight truth and then for our team I love you so much Courtney you've got an intelligent talking dog the same I'm a good boy just grab a cards mm-hmm make your case we got adorable animals man also on this track with these ice duckies is a compassionate detective trying to catch a deadly serial killer Wow yeah I would like to see that movie I would like to see it there's also every nurse oh my god well including Nurse Jackie she sucks well everybody knows that the earth is a little bit of a crisis lobe and there's so much we could be doing in terms of a global energy and things like that to just put a little bandaid on the problem but you know who's stopping all of that from happening this cartoonishly evil oil baron oh my god Adam is ready to rub seagulls with oil and kill a turtle in front of you Eddie Drew's your milkshake he drinks it up drinks it Island all the way over here Daniel day-lewis horrible yeah some monopoly man in the oil industries never bad actually really really bad and speaking as a Korean one of my dreams would to see the liberation of North Korea on this other track you know kim jong oh one of the most evil human beings from one of the most evil families in true history do you want to keep him on earth is he in the oil business though yeah what is he done alright we're not done yet kid before I place my modifier I have a question for you what was the first name of your high school so that dog but that dog is on the way to murder larysa murder Marissa murder in cold blood the dog burns gonna make money but don't worry the nurses will save her yeah from murder yeah nervous to do anything except resurrect people true so she's but that is one murder versus the many that are happening in North Korea right we don't know that maybe the killer is Kim Jong and so maybe that'll solve itself if you just let him be oh yeah maybe that'll solve itself right so what's what's the goal in that detective when he's trying to catch a deadly serially silico that's what that's strange because he is secretly that's their situation Wow wait I'm also just laughing at the thought of finding a talking dog like you can times like yeah let's kill you're so on team I love you so much Courtney we have an intelligent talking dog they're on their way to murder someone I knew in high school you're dreaming that Beamer S on my best friend yeah also on that track is every nurse on the planet they cartoonishly evil oil baron family of penguins on an epic adventure I really compassionate detective trying to catch a deadly serial killer but joke's on him he's also secretly a deadly circular is he trying to catch himself is he that delusional we don't know kim jeong-hoon is there at the end this is this is a lot nope but if there's that happening we need to protect the people who are still alive with nurses so I'm going to have to kill the penguin and that's on period sis [Music] what's your team for Tommy's bull music - my visuals take it to the Kirby and ditto Dream Team on this side we have a hose being used to fight a fire at a Children's Hospital wow wow but that's the only source of water it looks like yeah it's on the other side me Oh himself American treasure America's Sweetheart Rick got married to Steve Meyer let's turn off this boards next to that hospital is a billionaire about to donate their entire fortune to a charity of your choice so you have the opportunity sending billions to make the world a better place however you see fit but if this person dies all that money just kind of get sent to a bunch of trust fund babies wow what a philanthropist yeah well Tommy this world is difficult place yes sometimes you need some people to help you get through it but sometimes you also just need one person help you get through it Tommy on this track is your best friend I'm on the track it's not I can't emphasize this enough it's not okay that really shot so my friend Brooke if you were on this track all right okay let's throw some of these uh it's gonna suck it Wow well you know why because there's going to be a corrupt cop that's gonna frame you you're never gonna see Keanu or Brooke why would you let yourself go to jail to protect Brooke I sure would before I place my card Tommy I'd like to paint the picture here there's a hospital on fire and a random billionaire just chillin there that's the whole premise of the game that they're on patrol yeah exactly it's a track not a trolley right right well either way he's standing there and it looks like he has evil intentions because he is standing next to all of your evil exes every one of them and their evil I don't it's a wig so yeah evil Exner on there alongside this billionaire that that clearly wants to set that hospital also can I point out something real quick before we get to modifiers please I mean look at that Children's Hospital that's on fire now obviously a hospital does great work what are the windows look like to you they're dark aren't they can't see anyone in it boxes on fire course checking the privacy of patients okay okay no it's a General Hospital okay so look I understand that that product has your best friends bro yeah however there's a side to Brooke that you didn't know existed impossible well she's actually a little bit evil and she's holding your family oh my god she's going to murder them brutally if you don't come up with what she is asking for it's interesting Tommy because if you run over book it looks like you don't know where your phone is hidden probably gonna die of starvation that would suck and it's just you and Keano standing there so he's also getting framed for murder I just want to say the pier numbers as well we have a hospital full of children we have a billion area that potentially could help millions of people millions of people and we also have all your exes there's a lot of numbers of people there on the other track you only have three would you agree that Keanu Reeves is pretty hot oh yes sorry I just looking at this I changed it once children's fire is actually really hot so change your batteries hotter no it's draw yeah he's pretty got on this side on team Tommy's boys we have a hose being used to fight a fire at a Children's Hospital a billionaire about to donate their entire fortune to a charity of my choice and all of my evil exes every one of them every single one of the pudding one of the we're loading that's beautiful ladies and then on the other on the UPS we thought you had a thing with her on three years time we have Keanu Reeves who is pretty hot we have my best friend who unfortunately is holding my family hostage just like Brooke classic but that all you love her and lastly a corrupt cop about to frame me yeah there is a very clear answer here there is I will be running over and I will explain why after announcing you're looking at us you're looking at us I will be running over okay y'all I'm sure my family's having a great time locked up with my friend bro yeah and that billionaires this billionaire 1% we hate him so it's just like bland lamp lamp don't need them and that lady didn't like her anyway you forgot the most important part [Music] please you drove a runner Wow um first of all calling out my best friend Joe Bereta not a smart move y'all what's your team even like him but I had it but then they hit something like that oh oh so much I had an IT team horsey Pokemon few more girls actually yes that one yes Wow I'm starting off on the side of the tracks we have enough food to feed all the starving kids on earth that's our high stakes that's so much fun and a high amount of stakes do too revolutionary it also could just be insects yellow insect yeah that's you no idea I didn't even think about the fact that it could be insane gentlemen you should have thought about that and on this side we have a scientist who will one day discover the secret to interstellar space travel Wow [Music] that's crazy Oh we do that other planets take care of our people on earth this body planet we could seek out outside nutrients and outside ways maybe even finding aliens a bit Hey yeah we can eat everything what you got for me so not only is there going to be enough food to feed all of the starving kids on earth and guess what new kid is made every day I hear so not only is that a real thing but you will also potentially be running over the girl who will grow up to become the first female president of the United States what she's starving you fed her and now she's not serving and she's gonna go yeah that's a I didn't think about that I want to know what y'all got for me Tina I wish see so let me just start off by saying that's a horse that's gonna do but go on right after this scientist is going to discover the interstellar thing we have a CDC van transporting a cool new strain of highly contagious plague I'm talking Corona I'm talking you blast through this car it's gonna spread there's gonna be rain clouds carrying this little disease II just raining on everybody that not God wouldn't that suck you want to keep it contained yeah yeah sure three percent death rate some villains going on if you want to run over all the food to feed all [Music] and by doing so you will also save this pack of all right Velociraptor soars nazi soros Rex Marilyn for can all day but they got cause I will say dinosaurs didn't survive whatever happened to them previously these guys are they're not very bright you can build probably the meteor destroyed you're right in the dinosaur terms might mean something completely language I just mean they only use the right hand you might have the cure to child's hunger but there's also still a ruthless third world dictator who's probably still gonna do everything he can to starve a bunch of people just because there's food available as those starving people it's there the food exists but it's it gonna get to world we don't know third world dictator isn't gonna let those kids be eating but you're forgetting the middle here you're raising what could be the American hero to stop that third world dictator I would assume if there's a terrible dictator in the world that the president a female president the first female president would try to stop them but there's ears to she's still a child I am however if you don't run over this scientists who will discover interstate space travel they will also one day invent the world's most addictive smartphone oh my god staring at their phones all the time like zombies what is the point of living if you're always looking at your phone and this is the most addictive smartphone app I understand that phones are addictive but this scientist is also a philanthropist who owns and cutting-edge cancer research using the money from that smartphone app all those micro transactions and all this stuff to actually do cancer research that's a mistake going on that's just Tuesday so you're gonna find the cure though it's only for research pudding that he could be research drugs for you are you I'm like I'm torn you guys because all trite dinosaurs as spooky as they'd be in person like that seems like a small problem compared to like the hugeness of interstellar travel also though all the starving kids on earth and taking out a dictator this is a big deal deal you're gonna let those velocerator live yeah it's gonna take some reasoning so hear me out I'm gonna be running over team best rap yes why couple reasons this cool new plague with the amount of population density we have right now a major plague plague status will end us that's a big deal also food does not stop being food because it gets hit by a trolley it does that's enough food to feed every kid now it's dirt yeah yeah but actually I guess the realness is there's so many inhumane third-world dictators doing their thing right now taking out one is dropping a bucket we need somebody make a big movement to take us away from Earth I like the interstellar or the female president give us her damn I died five time I died twice hi diagnosed I died twice I think I died three times I may have died twice I'm overwhelmed I died for time I died four times big thanks to Scrabble games and cyanide and Happiness for sponsoring the episode and sending us trial by trial you guys can get it right now there's a link in the description you can pick up trial by trolley at Amazon Target or at Skybound comm big thank you to these guys for sponsoring our very first episode she want us to play comment below tweeted us tell us what we did wrong and how about Apple we all counties and in the meantime if you guys want to see more Smosh escapes videos you're not mad at us for everything we said click over here to start this is the video we picked up for you and also you to pick that one for you right over here and if you're not subscribed yet we appreciate you finding us but what's going click the subscribe button right now really nice yeah at least two of us are good people yeah yeah we I feel dirty like I always say wah wah wah wah wah so wrap her
Channel: Smosh Games
Views: 2,240,958
Rating: 4.9127326 out of 5
Keywords: smosh, smosh games, gaming, comedy, funny, board af, smosh board af, smosh games board af, trial by trolley, cyanide and happiness, game play, board games, trial by trolley game play, skybound games, trolley experiment
Id: Sz4l7ijM-ow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 16sec (2896 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 13 2020
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