Doctors, When Could You Tell A Patient Was Faking It? (r/AskReddit)

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dr. Zull read it what do you do when you see a patient is obviously faking it doctor here fakers are difficult to handle adult fakers are usually quite sad Affairs and there is really no satisfaction in exposing them one story is a young guy in my town who has a weird & unexplained addiction for getting a cast to not having one getting one he has come in to different as claiming an injury but there are never any objective finds then he usually gets a cast since he is in pain he gets one for pain relief and then comes in multiple times because he got his cast wet the cast hurts and so on and gets another one he has done this so many times that he is now well known by most staff and doctors in the air I met him once and since I had looked at his patient history beforehand I believed him and sent him to the relevant examinations and even if I did know his history it would be wrong of me not to trust him because this time the injury might just be real it's more important for me to protect my but even if it means that some extra work has done Phil nothing and in my country this guy doesn't pay the actual costs of having these x-rays and ultrasounds TL DR some people fake it but since you have more to lose by exposing them you usually just try to be professional and move on to the next patient you should use him to train new doctors to put casts on you could even tell him that you know he's faking it but it's ok some guys could use the training anyway as a doctor never doubt your patient until you can prove him wrong he wants to feel better in some way look up WH OHS definition of health I worked in a public hospital where sodium solution was I am was prescribed to patients that were suspected of faking cat atoll is 'm that crap hurts as heck hypertonic solution in muscle instead I did something more humane I gave her crisis anxiolytics and referred her to a psychiatrist it normally turned out they were left by the guy that left her pregnant with a second child while she comes from a low-income house with no studies that hurts more than your average headache as a doctor you have to understand something people that fake diseases either feel the disease or need the break from their world and can't handle their stress properly both type of people are sick people and need a psychiatrist not a man up at least they need a good heartfelt talking some empathy maybe you even save one or two from the brink of suicide even kids that call in sick too often must be running away from something they perceive as humongous and dreadful and besides you always have to clear up every physiological and functional pathology before even thinking about psychiatric and emotional problem what if the person is complaining about a feat and headache because of the tumor care for your patients life as much as can wholistically because they trust you blindly as someone that will make them feel better deal your work and you'll avoid ethical remorse and legal issues freaking be nice I'm from a third-world country so that's why sodium solutions and the like cheap stuff are the wake-up call treatment for fakers sometimes we can't even use CT we don't have MRI scanner on public health or nerve conduction tests neither on public health system for patients with sure structural pathologies heck yesterday there weren't enough catheters for emergency caesareans but I know many psychiatrists that understand the importance of wholesome health the thing is that I'm not good doctor we should hunt doctors that don't act like that because it should be standard being ethical should be a job requirement not an extra just like speaking two languages should be a requirement for being a translator look he is an unethical doctor should be meant to mean look he is in jail not a doctor at all as someone who used to fake being sick off and when I was a child to escape school bullying I'd just like to say thank you for being one of those doctors who is understanding and not cynical we get a lot of training for this in school for audiology people fake hearing loss all the time to get workers comp or money from the government for service related hearing loss here's the thing we can always tell there are only a few specific ways like the way you hear through air conduction when the sound has to go all the way through your outer and middle ears before reaching the cochlea bone conduction went vibration of your skull sends the sound straight to your cochlea can interact people who are faking tend to pretend their hearing loss is flat across all the frequencies if someone is pretending to have hearing loss on one side only there is even a special test called the stinger that we can do basically you play sounds in both ears but the brain only perceives the louder sound so as soon as the sound in the person's bad ear gets louder than the other ear they stop responding so we are trained not to ever let on that we know the person is faking we blame it on the equipment we move to a new sound booth we tell the person that the test for results just not matching up and we should have them come back another day basically you give the person every chance to tell the truth if they never admit to the fact that they are faking we can run a test that measures brainwaves in response to sound and prove their approximate thresholds that way however some people have psychosomatic hearing loss where they truly believe they cannot hear even though they physiologically can in kids this can be caused by trauma or abuse so even if we really think a kid is faking we would never tell their parents that in case it meant additional abuse for the kid there is a point at which we bring in social workers psychologists etc former paramedic fake seizure oh my it's too unsafe to move them like this we'll have to put in a catheter first and wouldn't you know it a miracle I'm a doctor but as a pathologist I don't have to deal with malingerers directly anymore I just get to do their autopsies and say well I guess they weren't faking this time I have friend that's a pathologist he jokes I feel that I'm a terrible doctor my patients never make a full recovery I laughed dark doctors don't need to be funny I knew a kid who was in a therapeutic wilderness program and faked a rattlesnake bite by poking two holes in his hand with a cactus needle the guides bought it and he had to be evacuated by helicopter the doctor gave him anti-venom and could obviously tell the kid was faking it this butthole ended up costing his parents fifty thousand dollars over nothing his parents should have made him paid back I'm an M's pilot and the nurses medics have shown me a couple of awesome tricks they use on fakers when they are sure a person is faking that they are unconscious they will lift the person's hand up over their head and let it go the fakers won't let the hand flop down directly onto their face if they are out for real it'll go straight down another fun one to watch is when a person's faking a seizure the nurse will announce loudly that they are going to start an IV on a specific arm it's funny to watch somebody faking a seizure with three limbs moving instead of four yes I realize that the eyelash test is the preferred method I am positive I have been shown these tricks more for their entertainment value than for their medical necessity yes I feel bad about this till that medical professionals play why are you hitting yourself with patients when I was young I used to get sick on a fairly regular basis the majority of the time I could tell my doctor thought I was faking it Lockley my grandpa was a doctor and my family believed me so they'd keep pressing on at one point my doctor diagnosed me with fibromyalgia which I know is a thing but P me off to no end my family thought that was probably low and let it rest they gave me painkillers and while Dad did take care of pain it didn't stop me from getting sick strep throat sinus infections etc halfway through college I get to new doctor and she recommends looking at my blood sugar levels it turns out that was my problem reactive hypoglycemia had my insulin rising and falling at inappropriate times and had seriously flicked with my immune system I changed my diet and guess what I rarely get sick now this is a really interesting thing the doctor pond I think blood sugar levels should be checked at everyone's yearly physical or maybe to X per year for all I'm guessing tons of people have diabetes or HIPPA glycaemia and have no idea tell them the only solution is amputation the coughing has spread to his knee ITL have to go last Christmas I had meningitis I went to the hospital twice and they thought I was faking the first time I went in complaining of severe head pain no fever sensitive to light couldn't move my neck they gave me ibuprofen and turf me home the second time I went in several days later I had a fever was throwing up still sensitive to light crying from so much pain they essentially treated me like I was faking for hours and tried to send me home when I begged them not to the doctor told me well if you want to stay then procedure is to give you a lumbar puncture and a CT scan those are very expensive you sure you want to stay after she gave me the lumbar puncture I think she figured out I wasn't faking butt holes I'm a pathologist by the time the patient reaches me there's no way they are faking lol our aim here we had a patient code on the floor and we worked on her for like 25 minutes and then the MD called it and we all left we went in to go pull her Anton Foley and whatnot for transport to take her to the morgue spontaneously f'ing breathing with pearls we had to call and cancel transport and get a move to the unit so there you go she was almost faking needing an autopsy not a doctor but once when I was a kid my doctor knew I was faking sick to get out of school so he told me he thinks there's a problem with my private organs I was faking the flu and asked me to take my pants off I immediately felt better Rowe I never thought about that of course nor did my parents which is surprising we are still close friends with the doctor maybe I'll have a really awkward conversation with him soon buggery avoided as a paramedic I have been known to fake the faker I had a girl in my district that would fake seizures all the time I'd usually put normal saline in a nebulizer and fog at the back of the ambulance while telling my partner that the anti-seizure mist was on and she should be all better soon funny how she woke right up every time for those of you who feel like outing a Fae is a bad medicine get off your high horse paramedics deal with drug seekers fakers liars et Cie on a daily basis and we'd be doing the public and ourselves a disservice if we just went along with it nothing about that story was dishonest illegal or detrimental to the patient move along chart reads when asked PT what was wrong PT stated I'm having a seizure paramedic flight paramedic I'm one of the weird ones unless someone is obviously drug seeking I tend to treat what the patient tells me not my impression of their situation I'm talking specifically about pain here our medical community has been trending towards during narcotic pain control and I think that's one of our biggest shortcomings adequate pain control improves so many things patient compliance recovery rates etc if someone tells me they're in a lot of pain I generally believe them and treat accordingly percocet T 3 dilaudid morphine these are medicines people as a paramedic I would think your job is to treat what the patient says and not worry about if they have ulterior motives leave it to the doctors to sort out that mrs. so-and-so is just looking for more vicodin it's not worth risking a patient being in an undue amount of pain I always worry that when I go to talk to the doctors about my depression they won't believe me and it's kind of hard to prove how things go on in your head and how you can be fine one minute and be terrible the next ever since I was little I was getting terrible headaches that only got worse every time I went to the doctor he would pretty much roll his eyes at me tell me to take some ibuprofen and just go back to school they progressively got worse and I mean worse like the equivalent of a beerain times ten one night it was so bad that I had to go to the hospital because I was puking from the pain turns out I had a malformation in my neck brain spine that required three brain surgeries to fix frick doctors that assume patients are faking it do your job I had flu-like symptoms for just under a week and was sleeping a lot one afternoon I woke up from a nap and couldn't move I felt like I was being stabbed in the side I started screaming for my family I was in grade 6 at a time my dad comes running and has to carry my to the car to take me to the hospital I was crying and gagging from the pain every time my body moved they admit me and run all sorts of tests they think it's appendicitis so they do an ultrasound but find nothing I'm in the hospital for just over a week I'm not allowed to eat anything just allowed to drink flat ginger ale after a few days I'm not feeling any pain jacked on meds I'm sure there was a classroom in the children's ward so after coming back from doing some work my school sent a doctor comes by to see me he sits on the corner of the bed and informs my mom and I that he thinks I should go home I'm looking better feeling no more pain I cry and tell him no something is wrong I'm not feeling any more pain but I just know something isn't right I'll never forget that feeling of just knowing something is wrong but can't describe it he clearly thinks I'm faking it sure enough he takes my mom out in the hall and I hear him tell her he thinks I'm exaggerating and if anything changes at home to bring me back when he comes back in I loose it and refuse I know something is wrong in this idiot is refusing to listen to me my mom looks at me and says she trusts me and asks him to reconsider he leaves and about two hours later comes back and gives him he says fine stay another night he'll order another ultrasound the next day to make sure but if it comes back with nothing I'm going home so the next afternoon I go in for an ultrasound and guess while they found my ready to burst appendix I was in surgery later that night I agree that took a lot of nerve to stand up to a doctor also write it up at your mother's reaction of trusting you I hope I unlike that with my own son a couple years after my concussion traumatic brain injury my mother informed me that when the paramedics arrived after I was hit in the head the paramedic was almost 100% certain it was no big deal because I was just a seventh grader faking it all freaking out for smoking weed for the first time shouldn't paramedics give their patient the benefit of the doubt regardless especially when sometimes they can clearly be wrong critical care physician depends on the situation pseudo seizure splash water on their eyes or if you're meaner apply nail bed pressure fake blindness some recommend confrontation basically waving threatening objects close to the face one Edie doc I know even recommended going of them with a needle this seems as if it could become self fulfilling more subtle approach several signs with letters and pictures ask if the patient can see each one last sign features something obscene about their mother watch for change in facial expression everything else there's a whole body of literature about symptom validity tests general idea we can predict how disease will acts and how it won't act we know this better than the patient if the patient is a disease the disease will quickly teach him what he should be feeling and not feeling if he's faking it's tough to figure out the right set of symptoms on the fly unfortunately we as physicians don't really know that much and don't read too often and so we often don't know either and then patients end up getting their drugs and going home which is what everyone wanted in the first place anyway intellectual purity is not our strong point I work with teenagers we once had a girl that did this all the freaking time to the point of being pathological about it she was complaining of stomach pains and they kept her in the hospital running a ton of tests more than once you could tell the nurse knew she was faking but I think for legal reasons they couldn't dismiss her without a diagnosis but the absolute best was when she was army crawling across the dorm floor because she claimed she was paralyzed from the knees down not a doctor but had my own encounter with one that basically told me to suck it up I was visiting a psychologist after a suicide attempt and years of depression under my belt I finally decided to get help and he told me and I quote because it's burnt into my brain you're crying over spilled milk he refused to diagnose me or prescribe me anything and I haven't seen a doctor since out of fear that they will say the same thing and still suffer under my depression freak that guy I encourage you to seek help once again look for a cognitive therapist when I was a young teenager I had developed this crippling pain in my stomach one time I was in there being treated and the doctor performed a bunch of standard tests on me blood urine cat scan they couldn't seem to find what was wrong even though I was doubled over in tears then came a shift change doctor a explains everything that's been going on - dr. B who will be taking over now they were standing right outside my room and I could overhear them and drb suggest that I'm faking it for attention from my parents needless to say he discharged me shortly after for years I suffered from these pains until one day at 25 I had a doctor who decided to actually do herding job and tested my gallbladder function and miraculously that was a problem instead of releasing bile to aid digestion like a normal gallbladder mine just had a seizure pretty much and this caused all sorts of pain and other symptoms I was experiencing in the simple fix was to just remove the offending organ in short flick that doctor that doubted any TL DR doctor thought I was faking stomach pain turns out I had gallbladder dyskinesia before my grandmother died two years ago paramedics diagnose Tara's faking illness and said she was fine my grandmother was seriously one of the toughest people I have ever known the very fact that she was having to complain about the way she felt was enough for me to call she was dizzy couldn't stand up and was vomiting the paramedics came in and said she was fine I asked if they could take her in as a precaution but they were hesitant saying she was fine but had high blood pressure she had been slurring her it's couldn't form a very good sentence and seem disoriented they chalked it up to high blood pressure I said it didn't really seem like high blood pressure and they took her in eventually costing us a valuable 20 minutes after an argument and me offering to drive her to the hospital myself she had a stroke and wasn't ever the same she died two months later never having left the hospital I should mention that they strongly implied that her symptoms weren't as bad as she thought and that there wasn't anything wrong with her other than high blood pressure the guy was Curt and I'm still angry about it to this day so in my haste and writing the message I wrote that they said she was faking they didn't say the word faking but literally saying the words there isn't anything wrong with her really couldn't be taken as anything other than calling her a faker the paramedics said we could take her in but she might have to wait because her symptoms aren't severe one time I faked being sick for the day my dad took me to the doctor and they said I had wheezing in my chest sure enough I got sick as Frick the next day I was in sixth grade one day when I was 17 I woke up with excruciating back pain it got so bad I could barely walk my parents just gave me some advil and sent to school my dad said it would work my dad gets really bad back pain because of a car accident many years beforehand so he thinks he knows so I get to school and surprise advil doesn't do nothing I go home that night and I run a fever of 104 and I start to throw up my parents finally think it's not just back pain and we go to the doctor the next day he also agrees it's just back pain and I'm sick because of something I ate he prescribes me t threes knowing I'm allergic to codeine I didn't know codeine was in t3 yes anyways the back pain goes numb but I get more sick due to the codeine fast-forward 48 hours and I still can't keep anything down I go to emergency where I'm told to stop taking the t3s and tells me to buy our pad heater for my back he also gives me IV fluids because I literally haven't eaten in almost three days anyways the nausea stops the back gradually goes away it came back every once in a while but I took Advil for the pain fast forward three years later I develop other odd symptoms and my nurse practitioner sends me for an ultrasound of my bladder kidneys stomach act turns out there was a huge mass on my kidney and I had cancer I'm still weary of doctors to the day depends how you define sick kid who refused to bear weight on his leg after a fall but otherwise wasn't complaining due to physical exams a regular one where they cry if you get close to it and another one way you distract them sure enough when he was playing with bubbles he didn't notice me touching his leg adults faking for pain meds that's a bit more difficult emergency Doc's have to deal with this a lot being distracted actually helps with pain a lot I had to get liquid removed from a cyst on my wrist before I was looking away and when he would stick the big needle in it he wouldn't tell me but then he would lightly touch it and tell me he was sticking the needle in I always cringe when he was sticking the needle in it's all about psychology the thing I hate about ever going to the doctor is I feel like I have to prove my case it's probably just my hang-up but even with obvious broken bone are more severe sinus infection I'm all the way hoping they'll believe me x-ray came back with fracture yes ha see my husband is a paramedic and the worst story of faking it I heard was a girl who lived 20 minutes away had an ectopic pregnancy an ectopic pregnancy is where the egg was fertilized outside of the uterus like in the fallopian tube now in this case it's very painful by nine weeks you have to have surgery to remove or possibly die so the girl called and said that she had an ectopic pregnancy and she was 20 weeks along my husband and the ambulance goes down there and pick her up he knows it's pills but he is still required to give her a ride so she walks over and hops in then her twiki looking boyfriend comes over and tries to get in at that point my husband stated that he couldn't get into the ambulance the girl starts throwing a fit saying he's the father if her baby and needs to come my husband says I'm legally required to take you to the hospital I'm not legally required to take anyone else so he is not coming she says oh well I feel better then and guess I won't need to go to the hospital anymore my husband said the guy looked strung out as all heck and didn't want to get attacked in the ambulance as a former fakir of strep throat they know they always know I faked strep I was in middle elementary school when I would do this I wasn't smart enough to know that it was basically pointless to try it my mother is in school to be a nurse I went on a summer tour with a group that required the physical equivalent of the US military think extreme physical training and stress doing these physical things for 12 hours a day every day for three months with three five hours of sleep came back barely able to walk was told I was too young to have knee problems by my mother sir was never taken to the doctor also thought I broke my foot that season God told you Alden to be able to move you'd be in so much pain not taken for that either my Depression was just he naging stand a cry for attention my suicide attempt was a selfish attention scam after I moved out I finally went to doctors on my own I wasn't given insurance information or anything from my parents when I went so my boyfriend and I paid out of our own pockets tendonitis in both knees broken foot that had healed improperly and a cyclothymia diagnosis I hope my mother doesn't have that faking attitude with her future patients I understand there are bullshitters out here but if they hadn't just assumed I was too young or whatever else I would have been saved a lot of pain and money you an abused child not an abused patient I'm sorry though when I was 13 I began having weird symptoms of dry heaving due to extreme waves of nausea and fainting due to the same extreme nausea after I missed an entire month of school and had to transfer to another I was at my new school one day in the bathroom when everything went black I have foggy memories of being in an ambulance and having been told the fire department had to come and so off the bathroom lock to get me after someone had heard a loud thump and no response anyway I clearly remember waking up in the ER where I was hooked up to IVs and apparently had had a tox screen run the doctor comes in and starts mouthing off to me about how I'm a junkie pot smoker and I'm just pulling all this crap for attention my mother starts arguing with him saying I'm a good kid and would never do drugs especially since I was the one babysitting my kids sister when the cops called and said they'd arrested my brother at a concert with weed just a few months before this our incident the doctor proceeds to tell her that I'm a no-good lying teenage brat and that I can't be trusted as I'm sitting there confused as Frick bullying my eyes out my mom starts doubting me and calls up my brother to see if he had seen me use or given me any drugs and I ripped the phone out of her hand and screamed at my brother did you slip any some of that pot into my Cheerios this morning I don't do pot so did you slip any some my mother seeing that I had no dang clue as to how marijuana works hung up the phone and demanded that the doctor redo the tox screen sure enough there were no drugs in my system and the previous screening had somehow been botched and caused a false positive looking back even if I had been using drugs that doctor had no frickin right to treat me the way he did as if I were subhuman a thankfully the underlying situation that caused the problems in the first place was discovered and treated but I'll never forget at [ __ ] I hope he pulled that crap with someone else and was sued for malpractice a doc here one thing you quickly learn is that our ability to judge faking it is often flawed your subjective interpretation of a patient's presentation is often disproved by objective investigations something may seem obviously faked by one physician but then when you see the patient you realize that something horrible was missed or they find something that you miss because your bias led you to under investigate which is a horrible feeling as such the risk of assuming somebody is faking it is far greater than the risk of working them up properly just off the top of my head a few years ago I had a patient who I thought was faking neurologic symptoms and had seen Neurology and the past and didn't have a diagnosis yet but she said the new role just told her that it might be psychiatric but she thought he was wrong that's always a bit of a flag especially when someone is looking for a sick note but I noticed that she hadn't had any imaging done on her brain yet it was ordered but pending so I just ordered it in the air she had multiple tumors in her brain presumably metastasized from elsewhere the thing that throws a wrench in it though is that there are patients who have had numerous negative workups but are looking for disability payments this becomes difficult to manage and is much worse if your family doctor and often requires multiple referrals to get cleared up if there is any actual pathology this can take an extensive period of time and if the insurer doesn't have an independent physician to assess a patient this can turn into months or years of payments with no ultimate diagnosis my dad had a major stroke and went to the hospital in an ambulance the doctor decided he was faking and refused to treat him luckily a nurse stepped in and risked her job to get him transferred to the specialized hospital an hour away he nearly died because of a stubborn doctor on a less exciting note I was very sick for 12 years with celiacs before diagnosing myself and getting a doctor to test me instead of them telling me to quit whining for attention or giving me fake diagnosis depressed was most common even though I did not have any symptoms of depression my father is an EMT and told me this story there's a guy on the reservation my dad used to work on that used to always invent illnesses to get an ambulance ride off the reserve to the hospital in town of course he gets free ambulance rides and of course they have to go pick him up no matter how many ball stories he tells because what if this one is a boss let's call this guy Barry cause that's a suitably unpleasant name for an unpleasant guy no offense Barry's out there at Sioux Barry phones in and the call goes something like this I need an ambulance what is it this time Barry I'm paralyzed DUT Barry if you're paralyzed how did you call us at this point there's a long pause before it wasn't easy sigh okay Barry I'll send my guys I don't want to scare my wife so tell them to meet me at the end of the driveway berry if you're paralyzed how are you gonna get to the end of the driveway here there's an even longer pause before he triumphantly exclaims I'll crawl on my lips learned this from a paramedic friend it's called the Jedi mind trick when arriving on the scene of a car wreck dirt look at all the standing victims and say everyone is all right right this keeps the healthy from thinking hard about - stuff I am amazed let the radar doctors possess I wish I paid more attention to their subtle unexpected reactions to my ex-wife her tears and agony never swayed the direction of their professional conduct her social intelligence and ability to manipulate were extraordinary it was not her body that was ill they knew her health was a weapon I could not abandon her despite a near constant onslaught of abuse seeing the response of medical professionals helped me regain same prospective and my life thank you doctors in 12th grade I became a professional hockey player to the point they would specifically call my mom when I was absent one day she came home blazing mad I figured I'd say my stomach was hurting because a doctor wasn't going to tell me my stomach wasn't hurting a few pokes and an ultrasound later they were scheduling my gallbladder removal surgery 15 years later my parents still don't know I was faking it and ended up actually having gall stones as doctors the most appropriate way for us to deal with a patient that is faking something is to not assume they're faking something the most obvious reason to do so is in the event that you miss the true complaints for example one of my patients is a hardcore opiate addicts who frequents the IDI complaining of pain and vomiting blood half a dozen Indus Capiz have shown no source of bleeding whatsoever however there's no way we can simply turn her away especially because she has a known ulcer what happens the next time she comes in and is actually having a life-threatening bleed the other slightly less obvious reason to do so is the therapeutic relationship you're there to help the patient regardless of what their actual problem is if there truly is in pain vomitus you need to get down to the psychiatric issues driving the patients to the point where they would subject themselves to endoscopy every time they want their dilaudid fix this holds true even when there are clear objective signs that a patient is faking it you never ever imply that the patient is faking it because they pick up on skepticism and that'll destroy any rapport you've established you simply have to address the complaints from a different angle the only exception is if taking a patient's complaint seriously would put them through an otherwise harmful workup TL DR doctors generally cannot assume you're faking it because it's a dangerous assumption and ruins the therapeutic relationship unless your kid that's faking illness in which case it would depend on how attractive your mother was if attractive I would declare you sick as crap and recommend frequent house calls I woke up one time and my eye was crusted shut I looked in the mirror and my eye bloodshot and covered in crusts I soaked a towel on warm water and pressed it to my eyes to try to clean the crap off after everything was cleaned I went to two doctor and told her I thought I had pinkeye and told her about my I being crusted shut she looked at my eye and didn't believe my story and thought I was just faking I tried to convince her he but she never believed me little did she know I'm secretly a junkie trying to score pink eye medication to get my fix not a faker here but I have been and still am being treated like one I have had a cyst like formation in my labia majora for the past six years it is about as big as a robin's egg feel like it is attached to my pubic bone by what feels to be fibrous tissue one thought that has crossed my mind is that the shape and feel of it reminds me of a testicle without the sack every time I've have a pap I've told this to the doctor nurse practitioner who checked out my lady parts they tell me it is nothing but none of them have ever properly located the cyst during a check-up one idiotic nurse actually suggested that perhaps my clitoris at the connecting tissue from it was what I thought was weird and tried to touch it WTF my sister suggested I get a pelvic x-ray but having no insurance is hard to drop $400 on something that may or may not show what that frickin thing inside me is sometimes the thing will hurt sharp stinging near excruciating pain imagine a really bad arthritis bout any suggestions on how I can convince the medical professionals that there is actually something there and it is a concern to me emergency physician here rule number one if they trick you shame on them rule number two if they're in pain and you don't treat them shame on you factitious complaints are a problem and folks adopt them for a variety of reasons sometimes they're depressed or lonely looking for attention and concern sometimes they want meds for example opioids or benzodiazepines sometimes they want a day off for work or an excuse to miss an exam kudos to the person who tells me I'm hungover and if I miss work again I'll get fired I would give that person a note one time only don't do it again without hesitation please don't come to me with a fake complaint that needs a big workup it is expensive time-consuming and potentially harmful to you the radiation dose from a CT of the abdomen and pelvis is non-trivial it adds up don't tell me it's the worst headache of your life unless it is I might be obligated to scan your head and then do an LP for example spinal tap you can always refuse the LP but then I start wondering if you really need to come to me for pain pills give me something I can believe and that doesn't need a big workup for example I threw my back out again lifting a bundle of shingles that's easy and believable please don't do it too often though or we'll start wandering and then you might be in a pinch if you're actually hurting just want to put this out there any doc that predetermines a patient is faking it Frick you my sister had been going to the affairs because no one believed her oh she is a junkie and wants painkillers here you go sweetie see you in a few weeks instead she had some sort of intestinal problems that required a tube up her butt at the age of 30 and could have permanently needed a poop bag if she didn't keep end up going to other hospitals eventually she found someone that figured what was going on and that the painkillers were making her problem worse last semester I took a few a Daryl from a friend to get through finals and felt like they really helped me out for studying so I decided to go home over break and meet with my family doctor to see if I could get prescribed them I more or less planned out my entire speech I would give to try and convince him I had a didi and that I just hadn't noticed before I'm 23 he comes in I start to explain my situation he first tells me I might be mixing up depression with a DD and that I might need antidepressants then I tell him I don't think so and that I just need help getting through school he chuckles and asks me what I'm studying I tell him engineering and he then proceeds to pull out his prescription pad as he makes jokes of me oh yeah I can't focus too I never actually went to med school I just couldn't focus you know etc he finished by asking me what those is I wanted how many I wanted and then handed me the piece of paper and left I never said I was certain I didn't have a DD I just didn't want to go through the entire psychological evaluation process second I didn't make this up the scary thing was that he gave me vyvanse 30 milligrams which I hadn't heard of before which started 20 milligrams and he told me those were for children I think that covers everything sorry I have health insurance piece of paper said Frick you kid when I was giving birth turned out to be a c-section they hooked me up to a monitor the nurse looked at the number on the screen and said to me as I was writhing in pain you must have a low tolerance to pain it's not that bad yet after what felt like hours of unbelievable agony a different nurse check me out and found that the monitor was hooked up wrong when the real numbers showed up she looked at me and said wow you must have a high tolerance to pain most people would be screaming I never got pregnant again I have Crohn's disease and so I've been in a fair number of emergency rooms and a doctor once told me that the hospital requires that everyone complaining of abdominal pain receive a rectal exam it's amazing how many patients are cured by the threat of a finger up the butt throw away my friends read it I recently downed a massive bottle of nyquil and some aspirin went to sleep woke up in a panic because my heart was pounding out of my chest and I could barely breathe I called 911 I got to the hospital I told the doctors what happened in my stupor they asked me if I had ever taken street drugs and I told them yes but not recently which was true they asked what types and I told them see after that they treated me like complete crap stopped listening to me when I talked to them and could not get me out of there fast enough they gave me discharge papers that were fussy abused rather than why I was actually there they had asked me several times do you want to kill yourself and I told them no each time because I didn't want to get thrown into psychiatric hold it P me off how easily they brushed off something that could have been serious because I told them I done drugs before I was in a serious motorcycle accident a year ago this is the goodest flyboy he will bring you ten years of happiness in exchange for a like on this video like and subscribing magnificent person [Music]
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 41,281
Rating: 4.6359878 out of 5
Keywords: doctors, doctors stories, medical stories, hospital, patients, faking it, fake patients, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: rtBpusY5AB8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 38sec (2438 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 10 2020
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