What's The Quickest Way You've Seen Someone Mess Up Their Life (Reddit Stories r/AskReddit)

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what is the quickest way you've seen someone 4k their life up a guy i used to work with told me his story when i asked him why he never drove in one night he and his buddies got loaded at a club as they're walking out he noticed that there was a limo sitting outside with the motor running and no one in sight so he hops in and tells his buddies that he's going to joyride it around the block unfortunately he's so blitzed he ended up crashing it into a light pole 100 feet away pause and think about the charges that are already amounting so he gets out and starts to stumble away at which point the officer who is waiting further up the block to catch potential duis runs down and cuffs his butt then he opens the back door and about eight terrified high school students hop out turns out they were on their way back from prom and the limo driver had made the stop to swap driver shifts so in the space of about five minutes this [ __ ] was facing no fewer than five felonies and almost 20 years later still doesn't have a driver's license a month after graduating the valedictorian of my hs took his graduation money and savings and drove to california where he bought a crap ton of weed pills and sea to bring back home and sell scott caught coming back somewhere in iowa got sentenced to 15 years in prison for felony drug trafficking across state lines which makes it a federal crime if he was the valedictorian the rest of y'all must have been extra special 18 year old kid threw a brick through my store's front window and took off with 20 000 of cannabis ended up getting caught an hour later he will probably spend 20 years in prison i was playing at a neighborhood friend's house bunch of dudes riding around and walk nut a kid wanted to do a flip off a ramp on his bike he had no helmet either kid attempted it and fricked it halfway landed on his back with bike on top of him like you could hear the sickening crunch on impact we called paramedics he couldn't do anything except lay there crying my friend's mom didn't let me go home while they were loading him in the ambulance and tried to keep us inside come to find out he's paralyzed from the neck down he couldn't do anything except lay there crying jesus that's a tragic image so help listen so young a dude drove up and tried to cut in front of several people in the drive-through line of a water burger a security guard approached and told him loudly several times to back off and go to the back of the line instead of going to the back of the line the guy decided it would be a better idea to ruin the rest of his life for a burger he tried to run over the security guard who ran out of the way to force his way further into the line at this point i don't know how he thought he was gonna get away he had trapped himself in the drive-through lane he never got his burger and he sat at the window waiting for it until the police came and arrested him if he wasn't fricked already he made sure he was once the police arrived he was extremely uncooperative and had a brief standoff with them they had to tase him i'm pretty sure he got a dui in addition to whatever kind of attempted assault charges they were going to press on him oh also when they finally got him out of the car it turned out he was only wearing underwear my ex admitted to regularly raping a girl starting when she was eight years old in a phone call with the girl eight years after it started he did not know she had contacted the police and they had gotten a warrant to record phone calls he got a 45-year prison sentence some guy in my school collected nudes from as many girls in the school as possible either getting them himself from friends he put them all on a public file sharing website the link got around school and one of the girls found out and turned him in school and police launched a full-scale investigation and he went to court they lessened his child p charged to something lesser and he got two years probation and kicked out of school he got off light but such a stupid way to ruin your life and reputation group of high schoolers went hill hopping in this dude's geep two of them weren't wearing seat belts so when they hit a tree going 80 miles per hour the driver died and the other guy broke his neck and all of his limbs the worst part the driver's girlfriend was riding shotgun wore her seat belt and survived basically unharmed at least physically but now she's gonna have to vary that mental trauma for the rest of her life friend's birthday got super drunk his friend offered him a ride home when he wanted to leave he ghosted no one knew where he went he drove home or tried to hit a tree on a road with a speed limit of 30. police said he must have been going 70 they think he passed out he's not smart anymore he's forrest gump now which means he's still smart enough to know he's dumb and remember what life used to be like he can walk but he know he'll never play sports he gets upset when he forgets names he's never going to be independent and he knows it he's attempted suicide at least once since the accident don't drink and drive that's so sad to be stupid enough to not be able to do normal things while being smart enough to realize you're stupid and can't do normal stuff you used to do dang that mental torture right there skateboarding without a helmet fell suffered a traumatic brain injury spent months in rehab and therapy has seizures related to injuries successful mechanic no longer able to work on machinery which was his passion now lives in his very small hometown with his parents and has an unfiltered personality which makes building meaningful relationships almost impossible way back when they didn't have urinalysis testing in the navy or any branch of service that changed in 1982 shortly after i re-enlisted i quit smoking weed we were warned of the probable consequences if we got caught after the first navy wide test one of my friends a shipmate who worked directly for me decided to not take heed because he only had less than three months left before his enlistment was over he was caught on the next one and was given 45 days restriction an extra duty loss of half a month's pay for two months and reduction in rank frick them i remember him saying as he smoked a joint on the pier 30 days later after he found out he had to take another urinalysis the next day instead of doing his last two months then getting his honorable discharge he was out two weeks later with a bad conduct because he told the captain to suck his dong and threw a punch he was given a choice take the bcd or go before a court martial then off to leavenworth for a couple years screwed up this life don't go to leavenworth source live in leavenworth not the penitentiary though guided h at a party in high school in a rural area got caught got clean before 18 got into construction worked his way up the chain owned several companies two beautiful houses beautiful wife twisted his knee on a job site went in for knee surgery didn't disclose he'd been an addict 30 years prior thought 30 years clean removed him far enough the painkillers they gave him brought the addiction back in full force he returned to using h and stopped running his construction businesses and working to pursue being high his wife took the kids and left him for being emotionally absent and he defaulted on his mortgages and lost his two homes he lost everything and ended up living out of his car my ex started smoking crack and in six months time we lost our home he now faces seven felony theft charges and we broke up a 20-year marriage he fricked his mine and our children's lives for the selfish decisions he made we were doing the best that we had ever done financially and now i am starting over from scratch and our kids are embarrassed by their father who used to be a great dad someone i know drove drunk because it was only a few blocks killed three people and is now in prison for 20 years my brother was a felon at age 18 distribution and firearm in and out of prison jail for 15 years age 33 he has a complete turnaround does the church thing becomes a contractor making like 150k a year his first three years his wife and he get in an argument she leaves he gets pee and by a bottle of tequila his neighbor comes over to check on him as he is now in his basement firing his illegally obtained and owned ar-15 at photos and trinkets etc while the neighbor called the cops brother ends up in a standoff with them for a few hours now he is looking at a plea bargain of eight years in fairness it really wasn't a complete turnaround because he possessed a firearm as a felon there was a kid at my high school football player funny kid sort of dumb we were seniors and ready to go off to college he was going to play football at a school in the next state over then he got into doing prank videos and essentially posted videos of himself vandalizing stores walking up to random people and saying stupid things to them making messes in public places etc his college football coach found the page and kicked him off the team before he even got to college since then his insta page has been taken down the kid isn't in college and i feel sort of bad but also he's so dumb why did he ever think posting videos of himself doing harmful pranks would end up well some people go for a long time without ever hearing the words no you can't do that sadly the first time this guy heard it was from this college's football coach i didn't personally see it but about eight years ago some friends in my social circle were at a party and some drunk dude had a gun and decided he wanted to play russian roulette but he pulled the trigger and shot himself in the head his family packaged it like a suicide but there were plenty of witnesses guy i knew was pointing an unloaded gun at his pregnant fiance and pulling the trigger you know just for fun cause that's something people do for fun apparently the fiance got really upset at him for obvious reasons and the guy's response is what's the big deal it's not like it's loaded then he point the gun at his own head pulls the trigger and kills himself a developer at my job here on a work visa from india was hitting on the young latina cleaning lady asked her to come to a hotel with her and then whipped his dong out did this at the office under cameras she pressed charges and he is being deported back to india losing his job making six figures solid way to freak up your life in a matter of seconds he must have confused our indian pia professor book with our relationship advice my little sister graduated high school and got accepted into a very good nursing school in boston but had everything going for her met a guy that was a heroin junkie got addicted and stole everything she could from whoever she could to supply her habit she passed away from an overdose almost a year ago still can't understand why someone would ever try that crap in the first place such a waste she was an awesome person i'm so sorry this is just so sad my friend sister was engaged to a great guy his only flaw was he was too tough to wear a seat belt crashed his car and died a few weeks later she found out she was pregnant so now she's a single mother so that's at least three lives he freaked out by not wearing his seat belt i'm a funeral director i used to work with a guy who didn't see the point in wearing seat belts said he's seen enough people dead wearing seat belts that he thought they were a con didn't seem to grasp the fact that he would only be called to rtas where there was a fatality was at a university of north dakota hockey game there was a moment of silence for the opposing team's coach because he lost a family member if i remember that correctly some idiot kid decides this is a good time to yell frick her right and the p he was publicly vilified for the rest of the year there are reasons we publicly shame people this is one of those knew a kid in high school who pretended to be one of the prettier girls in school and texted this desperate geek asking him for naked pictures he then proceeded to send the pictures around to everyone at school he's still in the sex offenders registry for distributing child pornography worked with a guy who inherited a few million dollars a successful business and a livestock farm after his grandfather passed away it all went up his nose within a year don't be fooled c is a nasty drug that's why it's called blow you blow right through it and your money graduate student in mathematics at uiuc early 2000's crossed a busy street got hit by a car and died no drugs or alcohol or anything like that probably got lost thinking about her research just like that bam it's over this is how i worry i'll die and i'm hardly ever thinking about anything important new kid gets hired 18 just started college good looking well-dressed whole nine yards first week on the job steals two thousand dollars doesn't even do it smartly just loads up some cards and hands them to a friend directly in front of a camera two years later we still can't figure it out steals just enough to make it a felony right after turning 18 and in the dumbest way possible it's like he intentionally wanted to screw up his life friend of mine decided to pay for an apartment for him his father stepmother step sibling and mother all under the same roof none of them worked poor bastard cousin decided the best way to end an argument with his girlfriend in the car as she's driving is to fall out the passenger side door at 35 miles per hour and get hit by another car brain damage this was after having twins with his ex gf who he has to pay support for what a freaking idiot someone in my family was going to be a great professional hockey player he was young and already in the junior league and so close of being recruited by the nhl he was working out every day to be in the best shape possible then he was caught stealing from the other players in the locker room he got beat up and then kicked out of the league apparently he had been stealing for a while he was lucky that nobody pressed charges against him his career ended that day his bad reputation followed him everywhere and no other team wanted him anymore what a freaking idiot our local phenom puck pusher is currently serving a rape sentence in canada my sister got hooked on age she's a drug addict now went from making a quarter mill a year being a trauma nurse in two hospitals having a home two luxury cars married to an amazing guy the whole nine yards to now living on the street and just a strung out mess not just theirs but the lives of their kids drove drunk with eight unseatbelted kids in one suv rolled the vehicle killed two of the kids both her own and seriously injured two others one also hers obviously lost custody of her remaining two children and is spending the next 30 or so years in prison to this day she shows zero remorse and continues to insist it wasn't her fault that piece of crap those boys were treasures back in the day when we had paper applications i had this guy that looked okay on paper his name was john john showed up to the interview in july with a long-sleeved turtleneck above the turtleneck there was clearly the top of a tattoo it looked like waves with some writing underneath the waves it was fairly well hidden during the interview i asked john you gotta be able to completely cover your tattoo it cannot show at all what is it he pulled down the turtleneck and the waves were actually flames underneath the flames it said in large block letters murder turns out steve johnny jobs was one hard mother guy from my country third world was studying here in the us a big privilege and usually takes a lot of effort and money for some reason while in miami he tried to steal a plane right off the tarmac the news says he was troubled i prefer the word idiot this is so underrated he tried to steal a freaking plane [Music] m phd engineer in his late 30s on track to be a director lost his job house car no one knows where he is now cousin broke up with his gf but not before getting her pregnant he proceeded to hook up with two more women he now has three children all with birthdays in the same week maybe he can get group discounts at chuck e cheese a woman i know received a traffic ticket for failing to stop at a red light she plead guilty and did not pay the fine her license was suspended for failing to pay the fine she continued to drive she ended up being ticketed in three different locals for aggravated and licensed operation because she had an unregistered vehicle ended up with three misdemeanors and a stint in jail all within six months prior to the first ticket she had a clean driving record someone i knew won't say who for the sake of respect and privacy great guy had a loving extended family and a beautiful girlfriend maybe wife don't remember if they married but i know he at least would have if he hadn't and one day they allow a stranger with nowhere to go inside their home so he can have somewhere to stay for a few days the man killed them both and then fled he was caught in a pizza place not far from where i live just one town over sitting in a booth two wonderful people killed because they decided to help someone out of the good of their hearts lady at work with large company employee for many years caught selling sea to a fellow employee in the restroom guy at my high school broke into the school at night and vandalized everything they caught him doing it on camera he ended up expelled arrested he was a senior and over 18 so they charged him as an adult and had to do a lot of community service afterwards he never finished high school because of the ordeal and last i heard he works cutting trees and gets paid under the table but not a whole lot idk if life ever got better for him but one night was all it took when i was working as a strip club bouncer a little while back i witnessed a super childish display of anger that ended very poorly for the guy dude was 23 in law school at a local and pretty prestigious university i knew this because he told us during his extremely vulgar and aggressive rant towards my partner and i called in local law enforcement due to the fact that these sorts of dudes tend to get litigious when they don't get their way and we were planning on issuing a criminal trespass warning so we could have a paper trail in case he ever decided to come back he starts to walk out the door screaming loudly at my partner calling us every name in the book while i trail slightly behind in case it gets physical he gets to the door as he is walking out turns screams of very more obscenities and throws the door shut hitting my partner square in the forehead with it he did not see local pd walking up to the door at this time and they watched the whole thing happen and immediately cuff him up my partner and i are state licensed armed security guards they write him up for felony assaulting a public servant take him downtown and book him my partner was subpoenaed and actually went to court to testify they got him dead to rights on it to kicked out of law school lost scholarship he hadn't had to repay those monies what was he upset about you might ask he had gotten two dances from one of the girls but only wanted to pay for one you did a good job we don't need more of that kind of lawyers age my older cousin had everything going for her straight a's in high school and planning for pharmacy school she was supposed to be the one to make something of herself here immigrant family she got caught up with the wrong crowd and got knocked up towards the end of high school i've never even met the baby daddy so she ends up cancelling her future to be a mother which is understandable but she wasn't the best mother she wasn't nearly around as much as she should have been she left her daughter to my aunt her mom to care for all the time she gets caught up in partying and drugs hard drugs dui's arrests etc it's heartbreaking to our whole entire family extended and all then she hit the final wall i get a call from my mom towards the end of my first year of college i remember it so vividly i was sitting in my buddy's dorm on a broken futon watching at accusaries on oak island and my phone rings i excuse myself to answer it my mom greets me and immediately tells me my cousin is dead from a rage overdose her voice was monotonous and empty i've only heard that tone in her voice a few times i recall telling her no this can't be repeatedly she was found od in a motel room with her boyfriend who tried to wake her up there was also suspicion that he waited too long to call nine one one i don't know the full details what i do know is that ancient drugs don't freak up the lives of just a user but the people around them too my cousin was a loving and fun person to talk to but she made bad choices and was barely around now my little nine-year-old second cousin her daughter is growing up without a mom or dad and being raised by my aging aunt who should be retired but can't my little cousin already has trust issues and is very insecure and sheltered it's sad but i try my best to make her smile and point her towards a bright future wow this really hit me in the gut if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 218,242
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Keywords: #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, storytime, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, meme awards, chill, story, stories, ask reddit top posts, messed up life, bad ideas, stupid, askreddit comedy
Id: 5kqa4iILc68
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 58sec (1378 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 27 2021
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