DO WE HATE JAPAN? #AnswerMeSenpai (feat. Abroad in Japan)

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*Anime man intro cue* Welcome everybody to a very special episode of Answermesenpai, the show where YOU... I am here with Chris Broad. This is-this was A) really ominous and B) you didn't finish the sentence. THAAT's THE JOOOKE !! So we're doing the AnswerMeSenpai because a lot of people were requesting it And I'm here and Chris is here because he doesn't live in Tokyo. You're down here to do some videos I'm doing some stuff, that we should meet up would hang out actually know each other 18 months now, yeah like a year and half. Yeah, yeah exactly and you know again like a lot of people were asking to do this collab so here you go This is definitely going to be one of the most sarcastic and sassy Q&A's I think is it. We've done I don't know. I mean it was just a ball of sass a bowl of cells ball of sass oh, I'm excited. Yeah Yeah, I mean I'm gonna need this shit when I'm filming a video with you. Oh thanks, Joey. Every time I hang out with Chris... *Plane buzzes in distance* What's that? Jesus Christ. I think a jumbo jet just flew past the window. Okay, if you want to get drunk really quickly I think two or three cans of this: and it just happens yeah please Be above the legal drinking age, which is 20 here if you're below the age of 20 Your parents keep the good ship on the top shelf. I've got an AK-47 water pistol. If you piss me off, I could just spray you. I just literally saw it in the corner of the room. - This is your "anger" spray? Happy you put that in there. So, there you go. If things start going wrong, I'll just squirt you with that. Alright, let's do some questions. This is from our buddy Dogen. Hello. You did a Q&A with on YouTube He asked: vegemite or nattou Vegemite. Really? because nattou is not really an edible thing, is it? Do you not like nattou? - No! No! Why would anyone love nattou? - I love, I love nattou. Fermented soybeans Yeah I love nattou dude. - Yeah but you're off your rockets man. When I was growing up every morning at my grandma's place she would just give us a.. Bed of rice and some nattou in the morning. - So you grew up with it, right? I grew up. - First time I ever had it, age 22 I came to Japan I think it was two weeks in, - So 20 years ago ? and I ate it and I think it was (more or less hahaha) When people ask me like why you don't like nattou It's two reasons usually either one. It's either the texture or the smell It's the smell, smell hands down. - So you don't mind the texture? Textures alright. - Okay. Smell absolutely horrible - Really? Yeah. Avoid it, avoid it. I like I like both, but if I had to choose one I'd say nattou. I'd say marmite Yeah because you're a Brit. To what extent does life in Japan have changed your view That is not English first of all. To what extent has life in Japan changed your view on Western society? Japan is definitely... one of the most convenient countries. *Mumbles over one another.* The convenience that I thought Existed in other countries. I look at Japan I'm like yeah But Japan can just do it so much more convenient. Like Japan is the only country where the word "convenience" in "convenience store" actually Lives up to its name Like if you go to a 7/11 in Australia like its like "oh the convenience of getting a bottle of water for four dollars" yeah, it's just not convenient at all - The thing that I noticed the most is the difference between being a kind of collectivist culture and An individualist culture; in the West we kind of prized the individual. It's all about empowering the individual whereas in Japan, It's about working together as a team - Even though they can barely do that! Well it has good and bad sides. I think, in many ways, I prefer the Western Way of doing things. Working in Japanese schools I've seen the way students are kind of robbed of their creative individuality in some ways. - Right, yeah yeah. Everyone has to do the same kind of thing. - It's all about like the class achieving something "Oh you're different? You're special? No! No! No!" "Get out!" So, I don't like that. What's the best way to learn kanji? Write them out over and over. I kind of did repetitive writing, but I also used Story—a kind of story Learning method kind of break up the Kanji character into different components and to kind of have a story around it - I didn't even like learn to write it down like, I learned the kanji from like say if I read it in a novel or something Then I would look it up in like a dictionary And then I would just read that dictionary entry over and over again to get the meaning of the shape and like remember it as like—I remember it as like a picture because it's very you know kanji is very picturesque so like I Remember this just a picture like "this is what it looks like" and then I remember what it means and then how I can Use it and I so.. I don't write it in any way The first time I write it is when I've like fully Remembered and what it looks like and what it means? How many kanji? Would you say you know? 1,200? Okay, which for you guys who don't know is like a twentieth (1/20) of all kanji. - I mean there's 2,000 You will need to know yeah 2,000 essential and like 10,000 altogether. Apparently there's like new kanji being made every single month. - Oh my God, really? - Yeah. So it's practice, like, don't expect to know all 2,000 kanji in, like, a year, 'cause Japanese isn't that easy. What's the last thing you'd want on a burger? So what's the last thing ... - What? - Reaches with it. - What's the last thing you'd want on your burger King burger? - Cyanide. - Penis? - Yeah, altogether. - I really don't... Yeah, a cyanide covered penis is not nice. Apart from this video, this collaboration thing, will you be doing more in the future? Depends how much I can stand Chris, really. No, the sure answer is "no". Depends, depends how, depends how many views this video gets. Yeah. I don't do things for views, I do it for passion, Joey. Oh, yeah, of course, that's what everyone... That's what everyone with a paycheck says. What is your favorite native Japanese food? Yakitori. Yeah? She's really yeah Don't really have it in the UK. It's just the best that you get can't chicken and pork mmm beef Marinated with a little salt and pepper and spices and then kind of grilled so elegantly and beautiful OH I love it Yeah, let's fight with style I put a gun to your head though and said Hiroshima Okonomiyaki, Osaka, okonomiyaki, which one would you go for the latter? I'll just shoot you anyway I was about to answer... OSAKA Osaka OSAKA i like Osaka - Wong answer. - No! - Definitly Hiroshima okonomiyaki is more... rewarding. - Fucking Christ! - Which one of you has the smoothest voice? - I mean, I do voice acting, so probably me. - Yup. - ... try? - Is that how it works? When you do, like, the old Japanese guy voice that you sometimes do... - Me? - Yeah you do, like, "o irasshaimase", like that kind of voice. Irasshaimase (Welcome). I love that. - Just personally I like it. - Yeah. But I have the better voice. First time going to Japan. Where would you recommend I visit that's not in the usual tourist spots? Side note: I love nature. Uh, I'd go somewhere where there's nature. in Japan, golden Route obviously Tokyo, Kyoto, Hiroshima that kind of way. yeah the diamond dream the route that you come on on the second time He come Japan's kind of the north. I think ya know a lot of people go to Tokyo it's really good smelling of nature Yeah, they're fun recommend that I am you can ever like now Fuji as well. That's nice Mt. Fuji Yeah, if you're lucky you can actually say sometimes sometimes if you're really lucky. You can see a dead body Sum up your experience and living abroad in Japan in five words Japan has four distinct seasons I Mean it does got four distinct seasons whereas like if you don't like Sydney You can experience all four seasons in one day. I have no desire to go to Australia You should know is it's annoying because what my friends live there. I kind of wanna Go you mean to other spiders and snakes. Oh, okay look Oh, I don't want to go to Australia because this spiders and snakes all over the place I'm like that's hardly if you go into the bush if you go into like the rainforest or like anyway That's not the city. You told me a story like a snake you found in your hallway once Yeah, but my back of the shoe come on my but my backyard is a national park But if you're like in the middle of the city You don't see the only wildlife you see is people is it easy to find a part-time job in Japan never had a part-time job In Japan what I did I interned and all the part-time jobs. I did do with through my mom I think If you could teach English, you are in! Do you think Japan is a cool place to study? Be sarcastic please, I beg you How to tell the difference between an Australian and a Brit in Japanese. One is fluent in Japanese And the other is a Brit. That will do. Try to sing an anime opening of your choice. I mean that's easy for me, but and also much for yo- I wanna be the very best da-na-na-na It was originally a game, so it doesn't count no it does count no, no give me that Horrible we should put strong zero in the ak-47 DIGIMON... digital monsters.. *really, joey!* It Was a Ripoff, I never watched it it is yes from you that one viewer. He's watching back. I watch Digimon It was good. It wasn't it was shit. It was the worst weaboo interaction you ever had in Japan Maybe you could we please reenact it. I hate that word weaboo. Oh. Yeah, if counts as a word! What I hate about the word especially is the fact that it's actual Definition has just been destroyed by the internet over time I don't know one guy a light said to me like oh you eat ramen. You're such a weeaboo Anyone can eat ramen ! That's done nothing to do with being a weeaboo except people don't have a mouth except Have you ever met like an actual like weaboo like someone who was like actually like? So like wanting to be Japanese so much of the point where they were being disrespectful to Japan it is what the definition of weeaboo In person I've met two. You can see the desperation they want to really be Japanese. Oh yeah, and ain't gonna happen It's just kind of awkward and weird yeah, they kind of denounced their culture who does the best American accent? I was thinking of pretending to be like a Vlogger in Seattle, okay, so actually guys my name is Dave Rogers and this whole this whole channel I've been filming in my basement in Seattle for like three years, and I was gonna have like a green screen behind me Oh somebody somebody's called me fake once in a video what a mean fake? What the fuck does that even mean? I was gonna make a comeback yeah I don't know what that means but great I was gonna make a video where I was like revealing that I was actually this American guy living in his parents basement in Seattle But all of this is actually just a green screen, but my thing is about the green screen was going to come down Can you do a British accent a British accent *inaudible stuff* * he tried guys* Oh God, What's that Can I have a cup of tea and a crumpet What's going on how about an Australian person that got electrocuted Ello Gov'na What's the best ramen shopping you've been to I'll tell you what it's not a snow it's your um oh yeah, no I Few weeks ago. It's always online people like oh ichiraku's ramen is the best ramen in the universe, bro And you get your own booth in this you get to have options and toppings, and it's shit. It was good I know I know I'm probably exaggerating, but it had been so overhyped, so I was expecting something really special Yeah, it was just honest right yeah, it's like a seven out 10 I think it's mean yeah. It's been way, too overhyped in my opinion. which anime has the most realistic landscapes garden of words God yeah, basically everyone, I'm uncle to a movie like over the last ten years. There's a lot though I mean like there's a whole subculture in anime at least in Japan called seichi meguri Which is about people who go to real-life locations. That was seen in anime so like take cross reference pictures of it I had a series called anime in real life where I go to These different places based on anime and n have you gone to the right shop in the your name. No I haven't done right now today. I haven't yeah somewhere in nagato yeah somewhere in nagato I haven't done anything for your name, which I should have when the movie came out but uh I was busy any tips you can give it for anyone going to Japan for the first time I plan on visiting Japan soon. I don't want to make a fool of myself. Don't be Logan Paul Yes, the only reason why anyone should watch Logan positive pan box is so that you know exactly what not to do when you get Here ironic the week before he came to Japan I made a video called What not to do in Japan do all things? What not to do with something. Yeah, did all of them He did all of them really what does it take for me to get no typed by you? It takes a spelling error takes a mistake I want to start saying that in like casual conversation now like if there's like a creep on the train I'm so you just be like no time to me *do you think he no typed us!* What's your favorite tourist trap destination, I don't usually like tourist trap Destinations cuz they're you know tourist traps. Yep as much shit as gets I do enjoy it why because it's just we were there today what I like about tuck Easter Dottie is not the main road, but the little roads that go off on monkeys meadow There's a lot of really cool stores hidden there. Yeah that go unnoticed because everyone just goes into the main stores mmm So like while all the tourists are going into the main stores and paying Triple of what you would normal pay if you just turn the corner I'm going to all these like little tiny stores with all these actually like cool harajuku fashion well It's me cool stuff down. I think for me. It would be Golden guy in Shinjuku. Goalie nice. Cool. Golden guys cool. Don't go there to drink unless you. Have a credit card Bloody money you want to update that gram that instagram. Yeah enough the ground light Yeah, a place to be if you guys woke up and found out you switched bodies What will be the first thing you would do and why I would cry because I don't have a million souls *oooohhhh that hurt* Feel pretty depressed now. I'm even more depressed at the ak-47 is leaking water all over the table Do you best impressions of each other Chris Broads my name, bloggings my game By the way this that's an actual thing that Chris said once I've never said that I'll play the clip right now Chris Broads my name, bloggings my game That clip hey guys just the anime man never visited me the game so brilliant, thank you lost enthusiasm really quickly Thank you. Why are you sending such a toast? What is your go to food? Whether it's a dish a restaurant a vending machine or something you always buy at the store campaign feed for me Can't coffee if there's a vending machine And I'm feeling a bit down just get a can coffee mmm for me its energy. Jelly these little packs these little jelly packs What's the call again the energy gen? Often in the shower just have an energy jelly in the shower One's gonna make fan out yeah, it's the secret to my success Hey, I'm coming out to Japan soon Then I was wondering how I could get some native friends there people don't seem to talk very much So I was curious I go on tinder Tinder good friend of mine he was over at working in Tokyo for I think two or three weeks He got on tinder and he was just being like people every night really and often people japanese people that go on tinder Are kind of not looking for? They're looking for just hanging out It's actually a great way And I recommend it to a friend and use like no I don't want to do it as I stole his phone itself It's tinder account, and it was already doing what you're doing. He looked at it, and he'd like five messages now one who's really nice model and the Person is well I think cuz like some Japanese people are really open with meeting foreigners Whereas others are very shy and don't want to meet foreigners? I mean I bet that's key my best friend a ski in the street you talked to me was I oh my god your form What you're doing here would have no man. Let's go for a drink. Do karaoke. Yeah, yeah that took a year, though I've been in that area for a year before I even bumped into it. Yeah for then my first year in Japan I don't think I had a single Japanese friend partly my fault because like a lot of English teachers He hang out with other English teachers right you get in the foreigner, but you hang out with more foreigners Yeah, so no. It's difficult. Don't underestimate that can you please tell me how lot to die in Japan eat? What how did you meet each other? And then actually have that kind of youtubers a smile event as good an trees up an event lots of creators together we went off to a forest up a mountain somewhere I have a blog of it on my second channel. Yeah, I do to watch it. Yeah, that's the first time okay? And I've met you what these five times now, I think every time you come to Tokyo We've hung out or like Elly's got the dinner in something and Joey comes to said no sometime Yeah, we answered your grandma's head my grandma lives like 20 minutes from yeah Friends yeah, you came up to send oh, I made a good night out one Yeah, I went to I could dance bar. I went to a sniper body Gun or something yes water about tables covered in water pretty floral isn't it a war pistol where most of the waters leaked out I Mean a real life ak47 bullets. Just fell out Is there any mistakes foreigners do that annoys you like being loud on a train or something like that Being loud on the train is definitely once a good example drinking on the train poking on the afraid of the truth I don't know. There's a lot of like rules on the train I feel like don't be on your phone on the train don't shout on the train. Don't sit down on the train I see a lot of foreigners good. Yeah, just the most common one is just be more aware of the noise you're making Yeah, spatially aware so max valve collectivism thing yeah, not including anime. What do you think of Japanese? Do you enjoy any non anime Japanese programs on a regular basis? Or do you usually just watch British or Z American movies and shows online? DVDs don't watch Japanese - it's awful I used to watch all now you might be thinking all about this funny game shows where there's a naked person Well that that TV show where there's everything in chocolate There's a TV show where there's like I think it's called is it chocolate and they're going to a room. Oh, yeah Yeah Fighting that's funny. That's good. Yeah, but most Japanese TV shows aren't like that. That's incredibly rare. I feel a lot of them really like influential and like interesting TV shows that That the UK in America you know a lot of the times happen to rip off mmm You know like it was a recently tuck issue Castle, but like in America. It's called baseball splashdown Someone like that. Well like you know the Sasuke challenge. We just mean I'm like ninja warrior. Whatever I was called by the library is one bad bird the Americans loved ripping off everyone seems very superficial yeah And now one's a real it's like seeing TV and some sort of utopian Bullshit future even one TV show that I was on here in Japan was like a was like a debate based TV Show I can't sit a whole be on eight years ago Just a bunch of people put in a room like debating about like really Important social and cultural topics about Japan right and like you know the episode I was on they grabbed 30 foreigners To like give a foreigners point of view on right the social and cultural norms of Japan, but even then like Everyone just say shit. That's so obvious and like Japan and it's like seasons yeah And it's like none is like non conflict based So it's like what's the point of having this goddamn discussion if we're not actually going to discuss I've been on at least five or six times now and most of my experiences haven't been that fun They asked me my opinion on something And then they'll go but don't you think this and they'll try and put words in my mouth and get me to say what they? Want me to say so I don't particularly enjoy it today stay the fuck away Is it possible to buy cheap English manga in Japan if so where in Tokyo? but do you Probably not because there's no reason for it cuz we're in Japan and everyone reads Japanese if you want to read English manga then Buy it in America, or you or you know other? Non-japanese based countries, what music other than anime songs do you listen to we don't listen, would you mind no I don't do the anime okay, so many people think all I do is fucking listen the anime songs all new No, I don't anime songs and carry pammi poetry What kind of music do you listen to Christopher broad listen to music that was from at least? 20 to 30 years ago because I can't stand modern pop music and hell Every song is based on within the same same though. Oh. Yes. I'm not gonna say that all music now is Mainstream music now. There are exceptions, but I just find a lot of pop music's very yeah generic It's all just made on so much done on the computer and no thought goes into a lot the lyrics well That's why I love you know like anything from like the 50s to the 80s It's my favorite decades of music because it's like it's a different shit You can tell that the people made it because they liked it not for the money That's not all artists in of that era, but there were definitely more of them I feel then compared to now and here's the last question, and I think this is the question that everybody wants to know Why should I subscribe to abroad in Japan? Don't rubbish Works channel ever what happened is those people come in I don't know that Chris guy, so snarky I'm real life. Am I the same as I now yeah absolutely. I was gonna say if anything If anything off come on you're more lucky I did let's just say if you're in the percentage what I have a much percentage of people who don't understand sarcasm Don't go to use channel in fact. Don't go to my channel I don't know why you're watching this video a you see each other of course. I will subscribe to you oh So if you enjoy rubbish content, then go check out abroad in Japan. Thanks Joey. Hey guys guys. Hope you enjoyed this very loose very Chilled out motion of Answermesenpai. What's the normally like? Normally, it's like me jumping into my couch and someone gets it if someone gets hurt Thank you for joining in to another episode of Anthony sent by if you would like to Keep talking I want to ask any questions to me in the next episode I don't know if there will be another collab or not then make sure to use the hashtag answer me senpai on Twitter Or if you don't have a Twitter become a fuck to make one Leave it in the comments off of this video. Go check out a board in Japan links to his channel is in the description and I'll see you guys in the next video JAANE!
Channel: The Anime Man
Views: 1,179,468
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime, manga, theanimeman, reviews, discussions, music, let's, play, walkthrough, playthrough, funny, moments, epic, fail, commentary, live, reaction, Japan, Japanese, The Anime Man, #AnswerMeSenpai, Chris Broad, AbroadInJapan, Q&A
Id: QFjZ968KLq0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 18sec (1338 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 23 2018
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