Abroad in Japan CHRISTMAS Live Show | Feat. Natsuki & The Anime Man

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alright ski this is your big moment your big moment natsuki ready last christmas last christmas three two one last christmas gave me my heart but the very next day you gave it away please deserve me for tears i'll be there someone special special right is probably shouldn't have sung last christmas while shaking a beer good to see you guys welcome to the japan christmas live show cheers everywhere beer everywhere good to see you all though uh where are you watching from let us know in the comments it's always good to know we have a global audience what is that what is that voice change voice is actually going to gas himself live in front of like 3 000 people that's only 2 000 people it's fine that was very short-lived for an awful lot of helium is that it yeah that's it that's it this is this is it for an hour just going to watch natsuki inhale helium thanks merry christmas very good well there you go merry christmas from brazil thank you very much thank you guys merry christmas from luxembourg uh i'm joined this evening by joey the anime man hello as seen on journey across japan anatsky as seen everywhere and has dressed as father christmas croc clock santa santa oh my god well this evening we've just eaten a kfc christmas meal have you got the bucket get the bucket now let's let's prove to people we've had a kfc meal there's 2 900 people here that's terrifying look at this so we just had kfc 5000 yen you get a big bucket filled with like chicken and food kennedy fantastic chicken kennedy fantastic chicken the real meaning behind kfc uh how was it how was your kfc christmas meal oh maybe nice maybe nice maybe nice it's a bit vague one to ten how was it eight eight out of ten interestingly natsuki has been in japan all his life and he's only had kfc christmas finn at dinner once right today how'd you make it because japanese many japanese only chicken only chicken right yeah why don't you eat turkey in japan oh we got we got done that's where this is going let's see what we've got from captain anorak who says merry christmas from the uk it's actually my birthday too today too if natsuki could wish me happy birthday with helium it would mean the world thanks asking you've got to wish this guy happy birthday captain anarak captain anorak happy birthday sing happy birthday with helium helium sharing it happy birthday to you happy birthday to my name captain anorak captain anilec happy birthday ever we are just joined by natsuki and jerry and what's hearing now happy birthday where have you got the helium from you can put that like donkey hold it where's he got this from yeah go behind and to actually prove you're here we're not making this up rocky r says merry christmas from switzerland merry christmas from switzerland thank you very much says merry christmas from mother russia merry christmas from russia russia hello we've all had kfc did you like the kfc meal i did yeah i mean like just kfc with christmas packaging it was literally just kfc but with a nice decadent packaging yeah what do you think oh you didn't eat it did you i had a biscuit and a biscuit it's pretty good it had like a premium kfc kfc biscuit this is a lot of people in it five it's like avengers assemble but really crap [Music] australia have a maybe nice food maybe nice food thank you jake uh but we are doing a gift exchange all of us have bought presents for each other yeah we don't know what we're gonna get obviously uh so we're gonna open those in a minute and see what amazing presents i've got and uh yeah yeah i got you something really good what is it that sounds very sarcastic that's terrifying all right more merry questions from the uk you fools mer absolutely love you all thank you for making 2020 bearable thank you very much thanks daniel says merry christmas to you lads love from south uh south africa thank you very much daniel uh thank you you know it says merry christmas from switzerland thank you for all the joy you brought with your videos this year thank you very much i mean this year has been not a great year but i think we've had some fun like journey across japan was a lot of fun going on to jail across japan did you enjoy it yeah [Music] um dark night dark night dark night i think i think natsuki was annoyed that uh joey and i did all the fun stuff on journey across japan after natsuki disappeared like we went to the hot spring log we saw mount fuji we went to a british theme park uh and then when natsuki was there we just went to like an abandoned love hotel and ate some horrible foods and he was a little bit annoyed about that statue and the statues yeah scary statue it's pretty messed up neither of us like spiders uh willie says is kfc actually good in japan it sucks in kentucky really it sucks in kentucky kfc in the uk is good kfc japan they don't have any gravy here and that's not the best thing about kfc right no gravy though here andrew says merry christmas from sydney thank you andrew merry christmas to you alejandro says this is wonderful you should make a new movie with the crew in mexico a new movie in mexico uh natsuki really loving that helium however that's he's loving the helium all right presents where is that how do you want to open the presents uh i mean you can do it one at a time if you want to just pick one it's a lot of presence in it how did dave manage to become friends with famous youtubers says gigi the secret the secret to meeting people as a youtuber is have twitter i don't know how i don't know why it's just twitter i i met like joey and charlotte on twitter and uh that's that's the secret from australia no kangaroos here looking at you came all right present time present time present so this is from joey and i to you hey to natsuki president what you got thank you oh says does natsuki enjoy listening to ac dc merry christmas from brisbane do you like it money talks [Music] uh what else do you get what are the presents it's pretty cool though hd says merry christmas all of you from the uk love you all thank you very much guys i hope you're having a good christmas uh wherever you are it's been a bit of a weird christmas this one i i used to go back to the uk for christmas but uh probably not a good idea right now and my thoughts go out to everybody in the uk uh this difficult and thoroughly crap time but uh this is kind of made up for it having everyone here and depending on the presence i get that could really determine if this was worth it or not yeah i've got a present that's good i'm really greedy all right oh thank you this is from here oh it's from village manga so i know yeah joey loves going to village yeah it actually wasn't though really i didn't get it but it says it was vanguard on the back you must be one of their like oh that's not like uh i'll dive into some questions yes please oh christian captain anarak says thank you again that steve made my day uh i've subbed to everybody on the stream and uh you really helped me get my japan fix so thank you for keeping me sane much love captain america oh here it is i've seen these i really wanted to like it i don't know i was gonna buy them so oh man it can be any one of these on inside they're all i don't know they're all they're all kind of cool actually i don't know i don't know all right let's let's not all shout over my ears loud it's like sitting in a cinema at the moment uh alyssa says merry christmas from the usa let's hope next year we're better hope you'll enjoy your gifts and kfc is it really good it's not like as we've established uh merry christmas thanks to the videos thank you said andrew nice uh do you want to read a question asking no no marcus marcus marcus i'm glad these characters from youtube japan have found a following all right coconut oh from you yeah okay here let me try and open this is a big present if anyone watched my gift video you probably know what is it uh it's from charlotte to me i don't know what it is yet let's open this you read this one okay see panasonic do you give me a camera dude no [Music] that's what to say bro don't ever sit here if you ever do a show i i am ion iron idiot oh it's an iron oh wait no what no what is this so like when i use your hair dryer at your house and you didn't have this one i was like oh my gosh she doesn't have the highest hair dryer in the world i remember this is the best the best hair dryer in the world a hair dryer put your hair in no no um the wind is really cool it's not overly hot there we go merry christmas or uh stephen palmer with the 30 pounds merry christmas all you're all better than at least hawkeye uk is mince pies and christmas cake but there are there any treats or snacks typically eaten at christmas or in december in japan what do you eat at christmas in japan natsuki oh really christmas time nanita christmas cake christmas cake chicken chicken and rice rice rice they don't really um they don't really celebrate christmas in japan it's all a bit weird like it's like christmas but without soul a soul like sushi you eat sushi on christmas really sushi what's always what's interesting at christmas on uh on boxing day like every all the decorations are gone overnight like for my because we don't have boxing days they say boxing day so it's just like christmas feels very artificial and a bit rubbish yeah okay it's that box that everyone gets so this is that yeah yeah everyone's too lazy it's a box inside a box inside another box what is it so it's a portable charger you can just go you just have to plug it into your phone and it charges while you're walking there's no cord that's so handy yeah so you have to charge the charger just plug in your phone for like live streams yeah yeah so there's no wires hanging yeah there's no wires or anything so just pack that into your things oh thank you very much actually pretty cool very useful make me feel guilty about the presents i've got you now which aren't quite as good that's like really cool thanks guys might actually use this what questions we've got jack let's see uh merry christmas to the gang love to see the chaos and british depression in real time merry christmas british depression in real time british depression in real time british depression how do you say that in japanese joey a tough one to bash out in japanese british depression even when you translate into japanese it doesn't work caitlyn with the 50 bucks have your holidays you've all made my year a little brighter hopefully someday i'll be up front at a nutsky spider trash raw that's fine you're new hopefully new band hopefully uh next year or sometime soon we can actually do some sort of live in person meet up like uh we kind of wanted to do one this week this year but uh wasn't really gonna happen was it but uh hopefully next year we can make up for that and we can actually susan leeway with the five dollars who says where's your festive hat chris antlers legally required at this time of year there's a hat over there oh no it's out of reach oh what a shame oh no terrible santa claus oh man what are you guys doing for christmas anything fun is it as mental as this is there more presence yeah yeah so this one's to joey from chris i think you should oh i think you should read the tag okay the tag says to joseph the animation boy of rubbish taste fame merry christmas a present from me to you i gave me a kiss though he says chris and then it says no expense spares go on there all right i why is this hat on it feels like a book christ actually kind of fits quite well doesn't it oh nice what's the present shall we it's blu-ray of perfect blue wow this game is off we don't have that game hanging on movie movie that's your favorite film isn't it look at that joey yeah it's satoshi khan's perfect blue it's really good film should definitely watch that i don't actually have that on blu-rays that's better there you go yeah see good present nice nice friend oh it's actually quite nice thank you and if you haven't seen this film i highly recommend checking it out it's actually really good i'm not somebody who watches a lot of anime uh unlike joey but uh when i do i watch this it's good i haven't i haven't been meaning to i haven't been meaning to rewatch this actually so that's perfect oh satoshi film is pretty good merry christmas all your videos this year have helped with the british depression for my girlfriend tonight you all have a great 2021 and let's hope it's the roaring 20s all over again the roaring 20s let's hope so certainly hope so uh yeah hopefully japan will reopen at some point next year maybe around may i mean it seems a bit daft to speculate but may could well happen so keep your fingers crossed uh fingers crossed yeah do you have another problem this present is to sharla um i picked this out oh [Music] but it means like um calico in japanese merry christmas too much on christmas all right what we got jerry let's read out some questions question question any questions for natsuki folks what drinks we got here let's try this japan doesn't really do cider you get this this is quite good i recommend this cedar cedar by seagull she buys seashells by the seashore seashells she sells seashells by the seashore she's now she said bye that'll do it what mike is chris using what my friend am i using it is a rode microphone nh1k thousand what's nuts favorite beer what's your favorite beer yeah we're drinking asahi today because it's cheap that's the only reason i'm drinking stuff good it's so nice only hot guy though five dollars for natsuki since he knows bomber bikers have sean from me i don't remember even buying him anything when is the next night to see the movie when's the next nasty the movie natsuki no natsuki's a movie for you and here's what he said this year this year november november it's coming out this year in november apparently look forward to it guys let's go back in time i mean yeah i think we did journey across japan instead so yeah does anyone have any big plans for 2021 or projects uh we are looking at doing another journey across japan because we really enjoyed season two a lot of fun so we'd love to do it again maybe in kyushu because none of us have been to kyushu so that is on the cards i'm down for kyushu yeah have you have you explored kishore i've never been to kyushu he's never been totally up yeah so what do i get you natsuki this is the present i got natsuki it's it's chocolate chocolate intelligence kyoto kyoto busan oh gracies [Music] there's only one really good brand of gin in japan um so let's actually a british guy living in kyoto who's done it kenobi house of kenobi really good gin i've never that's why i got natsuki yeah thank you good friends you're gonna try you wanna try the gym jesus 54 54 is this a good idea no come on no matter what all right so you've got like three different types of gin i love this stuff i have a lobby you like jim only do only gym huh are you guys gonna drink it now [Music] is somebody i saw somebody write gin plus helium equals win says stoney brooks yes can i be general kenobi allow me [Music] what is everyone's favorite christmas movie and does japan have any original christmas movies my favorite christmas movie home alone die hard die hard die hard yes die hard best christmas film forest tastes like a forest tastes like a flower like a forest like a forest hmm oh you're talking about the gin yeah it does the movie does have very nice floral tones that's why i did that strong strong but it's like what's the fastest jake amazing with the 50 australians says question time is natsuki's favorite guitar to play mine is i don't know what guitars are but like that's that's is that good yeah that's a cool guitar that's a cool guitar do you know brian said sir yeah i know yeah yeah it's good guitar we're gonna rock this town lucky inside get the impression that's an artist not a type of guitar chris broad looks a bit like robert downey jr but can you buy natsuki a one cup sake i know how much you i don't know can i buy natsuki a one cup sake why would you do that i think i gave a one cup sake tanetsky in the last live show and he like nearly choked to death really yeah it was pretty horrible don't don't drink it but this is good let's try this this gin that tastes like a forest 54 no less yeah let me try it as well uh thank you all oh my god thank god for making twenty twenty five much better as bad as it gets here in the uk at least we don't have to eat the child merry christmas it's really strong oh god can you sing christmas eve that's my favorite color oh song natsuki yeah with helium can i try the juice oh jesus this is a lot of helium i'm really worried this is going to go horribly wrong nasty just i mean [Music] holy just ruined a perfectly good song oh god oh god when is natsuki starting his youtube channel next year next year apparently do the natsuki yeah everybody subscribe to do the natsuki [Music] do that do that do that do that natsuki and each video will start with natsuki drinking 54 gin yeah and then launching into a monologue strong but it's really nice it's very nice tastes like a foreign it says american living in shimane prefecture here have you ever been to izumo taisha any plans to visit the sangin area in the future happy holidays is it more taisha [Music] oh yeah i don't know that one actually that that like shimane is like one of those preferences you don't hear that much about the west side isn't it like one of the most famous shrines in japan where is it i am on scale of one to 10. which part of the gamut it becomes like a pretty big city is like a nine west ikebukuro is like a six i don't i'm not a big fan of it yeah west is crap right business is hi from singapore hi from singapore merry christmas to you all does christ does christ have any plans christ has any plans to make abroad in japan again i really enjoyed all the episodes with joey in it with joey in it uh yeah i think i think they mean journey across japan yeah so like i said we're gonna do a journey across japan next year probably in spring probably in kyushu what do you think uh probably hawaii probably hawaii sake island japan in hawaii uh what are your guys's plans for new year's day new year's day just gonna sit in a room and drink gin probably what are you gonna do new year's day first of january what are you going to do january 1st stay home stay home what will you do so sit at home karina get it clean it's going to clean up a real celebration to bring in the new year clean the house rick murray uh asks what would you recommend for a romantic place event to do for couples in japan romantic place in japan number one place star star from anywhere in the world you can enjoy the same scenery by looking up at the stars and that is romantic you do it that's cute only he only looks up stamina it's kind of powerful look up at sky it's kind of poetic and nice if not somewhat flawed um japan is supposed to the only song in japan to hit the billboard 100 at number one was uh sukiyaki song by sakamoto queue remember i look up and i look up while i'm walking so the tears don't fall down my face don't look no tears with the fifty dollars who says in australia we have rokujin and ginzujin are they popular in japan i enjoyed jin but i know japan is famous for whiskey as well as sake what is your poison of choice and is there anything you've ever really wanted to try yeah japan is famous for its whiskey like 12 years 12 orders 18 15 and 24. you drink it good day every day no no no i'm proud boy i'm poor boy boy i'm poor i love where you went i'm poor boy no i'm poor man i'm not just a boy i'm a man what do you drink every day yeah so chew shochi that's horrible it's cheap it's very cheap nice smell ah it smells like paint stripper quick drunk quick drugs if you want to get drunk drink it yeah there's not much uh it doesn't smell like a forest does it yeah forest they don't have time to enjoy the smell of things in japan they have to drink it quick i i don't know man like there's better things than social to get drunk i'd love to see natsuki do like an advert for this gym like a forest like uh lost in translation style like a forest like a forest like a forest commercial you'll do it [Music] yeah let's do it andrew says bring natsuki to ireland so he can roam with the cows and drink jameson natsuki i would love to go to ireland ireland of course he wants to go huh i've been yeah ariel ireland yeah i'm not a general i remember he wants to see the pokes to be a real man it's interesting the first thing that natsuki wants to go to ireland for it's not like drinking or fear it's just beat the pokes yeah that's that's nice that's true actually when natsuki first came to london uh three or four years ago when we came together we arrived at heathrow airport and got in a taxi and the taxi driver was playing the pogues i wanted to do this yeah it's really nice really nice atmosphere really kind of got us into the christmas spirit in ireland you know no in london london yeah and the taxi driver in question claimed to know the post because he saw them play a pub once oh wow that was a nice story probably lying i personally was very dubious story but it's lovely i personally love ireland you want to move there right well maybe when you're moving there let's get an expose mother in the next however many years maybe yes maybe i don't know there's no plans here right dr jelly commercial number three must feature natsuki because next time do you want to be in the dr jelly commercial jelly and my assistant dr natsuki i love the way that the japanese word pinchy kimchi suru it means to be in trouble yeah when you're in a pinch when you're in a pink pinchy sitter i've just realized dr han jelly doctor he's cleverly cheeky natsuki's trying to get some sort of free promotion he's trying to get some free promotion by putting his product in the background the entire time sneaky devil mythology is like valhalla in norse mythology where all the gods can heroes meet and celebrate pretty cool thank you for the information uh merry christmas to you all do you have any christmas traditions says christina i get up on alcohol the australian way that's how that's the australian way i just i actually watched british tv for the only time of the year why because it's tradition watch british tv see the queen's speech where she just talks about some stuff it's not that overly entertaining hello presents it's like you're all paying yourself it's the only time i watch british tv it's christmas that's my tradition what's your christmas tradition tradition on christmas day every year what do you do but i don't have my god not good there's no god no god that's depressing this man really delves in because japanese um see you don't do anything nothing nothing not even kfc christmas nothing that's sad atlas says hey chris if you're struggling for a topic talk about mince pies talk about mince pies says atlas says atlas it's a very narrow topic out let's just say that mince pies can you talk about mince pies for five minutes mince pies do you like mince doesn't trust me now because i usually give him foods that poison him like the uh the hot sauce on this channel when you're done with this live show if you haven't seen it there's a great video probably my favorite video this year it's called japanese people destroyed by american hot sauce or something and we gave him the the sauce from first we feast the last dab remember the last dab spicy devil the devil the devil sauce he looked like he was going to die food do you remember um soy sauce honey bee oh yeah from jenny across japan oh the junior crusher scary food we see hell hell yeah to be fair i'm very mean to natsuki i've got you a gift though ah a good friend of mine sent me these takis uh american crisps uh if you're not from america you probably know what they are [Music] ben smith says chris as a fellow i've had it i can't say i like it chris a fellow british boris johnson chris as a brit have you heard the new boris johnson yes ben i've heard that uh what's it called boris johnson is a is a yeah i don't know if you could say it might get the live stream buggered but i think it's trending at number two in the uk at the moment it's amazing i showed chris the other day it's amazing sour sour salad all in one all in one blankets oh god they're so good pigs in blankets sausages wrapped in bacon yeah oh that sounds so good yeah when like i really that's that's the reason i come back to the uk every year right for christmas because it ain't the same in japan having a kfc doesn't quite cut it when you're used to a full-blown proper diesel british uh christmas dinners and blankets blankets because they want pork wrapped in bacon so good so good you enjoyed christmas dinner in the uk right that's good do you remember the christmas dinner it gives you no christmas dinner he was shocked um first time that was the first time every day passed though every day while i was in the uk it was like a one great great sauce baby gravy gravy sauce is delicious should we do the other person certainly like the sausages i remember that much that was good i don't know really to a real turkey which again you can't get in japan they don't grow them here they don't uh grow them they don't grow technically turkeys it's yeah it's just very pricey and so it's very hard to get hold of and you can't find an oven that fits a regular turkey yeah i mean i don't have an oven i'd have to like put in a frying pan and just flip it which isn't going to really work is it i mean what we got you guys want to come back [Music] well joey's rummaging through let's see what we got i've seen some strange christmas themed stuff in my job as a lost luggage uh in id luggage what's the strangest christmas theme items you've seen strangest christmas themed items christmas night christmas yeah it is strange i can't i can't profess to know anything uh tony says merry christmas everyone chris did you give joey natsuki a mousepad not yet tony but thank you for sending those mouse pads uh that's so cool i can't wait to to get them out stop reading the comments and open your present from oh my god match mush what the is that mushroom what's that it's a mushroom farm are you gonna burst through there's only one thing i wanted this christmas and it was my very own mushroom farm i know i've got mushrooms yeah mr farmer ferment it's the farmer and the next year mushroom cut yeah get a mushroom coffee mushroom [Laughter] right right not a mushroom cart this is an invention i've just made up what's inside it what's inside this clearly a mushroom farm is inside there oh oh my gosh what is that mushrooms a giant rice krispie cake oh god of it grow mushrooms at home easy and fun [Music] yeah what can you grow what kind of mushrooms is that shiitake wow what did you get what did you get for christmas was as good as a mushroom farm impossible um mr farmer fantastic thank you shana i look forward to uh start my mushroom farm that'll be my new spin-off channel i brought in brought in a what else we got present-wise it's not going to top the mushroom farm though is it possible what are you guys anything good for christmas this is the number one present says natsuki [Laughter] uh do you know who this is for i don't know there's nothing on it oh it says to sharla from chris you've got to come and open it up you can see inside of it [Music] what what place in japan do you recommend to go for someone who's never been to japan before recommend place in japan i recommend let me think about that oh i've seen those what is it it's like a ceramic humidifier oh i actually kind of need one yeah so you like water it like acts as a humidifier don't say cat it's not a mushroom farm it's not a mushroom farm but it is a ceramic way oh humidifier wait what did you get the essential oils chris got you essential oils chris scott chris essential aroma choice thank you i'm gonna get a presentation oh doctor ceramic humidifier got natsuki some whiskey uh i've got some good says what place in japan do you recommend for somebody who's never been to japan before place in japan is interesting place for somebody who's never been to japan um oh yeah i've got my one too to joey from charlotte kanazawa it's an interesting choice easy one day easy alone you could do it in one day was really nice we went there for journey across japan in the first season but the weather was really crap and we only got to see a fish market so we'd love to go back there though really nice place i actually recommend uh takayama where we went uh virginia across japan last season with that with uh joey with the the hot spring log and the beautiful streets takayama gets my vote look charlie gave me charlotte gave me like a cat's paw like massager there's always something i'm gonna try it oh sorry i up i've your phone oh get the message don't my phone come on does it pop or natsuki santosh says finally the much anticipated kfc christmas party merry christmas dr jelly chris and anime man beer and sake for the ladies love from india thank you very much santosh thank you oh that is quite nice yeah isn't it useless i could very much attack and uh you know if somebody wants to make an anime of that he'll he'll love that he'll love that very much morgan says i want trash taste or joey to go to finland again someday i don't know what i should do to get chris to finland you've been definitely right i've been watching greenland i like it yeah feeling's really nice we think how many times finland talking about finland okashi what uh in a previous in a previous video we got some really weird sweets from finland oh like uh uh what what the hell was that thing there was some really bad actually very strange you know yeah nasty's image of finland is just a land of a land of that wasn't finland that was just fisherman's friend wake up fish and uh though i really like being one andy macarthur michael morlos all i want for christmas is natsuki and ryotaro says will not abstain when we look when we did this live show is he yeah is he though ryotaro is bonzo jake jake says uh what's joey's favorite guitar to play uh les paul epiphan this ball this is that's from shower a shadow cat cat coco the cat what's this tanetsky have fun have fun merry christmas always ha always fun huh fun always fun always fun and always always fun and what is it open it up open it up happy because charlotte actually gives natsuki nice things unlike me i poison that ski with hot sauce and dangerous finished sweets charlotte actually gives him nice things like cadbury wonder i never even heard that cadbury wonderbar as a british guy seeing cadbury products that we don't have in the uk it's very confusing miracle i wanted to ask what is the weirdest thing yeah it's like it's like a snowman you can build and then it slowly melts over make it build it now that's snowman that's normal let's snowman red snowman explode everywhere how do you guys feel about american grape flavors wait a minute the weirdest thing i've seen in japan uh in japan or experienced or experienced the crazy the crazy bar in no crazy japan this is probably the bar in tokyo's craziest bar i made a video called tokyo's craziest bar and it involves a puppet frog and that's all you need to know go and watch it because i thought i'd explain it because this video will get demonetized that is the strangest thing i've seen in japan tokyo's craziest bar watch it after you've seen this live show oh sleepy gone big fan of yours from the uk definitely planning on visiting japan uh i hope you're doing well and i've lost the comment rockstar you better hurry because my phones are two percent definitely planning on visiting japan during cherry blossom season much love tenacious always enjoy seeing them hope you're well and are safe p.s natsuki you're a rock star from sleepy gaunt thank you sleepy gone natsuki you're a rock star i don't know look sir you're a rock star no rock he's a rock star yeah like a rock if he made it to the end of natsuki the movie you'll know full well and actually he's a rock star you'll have seen him if you can make this snowman i'll do it we'll do it that's right i've got my phone so you put yours on charge oh this this i love the way that natsuki is building a snowman all right what do we got how do you get comments up i'm completely rubbish at youtube just put just put the live chat on there there we go cool uh we've got one from vicky cooper says thank you all for bringing joy to my life this year enjoy some drinks on me thank you vicky i think we've got too many drinks already this table's covered we've got a sahibi beer we've got uh shiroi sawa santori my favorite drink it's not really alcoholics three percent that's pretty good we've got this soda that's opened but has yet not no one's even added awesome hey and we've got a gin that tastes like a forest so thank you very much though victory there you go it's really nice refreshing i do like cider i'm so excited uh marley says nothing but very generously tipped the video thank you very much marley it's very kind of you uh psychoseek says hey sharla aki chris joey and natsuki just wanted to thank you all a merry christmas and thank you for the great videos this year hey chris you guys helped me get a grip of my japan withdrawal christmas thank you very much psychoseek um i felt i hopefully though you've not been able to visit japan this year hopefully you'll be able to see it and enjoy the country and i'm slaying my words god drunk too much how do you enjoy japan through the videos thank you very much no country no us what we uh galaxy people what's it you know when nascus are too much gin what's the snowman holy holy holy it's pretty cool isn't that oh oh no i've broken it it's just the face one fish it's like one long face it's it's hands are growing out of its ears it's like a pudding so it's slowly melting yeah it might it might take a couple of days though it's pretty cool i've got a muscle kit that's a lot of chocolate that's a lot of chocolate a good boy peanuts peanut i thought i said arachnids i thought it said arachnid what does it actually say peanut iraq all right it's the extent of my french hangover it's quite nice though really it's good dancho says if i ever come across to japan i challenge you to a jelly drinking contest let's go jelly drinking let's go hog dr pepper dr jerry pepper dr jelly pepper good god sam says merry christmas from chicago can't wait to plan my own trip after watching all your videos thank you sam and i hope you're able to get over here next year enjoy yourself what is it is that the peanut butter this table is covered in so much food the city wants a popcorn oh my god oh man i'm drinking this does anybody have any uh any of you guys have any new year's resolutions for exploding any new year's resolutions for next year don't die what's new year's resolution japanese i forgot name in the horsey the international just more famous more famous right oh yeah it's already melted oh the front just do like a time lapse yeah just leave leave the slow around there and there you go and see how speed through the video and just uh just watch the snowman melt before your eyes end on natsuki that will be two and three two and three yeah pure greed natsuki just very back-to-back national two-three like you like the avengers you've got the avengers made trailers like the next three movies fantastic yes we're gonna make an avengers two three and four all at the same time uh tripped says kanatsky come down the chimney instead of santa this year i don't know if you want that to be honest natsuki falling is falling down the chimney covered in cigarettes i'll be glorious thomas says wishing you all very merry christmas and a happy new year thank you thomas uh we've got one from it's hampel just called it's hampel uh merry christmas from ireland guys could we get a compilation of the best natsuki-isms for example spider trash sometime natsuki says absolute gold uh we think you're making a book with natsuki uh just labeling weird things in english for example in that video natsuki saw a cobweb and just went oh it's spider trash right referred to refrigerator as a cold box didn't matter cold box uh cenesca is a very good at just like pointing at things and coming up with some sort of spontaneous always be when he pointed to the abandoned love hotel and he called a scary point that's still my favorite we cut that out of the video because it just sounded too weird yeah probably should have put that in yeah when we got to the love hotel he's like it's a scary scary point i know exactly what you mean uh lucas says what's the happy thing slash moment you will remember 2024 saying mount fiji after all these years like unmitigated failure yeah it was amazing like again we didn't think we're gonna see it didn't we joey no we didn't it was like that was so the entire time we weren't yeah we never thought we'd see it so uh to like when it suddenly appeared from behind the clouds it was magical and i won't forget that feeling and we like changed our whole like film schedule for that day we're gonna go and film and do some stuff and then mount fuji appeared and we just cancelled our plans and just went and filmed it all yeah it was a lot of fun yeah but that was my highlight what was your favorite moment this year natsuki when we picked her up two hours late that was a highlight was it on takasaki station too late we were two i was like that was his best moment where he was nothing nothing nothing me going to car and onsen the position place love hotel and that was your highlight was it scary waiting for two out being two hours late and then going to a love hotel yeah poor natsuki i always wondered what he did at that train station for two hours look at the snowman this is really quite important uh cheers to you all uh from papa fiasco uh is this the year the great rivalry between the british spy man and the anime man comes to a close or is this just a holiday truce the there's no rivalry no we're friends apparently uh we're friends as we have a knife to each other's backs it's because he left me in the tunnel in it the haunted tunnel and sadly i never got my revenge on joey on journey across japan tea i was supposed to like i should have just like locked joey in the cupboard at the love hotel and just off but i mean it was nice i think you got your revenge when you refer to me as natsuki at the final episode yeah that was you can witness the very frame with my videos not send me not send you not saying oh you said you didn't see that very scary point it was dirty it was unplayed it was horrible the love hotel uh what's the worst slash funniest gift you ever received platielle i'm always so bad at these questions being put on the spot i'm robin uh natsuki what's the worst gift you ever got is the worst presents a cake a cake i don't like cake doesn't like cake you don't like cake um john brown says my whole family is studying japanese together thank you for bringing such educational and entertaining connect content uh p.s natsuki is adorable ah kawaii natsuki i like this question from chris i found you from your haunted onsen video where you visit more videos in japan oh yeah it was fun yeah ryota and i went to a haunted onsen in the water and uh saw like a there was like we didn't see a ghost but like something happened with like a bird falling off a shelf that was pretty creepy i'd love to go to some more if i can find some more haunted onsen then i'd love to go to the home only on only homo that's like a horrible natsuki things joey and i have a special relationship because we always sit in a bath together always nugget because it's just and and in the last video i made uh with alex the real estate guy was sitting in like a hot tub again i mean you bring it up we do we do that a lot it's just fake uh mark gauchi i love this uh his do you want to know what mark's new year's resolution is mark's new year's resolution yeah yeah it says yes uh thank you what the are you on about it maybe it looks look right and look looks kubota ken ken cooper there i don't know what he's all about thank you somebody watching this called me fun coming to my shop oh okay a guy called ken ken kubota ken kubota came to natsuki's shop came here and uh said hello to natsuki oh that's nice that's nice in it i said elections uh kyle says have you seen the new super nintendo world theme park or do you plan on doing any videos there i would love to i'm sure yeah that's right up your street i'm surprised the trash tastes lucky you really wanted to make a video on it can we get down there with the trash tastes or was actually going to get there first i'd love to go when that's universal studios right yeah they've got like a mario land and i think it opens in like mario everybody avenges mario avengers mario land yeah all the achievers in japan descending upon mario land maybe he he me what are you maybe wario warrior yeah you're warrior cheeky bastard i'm one oh boy when will we see chris be when will we see chris drifting instead of just filming the trash taste group with joey and will joey make a triumphant return to stall city actually said joey's producer did offer that i could drive but i just no i thought three guys is already quite a lot and i don't wanna show off i would have won oh wow as the guy who does all the driving i mean i drove the three guys i drove conor garner and joey all the way up there uh so yeah that was fun i would have won watch the video if you haven't it's on interesting it's quite a good video and i did enjoy flying the drones for them and they're crashing them into the cars that was a lot of fun yeah i love the episode uh kampai from norway i will leave a whiskey and cigarette fanatsky when he drops down my chimney on christmas day i like cereal really really yeah in in like when when uh santa claus comes down the chimney you leave a present like uh milk or cookies and uh what was then uh they said uh uh nakath says that there will be whiskey and cigarettes fanatsuki whiskey and cigarettes if you come down the chimney it's singular he doesn't care about the whiskey just can't is good debatable it's available less cigarettes oh my god look how melted it is wow that's i thought it was going to be like over the span of a couple of days or something but it's like none there like take a screen grab of that that's the highlight of the the whole show wait wait it might be like completely melted by the time it ends let's just leave it just leave it what and who bought this again of course you did like a like a clock it could be the clock that sort of contemporary art a contemporary post post-modern sand timer a melting snowman beautiful hold on i need to measure exactly 12 minutes and 37 seconds got the hey guys do you have any recommendations for stargazers to go when visiting japan greetings from the netherlands not the city not tokyo yeah no any yeah it's to see the stars where's the best place in japan uh maybe yamanashi no no no no no no no no no where we went on across japan right in the mountains away from the city of japan middle of japan yeah it's good i agree with that oh yamanashi lots of mountains there as well it's high have you done have you looked at the stars in nagano uh one time one time karaoke in calories very trendy resort uh we've got one from now we don't i'm crappy reading these out uh my new year's thing is to start drafting a manga comic and to hopefully have it be reviewed by joey says after school you're the anime i'm just loud look all of this i need if i do a manga would you review it yeah and i would like give it a score immediately oh but seriously oh kanza says everyone recommend a band what kind of band a band what was the british one we saw the other day the the cats the uh spell k-u-n-t-s and they've got the number two hit song in the uk at the moment called boris johnson is that effing why i say when i just said it anyway it's a good start but the band is the concert sport with the k so it's not the bad one this won't get demonetized what's your favorite band and prepare for a long list yeah daddy boy and crush sex pistols three cats stray cats slow cats yeah doors guns and roses ten pounds to choose from i'll go with the depeche modes i've been listening to them a lot this year don't know why specifically but they're good they're bloody good i don't know why like that it's just them i've been listening they're really good uh laughing puppet says is there any snow where you are now uh if or when there is can we see a snowman building contest i mean there is snowball i don't think there's one right here here's your snowman building contest it's thoroughly sunken now um there's a lot there's a fair bit of snow here this year there's been a lot of snow japan's actually had a record yeah north japan had a record just like a massive cold front coming into japan it's pretty brutal yeah apparently every year they could they can tell like how much snow there's going to be depending on where the insects lay their nests and stuff and this year they put them really high meaning they knew there was going to be lots of snowfall somehow magically that's so crazy isn't it the insects know intuition maybe it's just because it's just colder throughout the air and they're like oh the snow's coming i feel the air yeah but yeah no i yeah it's a lot of snow and uh it's cool it's i feel like in the christmas spirit driving here through all the snow all right eating this kitkat are you a fan of snow snow do you like it i don't like snow it doesn't like snow why not maybe not driving oh it's pretty stressful difficult it's difficult we've got one from uh logan who says from joey tanetsky what are your guys favorite christmas horror movie or show christmas horror movie nightmare before christmas [Music] the only christmas horror movie is there any other christmas horror movie christmas horror movie it's it's the lifelong uh debate of is nightmare before christmas a halloween movie or a christmas movie maybe chucky chucky chucky's not a christmas she's not a christmas horror film or a christian i i i can't think of any other horror christmas movie other than that before hold on home alone i mean home alone is pretty sinister when you think about it it's like a little boy being like an r-rated being like assaulted by two middle-aged men but he's pretty messed up in some respects in hindsight and his family forgetting what's going on there but uh i say the grinch that stole chris the grinch is still christmas without you considering horror jim carrey is pretty terrifying in the first half jimmy carroll yeah the grinch the grinch you've seen my camp at this horrible really i think so it's title of that not okay let me look it up what do you think about that travis says thanks for teaching us about japan hope you have a merry christmas could you make a series where you visit a random location in the u.s a random location in the u.s but where i i've got an obsession with utah at the moment where do you want to go in the u.s new york new york los angeles los angeles los angeles yeah it's moderate crew it's motley clay nikki six he loves me six in japan i've i've got obsessed with utah at the moment and the texas texas pretty close we could do that in one go that's bigger thick jesus christ it's really i want to wait i want to wait for it to turn into a puddle i wonder how low the snowman goes it apparently just turns into a puddle really yeah so let's just wait it now creepy disgusting sand timer uh sleepy gone says again big fan of yours from the uk definitely playing with his team japan during trade blossom season uh we've read that one out but thank you sleepy gaunt um we've got one from sir revolver what japanese movie do you recommend for the holiday season in america man many families watch christmas vacation or elf uh i recommend tokyo godfathers who which is satoshi kong the same director from the uh film i gave joey earlier uh that's a really good beautiful anime yeah take a godfathers it was a good christmas japanese christmas movie shenzhen or christmas yeah merry christmas to lawrence yeah with david bowie christmas mr lawrence mr christmas i think that might be santa merry christmas merry christmas merry christmas that's fantastic is very yes not the most happy christmas film right now but it's a good film concentration camp story yeah it's pretty brutal it's a real film but a very good film i'll get you in the spirit of christmas emily says greetings from okinawa i've just moved here in august and i was mentally prepared to only hear last christmas during the christmas season but in fact i've heard every song but last christmas every song last christmas you hear it everywhere in japan these horrible covers last christmas there's so many bad covers in japan i love the uh i love the shitty midi versions that they play in family mart last christmas cover in japan crispy but uh thank you jbug very nice um we've got how's it going sticker god the original journey across japan is the best is the best thing on youtube if you were to do it over again what would you do differently merry christmas to all from elin lindread uh if i was to do the original journey across japan i would uh just wouldn't do it on a bike i don't want an e-bike because then i could like drive it a bit easier and less stressful an e-bike yeah like one that's powered with a battery oh would would have taken some of the struggle out of it e-bike electric bike would have made a bike for an ethos would have been a lot more fun i think um but no i'm really looking forward to doing it doing journey across japan three next year like we're pretty certain we're gonna do it right i think so you want to do it april where where do you want to go yeah and you've have you been to kishi one time one time where'd you go um nagasaki kumamoto but your family is from kumamoto i i'm not i'm not an expert on japanese history but in the 1800s there was like the whole country went against each other right split down the middle uh and half the country lost against the other yeah i think the last battle was actually not too far from here natsuki thinks because his samurai clan lost that's why he ended up living in the countryside if he'd won it'd be in tokyo with the winners that was uh nascar's family is from asso that's right the name yeah because asso caldera aso it's mean volcano um yeah mount the biggest volcano in japan is in kumoto and natsuki's name is natsuki asso yeah natsuki yeah matthew says in japan uh i'm in japan i've just parted ways from my ekaiwa english language class i have a few offers right now should i choose nagoya or tokyo tokyo it's pretty easy nagoya or tokyo that way that's cool but i mean there's more things to do in tokyo nagoya or tokyo nowhere it's easy time now we are the one benefits perfectly in the middle of awesome in tokyo no way it's easy if you want to go to tokyo or yokohama or osaka you're kind of perfectly in the middle in that way maybe yeah i like i like nature i think if i'd rather take it there's a lot more going on there yeah there's a lot more people if you want to do more things i would recommend i think for me nagoya is more jumping off point to like kyoto takayama osaka that's my advice um you're my favorite youtuber in the world says carson could natsuki sing it's a christmas carol of course he could ask he's sing us a christmas song christmas carol christmas carol [Music] me straight to me santa claus is coming to me it's my favorite christmas carol oh god santa claus is coming to me help no town to me oh boy uh karina says merry christmas from the usa your videos helped me uh de-stress when i was working in okinawa will you ever go back to okinawa i would love to go back to okinawa um i was supposed to go for like a friend's wedding this year but that got cancelled because there's a virus you might have heard of uh but i'd love to go back next year i'd love to go you've been to okinawa no no nevermind you never been never been to hawaii but you've never been to okinawa no one wanted to go i don't know ah we should go together we can go together when next year yeah after after journey across japan scuba diving scuba ooh i'd love to see that i think good adventure can you swim i like samia i like sweets sweet sweet i like samia i like smear [Laughter] or you'll hear it you can swim yeah oh i didn't know that i don't think i've ever seen natsuki swimming 255 meters it's from 25 meters just little whole 25 whole 25 meters not the life iki you can hold your breath oh how long underwater one minute maybe one minute really it's pretty long see on it uh hey yeah i think the whole smoky theme might make that a little bit difficult to be honest ah uh just got to japan a few weeks ago out of quarantine and moving to an apartment uh and to an apartment in yokohama happy holidays to you all from will your good luck nice yeah good luck in yoga hammer well i hope the quarantine wasn't too uh bloody stressful seems to be like pretty hardcore um i think two weeks right you've got to sit in a hotel in quarantine yeah i don't know how you'd do that just watch abroad in japan um get through it i wanted to go back to australia for christmas like just to be like oh it i'll sit in two weeks of quarantine but then i thought i was like nah it's not worth it it's really not worth i don't want to waste two weeks of my life i think to some extent it sounds fun in some ways the idea of like being in a hotel for two weeks could be kind of fun like a film but then you think about everything about it realistically and it's just two weeks of wasting away doing nothing you can make a video though two weeks in quarantine like a i wonder how many youtube videos i haven't actually seen any but i would do it if i was gonna go in quarantine two weeks i'd make like a film about me gradually losing my mind like in a hotel room beginning of apocalypse now he's just just slowly getting drunk and losing your mind to the door colonel cats uh this is that's what it would be like um we've got one from there are some christmas horror films uh like krampus and black christmas also also will joey and the boys ever do a trash taste with yuta the japanese man uh no plans at the moment no plans at the moment no he's all right oh youtube yeah nice bloke he did he reacted to a video of me speaking japanese i remember did he deliver praise he said my japanese was better than average i believe it's pretty good so thanks youtube aren't you like japanese yeah i am so good to know good man there's been a lot of um uh like react videos this year isn't there like the craze i i've had like 25 videos uh reacting to abort japan this year uh and some of them are good some of them aren't so serious i know like i have strong views i'm thinking about making a video on it um because it's quite interesting like the japan times like covered it and they like made an article on it because it was such a bizarre phenomenon that just sprung out of nowhere yeah it did kind of come out yeah um so i'm thinking of covering it i don't know what do you guys think should we do that natsuki's cracked out even more beer but you can't see it right but over here and i don't move the camera because we'll probably it all up there's like 20 different drinks here is just like taking a swig of each one that's rather exciting um and the wine and the beer and the jam on the side put it all into only only one drink natsuki see what happens kenobi nice he's nice sarah says i love watching you guys can't wait to come to japan once the usa gets its crap together uh good luck sarah hopefully again it should be open middle of next year fingers crossed but then i'm not very good with predictions um my original chronovirus video this year i'll be fine it'll be it'll be great by april and then it wasn't and i regret that elaine says merry christmas you lovely people love from glasgow glasgow where's glasgow and then geography knowledge in glasgow glasgow domino [Music] hey geography in these usually you know chris and joey some of my favorite youtubers and i love how we how well researched the videos are while still managing to keep it fresh and real thank you very much uh el suarez hello from portugal says marina do you have any hidden talents merry christmas to you all my hidden talent is like a beatbox which you might have seen earlier on this show really books my talent it's natsuki's talent it's great having a mental breakdown that's not talent that's a show what's your hidden talent jerry i don't know do i have a hidden talent no no no you could do like everything you feel like i've shown all the things i have better than chris really yeah go on then thank you lobby thank you robin that's not better than me i'm a beat box off is that that b box off b off my hidden talent is that i'm better at japanese than natsuki bar where the monkeys serve your beer um but we removed the video because too long it was a little bit dubious by the end of it um look at the snowman look at this oh wow it's actually a puddle it's just getting lower and lower uh marley says is the mushroom farm hallucinogenic the snowman on the bottom i hope so the snowman on the box is a great time this the snowman should come with the mushroom farm i imagine just receiving this as a present you know the snowman should be an indicator of like how much the mushrooms are finished growing ice cream mothers the carrots like just flopped out jay says merry christmas you guys love your videos this year it's helped me make up my mind i'm moving to japan yeah i hope you have a very good 2021 emphasis i hope love from glasgow thank you jay uh i'm sorry for natsuki's inability to know where glasgow was we went around the world like three times before we found out alaska yeah it's weird he's very good at geography though usually yeah he knows where everywhere is like more than me so i was that was unfortunate i feel bad for him uh logan says which of you three guys would most likely fit the characters of clarkson hammond and may will we ever see natsuki drift i'm definitely definitely made yeah you're you're definitely a class i'm clarkson you talk like a clarkson and that's natsuki's haven't i guess so and will we ever see natsuki drift well if you've ever seen natsuki drive he's drifting anyway so his default is drifting it's pretty reckless drive to be honest so uh if you ever find yourself in the backseat of netsky's car you will learn the true definition of horror oh wait you just came back with some presents what is this santa secret present natsuki no he's not even in camera crawls natsuki's clothes not not gross only open oh closed can't that not cross center not closed open santa claus santa open hey kawaii some more presents it's been a lot of presence exchanged here today i think the mushroom farm is uh my personal favorite closely followed by the melting snowman thank you so much while you crack those open uh stefan says merry christmas can you die guys do some construction videos i prefer natural stone or ceramic tile work or visit a japanese home depot uh i actually i did a video in kyoto recently i've been in kyoto for the week very quiet city pretty cool uh and i went to a townhouse japanese townhouse and uh it was really cool so that's coming out next month that's gonna be like the first video in january so that's look forward to as for construction videos with me i can't do handiwork or anything good so i don't think that'll work don't join me that's [Music] [Music] even get me a present didn't ask you get me a present i don't remember giant pudding yeah i got like a toy like battle axe where you throw axes at the top wow hell yeah stop being surrounded by excited children he's a noodles flavored like potato that can't possibly be good good god uh we've got one from ty snyder if you ever if you would like to visit locations from the yakis games that are based uh in kabukicho or yokohama star wars go visit them keep safe and merry christmas yeah if you play the yakuza games one of them set in onomichi where we started the shimon army kaido cycles my present my presentation my yen store before this for this live show what's this japanese snack to translate that literally uh what is it i don't know ankodama [Music] hydrating this toner the natsuki brand mist toner shocking natsuki plugging his own products by giving them as gifts influencers the way he handed it to me it was all a bit dubious it's charged yeah wow what is it do you want me to open it i wasn't going with my blade no you bloody way oh you got a gossip what is that it's a it's a wax thing where you pull your nose hairs out oh thank you now you want to do it no i'm not taking it now you have to like microwave this because the wax needs to be hot what it's all like hygienic i think i think uh i think nathan is trying to tell you something man i got natsuki like the best gin in japan and he's got me some shoe deodorant and some hand soap what a great friend oh it's not an apple it's actually a fruit it's just the aphrodisiac i can't get it open wow god's sake what's this oh thank you natsuki what is that to get your arms fit unbelievable diet diet exercise so the the gag gift was chris you stink uh clean yourself up and the real gift was chris you're fat get fit oh really glad we're friends such great presents i remember this for next year i remember this for next year when it comes to buying that i'm going to smash that sword sorry i can't turn it off all right i'll turn it off crikey not open while natsuki tries to get my present open says trash taste crew should buy one of those old one dollar japanese countryside houses and do some sort of home renovation series that's pretty cool it actually sounds like a good idea because the japanese population is going down everyone's leaving the countryside like not gonna lie i wouldn't do that there's a lot of empty houses really nice houses as well yeah but you can buy for like a dollar wow you know what i'm actually gonna write that down because that actually sounds like a really good idea i should i should do that i'm gonna beat him too i'm gonna i mean i couldn't renovate a house if i wanted to so yeah exactly i'll leave that to you and connor's gone oh there we go oh gosh another it's not chocolate it's not an ipad oh man chocolate it's it's a wheel that you use to get even more fit oh thank you oh good friends good friends oh more oh what the is this bowling ball what is that what is this a giant chopper chops hat chopper no no [Music] just put your hand in it and then lay on it that's actually a good present thank you natsuki one out of five presents isn't bad um i can't i don't know what if it is that laura you do it first that's good that's alright yeah you should do it first that's good try yeah did you know that the person who came up with the chocolate chops was salvador dali i did know that actually uh merry christmas lots of love says kate thank you kate have a good christmas yourself uh a guy manly i said that is a cool name i hope that's your real name guy manly says merry christmas special thanks to natsuki you're the reason i subscribed to chris years ago you're awesome chris is cool too thank you guy uh sarah says natsuki is such a troll we saw that one like bullying i put him through hell and he likes to tease me as well it kind of works doesn't it i give natsuki hot sauce he buys me weird presents buys me shoe deodorant already i always give you a present so what did i give you last year good friend i always every year not the videos always chris already present grateful well i don't film it but we always exchange gifts see i'm nice apparently english style english style england [Applause] i think we better wrap things up well though guys before we all just die um of drinking things like exchanging presents but uh i've enjoyed this live show as it's just there's so many presents on this table like this i love the way they've been the snowman [Music] ah but uh will you do another abroad will you three do another abroad in japan a merry christmas from australia another another thank you awesome thank you australia yes we will do another brunch plan are you i [Music] yeah i think i'd rather be in the cold weather actually with the snake i suppose i'm so used to being in the summer is it easy to get in the festive spirit in australia yeah given that it's like hot and sunny like for the whole christmas image is like the cold snowy place now australia christmas in australia is you go to the beach or a pool and you have a beer in the pool santa santa claus is on a surfboard surfboard yeah it's cool santa claus on a surfboard yeah it's cool i missed australian christmas uh uh come on my missus there's a few uh i got woken up by my consultant phoning me to go get a colonoscopy colonoscopy christmas eve this year just gets better a colonoscopy christmas eve thank you all for your content can we go merry christmas sioretta thank you shieletta and good luck with the colors but thank you everyone for joining us on this fine evening i hope you have a great christmas no matter where you might be out there in the big wide world i hope your presents are as good as these presents as good as shoe deodorant uh swords gin and melting snowmen uh which could be reshaping and subsequently re-melted over and over until the end of time but no matter where you are enjoy your christmas and uh i hope you look forward to whatever we're going to do next year here on journey across japan here on japan not journey across japan and i hope it's really across japan we are going to do another journey across japan so that's looking forward to and lots of other stuff and i'm sure we'll see much more of natsuki next year as well next i believe in japan and across journey japan in japan in japan so we're going to 54. travel series journey across japan travels here yeah what one season it's okay yeah yeah psycho psycho it was really nice very nice he liked to cycle in the first season second season second season time time it's scary and the busy and the noisy yeah yeah i wonder if natsuki actually enjoyed jelly across japan too i like to think he did i like to think he did so he was right we did put him through it and and certainly on the next season we'll uh we'll have to find a way of torturing natsuki once again it wouldn't be the same without it oh in english please please explain this this nightmare it's me time um when natsuki was on jail across japan he did all the stuff and then when he went we get to do all the good stuff more scary more midnight only midnight nightmare don't worry next time next time next time you'll have fun i'm sure i'm sure we'll find ways could be har was great yeah that's a good point no monkeys there's no monkeys as well they're pretty unfortunate there we saw the monkeys the next day after you left well if you haven't seen journey across japan too check it out you can binge it all in about two hours all across fifteen hundred kilometers of japan with some great views no monkeys unfortunately apart from day three when actually wasn't there we were pretty lucky that you went to the biggest monkey park in all japan not a single monkey in sight went to a field in the middle of nowhere plenty of monkeys just by natsuki left bad luck fishing the chips you like the pringles though unboxing they were good i love those perennials but seriously though thanks guys uh catherine says thank you for a fun-filled stream thank you catherine and thank you to all of you guys that way you might be enjoy christmas have a happy new year uh there should be one more broad japan video coming out uh at the end of this year in about a week so keep an eye out for that uh and also on the subject of journey across japan on patreon we've got a lot of behind the scenes episodes where you can see deleted scenes outtakes bloopers and stuff so if you want to check that out there are a few episodes on patreon so check it out but and thank you to patreon anyone here on patreon watching thank you for supporting the series it was a pretty expensive to produce and a lot of time resources went into it but it was a lot of fun right bye guys no matter where you might be enjoy christmas i hope father christmas brings you presents at least as good as this and we'll see each thing to do all over again on the abroad japan channel do you want to sing last christmas go on sing as you started let's see if you can sing last christmas now that he's drunk like 20 different types of alcohol can he pull it off last christmas like every night but the belly next day you're giving away this she is so sorry for tears [Music] christmas carol
Channel: Chris Abroad
Views: 422,003
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: japan christmas, kfc christmas, the anime man, abroad in japan, trash taste
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 109min 8sec (6548 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 22 2020
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