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yeah how's going everyone this is the anime man and I'm here back home with my dad hello so I'll be here with my dad back home in Australia enjoying the summer Christmas as you can see from our t-shirts and I figured that I would get my dad on camera because you're the last member of the family that's been in my videos and you've all been asking for me Here I am because I did a video with my mom I've done several videos with my sister mixed all of us in description you came through and Phil there's not family you're making my so today I figured I would do a good old session of anthem you sent by because I haven't done it in two months or so but and and by the way it is one of my favorite segments that you do and that's exactly the reason why we're gonna do an episode today with you so I asked you guys on Twitter to send my dad a bunch of stupid questions and requests you know the as per usual with any girl handsome sent by episode and my dad is gonna answer all the questions for us and as best I can children so let's go my good friend Joe dear Joe says have you guys jammed out together if so what instrument / yes does your dad play well we have yeah we have because my dad plays drums and the boy plays guitar sorry yeah good time yeah we've had a few drinks by the way children's yeah but as you can see the title sibley this is a strong support this is a drunk and semi safe which is another big request I'm joking yeah we've jammed out together yeah because my dad and I listen to the same types of music I mean a lot of music that I'm into which is from my dad's time my dad showed me when I was little yeah Joe Joey's introduced me to a whole stack of oh yeah we like sharing music with each other yes you know mutual songs that we both are really enjoy and know how to play like yeah when when the electric drum kit was down here yeah but we have to move that off the eyelids because know it was wrong other day and we Janet used to jam out here in the rumpus room yeah that's great what's like in a song that we used to do I'm trying to think based a burden roll stones yeah that's a good one yeah yeah we try to do like a few punk songs but you could really keep up with so Israel some as well all by soul each a suture yeah big great stones check him out yeah one from another one of my friends sold who says how did the anime dad meet the enemy mom uh well just keep a brief visit but I think that my dad has when whenever he stops to try and tell a story he goes through like sixty thousand tangents before he got to the point guys I'm painting a picture which ultimately leads to the crux of the conversations I was working for Japanese company who went went to Japan been a girl from manly where my mom grew up or where I grew up and I was seeing her and I came back to Australia for you really you didn't go out with each of these women and then a friend of a friend of mine invited me over to his house cuz he just moved in with new flatmates and one of them was my wife oh I didn't know that actually what I only knew that you met because my mom was a house mate of one of your friends great man I didn't know anyone I didn't know anything before that all right okay yeah we this girl from manly and I met her on the flight over to Japan Wow I know yeah I didn't know that I just thought you guys meant because remain oh that was part of it as well but you know there was a certain motivation because I'm beautiful Eva oh and I was going out with an Aussie girl who by the way spoke very good Japanese which she lived over there she was working over there and she'd come home to visit a mom and she was on the way back to your hand to go but then you were like I want some of those local delicacies yes I shouldn't be talking about delicacies we my dad's humanity as you can see what's here energy guys that's what it is if you are able to can you do an impression of Joey can you post that your own son no okay I mean she's like she's like hey [Music] sorry I'm drinking gin like while over here is drinking beer hey I have to go sir excuse this one says it does your dad watch anime no he likes the fact that I'm a youtuber but he doesn't like the fact that I make videos on stuff you know I know don't get me wrong I'm quite proud of my son I think he's done a great job um personally I'm not into anime I do like occasionally watching you know things like tall like you know yeah I cure the cure is it right that's see even not anime fans think that it's awesome you know but I'm kind of select about what what sort of what's a anime Oh likes young personally I'm more into violent movies with water guns so as a true child from yeah and sci-fi I love my son you do like your say what's your favorite sci-fi movie Starship Troopers there you go yeah watch it if you have it that is actually good and by the way kitties if you want to have a good read Starship Troopers by Robert Heinlein the original book from the 1940s which the movie was based on is a fantastic read and that's a great adaption movie by me a Wikipedia we have my dad mmm wiki dad all right this one says was it a hard decision to support your son GG career no because we don't support it it doesn't you talking about Wow like it's like a shallow untwist like I'm coming that was it for him to live with a different cultured wife what were the hard parts and what were the best memorable parts well not really I've known Japanese people since my early 20s you know like a key a key when I was 20 and they even even growing up weed we did a project in primary school I remember mainly West primary and the it was about Japan and I was even more fascinated by the country I really wanted to go there as a 12 year old or 11 year old it kind of annoys me how we never at least in my school we never learn about Japanese history and isn't that funny I mean you didn't either yeah well I do what you did yeah in the 1970s well there you go get your [ __ ] together Australian schooling system yeah Jesus and elsewhere you're so says give us your best daddy joke you know in good old Australian tradition let's make it as offensive this possible I'm actually gonna have to think about that yeah again we'll come back to them okay this one says of all the things Joey has ever done what are you the most proud of I think in general you've done really well such a parent there's nothing specifically that I could say the kids been really good at you know he's down the road what about my youtube channel yeah this one referring to anything you did you do diligence you did you any degree got good you've got that bit of paper you even did an internship in Tokyo you know full-cream see I've worked to get here guys yeah no he may look stupid but he's alright actually you may look like some sort of sheepdog at the moment there's better one who else if it won't seem to have a haircut there's there's been a lot of nicknames than my own compensation has given me like John weak Japanese Jesus yeah Jesus could I say most kind of a rocker because that we don't know where a game from can you roast Joey in pure Aussie slang goodness like that verse me daily whatever he says I'm gonna be like yeah you got a face like a drop by you I think it short one I think I think all the Americans are expecting you to say you wanker wanker no the thing is US citizens out there wanker is also a British term I think the Brits more say more than the Aussies are I think it's Tralee probably adopted from the yeah I instantly I don't think I've ever on ironically called so on wanker [Music] sometimes is particularly in traffic I see you say look worse things in traffic my favorite thing you ever said in traffic and I've told this to my friends my dad is pretty bad road rage you know I done as anyone would I mean like you don't get violent but the things you say become very creative and my favorite thing you've ever said I think I was like ten years old or something and you were I think you were trying to get into a party law and some guy cut you off or something like that and then you just beeped because you almost crashed into you I remember the exactly what you said you know gobble like it's an even more descriptive literary only 10 was have you still figured your dad yeah how do you make a woman how you kick her in the crotch you bet dead jokes is the dead jokes are in the moments all right there is conversation yeah there has to be something the fives a dead jerk right right and that's when it's pointed can I say you're my favorite dad joke of your own you say all the time but back when my sister and I were in high school we couldn't do part-time job so the only way we could get allowance through allowance alright span and so I can't work for ya and so because of that we constantly be like asking for more like trying to get our parents to pay for something as often as we could and I remember Ellie used to say the most my sister used to say it the most but she brought up to you somewhere in the show because she really daddy can I borrow five dollars you would say but doesn't mean I will ease to say it got so annoying back when I was like in uni because I would say like kid dad goes borrow five dollars I'll give it back to you and you feel like you can say anything another one of my favorite tricks was my daughter Ellie would come up to your shop in the shop so she go Oh Danny Danny you gotta come and have a look at this and she grabbed my hand and as soon as she did I turn into a handicapped person walking alone being led along by my daughter she actually stopped her really quickly I'm just saying your impression of the handicapped thing is going to make public and crazy this one says what's his favorite hand tire but I watch that [ __ ] I want real know what's demographic you 50 50 50 male or female I think no in age was Oh like 1824 okay to be honest guys I don't get the idea a hand tire if you want to what if you want to watch people [ __ ] what's real these unbelievable dimensions that you get in hint as well that I feel that's a bit of a stereotype though of hand i what because it's like and people think like the foot I feel the first people think when they think hentai is like gigantic boobs and gigantic tits with gigantic dicks all right yeah yeah that's a guy this late that's like definitely listening to Led Zeppelin them being like oh okay so all the rock music must sound like Led Zeppelin you know I mean like you seriously if there's that much I feel and and reals me children I'm just changing the flavors talking man okay this one says does he watch all your videos which is his favorite I mean again you don't really watch a lot of my views because it's about something you know really again well yeah I to be honest I don't necessarily watch all of these videos the the intricacies of some of his videos related to anime I I just don't get I've never seen them you know in the communities I'm not really it's not relevant to me but I I do enjoy his videos with Chris I really enjoy CRISPR oh yeah I really enjoy yeah that's my boy Chris problem yeah yeah I'd really like to meet you man well whatever but I won't let him know all right okay and of course it's me same point well there you go there you're on your favorite series which I used to do weekly now I do bimonthly more like yearly at the moment what's the most memorable moment you had with your son actually one sticks in my mind and that was when you fell in the pond for context my the backyard of like where I grew up has this giant koi pond hmm but it's kind of below the deck yes so it's a little bit of a drop from the deck which is how much like that that's made up but yeah basically what happened was he was maybe three or four really I was doing some weeding around the around the pond and there's no water as in pulling weeds yes pull again just making sure what else is waiting okay long story short he somehow made his way through the garden where I was and he fell into the pond and he fell he fell back first so he was looking at me through the water with his hands in the art in the in a deep-sea diver dead bird you yeah your arms like this and you're actually looking at me and I just remember you floating falling into or sinking down yeah just freak me out I do remember that you know I think between that and getting lost in all psycho when I was five years old is my earliest memory that nobody yeah don't don't worry kitty kids could you imagine what it's like looking for a dark haired kid in daughter boy in a dark head country in the dark head country in it it was just insane yeah alright this one says how is he day being really good thanks for asking no worries does your dad know Japanese and if so how did he learn to speak living with a Japanese woman for 30 years yeah what's yeah what's your favorite Japanese word again I told that to my it's a lots of my like local friends in Japan about like only can only speak Japanese have a local friend my dad's favorite word was a GED which you know definitions on the screen right now heyy it's not a word that you use today a lot of Japanese don't even know it yeah but the ones I told that to my local friends and they always just piss them so laughing now the fact that your dad's favorite word it's a but we haven't seen in 300 years yeah it's it's old Japanese okay this one says why is your dad literally Jeff Goldblum do you like Jeff Goldblum yeah I do a little bit crazy please I'll sing them interviews on you know Graham Norton is really quite fun I'm together guys yeah so call him the together Jeff gone night call me Joe I am by the way I don't know if I said they ever publicly but me my dad of the exact same name in fact the past six generations have all been some iteration on July I'm Joseph 4/5 and he's Joseph the cease what present I'm a real Georgia family what kind of influence whether it be music literature etc has you dad inherited you when you were young I mean music you know certainly I'd say 90% of the music I grew up listening to was from my dad yeah I used to really enjoy when when Joey was you know sort of non non obtained you know early teens I used to really enjoy just sort of introducing him to new artists you know guys like your I he by actually never thought you would enjoy you're right here I hate yeah and and Black Sabbath was another band I never thought you'd enjoy so but then a few years later we went to go see black so it wasn't the head of group right yeah how many grandkids do you want to have however many my children of the pitch provide me I mean I'm not providing as anything I'm just I'm just adding the sauce okay this question says what anime it's a form of Japanese art which is contrived from the drawing of frames which flickery in front of the camera thus resulting is what is otherwise known as a film which is then broadcast to weeaboos around kids someone chased the Wikipedia page of an amazing place in the back look and you see that really good narration in documentaries not really no oh did you say something in Japanese I would like to know how good is your Japanese you got bad guys I'm not even gonna add subtitles that I'm gonna make if you know what he was saying comment down below a little bit of a drink is welcome you know yeah kiddies don't mind me preparing a couple more refreshments no I do it in your home bar all right this one says did you accept Joey's love for anime when it first started yeah I mean you grew up watching it though you watch like Kimba the White Lion yeah but like giganto not a good point but we didn't call it anything light we call the cartoons oh really yeah no we news clearly most food Japan oh and we had Samurai but the word anime wasn't nothing no no no cartoons okay to me the likes of Kimba Gigantor marine boy [ __ ] one else it was a whole host of others but they they were cartoons they were marine boy was probably close to an anime but I loved marine boys anemones in there no it's a cartoon I mean this is Japanese yes oh okay yeah must be the army like it's a very old ones I haven't seen it well cuz the thing is I what type of anime was streaming on TV in sixties and seventies so firstly it was broadcast know what I mean streaming happened this is why I don't like talking I tea with a guy who's worked in IT for 30 years 35 favorite holiday even if it is one that doesn't exist in America personally Australia Day which is January 26 which is just a day where we celebrate the founding of surely right well the founding of the colonisation all the founding of the content it's no no it's it's the celebration of in the Aboriginal this is why the aboriginals call it invasion day was that celebrates the first fleet coming from Romulans with the first convicts so it's the equivalent way of it landed in Sydney Harbor so it's the equivalent to 4th of July it's more like you know what's a celebration in the u.s. in you know pilgrims landing all over aku Thanksgiving no Constitution Day yeah yeah it's really day this isn't a cherry blossom lot lots of Australian patriotism on the streets and you know it's basically to sum it up it's basically as already drunk Australians getting more drunk than usual yeah friendly nationalistic way right yeah this way they describe lots of barbecues have you 1vs1 an alligator first of all we have crocodiles here but I've haven't wrestled one but I have like you know done the experience thing in Thailand where you you know touch the cross go no no wrestle plushies adorable yeah don't we all it just says how many tongue twisters can your father say by hot without failing red leather yellow the red LED the yellow leather red leather yellow leather there's one that I could never say which is an Australian one I think which is a blue bugs blood yes Irish wristwatch by the way red leather yellow leather is a good one for Japanese people yeah what do you love about Japan what's your favorite location I mean first of all how many times you've been three thirty times so you've experienced all corners of it let's just say that oddly enough oh I haven't I've done a lot of Honshu I've never been to okay them I've never been accused or shikaku I've never been a cushy Chicago yeah I went to working hours with you so it's mainly been haunt you but what do I like about Japan oh just like I like the people I like the culture or like I love the food the food's fantastic I know spiritualism on Western with the Japanese people so it's hard to describe but yeah and what's your favorite location top one would have to be Kyoto Kyoto hmm what do you like about like the spirituality yeah yes I'm just some game dog yeah yeah yeah take some shoe wormans when you go to Kyoto it's been winter by the way because you have to take your shoes off what nothing worse than cold food yeah this one says how often are you attacked by drop is drop is now that's that's actually an australian invention is that in Australia I don't know but I liked the first reply which says more than the amount of team tabs come that's definitely in Australia fact that the matter is never but drop is do exist any of those folks overseas when you come to Australia just keep an eye on the tree cover above because drop is really now you've just confused half my audience into now thinking that they have just confront from an Australian who lived in Grove in Australia their drop bears actually do exist yeah just Wikipedia that [ __ ] and last question how much alike are you and Joey be completely honest nor old I mean like when I was growing up apparently I'm looking topping like you know that's true I look more like mom bring anything truth be told you look like your uncle's den a lot more land yeah my uncle but how I like how we know at all I mean we're into the same stuff a lot of time like music there's a little laughs but I love it I love my cars he's nothing because I love sport I'm not a sporty going there city we like watching sports we do it but moving around [ __ ] now forget that done I'm the technologist I love my technology you you're a user of Technology I would say I think so what else we like to drink but other than that I don't know if we're alike in any way I can think of a few things but I don't know if it's because it's an Australian thing oh that's because you know like the facts you know stuff like we like to drink or we like sunshine or we like going to the beach and you know just nice like anybody well that's what I'm saying like it might just be an anybody who believes you rather than a unique thing between you and I we like I don't look like Jeff Goldblum unfortunately but the boy does have a perfect Roman nose I mean look at look at this profile look this is a Roman zoom in on that time that line back you know I can stick my face in some sand and you'd perfectly see where my nose now that's a ski jump if you plan on Oh guys I think that's gonna dump through this episode we're gonna go drink a little bit more but yeah thank you to everybody who asked questions and all of that hopefully my dad and contain you as much if you like to leave questions for the next answer me sent by which God knows when that's gonna come out then leave it in the some time soon guys sometimes then use the hashtag hands nice and bomb Twitter or leave them in the comment section of this video if you don't between you can't be [ __ ] to make one how do you feel now that you've been on my channel my dad's gonna read the comments so don't write anything to please I don't I don't want to get judge yeah that's cool that's cool [Laughter] yeah apologies for the profanity I wouldn't normally do it but can you do my outro I appreciate your time I can't remember anything thanks for watching and I'll see you the next one like and favorite if you enjoyed subscribe for a bit keep watching anime apologies for disappointing [Music]
Channel: The Anime Man
Views: 983,292
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime, manga, theanimeman, reviews, discussions, music, let's, play, walkthrough, playthrough, funny, moments, epic, fail, commentary, live, reaction, Japan, Japanese, Answer Me Senpai, Q&A, drunk, dad, DRUNK, DAD, JOKES, & EMBARRASSING STORIES!, #AnswerMeSenpai
Id: nZr7_w4LVus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 31sec (1591 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 27 2018
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