I Asked 100 YouTubers What The BEST Anime Ever Made Is...

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i wish that i just punched someone in the face to get through a problem start i'm about to get canceled for this i suck dick all right every guy i met who hadn't watched what's up he's my host bundle also there's a lot of horniness which which is so gross ew i don't know the best anime is clearly [Music] how's it going everyone this is the anime man the greatest anime ever made what do you think that is it's a fairly simple question that usually evokes a rather difficult answer because when put on the spot not a lot of people are very quick to decide what they think the greatest anime ever made is or even their favorite anime of all time especially if you are a big anime watcher such as myself but considering that every single time i go to a convention every single time i meet up with one of you guys usually the first question people ask me is hey joey what do you think the greatest anime ever made is what is even your favorite anime do you even watch anime anymore i'm sure that that question is asked not only to every single anna tuber out there but just every single youtuber out there and considering that the love for anime in general has just spread like wildfire within the youtube community i figured i would start a little social experiment or i guess a mega collab that i didn't think was going to be possible but if you're watching this video then i guess it happened that's right as the title suggests i asked 100 youtubers what they think the greatest anime ever made was and if they can't tell me what they think the greatest anime ever made was i just asked them what's your favorite anime in the hopes that i can show the internet that hey you know what liking anime is pretty goddamn cool perhaps japanese cartoons isn't so much of a niche as we always thought it was but before that i would just like to uh quickly apologize to you guys because yes in true youtube fashion i did in fact just click bait you with this title i'm sorry guys i'm so sorry in fact i click baited you in two different ways uh let me explain one although the title says 100 youtubers not every person i got in this video is in fact a youtuber some of them are twitch streamers some of them are cosplayers some of them are virtual youtubers some of them are voice actors it's kind of a mixed bag and the second bit of click bait is of course the big number in the title a lot of you are probably thinking joey there's no way in hell you managed to collect a hundred people for this video and if you thought that you are absolutely right because i didn't collect a hundred people i collected 107. you just got reverse click baited let's go but hey this video is probably gonna take a while to get through so why not grab a snack sit down and enjoy the show while it lasts and if you're looking for some great snacks then don't worry i've got the perfect snack box for you that's right it's the folks over at boxer the sponsor for today's video boxer is a monthly subscription service that delivers premium japanese snacks and tea pairings straight from japan to your door and each boxer features a new theme where all of the snacks and tea pairings fit that particular theme and with it being the month of may we have midori moments with japanese lessons midori means green you're welcome and with it being midori moments the green moments you better believe when we think japan and green we think of two things one is green tea and two is matcha and you better believe boxu has plenty of those we've got these uji matcha waffles as well as some yuzu green tea to pair with but green japanese snacks go a lot further than that we even have these sudachi gummies straight from the tokushima prefecture so that's just like a japanese fruit that's a combination between a lemon and a lime and they have these cute little gummies here as well oh man these are actually really really good so you can try all of that and a whole lot more bring japan to your door with boxu and for you lads and chad's watching this video and supporting your boy if you use my coupon code anime man 15 you get 15 off your first boxu order that's a steal yo but thank you to boxing for sponsoring this video make sure to grab a snack and enjoy the video so like any good trend let me start it off with the question what do you think is the greatest anime ever made i'll go first it's a very difficult question but short answer would probably have to be serial experiments lane yes it is a little more underground and kind of the pretentious anime fans pick but i genuinely believe it is one of the most artistic and haunting experiences that you could ever feel from a piece of animation the fact that a show like this was made back in 1998 and yet it is more relevant today than it ever was just goes to show i think it's staying power and the fact that it predicted the future of social media rotting the brains of the youths before social media on the internet was even a thing to say that serial experiments lane was ahead of its time is an understatement because it wasn't just ahead of its time because of the message that it tried to portray the animation style sound design narrative exploration and the beautiful art style by yoshitoshi abe it's just everything that i want in an artistic anime this is a show that i've probably re-watched close to a dozen times and yet every single time i rewatch it every single time i read more into it the more new things i manage to uncover and discover this isn't exactly an anime that i would recommend to newcomers of anime or even experienced watches of anime because you do have to kind of watch it at the right place at the right time but if you want to see the most raw and gritty artistic expression done in japanese cartoons then i think serial experiments lane is definitely at the top of that list but that's my answer and here is everyone else's baby gotta ask you a question what do you think the greatest anime ever made is i farted i don't know spongebob is that your final answer yeah my favorite anime of all time is none other than one piece because it's honestly more than a series it's an experience a way of life and above all else it's really just not that long at all oh damn the best anime if you had said manga i'm still gonna go with one piece doesn't have the seamless pacing like say full metal alchemist nor that sweet and juicy animation like demon slayer but world building wise one piece is not only the best anime for me but one of the best works of fiction periods now while it understandably feels like a very daunting task getting into over 1 000 episodes of a story i barely know anyone who didn't get super hooked after trying it's full to the brim with mystery incredible characters and heartfelt emotions so yeah one piece definitely have to say my favorite anime is one piece um the past few months i picked it up recently it's just so immersive i feel like like the the world building and the in the show's top of its class and i just love how compelling all the character backstories are and how the adventure of them coming from kind of simple beginnings to where they end up in the entire grand scheme of things is is just a crazy ass story that i just love how oda tells us my favorite anime of all time is one piece of course it's one piece i love the world building i love the characters i love everything about it i just adore it and i love all the emotional beats that i still remember fondly and i'm still experiencing this day when i went to tokyo tower in japan and they had that like little one-piece thing there in tokyo tower which isn't there anymore you they you enter into a room and it plays all of like the manga panels like animated and it's like the history of one piece and i was sitting there standing there just crying crying my eyes out because of how much i love one piece if i had to choose a favorite it would easily be one piece for several reasons characters are so well developed and extremely likable you just fall in love with so many of them i just found that none of the episodes felt like filler episodes they were all equally as exciting and entertaining to watch and i just found it so addictive i would binge like episode after episode i have really good memories of watching it [Music] one piece it's one piece my favorite anime is gto great teacher onizuka it's a story about an ex-biker gang member who becomes a teacher at a school and he does that by virtue of the fact that he wants a teenage wife a little bit questionable probably wouldn't get commissioned outside of japan but i love it for three reasons number one it deals with genuinely serious subjects like bullying suicide sexual abuse and onizuka himself he deals with these problems using his sort of unconventional methods usually by just punching someone in the face number two i like it because i myself was a teacher when i watched gta and i saw a lot of the issues in my everyday life and i wish that i had an onizuka figure someone who didn't play by the rules someone who again just punched someone in the face to get through a problem and number three i love it because it has the best theme trainer of any anime driver's high by larkin seal when i got to meet hyde from la cancio the singer who performs it i got to thank him personally for just making the greatest song ever for those reasons gto check it out it's amazing dude there's so many i could name right now like psychopaths full metal alchemist brotherhood attack on titan gintama is freaking hilarious there's trigon which is a blast from the past but if i had to name a special one i think it would be great teacher onizuka i watched that only once when i was a kid and it changed me that anime is so stupid on one side but also so wise and philosophic in the other and it draws you in with the fun but then it hits you with the wisdom also i still got the openings of that show stuck in my head after all these years hunter hunter okay every arc is completely different new characters new story but it also introduces completely new concepts of like how to fight what it even means to fight and also the main characters kind of change like like who the main character is yeah but it doesn't matter because the characters are so well written pretty long but i always watch the full thing at least once every year it's very rewatchable for sure yeah so togash hunter hunter baby mine is jojo with jojo tattoos we can't really say that's true anything else i really like and respect sense's kind of creativity and imagination when it comes to jojo it seems like he poured everything in that series i honestly don't know where it comes from like how how does he think of these in the first place nobody knows scientists are on it right now joey the animation gentleman asked me a question which anime is the best of all time so many things to choose from the art style the storyline the characters the overall theme the dub cop no don't say that is it attack on titan compelling storyline excellent character development art style who knows what could happen the next episode everyone could die everyone could live nobody knows it's the first anime that made me read the manga but no this is not it is it evangelion where it all started my first anime absolutely chilling nightmares as a kid excellent character well some of the charac well i mean the robots are cool but no they can only be one choice it has to be jojo excellent humor wonderful characters art style on point doesn't try to copy anything else doesn't try to emulate just does his own thing and in style there's a reason why this guy is the most handsome character ever made and he's gonna stay that way for all time look at him the the anime character the anime perfect in every way my favorite anime is and to nobody's surprise it's jojo's bizarre adventure but it might not be for the reasons why you think yes i love the show i love the plot of jojo i suck dick all right jojo to me is so much more about its style and what it offers to anime and manga as a whole and the fact that so many anime and manga have referenced jojo's is a testament to just how influential it is you know some things jojo and it doesn't give a [ __ ] about being jojo and also come on i mean the fights are just so goddamn insane and they have some of the most hype and most absurd bizarre fights in all of anime and manga i'm always smiling when i'm watching or reading jojo the best anime i've ever seen is full metal alchemist as the original anime zone trademark four metal alchemist is one of the greatest stories ever told for anime it's a classic among classic for the rest of my life i'll never forget the story of alphonse roy mustang hughes riza i think that's the character for the rest of my life and that's why to me full metal alchemist is the greatest anime ever made on my top 10 list hike you attack on titan steins gate you know a silent voice these are all these are all up there but there's only one anime that truly deserves the top spot and that's sword art online link start i believe the best anime to be full metal alchemist brotherhood first things first we have to differentiate the difference between your personal favorite anime and what is the best anime my personal favorite anime is actually hunter hunter but we have to put our personal feelings aside and acknowledge truly what is the best of the best and i believe that to be fma brotherhood why story great story original pacing from start to finish paced incredibly well characters unique in design and also the way they're written i'm never bored when it comes to all the side characters speaking of characters waifu rinry rock bell hawkeye riza gluttony whatever floats your boat incredible selection of waifus animation animated incredibly well from start to finish along that the action is balanced incredibly well with the plot points the writing a good balance it's not just a eye candy and also the feel this one's a little hard to explain just the aesthetic of it and also uh very importantly so it has an ending it starts and it ends and the ending is great you're not you're not yearning for more they put a cap on it and they say it's done which you really have to respect nowadays so all things considered that is why i truly believe full metal alchemist brotherhood is the best anime of all time in my opinion the best anime of all time is full metal alchemist full metal alchemist i grew up reading the manga with my sister so it's very nostalgic for me but i love the plot i love the characters i love armstrong i love ed i love alvin's i love them all it's just very dear to my heart and i watch it over and over again big fan 10 out of 10. i'm gonna have to say dragon ball z because i challenge you to name one other anime about buff dudes beating the hell out of other buff dudes didn't think so i already know a lot of people are gonna disagree with this but i gotta go with dragon ball z you know in the 30 years since it's come out there are a lot of anime with better pacing cleaner arts more complex narratives but none of them will ever have anything nearly as cool as a super saiyan transformation there's actually so much to choose from but i think it would be bleach because it's one of the first few animes that i started watching when i was back in australia for those who haven't seen bleach please do because it's really great the characters are so awesome my favorite is ichimoto ging but uh yeah there's so many awesome reactors out there so please watch it if you haven't already and it's one of the animes that made me want to become a seiyuu in japan so if i hadn't watched bleach i wouldn't be doing what i do right now in japan so yeah that's my personal favorite my favorite anime of all time is bleach what can i say the characters are but i think the best anime of all time is probably death note the pacing itself is so intense that every episode itself packs so much information into it that some anime take an entire season to provide to you but somehow the information is presented in a way where it doesn't overwhelm you also bonus points for being extremely memeable look at this [ __ ] look at this [ __ ] the people who say anime is trash your name please the end is also joe you're paying me more since i'm appearing on camera instead of just editing this right wow that's a tough question because i have seen so many anime but my favorite one it's funny i can't even remember the name but i can describe it so it's about a guy he gets a girlfriend his dad is in the police he has a diary i think and he was always writing stuff in it he loves that [ __ ] diary he's always carrying it with the mirror he goes and then he's at school and he makes friends with this autistic kid he's good at tennis i can't remember the funny thing is it's actually derivative of another manga which was originally called gay note and gaynote is the premise is if anyone writes your name in it you become gay and and so this guy tight yagami he finds it and then he gets caught in this head-to-head with this guy called l gbtq and he no okay all right in all seriousness favorite end my favorite favorite is that two minute compilation you sometimes see on twitter of just food being made by studio ghibli that one that's my favorite one being completely honest i think one punch man saitama is a hilariously comical character in the anime world and i find it very refreshing when i see that type of comedy because normally everything's just great stories and blood and gore and sadness and then all of a sudden you have saitama come in and he's like this comedic relief i'm about to get canceled for this my favorite anime is one punch man because it's the only anime i've ever finished and i know that that's really really really bad and i should watch more anime and that's not even the best anime and there's so many things it's just the only anime that i've ever watched all the way through is definitely tengen toppak renlagon and yes that is the only acceptable way of pronouncing it it starts off as this crazy over-the-top action shonen which is fun but then around episode 8 things take a crazy turn after that we get twist after twist and the stakes just keep going higher and higher until they literally cannot go any higher i love the plot i love the characters i love the music but the thing that i love the most about guren lagann is how much it motivates me in real life i mean who needs like gary vee and [ __ ] when you have kamina believe it or not you guys it's actually not jojo my favorite has got to be tengen toppa guren lagan that anime has been with me for uh more than half of my existence it's a part of my own like belief system at this point it's a very core piece of me uh it sounds corny as corny as [ __ ] but that's the truth that's the truth just want to let you know i think for me my favorite anime is always gonna be tangatapa gurren lagan because when i was in middle school i was going through a rut i didn't really know what i wanted to do with my future you know i most middle schoolers don't the message of the show it really spoke to me you know like doing the impossible and throwing all logic to the wind and just trying your best at what you really want to do and just just go for it honestly i i think it helped me become a voice actor i don't know if i would be in my position that i am now without that show it definitely was a big part of you know where i am today my favorite anime is goran logan it's the tale of persistence perseverance and overcoming great loss one of the reasons this show has a special place in my heart is because a friend of mine he was an animator and we bonded over uh how incredible the show's animation was and just how powerful the message of the show which was like always moving forward truly was the same friend had a way with always silencing any doubt i had about pursuing my dreams as an animator he was so driven if he told you that you could do something you truly truly believed it then to all of our disbelief he passed away due to a tragic accident after my friend's passing i found myself watching gurenlagen again it's the story of a young man overcoming the tragic loss of his own friend and then growing into a person that he could have been proud of i'll never forget what goren logan did for me to pull me out of that really dark place it meant a lot to me and my friend monty this was hard to record anime is [ __ ] awesome i don't know why this is controversial but my favorite anime is actually sword art online yeah season one specifically when i first started watching anime uh maybe like i don't know five years ago or something i watched it and it really reminded me of wow like i used to play a lot of world of warcraft it really like brought me back i don't know why like i could tie it together and just like i was like dude like imagine if this was wow like oh like i don't know you know hot take but honestly it's probably the best anime of all time yeah seriously for me my favorite anime i've gone ahead and i've picked attack on titan the reason being is because it's just a great series uh every episode is left open with questions that need answering it's just a world of mystery and that's why i love it i love watching something where every episode i'm asking more and more questions not to mention the music my god attack on titan if you ever have a chance you haven't even watched the series i definitely recommend you go listen to the soundtracks for attack on time the music that comes out of that show is just spectacular even sometimes i find myself on the freeway just you know bopping my head to the opening themes so yeah favorite anime attack on titan how can you do this to me joey like asking me a real life anime character what is my favorite anime of all times how can i reply how can i give you a reply i got this i got this attack on titan because it's a masterpiece and because it's full of lots of details that you watch the first season you recognize in the last season and whatsoever no spoilers only villains do that my first anime ever full metal alchemist brotherhood because you will see and last but not least boku no hero academia because of the concept of living and becoming a pillar of positivity and motivation for the next one becoming a hero believing in yourself just like kamina aniki guren lagan which by the way i recommend to all of you watching ray zero it is an excellent series that stands out if i'm not even counting the second season that recently aired that is just out of this world great the voice acting of re zero is absolutely stacked like the amount of love that each individual voice actor has for their character within re zero is out of this world it blows my mind today but one thing that really just kind of summarizes it all though is that it is clearly a passion project from the entire staff that worked on it and the voice actors to the animators everyone my favorite anime probably has to be re-zero i mean what's there not to like about re-zero you got waifus you got cute traps and waifus why wouldn't you love re-zero it's an amazing isakai anime about a guy who has to struggle he's not overpowered and he has to basically work hard to get what he wants that perfect ending he's got to get it the animation's great the music's amazing and the characters are chefs kiss i know people are gonna be like that just came out oh that's pretty mid in my opinion i think it's probably one of the best animes ever the story is absolutely amazing the characters are detailed animation and art is great throughout the entire show the way they told their story and how they introduce characters and everything really brought me into the world so mushoko tensei in my opinion is the best anime so mine is steins gate the performances in both japanese and english are incredible the writing is impeccable more than any other show that i've seen it is able to take a topic that's very cerebral very heady time travel and add a human element to it i think this show does a better job at doing that than any other that i've seen and for that reason i choose steins gate so 70 plus episodes about boxing might sound boring especially when you're not into sports anime but hajime nuipo is godlike it has everything comedy romance amazing action great music especially that super banger of an opening plus it has an amazing cast of unique characters they're all funny and likeable they go through amazing character development you know you they go through tragedy heartbreak triumph defeats and they ended up rooting for all of them to be honest i love all the characters you don't even have to know anything about boxing to enjoy this anime it's just that good it's just really entertaining it's super funny like hajime nuipo is comedy gold my favorite anime of all time is bosque sports anime have always been a favorite of mine and i think what all the really great sports anime do is balance the heart of the characters with the spirit of the sport itself and kroko for me totally nails that the animation as the show goes on is incredible voice acting is incredible character development openings are incredible key state is incredible there's just so much incredibleness about this series overall it's just a solid fun heartwarming story about boys who just want to play basketball with friendship and that's all it needs to be and i love it so much my favorite anime is mind game directed by masa aki iwasa i hope i'm pronouncing that white that right i'm white it's about a dude given free reign to make the craziest animated movie you probably will ever see it's about life love overcoming all obstacles gaining confidence coming of age but it's also about a dude who gets a gun shoved up his ass and gets [ __ ] murdered he then meets god who is a figure which changes his appearance every second because he we cannot comprehend him he is a being that we do not know if you want to see some crazy ass animation where the art style and things kind of shift like every scene go watch mind game when it comes to favorite animes there's so many to choose from like all of them are in a victory royale like a [ __ ] battle royale against my jump into tilted towers lucky stars going to the planes and [ __ ] but the one who gets the victory royale in the end is hibiki euphonium he they reached that number one spot i don't know why i'm using a fortnite analogy but i'm sticking to it suck my dick so he became euphonium exceeds expectations it tells a mature story that i did not expect when i went into an anime about [ __ ] band club basically something else that also sticks out to me is the voice direction because there's huge differences between like indoor voices and outdoor voices like indoor voices are actually indoor voices and outdoor voices actually outdoor voices the music performances are they're immaculate they're immaculate the band scenes are really good as well because like they actually put a lot of detail into that especially when it comes to like if someone's like off timing they'll be actually off timing and all that [ __ ] blah blah blah so okay i'm going to start rambling now he became euphonium what she became phonium what she became phony and please watch she became euphonium watching euphonium so i picked two favorite anime series only because one of them is the one where you watch once a decade you come back to it and be like okay that's still the goat then the other anime series is bite size adventures and you just love the characters and it's super rewatchable so the first one would be clonet after story yeah i know very popular choice you know but i love what i love it resonates with me because before i started watching anime i did not know that you could cry to anime before i literally cried at the end of every episode of clone night after story it was just ridiculous i just discovered i was i was a huge [ __ ] man okay and then my next favorite bite size fun adventures is rhonda one and a half i love all the characters every time they get splashed by water they transform into a cute little animal llama turns into a girl gets himself into funny conflicts because you know this some dudes are just thirsty for him it's funny to get the coveted favorite in my book it's none other than the anime and manga legend herself ramiko takahashi's ronmo one half there's nothing above her to me between all the unique characters the art style the quirky humor you really can't go wrong with a feel-good anime that stands a test of time and makes you smile no matter how old you are my favorite anime is monster by urasawa naoki i love it setting characters and plot but the real reason i love it so much is because of its straightforward focused storytelling there are no filler episodes that you could just throw away no abrupt flashbacks or parallel universes to tie up any loose ends and the series never ever breaks character monster has a serious story that it tells in a serious way and that's why it's my favorite anime this is a series that i've read the entirety of the manga of as well as watch the entirety of the anime of and for me that is none other than the best anime or best series really in the world monster now initially i got into monster because i am a big fan of true crime but as you start to dig into a bit more of the story you realize it is much much more than that we see people grow from innocent to cold to malicious to repentant and it's also a series where you truly can't predict what happens no other series exists like monster and i am grateful every single day that i got to consume it in my lifetime and that i have my entire life to consume it over and over again my favorite anime would have to be ghost in the shell because i'm a huge fan of stories that explore what it means to be human there's some great action i'm a huge sucker for sci-fi and the animation is beautiful i love the aesthetic of the show i love how they use futuristic tech to solve all sorts of problems it's a very unique and creative show so yeah that's my answer there's like three that come to the top of my head so the first one is nitijo i think nietzsche is super funny it's hilarious i had a really fun time watching it it's incredibly entertaining animation goes hard banger openings and then we have cardcaster sakura which also has a banger soundtrack and it's gorgeous and it's you know classic mahou shoujo there's a lot of nostalgia attached to why cardcaptor soccer is my favorite and i think for like most card captor sakura fans it's a lot of nostalgia too and my third favorite is fruits basket of course it's always been one of my favorites also for nostalgic reasons i've never felt so emotionally attached to a bunch of characters you know it explores a lot of different relationships and even though it's you know super dramatic which usually isn't what i'm into i love it a lot there is one anime that just sticks out to me as my forever favorite and that is fruits basket i think the way that the show navigates like a lot of subjects like friendship and romance um contrasted with more heavier focuses like the tragedy of loss and the need for belonging it it makes for this like crazy midlife crisis roller coaster that you strap yourself in for you're not ready for it because you just wanted to watch this really cute looking anime and it's not it's not that it is cute but it's it you're in fear and for something completely different and there's one thing that i have taken away from her as a person it's this rice ball analogy that she says in one of the episodes and the analogy is basically along the lines of um that sometimes we look at ourselves and we just see something plain and that there's nothing special there when actually you have the prettiest glowing plum and it's delicious and it's on your back and everyone admires it and sees how special you are but you can't because it's on your back but just know that people see you and see your worth the ultimate takeaway from fruitsbasket is the world can be cruel but it's not deprived of kindness and i think that is why it is my favorite also um the doctor's heart the doctor is really hot most all the characters are hot they're really hot fruits basket oh my god that's the best one hands down most wholesome [ __ ] ever and it made me cry a lot i like anime that makes me cry if i had to pick a favorite anime it would probably have to be card captor sakura there are a lot of reasons to like ccs but i think i can boil it down to the fact that i just like all of the characters in it whether they are friends of sakura family or even villains to her everyone gets redeemed in some sort of way that just seems very rewarding i would hope so for a show that is 70 episodes long and two movies and another series that's 24 episodes long there's great action awesome romance great animation it's a madhouse show boatloads of character development and it's also kind of cool that sakura wears something different every single episode that's like really awesome attention to detail i can chill cardcaptor sagara for days but that's why it's my favorite show so my knee-jerk answer to this question was to say space patrol luluco luluco feels like the purest distillation of what i love about trigger in part because it's like it's super irreverent it's funny it's insanely well animated doesn't take itself seriously whatsoever still makes you feel things best of all the episodes are literally six minutes long so like you can watch season one in 18 minutes i think they divided the show up into three episode seasons which is one more layer of of what's silly about this show he's got one of my favorite things in the world which is like shots where there are tons and tons of like background characters you'll never see again that clearly thought and character design went into that's like one of my favorite things in the world and luluco's full of that just the best vibes i think on the planet in addition to being funny and explosive it's like a concentrated dose of trigger that takes six minutes to ingest it is the purest form of what i love about this studio so that's my answer please watch space patrol luluco neon genesis evangelion i mean it's a mecca sci-fi thrill ride with a bunch of religious undertones which makes it already really interesting and exciting as it is but the real star of the show with this is that the characters all feel so real the way they interact with each other and bounce off each other have very long lasting effects there's all sorts of traumas that the characters carry with them throughout the entire show and it just makes it so interesting because all these people that are very flawed are tasked with possibly defending the entire world from collapse it's amazing my favorite anime is evangelion and it may be a boring choice but i think it's great and especially now with all the bills being out and evangelion finally having a good ending i think it's a great one and i think it may be not the best but one of my favorites definitely as a car youtuber in japan you might think my favorite anime is initial d but it's not although the single most viewed video on my channel is based on initial d so thank you tofu delivery boy to me the greatest anime ever is neon genesis evangelion back in the late 1990s it wasn't as easy to access anime as it is now ava was shown on public tv back in australia which was huge because it meant free non-mainstream anime i mean it was not mainstream back then i became a huge fan and when the original erv movie came out i thought it'd be fancy and order the official vhs tape set from japan i downloaded a txt file of a translated script printed it out put the tape in the player then sat there in the dark to watch it and then i had the strongest reaction i've ever had to watching anime ever there's a scene where one of the main characters dies in a particularly gruesome way but i read too far ahead and spoiled this death about 30 seconds early so i'm sitting there in horror to what is about to happen like i felt sick i've never had such a visceral and emotional reaction to any anime ever before that or since then there's so much more that could be said about ava but that's what did it for me what's my favorite anime of all time drifters hands down i mean listen to this plot god portrayed as a smoking sweater vest wearing middle-aged man sitting behind a desk and reading a newspaper enlists the help of shimazu toyahisa butch cassidy oda nobunaga the sundance kid nasuno yoichi sisapo africanus and abe noseme to fight against satan who is portrayed as a dark-haired dark clothed brat of a 16 year old girl constantly sitting behind her laptop who she enlists the aid of rasputin akichi mitsuhide joan of arc minamoto no yoshitsune anastasia romanov who are all led by a corrupted interpretation of jesus freaking christ as these two forces fight to either save or destroy respectively a fantasy world full of elves dragons dwarves goblins and the like who they themselves are subjected to a tyrannical bigoted rule of humans whose former universal emperor was adolf freaking hitler look i know that i've got a personal bias because of who i am the kind of content that i make but dude what more do you want in an anime my existing favorite anime of all time would be made in abyss combination of its narrative the characters the design the music it's just this wonderful combination of all of these different elements and also probably the way in which i watched it and enjoyed it and how i was feeling at the time hopefully in maybe even a couple of months or a few years i would have a different answer and i look forward to that day but until that time that's what it is so my favorite anime ever is certainly berserk and i would highlight the 2012 movies because they do a really good job with adapting the golden age arc which is probably the best arc in any manga ever written actually as a matter of fact just go read the manga because you won't regret it you will see why so many people are in love with it godz is a really great character he mixes a lot of you know tough guy action hero style of character with very written very emotional human side to him and he has a very interesting development around the manga and yeah you'll see what i mean berserk hands down not even close guts is the [ __ ] best [ __ ] revenge betrayal religion the best cosmic horror art you've ever seen in your whole life guts is just so beautiful you get ev you get everything it's the whole package what else do you need i don't know i couldn't tell you if i was making anime i'd give up berserk's been done give up it's done that's what i'd say well maybe don't give up you know you know i guess there can be other things that exist absolute favorite anime has to be cowboy bebop i know that's kind of a popular pick or overrated pick if some of you actually think that but i think that having a special or favorite something it has to connect to your life in a special way how would bebop really does that for me so i encountered it when i was a wee young lad i had no idea what was going on but everything was cool the music the animation all the characters looked freaking fantastic and faye valentine you know i was always naturally interested but i kind of forgot about it then around age 20 or so it was a really big turning point of my life and cowboy bebop actually came back into it so i decided to rewatch it and it kind of uh had a big connection to the life that i had at that moment and uh of course the final thing has to be uh bay valentine baby i mean the show's just the masterpiece what can i say and i even cried one single tier of manliness at the end what i think the best anime of all time is cowboy bebop just because it has like nice and short 26 episodes amazing characters amazing enemies and also it's an episodic show so for instance you watch episode one and two skip a few watch episode five usually you still can kind of follow what's going on just because each episode kind of builds up its own story and then has a nice conclusion sometimes it'll continue a story on or for instance ad is a new character along the way however it doesn't really completely destroy uh your experience if you skip too much or anything like that and now my favorite anime i love the 90s i love the comedy and then this kind of takes both it's called haretokidoki this anime i don't think was localized in english which is unfortunate but this anime was the first anime that watanabe directed you might know him from a director for exeter saga and if you know excel saga you know how crazy that show is what's funny is haritoki toki bhutan was originally a just a children's book about this boy and his pig and just nothing nothing crazy or anything but then he just took that source material and just completely changed it and it's because it's so crazy it's funny i love it and you should try to watch it if you get the chance my favorite anime is trigon for a lot of reasons but the chief of which is it's the first anime that i was able to watch and find without a recommendation this was something that i went and searched out on my own because i love cowboys and i love old westerns i also love sci-fi and space travel and these were two of the things that kind of smashed things together for me i absolutely loved it and it was something that i could kind of claim as my own even though it's enjoyed by millions of people worldwide i also think that i kind of like it better than bebop that's not to say that bebop is bad but that's just to start some stuff in your comment section not the best one but it's definitely something you should all watch it's called kate kano otherwise known as his and her circumstances basically hidekiano you know that hidekiyada you know evangelion was like hmm what if the next project we all work on was a really cutesy shoujo manga and everyone's like excuse me like what and he's like yeah let's do it what you'll realize is if you go read the manga and you watch the anime they're actually completely different tones there is merit to watching both separately the only thing that's not so great about it which is because they basically blew their load on the budget for evangelions they're like cool we got no money so the the series kind of ends in a weird note and then i'd say go read the manga and finish the rest of the story but this the series is a joy from like you know in my opinion from start to finish even for its flaws i think it's more interesting because of its flaws and by the way because i'm a music composer for this stuff it is one of the best anime soundtracks of all time don't quote tweet me on this it's the best it is so good they basically just took the music from katakana and then put it in the evangelion movies later on that's how good it is all the stuff in evangel movies they're like oh this is a banger song yeah that came from kate kano fun fact now although my entire life is surrounded by pokemon i wouldn't say that would be my favorite anime it's probably sailor moon i just think it's really cool to see like the character development like the entire series they're learning new moves and getting stronger although the show is kind of predictable the some of the surprises are pretty neat like finding out who chibi-usa is is really cool and the introduction of sailor saturn like that entire arc is insane and all the main villains also are really cool because you have like queen beryl that entire first season is just insane top to bottom you have queen net hellenia which is also equally if not more crazy than that and you have witches five i mean there's not five of them now but at one point there were five of the witches just in general i think that that sailor moon is just like a top to bottom a really good show there are definitely some low points for sure but i really do think that is a it's easily my favorite anime for me the best anime is cheeky shoulder arjuna that anime sort of embodied all that anime could become the story was not only incredibly profound but it was almost spiritual and the soundtrack obviously slightly biased but i think that's probably one of the best soundtracks written to anime of all time and composed by one of the greatest anime composers of all time was the first anime that made me question spirituality made me want to be part of this industry in order to potentially one day get like one percent of what that anime did for me my favorite anime is certainly bakana it is the story of a group of time traveling immortals and a train containing a monster now that said the best anime is definitely a great school that's the story of an adorable young girl who becomes a professional kawaii metal singer i am an adorable young girl who became a professional kawaii medal singer and aggressor has plagiarized my biography that's a criminal offense and i'm gonna solve this gross injustice with the help of a group of time travelling immodels and a train containing a monster either that or i won't do anything anyway i'm ladybeard goodbye i just absolutely love the main character so much because he's so unconventionally written like he's not your average main character and i really appreciate that art style is really unique as well i just love how it's like so self-contained the story right thing is some of my favorite and the character development is some of my favorite as well and if you enjoyed the first season you'll also enjoy the second season and i'm super excited because i thought season is coming out oh my god my favorite anime naruto definitely naruto because every guy i met who hadn't watched naruto was a [ __ ] to me personally i think the ultimate number one anime the best one for me at least has to be hands down no cap kaito yeah so the animation isn't the smoothest compared to other animes but the stories the characters even the flow of the anime overall that's what makes me come back to it every single time as much as i want to have like a remake or a season two i think this anime ended with a good rap of conclusion therefore i stand in my case best anime thank you not everyone can truly grasp the seminal qualities of a show like baccano i wouldn't expect the layman to appreciate such subtle storytelling and interweaving complex themes in fact it's quite rare to have a show that speaks to the viewer's soul as much as it speaks to itself in almost a metaphysical and spiritual plane my life changed for the better and for the worst after bakano that show touched me in ways i'll never forget or forgive not to mention the musical motifs and jazz influenced ost it offers a sonic palette the likes of which barry b benson would be enthralled with i'm just playing this king of the hill there's an old phrase i'm so hungry i could eat a horse a playful expression i'll be grandiose an anime like b stars such actions are commonplace but can also lead to a student's expulsion to an ostrich's ostracism or to an antelope interloper's compulsory extrication there are a lot of roles when you live in an anthropomorphized universe as following rules are hard enough for humans thrown some claws in the frigid bite of being in high school and also elating like being a project melody fan i know what you're thinking mel you're being weird again and also you're a furry but i assure you i can like colorful ponies and not want to fap to their patreon exclusive doujins and i can like be stars for what it is and not just a fanfic the realism despite some people being giraffes in the fire fight with the yakuza b-stars is my [ __ ] and the music is dope too actually my best competitor is around one piece or even julian but i'm gonna give this to hunter hunter it has beautiful plot world and story pacing is just perfection sometimes i just want to be in a coma and wake up to see its continuation just wake me up but it happens please pick me up my favorite ones that i watched when i was a kid which is vampire hunter d it does an absolutely excellent job of mixing dark with fantasy the art is absolutely mind-blowing and a style i miss so much with all of my heart the world is immersive and jaw-dropping the idea that dee is not the stereotypical vampire as character makes it so charming and built my desire to follow his story all of the beautifully done enemy designs to the fight sequences it was so cool all of that wrapped in a tale of love yet completely lost hope vampire 100d is an absolutely phenomenal tale from the story designs to music and forever something that will stay in my heart i think my all-time favorite anime would have to be card captor sakura to me it's a cute and great old time watching sakura go through all these adventures with her friends as she captures cars that run mischief around her city it's also wonderful to see sakura grow as a person becoming more powerful in her skills and seeing how all her relationships with friends and family develop i love when sakura tells her friends especially herself her usual catchphrase everything will definitely be all right it's super simple but it reminds me that no matter how hard life gets eventually everything will definitely be alright full metal alchemist brotherhood brotherhood not normal fma don't worry don't come for me but what makes it my favorite anime is not the leads i always judge an anime by how much i love the supporting characters they always win me over in the end and don't get me wrong ed and al are amazing leads the battle they go through mentally physically and spiritually emotionally is is riveting pulls you in but what wins me over in my heart are the side characters i would watch an anime on every single goddamn one of these side characters think about it let me riddle you this an anime about lady armstrong and like her past [ __ ] give it to me i would watch infinite versions of this show and my favorite anime is neon genesis evangelion it's my favorite because i consider it a masterpiece because it covers themes that are still current to this day the world building character development and the astonishing animation even though it's an old anime it's amazing and there's a reason why i got pigtails on my model dude i think my favorite anime has to be don't toy of me miss nagatoro why because i want to get stepped up the anime is honestly a breath of fresh air because for me i got tired of seeing the same generic tropes and every rom-com you know you have the generic sunderer that always hits the main character and like nothing ever progresses and yet somehow they end up together even though they didn't do anything to work on their relationship together that really pisses me off the fact that you can see a massive difference between the two characters mainly the character of senpai from episode one to where the season leaves off on the last episode it makes me really happy because i actually enjoy when a character progresses you know even though there's only one season of the anime out right now i've actually been up to date with the manga and i have to say the direction that the manga is going is really really amazing and i would very very highly recommend you buy the manga and read it for yourself as well as watching of course it has a really banger opening also i want to get kicked in the balls my favorite anime is uh it's just such an amazing show because it can go from zero to 100 like really fast the story arcs are so good and i just love how they can mix in comedy drama and the sakura is great i love gintoki he's my husband i love it it's like my favorite show ever definitely my number one the best anime in my humble opinion is toradora it's an amazing romantic comedy with beautifully human moments that rival even knows of the hit television drama king of the hill watching the characters grow together and discover things about themselves their own feelings and life in general is always a nice journey from start to finish it is an undisputed masterpiece of japanese animation and a classic also anyone who says they don't like taiga is a little baby [ __ ] with [ __ ] taste thank you my favorite anime of all time is high school of the dead because of the titties the goated anime is welcome to the nhk it deals with loneliness better than any medium i've ever watched regardless of anime and i think that's a topic that anyone relates to also there's a lot of horniness which which is so gross ew the best anime is clearly jojo anyway guys represent.com pewdiepie i got new merch my favorite anime is parasite i just love how it explores such a cool and creepy concept while also having like really really great messages and morals to back up the plot that's been my favorite for so many years at this point because it's kind of an oldie but that's my number one my favorite anime is code geass and it has been for many years now i think it's just an extremely interesting story told beautifully i think the protagonist is great you don't know whether to root for them or root against them by the end of it and it has an incredible ending that's not only one of the best in anime but in general just one of the best endings to any show i've ever watched and it's super rare for an anime to have a good ending because i think the majority of anime ends in a [ __ ] terrible fashion just dog [ __ ] rushed endings but code geass it's an ending that you earn you go on this long journey this adventure through heaven and hell thick and thin and i just think everything pays off at the end and it's so incredible it definitely has to be detective conan this series was my first sort of introduction to the japanese music scene and to j-rock and j-pop also gave me the inspiration to want to become a professional musician in japan until then of course i love music and singing but to actually dream of becoming a professional musician was sort of uh detective conan was my sort of starter for that first ever cd that actually bought myself was the detective conad opening ending theme song said compliation album and i still treasure it to this day and so yeah that's really a big part of the roots of me becoming a professional musician and if you haven't checked out the series it's super long so it's kind of hard to get into it halfway but um i recommend the movies the movies are really really um entertaining so thank you so much rock on the greatest anime of all time throughout all of the history of the world and mankind is none other than samurai shamplo the plot is simple yet the animation is top tier for its time the characters are unique and diverse and let's not forget the iconic soundtrack composed by nujabes fat john and tucci which allowed the modern sound of hip-hop combined with the classic japanese samurai edo period put together chef's kiss all in all this anime is amazing in fact it's better than anything that anyone could think of i don't mean just their favorite anime i mean any thoughts they could have on their own this anime is better than that and i challenge anyone who thinks otherwise mob psycho 100 probably the best anime i've ever seen it's got comedy it's got action it's got great animation it's got great character arcs it's got everything full disclosure it's not even my favorite anime but it is when i look at it i think i can't really find one bad thing to say about it it's just really great and a great time and i like it plus even got a great english dub like everything about that anime is just really good mine is nana i watched it for the first time when i was like 14 15 16 somewhere around there i think why i like it so much is because it's kind of different from a lot of anime that i'd seen previously it's kind of more of a real life drama than the typical anime that you would see it's kind of like peeking into the drama of older people and now that i am older when i watch it it feels very relatable in a lot of ways yeah and originally i didn't like the art style of nana it was a big reason why i didn't watch it at first but now that i've seen it i absolutely adore the art style so so much and it's one of my favorite things about it so yeah nana i still watch some anime today but i definitely watched a lot when i was in high school stuff like fruits basket shin chin uh trigon and i even had kind of a soft spot for a little bit of card capture sakura honestly but my favorite anime ever is definitely ozomongodaio i love this show so much it's so funny it has great music super catchy i uh used to watch it after i play like some super scary video game or watch a horror movie or something and i'd put on some awesome manga daio uh to help me go to sleep it's just it's a very good feel-good anime for me oh yeah it was for the second best enemy king of the hill my god are you still talking tough question do i go with something from the heart like record of lotus war or slam dunk or do i go with something obscure and unknown like a death note or one piece ultimately no i'm going with my favorite which is the 1993 masterpiece ninja scroll amazing animation and sound effects check one of the most impressive collection of bad guys in a movie ever check most importantly was the first time i've ever seen a cartoon boobie i was 13 years old when this movie came out and i never had seen an animation before or an anime and it changed everything it was the talk of the school everyone had to see it before there was toonami before there was dragon ball z before we got even sailor moon crown jewel the pinnacle and if you haven't seen it shame on you because i don't know [ __ ] about anime and i've seen that do yourself a favor and go check it out right now it's great my favorite anime of all time is well you're not wrong however when i think about my all-time favorite anime there are two factors that are very important to me and those are comedy and replay value you could just randomly watch any episode and they are all equally good it has my exact favorite type of humor which is this like really exaggerated poketsukumi and the shitty animation not only makes it even more evergreen to me but it actually makes it even funnier because they take such liberties in their physical comedy i really appreciate that so yeah daily lives of high school boys i think dodo hedro is the best anime ever made it's only one season and it's on netflix you probably haven't seen it but you should it's got a lot of fun dirty grimy stuff so i would vote dodo hado my favorite anime is haikyuu because it's got amazing character building and an amazing sense of humor that comes from those characters and not really from jokes it's great at creating stakes and makes you interested in something that you're probably not interested in originally which is volleyball so thumbs up iq let's go i had always struggled to find my favorite anime because new ones keep coming up and all the ones back in 90s they got special place in your heart however i finally risen through that one digits kaizen zero i went to cinema four times so far and i got four giveaways yeah they do it in japan but that's not the only reason i went back i also got two cups popcorn case and this gigantic cup holder anyway first of all it's visually stunning mapa did yet another amazing job any favorite manga you know the production added so much and it all works the amalgamation of cg and hand-drawn art voice acting story visual and sound effect everything is top-notch are you simply blown away by how much anime can deliver it's been even said that this movie is the reason why the spider-man new movie didn't come to japan soon enough because they saw jesus christ in zero was such a huge competition and didn't want to fight it i was like really anime versus live action show which is harry's biggest hit with marvel and sony it's just a guy sounds like this anime reached that level one that's always been there for me throughout the years of watching new anime has been areca seven the original not anything else story behind erika seven is unique and nice you know with the corals and el reka as a person and a character and a creation just to sum up what i think about erika seven and why i love it to anybody who hasn't seen a record seven or it's been a while is the fact that it's don't meet your heroes or at least don't have an expectation of the people that you do admire eric is seven a mech kind of uh mid-2000s type anime it's got romance it's got mechs it's got dope house music it's really shaped a lot of my music production um so this is like a huge inspiration to me and of course we got amine women let's go that's a tough one because i feel like it can change day to day like one day i might say ava one day i might say bebop and i think today i'm gonna say i think maybe perfect blue i think it predicted so [ __ ] much about how we are online and taboo it's like one of the only legitimately amazing animated horror films there's just an infinite amount you could dig into that movie so that would be my answer but actually youtube is clang clan of the qatar qatar empire well here's a great thing that i'm going to tell you no you will not have to watch this for 500 hours and then it'll get good you will not have to sit there and watch these characters do goofy-ass [ __ ] that nobody cares about even for a minute if you're looking for demon slayer for adults to watch the enemy doe row row the modernized version however you want to say it the banger one man cursed by his father took away all his limbs becomes a puppet man made out of swords and with every demon he slays he gets a piece of his body back it is perfection it's like 25 episodes as good as [ __ ] and i hope you enjoy it yeah it was a good cartoon but the greatest anime of all time is fists on the north star i honestly wouldn't be surprised if i'm the only person who says this but much like people say mf doom with your favorite rapper's favorite rapper i'd say that fist of the north star is probably your favorite mangaka's favorite manga or anime if you want to be more in with the point just think of all the massive influence it has the brutal violence which would go on to influence berserk which is considered the greatest manga of all time the fast-paced fighting which would influence dragon ball z the biggest anime franchise of all time the art style and personality which would influence jojo's bizarre adventure jojo's bizarre adventure i feel like the current generation has kind of been pushed back as for everything new coming out so i just wanted to show fist to the north star some love and i could go on a three-hour video essay right now detailing you how important it is and great it is and all that but unfortunately i only have four seconds left a little bit unconventional but my favorite anime of all time definitely is pokemon which you may say here an anime about two manga artists making manga that's the anime that you like ultimately pokemon for me is what made me like actually really be like alright i want to get out there and get out my dreams i'm inspired to do great things and i will never give up it's a very triumphant tale of of two japanese high school teenagers who have the dream they're what they want to do they want to make sick manga they want to make the next uh great shonen manga and shonen jump or wherever they can get their uh their foot in the door into the industry at maybe you'll become a complete fan of mishiro and mutawashirogi just like me yeah my favorite anime is attack on time because i don't know that [ __ ] was just cool animation look funny in the first season but then you just like it's kind of like game of thrones you just like brought a whole thing so cool who cares xd anyways the whole thing just makes my pp go wiggly in my tail wag basically because i looked at it and it was like what the music's so good too i remember i used to be a little baby boy making little youtube videos and i was like oh man that tag of titan music would really fit here it does it fits it fits it fits if i have to choose i'm gonna have to go with miss kobayashi because the amount of comedy action but also a little bit of drama kind of makes up for the perfect slice of life the characters in the show are just so adorable the intro and the outro smack my best friend and i can watch this show all the time and not get tired of it if you can enjoy a show and not get tired of the episodes you don't skip anything that's how you know it's your favorite anime also i have all the manga i have the figures i have freaking toru's tail greatest anime of all time is of course none other than azumanga dayo azumanga daio of course if you're not familiar with it is a slice of life comedy that follows the lies of a bunch of japanese high school girls clearly something's very relatable to me probably one of my most quoted moments of all of anime is the scene where osaka falls asleep at her desk and daydreams about chio's father who's portrayed as a cat he's learning english so he pops up and he goes hello everyone how are you i thank you i wish i were a bird that's why asumadayo is the best anime ever the best dynamite in my opinion is kayon because it's super cute light-hearted and funny this is such a good show 10 out of 10 it'll make your day actually it'll make your home here i guarantee one that i'm choosing is one that just resonates one that i can come back to is evocative of so many emotions parasite the maxim the way it condenses you know humanity and the way it condenses so many different ideas in just one season that is just so phenomenal to me the fact that i can come back to this series and enjoy it and gain so much from it have a different perspective and know that if i was to you know live life some more and experience more things and i come back to this show it still evokes that sort of same sort of emotion but also new emotions based on you know the life experience that i've had my favorite anime is hikaru nogo biggest thing that stood out was every time that i watch it or read it and it's over i get really really emotional because it feels like i'm saying goodbye to like a bunch of friends i watch dragon ball all the time one of my favorite animes growing up was iria's aram the animation but hikaru nogo for some reason it gives me like emotions for that reason hikaru nogo my favorite anime good manga too my favorite anime is cowboy bebop i think it was revolutionary and amazing and the stories were cool and the characters are fascinating and original to this day my favorite anime or at least the one i really like recommending to people would probably be mushy one because i don't know how they did it but they got like a like the voice actors they picked the nominal and they sound like the same in like the english dub and like the japanese stuff which i think is really really cool i like how it focuses on how every kind of aspect on like the food chain and like nature like ecosystem and stuff like that it has like a role and even though there might be you know bad side effects it's just a byproduct of them existing and they all are important in their own retrospective right it's on my must watch list for sure so if you haven't seen it 100 would recommend it really really good oh and we're back baby welcome back if you made it to the end of this video i highly highly highly thank you for sitting through this very very long video hopefully it was interesting hopefully you not only got to know a couple of maybe new faces that you've never seen before but you also got to know what kind of anime they like and it really is fascinating just the wide range of shows that were brought up when i did ask all these 100 plus people this same question and i think it's really freaking awesome that there is literally such a massive array of answers for such a simple question and i think it really goes to show that you know anime really does touch people's hearts in all sorts of different ways the variety is insane and because of that it appeals to so many different people and i think again just the fact that we've had this recent explosion on the internet especially amongst youtubers of youtubers who just want to give this whole anime thing to go i think it's really freaking dope and regardless of if you've seen one anime or a thousand anime the fact that you can come out onto camera and say this is the anime that i like i think is an awesome thing but i would like to give a massive massive massive shout out to every single person who made it into this video thank you for joining in on this weird social experiment of mine of course the links to every single person in this video is down in the description below so do your boy a solid and go check out all 107 people who made it into this video they're all amazing people amazing creators amazingly talented and wonderful people so please go give them a follow at a gander and i guess let me know what the answer to the question the greatest anime of all time is down in the comments below i'm really curious to see what you guys think and again thank you for sticking around in this massive video this took a very very long time to make and i'm glad it turned out well and i hope you guys enjoyed it leave a like if you did and hey make sure to subscribe it's a good time here but anyways guys thanks for watching and i'll see in the next one like your favorite if you enjoyed subscribe for more better keep watching anime [Music] you
Channel: The Anime Man
Views: 3,000,243
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime, manga, theanimeman, reviews, discussions, music, let's, play, walkthrough, playthrough, funny, moments, epic, fail, commentary, live, reaction, Japan, Japanese, The Anime Man, thean1meman, Asked, 100, YouTubers, What, The, BEST, Anime, Ever, Is, twitch, vtuber, cosplayer, greatest, favorite, top 100, top 10 anime, new anime, top anime, pewdiepie, abroad in japan, trash taste, moist critical, hololive
Id: D5iOt8pVw2A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 17sec (4337 seconds)
Published: Sun May 15 2022
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