Power Shredding Things In Reverse (Game)

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I will never not love this shirt gag

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/CheeseWeenie 📅︎︎ Mar 25 2021 🗫︎ replies

GMMore was so frustrating to watch. I love those kinds of puzzles and I wanted to jump in and solve them all

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/jordana01 📅︎︎ Mar 25 2021 🗫︎ replies

I literally went to the YouTube channel and watched the shredding right after this episode lol

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/aurorasunrizing 📅︎︎ Mar 26 2021 🗫︎ replies
- You've never seen stuff get shredded like this. - Let's talk about that. (upbeat music) Good Mythical Morning! - And welcome to the most competitive Good Mythical Game that we play, Mystery Countdown Theatre, where we celebrate creation, like 3D printed items and cakes getting made, and we also celebrate destruction, random crushings of hydraulic presses, et cetera. Is it et cetera? - It's whatever you want it to be. - What's more satisfying to you, seeing something get created, or something destroyed? - Well the longer I live, I come to the conclusion that the difference between creation and destruction is only an illusion in your mind. - Okay. Today we find ourselves on the destruction side of the train tracks, specifically reverse destruction, which, oh crap, is that creation? - Yes. - It's time for Mystery Countdown Theatre, Reverse Power Shredding Edition. Now we're not talking about your run of the paper mill home shredder here, we're talking about industrial strength shredders used to break down and utterly destroy scrap parts that are made from plastic, aluminum, metal, and even hard to hide incriminating evidence, I've been told. And fun fact, the largest power shredder in the world is in Newport, Wales. - Newport Beach? - Shout out, no, Newport, Wales. Shout out to Wales! Badgers hate mongeese, and it can shred up to 450 cars per hour. - 450 cars, you say? - Per hour, I do say. - Okay, today we're gonna be watching shredding videos from our friends over at the YouTube channel, I'm gonna say what I think this said as an American, Gojzer, but we looked up the Hungarian pronunciation and it's Gojzer. - Gojzer. - So it sounds like a Jewish grandmother saying "Gojzer, I got a Gojzer," no, it's a goiter, grandmother. Well they have fun throwing all kinds of wild stuff into power shredders, and the catch is, we're gonna be watching these in reverse. - Yes, first person to buzz in and guess what the item being shredded is gets however many points are left on the timer, but if the person's wrong, they get locked out, and the other person gets a chance to buzz in and guess. - Yes, and the winner, ooh, this is a good one, gets to shred an air guitar while the loser has to cheer him on like a fanboy. - Okay, yeah, no one wants to be the fanboy in this scenario. - No. - Right? We've never volunteered for that. Okay, now I won this last time, you remember that? - Yeah, quite a comeback. - I was wearing a shirt that had a picture of you wearing my lucky shirt, so clearly, wearing a shirt with you on it is my lucky charm, so that's why I've decided to get even luckier with this. - Whoa, okay. Nice shirt, Link. - I mean it's... - I really like your shirt. Well, here's what I did. - It's lucky, that's all I can say about it. - I bribed Jenna to tell me what you would be wearing so I could develop a shirt that would counteract your luck, and so what I have is a shirt that is the back of my head. This is all the back of my head, which, in the book of luck, we all know, usurps your luck. - It looks like a Guy Fieri... - It's like a flame shirt. It's like brown flames. - And what's up with this tan line here, is this really happening? - All right, here we go, let's see the first one. - [Link] Oh, okay, getting a first look at the shredder. (buzzer chimes) - [Stevie] Rhett. - It is a series of box cutters. - [Stevie] Correct. - Yellow and pink box cutters? - [Rhett] Yeah. I mean it's just box cutters galore, like confetti. - Oh, wow. Can we watch it in normal time, forwards? - [Rhett] Oh, ooh, ooh, oh! - [Link] They're trying to get away from it, that's the thing that I'm seeing. Oh, yeah, you could do that with a car! - [Rhett] I mean, how many didn't actually make it in there? - Okay, all right, all right. I'm ready for round two. I'm not gonna let you run away with this. (buzzer dings) - [Stevie] Rhett. - Watermelon. - [Stevie] Correct! (Rhett laughs) - [Rhett] I mean, you see- - [Link] Where's the rind? - [Rhett] I just see the, I assume the rind came off of it. - [Link] Did the rind come off, or was it...? Oh, that's nasty-looking. Talk about a goiter. - [Rhett] Oh, it was a peeled watermelon. - [Link] I just wanna bite that thing. - [Rhett] What does Gojzer mean? - Let's see it go in. Looks like flesh. - [Rhett] It may have just sat on top with the rind. Oh, 'cause you can, did you see that little, on the left side, you see the little rind? They tried it with the rind. We found you out, Gojzer! - All right, dang, 15 zilch? Paper...? (buzzer dings) - [Stevie] Link. - Paper. - Oh, god, this is a poster? - [Stevie] Oh, incorrect. - Oh! - Dartboard! Is it a dartboard, for 300? - [Stevie] Yep, you got it. - Freaking dartboard. - [Rhett] Whoa. Did you see what happened to that thing? Whoa, whoa, whoa, did you see that just grab the metal? - [Link] Yeah, see how it just grabbed the metal off of it. Boy, this is a dangerous profession. - But that dude had a very, very masculine hand, did you see that hand? That hand felt like if it goes in the shredder, it's gonna be okay. - I'm starting to fear this could be a shut-out. - Hold on, you shut me out one time! - Zero, you got zero points? - Didn't I get zero one time? I think so, I think I've been shut out. So this is just payback. Okay. - You're trying to lure me into some sort of complacency. - We're gonna take a short break, and you're gonna breathe deeply while I tell people that listen, you only got a few days left if you want the Mythical Snackiverse lunchbox, I always say luncheonbox. You can take it to a luncheon. It's a lunchbox and thermos set. You gotta join third degree quarterly or annual, Mythical Society by the end of the month, okay? Only available to Mythical Society third degree members! Visit MythicalSociety.com for details, okay, you feel centered? - I'm ready. - [Rhett] Oh, outside, huh? (buzzer dings) - [Stevie] Link. - A pumpkin. - I think that's it. - [Stevie] Give me more. - What is a pumpkin? No, that's... What is a Jack-o'-lantern? - [Stevie] Yes, correct! - [Link] Oh, Stevie's pulling for me to not have zero points at least. - [Rhett] Just look at that, man! - [Link] Thank you, Stevie. (both scream) What the crap? - [Rhett] It's that same man's hand! - Oh my gosh! The way the hand came out of that! - That was much better in reverse than it would be in forward. - But let's watch it forward anyways. Wow. - [Rhett] The guy whose hand was in there earlier modeled for that hand. It's the same hand! Maybe he cut it off, maybe Gojzer is sacrificing hands for this. - We had no clue that this was the next one, after all that hand talk, it really set us up to be shocked. And boy were we. - Link, I knew. No, I did not know. - [Link] Ooh. What could that...? That is... (buzzer dings) - [Stevie] Link. - Oh, I know exactly what that is. - What is a giant gummy bear? - [Stevie] Correct. - It was in slow-motion, that's what was happening. - [Link] Oh, man, I'm creeping back into this. Ooh. Ooh. - [Rhett] I've never wanted to be a shredder more. - Okay. I'm getting back into this, y'all. He's not gonna get any more points. Oh, milky. (buzzer dings) - [Stevie] Rhett. - I think it's a carton of milk. - [Stevie] Incorrect. - No, it's too thick for that. - [Rhett] I saw that plastic and thought it was a cap. Like a cap of a plastic container. (buzzer dings) - [Stevie] Link. - A shaving cream container? What is? - [Stevie] Incorrect. (buzzer dings) - Oh, it's Head & Shoulders. It's the shampoo. - Oh, we're going brand. - It's a Head & Shoulders container. - [Link] Ooh. - [Rhett] It just sat on there so pretty. - [Link] I tend to personify everything that's being shredded. - [Rhett] You're worried about the feelings? - [Link] Yeah, it seems like it's struggling to not go down. - Head & Shoulders can take it. - I mean I think we could voice over all of these, and make them really visceral. - Talk about a collaboration. Gojzer, are you listening? Oh, different angle, I don't even know how to perceive this. Oh, it's very slow. - [Link] Ooh, something about to pop out. What is that? (both buzzers ding) - [Stevie] Oh man, that was so close, but Link. - What is a GoPro camera? - [Stevie] Correct. - [Link] I didn't get many points. - [Rhett] Gojzer doesn't need GoPros? - [Link] That totally destroyed the GoPro, huh? - [Rhett] Did Gojzer have the GoPro on when this was happening? - [Link] I hope so. - [Rhett] They did, and it was filming, but it probably disintegrated the... - [Link] Well they could capture the footage live, couldn't they? - Yeah, they could be doing it remotely. Ooh, I'd like to see what that camera saw. It's like watching somebody die from their perspective. - Oh, gosh, Rhett. - Which you'll be able to do in the year 3000. - Okay, he gets demerited points for that, that's just, right? He can't say stuff like that. - If we tie, I lose because of that. - I agree. Is this...? (buzzer dings) - [Stevie] Link. - A chocolate sculpture. - [Stevie] No, incorrect. - Oh, dang it, I could've got this! - My favorite hazelnut treat, Nutella. - [Stevie] Correct. - Dang it! I should've got that! - [Rhett] Otherwise known as a chocolate sculpture. I mean technically, all Nutella is a chocolate sculpture. You know what? It wanted to feast on the Nutella before the plastic. Did you see that? - Well I think the Nutella was just saying "Look, eat this instead of me." - "I offer you my insides." - When you're faced with a bear, and then you crap, and hope that the bear will be attracted to the crap? - That's not how it works. - Like I pop a squat every time I face off with a bear. - The bear goes directly for the soft parts first, and eats you alive. - I'm telling you, man. Just drop trou and give him something to snack on so you can run away. - Okay. Why do you think bears eat dookie? 'Cause it's like a saying? Isn't it a saying? - [Stevie] What is the saying? "Bears eat dookie"? I've never heard that before! - Like a bear eating dookie. "Man, he was all over that like a bear eating dookie." - It's like a fly. You're getting a bear confused with a fly. - Well I'm not the one who came up with it. - Well, try it. - All right, here we go. - [Link] I gotta go early. - [Rhett] I don't see anything. It peeked, it peeked. (buzzer dings) - [Stevie] Link. - It's styrofoam and it's... a Disney character. - [Stevie] Incorrect. - I think I know what it is. (buzzer dings) It's a helmet! - [Stevie] Correct. - Oh, I should've known! - [Rhett] I thought you sure were gonna get it when you said styrofoam. Okay, so... - [Link] So these things are supposed to protect you. - [Rhett] So you can't wear a helmet through a shredder. - [Link] Yeah, you can't go headfirst into shred territory. - I've always thought you could. Okay, Link, you're down by quite a few. Technically you're down by too many to win. But, as we always like to make this interesting, if you can get this- - It's you, man, you're the problem! - If you can get this at nine or better, you win the whole thing. - Morgan's saying there's not even nine points with this one. Oh, there is? Come on, Morgan, believe in me. Nine points. All right, let's do it. Tell me when it hits nine. Oh, that's 10. - [Rhett] There! (buzzer dings) - That... - I mean that was a lot. - That was a big piece of plastic. It's a toy of some sort. What's a big, thin plastic toy. - [Stevie] Devin is looking for a very specific answer for this round. - Of course he is. You think you know what it is? - No, I have no idea. - [Stevie] Devin is now standing up out of his chair looking at you. - I don't want you to get it. I mean, this is a great showing by me for once. - I'm gonna guess that it's a guitar because I have this air guitar thing on the mind. - [Stevie] So I gave you a hint, saying that Devin was looking for a specific answer, and you guessed "guitar." No, that's incorrect. - A plastic guitar. - [Stevie] You'll see what I mean. - All right, you still gotta buzz in. Keep you honest, where you think you know what it is. What is, oh! - It's the Thanos hand. - [Stevie] That's not the answer that Devin is looking for. - The glove of compadre, what is it called? - [Stevie] Link? Link? - It's the Infinity Gauntlet. - [Stevie] Correct. - Yeah. See, Rhett? I got five points for that. Thank you, Devin. Wow, this is getting complicated. It started really existential, and now it's ended really existential. I hate this shirt. - Okay, well, hold on, but I mean I'm ready to shred. I'm ready to shred. And I really hope that we put some air guitar in post to make me look even cooler than I already am. (rock music) (Link squeals) - He's here! He's here and he's shredding his guitar, oh my god, I never thought this day would come! This is amazing! Oh, he sounds so beautiful! Oh gosh, I can't even look at him! I can't even look at him! Oh, mama! Take me home. - You never looked at me. I felt cool though. - I looked at you towards the (indistinct). - Thanks to Gojzer for letting us play a game with their awesome videos. Make sure you check them out over at G-O-J-Z-E-R, Gojzer. - And thank you for subscribing and clicking that bell. - You know what time it is. - Hi, I'm (indistinct) from (indistinct), and I just finished 1500 puzzle pieces of map of the universe. And it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - That does not look easy. You know, having a camera close to a puzzle and then pulling it back like that. - Oh, the shot you mean. - Yeah, that's a difficult shot. - Click the top link to watch us solve some unsolvable, or not, 3D puzzles in Good Mythical More. - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality's gonna land. Only a few days left to get the Mythical Snackiverse lunchbox and thermos set. Join the third degree quarterly or annual plan by March 31st. Visit MythicalSociety.com for details.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 1,230,028
Rating: 4.9494028 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test, season 18
Id: b2qHdZ9aEzE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 11sec (911 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 25 2021
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