Busting Burger Myths

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They didn’t bottom the cheese

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/theichel24 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 30 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Wish they had tested the overworked meat. What I've seen is that if you work the meat less there are more spots for the burger to crisp up internally since it's airy inside. Working it makes it solid and dense. It's usually described as the heart front your hands melting the fat, but that doesn't really bear scrutiny when you consider the rendering temperature of beef fat and the length of time that heat needs to be applied for it to happen.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/mynamesaretaken1 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 30 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

How long were they cooking the burgers on each side?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/btjavaux πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 30 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

can someone please explain to me how the first thing you taste is the thing on top?? Josh says bottomings work best since the patty is the first thing to hit the top of your mouth... ok but the thing human's taste with is their tongues, which is on the bottom of their mouths. I feel like I'm living in a different universe...

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/HoneydewHeroin πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 01 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I like josh and Trevor but I’m not a huge fan of Nicole. For some reason I actually like josh and Emily’s chemistry whenever they would do an episode together.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/dkbmc1511 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 02 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I know this will be an unpopular opinion here but... these are really tough to watch. I don’t really think this cast works together and most of the jokes (if you could call them that) fall flat.

I think Josh and Nicole have decent chemistry, but the tall guy and the new girl are painful. This series might be better if it was just josh and Nicole and josh spent less time screaming and making weird 2009-YouTuber sounds. Just my opinion πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 31 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
Do you need me to sound bathe you? Like, give you some whale moans? Yeah, whale moan for me. Every chef knows there are unbreakable rules in the kitchen, but what happens when you actually break those rules? Do the food gods rain fiery vengeance upon thee, or are they arbitrary myths peddled from chef to chef, just waiting to be busted? To find out, this highly-trained team of culinary professionals are putting them to the test, 'cause this is. Myth Munchers. Kitcheneers. Hi. Hey. Thank you for gathering here today. So, we're testing out burger myths today, right? That's, like, one of the most common home-cooked foods. I love burgers, you all love burgers, right? We all, I scream, you scream, we scream for scream screams. That's what I'm talking about. So, today, we're testing out burger myths, right? There are a lot out there, and I think we owe it to the home cook to tell them what the best route to get to the best burger is. So, they say you gotta use fatty beef or else your burger's gonna be dry, but I don't know if that's true. They say you should only flip your burger once, otherwise, it loses juiciness. I personally do not believe that to be fact. They say that you must toast your buns, or else there's going to be soakage, but what if not that, huh? I don't know. It's crazy. I don't know. They say the toppings gotta go on the top, but what's wrong with bottomings? Nothing. Nothing's wrong. Not one thing. Not one thing. Nope, nope. Nope. Matter of preference. All right, so, to illustrate this, first, we must talk about food and friendship, because that is what it's all about, so I have created a collage of me and my best friend to inspire all of you for what the real goal is today, and that's connection. What? Why are you laughing? What happened to your muscles? Why are you laughing? What? No, the muscles are there. They're under the shirt. I just look, just, Rhett's the buffest man in the world, so I look small next to him, but that's fine, 'cause we complement each other, because, when we hang out, you know, it's like one of isn't trying to steal the spotlight from the other. You got someone stealing the spotlight there, smizing, but you know, we're just out here, vibing, you know? And, really, that's what mything is about. But this isn't important. Stop looking at it, if you're gonna make fun of it. All right, well, here's the plan. Don't laugh at me. Why are they laughing at me? So, this is the plan today. So, step one, I talked about people saying you need a fatty burger. A lot of restaurants are using something like a 70/30 or 70/3/27, but I really wanna test out, side by side, 70/30, 80/20, versus 90/10 to see what the best meat to fat ratio is. Then we're going to one flip verse multiple flips. If you're cooking at home, you're probably cooking on a frying pan, maybe a griddle, a cast iron, something like that. People always say you should only flip it once. Otherwise, the juices are sorta gonna magically leak out. I gots a personal theory that multiple flips is the way to go to get a more even cook. And then, once we figure out what the best meat to fat and burger cookery is, we're going on to the buns to see how much soakage actually ends up in an untoasted bun, because people say toasting it creates a sort of, like, membrane that prevents soakage. But then, what's a burger without toppings? It's still a burger. Did you want us to say something? It wasn't rhetorical. I wasn't ready. What's a burger without toppings? A burger. A burger. A burger. I guess so. But, anyways, we're gonna test out toppings verse bottomings, because some people say that the toppings should go on top. They're obviously called toppings, unless you're Cold Stone Burgery, then they're called mix-ins. But, when I'm cooking burgers at home, I'm always doing bottomings. I like to put the lettuce and tomato, all the other stuff, underneath the burger, but, again, I don't know if that's actually the right way. I think I may be creating stability issues for myself. Hm. You like wet salad, so it makes sense that you would want the burger on top, 'cause then, the burger juice is gonna leak onto the lettuce, and you just got wet salad inside your burger. But, we're not going by preference here. We need to do pseudo-scientific tests, which, pseudo is the Latin word for real. We're doing pseudo-scientific tests to see which is actually better, so we're testing for soakage, we're testing for stability, we're testing for juiciness as opposed to greasiness. Do you feel equipped with the tools that you need? Do you want more inspiration by looking at me and my best friend? No, you can put the other one up. Before we get to this, we are going to write down our predictions, and the winner of this gets a gift card to Red Robin when it eventually opens in full service capacity in 2027. Yum. I love Red Robin. Yum. No bottomless fries. 80/20, three flips, untoasted bun, bottomings, thick-booty penguin, that's what the heck I'm about. Hello, my name is Trevor Joseph Evarts. This assignment is for Mr. Scherer. The class is Mythical Kitchen, and the date is the 30th of March, 2021. I have guessed 70/30, multiple flips, toasted bun with bottom ingredients, and I have drawn booger and me with swag. Thank you, that's all. Okay, so, my prediction for burgers is 80 for 20 patty, multiple flips, toasted buns, and toppings, and that's me in the corner with my big curls, looking at that nice burger. 80/20, one flip, toasted, top. Are you ready to do this? Why? Are you ready to do this? Why are you doing that? All right, come on, guys, you ready to do this? Yeah, well, Trevor, yeah, that's... Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Trevor, are you familiar with the myth of Goldilocks and the Three Bears? Yes, the porridge. With the porridge, correct, but today, our porridge is burgers. One, that's the story of an entitled millennial, thinks she's owed a breakfast. Yes. I disagree with that. What I'm trying to say is, they say that you gotta use a fatty beef to create a juicy burger. However, I feel there's a fine line between juiciness and greasiness, so we're testing 70/30, 80/20, 90/10 to find out what the Goldilocks just right porridge is. Yeah. But, except, for burgers. Except for burger. 'Cause then, also, there are so many myths surrounding burgers, so we need to establish a couple constants. When do I get to get in Papa Bear's bed? Because I'm very cold, and I would like to snuggle up. Well, you cannot snuggle with me because I am afraid of human contact. We're making a six-ounce patty with all of these. We're gonna try and cook them at the exact same time and temperatures. We got cast iron pans set up on identical burners over here. So, some people could use salt and pepper, but why use salt and peppers when you can use Tony Chachere's, the official seasoning of Myth Munchers? Not a sponsor yet. More lung damage. Tony, slide into the DMs, brother. I'm waiting. We gotta make these patties, right? We gotta make these patties. No, no, and then, we're also gonna use a single slice of Boar's Head American cheese, the single greatest cheese for burgers, not Kraft Singles, Boar's Head, and we're gonna put them on a plain white, untoasted bun, no condiments, just to test out the juiciness. You ready? Yeah. Let us burgered it. Let's do it. Do it. All right, so, here, grab a little parchment paper. This is a nifty little trick. All we're gonna do is, we're gonna grasp some beef in our hands. We're simply going to make a uniform patty. So, what I like to do is, I like to kind of bull it. Oh, you're a baker, you're always talking about shaping. No, no, now, we're bulling. Okay, so you're, like, making it a circle. Yeah, so you make it a circle, get it here, and then, what you're gonna do is press down with your fingers, and then shape the edge with your thumb. So many people these days, they're really into Smashburgers. I think they are kinda deceptively hard to make at home. I think a lot of people just end up making dry burgers by trying to crush it in there, and cook it to about, like, medium to medium well. There's a lot of hardos out there who love their medium rare burgers. That's disgusting. It's disgusting. It's not good. You don't want, like, a bloody burger bun. All right, so, we're trying to get it to about 30% above the thickness of the bun, 'cause we are gonna get some shrinkage here, and we're just gonna go single flip on the cook, cook it in canola oil, cast iron, bingo, bango. I think these are looking good, so, we're gonna pop that down on some parchment. Trevor, do you wanna start preheating all these burners while I make the 80/20? Yes. So, we're gonna heat these burners for exactly two minutes with exactly one tablespoon of canola oil in there. All right, so, what I like to do is, I like to take it on the parchment paper, and I like to throw it down, and then I wait for a couple seconds for it to kinda steam, and then I can ply the parchment paper off. So, we're gonna do a three, two, one, drop. Oh, I just, I took it off. What? Oh, no, that's fine, that's fine, that's fine. I was grasping the paper. That's fine, that's fine. Tony Chachere's. Oh, we still gotta season them with Tony Chachere's. All right, constant, we should microwave the buns for eight seconds. That's what I do at home. You wanna go talk to them? All the constants are just the things that I do already. Do you wanna microwave them? Yeah, yeah, here, give me a sec. I'm gonna microwave these buns for eight seconds. All right. And flip. Ah. Okay. That's lovely. So, add the cheese, cheese, cheese, cheese, cheese, cheese the burgers, cheese the burgers. You already see, the fattier beef has gotten a much better crust on it than the other beefs, and that's because you're getting all the fat that's sorta leaking out, and then this is frying in its own fat. That's really interesting. Tony Chachere. Look at these buns. Brave through the pain. Trevor, I just think we need about another, what do we reckon? Like, 15 seconds? Sure. Yeah, so we're cooking these for exactly two and a half minutes on each side. What's really interesting is, you're seeing the fattier one is getting a lot more cheese meltage, too. These are all the same temperature. It's just, you're getting all the fat that's creating more steam, and melting up through the cheese. Fattier burgers are gonna shrink down a lot more, which I think is a really interesting part of this. 'Cause, you've seen, this one is holding its shape, this one is holding its shape a little bit less, and then this one's really shrinking up. All right, Trevor, let's pull these in five, four, three, two, oh, gosh, oh, oh. Okay, into the buns. Oh boy, okay, all right. Top it with the bun, and then we're gonna let these rest for about two minutes. Then we're gonna cut it in half, and eat it, and see where we're going. All right, Trevor, burgers are set. I'm just gonna cut them in half. That way, we can each enjoy half, and we can examine this cross section to see where we're at. Which one are we doing first? On the juiciness. Let's go fattier first, really prime the palate. Look at, oh my gosh, if you squeeze it. I mean, this is certainly juicy, but is this juicy, or is this greasy? Let's find out. Mm, oh boy. That's a pleasant experience. I'm getting a lot of grease coating the palate. However, I'm having a great time. Yeah, it's very greasy. And also, it's more tender with the fat, 'cause the fat's literally, like, opening up pockets. I mean, it's almost so loose that it's, like, falling apart. It also got crispy. Mm-hm, yeah, I mean, I think that's one of the things people confuse with Smashburgers, where they think it's the smashing that's giving it the crispy edges. It's really just the fattiness of the beef. Like, right now, if you, like, breathe in through your mouth, you're getting all that fat. Okay, this is also looking quite juicy. Got more of, like, a medium to medium well cook on that. Bottom bun is, like, soaking through in juice, oh. Mm, what are you thinking? Here's what I'm thinking. We're testing for juice right now. Mm-hm. But I really liked how crispy that was. Mm-hm, yeah. This one is not really at all. But the pure beef fat flavor from a fatty beef. So far, I like 70/30. This can't compare. This actually has, like, less flavor to it, too. All right, should we even bother with 90/10? Underdog? Oh my. Yeah, went a little rare on this. Uh. I mean, you know, it's still, like, hot. Wow, I really like this better than the 80/20. Yeah, I think 80/20 sucked. I think, the fattier you go on your burger, like, greasiness be damned, it does not phase me whatsoever. I always assumed 80/20 was, like, the Goldilocks just right blend of meat to fat. I think we can call it. 70/30 here's the winner. 70/30 for sure, it's way better. All right, we gotta get the message to Nicole and Vi. We're gonna do Morse code, but we're gonna eek it out like dolphins. Okay. Looks like 70/30 won. Yeah. Great, okay, awesome. So, looks like we're gonna be battling the myth that flipping a burger only once makes a tender, juicy burger. Okay. So, I'm gonna be flipping multiple times just to see if it actually, like, makes that thing, you know what I mean? Then I'm gonna be flipping once then. Yes. Oh, come on, baby. Do you want some Tony Chachere's? Not really, but I don't really have another option, so I'm just gonna. Oh. That's nice. Whenever you're ready, I think we're gonna slap it down. Okay, hold on. Yeah, so you flip it halfway through, and then I'm gonna flip it every minute. Yes. Yeah? Okay, ready? Okay, one, two, three. I was a little bit late, I'm sorry, I was a little bit late. No, it's fine, it's fine. I'm sorry. We still were in sync with ooh. Okay, smells good so far. Smells amazing. You know cheeseburgers is my favorite food? Is it? Yeah, out of all other foods, cheeseburger is my favorite food. What kind of patty do you like? Are you, like, a beef person, are you turkey, veggie? Turkey? Get out. Confidence, confidence. Wait, so I'm still waiting. Yeah, you gotta wait three whole ass minutes. Can I say ass? What's your favorite burger joint? The Hamburger Habit. The avocados. Yes. On the sandwich. They're so bomb. Okay, apparently, I have to flip one more time. Flip number two, yeah. It's falling apart. It might've hit me in the eye. I don't know how it got over here. I'm sorry. After this flip, I think you can flip. Okay. Yeah. I'm-a smell like a hamburger all day. I know. And I'm not mad at it, but I'm also mad at it. One, two, three, okay. Wait. Ooh, look at that beauty. Wow. What's the point of me doing my hair if I'm just gonna smell like a damn McDonald's? You know, some people really love the smell of McDonald's. Go find that person. Where you at? Oh, cheese, we forgot our cheese. Oh my gosh, put your cheese on. There you go. Five seconds. Do I have one more flip? Yeah, you don't need cheese, just Vi. Oh, just me? Oh, okay. Oh my god. I think my burger is on fire. It's like a war zone. Underneath though. I have a literal trench in my burger. That's where the cheese is gonna go into. Maybe the cheese will spruce it up, who knows? The cheese is oozing everywhere. Wow, your cheese likes you a lot more than mine. Mine just looks, like, horrific. Okay. Off. See that catch? Oh my goodness. I'm not gonna touch it with my finger. Okay, ready? One, two, three. Mine just has a lot of burnt cheese underneath it. Well, let's top our buns. Wow, beautiful. So smoky. Look at our children. So, let's slice these babies in half. Yes, and let's taste them. Do you wanna try one flip first, or do you wanna try multiple flips? Let's try one flip first. Okay, perfect, let's do it. Wow, look at that inside. Oh my god, okay, cheers. Cheers. Ooh. Not bad. I like that it still has all that juice. Really juicy, really tender. Very lightly pink. Has the slightest pink, but it's the good kind of pink. It's not an offensive pink. No. You know what I mean? I'm a big fan. Might get one more bite, just to make sure. Okay, time for multiple flips. Okay. Whoa. Uh, what is going on here? You're missing a piece right there. Why is 20% of my burger here, and 80% of my burger here? What happened right there? What happened? I don't know, I don't know. The cheese didn't even get in there. Really disappointing. Let's go for it. Whoa. Why does this taste better? It tastes way better. I'm trying to, like, think about. Maybe it's the outside. It has, like, a little bit extra crunch. Uh-huh, but it's still tender on the inside. Mm-hm. I was totally a one-flip girl, but no. I was too. Multiple flips was on. Let's go tell the guys. Yep, let's do it. Breaker, breaker, 642, Trash Raccoon, this is Sassy Spice. Looks like multiple flips won. So, we found out multiple flips work, which is exciting, 'cause that was, like, my own personal thing here that I really wanted to test. So, Trevor's got another flip on that burger, but we're testing toasting buns versus untoasted buns right now. I used to be a big bun toasting evangelist, In-N-Out toasts their buns, everyone says you gotta toast your buns to prevent sogginess. Trevor, are you hurt, or are you just scared? So, anyways, what we're gonna do now is, we're gonna toast up one bun in butter, and then leave one bun untoasted, and we're gonna test for sogginess levels. I'm scared. Are you okay? Do you want the cheese? No, not yet. All right, so we're just doing this simple, right in the cast iron pan. We got hot butter going. We're gonna try and create a nice crust here to see if the fat from the butter, and the toastiness prevents this from becoming soggy. But I like soggy, man. I like when the burger kinda absorbs all the juices like a dumpling. No, no. You don't like that? No, 'cause then, the bun falls apart when you're trying to eat it. You get down to, like, the last third of the burger, and then the bun is just, like, literally, it's just, like, this thin. Yeah, love that. No, that's the worst. You kinda squeeze it through your hands. It sucks. Like a tube of flan. Ow. Why did you make me flip the bur All right, the buns are almost done. Cheese? I want the cheese. Cheese it up. You just touched. All right, those burgers are getting mad shrinkage on there. I'm checking the buns. See, we got some nice caramelization on these. These are just store-bought white buns, which are really lovely. I love good old grocery store buns. We're only toasting one side of these. I believe you should only toast the flesh side of the bun. Yeah, why would you toast the other? Why are we doing this? I'm doing this to block from the popping oil. Sometimes, I go, and I just do this in front of windows at restaurants. We got toasted buns. Those are absolutely perfect. All right, these burgers are coming out. All right, get them in there, get it in there, get it in there, get a burger in here. Then we gotta seal it, and we gotta let it sit for 30 seconds. Aw, that's my timer going off. Nice little burger. That's my timer going off. Get in there. Okay, and now, we wait. Oh my god, I'm in pain. Do you need, like, a medic? Like, a paladin healer? I'm so much happier now that there isn't that much noise. This was so loud, it was making me so stressed out, and I feel much better. I'm chilling now. Do you need me to sound bathe you? Like, give you some whale moans. Yeah, whale moan for me. Ah, I sure feel better. Oh, the pan's still on. All right, so, I'm gonna cut this in half. We're gonna see if we can see a visible difference between the buns as far as soakage goes. 'Cause we're testing for soakage, and then, also, we can test for preference. Let's pick out here, pick up the untoasted. Wow. You see, like, you're testing it there on the juiciness, and that's getting a little bit of sog in there, but it's not bad, though. But then, here, we see, like, the visible crust has created, like, a barrier. It's like a levy. 'Cause, like, the butter soaked in a little bit, but, like, that's not looking too bad as far as soggage is concerned. Nice, it's a juicy burger. Mm. Yeah, yeah. It's a good burger. What this reminds me of is a White Castle slider, which I love. Yeah. These are all, like, steamed together. So textural. Yeah, mm-hm. Like, if I was at a barbecue, I would be really happy if they gave me this. All right, toasted bun, toasted bun. Toasted. Oh, mm. Yeah. Yeah, so much of that butter. It's another dimension. You got so much just, like, crispy, buttery flavor. I thought having, like, crispy beef offset by soft bun would be better. When you get the toast on the bun, you're getting, like, two layers of crunch. Oh. But, as far as sog goes, like, it's not the sogginess that I'm really missing, 'cause, if you see, the untoasted bun is almost, like, holding up better than the toasted bun, I think simply because we go so much steam in there from the butter. They say the fat in the butter creates an unpermeable membrane. I don't think that's the case. I just think butter and crispy bread is a really good combo. It's way better. Yeah, I would say, if you're, like, looking at them, it's about the same amount of soakage that you're getting. Like, this one is probably burger juice soakage, but I think this one is butter steam soakage. Yeah. Your buns can be soaked in one thing, and that's a good thing, but if your buns are soaking in the wrong thing. No, no, no, no, no. Watch out, toasted bun definitely wins. You wanna tell them? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Let them now, let them now. Toasted bun is better. You wanna say anything? β™ͺ Ricola β™ͺ You guys hear me on the tin can? Yeah, were you guys at an aquarium or something? Lots of noises. I made a lot of whale sounds. Yeah, with the dolphin. A little bit of dolphin. I also did a little product placement for Ricola. Okay, I thought it was a hurt seal. I thought it was Tony Chachere's. Now it's Ricola? Speaking of Tony Chachere's, so, we've determined that 70/30 burger blend works the best, we've determined that, if you flip it multiple times, you get a better crust, there's more flavor, we determined that toasted buns work the best, but now, we gotta go for toppings versus bottomings. So, y'all have set up your burgers to your liking of our variety of toppings. I made a nice burger sauce. Nicole decided she didn't like it, so she made her own. Wow, what a metaphor. It's ugly. I put mustard in it. It's pasty, it's pasty, it's red. What I'm gonna do right now, I'm gonna take the toppings, and I'm gonna load this up on the top bun, and I'm gonna spread it out, and then, on the bottomings, I'm gonna go on the bottom bun. So, the theory here, I wanna test for stability. I've noticed that the tomatoes and everything will, like, slide out. Based on where the toppings are, I wanna see what creates the best stability, so bottomings. Sorry. Whoa, oh. I'm gonna give it a little bit of lettuce. That was Trevor's. Gonna go a couple slices of mater. I'm-a give it a nice, hefty handful of onions 'cause I like me some onions. Then we're gonna with some slices of nice, artisanal pickles, little dusting of Tony Chachere's 'cause I cannot get enough of it. Don't get it on my burger. You're welcome. All right, and then I'm gonna put my burger on top, and then smash that bun down right there. Now, for the toppings, burger going on the bottom because it's called the toppings 'cause the toppings goes on the tops. Take me some nice onions. I'm just slapping these everywhere. Isn't the order different? Nah, I don't think so. Okay, whatever. I don't think so, I don't think so. Hey, don't hit my burger. Whatever burgs your burg. Okay, so, you're already seeing, you're struggling to put the shredded on top there. You didn't put any Tony Chachere's. Oh, crap. Dude, that's gonna. No, it's too late. No, no, no, it's fine, it's fine. Perfect. Okay, now, should we go toppings or bottomings first? Toppings, topping, toppings is the traditional way people do it. So, I'm gonna test for stability right here. So, while I have it here, someone kinda, like, rough me up a little bit. See if I can hold it. No, I'm in the paint. I'm battling Food Wars, I'm battling Food Wars, nothing can hold it, nothing can hold me, nothing can hold me. All right, that's pretty stable. Nicole really took a swipe. Sorry. All right, let's bit into it, and see if all the stuff slides around. Woo, okay. I'm not really getting much slippage. I'm not getting a lot of slippage too, but there's a bigger separation between cold and hot, 'cause you're not getting the burger patty pressing down. Yeah. This is a good burger, though. Aw, the toasted bun, man. I think we're just all products of In-N-Out. Yeah. That's where I'm going. There's not much slippage, but I almost don't love the temperature contrast. That's why I feel like bottomings might help. All right, let's test out bottomings. All right, everyone grab your bottomings. All right, someone jostle me, someone jostle me. No, can't hold me, can't hold me, bro. Where's the good side? Beast on the board, beast on the boards. Ow. Sorry, I'm so sorry, you okay? Yeah. Okay. This one tastes better. Uh-huh. It does. Tastes better. I know exactly why. Wait, I flipped it though. Sorry. I basically just did the same thing over there. Think about the first taste that's hitting your palate when you eat this versus that. Two totally different burger experiences. Why is it so different? The beef hits the top of your mouth, and then you're getting all that flavor, as opposed to this, where the first flavors you're getting are the toppings and vegetables. Wait. This is a salad. This is a burger. Next week on "A Hot Dog is a Sandwich," this is salad, this is burger. But I know what you mean, though. Toppings puts the vegetables first, bottomings puts the burger first. Unbelievable how much better the bottomings are. Always bottom. Always bottom. Always bottom, baby. The bottom's on the bottom. Everybody, that makes our best at-home burger a 70/30 meat to fat ratio, multiple flips on the cook, toasted buns in butter, and instead of toppings, we got bottomings. I actually learned a lot today. I didn't think this would be the outcome. But, speaking of which, we all said what we thought the outcomes were, so let's all reveal our wieners. 'Cause there's wieners on the thing. I believed, 'cause this is what I do at home, that it was gonna be 80/20 with three flips, untoasted bun, I thought I liked the steamies, and bottoming, but also, I would again like to take the time to reiterate the fact that Tony Chachere's creole seasoning does indeed rule super hard, 'cause that was good. And there's a thick-booty penguin. Yes. I'm really proud of you. I guess I'll go next. I said 80/20, one flip, toasted, and top, so I was basically wrong. I got one out of four, which is a 25%. It's a F-minus. I guessed 80/20, multiple flips, toasted buns, and toppings. So far, the high score is two for four. We're such good at cooking. My name is Trevor Joseph Evarts, and I guessed 70/30, multiple flips, toasted bun, and bottomings. The wonder kid, he cannot be stopped. That's me, I have swag, 'cause I guessed them all right, 'cause I'm built different. Let's go. Your head looks massive. And booger. Well, I hope some of Trevor's swag can all wash over you today, and I hope that we have taken the process of demystifying burgers, what some would call the hardest food to cook at home after all of these years, spending time with family and friends, that is truly the myth that munching is all about, and I wanna thank all of my trained culinary professionals here and abroad for being with us here today. We have new episodes out every week. We have new episodes of our podcast, "A Hot Dog is a Sandwich," out every Wednesday wherever podcasts are born. Hit us up on Instagram @mythicalkitchen with pictures of your mythical ha-boogers under hashtag dreamsbecomefood. I guess that means we'll see you next time. You rascals. You can cook up your own feast while wearing the Mythical Kitchen apron, available now at mythical.com.
Channel: Mythical Kitchen
Views: 573,850
Rating: 4.9263091 out of 5
Keywords: mythical kitchen, mythical, chef, josh, scherer, nicole, food, taste test, snack, smash, fears, fancy, fast, recipe, culinary, cooking, cook, bake, baking, mythical chef josh, culinary bro-down, good mythical kitchen
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 21sec (1401 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 30 2021
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