Are These Products Worth It? (Test)

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Link really let out his inner Adrian Monk in this episode. He's such a neat freak, and I love it 🤣

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/FloridaFlamingoGirl 📅︎︎ Dec 03 2020 🗫︎ replies

I almost puked when that dog chocolate poop squirted out

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/sp4ce 📅︎︎ Dec 03 2020 🗫︎ replies

I would love to see more cleaning episodes.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/deadmallsanita 📅︎︎ Dec 03 2020 🗫︎ replies

With the "More" and, I believe, something from the live stream, my wife and I are wondering who on their staff is the "Hey Riddle Riddle" podcast fan...

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/theunabeefer 📅︎︎ Dec 03 2020 🗫︎ replies
- Will these high tech gadgets be epic or tragic? - Let's talk about that. (upbeat music) Good Mythical Morning. - Every day I face a dirty, disgusting world and I try my best to keep my little corner of it clean, but the clean stuff gets dirty and then I have to clean it just so it can get dirty again. And it's an endless cycle. Do you feel the weight of this? - No, I don't. - I don't know if that makes you woke or gross, because today we're going to be testing out some ridiculous cleaning gadgets, all of them claim to improve on the old school method and thereby reduce my vicious cycle of cleaning. But are they woke or gross? It's time for new tool or old school, cleaning edition. - All right, we're gonna test -- - I don't know why I seem so angry, but I'm... - Your tense. - I gotta get over this. - It's okay. Okay. - Cleaning makes me feel better. - We're gonna test these cleaning gizmos. We're going to compare them to the traditional way of doing things. And then we're gonna decide if it's worth it to have this new tool, or if you should stay old school, but either way, I think you need more therapy. - I'm not going to argue with that. ( gentle music) This is magic soap. It's steel, stainless steel soap. - This is regular soap - And a lot of different people make this stuff. But the thing is, if you have stinky hands, or I guess if you got stink anywhere on your body, supposedly in a much superior fashion than normal soap, this magic steel soap is supposed to neutralize the scent. I'm talking fish, garlic, just general stink hand. - Well, we've got some fish to test this. - It seems crazy to me. - So let's bring out the salmon and let's make the salmon gloves, that we used to make as kids. You remember when there was the sandwich surplus, and our parents were like, "We got so much salmon, you guys gotta figure out something to do with it." And we were like, - Gloves. - Gloves. - Yeah, I remember that. - Yeah. And we would make these gloves. - Ultimately, I'm just going to mush my hands together Cause we're gonna test to see if he him using regular soap or me using-- - This brings back so many memories from the summer of '84 - You're not making gloves anymore, you're just smushing salmon in your hands. - Yeah, I kind of moved past the salmon gloves. - According to, and I quote the Amazon description, "Iron molecules and iron ion can removes odor smelly things was proved by scientists." - That's what it actually says? - "Traditional soaps cover odors "while this magic metal soap bar remove it by creating chemical reaction." - Okay. All right. Well, you don't have to get your grammar right to get your science right. - With further digging, this is what we found. The chemical makeup of the steel is such that it combined to sulfur, which you know, most smelly things, they reduced sulfur... - Smells things. - They let sulfur out into the atmosphere, which turns into sulfuric acid when you wash your hands. - My hands really smell like smoked salmon. Okay. So I'm gonna go with the regular-- - So do mine. - Yep. You dropped a little bit. I'm gonna go with a regular soap, not a sponsor. - And I'm going to use the magic soap - And I'm just gonna wash them like I typically would. This is how small my sinks at home are. - First of all, they made this... - It's weird that they-- - Really? - Yeah it's weird. I think they came from a tiny house. - They made the bar look like it's half used, you know? All right. Let's get rid of anything that smells like salmon, except for our hands. And then let's get Stevie, Stevie. Stevie, you know that I'm using the steel soap. - Yes, I do. - And you know that Rhett is using this soap, but still close your eyes and you won't know which hand we're putting up. - Okay. - Right. Yeah it could be either. - Hold on. I really wanna give this the best shot ever. - Ever. - This is like the best shot ever. - Did salmon gloves did they make their way to Greensboro? - Listen, here's the thing. I eat a lot of smoked salmon, and you know this about me - Yeah, right. - And I have this problem. So if this is going to solve a problem for me, then I'm all about it. - I always thought you were just still playing with salmon gloves. I didn't know that you were eating. - I'm not gonna get into that. - Okay. Here we go. Here's one hand. - Yeah, that was a soap and a undertone of smoked salmon in that hand. - All right. Keep yourself still. - Why am I still closing my eyes? - Yeah. Keep your eyes closed. - You don't know whose that hand is. - That is just straight up smoked salmon. (laughs) - I kind of feel like if you did regular soap and then that... - Stop undermining my experiment. - (laughs) - I hope this was helpful. - Yeah. Thank you. We learned so much Stevie. - I mean, smell at the soap. Smell at that. - Oh, it got the salmon. - Stevie, come back. Stevie come back. - Hey, this got the salmon. - All right. Now, close your eyes. Close your eyes and give me on a scale of one to 10, how much salmon you smell. - That's way better. I would say a 3.5. - All right, so now smell... Close your eyes. - Sorry. - You screwing up my experiment. - Come again. That's a 7.5. - Yeah. Cause you smelled the soap. - The soap took the salmon. - Smell my hand. - Now we're getting like a 2.5. - What about this? - Don't bring that into this. (soap falls) That has nothing to do with this now. - She is smelling things. I'm gonna put something up there. I mean, why not? - No. Yeah. That's it. - It's dramatically stinkier than my hands. - Isn't that the thing that the aliens came in Alien Isolation? - Yes. - [ Voice] Arrival. - Arrival. - Contact. - No arrival. - Nail. - It was Arrival. (laughs) - Oh my gosh. - Yeah. - You can open your eyes now. This thing stinks buy one. - I glad am done. - Oh my gosh, if you're a fishermen. - Yeah, put that in the water and you'll catch all the salmon. - I think this works. New tool works. It stinks that means something. - Your hands still stink. - But this stinks worse. - Okay. If you wanna make something else, other than your hands also stink, get one of these. - But how do you wash this? ( gentle music) Quick reminder, this is the last month to get the last quarterly collectible item of 2020 associated with the Mythical Society. It's the RHETT & LINK BOBBLEHEADS If you want this unique collectible, one of a kind only available through the Mythical Society item. The only way to get it is to be a third degree member. More specifically, you've gotta join quarterly or annually if you're not already a third degree member by December 31st to qualify. Visit to get that thing. - Okay. We've all been there. You got the lasagna from last night, you trying to heat it back up, but you want to catch the fourth quarter of the game from your favorite sports team. (Rhett laughs) - Yeah. - And you leave it in there, and next thing you know, snap, crackle, pop, you got lasagna sauce all over the inside of your microwave. How are you going to clean it? Well, you could do it the old school way which Link is gonna demonstrate, or you can bring in the Angry-Mama Microwave Cleaner. - This is interesting. Tell me more. - She's so mad. There's different colors and I've got the one on the outside, which is a purple and green. - You've got one on the outside. - There's one on the inside. So basically this uses water, vinegar and steam. - Her neck got long. - These have been premeasured, so I don't have to think. Nobody likes to watch me think. We've got vinegar, we've got water. - Okay, so you go to the vinegar fill line, then the water fill line. - A little lemons. - Okay. - Think I got some seeds in there that may be dangerous. I don't know. - Do you push it back down? - Push it back down and then you put her head on. - So what does that wig? I think it's gonna send it's steam out. - The whole idea is you put this into your microwave, barely fits. - For seven minutes on high. - Seven minutes on high. - All right. So as you're going, I'm also just gonna start with my elbow grease. This stuff says removes tough grease and grime in seconds. - She's turning around in there. She's spinning around. (beep) Are you the microwave cleaner in your house? - Microwaves should never be cleaned. This is what I tell them. You're need drape. You have to drape things in the microwave. When this shows up, I'm like, you know what? - Angry daddy in the house. - This is your issue. You have to get your drape game going. (beep) Just drape a paper towel. There's no excuse. You should never have to clean your microwave. If you're a good draper. (beep) - Oh look, my Angry-Mama is steamed up. - Oh yeah? - Oh wow. She's so steamy, I can't even see her anymore. - I am not having fun over here. - [Voice] I'm just going to point that out. - Well, I'm still gonna have to wipe. I don't think the Angry-Mama is gonna do all the work for me. (beep) Link's breaking a sweat over there. I'm gonna just be cool, calm and collected. - This is not effortless. It was nothing but effort. - All right, here's your mythical satisfying steam. How satisfying was that? - I mean, there was something. There is something coming out. - Okay. So I've got to be careful with grabbing her. - See now mine has gotten pretty... - She's still angry. - Oh my gosh. Did it break that down any? - Give me... - I mean, this was pretty catastrophic. What we're simulating over here, but I was able to get it out. - Look, look. - That working? - Nothing. - Nothing? - Like this is going to still require a complete spray down with the good stuff. Let me take this out here. - Yeah, cause mine is... - Oh man. You know what? - How's that? - It's coming out pretty nice on that part. Actually, you know what? This stuff is coming off pretty easily. Like with no cleaner, like it's coming right off. It's the glass, the glass is problematic. - If your drape game is on point, you don't have to buy any gimmicky crap. - I mean, what's the conclusion then? - It doesn't seem like it's worth it to me. - The fact that this is gonna require a deep clean, the glass part. And the fact that you're gonna have to get in there in a similar way. - Yeah. - I just feel like all I did was waste seven minutes. Hoping that something I spent money on was going to work. (gentle music) - Our last product. Well, let me tell you about it. It's supposedly a revelation in the field of pet cleaning. - I bet it is. - The brilliant pad self-cleaning doggy potty. This tool allegedly eliminates the need to ever clean up after your puppy or your dog, provided that you never take them on outdoor walks and only really get them to pooping here on this conveyor belt or pad - You gotta train them. You gotta train them to only go on the pad. - So this pad here is what I call a puppy pad. - We had it when Barbara was a little. - When you're training a puppy, this is not a permanent fixture in my house now that my dog is trained to only poop and pee outside. - Oh, we took all the ones from her youth, and we hung them up in her room like art. - This may be quite an investment for $170 on if you're gonna buy this thing just for a puppy, maybe not. - What room you got to put it in? - If you're into that-- - So we're going to simulate this. I've got some simulated urine. (spraying simulated urine) - I think there's Coyote pee in there. Stop smell. - Oh yeah, there is Coyote pee. Oh, you told me that. - Yeah. So stop-- - Oh gosh. Yeah, spray that. - I'm gonna put some pee. (spraying simulated urine) The dog peed right there. - I got dookie and the dookie is a... - Dog pee right here. - Chocolate mixed with a cat poop. No, kidding. (laughs) Why don't we just do poop? (laughs) Cat food. So, you know, it's like, blop , blop. - Oo oh, stop. - Hold on, had a big dinner, blop and then a little bit. - Okay. (laughs) That's yours to clean up cause over here, this machine is going to do this for me. - Yeah. If it comes out that fast and it looks like that, you might need to take your dog to the vet immediately. - I'm gonna put one over here. - Oh. - Oh, gosh. - You know, they got into something they shouldn't have eaten. - Clean that up because we're about to find out why this is worth $180, $70. - All right, this is all I gotta do. Just roll it like that, you take it and you pop it into a bag. - And nothing went onto the exquisite carpet. Now for me, there's a timer on this thing. You can get it to go automatically once, twice or three times a day, or you can do a manual advance, which I'm just going to manually advance. - I'm gonna watch that poop just manually advancing to there. - Two pee, two poop. - Well, what if you had a really tall one? - Yeah. It's got to go underneath this. - You know, like a German shepherd. Sometimes there'll be like four or five inches tall. - I think, yeah. It's of course smaller dog. - You tell me the poop just goes into there and that's it? (beep) So technically your dog could just poop walk. Cause sometimes they'll do that especially the old one. - What's that? - You got an avocado, which technically is poisonous to both cats and dogs so don't ever give them. - Yeah. If I like-- (Link screams) - Okay. Okay. So if they happen to get into an avocado with a big pit like that, is it going to roll this pit up? Oh. - Yes. - Oh, it got it. - That was a good test chase. (beep) - Oh, okay. First of all, look at the edge. I don't know if you can see it if it's happening. - [Stevie] Yeah. - But it has the dookie completely out of this thing. Like some kind of like nasty tootsie roll. - And then when you're done, how do you get it out? (beep) So then this comes out and then, Oh gosh, I don't like grabbing a mushy-- - It's really Milky. It's it's all coming out of that side. So you got to run outside real quick now. But I will say, unless your dog is really having a problem, it's not gonna be like Hershey syrup. It's gonna be like normal dookie. And in that scenario, I think that this is pretty ingenious. Now there is an Amazon review-- - I think you need to clean this part. - Somebody is upset because they said, "My Chihuahua poops up to four times a day. "A single role will not last a week. "This is too expensive. "Can't imagine if having multiple dogs, a pack for 150 pounds for $20 last me a month." So it's going to be a little bit more expensive, but Hey, that's the a future. You pay the robots to do the work for you. - I don't understand. Don't you need to train your dog to just poop outside? - Yeah, but they're not always going to be. This is if you leave your dog inside for a long period of time. They learn how to poop on this thing. Now you've got to have a room for it, because it's very large. I think it's great. - I don't think it's great. So I'm saying just go old school. - We're split on this. - Just go old school. - You're saying old school, I'm saying new tool. - Yeah. - But we also determined that we liked the magic steel soap earlier. And that's because it takes the smell from your hand and puts it on the soap, but still leaves on your hand. - Still stinks really bad. - So we didn't recommend anything. (laughs) That's kind of what this boils down to. - Thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell. - You know what time it is. - Hi, I'm Abi. - And I'm Bonnie and this is Devlin our newest mythical beast. - [Abi and Bonnie] it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - He's like, "What is going on?" - You'll understand one day son. Okay, click the top link to watch us try and guess the most ridiculous clean kids bop lyrics in Good Mythical More. - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality's gonna land. - [Voice] Hey, if you want the RHETT & LINK BOBBLEHEADS, it's the last month to join the Mythical Society Third degree quarterly or annual plans by December 31st to be eligible. Visit for details.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 2,021,561
Rating: 4.9355121 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test, season 18
Id: nd3tyDCsJm8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 49sec (949 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 03 2020
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