12ga. Camping Trip Alarms - Unusual shell loads!

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today we're gonna have a look at v ops perimeter triple arms he's come in a 12-gauge version and also a shotgun primer version hey everyone this is jeff of taofledermaus I want to thank Kip over at the wilderness survival store for sent us some cool stuff to check out I'll admit I never heard of this website before but they do have a lot of cool 12-gauge specialty rounds we were sent two types of perimeter triple arms you could set these things up around your campsite or probably your shed or whatever and when activated they make a very loud boom now these are non-lethal they're even legal in California believe it or not and they're just big noisemakers they use these 12-gauge little mini shell blanks now you could mount this by using these screw holes or you can strap it on to something using zip ties or baling wire or paracord or whatever the machine work and construction of this thing is excellent it looks very sturdy this is the firing pin to arm it you just pull that firing pin back it's got a pretty hefty spring on there so you have to figure out the best way to do that but once you pull it back far enough you can put this hitch pin in there which would be attached to a string or something so it'll be remotely fired after it's armed it all set up then you finally put your blank in there because if something slipped or something you wouldn't want that thing blowing up in your face now I'm gonna give you guys some really bad ideas but I prepared my own shells this one has about sixty grains of black powder with a wadding and then the rest is filled with chili powder this one has magnesium and black powder in it the other type of triple armed they sent uses shotgun primers and you can buy shotgun primers up there about five or six bucks for a hundred of them basically you just unscrew the cap insert a shotgun primer that's just a Fiocchi shotgun primer right there a shotgun primer is still very loud and it would definitely scare off Bigfoot or a bear these also came with a couple eye screws that you could screw it right on to a tree branch or whatever so you could use this around a campsite now with this one you could put the hitch pin right through the center of the shaft of the firing pin or through the center of the body of the triple arm itself there's two options there now these are not considered a destructive device or a firearm by the ATF so they're actually legal but if you were to start modifying things by putting a piece of pipe over the shotgun shell or tape it up with duct tape or whatever you're probably gonna have a destructive device and run into legal problems alright Jeff and the og back out here with you on an awfully hot central California day it's a hundred and seventy three degrees today which is like 78 degrees in the rest of the world hey v ops not forth ops not six tops v ops sent today these little little perimeter alarms that get mounted with shotgun shells either mount a 12-gauge show on that one or the one we're gonna try for you first is actually just a little machined aluminum cylinder it's actually a pretty well made little device and inside is a spring-loaded firing pin you can see it right there I think so I got a shotgun primer 12 gauge primer here this is what lights off shotgun rounds I'm going to insert it into the cap here and then we're going to assemble it around this little I screw this would be what you would plug into the tree or wall or something next to your campsite and if you're going to set this little burglar alarm in place I'm gonna run it up through here and we're going to press it together around that I screw until it screws together there we go now I'm going to [ __ ] the hammer and I'm going to set this little safety in the little pin right there and then I'm gonna rotate it towards my string I'm gonna tie off a little piece of trip wire and we'll light it out for you getting my nose into somebody's campsite and I come across this tripwire boom wake them up we are testing out a little trip wire a little trip wire a shotgun we call that alert system yeah for camp sites or other secure perimeters we have a tripwire hooked up to this anodized aluminum shotgun piece and we're gonna try and load in some different rounds here to go off we start with some blanks we've got some noise blanks here that are supposed to alert you if a bear or another human is coming near your campsite we've also got some fireworks components in this one that we've got ready for you and see if that will blast off we've got some magnesium it should give us a nice little blast a little puff of black smoke and a flash for those of you in West Palm Beach jeff has loaded up a glitter around so we'll see how that goes off pepper huh because you need to pepper your campsite and then of course carbon we're gonna see how carbon reacts thrown out here if that was correct and you're protecting the perimeter and because we know all the tile flater folks are going to ask how could I mount this in my house on my door to stop burglars without me be in there we're gonna fire off a bird shot around a live bird shot round out of this little contraption just to show you that this is not a viable weapon to stop intruders you do not want to rig your house with some little tripwire contraption that injures people so plus it's probably a felony it's probably a felony whatever you're using deadly force in the United States this is just about for every single state you do have to be the one behind the deadly force you have to determine that the the threat is actually a threat to your life to your person so you can't just rig up something like this and then when the mailman comes in to drop off your package you loses a leg so not a good idea anyway we're going to start out with the blank round here just for noise and let's see how it works okay so here's the set up to this little beauty it's got a spring-loaded firing pin this is essentially just the Bolton action on a 12-gauge shotgun in essence it's made out of aluminum so no it would not work on an in a 12-gauge but you're gonna pull this spring-loaded firing pin out we're gonna take this little safety pin and we're gonna plug it in that little tiny hole that's going to hold it open for me just like that I'm going to use my extra safety device here the digit 1.0 and put over that pin while I load this blank round in there the reason I do this is because if your dog runs by your kids run by the puffle win comes by a bird flies out of the sky and somehow trips that you do not want to have your hand in front of this blank while it's being loaded in here so I'm gonna put a little extra safety on that pin while I insert a 12-gauge blank in there and we're live and ready to go ready for intruders this is a magnesium one right okay I'm ready so look at this package you've got a exploded shell a little burn mark Katy Perry was poking her nose in there and a business where she didn't belong and look at her face hold up the glasses I'm just wearing these glasses these glasses that Dustin - yeah it's not really protect her face that was a little jet of fire and magnesium that you would not want shot at you took it right no face that's nuts dang it be careful kids some green glitter in there and you know if it's glitter it's got to be Vin Diesel so he's waiting right here for it [Music] so glitter-bombed Vin Diesel here took one right in eight-year probably not the first time but embedded little bits of glitter into his Styrofoam cheeks completely curled this thing back like that and then of course the ground zero for the glitter bottom right there looks like a nightclub in Miami around here okay Cajun ground pepper oh nice so our by you potty Papa got him right in the eyes again blew up the show this is what happens to a twelve-gauge show by the way without a barrel the shell just wants to explode in all directions so that's why you're seeing that big flash on the slow-mo camera and that's why these shotgun holes are blasted all day Oh got him right in the eyes boom blasted in with pepper however let's try one without the head and see just how far that pepper explosion gonna be interests in the state yeah whoa hotter than a Britney Spears music video Wow okay super Magnum magnesium super everything in the kitchen sink load okay ready alright here we go Oh fireworks in there yank it hard just there you go [Laughter] well there you go those were the pith ops trip alarms both of them work flawlessly and this one in particular held up very well no damage at all to them and they worked very reliably already and if you're interested in buying one of these I have a link in description this promise me you'll be safe with it and be smart [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Views: 4,128,116
Rating: 4.7472529 out of 5
Keywords: fith ops, slow motion, do it yourself, useful things, lifehacks, camping gadgets, proyectos faciles, science experiments, taofledermaus, diversity
Id: iJBezRwxhXA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 37sec (757 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 04 2017
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