New COPPERHEAD 12g. slug is devastating - first time tested

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hello everyone this is jeff of taofledermaus today we have an exciting test using Tim Hamilton's new design called the Copperhead these have never been tested before and we're gonna bring you along and show you the results now if you're not subscribed to Tim's channel the ballistic machinists be sure to do that right now he'll be uploading his own tests very soon this is a 12-gauge projectile with eight copper pedals that fragment upon impact in our tests today will be propelling these to around 1400 feet per second but if you know Tim he likes to push the boundaries and he'll probably get these things up to about 1700 feet per second Tim believes his design would be an ideal lead-free hunting round okay first time ever tested smoothbore Tim that hasn't even tested these things you knows enough to work or not well we're gonna find out for him yeah let's see how far away are we 15 yards or so yeah right about 15 okay Mossberg laughs loudly over here okay smooth or okay I'm ready all right center mass oh my gosh so far it's looking excellent good stability point for any impact yeah I guess I could that thing just turn that thing into a just puckered that bad Kevlar up that's the EBA Kevlar stopped it there it is well let's see that that's that's kind of cool well folks you're seeing it for the first time the Copperhead in action it looks like it's flying real stable accuracy was very good and look what it did to that Kevlar ebay panel and of course because we're using a dry target we're not getting fragmentation from hydrostatic action Wow in test number two the projectile isn't quite as stable it's important to show when things don't work perfectly - and Tim will be able to use this information to improve the final design maybe just a improved gas seal okay FBI calibrated wit jeans that's what the FBI uses I believe good hydrostatic target I hope still smoothbore soon we'll be going to the rifle of mass accelerator tube but hang on there and it'll do good with smooth that's the Matt what's worth that's where the magic happens okay where you been at at the rubberband yeah that right into Center master okay yep hit it our forensic team is on there Danny also the launch director nearly hit the rubber band that's right that's pretty good [Music] okay now the moment of truth unravel those babies and let's see if we can find anything any other mysteries in there there you go there's some sweet pants there yeah yeah I could wear those still without being embarrassed I look hip is there any sign of fragmentation oh there's one okay okay who doesn't like a pair of sexy pants like that test number three did a little better a little no more stability but again we see that overing getting shredded that's a an important clue that I think Tim will be able to work out if you look closely you can see that the projectile has fragmented a lot of the little copper teeth are flickering around in the sunlight what's really surprising in this shot is it didn't look very impressive in real time but look how I just liquefied that denim material that's just wild okay the block of clay I think it's gonna just disintegrate that but fulle rifling this time spin let's see if it makes it more accurate or not okay are you ready I am ready engage geez there's nothing left of it okay using full rifling we have good spin and it's really interesting how that o-ring is kind of stretched out from centrifugal force the shot placement was a little low that can always be adjusted for and somewhere in that big mess is the copper pedals that have fragmented absolutely impressive energy transfer especially to that laminated fluorine it just tore that thing up did not expect that to happen okay what magazines actually a very good simulation of a meaty tissue inexpensive very informative of what's going on rifle barrel again oh geez certified look at this Wow I didn't think it would go through that's pretty impressive that's a sweet Chinese side yeah a little-little knife there fact we ought to do a foster just to compare you know like sugar normal slog what what what the heck side normal slug you know oh okay stop right there you see where you see that where it's starting to fragment there you see those eight marks on there yeah we'll probably find those so I love wet magazines look at that leaves a permanent cavity and it's recyclable okay there's another one in there yeah they're all in that same little area okay I bet if you look at that one closer yep is that another one okay good fragmentation and that it looks like that's where the rest of the projectile just went right through yep I think that was the end of a fragmentation Wow more fragments Wow so what good two and a half inches of fragmentation spread that's tight stuff those magazines are tough to get through it's about all we're gonna recover right there okay there's probably other ones hidden in there you HED is a metal detector Danny yeah again with full rifling and spin stabilization yeah not as stable as you might imagine but we'll see how Tim's tests come out when he releases his video if you look at the right side you'll see that the main body of the projectile has passed all the way through and is still going okay three inch Magnum Foster using the rifled barrel for that yeah okay okay now in this test a lot of wackiness is going on here comes the true ball foster slug pretty darn accurate even through rifling huh and then the wad following a couple feet behind it enters the same hole that's a pretty accurate wad but wait there's more as we could see the foster slug is all mushroomed out it's kind of the shape of a donut at this point but it had just enough energy to fall out the back of this sack of wet magazines that's pretty wild there we go started expanding getting a little fatter there's a little different type of damage tearing things up and that's about where the wood stopped I like that it broke yeah that thing barely squeaked out to the back that's funny I think I even saw it on the high-speed camera just bouncing off the table yeah yeah I didn't you know that was a three inch shell all in the same hole yeah that's wish I was that accurate triple tap let's do a ballistic gel test with these with our ballistic booger finally yep he he was tired of our nonsense shooting that booger gel and I really do appreciate it we'll put this to good use excellent open it up show show what it's what clear ballistics gel is supposed to look like and you just plop it out of there I think it's gonna be a case of once you get out of the box you'll never get back look at that look at that that is a thing of beauty yeah Joe there you go shut up now okay we got a kind of a weird setup here got the white box in the back and aluminum foil underneath all that to kind of utilize as much as the sunlight as possible for this shot the Copperhead enters the jail waned 424 grains it immediately dumps a tremendous amount of energy the total weight of the pedals is 100 grains the main body of the projectile Wayne 324 grains at this point makes it completely through the 16-inch block of gel so you essentially have a slug that has high-energy dump and also high penetration that's something you don't normally see in any type of round well that is quite impressive yeah your tape measure yeah okay that is a thing of beauty right so yeah I mean 16 inch block 6 by 6 by 16 and we have petals from Oh from 4 inches to 7 and a half to this one okay beautiful awesome full penetration with the the main body you see some of the o-rings down inside there I don't know if this is even kind of focus that's a weird thing to focus on but yeah just kind of flip it around and you can see the petals the you know we caught seven of them one of them escaped here yeah this was on the side towards me right here you got a nice centered shot on that one yeah look at that with a smooth bore looks like a feather yeah a few oring pieces in there that disintegrated some back here yeah notice right here some of the pieces of o-ring followed the petals oh yeah it's just that it it's expanded so quickly it just shattered the the o-ring and clear ballistics is supposed to send us another block so we'll be able to just keep doing this we can move again yeah this one went all the way through so we get another block we can stack them up and catch the the core yeah awesome that's pretty good penetration there and the one that the one that escaped we found it on the ground here yep we had a box in behind here for lighting a little bit better yeah it looked a little better with the white background then with a brown or whatever and this one went through the box yeah not bad not bad at all Thanks I like well I hope you enjoyed the video a big thank you for everyone who has rated the video always enjoy reading and replying to your comments and we also want to acknowledge the generosity of our patreon supporters we got an interesting email from patreon the other day saying how they recommend that we get rid of our $1 tear it's like yeah you can make more money if you just ditch all those people that give $1 and it's like that's most of our people you know if we did that we would be slapping them in the face so thank you guys for your support $1 means a lot to us thank you
Views: 350,048
Rating: 4.9403534 out of 5
Keywords: supersonic aerodynamics, sr-71, rocketry, world of tanks, apds round, new inventions, science, smartereveryday, slow motion cameras
Id: q8X_AOfAjQ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 14sec (974 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 28 2020
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