Supersonic ROCKS - Crudest 12g. Projectiles are no joke

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whoa none the Kofu it's kind of hard to believe that out of all the different projectiles we've tested we've never tested man's most primitive projectile the rock but a viewer named Zack noticed this and he offered to sent us these rock projectiles Zack used a diamond tool to cut these cylinder shapes so they fit properly in the barrel you'll notice that Zack left the ends kind of jagged and irregular and I wanted to leave them that way and see how that affects their flight at supersonic speeds now I'm not gonna even guess what kind of rocks these are they could be quartz or granted or whatever but if you're a rock expert let us know what do you think these are these projectiles weigh anywhere between eight and around thirteen grams let's get up there and test them out folks Jeff and Officer Greg out here with you again at the new shooting site Zack has sent us some rounds made out of rock folks we're gonna be rockin these rounds downrange today this is just a piece of one of them but you can kind of see it's just a core of rock that's been milled out we have rounds made on a different rock this one tastes like sandstone this one's my quartz but made out of different rocks so probably different hardnesses we're gonna shoot them at some different targets and see how they react and then how the target reacts it'll be kind of interesting because when we shoot a slug we almost always know what the slug look is going to do but we don't know what the targets going to do on these we don't know what the round or the target is gonna do so they're very light they're rather light rounds and we're gonna mass accelerate them into some different materials down here and see if we can't get some kind of cool effect for you so let's give it a try enough talking rock on and we should mention we are at a proper shooting range oh yeah gun range by the way where are you aiming at I have aiming at that aluminum plate there's a Blue Square at the top about the size of a postage stamp yeah we I don't know how accurate a rock is hmm it'll probably tumble I don't know our ancestors through them yeah there's oldest weapons there's a rock right took the rock at Goliath yes David and Goliath round okay modern let's see if they're even accurate okay I'm ready all right here Maynard's right what's up ten yards about yeah about ten yards at the Blue Square okay I'm ready hit hit pretty close to the blue square Jeff tells me looking through the high-speed camera that it was what sideways it was flying sideways yeah so you guys will have seen that by now left a cool little dust blast all over this but it's just dust yeah what can you see that it's actually made a little little dent in aluminum so hit it hit with some authority and then on the back and since it's your birthday guys it's not your birthday save this and play it again on your birthday that's like magic yeah whose keyboard coral I don't know whoever he is he disapproves I think it was from a video game yeah was a from a video game video like a counter-strike video from like ten years ago or something oh there was a keyboard curl or maybe it was camping Karl I don't know okay we got things a little out order it gives people something to comment about here comes the rock this one's more or less cylinder shape but it was flying sideways now these rocks are extremely hard I try to dress one of them up on my belt sander and in just destroying my belt which is really the reason why he left them the way they were but overall it did extremely well did not go through the aluminum plate many projectiles we've shot I think all of them up till now have just gone through that aluminum plate which is 6061 and 3/8 of an inch thick we got a rock versus rock which will win the big rock it's the city nor the little rock going 1500 feet per second at room David versus Goliath scenario 4 and then we drew a face on there really it didn't come that way no and we we have to put some kind of markings on there it makes it a lot easier to focus the high-speed camera on plus it's just more fun to look at it is it's more amusing why everybody gets like so much entertainment out of the town flater met our the tout a l'heure mouse cater mouse yeah I thought it would break it in half the rock the big rock yeah I thought it'd break that you know that's rock versus rock crime so I was aiming for the forehead but that's pretty close ten yards gray stone hit him right on the snot box there and disintegrated again kind of as we did it is there like a mark or anything in it there's a little bit of residue there did it chip it but that was like a greenish Rock that must have been a green stone but really there's no that's I think somebody's green stone okay there is no actual chip in the rock there's no like that's great because I could put it back in my yard nobody ever notice she won't it's like those little nothing the card gnomes you'll all your rocks will have little faces Geno's if I've taken a rock that's you didn't like it and she'll know when it comes back with a face on it yeah yeah Jeffrey why does our rock have tongue sticking out it's a rock rock Dean Rock The Rock gnome yeah okay let's try something else yes I was really surprised at the big rock sustained absolutely no damage at all now to me that's a lot of the fun of making these videos is you never know what's going to happen there's always unpredictable results well do the lead plate okay I was aiming about here little high and right made up made more of a impression than I thought it would yeah yeah lift some weight residue in there mm-hmm but yeah versus wet it's did some pretty cygnus I'm have been really accurate some not so hmm rock out there there's there's some oddball shapes that you know we're trying out to you there even oddballs gonna have a chance yeah there's always there's just luck sometimes yeah well we've got a few more yeah try let's see if we put Doug up there and put a 2x4 in front of him it's a two by eight six I think okay then yeah I study here of the wood yeah I won't leave that one alone I couldn't sleep last night because I was wondering man it won't so much try to rock at me what a two-by-four protect me I don't know okay I'm ready so although the round went a little low right in there I don't know if you can notice that's a little hole right here blew out the back of the wood didn't even slow it down made a nice little perfect cylinder hole right there and Doug's shirt about the size of a nickel or something so and then here's what's cool on Doug's back I came up here let's do some tough later surgery real quick folks if you're scheduled for Toph later surgery you might want to consult your dieter did it not go through the vest it didn't hit the best oh we had a we opted body armor and there's fun his shirt I think we oh man yeah we just can't get anything right can we so stand by the commenters will let you know what you got wrong oh yeah however out of his back in between his back and the t-shirt I found this slug this rock this is the this is the piece that was fired it hasn't cracked or broken or lost any of its pieces so it was stuck right here between his skin and the t-shirt okay so now Doug of course has made out of foam where we are not but he's got many layers of t-shirts yes it's catch me Carrie Patti Carrie Katy Perry concert t-shirts yeah but I mean I actually kind of thought that 2x6 was gonna stop this thing or at least slow it down to where he didn't hardly do anything but didn't seem like it cared much tall sorry Doug [Music] okay how many jugs you think it'll go through I'm gonna say one okay yeah then I'm gonna split that I'll split the odds I'll see it'll go into the third jug Oh baby maybe this I don't know I mean after what it did to that 2x6 I know but it's some home well let's find out well let's do that okay I'm ready all right here we go oh look at that look at that right in the middle between one and three we're both wrong of course a little bit like it was close to the center pretty good sitter shot yeah yeah so blew up number one went through number two and we originally thought it stopped at number two we walked up here a little closer and found out that it is zipped out of number two you can see these things are leaking like Madonna on a park bench it hit number three and made almost a perfect cylinder shaped hole press and she christened she almost made out of numbers oh he tried to get out of number three however we were not having that [Music] we'll get water on your shoes right there look at that it's is it broken or anything it's got an odd shape to it already but I believe they were already like that quit moving around a camera doesn't take hey it's like trying to fall around a hummingbird okay so I think yeah that one had a crazy old angle on it but nothing happened that's all right right yeah yeah look it's got a little little core sample in there you know I was second that one with the that angle would be like the most inaccurate thing what was the angle on the nose or was it was on the nose okay yeah started out flying this way yep logic would say that it would have gone all goofy yeah but and look at this core sample here you can see down the layers of the earth you can see the master right here this is a pterodactyl that's a velociraptor it's a broad asaurus right okay that's that's the guy from Jurassic Park that was eaten by the philosopher but I'm very surprised I thought it would go into one and stop you know they're very they're really like that one probably is nine or ten grams and weight yeah but it's kind of crazy the forces to plow through that 2x6 yeah yeah I'm praying not to break or anything but I mean I often can't get a 45 caliber slug shot out of a pistol to go into the sort of jug so well that's if it is it's an expanding slug you know this is a solid yep hard thing so the third jug not bad not Nicky jugs drugs are leaking one inch dot ten yards away on a hard drive with a rock that is short should I need a shooting an imperfect rock it really is imperfect because they're they're not flat on the ends there they shouldn't fly straight but they do yeah at least at ten yards I don't think we can hit anything at 30 yards or anything with them okay that computer hard drive ready here we see a pink rock I don't know is that sandstone I don't know pretty darn accurate for something as crude as a rock now if you look closely at the real-time footage you saw something hit the sand berm behind the target so something actually went through computer hard drives are pretty tough a 22 bullet more often than not will not even go through this just leave a dent our hard drive the round not only hit pretty accurately close to the blue dot but went all the way through or at least some residue I see light through it yeah it doesn't light through it Jeff said that it pulverized upon impact but something went through there and hit the dirt burn behind us mm-hmm while we were shooting however local worker Breanna came by leave this down and said hey don't shoot I'm gonna be spraying back here of course Breanna was invited to come in and be a guest shooter right because nobody can pass by without shooting so Briana's gonna actually take a couple of shots I'm trying to think there's something neat in the truck we got the foam the little foam cans that the snow oh you still have those yeah yeah snow cans downrange and see how these rounds punch through the snow cams the boss is watching yeah here's my dad decides that hop on [Laughter] got it went over the bank awesome Brianna did quite well please keep your comments respectful towards her because I don't want her dead or her husband or five corn-fed brothers coming after me because they will come after me there you go that was a good shot now everyone's gonna want her to be the shooter how was the recoil in that you didn't expect yeah I didn't think you know it was just boo you know I was not expecting yeah it's such a reaction yeah but even though you hit low that thing just blew up as you can see in that as you guys can see in the high-speed footage that thing just evaporated this went right through it we had to climb over that berm and go get the other piece on the road good job Brianna thank you we gotta have more guest shooters I know they they rarely find us but because we were hiding back here in a place that smells like poo that's profit man that's the smell of money thank you thank you you think the rock will break no I think it'll hold together go all the way through and exit out the other side okay I think the rocks gonna break and it'll go three-quarters the way through and this is a little bit hotter around - yeah we heated this one up I think it's a bigger bigger rock - it's a it's one of the long ones yeah whoo so he might you might have a little kick from that one yeah ready when you are ready I'm ready whoa not in the kelp oh you didn't go all the way through I was right for once yeah you were right for once it hit pretty much where I wanted to hit or release Rose Amy and did some surprising things in here I don't know if you can can you fly that camera over the top well yeah I'm kind of see the reddish color of that and it's reflecting up this one yeah you can see the reddish color of that thing go in there I'm going to spring me or you would there's a little [ __ ] that makes it clear Oh see when it's wet it makes it clear so can you oh yeah yeah okay that nice big it's like clear ballistic jumping gaping Rock wound inside of you that would be gruesome if that was inside yeah you can see the chunks of rock up here and then like you said some of them exited over here in a big old gash yeah that's nasty I think that was on the other side of the camera this was we're filming from that side there I mean these are the kind of wound patterns some some different rounds are trying to get one of them that's true Jill even though it's it's very seemingly soft it it will really it's really abusive did a lot of projectiles yeah and then we can be abusive to hit I mean you saw what it did going through the wood it didn't do him in a phase of the rock but this Joe stopped him what is that well this is 18 inches right okay so that's what eight inches nine inches right there yeah so not bad I'm like a Jill you know a lot of times things go right through the Jill so that was very suitable and the color of that was no stone helps too you can see I've got a like chop all that out and throw it away so I have like a little less Jill every time to reconstitute it that's not this that is it that is a nightmare for pretty soon your job lalala gist pretty soon your job or gonna be the size of a Snickers bar yeah alright but that's pretty cool yep thanks Zach those were some impressive rounds for a lot of different reasons fairly accurate I did a lot more damage than we would have even thought the most primitive of man's first weapon the rock I think that is the rock before you use a stick thank you very much Briana for stopping by and taking a break from your job to come out here and just get shootin yeah so let us know if you want to see Briana do more stuff oh good lord we don't know how to get ahold of Briana so oh that's true yeah reserve your comments yeah that's true Briana looks way better than either Jeff where I not even which is she was like cover with dirt from done you're spraying weeds and a weird tractor machine just hot so yeah not as hot as Danny but thanks guys we'll catch you on our next video you all be safe out there it's starting to get about 180 degrees out here so we're gonna pack it up yeah and head in so we're done thank you very much we'll see you on the next one and that folks concludes yet another towel fledermaus video the rock projectiles were a lot of fun to film and had some pretty unpredictable results we hope you enjoyed this video we want to thank our patreon supporters and also our channel members for their ongoing support and on a side note things regarding monetization on YouTube have been improving a little bit now it's probably too soon to tell but if it does continue this trend I will be asking our supporters to pare back or completely eliminate their donations
Views: 197,001
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: primitive technology, rocks, camping, survival, tools, super sonic, smartereveryday, fun, amazing, taofledermaus, mach speed
Id: 5Je6rkPwH2E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 59sec (1259 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 10 2020
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