Backed Up Blessings | Pastor Keion Henderson

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that I'm amazed that he knows my name [Applause] that out of all of the names he knows mine and that he extended love to me while I was a sinner that is amazing [Music] that is amazing just high-five three people say that's amazing you know you just amazing you know you that's amazing everybody says they are [Music] he features chapter 6 verse 10 just touch somebody so he knows my name that's so amazing because I'll be tripping but he don't forgive I come to attitude but he still remembers how many of y'all know you the left church came back left came back left came back and he was right there every time you came back [Music] [Music] he freezes chapter six verse 10 there is a word in this house [Music] finally finally after all the hell you've been through finally [Music] after almost giving up you fit you got to the finish line everybody say finally finally my brother and be strong in the Lord be strong filling what you feel right now be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might so that word finally means that you didn't been through like I wish I can just call the sermon finally finally when I get to the end of all I've been through I have been through enough now to be declared strong the less you go through the Wicker you are lay aside every you got to have trouble to get strength and there was a blessing that God has for you but the devil wants you so focused on your fight that you can't see your future you busy fighting a past battle with a bright future in front of you the devil has you fighting a battle that's over with litigating a case that's been settled and you can't move forward but let me tell you why I love God it's because he is above all he sees on and he knows all I'm the president I'm Nishant he knows it all he sees it all I'm nipa tenth he knows it all right I'm the president he's everywhere at the same time so while you're fighting the battle I love that God is still making sure that everything is working out for our good I want to talk on this subject today Ephraim I want I want to talk about backed-up blessings I want to talk about backed-up blessings give three people to have five and say backed-up blessings you may be seated in the presence of the Lord with a high degree of assurance resisting the idea of probability I am secure with my analysis in suggesting that a majority of the individuals in this house are familiar with the Ephesians chapter six even if you didn't know that it was Ephesians chapter six most people as it relates to biblical exegesis and ideology are familiar with passages even though we cannot specifically denote where those passages are most people will know that all things work together for the good of them that love the Lord but are not probably a student enough to tell you exactly where that address is I am suggesting that because I believe that all of you have a theological understanding of Ephesians chapter 6 even though you may not know that what you know is found in the sixth chapter of Paul's letter to the church at Ephesus you know this chapter we don't have to spend the next 40 minutes trying to bring you up to speed as to what this text is talking about because you know it top to bottom you are very smart you are astute you have studied this and perhaps if you are normal you have used it as ammunition to prove a point Paul's letter to the church at Ephesus on sixth Street first house he lets us know that children ought to obey their parents for this is right and that it is the first it is the first commandment with the promise and it lets us know that children are to honor their mothers and their fathers did you see how y'all said Amen already that their days might be long and every good parent has used this as a way to scare your children straight every good parent is telling you you ain't gonna live long if you disrespect me but the children have gotten smarter and say yeah mama the first three verses belong to you but by the time we get to verse four it's my turn father's provoke not your children to wrath that were provoked what we get the Latin word provocative it's it's a compound word pro VOC Pro forward Pro VOC where we get our word vocal in other words you have to make sure that you are saying the right things to your children because whatever you pronounce you provoke how you speak to your children will determine where your children end up you can't call them stupid and expect them to act smart you can't call them an idiot and expect them to act like a genius fathers don't allow your anger to allow you to say something in anger that you do not mean in expression this chapters even be used in the darkest stain of our American history that in antiquity hundreds of years ago when slavery was legal in our United States slave owners would use verse five as a way to keep their property in check what verse 5 says slaves obey your masters it is a Mis usage and a malpractice of a text that has Kingdom aconitine that was used for humanistic apprehension whether you look at it from that perspective but not all of you all know exactly what I'm saying and then we skip over the verse 11 and we go down and you know all of that too because the Bible says that we are put on the whole armour of God that we should have the helmet of salvation and the shoes of the gospel and the breastplate of righteousness and the sword of the word of God you know this chapter nobody has to indoctrinate you you know this chapter I don't have to teach it to you you know this chapter but the problem is is that you knew the chapter but you missed the power you knew that children were to obey their parents and fathers should not provoke their children and you knew that slaves and masters was the Kingdom mindset and not a humanistic mindset and you knew that the full armor of God was at your disposal but somehow we've gone to chapter 6 from verse 1 through 9 skip to verse 11 and went down to the end missing chapter 10 which is in the middle which holds it all together be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might be strong don't get strong don't fix them to be strong don't be preying on your strength don't be working to get strong somebody say be strong that-that's-that's watch this it's not a suggestion it is a Perla tip and in other words guys be strong but but but I'm broke be strong I just lost my job be strong I just lost my relationship be strong somebody I love just died be strong be strong in the Lord I know what you're going through but I'm not giving you an excuse I've got something to tell you be strong somebody say be strong don't be trying to get strong be strong no matter what you're going through be strong do I have any strong people in here today I know you're strong because if you were not strong you would not be here this morning because the devil has done everything that he could to keep you from getting here somebody say I'm here today not because I'm holy but because I'm strong I'm not here today because I wanted to hear a sermon I'm here because something pushed me and told me don't stay home because if I have my way I would have stayed at home I didn't feel like getting up my boss get on my nerve my marriage just falling apart my children have lost their mind I don't have enough money to meet all of my obligations but I'm strong do I have any strong people I woke up this morning what my mind stayed on Jesus I'm strong I didn't feel like coming but I'm strong I felt like giving up but I'm strong I felt like when I got through that divorce I wasn't gonna be able to make it but I'm here today big do I have any strong people matter of fact slap somebody who looks strong and say this is what strength feels like this is what strength feels like and as a matter of fact I came to let you know if you got a high five you just touched a survivor you just touched a survivor I promise you you are sitting next to somebody who's been through hell high water depression insecurity they have been broke more days than they can count been alone more days than they care to admit but they made it through because they're strong not because they have friends because they lost them when my mother's and my father's and my friends have forsaken me you know what I had I had my strength do I have anybody say I got strength I got strength like you got to be strong to say somebody to say sorry to somebody who's gonna do the same thing tomorrow you got to be strong to work with people you know anywhere for dying you got to be strong to go to the family reunion knowing they've been talking about you and hug them anyway you ain't got to say man I'll say it for you you got to be strong to come to church and know folk been talking about you and steel hug them and sit next to him got me strong you don't get nothing else out of this be strong could crying so much we're whining all the time be strong I'm just waving knowing a little could waiting on him he ain't no he ain't way going he already everywhere the same time you ain't waiting on nobody who don't move be strong I can't go back to the church I don't like the way they set me shut up be strong that parking lot it denying too long be strong you wait that rely on you can wait at the church be strong when you go to the mall that ain't no parking spot at dinners because you ain't gonna pay so you're driving around trying to find a free spot and you just drive around until somebody move their water marshal you can get two spaces closer shut up be strong you know when you're going Walmart they're gonna have three lines open to seven million people just stand there and listen to an audible and be strong be strong I've never seen so many weak believers the Affleck's access to all this power and we try about everything we're depressed about everything we quit after every incident every time somebody hurt our feelings we're gonna be strong in the Lord that's why you have to grow up the way you grew up because you had to get some strength you learn some stuff in the hood you don't learn in the burbs how let your boy and let me tell y'all for everybody who grew up in the hood stop thinking that people who had it had resources growing up didn't have it rough are you missing what I'm saying because some of these people momma's and daddies have monies but they didn't have they mama and daddy and while you're running around here talking about if I had some money growing up I'd be further along and they're saying I had money but if my daddy would have been there to see me off to school in the morning and my mother had to come to one cheerleading practice I'd be better off no matter what situation you're in you got to be strong either be strong to quit but quit complaining and staying in it somebody say be strong but but where do you have to be strong you got to be strong in the Lord you can't be strong in your opinion you got to be strong in the Lord you can't be strong in your emotions you got to be strong in the Lord you can't be strong in what you heard you got to be strong in who in the Lord it is in him that we live it is in him that we move and it is in him that we have our being somebody say be strong be strong that we're strong into I'm know it's a word that that in the Greek that suggests that that that that we have to be strong but it's a different kind of strong and do I'm know it's a compound word in obviously in where we get our English word I am in watch this in do I'm no well we get our Greek word Dunamis where we get our English word dynamite which me explosive power so what God says I have put in you CJ was right when he said dynomite he said I have put in you explosive power I've put in you endo I'm know I've put in we have this treasure in this earthen vessel there is nothing that you can do that I have not already put the power in you to do are you hidding you see what I'm saying so so so here it is he said I've put into I'm know in you I put power in you but here's the problem do you all see this wire on this stage I could pick it up and grab it right now you know why because it's not broken if it was broken and I went down to touch it there's a quite it's quite possible that I would be shocked you know why because anything any vessel that has power going through it and that is broken is dangerous any all right how many of you ever you know the phone charger and and it starts cracking at the edge have you ever touched it and got a shock because it is a dangerous thing to touch something that's designed to transfer power buts too broken to harness it don't miss this God says I want to send more power to you but you are so broken that if I gave you more power you would hurt everybody that touched you god help me I want to put wine in you but you are so cracked that you will cut anybody who dropped from you so I got a hold back the power until you get healed help me in this place I just need every broken person identify themselves that's why God says you are smart enough to be the supervisor but you're not healed enough you find enough to get a husband but you too broken your butt big but you're mine crazy so I can't send you what you've been praying for because I'll send you a good man and mess him up because you gotta say man you find but you crazy and the same thing for you brother I would send you a good thing but you're so manipulative and power-hungry that you're suppressor good woman because you are broken [Applause] it's dangerous to send power through a broken vessel I put into I'm knowing you but you won't heal I put into I'm new in you but you won't let it go I want to put into I'm know in you but you hold grudges too long I want to put into I'm know in you but you can't get over somebody looking at you funny I want to play into I'm new in you but if somebody cuts you off in traffic you'll crash so Carter prove a point [Applause] so I've held the power because you won't handle the pain I can't send you a husband yet because the moment he does what your ex did you're going to remind you're going to remind him of somebody he never met I want to give it to you but I can't send power through broken lines into I'm no yes i infuse power any cooks in her anybody cook god bless you I don't so listen but I love people who can cook now I ain't talking about no fixes I'm talking about cookers now this is food we didn't been through this before I'm talking about people who got dishes that you warm up and all that I'm talking about cookers now okay y'all hear me okay I'm talking about cookers I'm talking about Co okay A's I'm talking about people who start on Thursday for some of you gonna eat on Monday well yeah no not Uncle Ben's any time but I put no bag and no little pressure thing and pushing the button come back to I made rice no rice made itself you didn't do anything so max again any any cookers in the house you know about infusing me you know about now I'm a sound crazy I don't know what I'm talking about I'm talking about people who know how to put that brush in and stuff and you know where's Carl Daisy I'm talking about the ones with the three it's not that little new rubber when y'all been using don't use that they don't hold nothing I'm about people who know how to make a ham and put some little black things on it you know yeah and pineapples and red stuff you know what I'm talking about cherry juice or whatever it is I'll put on a knock I don't know what you're doing but I know how to know what you're doing so when somebody nota cook they take jiffy and make it taste homemade you know that take jiffy but I know I don't that ain't I don't make my cornbread like that I put honey in it and then I put a couple of cracked eggs in and I mix some milk in it come on Yahoo I'm about people can cook black-eyed peas lima beans gross with banana peppers and some other people who can take regular old green beans and put bacon and potatoes in it by time you finish with them green beans y'all know what y'all mess with me make a cheeseburger you gotta inject him with some jalapenos and some because he that word that word here and do I'm no means injected power means that the power was infused into the vessel so anybody ever drink infused water well you put on a few of us I know you infuse other water-based beverages but I'm saying I mean only five people raise their hand how many of y'all put fruit in liquid okay all right sir come on come on we on TV now y'all make ya'll y'all telling your business you just say Amen on the first one put these pineapples in in that in that clear water and four days later your spirit change when you eat fruit you understand because it's infused if you infuse it now hurt I don't know this Dell Frisco's has this pineapple drink over down there the Galleria I've heard about it they leave pineapples in this container for two weeks and that's all I'm gonna say about that but what I want you to know I got to get back to the sermon what I want you to know is the point that I'm making is that it takes a while for the fruit to be infused by whatever liquid they use see that's what God leaves you in things because you won't soak it in so he leaves you in the trouble long enough until you learn to gain enough strength this is about strength this is not about struggle help me Holy Ghost this is about strength and God says you are not gonna get out of it any sooner then you recognize the fact that I left you in it long enough so that you can get enough strength to handle whatever it is that you are in or whatever it is that is in you he who has began a good work in you shall establish it unto the day of Jesus Christ that means that you are not going to get out of it any sooner then you learned the purpose for it and that you gained the strength from it trying is not going to end it being frustrated it's not going to end it the joy of the Lord is my strength where are the strong people who will say God it was good that I was afflicted that I might gain enough strength to handle this and still build my business that I can handle this and still be a good husband and a wife that I can handle this and still raise my children where are the people who say God you can trust me cuz I got enough strength to handle my problems and my progress I'm not talking about people who always need a break when they struggling and gotta take a week off because they heard and I'm talking to people right now to tell you if you got enough stability to be hurt and still heal to go through struggle and still progress God told me to tell you to get ready because you are next in line for a miracle because the blessing is coming the people who can use both hands I don't know who I'm talking to touch somebody said I can use both hands I can praise them with one hand and I can build the wall with the other come in Nehemiah I don't have to come off to all the fight I can fight you and build my business I can pray the devil off me and love my children do I have any ambidextrious people in the house that says you can attack me and I can steal that Vance who am I talking to in this place I ain't gotta quit because I'm hurt I'm gonna learn to do it while I'm struggling who am I talking to in this place I ain't gotta have nobody to make it if you leave me leave me but I angles stop my dream my dream wasn't connected to you my dream one connected to this relationship I wanted it to work but I found out that my next season didn't have an access pass for you so I'm not gonna stay in the past so that we can work her imma go into the future and see what tomorrow got for me [Applause] somebody shalt be strong said again be strong we have this treasure in earthen vessels in do I'm Noah in do I'm no you got a have you got it you got to be strong you got to be you got to be strong God literally deposited enough power in you to be strong enough to handle what you're going through even though you don't feel like it you're strong enough first Corinthians chapter 10 verse 13 I will never put more on you you are strong enough you just won't use your strength you can't be a victim your whole life you just can't somewhere along the line you got to have a testimony to say I once was lost but now I'm found I once was blind but now I see I used to have a temper but now I don't come as fast I used to get a tattoo for everything but I'm over there where is your ex story everybody shot em do I'm nope even if you said it wrong God know what you're talking about you just spoke Greek by the way so you can tell people I speak Greek Spanish and English in two um no he's you you got it you got a you got to be able to to harness the power if you go back in antiquity you would find out that one of the Greek mythological creatures named Hercules this was the first time that we sing the word in do I'm Malou used out of the scripture to talk about an individual about strength Hercules was was was watch this he was a he was a Greek mythological a substance but he was the son of the Greek god Zeus and Zeus being a Greek God had the multiplicity of lies and one of his wives was jealous of Hercules because he was able to have a son by his other wife and what she did is she put two snakes in his crib and she was hoping that when she got there in the morning that Hercules would be dead but the Gryff that the Greek mythology lets us know that when they got up in the morning to go check Hercules his crib he had shot a snake in both hands she put two snakes in and that's how we found out that he was strong and that he had more strength because the average man in the triathlon could lift 25 tons but but Hercules could lift 100 tons and and he choked two snakes with his hands watch this they put it in his crib and he choked it you're missing this see the devil the devil knows what you're going to be so he's plenty certain things in your crib he's put certain Spears in your house he's put certain things in your family and he's put these snakes in and see if Eve had a choke to sneak instead of talking to it see the problem is you keep speaking to it instead of strangling it god help me I wish I had about five Hercules Hercules in here today that would say I almost strangle every attack of the enemy I'm gonna choke everything in my crib every depression snake imma choking every insecurity snake I'm where other people who are gonna choke everything that came in your crib to kill you somebody shot not in my career not in my house not in my kitchen not in my bedroom not in my living room not in my family room I'm gonna take authority over my atmosphere where are the people who are going to strangle your snake instead of speaking to you every time a snake coming you're creeping you bowed down and saying what do you want you risk losing your garden because snakes don't speak fairly and I know why some of y'all ain't strong cuz you had snakes in your crib I know why some of you are now strong cuz you're married snakes your data snakes you had little baby snakes y'all ain't gonna save man up in here I know you can't say man but you can say out you got a little baby snakes everywhere you're trying to figure out how to deal with the baby snake when they remind you at a pop of snake you got all kinds of things going on but I came to tell you right now that this is the season for you to strangle every snake that came up on you and if you don't have the power to strangle the snake Loup told me to tell you in chapter 10 verse 19 if your hands ain't strong enough you have the power to tread on the Serpent's head I wish I had five hundred people that'll stand up as a symbolism that I'm steppin on every snake that came in my house I'm steppin on every snake just tryin to eat up my money I'm steppin on everything that came after my confidence let the redeemed of the Lord shout in this place slap somebody say get rid of the snakes be strong in the Lord can i prophesy to you i said can i prophesy to you this is what the word of the lord this is what the lord told me to tell you this is your last week being weak I kind of like what y'all doing over here but I'm gonna find out what they doing in the middle I said this is your last week y'all doing a little better let me see what's going on over here I said this is your last week being a week slap somebody some bout to get my swag back I'm about to get my confidence back I'm about to get my Oh somebody's shining the joy of the Lord ain't money the joy of the Lord in a house the joy of the Lord and it'll draw the Lord a smile be strong somebody may say be strong when you get to work tomorrow they gonna be the same as they were last Monday be strong [Applause] I don't got enough money to pay my bills be strong why you broke the doctor said I'm sick be strong why are you sick you know I'm know be strong in the Lord you better stop strangling them snakes instead of speaking to him in order for you to speak to a snake you got to come down real low you bit careful because some of them snakes to spit in your eyes if you heard about this story about the lady who had a seven-foot snake lady had a seven-foot snake and the snake was her pet and she kept taking the snake to the vet it's real story she kept taking the snake to the vet talking about the snake who wouldn't eat and no matter what she did to try to feed the snake snake wouldn't eat the vet knowing snakes said by chance have you been sleeping in the bed with the snake the woman said yes because I felt so sorry for it then I was sleeping in the bed she says oh I can tell you why he hasn't been eating the snake has decided that it was going to eat you and the reason why has an eight is over the last week it has been stretching itself and it has been filling you with this tongue to figure out how big it's gotta be to eat you what I'm trying to oak see the snakes in your life day and lay in the bed with you the snakes in your life they all ride in the car with you the snakes in your life will go on a cruise with you but all they doing is size and luck for their next meal [Applause] snap you'll never say I'm getting rid of the snakes get the snakes out of your garden Eve so that they don't mess up Kane Abel and Adam somebody shot him do I know B in - um no in the Lord and in the crotteaus be strong in the Lord and in the power being do I'm know and in the process well this is a different power this is a different power because krottas is power that has to always be associated with manifestation okay you missing it because you can have Indu I'm know but the snake is still gets you but if you ever get cross if you ever get that kind of strength the word of the Lord I guarantee it you will always have a testimony when you switch from Indu I'm no to cross my personal guarantee to you is that whatever you put your hands to will succeed it has to be connected to manifestation routinely not coincidentally every time that means you're getting ready to walk into a place in your life that every prayer I don't know who that's folk will I'm calling us into a season watch this and I've been did the Lord been dealing with me illness the Lord told me to tell you that that that the year of expansion is expanding I think I got to go another year because God says I'm still expanding I'm still expanding so I can make room for you I'm sizing you up to see how big I have to make the opportunity in order for it to fit you help me hold it goes and I don't know who I'm talking to but over the next 18 months God told me to tell you to get ready for all your prayers to be answered [Applause] [Music] somebody's shout all of them not some of them if you declare your heel you don't get off to medicine if you declare that you're married you're good thing just go find you if you declare that you're rich money is gonna find you somebody shot everything I won't it's mine I'll give you houses you did not bill I'll give you vineyards that you did not plant somebody shot his mind I said somebody shot his man matter of fact turn around and high-five somebody else cuz you've been talking to the same person all day and tell him it's mine it's mine it's mine now don't miss this because what I'm about to say right now some of y'all might run I'm out of here I'm tell you right now when I'm getting ready to tell you right now Lord I shouldn't even tell you cuz there's too much power it's too much power if I tell you you might you see because the power in the wrong hand is a curse so if I tell you this you got to you got to use it how many y'all go using ask your neighbor they gonna use it cuz I ain't got time to play the truck can y'all do me a favor back there no team putting features chapter 1 verse 19 up and I'm about to give you I'm about to give you this I'm about to give you the juice I'm about to give you their 1 1 I'm about to give you the sauce now don't mess up don't y'all play with this this is my secret this is what Paul said and what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us worked who believe according to the working of his mighty power go to the next verse which he wrought in Christ when he raised him from the dead now go back to 19 because they missed it okay and what is the exceeding greatness of his cross all right go to verse 20 go to the next verse protoss which he wrought his crime in Christ when he raised him from the dead in other words what Paul is saying is that krottas is the power that God used to get Jesus out of the grave now be strong in the Lord and in the power which means in do I'm know in the crotteaus which means that you have resurrection power the same power that got Jesus out of the grave is in you I don't know who I'm talking to you but I declare that you got enough power to get over and out of everything you in somebody's shout today is Easter today is Easter I'm about to have a resurrection I'm getting out of debt I'm getting out of depression I'm getting out of my grave I'm getting out of my feelings somebody shout get out [Music] somebody sake it out I've seen the movie get out what did they do to get them out yelling getting it every time they want somebody see the Bible says when we clap our hands we summon angels see what you're gonna need you can't do it by yourself you're gonna need some angels so I dare you to clap like the devil's head is in between your hands and begin a cup and let the devil know you should have killed me when you had the chance somebody shot I got the plow don't know what kind of power you get I'm talking about the kind of power that can go to the bank with a 500 credit score and sit down an axe for a loan and they're supposed to say no but because you got crops [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm talking about somebody who want to go back to school but don't have the money and you're waiting on them to accept your application the next time you fill it out just crossdressers I got a resurrection power which means that whatever you speak you gotta get up be strong be in duam knowing the Lord and in the cross of his s cos being due I'm know in the Lord and in the cross of his cows that's might now now I'm about to give you the game because in do I'm know sometimes dynamite don't go off have you ever seen those buildings they will put dynamite in it they'll blow it but the building don't come down because it's not a hundred percent so when we go from into um no we go to cross which is a power that has to have manifestation now you got to ask yourself how can I have a power that is 100 percent reliable and I'm human how can I have a life where all of my prayers are answered and 100 percent of my endeavors fall in my favor how is that possible it's not the crotteaus it's Cisco's it's the mite that's behind the power now why did I call this sermon backup power I'm not talking about backed up like a clog I'm talking about that God like the cloud has all your blessings backed up okay y'all not getting it you're not getting it okay how many of you all remember when we used to buy iPhone threes and fours remember we used to spend money cuz we had to have a 16 gig and then we found out that we needed a 32 and then we need it what that's 64 then we needed a 132 and then we needed a tutor we need we try to and they just kept getting bigger now when you go get a knife all you just get a regular fall with decent gigs why because you don't need everything on the phone they have another system called the cloud and whatever you don't want on the phone and if you if you know what I'm talking about you know that when you set your phone to automatically backup anytime you're connected to Wi-Fi so if you lose the phone okay it ain't a tragedy because I don't lose my pictures I don't lose my contacts because they are I want to talk to everybody who has ever been broken anybody who has ever been lost God told me to tell you that you're not gonna lose your blessing cuz he backed up how do I know because mate is cos is the power that works behind the cross God says I will back you up anything he decide to do I will put my might behind your power I will put my S comes behind your Tatas and even though your loss are broken or confused when I push you forward oh god help me see the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong are what I'm trying to tell you is that there was a force trying to push you back to make sure that you never advance but God says no weapon I got this just if you keep pressing toward the mark I'll keep pushing you toward surprise I got show back God what is it that's back there goodness and mercy and every time you get weak I'll send you an errand and an earth to lift up your arms and make sure that when your arms get tired goodness and mercy Oh be there not from 9:00 to 5:00 it don't take the weekends off Davis said goodness and mercy shall follow you that's why you're never going to lose because when you're broken and when you're confused and when you're angry God says I'm sinning s cos I'm putting my might behind your strength I'm backing up my promise the only thing you have to do is stay connected I know sometimes you know when you drive through Wi-Fi zones I get tired a little screen popping up trying to make me except one so sometimes I disconnect from Wi-Fi but then I forget to turn it back home and then I'm wondering why I'm in the house and it's going slow it's because I let what happened to me somewhere else [Applause] I'll let what I was tired of somewhere else calls me to disconnect and it's not until it starts being slow that you recognize that you are operating off a bad cognition the Indu I'm know in the Lord and in the crotch house of his I got your back man like I got you God is saying I got you when my mother and father have forsaken me I got you when your friends turned their backs on your ID I will never leave you nor forsake you and I got your blessings back up just in case no strain cracks I got your blessings backed up just in case your battery dies I got show blessings backed up just in case you leave your phone in the back of an uber don't worry about it because the next time you see me I'm gonna give you a new device and I'm gonna download everything that I have backed up cuz it's got your name on it there your contacts there your pictures there your notes there your blessings don't be afraid man ma'am don't be afraid just be strong don't be angry be strong don't get even get strong are you hearing me they gotta put nobody business in the street just be strong worst thing you could do is to get even you know why cuz you're so far ahead of the people you get an even where you got to go backwards to do it you you are strong if you weren't strong you'd be out of here by now anybody been through what you've been through him you can still smile I'd say you're stronger anybody who's been through what you've been through and you can still love I'd say you're stronger anybody who's been through what you've been through and you can still look over people's stuff and forgive and I'm saying I think you're strong but but Cindy it don't matter what I think about you Joe it doesn't matter what I pray for for you it doesn't matter you you have to be stronger finally why finally after every hurt every snare it's time now to be strong yeah be strong what other option do you have other than to be strong you're gonna be a quitter you're gonna be weak you're gonna be passive what is that I forgot you you're gonna be jealous you're gonna be envious I was talking to a friend yesterday but day before yesterday her brother died she say any advice I know you lost a brother I said - I can't go in the grave and say comfort how I can say this in the Lord faster but you don't know I was married 20 years and he just walked out on me I don't know what that feels like but I do know what it feels like to be strong I'm a single mother I'm raising the children about myself you've never had to do that you're right but but some things I've done you've never had to do either stop hiding like your struggle like me nobody else ever made it through it everything he's struggling with somebody is handling right now you got to be strong in the Lord and then after that you got to do it in the power of his might and I'm gonna tell you something right now you got like you got explosive power in you you could do anything you want to do you can do anything you put your mind to do and just because you got older don't mean you got over it you can't guess keep drowning out understand that was then and I'm grown now so I'm over it not unless you deal with it you're around here talking about you finding everybody who knows you know you hurt me you can't pretend that you can't keep coming in here with that fake smile on your face I'm not unhappy in the Lord and Jesus Christ is my strenght shut your mouth and cry because I'm gonna tell you something you ain't got as long as you think your time it's running out and I'm not trying to be more of it and I'm not trying to say you're gonna die I'm just telling you that I'm saying that the opportunities will not be there faith your strength is fading everyday and you don't know it you don't know it until it's gone you don't know it until it's gone you're so busy trying to make it happen you're so busy trying to be rich you so busy trying to open your business you're so busy trying to be a car of balling like you're trying to do all this kind of stuff you don't recognize that you're taking care of business but you're not taking care of yourself what is the last time you ever had self-intro special to say it man I'm this tough I get angry about nothing I'm fighting over about everything I'm arguing everywhere I go in and I'm always trying to convince somebody that they wrong let me tell you the person who's always trying to convince somebody they wrong is the one that's wrong everybody's perspective can't be wrong you wrong some time too I don't care how smart you are you don't know everything you got to be strong you got to be strong you got to be strong you got to be strong and you are standing next to some strong people let me tell you you gotta be strong what do you do when you've been married 40 50 years and the law calls your husband home what do you do I was thinking about mother Richardson I talked to her yesterday she lost her son-in-law a year ago lost her husband a year after that and how many of y'all remember pastor C David Harrison the one that still here at the funeral for those of y'all who were here and he shouted out from the stage and said we don't start Lighthouse Sugarland how many of y'all were here for there died of a heart attack this week she said what do you do I say and in this world is not all we got just strangers passing and ma'am that's why you feel so lost because you're trying to make yourself at home and the place that's not your home whatever you're going through right now maintain your citizenship in heaven you are a stranger in your situation don't you get comfortable there everybody said I'm a stranger I don't belong in pain I'm a stranger I don't I don't belong depressed I'm a stranger here you only stay in it when you accept citizenship just a stranger I don't want an address this is the wilderness [Music] when I see milk and honey I'll stay do you know that when the children of Israel in the wilderness can I tell you something and imma let you go that we speak of it as if it was one place but the children of Israel would actually in five different wildernesses Deuteronomy chapter 3 says that they kept going around the same mountain for 40 years five different wildernesses they didn't know the difference because we're in the wilderness everything is the same and do you know what happened Moses was weak struck the rock cancel the reservations for a whole generation and only those who were 21 and below with Joshua got in because they were not strong they were chosen they were a royal priesthood in the days of Abraham it was a Abrahamic covenant but you can miss your promised land even when you're chosen because you didn't have strength I deserve to be happy not with you week I work hard I deserve a new car not when you weak with money I got married I don't deserve to be lonely not when you're weak and selfish if you struggle with your strength lately I just I feel I need to pray for you in the resources the recesses of my soul I feel that I need to pray for you if you've been struggling with your strength I want you to come to this ultimate regions [Music] you are my strength like no [Music] Regus me you are my [Music] Richard [Music] you are my strange [Music] to me you are my joy [Music] [Music] you are [Music] [Music] you are my [Music] [Applause] [Music] a favor and I want you to grab your neighbors hand I want you to squeeze it because if you can squeeze their hand it means you got strength left [Music]
Channel: The Lighthouse Church of Houston
Views: 52,002
Rating: 4.8565021 out of 5
Keywords: The Lighthouse Church, Keion Henderson, Lighthouse Church Live, Lighthouse Church Live Stream, Lighthouse Church of Houston, Backed Up Blessings, keion henderson backed up blessing, backed up blessings sermon, pasotor keion henderson, pastor keion henderson sermons, keion's korner, worship, faith, jesus, God, grace, sermon, bishop, pastor, god sermon, power, strength, prayer, amen jesus, amen, joy, pioneers, believing in god, christianity, evil spirit, god's word, pleasure nature, god, atheist
Id: NKwSeZqhQX8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 25sec (3625 seconds)
Published: Sun May 26 2019
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