"God's Desire for You To Fulfill Your Purpose" Pastor John K. Jenkins Sr.

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good morning family it's so good to be with you this morning if you don't mind worshiping with us we know that you might have been going through some things but we want to encourage you this morning that all things work to the glory of god no matter what you're going through it's going to work for your good no matter what's happening you're going to come out on the in victorious help me sickness here we go [Music] yeah seek for i know all things are working for my good for i know it's all things working for my good for i know all things are working for my good for i know just all things are working we want to say this yes i don't worry about a thing because i know he watches me [Music] though the fight surrounds [Music] because i know he watches me the fire surrounds me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] he watches [Music] the me surrounds me [Music] yes [Music] [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] i don't have to worry [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this morning [Music] yes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is is is [Music] [Applause] here we go things are working for my good for i know all things are working for mine for i know all things working [Music] it's working [Music] it's working [Music] for my amen amen hallelujah how many of you are happy that god is working all things out together for your good he's working for your good give him some praise this morning amen he's worthy of all of our praise amen amen amen amen welcome to the first baptist church of glenn arden's online worship experience i am reverend david abercrombie and i'm glad to be your worship leader today um as we begin our service today why don't you head over to the chat and put in your city and your state and let us know where you're watching us from um and while you're doing that go ahead and share the link with some of your family and some of your friends so they can watch the service along with you amen amen amen amen so if you can grab your bibles and turn with me to luke the 22nd chapter and the 31st verse luke 22 31. and it reads and the lord said simon simon indeed satan has asked for you that he may sift you as wheat but i prayed for you that your faith should not fail and when you have returned to me strengthen your brethren amen let's pray father we thank you god for this day we thank you lord for the opportunity to come to your house for worship one more time we thank you lord god for all those who are watching our service lord god online we thank you father god for our pastor lord god who's about to bring forth a mighty word we're praying god that this word lord will go forward that it would touch lord god the hearts and the minds of people lord god today that they might come forward and cry what must i do to be saved we praying lord god you would just bless this service bless all those who participate help us lord god to give you glory to give you honor it's in jesus name now we pray amen now have our announcements this is fbcg news for the week of march 14th your source for the latest news and information at first baptist church of glen harden where we're developing dynamic disciples [Music] join shabbat ministries and fbcg for the virtual career builders series over the next four weeks attendees will have an opportunity to participate in seminars that will give you tips and tools to help you land a meaningful job or employment if you're unemployed underemployed furloughed desire career change or want to re-enter the workforce this virtual career series is for you topics include knowledge on landing government and private sector jobs be your own boss gigs that generate income and re-entering the workforce overcoming setbacks for more information and to register visit fbclinharden.org careerbuilders mark your calendars for the following upcoming events join us for our virtual bible study this tuesday at 7 00 pm as pastor jenkins continues his new series sermon on the mount [Applause] [Music] that's the news for this week you can find more details about these and other events at fbc glennardon.org [Music] amen amen we have some great things going on here at first baptist church of glen arden and as you can see from our announcements there are many things that are going on and those things are going on because of your giving so none of it is possible without your generous giving during this time of the pandemic so if you'd like to continue with giving we visit we ask you to visit our link on the screen we also ask you to click our give button at any time during the service or any time during the week to be able to give towards the service now we will have another selection by our praise team and following that we will receive the word from our pastor hallelujah well it's a great day and god is whether to be praised that's the uh praise and worship team would be singing a song right now but we're so honored so blessed to have so many amazing ways to express our love for the father there's this amazing worship song that just says lord my heart is yours it all belongs to you i give you all the glory yes i love you i worship and adore i want to tell you more oh lord how much i really do love you oh lord how much i really do love you i love jesus today i know you love him too and we would sing it right now but we have such an amazing ministry a dance ministry here at our church that dances under the power of the holy ghost and even though during the pandemic we haven't been able to fully fully fully have all of our ministries here we're slowly introducing them back in and because of the the miracle of modern day technology they're going to join us dancing to that song i love you by the first baptist church of glenard dance ministry why don't you receive them as they come we honor your name tonight lord my heart is yours it all belongs to you i give you all the glory yes i love you [Music] worship and adore i wanna tell you more oh lord how much i really [Music] i give you all the glory of the glory [Music] i love you [Music] [Music] is all i want to say [Music] the bottom [Music] [Applause] you are worthy alone we're beginners come on let's go wherever you are just begin to sing to the lord lift it up as an offering [Music] you got it come on you are worthy no come on ladies let's echo and tell the [Music] lord [Music] [Applause] thank you jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on let heaven hear you love you [Music] [Music] thank you jesus yes hallelujah jesus hallelujah we love you so much god and we give your name the glory and the honor and we celebrate you holy lamb of god hallelujah thank you father thank you jesus thank you jesus amen praise god thank god for our dance ministry and our praise and worship team i'm so grateful today for their ministry to us thank you for joining us wherever you are today whatever's going on in your life we're grateful that you've chosen to be a part of our worship experience today it is our prayer that god will minister to you and give you life and hope for your journey we want to pray because pause right now and pray for our loved ones intercede for them and i'm praying for you praying for all of you today i certainly miss you can i tell you all again how much i miss you and i'm looking forward to the day that we can get back together we are closer today getting back together than we've ever been and i want to continue to encourage you when you have the opportunity to get the vaccination please do so and i know there's a lot of discussion and riffraff and this and that about it but the alternative is not to get it and risk the potential of being exposed and possibly dying over half a million people in our nation have died and even more around the world have died and they've come up with several vaccinations that can help protect you so i want to i just want to say a word about that very quickly can you join me in prayer and let's just take a moment and pray father we thank you for your loving kindness to us your tender mercies thank you for waking us up today and giving us the activities of our limbs and thank you for giving us a heart and mind to worship you we recognize so many haven't chosen but god they've chosen not to worship you but you've given us a heart and a mind to worship you we give you the praise and glory for that you saved us you washed us redeemed us you've transformed our lives and we thank you we desire more than anything else to be right smack in the middle of your will we desire to be your servants your children your your agents your conduit we we desire more than anything else to be used of you and so we pray that you would order our steps and guide our lives in the name of the lord jesus we pray father for your will to be done in the lives of the people that we love our brothers our sisters our parents our children our relatives and our co-workers and friends and neighbors and people that we care deeply about we lay their name on your altar and ask you god to open their eyes to who you are help them to see who you are help them to want to live for you and serve you we pray father in jesus name now i pray that you bless our time together in the word feed us lord the bread of life and allow your word to transform our lives our thinking uh our walk pray today father that if their person's unsaved you would save them backslidden that you would reclaim them unsure that you would cause them to want to get assurance and let the saints be edified and that all when it's all said and done let the name of the lord jesus get all of the glory and all of the honor and all of the praise let me be your conduit and your instrument for these next few moments almighty god to speak your truth to your people in the precious name of the lord jesus we pray build a hedge of protection around this place rebuke every demonic spirit and every distracting spirit and have your way this day almighty god in jesus name amen and amen praise the lord all right god bless you today i'm i'm grateful this this today just to be able to continue i want to pick up on where i left off last week i talked about how to discover your your destiny and uh i preach from luke chapter 22 and i'm going to ask you to go back to luke 22 once again i want to talk about your purpose and the fact that god desires for everybody to fulfill the purpose for which he created you and i think i want to talk about it because i think there are a lot of people who think that god doesn't have anything for you but let me tell you let me let me assure you that everybody has an assignment from god and it becomes critical that you recognize what's the reason god placed you here on this planet he did not place you on the planet for you just to have a job your your assignment is much greater than a job if all i had to look forward to was a job our lives would be most miserable but your your your purpose for living is much greater than that and jesus was talking to the disciples about this and so in luke 22 i talked last week about the the the disciples bickering among themselves about who was the greatest they said which one of them was the greatest and i think i told you last week they really was talking about who's going to take over the ministry after jesus is gone because jesus had told them he was he was going away he was going to be departing and and they were bickering among themselves and jesus said if you want to be great in my kingdom here's what jesus said my kingdom is not like the world's kingdom the world's kingdom you push everybody else to the back and elevate yourself to the front jesus said that's not how his kingdom works his kingdom works that when you when you go to the back of the line when you fall on your knees and serve when you are a servant to others that's the that's how you get elevated in god's kingdom y'all do know some people haven't learned that yet go on and preach past them doing the best i can and so he told them that listen y'all don't have to bigger fight debate push each other down what i like i said i'm just rehearsing rehearsing rehashing what i said last week he said i have i have bestowed upon you a kingdom everybody has something that god is destined for you to have i don't have to be jealous i don't want what you got i don't want your i don't want your wife i don't want your house i don't want your car i don't want your snotty nosed kids i got my own snot in those kids i don't want nothing you got god has bestowed on me and you your own realm the the thing that you are anointed and gifted to do you've got your own kingdom but then he continues on uh while he's talking to the disciples and he says this and allow me to talk about this because my i'm going to preach from verses 31 and 32 today that's those just those two verses uh if i could uh just dive in and try to dig into these two verses for just a moment and what it says to me allow me to talk to you about this and and and if i had a subject today i think i gave it to you i want to talk about the fact god has a desire for you to fulfill your purpose he has a he he wants you and if god wants that he is going to help make it happen but but the jesus is talking to the disciples here in chapter in chapter 22 and in verse 31 the lord said simon simon indeed satan has asked for you that he may sift you as wheat but i have prayed for you that your faith should not fail and when you have returned to me strengthen your brothers allow me to talk about this for just a few moments first of all i'm let me dive right into it because i want to talk about your purpose did i tell you all that already i want to talk about your purpose but there's something important you need to know and the first thing you need to know is that god has specifically called you it's not a general assignment it's not a general purpose god has something specific that he has designated for you and he's called you as a matter of fact it says right here in verse 31 out of all of this disciples sitting around jesus hearing him dialogue about this he turns to to simon peter and says simon simon he calls simon by name i need to spend a few moments and talk about the fact that he called him by name he called him out out of all of the people there he specifically looks and points and talks to simon why would he call him out by name even though even though when he says simon simon when he says satan has asked for you by name that that word you is a is in the greek a plural word so in other words he said simon simon uh satan has asked for y'all if i can put it in in ebonics in the street language he's asked for y'all but the fact that he calls simon out specifically to get his attention i want you to know that you you must be a bad somebody when god calls you out by name and you you need to know that god has called you by name he he he has a specific assignment that's designated for you and he's called you out by name and and and i think a lot of people don't recognize that there's a reason why he's called you out by name he's called you out by name because you are special god is saying there is something specific given to you he called you out by name and and and so my my uh my daughter coaches uh college basketball and uh her team her team went to the championship last night they they didn't win sadly but the fact that they made it to the championship game was great but one of the reasons they perhaps didn't win is that the other team had defined a plan to constrict one particular player on my daughter's team they came up with a plan to to stop slow down defeat hinder the star player on my daughter's team and so i i know i know that every time they went into their little break off uh timeouts and had their little huddles they were talking about here's what we're going to do to jasmine here's what we're going to do to her here's what we're going to do and this is what you all need to understand well when jesus points out simon he's saying this he's saying there's something special about you so i need to tell you something because you need to know that you are a you are a player maker you are a game changer you you you are you so bad that the enemy has targeted you he's caught man i'm coming to this and i'm running ahead of myself he's called you out by name and he he knows that if you get in your flow if you get into your purpose if you function in your anointing he knows that you represent a major threat to his kingdom and see that that's why that joke is sitting next to you can't can't don't recognize that he's special or she's special that god's got something anointed for their life they don't recognize that's why they can be lackadaisical and halfway participate and not really function and get in the realm of what god has for them to be in because they don't recognize how anointed they are the you you are bad somebody when when you bradley bill for the washington wizards you are bad somebody they got to come up with designs and plays when you tom brady with the tampa bay buccaneers you're a bad somebody they got to come up with a plan and the devils in hell have designed some stuff to hurt you i'm running ahead of myself somebody say pastors don't run ahead of yourself i'm talking about point two and i'm not even at point two i'm just trying to get you to understand that you are dak prescott you are patrick mahomes you are the bradley bill god has got an anointing for you that if you get in your realm and in your purpose that no devil in hell can stop you y'all not hearing what i'm saying to you today go ahead and preach fast i'm doing the best that i can i i need you to understand that you are a you're a play maker and so he's called you out by name he he said he said uh uh john jenkins you're a bad somebody and i i needed somebody to tell me that growing up i didn't understand for a great part of my life that god could even use me or that god had a purpose for me i felt so unloved so unwanted i felt so unnecessary to society and to the world but one day god spoke to me and said john jenkins i have an assignment for you and boy do i like this assignment i love living this kind of life i'm living a blessed life what happened to my guys it's too late it's all right uh you have a purpose you have a destiny you have you have a specific specific that's the point i want you to get he's called you out because you are special simon simon then he says he says simon simon uh indeed satan has asked for you he has asked for you the enemy has his point too he's targeted you now i need to talk about this the enemy has targeted you and and you need to know this and this is something you need to say to people when you talk to other people who you know are discouraged and frustrated about the the challenges in life when you have all hell breaking loose and nothing seems to be going right and problem after problem listen saints it's an indication that you might be you're headed in the right direction it might be the enemy trying to slow you down matter of fact i am persuaded that the enemy puts obstacles in your way when he knows that you are getting close to the purposes for which god created you for uh i i tell people around the country when i go and preach all the time i tell them this i say i know something big about to happen god's about to elevate me to my next level i know before i before i go to the next level that god has for me all hell breaks loose something just don't go right and instead of me getting frustrated and crying and mad and angry with god you know what i started doing now i say let me see what god's what god's about to do this time he's about to take me somewhere he's about to do something for me he's about to elevate me our ministry is about to go somewhere else and i need you to understand that when all hell breaks when it looks like nothing's going right when you don't have enough money to pay the bills and everything in the house is breaking down when you when your children start misbehaving when your wife won't give you nothing when your son when your husband is not treating you right and telling them the money going to preach pastor when that happens i wish i had some help up in here today i can't wait till we get back because i think if i had 4 000 people in here i think i think at least a thousand of them might say go on and preach pastor i recognize that it means i'm about to to move into something significant and and i need to i need you to know that i need you to understand that the devil has targeted you he just just like just like my daughter's team got tired hurts their star player got targeted and just like in the same way uh you've been targeted you you've been you've been pointed out all hell has aimed their guns at you all hell has decided to do whatever it can to stop you slow you down trick you discourage you frustrate you make you upset make you mad stop you from praying stop you from reading your word stop you from being obedient to god that is the scheme and plot of the enemy and know that that's what he wants to do that's his plan that's what he wants to do that's his plan face your troubles in your trials with the knowledge that no matter what the devil aims at me god got me that's what you got to know god got me the devil has aimed his guns matter of fact jesus said he wants to sift you like wheat he wants to put you through a sifting process and here's all that means he says they want to make sure you the real deal uh when when they s when they harvest wheat they put it through a sifter and they put it through a process to separate the the tears and the shaft that which is is is needless unnecessary to the wheat they put it through a process to separate the wheat from the tares and the shaft the other the things that have attached himself in the growing process to the wheat so that when it's all said and done the only thing that remains is wheat y'all not hearing what i'm saying you today you got to go through a sifting process and god god the devil wants to put you through a sifting process because here's what the devil is saying they ain't real they don't really love god they're not sold out to him they matter of fact the devil told told the father and said when job's situation came i can make him curse you to your face i can make him deny you and jesus gave the devil permission to go ahead and put him through a certain range of of pain and challenges and what i love about job is in spite of what he went through and regardless of what he went through he still came out with a mindset that said i came out of here into this world naked i'll leave out naked i'm still the lord is given the lord is taken away blessed be the name of the lord you know what he did he worshipped god regardless of the drama that he went through and that's what god god's trying to make sure that you are a worshiper and that you are you are worshiping him regardless of the pain that you go through i i need y'all to get that and understand that and embrace that regardless of all the hell that you go through regardless of the pain and the sifting you the real deal somebody say i am the real deal i'm the real deal i am the real deal i will do the right thing i will worship god come what may hell or high water no matter what happens i will bless the lord at all times his praise shall continually be in my mouth oh i will magnify god worship him [Music] and praise him regardless of what your circumstances might be because you are the real deal you believe in him you know he exists he's proven himself to you he's shown itself to you he's answered your prayers in the past you know how real our god is so the scripture says he desires to sift you his wheat he wants to put you through the ringer and he wants to make you try to make you deny god to your face but i want to encourage you saints your purpose our ultimate purpose in life is to give god glory that's really why god created us is that through the whatever we go through we give him glory we give him praise and my my encouragement to you today is regardless of your pain you demonstrate your maturity by not determining your worship based on your emotions or your circumstances or your feelings you worship god regardless of what's going on around you or even inside of you we worship god at all times regardless of the circumstances that we face so the devil can try to agitate you and frustrate you uh and he can put you through a sifting process but it's okay it's all right for him to do that because we are persuaded and we know that our god is real and he has our back here's number three let me let me close with this point three is is is yes god has a specific purpose for you uh he has specifically called you for a specific purpose yes the devil has targeted you but guess what his point three is in verse 32 but jesus has prayed for you here's what i love right here jesus has prayed for you verse number 32 says but i have prayed for you look at that y'all see that here's he he oh man stick a pen right here he's praying he's interceded he's talk he has talked to the father for you about you thank you i understand and you know that's why i don't get frustrated because i know you can ask people to pray for you uh and they they will forget about praying for you let's be honest i people have asked me to pray for them and i forgot all about praying for them and then i see them again and they say hey it worked out i know you prayed for me then it dawned on me i forgot to pray for them but it's okay if people forget jesus has prayed for you he's interceded for you he's he's talked to the father on your behalf he says i've prayed for you and look at what he prayed he prayed for several things he said number one look at it right here verse number 30 32 he says i prayed number one that your faith should not fail he says i'm praying that your faith would remain strong and that you still believe and that your faith doesn't falter and that's why i i love the lord jesus because the devil his ultimate plan is to try to make us question the existence of god that's what the devil ultimately wants to do make you doubt make you question god but but but jesus says i've prayed that your faith doesn't fail y'all need to remember and remind yourself that your faith is still alive your faith is still real he's praying that it won't fall by the wayside you have to remind yourself i still believe even though my emotions might be all over the place and even though i might be going through some drama i still believe in a god who will deliver me and bring me out he says i prayed for you but he didn't stop there he says that not only did i pray for you he says also this in verse number 32 he says and when you have returned to me when you have returned to me now this is a specific thing and deal here let me spend just a few moments talking about this because when jesus turned to simon peter and called him out by name he knew that in just a few moments in just a little while peter would deny him and guess what jesus already knows about the seasons in your life when you have backslid when you've walked away from god when you haven't prayed or been in your word or communed with god like you should y'all stop acting like y'all ain't never backslapped slap slittin y'all are bad sliders some of y'all are in a backslidden condition right now you he he he knows that we have and will have those seasons in our life he knows that he understands that we are but human that's not an excuse but the bottom line is he knows that we are in our flesh and he knows in our flesh we will falter and mr mark and mess up that's what i love about god he keeps on giving me another chance he keeps on giving me another opportunity he keeps on bringing me back and he says and i like this he says he knew that peter was going to deny him he knew that peter was going to fail him but he says when you have returned to me let me speak to somebody here today who needs to return back to god i'm trying to i'm trying to reach out to somebody whose heart is not right with god who is doing some things you shouldn't be doing and thinking things you shouldn't be thinking and engaging in activities you shouldn't be engaged in and connecting with people you shouldn't be connected to i'm trying to preach and declare to you come home come back return come back to god as quick as you can tomorrow is not promised today is not promised come back i make the appeal come back to jesus i make the call he says and when you have returned i like that notice it didn't say if you have returned he says when you have returned everybody in this in this camp everybody is going to have those seasons and this time but there is a time when when you will return some of you have disconnected from church but guess what even in this pandemic you can still be connected even though you you're not here i'm grateful that god has worked it out in our lifetime that we can still be connected even though we're not physically in the same room that's how awesome our god is he's worked it out that we can remain connected even though we are physically disconnected that's great that's marvelous news and i praise god and i want y'all here's what i want you to keep in mind some of you know people who have disconnected from god some of you know some people and here's what i believe here's what i'm persuaded about i'm persuaded that when a person gets disconnected from god that there's a little voice deep down in their spirit that's the voice of the holy spirit saying to them every day come home get back return i think there's a voice of god telling them time after time after time and you can play a role in reminding them that it's time for them to come back home i don't know who i'm preaching to today but it's time for you to come back home it's time for you to rededicate it's time for you to get right with god it's time to be to for you to renew your walk and renew your faith i'm i'm trying to tell you and and guess what and you know what he says i'm almost finished i'm almost i'm coming to a close he says this in verse 32 he said i prayed for you and i pray that your faith won't fail and i pray that you'll return to me and when you have returned he says this strengthen your brethren there's a third and final point strengthen your brother you see that right there strengthen your brother strengthen those around you i'm bringing you back uh so you can help others get to where god wants them to be now let me close let me close with this because because i i had to recognize this at some juncture in my life that there were some things that i went through in my life that i didn't understand why i went through them but now i understand as i look back at those things that god allowed me to go through them so that when i went through them after i went through them when i got to a place to where i am today that i would encounter some people who would go through the same things i've gone through and god says i want you to help them and strengthen them so they can make it through when they go through y'all you understand what i'm saying i i guess what i'm trying to tell you is god wants to use you through your what you've gone through or maybe what you're even going through god wants to use you to have the ability to help somebody else go through what they're going through i didn't understand that while i was going through it but i can look back now and i know now that i had to go through it so i can help you so i can help somebody else and you are being called to help somebody else make it through whatever they're going through so go through it with a smile on your face go through it and learn what it is god wants you to go through go through it and still give god to praise go through it and still worship him go through it and still give him a shout and give him the glory go through it and lift up your hands while you're in the middle of it and give god the praise go through it and say the lord has given and the lord is taken away blessed be the name of the lord go through it and worship him anyway and then help somebody else get through you do have a purpose you do have an assignment you do have a destiny god has called you and anointed you and gifted you and empowered you for the sake of his kingdom my assignment here today for these few moments i have is to remind you and to preach to you and declare to you that god has specifically given you a purpose he desires for you to fulfill that purpose and he will help you i'm so grateful that the father is receiving prayers about you right now i don't know what i'm preaching to but whoever you is whoever you are whoever you is jesus prayed for you jesus is praying for you father in jesus name i'm praying right now for somebody who's not in the right place somebody who's separated from you i'm praying for somebody who's unsure excellent unchurched i pray father in jesus name that you draw them to your kingdom i'm praying right now that you will convict them in their spirit to say yes to you and rededicate themselves afresh to you or get saved today is my prayer father by the power of your holy spirit bring it to pass in jesus name [Music] song says love lifted me [Music] when nothing else could help it was your love that lifted me anybody else cling before it was your love [Applause] [Music] thank you for coming together when nothing else your life they lifted me thank you for your love jesus thank you for your love that lifts us thank you for your love that sustains us thank you for your love that makes things new for us hallelujah it's his love that makes it new it's his love that makes us new and now we don't have to worry about anything because his love his love can somebody give god praise for his love today his love creates a brand new thing on the inside of us thank you for receiving us back home jesus thank you for forgiving us time and time again thank you for watching us clean every day thank you for your [Music] god doing a new thing a new thing tell somebody to say god i'm doing a new thing tell somebody near you god's doing a new thing all things are passed away [Music] because i know that you've got plans for me yeah god are the old face and behold all things [Music] now [Music] everybody oh here's my [Music] one more time everybody [Music] [Music] out of the world [Music] me i don't know what it is [Music] somebody no nothing [Music] i'm [Music] [Applause] [Music] i nothing yes is [Music] [Music] in the name of jesus in the name of jesus we have the victory help me say in the name of jesus [Music] [Music] [Applause] jesus i got [Music] [Music] oh in the name of jesus in the name of jesus we have the victory help me say it in the name [Music] [Applause] [Music] last time call [Music] victory somebody give hallelujah hallelujah victorious week this week after victory we're searching for victory we climb the victory we prophesied this week this week all things have passed away thank you for the new thing [Applause] tell somebody you're gonna have a victorious week this week [Applause] this week we declare victory hallelujah we speak victory hallelujah victory victory victory victory victory [Music]
Channel: Inside FBCG
Views: 46,945
Rating: 4.8843284 out of 5
Keywords: Jesus, Pastor John K. Jenkins Sr., John K. Jenkins, John Jenkins, FBCG, Church, Bible Study, Powerful, Powerful Teaching, Powerful Word, God, Lord, King, Gospel, gospel in bible, Worship Center, Ministry Center, First Baptist Church of Glenarden, Bible-based church, Developing, Dynamic, Disciples, ministry, Worship, Praise, Praise and Worship, john k. jenkins sr., t. d. jakes, sheryl brady
Id: KdYqvZ3oYiw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 53sec (3593 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 23 2021
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