Discontinued Snacks Taste Test

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A reminder for all Mythical Beasts from Rhett, regarding whether to taste or not to taste:

"Our goal is to, like, come back tomorrow and make another show."

We appreciate that goal, guys. Keep it up!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 23 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/FergusCragson πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 12 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Wade Boggs really needs to guest on an episode after the pandemic. That would be amazing! He is a really interesting person too lol

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 15 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/weschester πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 12 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Link's hair is looking particularly "mad scientist" today

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 12 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Any scientists out there know what the Boggs smell actually is? Is it a type of bacteria they're smelling?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/chuby1tubby πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 12 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

They’re whack that Doritos can was cool lol

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Toasttimebitches πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 12 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

These are my favorite episodes.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/deadmallsanita πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 12 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

β€œI like the fact that it’s smaller and dustier and more like drugs” - Rhett


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DTake2012 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 13 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Love how they have the Boggs bar in a trophy case with a smell hole πŸ˜†

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DTake2012 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 13 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
- Today, we try a 40-year-old snack, made of space dust. - Let's talk about that. (gentle, upbeat music) - Good Mythical Morning. - Many snacks do not stand the test of time and are discontinued for good reason. But occasionally, there's a snack that has been discontinued that deserves another shot! Because, as they say, timing is everything. Maybe some discontinued snacks are due for a re-continue. - Yeah, maybe it's time's fault. (laughing) Maybe the snack was born too soon and it's right for a return. So let's see. Will any of these forgotten snacks that we're about to sample- - Sample. - Give us something to long for or should they remain sealed in their original packaging and on an eBay shelf for all eternity? It's time for To Be Discontinued, more, more, more, more, more snacks edition. (upbeat music) We got a whole new batch of snacks that have been sitting around in dark, dusty corners of the internet, just waiting to be purchased and devoured. - Yes. - By us because who else is gonna do this? - Right. - And as usual, we're gonna be tasting these discontinued snacks and then deciding if the companies should bring them back or no, it's whack! - Okay, first up, we have our most recently discontinued snack, the Ghostbusters Twinkie from the all female reboot in 2016. Now, is the Twinkie infinitely better when it's bright green and lime flavored? Lime flavored! Hey, listen, key lime slime. Sign me up. I like key lime. You don't, I know that, but let's see how it tastes when it's five years old. - Does it say key lime slime? Because that's a great opportunity. - [Rhett] Yeah. - [Link] Oh, yeah. That makes sense. - Right at the top. - Because of Slimer. - I think this is the side to open right here. - Oh, yeah. It's got one of those rippy things. (box ripping) Except when it doesn't rip fully. - Well, you know, it's five years old. - [Link] I like to be able to reseal a box. Now what? - I think you might have trouble with that. - [Link] Take this right here. - They're individually wrapped. - You got one, I've got one. Got a whole bunch of other ones, too. - Now I kinda think a Twinkie is still good five years later. I mean, what's gonna go bad on a Twinkie? - Who are you gonna call? Your gastroenterologist in a couple of days. - Hey, smell it, though. Doesn't it just smell just like a regular Twinkie? - Yeah. - I'm actually doing it. - I'm actually doing it, guys. - Okay. It's not. - It's very dry. It's certainly dryer than Slimer intended. - It tastes like soap. I probably shouldn't swallow this. - Wow, it's gone. It's gone. It's turned. (spitting) - [Rhett] Oh, you can actually see the perimeter of the key lime has like, hardened. - Yeah. It's turned, y'all. - Okay, I'm gonna say this- - We can't hold that against hem. - As a key lime lover, I understand that key lime is a polarizing taste profile and also, Twinkies are kind of aimed for kids. And I think you could just make the slime green and not change the flavor. - You're right. It's a niche audience. They said it's limited edition for a limited time. - But it does taste like soap. - They knew it was going away. - So maybe we can wash with it. Won't you go take a bath in one of these and get back to me? - Twinkie soap is a different product. - All right, Ghostbusters Twinkies. (buzzing) - [Both] No, that's whack! - Next up, we have Doritos in a can. - Yes. - This had a year-long stint beginning in 1996 and ending in 1997. We're gonna find out if chips are better in a can than in a bag. Now, they expired officially on September 13th, 1996, so right around the time that our high school time was expiring, these expired. We paid $65.18 for it. - Wow. It's legitimately a 12 ounce can, the dimensions, because PepsiCo experimented with putting these in their soft drink vending machines. - Yeah, so this was not in the snack vending machine. It was a button on the soda machine that you could select. - It's a pretty cool idea. They also did it with Fritos in a can. - But you know that people thought they were getting a Doritos-flavored drink and they had to be disappointed when they got Doritos in a can. - I know. I mean, even when you look at it. This is the first thing that you think. Now, it says bite-size, so I'm curious about how small they are. - Oh, yeah, because they couldn't do full-sized. They could barely get them in there. - There's not gonna be any carbonation clinch. - Clinch? - You know. (gurgling) Let's see what it gives us. So that's anti-climactic right there. - It's just not a pressure. It may be slightly pressurized, but. - I'm gonna try to leave this on the edge because this is a- - [Rhett] So we can cut ourselves? - [Link] This is a collector's item. - Okay, so they're teeny weeny Doritos. Now, they must be preserved pretty well. Nope. - Man, think about it. When these expired, we were just starting out our college. We were arriving on campus at NC State the day that these expired. - I don't remember this. It seems like something that people would be talking about. - Before you eat that, these have a little bit of Boggs. - Oh, yes. - And you know what? We use that- - How do we know for sure? We've talked a lot about the smell of Wade Boggs because we tasted the Wade Boggs bar. We got bogged down. - We bought two of them at the same time, so this is the other one and we have a little hole here so we can remind ourselves exactly what a Bogg smells like. Oh, yeah. That'll do it for you. - And then that? - Similar profile. Whatever Boggs was doing back then, Doritos was also doing. (laughing) It's just like- - You should have told me to waft it, man. (Rhett laughing) I mean, seriously. - No, that's a nose hole. - My freaking nose hairs have been singed. - Hey, it's doing good things for you. - That's what Boggs will do to you. - Okay. - And it's what's happening here. - So you're afraid to eat it? Oh, you know what? - Still totally crispy. - The taste is, there's a little Boggs-iness in there, but really, what we have to identify- - Got some goodness, too. I'm so impressed that it's still crispy. - I just think that the appointment factor. - Yeah. - When you think you're getting a Doritos soda. - And then once you pop it, there's no pop sound. There's a disappointment there. - But it is better than their other failed idea, Pepsi in a bag. We gotta admit that. - Yeah, that was stupid. I wanted this to work because I like the idea of that experience of getting Doritos out of a drink machine, but. - The confusion factor is too high. - It's not coming together. - [Both] Doritos in a can. No, that's whack! - Before we continue our journey through discontinued snacks, we wanna invite you to enjoy the chaotic creativity of the kitchen-eers! You all know the masterminds behind the Mythical Kitchen channel. They're always dreaming up and delivering some of the tastiest foods with no shortage of delightful disorder along the way. They got multiple series, like meals of history, fancy fast food. - Yeah. - And nickel and dime and others! All on the Mythical Kitchen channel. Go check it out now! Or actually, after this video. - Yeah. All right, you may remember this drink. I remember this from my childhood. I remember it existing, but it don't remember drinking Orbitz. - [Rhett] Yeah, never tasted it. - This is pineapple, banana, cherry, and coconut flavored orbits. It has nothing to do with the gum and it has nothing to do with the travel website, except that when it was discontinued, Orbitz, the travel website, gobbled up that URL. - Oh, really? - So if we're gonna wanna re-continue this thing, we're gonna have to work out some sort of plane promotion. - Well, I gotta say that I'm just so impressed that this many years later, it's still perfectly suspended. It has not settled. I mean, this thing has been defying gravity for over two decades. - This one expired in 1997, but Orbitz, the drink overall, was discontinued in 1998. - But seriously, I wanna ask you as a man who has an engineering degree, from one engineering degree guy to another engineering degree guy, how come they haven't at least settled in a layer? How is it that they just are completely distributed through this whole thing? - This is the brilliance of Orbitz. Those little balls of gelatin are the same density as what they're suspended in. - Exactly the same density. - Exactly the same, so this stuff has definitely been engineered and it stands the test of time. Well, this one didn't cause the seal broke and we should not be drinking. - It's got a little floaties in it, too. - This citrus raspberry one. How much did we pay for this? 40 bucks. - $40! Won't you open that up and pour it in here. - Oh, my goodness. - Well, it hadn't been open since '90. So just let me know when you want me to step in. - Had to use my off hand. - Yeah, you had to use- - My left hand. - Your left hand, which is actually your dominant hand, but you just don't. You just live in a life of denial. - I have can smell that coconut. I don't like. This kind of has a bobas situation. You know? But suspended. Boba goes to the bottom. - [Rhett] The balls come right out. - You ever seen a lava lamp and wanted to drink it? - Oh, my God. If you could liquefy a Wade Boggs, this is like what Wade Boggs urine tastes like. - Wade peas out gelatin balls? - Yeah. You might need to see your urologist, if your pee looks like this. - Come on, Wade. - If you've got suspended solids in your urine. - I think it would kind of feel good to pass one of these. - It has fermented. - Oh, you think this is- - Smell that. It's alch-y now. Is that not alch-y? Do you smell the alch-y? - It smells like fermented suntan lotion. - Man, if Boggs was here, I bet you he'd drink it. - I'm afraid. I'm afraid that we cannot drink this. - I know you all say that. You all complain because we don't always try it, but our goal is to come back tomorrow and make another show. - I wanna make an argument that this should be brought back, even without tasting it. - Make it, make it. - Because it's an engineering feat. I mean, you've got these aloe drinks that have stuff suspended in them. - Yeah, good point. - My kids are obsessed with boba. This stuff was just ahead of its time. The problem with boba is that it all sinks to the bottom. - Yeah, this is beautiful. - You've gotta use a straw. This is sip-able boba situation. - I am 100% on board with that. Why hasn't this been brought back? - Because of the website. - It's a conversation starter. - Because the travel website took their URL. - Well, let's just call it suspended balls drink! - Better boba. - Better Boba. - I don't know what we're gonna call it, but we're saying Orbitz drink. - [Both] Bring it back! - Now, He-Man Masters of the Universe was one of our favorite cartoons growing up. We both had the Castle Grayskull in our rooms. - Oh, yeah, of course. - So this is the limited edition Masters of the Universe candy from 1984. Is it just candy bar? I think they just called it candy. - It is a candy bar. - We paid $49 for it. That's what I know. - This thing is cool. I mean, I love going back and the He-Man that we got, I got in there and then at our creative house, I bought a Mecca neck off eBay. - Put yours on your shelf? - Yeah, you twist it. Yeah, you twist him like that and his neck gets big and it's made of mechanisms. - Right, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - Now, this one's got cool art on it. I don't know if you can see that. The way that Teela, He-Man, Skeletor, and Beast are rendered is unlike the animation. It' like a totally different thing. - It's a candy version. - It looks really cool. And then in terms of when it was expired, it says, in the largest print on the back, it says best before end. - I think technically that happened in 2020, so it probably just expired. - So it might be good. Let's open it up. - This thing's gonna be so Boggs. - [Link] Oh, my goodness. - Has Boggs reached out yet? - [Link] I'm gonna put this paper towel down here. - Or have we reached out to the Boggs yet? - [Stevie] No Boggs contact, as far as I know. - Have we attempted Boggs contact? - I would like to do this and have Mr. Boggs here so that we could smell the man himself. - Right, like why all his breath or just smell his body? - Anything he'll allow. - Okay, and then we compare it to things. - [Link] Oh, gosh. Oh, it's characters from He-Man! - That's Skeletor. - Who the heck is that? - I think that's Skeletor because he has like a staff and he has a hood. - [Link] Here, hold that one guy up, Rhett. - [Rhett] And there's a sort of a black heart there in the middle. - This is cooler than I even anticipated. And then this is- - [Rhett] That's Beast? - [Link] He had a weird name like Zay-doc or something. - [Rhett] Is there something that has fallen out of them that makes that darkness in the middle? - Skeletor looks amazing. - What has happened there? - [Link] It's desiccated, man. It's dried up. - Hold on. That's interesting. It has a Boggs-ness to it. But it has something else. It has something else, besides a Boggs-ness. (stammering) A Boggs-ness. What is the word I'm looking for it? - I don't think there is a word, Rhett. - Boggs-ness. Does it have a Boggs-ness to you? - Definitely. - But what is the other thing? - Deeper, darker. - It's almost an evil. - All right, let's just taste it. - Are you gonna taste it? - You're scared? - I'm gonna Boggs this. - I'm gonna taste it, but then I'm gonna spit it out. Should we taste the darker part? - I'm just gonna bite Skeletor's head off. I've always wanted to do that. - Oh, don't bite my head off! Don't do it, He-Man. (chortling) Maybe that was Popeye at the end. Oh, it's fudge-y. - Yeah, it's lost all semblance of candy. (Link coughing) (spitting) - That made my tongue scared. But until they bring back the Masters of the Universe movie for real, you can't bring this back. But at that point, I'd love to see this come back. You know, I'm a fan. - Yeah, and the fact that it is not a bar, but it's individual characters. That's a nice effect. - That's cool. - That's something to get excited about. - Yeah. - So yeah, Masters of the Universe candy bar. - [Both] Bring it back! - When the movie comes back. And finally, our oldest snack that we will be dining upon, potentially. It is intergalactic. It is Space Dust. From the 1970s. We paid $100 for this. - Crazy! - They were discontinued in 1983. It's basically like Pop Rocks, but instead of rocks, it's ground into a fine powder. - And that was actually both the name of this and the consistency of it being a powder, led to one of two scandals that surrounded this. The first scandal being the fact that Space Dust kind of sounds like angel dust, PCP, something you don't want and something you don't wanna be giving to anyone, especially kids. - Something tells me that if you were to ingest PCP. - [Rhett] That's what your friends would start looking like? - [Link] This is what you would see. - [Rhett] Yeah, right. - That is a disturbing image. - It act does have that. And then, so they changed it. The person who made it, the company that's making it, changed it to Cosmic Candy to try to do away with that drug association, but they still put the drug-induced hallucination faces on the front it, so. - Store in a cool, dry place for decades and decades. - The second scandal was the same scandal that kind of consumed Pop Rocks, which is the rumors about if you drink a soda while you've got Pop Rocks or Space Dust in your gut, your stomach will explode, which is not true. And it was actually the guy who created this wrote an open letter to parents about Cosmic Candy that he put into magazines, trying to convince people that it was, but he couldn't overcome it. He couldn't overcome it and then Pop Rocks came along and dethroned Cosmic Candy. - You wanna put your space hand out here? Now, it's not really- - [Rhett] It's not that dusty. - It's not that much more fine. - Yeah, bring up Pop Rocks and put them in that hand. - I got some Pop Rocks right here, which, I'll point out, are fresh. These are still around. - I don't think this stuff can Boggs, though. Hold on, that's almost the same. I mean, there's a couple of bigger ones. All right. I'm just gonna lap it up with my tongue. - Okay. - Ah! (candy fizzing in microphone) It still got it. It still got it. - It still got the fizzle. (talking with mouth full) - And it's totally fine. It's totally fine. - It tastes good. - It tastes good. Now, side by side with Pop Rocks. - I'm still gonna spit it out because this is old. - Pop Rocks has less pop. Well, no. - It takes a little longer. - Pop Rock has a delayed reaction. Something about the dustiness of it. - This stuff is so trippy. I mean, it's scary to look at. - It's better packaging. I like the fact that it's smaller and dustier, more like drugs. (laughing in background) Don't you? - I'm not gonna say that. - (laughing) Okay. - But I was just thinking, why would this ever come back when you've got Pop Rocks? But I like everything about it better. - Yeah, it tastes better, it looks better, better consistency, better packaging. - [Link] And it's intergalactic. - We need to get in touch with this guy and get the open letter- - I like the branding. - And you know what? We're gonna bring it back through another open letter that we put in magazines everywhere. - Okay. - That'll get the kids talking. Put it on magazine stands everywhere. - So, Space Dust, or I mean Cosmic Candy. - [Both] Bring it back! - So in summary- - Wow, we had a lot of stuff. - We brought back the Orbitz drink, Masters of the Universe candy, and this Space Dust. - High five! - It all stayed on my hand. - Sweaty hand. (laughing) Thanks for subscribing and clicking the bell. - You knew what time it is. - Hey guys, I'm Jonathan from Lake Placid, New York. I'm currently enjoying a bowl of Little Debbie cereal while watching Rhett and Link enjoy a bowl of Little Debbie cereal and it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - Inception. - Nice! - Click the top link to watch us eat 70-year-old Jell-O in Good Mythical More. - And some paint and to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality is gonna land. - All right, so we're gonna champagne and mayonnaise. Champagne and mayonnaise would be our podcast. - Champagne is just a full celebration. - She's Champagne, I'm mayonnaise. - I'm okay with being champagne. - I'm fine with being mayonnaise, it's a good condiment.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 1,931,958
Rating: 4.9422803 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test, season 18
Id: 1X5DI2shfA4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 58sec (1078 seconds)
Published: Wed May 12 2021
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