How Long Can You Hold Your Pee? (Experiment)

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This felt more like an Aprils Fools episode than anything they've ever done

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 90 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ShowtimeCA πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 11 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Last time I laughed this hard at a GMM episode was the adult fanfiction one. Good stuff.

Also, Link's arrangement of the nametags produced an interesting shirt design.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 66 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/turkoid πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 11 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I thought it was going to be revealed that Link was pranking Rhett to get back at him for all the times Rhett’s gotten him. But no, man’s just got bladder control.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 54 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ChwatBot πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 11 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

This one's going in the Hall of Fame! Really funny throughout, although Stevie telling Link "Don't say his name" was the best part.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 32 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/thatdani πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 11 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I had to double check that this wasn't an April Fool's episode but thought it was absolutely hilarious!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 29 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/PMROCKETSTONKS πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 11 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Oh my god. You can hear the pee hitting the bucket. This is weirdly hilarious.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 15 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 11 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Yesterday: Mythical Entertainment could be the next Disney! (cc the dude from Pamplemousse's doc)

Today: ...

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 14 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/fotheringhay πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 11 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

i relate to Link feeling exhausted. you really feel like a brand new person after you finally release

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/CheliBabe πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 11 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Lol I thought Link was being dramatic....guess not.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Neat_Caterpillar πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 11 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
- Who can pee the longest? - Let's talk about that. (upbeat music) - Good Mythical Morning. - Over the years, we've experimented a lot in regards to stuff going into our bodies, but we really haven't explored what comes out of our bodies a lot, so being very serious, curious scientists, constantly on the forefront of specific scientific experiments, we are going to push our bodies as safely as possible to see which of us can pee the longest. How are you feeling right now? - I don't feel bad. - I feel bad! - For reasons that I- - I have to pee! - Will explain, I will explain. I ended up having to do a little release, and actually, kind of a big release. - Okay, good, good. - More recently than I wanted to. 'Cause I couldn't think straight anymore. I couldn't. - I have not peed for a couple hours, and as you know, I like to pee a lot. - Yup. - So I think there's urine in my brain right now. But before we start, we'd just like to remind you, it doesn't matter if you're a grower or a shower, because our bladders are all the same on the inside. It's time for when we just can't ignore nature's call any longer, we'll finally know who can pee most from their donger. - Donger, all right. Here's how this is gonna work. Okay, the point of this experiment is to compete for the title of being the man with the longest, not wonger, but pee stream. Utilizing pseudoscience. That's pseudo with a silent P, P, P. Okay, now- - Are my eyeballs floating? - Right over here, we got two urination stations. They're just fancy stalls. One's for me, one's for Link. Whenever we decide that we can't hold it any longer, which is gonna be very soon for Link, then we'll head over there and finally empty our bladders. But we only have one opportunity to do so, so we got to make it count. - Mm-hmm, and we will be counting, or at least Chase will be. He's got a stopwatch. He's gonna be timing. If there's a little pause, oh, you're preloading. Chase is gonna take that into account, stopping and starting the stopwatch. - And the winner at the end will be crowned the Pee-Pee Prince and adorned with a beautiful piece of Bowl Bling. - But first, you hear that? (both making electronic beeping sounds) Yep, the sound of research. We have researched the crap out of what it would take to have an impressively long pee, and by the way, the longest pee ever recorded lasted 508 seconds. - What? - Which is eight and a half minutes. - How? What? - Are we gonna be able to get close to that? - No. - There's a velocity control element to this. - I think that person was just squeezing it out, just a little teeny stream. - If you assume that this pee-er was under 45 years old, and he would've peed an estimated 21 milliliters per second, that's the standard rate, that amounts to approximately 10,668 milliliters of pee, or equivalently, 10.67 liters. - This much pee. - Talking about it specifically is not making it easier to hold it back. - Now you can't just hold your pee willy-nilly. (laughs) Pun intended. 'Cause when it comes to ignoring what the body wants, we know there are limitations. So we want this experiment to be as safe as possible, and here's what we know. In 2007, a woman in Sacramento died after participating in a radio contest called Hold Your Wee for a Wii, a Nintendo Wii, but the reason she passed away was due to acute water intoxication, not due to holding her bladder, because in general, your bladder will involuntarily release long before you're in physical danger. But in the contest, the radio station had contestants drinking 8 ounce bottles of water every 15 minutes. So she had too much water. So in order to keep this as safe as possible, we're not gonna be drinking anywhere close to that amount. Of course, I don't know how much she had. I've had quite a bit of water, but I also peed just right before this, so. I think we're gonna be okay. - I mean, I gotta do the pinch. I'm gonna get closer. - You're gonna pinch the end of your wonger? - I have to, just as a safety mechanism. Just like... Doctors recommend peeing once every three hours, and a healthy bladder can hold up to two cups of urine. That's this much. I mean, if it's that dark, you got a problem. - Yeah, right. - Oh gosh, oh. - That's coke. - I'm really gonna have to go over there. Your bladder's an expandable organ. Here's the thing that I'm relying on. There's this invisible fill line in your bladder that tells your brain that oop, there's urine in here. Get it out, but that only is at the quarter way mark, so even though I feel like I have to pee really bad, I might just be 25% full. - Well, you're probably, it's probably past. It started telling you that you need to pee at 25%, but it continues to fill, so you might be at like 95%. - You know how when you hear running water, and then you just have to pee? It's like, I'm hearing a waterfall in my brain. - Okay. Overall, it takes about nine to 10 hours to produce two cups of urine, in the average person's body. That's about as long as you can wait, and still be in the safe zone without the possibility of damaging your organ. Now let me just give you, while Link is sitting here struggling, I'm just gonna give you a little background on what has happened to me today. - Take your time, please. - I woke up and I did my morning pee. - [Link] So did I. - And then I was like, okay, I'm gonna hold it until I get to work. As I was driving into work, I realized that I didn't, this is gonna, I'm sorry, I just have to be completely transparent here, I didn't just have to pee, I had to poo-poo, as well. (crew laughs) - I pooed right when I got up. - I can't just poo on command. - I pooed at like 5:50 a.m. - I wish I had! - What is it? Like 9:15 now? - And so, as I'm coming to work, first of all, I'm mad, 'cause now I'm like, now I got poo-poo in there. So I pooped and then I was like, just your body is so used to be like, okay, it's the ol' one-two punch, you know? And it was just like, you gotta pee now. And I was like, I can't not pee. It felt like I would die if I didn't pee. So I peed, and then I started panicking, and then I was like, ah! I mean, we're gonna have to delay this. It's gonna take me so long. So I immediately, after I pooped, I did wash my hands, I went into the kitchen, I got two large glasses of water- - Okay! - Just completely- - Okay, good- - Shot down these- - You drank a lot, okay, okay. - Then I came out here, started drinking more. I drank almost the entire thing of this. Here's the thing that I don't do. Unlike Link, who is regularly hydrated. I mean, this man has a giant Hydro Flask that he takes with him everywhere, he's very hydrated, I'm- - We're the Neals. We stay hydrated. - I think I'm dehydrated, so my body immediately began to say, whoa, whoa, hold on, what's wrong? Why so much water? Whoa, okay! And I had to start peeing so bad, I got to the place where you're at right now, and I couldn't think straight. I could not see, I could not reason. There was no way I was gonna be able to communicate- - Are my eyeballs yellow? - Nope. Any information to you, so I had to, I thought I was just gonna go in there and let it off, but once you start taking some pressure off your bladder, your bladder's like, all right, here we go. And I just basically emptied it. So I came back out here, and I started drinking again, and you know what? I gotta pee again. I'm gonna be able to pee. I have no idea how much is gonna come out. - [Stevie] It's so fascinating to hear out loud what no one ever says, and just does. (crew laughs) - What no one ever says- - Like what other context- - Just does. - Are you like tracking your minute by minute, you know, bladder situation. Link, we gotta get onto the first, basically, while you're building up your bladders, we have different techniques and things. The first thing that we're gonna bringing out here, we're calling the pee-pee platter. The pee-pee platter is filled, if we can bring that out, it's filled with foods that are meant to induce your urine. So we're gonna hit this first, and then I have some distractions for you. But basically, there's little cards. - I have to pee again. - Associated- - I have to pee again already. - [Stevie] With all the food that tells you why it induces urine, and so, you're gonna kinda draft these foods onto your own sides. But in order to win the right to begin the draft, I'm gonna ask you a pee-related trivia question, and the close, oh, we're moving up. We're moving up to a code purple. - He's already about to burst. - I can't, I'm so close to going over there. - Wow, you're the last- - I just, I can't consume anything else, Stevie. I don't need any help. - The amazing thing is- - I decree that I must pee. But here's the thing. I gotta get over there, I gotta get in the stall, close the stall, lock the stall, move the bucket to the front. I've got to control the velocity. 'Cause it's gonna wanna, it's gonna hit- - Put a hole in the bottom of that bucket. - Yeah, it's gonna burst that bucket. I gotta slow the force to have the longest pee. It's not just about, this is not about the most pee. This is about who can pee the longest. - Okay, while you go over there, I'm gonna talk a little bit about caffeine and why- - Oh, no, no, I need you with me. - Caffeine is a diuretic, meaning it promotes water loss through the urine. Caffeine inhibits the production of antidiarrheic hormones, so we are less able to reabsorb water that is being filtered out by the kidneys. Thus, we make a larger volume of urine (chuckles) and we therefore have to urinate more. - Hey! Rhett! (door rattling) Oh, guys, I can't- - I already have to pee. - I can't freaking lock the door. Okay, I got it. All right, I see. I really need to go, but I'm trying to, I'm pinching it. - Oh gosh. (crew laughs) - Three, two. (urine streaming) (Link grunting) - This is happening right now. A man is peeing on the internet, and you decided to watch it. - I almost missed. - I was about to say, it's getting kinda weak there. (urine streaming weakly) How you feeling? Is this normal flow for you? - I'm concentrating. I'm pinching the flow. - Oh, you're pinching the flow? - With my muscles. - Okay. But you don't have like, you don't have, you're using your hands, but not to pinch. Just to guide. Apparently, he can't think and pee at the same time. (urine trickling) This feels impressive. - [Stevie] When you look up, I get concerned. I need you to concentrate, please. (crew laughs) - [Rhett] This feels very impressive. - [Chase] It's over a minute. (urine streaming lightly) - Pinching the tunnel. (urine splashing) Oop. (urine trickling weakly) - Say stop when you've stopped, 'cause it's hard to hear. (urine trickling lightly) Wow, this is, I mean, over a minute. I was not expecting this from Mr. Neal. But he's a very hydrated man, though. (urine splashing lightly) - (grunts) Oh my gosh. - You still just peeing in there? (crew laughing) - [Chase] A minute 30. - (grunts) Don't make me laugh. Don't make myself laugh. (urine splashing) - Good Lord. This is impressive. (urine splashing) What in the world? (urine continues splashing) He just broke two minutes. - There's more where that came from. (crew laughing) - I really gotta start loading up, man. I was not expecting this. - Okay, I'm coming down from the mountain. (urine trickling lightly) Still dripping. (urine splashing) - What? (crew laughing) Did you find a second bladder? - Shh. (urine splashing) Third bladder. Fourth bladder. Fifth bladder. (grunts) Sixth. (urine splashing) (Link grunts) - This is amazing, Link. - [Stevie] I hate this so much. - Like this is- (Link yelling) - Still going, Chase. - [Stevie] Don't say his name. - Shh. No, that's a stop. And... (Link sighs) (crew laughing) - Hands free. Are you going hands free or are you done? (laughs) That was absolutely- - How long was that? - [Chase] That was two minutes, 56 seconds. - That was absolutely amazing. - (laughs) Can you believe that? - [Rhett] I would've never thought you would've gone over a minute. - That was amazing. - I mean, would you have ever thought that that would've happened? - No. (laughs) - It's crazy. Okay. - Wow. - Well, we can sit here and learn some things while I- - Oh my gosh. - I load up my bladder. - The pressure's on, man. For years, he has given me- - I haven't said. - Crap. - I haven't said a thing about that. - You have to pee too, you pee too much. - I haven't said that in 15 years. - I think, at the end, I might've sharted a little bit. - [Stevie] What, what, you what? - Just, 'cause I was trying to empty the bladder so hard. - [Stevie] Wouldn't you know by now if you did? Wait, okay, I need more details. - I am exhausted. - About- - I feel like I just ran a marathon. - [Stevie] We're all exhausted, as well. So you have to, I don't know, I need more details. Do you need to drink more water? Do you feel, at this point, you need more volume of- - Yeah, yeah. - Of water in order to win? - I'm gonna try to lap you. - I guess I should've been training for this. - Have you- - If I'd had known he was gonna go three minutes. - I was practicing the the tension squeeze. - Let's just learn a little bit more about things that make you pee. - Yeah, how does that work, 'cause I'm gonna take a couple of these. - Like caffeine, carbonated drinks are a diuretic, and the carbon dioxide in the carbonated drinks irritates the lining of the bladder, and makes you have to urinate more. I think I need more water. - I'm so relaxed. - Yeah, let's just say, there's a chance of drizzle. - [Stevie] Okay. Leaning slightly forward can take pressure off the stomach and bladder, which may reduce the feeling of needing to go. - That's what I was instinctively doing, and that's why, when I walked over there, I could not stand upright, because it would've like, it would've just starting pouring out of me. - I, okay, give me some distractions beside this. - [Stevie] Okay, okay, okay. Doing things that stimulate the brain will help you take your mind off having to go to the bathroom. Let's try repeating a mantra. - Mantra. - [Stevie] Might I suggest. - Hold it in, friend. - [Stevie] Um. - Hold it in, friend. - Okay, yes. Go with that. - Let it flow, Joe. - [Stevie and Rhett] Desert dreams dry streams. - Take the water (Link moaning) into your tissues, your long legs, your long arms. - Sweet relief. - You know what? I'm fine. I feel good now. I just peed my pants a little bit, but. - [Stevie] Okay. Well, then, I think this is the perfect time to read a promo- - Why did I wear gray- - As a distraction. - Why did I wear gray jeans? - Yeah, selling something is definitely a great distraction from having to pee your brains out. - We took the time to (grunts) to sing these songs, these Lionel songs. All right, "You Are" and "Round and Round," two great songs from Lionel Richie's self-titled album that has the pose that we have fallen in love with, and done for, since we were in college. And listen, you can get this thing if you join Mythical Society 3rd Degree Quarterly or Annual by June 30th. You can get it, okay? Only available to 3rd Degree. for details. I am, it's just unbelievable how quickly it goes through me. - It's time, Rhett. - Be all you can be. Be, be. - It's time. - [Stevie] While holding in your pee, pee, pee. - It's time. - This one says- - Dancing. - Dancing in my downstairs. - Huh. Sounds like a cool new trend. - Well, I get chills. What is that about? You're in trouble. - Oof. I'm gonna step back a little bit. - Maybe- (crew laughing) Urinate out of 10. Okay, oh gosh. I gotta do it, I gotta pee. Oh gosh. - All right. Go over there. - Go with the time. - You gotta lock the door. So the time to beat, again, is? - [Chase] Two minutes, 56 seconds. - Dang it! I was four seconds shy of three minutes? - [Chase] Yep. - Oh gosh. - I could go again right now. - Oh gosh. Oh gosh. Are you guys ready? - Ready. (urine trickling) - What? That was it? - No, it's still going. (urine trickling) I was banking. - Seriously, you were banking? Did you stop the timer? - No. I'm looking at Chris. He's got a thumbs up. There's a mic in there. - There's a mic in there. (urine streaming) - How in the heck did you go three? - Squeeze it. - I can't do that, man. I have to let it go. - Kegels. (urine streaming forcefully) - Oh man, you're making me need to go again. (crew laughing) What are we at, Chase? - [Chase] 30 seconds. (urine streaming) - Tell us when we're at 45 and a minute. - [Chase] 45. (urine streaming) - Three minutes is unbelievable. (urine trickling) I don't know how you- - One minute. - I don't know how you squeeze it. I can't even, I can only be on or off. (urine trickling lightly) - You're winding down already. (urine trickling gently) Stop. - I missed a little bit. (crew laughing) (Rhett sighs) - You done? Your time was? - [Chase] A minute and 16 seconds. - (sighs) Oh, God. - I doubled you. I almost- - More than doubled me. Oh my gosh. I have no idea- - Stretch your bladder, man. Stretch your bladder! (laughs) - [Stevie] Do you want to measure how much you each actually peed? - Sure. Let's see who peed more. - All right, so I peed approximately 680, give or take, a few milliliters. - And I peed, over the course of almost three minutes. (jar banging) (Rhett laughing) Less pee. - Oh my God. (Rhett laughing) That is crazy. - 600 milliliters of urine. - Well, okay, hold on, Pee-Pee Prince. - My wiener control- (crew laughing) is superior to yours and it has now been proven by the fact that- - Well, what about my tube size? (laughs) I wanna know my flow rate first. - [Stevie] First. - 'Cause I think Link's is gonna be, maybe outta the normal range. - [Stevie] 680 milliliters amount of pee for 76 seconds, your flow rate is 8.95 milliliters per second. Link, for 600 milliliters, 176 seconds, your flow rate is 3.41 milliliters per second. - Pi! Oh, actually, 3.14. - Pretty close. If you wanna do a sequel, we can see who can blast the hardest, I'm up for that, too. (Rhett laughs) - [Stevie] Well, let's see how this episode performs. - Ah, oh, okay, man. You can take that title. - In the meantime. - That's impressive. I don't know- - Is this a toilet seat cover? - I don't even know how you physically pulled it off. I mean, I wanna congratulate you and also make a call to the urologist. It's like both of those things, and maybe for myself, as well. I mean, we're both on the low flow. We need the spanner, that's what we need. - I regulated my flow. I can go to the other extreme, too. Challenge accepted. - All right. Next week! - Thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell. - You know what time it is. - I'm John Evans. I am 600+ feet high on this tower, and about an hour that way is Buies Creek. Now it's time to spin the (gasps) sike! Wheel of Mythicality! (both laughing) - Oh wow. - (laugh) You got me, John. - You got us, John. - Hey, man, it was high up there. - You think he's got permission to be up there? (both laughing) - He seemed official. - Yeah. Click the top link to watch us rank the weirdest vintage toilet seats in "Good Mythical More." - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality's gonna land. - [Rhett] To get the "Rhett and Link Sing Lionel" vinyl release, join 3rd Degree Quarterly or Annual by June 30th. Visit for details.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 1,894,413
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test, season 18
Id: XfLHaB8dEYc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 11sec (1271 seconds)
Published: Tue May 11 2021
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