What Broken Product Is This? (Teardown Challenge)

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Is it just me, or was this kind of a boring episode? I feel like the main show being a knolling guessing game would have been far more interesting - I really liked GMMore!

👍︎︎ 28 👤︎︎ u/lts_talk_about_it_eh 📅︎︎ Aug 11 2021 🗫︎ replies

Both the original and new titles are sooo baity haha, hopefully it's good for the ~algorithm~ though.

Edit: Now it has a more straightforward title.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/quincium 📅︎︎ Aug 11 2021 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Aug 11 2021 🗫︎ replies

I can't believe they didn't get typewriter after seeing the ribbon. They're old enough to have used a typewriter when they were real lil.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/deadmallsanita 📅︎︎ Aug 12 2021 🗫︎ replies

I would love to see them do this with just electronics and have Marques Brownlee as a guest.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/MyExpertAnalysisIs 📅︎︎ Aug 16 2021 🗫︎ replies
- Today, we're tearing it up by tearing stuff down. - Let's talk about that. (soft electronic music) (volcano erupts) (fire crackles) - Good mythical summer. - Now, aside from learning that Play-Doh tastes delicious, school also taught us that stuff is made of parts. (laughs) Hey, so we were thinking- - Got it, yeah. - Right? I mean, it's true. - I did learn that, at some point. - So we were thinking, how well can we identify an object after it's been stripped down to its individual parts? - Ooh, yeah, this should be fun. We have crafted a game of destruction and discovery to answer that question, and, as someone who doesn't have a habit of dismantling things, unless it's an argument my wife directs at me. - Oh, ho. - This might be difficult. - And don't worry, we're gonna be working as a team. This isn't gonna be competitive. - Okay. - If that bothers you, it's just gonna be working together as a team. - Yes. - How well will we be able to tell what iconic things we're looking at just by analyzing their bits, and their pieces, and their parts? It's time for Titillating Teardowns. - Okay, Mad Dog Lucas has combed through the online shopping abyss, that's the only hint we're gonna get, this is, like, stuff that he's bought. - It's from the internet? - These are pretty cool products. - Okay, that narrows it down. - At least, that's what I've been told. We have not seen them, and that's because that would make the game too easy. (Rhett laughs) - Yeah. - And also because Mad Dog Lucas has torn them apart piece by piece, so they don't really exist. It's gonna be our job to work together to guess what the product is by identifying it using the least amount of pieces and the least amount of guesses that we can, so, like golf, we wanna keep our score as low as possible. - We're gonna start each round with a single piece of the item in question. Every piece we look at in addition to that will tack one additional point onto our score. We're only allowed three guesses per round. I don't know why I held up 10, because I meant three guesses per round. First guess is free, second guess and third guesses are two and three points respectively, and if we can't guess correctly after those three guesses, we receive a five-point penalty. - All right, at the end of this, our goal is to finish with 35 points or more, and if we do, we win a- - [Stevie] Less. - Less. - Less. It's like golf. - Less. - [Stevie] Yeah, it's okay, guys, you're doing, it's good, you got it, you got it. - I'm sorry, I screwed it up. No, do we have it? All right, we win a big old-fashioned jar of Reese's Piece. - Old-fashioned? - It's personalized. - Is he getting the old-fashioned jar? - Big old personalized jar. - I hope it's old-fashioned. - Let's play. (lively electronic music) - [Stevie] All right, boys, here is your very first piece of your very first object. - Oh. - Oh, it's a picture frame. (bell dings) - Well, you can have that in case we need another piece. So, you've got, oh, it's the same on both sides. It looks- - Is that, like, a pattern for aesthetics? Like, cosmetics? Like, this is exposed? It's like a license plate thing. - Yeah, it is the shape of a license plate. - But it doesn't have the screw holes. - None of this is supposed to be seen. - Or outdoors. - By humans. - You wouldn't do a license plate thing that was cardboard. - I mean, we don't know how big the whole thing is. - I'm immediately thinking this is a second piece situation. - But this is not... It's almost the dimensions of a license plate exactly. I don't feel like it's wide enough. Do you? - It's smaller than a license plate. - Okay, I mean, do you think we could get some of these with just one piece? I wish I would know how many pieces total are in this thing. - [Rhett] Okay, we want the second. - Yeah, we gotta take- - All right, second piece it up. - 'Cause our first guess is free, but our second guess is gonna cost us two points, so we wanna wait, and we don't wanna take too big of a risk. This is solid metal. This is a piece of leather over a gap. What is this? This comes up. (metal twangs) - [Rhett] Oh. - And then, on the other side- - Oh, oh, Link. (Rhett imitates accordion) Accordion. This is a piece of an accordion. - How? Because of this? - Here, the inside of an accordion, there's this thing happening. This is what you would see on the outside of an accordion, and then this is a reed. - Oh, oh, oh, you're saying that there's a bunch of these in an accordion. - Yes. - And they go together, and they stack when you push it. - And this is a reed. - Blow it. (Rhett blows) No, blow into it, other way. Not that, other way. Other way. Other way, there's, that way. (people laugh) Yeah, harder. - It's an accordion. - Well, you didn't produce any sound. - [Stevie] Is that an official guess? - Our official only guess, 'cause I'm feeling your soup, is. - Accordion. - Accordion. - [Stevie] Let's see if you guys are right. (dramatic orchestral music) (Rhett laughs) - [Link] Yes. (people clap) Hey, that was great, man. - [Rhett] Yeah, look at that thing. (soft accordion music) - Accordion. - Hold on, was that overdubbed? - Lucas. - Or did he really do that? - Lucas, that sounded good. - [Lucas] Three years of accordion lessons. - Hold on. - [Link] No, that right there was something. - Do you still have your accordion? - [Lucas] In Brooklyn. - Brooklyn. - (laughs) I mean, somebody. - Beat you to it. - We'll have to ship that thing. - Hey, that was, hey, hey, we are on a roll, man. - Yeah, we are on a roll. - I gotta give it to you. (Rhett laughs) (Link laughs) (lively electronic music) This is not our new piece. Chase said if we blew into this... See, I knew you could blow into something. - Yeah. (Link blows) - Oh. (people laugh) - I think maybe you suck. (note rings) - No, you blow. (note rings) And you suck. You suck on some, and you blow on others. This is a blow hole. (note rings) This is a suck hole. (note rings) Never get the two mixed up, trust me. - Yeah, I've done that to a dolphin in the wild. (soft accordion notes ring) Okay, let's get our next piece. (bell dings) - Okay, you know what? Maybe I'll let you hold it this time. - Okay, well, we've obviously got gears here, and it's greased gears, so this obviously attaches to some kind of motor, but then has these other spring-loaded- - Oh, is it spring-loaded? - I mean, this could be a vacuum piece. I mean, there's so many- - Can I? - So many different things. It's greasy, first of all. Those articulated arms. - Yeah, we know it's mechanical. All right, we're gonna need another one. So, it's mechanical in nature. - Oh, now we just got- - And it's electronic. - A motherboard. - Oh, that is prickly. Now, I think these floppy things right here, I think those are solar panels. - I don't think they're solar panels. But, are they just... I don't know why they're lose. - Why would it be like that? To capture the sun's rays and power... No, it's too internal. Does it connect to that, is what you're thinking, and the answer is no. - This is gonna attach to a motor that's gonna run that. - Okay, bear with me here. I think this is a walking mechanism. I think this is something that- - This thing definitely moves on its own. - This is a smart thing that walks. - Like a smart dog, like one of those little robot dogs? - I don't wanna guess, like, walking dog. - We can't waste a guess at this point. - All right, we need a third piece. - Part three. (bell dings) Oh, speaker. - Ooh. A speaker. - This right here, woo, speaker. - Yeah, yeah. (people laugh) - It's a speaker. - [Rhett] You blow on that. - And you talk like this, it comes through. - Well, this was assembled in 2016. - This is not a vintage item. (Link gasps) But, and it talks or makes noise, and it walks. Could be a Furby. You know how they wanna bring Furbies into our zone. - Okay, I think you're onto something, because this right here- - [Link] I bet it's for his eyes. - No, I think this- - He wobbles? - He wobbles, it makes the Furby wobble. - Are we willing to get our- - Furby's a great guess. - All right our first guess, maybe our only, is Furby. - [Stevie] Let's see if you're right. (dramatic orchestral music) - [Rhett] Yeah. Yes, yeah. Yes, sir. - Slurby, wurby, durby, we broke down a Furby. (Rhett laughs) - Slurby, wurby, durby. It only took us, hey, Lucas, are you impressed? - [Lucas] That was very impressive. - I mean. - Yeah, I mean, I mean. - [Lucas] You didn't even get to the pink parts. - I mean- - The wobbly wobblies. - Yeah, 'cause when I started thinking about legs, and then I'm just thinking about- - When you think about legs. - Talking with legs. - When you think about legs, you think about Furby. - Pretty much a Furby. - Yeah. (lively electronic music) - Quick promo, we wanna remind you about a new podcast from Wood Elf, jacksfilms, you're probably a fan of his, great YouTuber, friend of ours, his new show "Erin is the Funny One," where Jack and his wife Erin discuss pop culture, tech, celebrity news, and more, go check it out, download and listen, "Erin is the Funny One." Tell jacksfilms we sent you. Apple Podcasts, Spotify, you know that stuff, wherever podcasts happen for you. - All right, I mean, this is like, I mean, we're so good at this, Link. - I mean, for a guy who's... Bring it in. I mean, never dismantled anything. - I mean, just, you give us two or three parts of something, it doesn't matter what it is, we'll tell you what it is. - Okay, all right, so this is a small one. That is a- - [Rhett] Turn it around. - This is not gonna help us at all. - That's nothing. - I think this is a... It looks like it's got some sort of heat sink on it. You know what I'm talking about? Like a piece of metal that sucks heat out of a heat-generating thing. We need another piece. - There's a QR code on it. - There's no chance we're gonna go with just that. - Oh, so let's give them all the little parts. - [Link] So, it looks like- - [Rhett] Is this from a little thing? - Well, it's a... I don't know. (people laugh) - Is this from a little thing? We've only gotten little things. - I mean, it's like he's taken a circuit board apart. - I mean, little things are made of little parts. - This is very boring. I don't really have anything to learn from that either, do you? Let's give us a third part, screw it. - Okay. Let's give them another little part. (Lucas laughs) - But this one's interesting, because this is, like, a... Oh, that's a connector. It's a floppy film. It feels like a Polaroid, but this is still a behind-the-scenes thing, it's not really giving us much. - Can you wait? Can you just, maybe, when I hand it back to you, you lick it? - [Link] I was thinking it was shaped like a stamp. - You lick everything that's shaped like a stamp? (Link laughs) (people laugh) - I just wanted to lick it before I gave it to- - Just put it face down. - [Link] See how floppy that is? - This is something that goes into space. - You know how, when a dentist takes x-rays of your teeth, and they put a thing in the corner of your mouth? It's the same type of... We need another piece. - [Rhett] That's like a gold foil. - Frickin' racking up pieces. (bell dings) - Okay, now we've got a lens of sorts, so now we're getting into- - Can you see my eye through this thing? Yeah? - Oh, now, we're getting into GoPro territory. (Rhett laughs) - Oh, snap, you think he took a- - Do you think they would've disassembled a GoPro? No, they wouldn't do that. - Is that the front of a GoPro? - That's like the front of a GoPro. - All right. - No, it's not, I don't think. - Hate to break it to you, but we got y'all's number. This is a GoPro. - GoPro. - [Stevie] But what if it's not? - Ah. (buzzer buzzes) - Let's see another piece. - Dang. - [Link] All right, so this is a- - It's a lens, it's got- - No, that's just a viewing thing. Yeah, bring it on. - It's a viewing thing. Oh, oh, yo, gosh, yes. - What? What do you mean, oh yes? Oh, look at you. - Is it a Apple Watch? - [Stevie] Let's see if you're right. (dramatic orchestral music) - [Link] Oh, this took some work. - Oh my gotch, it's an Apple Watch. (Rhett laughs) - Oh my gotch. - So, all of the songs you wrote on the accordion were, like, questionable rhymes. - [Lucas] Yeah, bad puns, bad rhyming, bad accordion. - The interesting thing is, like, it's an older one, too. They've changed the beveling a little bit. - Can you put that back together in such a way as to make it function? - [Lucas] There's a lot of ripped parts and jagged edges, so I think no. (lively electronic music) - Okay, I mean, at this point. - Just give us a part. - I think we've just won. - Shower us with parts. We can't lose, right? Oh, this is a big one. (bell dings) Oh, it's heavy, too. I mean, if this part is... This thing weighs five pounds. - So, this has got a coiled- - Three pounds. - I used to know something about this. As an industrial engineer, this is more your speed here. - No, I'm not a mechanical engineer. - So, there's a fan here, and this is obviously a motor, this whole thing is a motor. - All right, give us another piece. - Motor. - We know, this thing's- - So it has a motor with a fan. - This thing's driving some mean wattage. What is this? This is crazy-looking. - It's got a pull cord on it. - That is, like, an old cord. - [Rhett] This is vintage. - I think this is vintage. - This is old-fashioned. Is this the old-fashioned jar of Reese's Pieces? You've given it to us early? - Now, look, when I wind this thing up, oh, it's like a yo-yo-type situation. - Oh, it's spring-loaded. - But this is not like a Baby Secret, like, make it talk type thing. - No, but you are right, it is a pull and reveal something. - Let's see another. (bell dings) It's like a- - Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, we've got sort of a reel to reel. - [Link] So a ribbon? - Okay, all right. - Why would a ribbon? - This is an ink... This is for, like, typing. This is, like, a labeler. - Yeah, but why do you need something that also has a pull cord? - It's a labeler that runs off of a lawnmower engine, just go ah, and you gotta yank it. - Let's see another piece. - Yeah, see, it's a labeler. - Okay, yep, so we've got one to 10 down here on this thing. - It's an old-fashioned Reese's labeler. - One to 10. Could just be, like, different levels. - This is a speed dial, because you wouldn't want something that just labels from one to 10. It's a speed dial, but this doesn't have any integrity, so it's definitely for printing. It's not for, like, actually spooling these things, I don't think, I mean, 'cause you could probably just break it by just pulling on it. - It's not a word processor. Let's see another one. - No, it actually, it does have some integrity. - We can make a guess, we got a free guess. Oh. - Oh, it's a typewriter. - Oh, yeah. (people laugh) All right. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - [Link] We could've been guessing- - Hey, let's just go through the things we were right about. It's got a speed dial, it's got this thing for typing. - Typewriters don't have a speed dial. I'ma be typing real fast. - Well, no, I think this is a distance or something. - Well, the interesting thing is, this cord is internal. - It just zhoop. - Typewriter. - Yeah. - [Stevie] Let's see if you're right. (dramatic orchestral music) - [Link] See, the pull cord thing, where it resets. - We're in for an all-nighter, because it's a typewriter. - Ah. - What? (people laugh) - Yeah, all-nighter. - Typewriter. - So this thing is, like, what draws the paper in, right? Or something, like, when you- - I think this is the thing that resets the carriage. - Moves the carriage back and forth. - It's an internal string. - It looks internal, it looks like something you shouldn't show to anybody. - Hey, we were pretty good at this, right? - Yeah. - Bring in the Reese's, we won, right? Reese's. - We got some Reese's in a- - Reese's Pieces? - Old-fashioned jar. Look at that. - Oh, look, expert strippers. - Oh. Open it up, man. - That's us. I think it's more about the personalized container, 'cause these are just, like, normal Reese's. - Do you like a Reese's? - I like a Reese's Pieces. - Oh, I got ink all over my hands, and now I'm eating some of it. - Thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell. - You know what time it is. - Hey, Rhett and Link, my name is Danielle, and I'm at CSU Stanislaus, currently taking my graduation pictures, and it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. (popper pops) Woo! (Danielle laughs) - Hey. - Woo, I just polluted a pond. - It's exciting. Click the top link to watch us discover what crazy kinds of things people on the internet have taken apart in "Good Mythical More." - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality's gonna land. To get the Mythical Society onesie, join 3rd Degree quarterly or annual by September 30th. Visit mythicalsociety.com for details.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 1,034,602
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test, season 18
Id: v_796XBXSC8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 2sec (962 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 11 2021
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