Did You Ever Rage Quit a Job Without Thinking?

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reddit as a rage quit a job without thinking what was the last straw i was working at a restaurant that was to put it bluntly freaking atrocious the place was almost always dead apart from the owners friends who would make it their life's mission to be incredibly rude to myself and other staff members somehow i stuck it out for six months the final straw came at christmas when i wanted to travel back home to spend time with my family as my grandmother was sick at the time and their response was you have to decide what's more important your job or your family i told them that was the dumbest freaking question i've ever heard and walked out worked at a red lobster for a few years in college didn't really have any complaints it was what it was right after graduating i moved to another town and was able to transfer to one near my new location worst experience of my life horrible management and the location was in a relatively upscale part of town so there were much better alternatives for seafood so the customers were always crappy as well we were required to be in 15 minutes prior to the start of our shift for a pre-shift meeting and changeover and stuff thing is you couldn't clock in until five minutes before your scheduled start time like every other crappy company darden the owner of red lobster also a very crappy company wanted to run skeleton crews to save money so we were always scrambling so often i would come in and i would already have seated tables plural waiting for me the host manager's mentality was well they need to be here 15 minutes early anyway so if they can see them 15 minutes early nothing seemed to ever clarify why this was wrong on many levels well one day i came in and already had a seated table went over and greeted them immediately they were upset but understanding and then went to the bot to ask them to make some drinks i couldn't enter them in the system since i couldn't clock in yet while i was waiting for the drinks i was venting to a fellow server about it and mentioned if they see me again before i can even clock and i'm done well before i could even finish the sentence they had seated me again i told the server i was talking to it was nice to have worked with them made sure to let both tables know they were seated in a section that didn't even have a server yet because the company didn't want to pay for a full staff and that they should dine at restaurants that care about them having a good experience and walked out no regrets and i'll never give darton a dime of my money ever again worked an overnight job during the holiday season me and the other overnight guys took all the overtime we could get working 18 20 hour days working after having four hours off whatever all legal in the state i'm in and it's not critical or cerebral work so no harm we're basically just lumps of flesh in a uniform that was fine for a few months i bought a bunch of extra crap with it but i got burned out after about four or five months straight of it and just started turning it down then the manager started making it mandatory i told him no we drive on our regular job so pushing it when we can't do it isn't a good idea appealed to his manager and the mandatory overtime went away for a while suddenly one day i come into the other overnight guys being moved elsewhere and i have to pick up their slack why that shift needs to be covered so i'll cover their shift and mine which will force me to work four to five hours over to just cover the shift and the work required on said shift i texted the manager immediately and told them i can't do it he stated it's mandatory and if i cannot do it i'll no longer have the job he'd do me a favor this one time and move the other overnight guys back so i don't have to stay over they were legitimately shocked when i didn't show up the next night or ever again so this happened two weeks ago i was going out with some friends and i tore my acl he told my boss i couldn't come in for a while because of this i'm a chef so there's no way i can work with a torn acl however my boss failed to understand that and said that if i didn't come in the next day i would be let go i quit on the spot i feel like it's illegal to fire someone for an injury there were a couple things building up to the last straw mainly i was the supervisor of my crew but the boss was getting around to the paperwork that would confirm my title change and pay raise for three months also i was supposed to get full medical benefits but the day i quit the benefits were in the mail so just wait for seven months the last straw was when the company had approaching deadlines and the scumbag management staff was getting desperate they kept cutting out everyone's brakes and harassing people out of filing first aid reports someone on my crew was starting to get heat rash working in summer in the middle of a heat wave but the boss was standing in the shade glaring us down so we wouldn't take breaks after my co-worker collapsed i stopped everything and ran to her side to help the boss came up and said oh crap heat stroke take five minutes get water get back to work so i exploded and told them to go frick themselves and they're as bad as a manager as they are a person and they can't treat people like that i helped my co-worker gather her things and i gathered mine and i drove her to the hospital and i never went back i immediately filed a safety breach report with worksafebc telling them of every safety rule they broke and since then i heard that two others quit the company is under investigation and another co-worker asked me to support him in filing a discrimination lawsuit against the company the same crappy boss was very xenophobic towards natives i used to work as a lifeguard i had injured my shoulder and was in a sling and they forced me to come into work and threaten to fire me if i didn't i had to guard a pool being unable to swim because my arm was in a sling did the pettiest thing possible sent in my resignation late at night the day before my morning shift have fun finding a replacement buttholes i worked as one of those super annoying face-to-face fundraiser people you know those who will stand in your way and use every trick in the book to shame you into sending them money every month so they can continue their scam well i did the one day training was send out in the morning and quit after two hours people hate you for good reason and treat you accordingly i found out soon after how the money is really spent for the most part and have been super against this specific type of fundraiser especially since they were in the face of actual fundraising so now i just ignore them as good as possible and warn my friends not to work for them i talk to a guy not sure if he was a low-life schemer or a smart fellow who took a job like that went out like you did came to the same realization and took off with a cash and paperwork after about two hours he got 20 total figured it was fair enough and never went back for a paycheck i worked as a tour guide at a birthing center for a couple of weeks when i first started grad school my dad was terminally ill at the time and i let my manager know that as soon as i was hired as i was anticipating a funeral he passed away at 2am and i contacted my manager to let them know and to say that i wouldn't be working for the next week or so she texted me back saying so sorry for your loss but i really need you to be at work today i texted her back saying i wouldn't be there and that i was quitting as i didn't want to work for a company that would make someone work on the same day their parent died no regrets i worked at a small family-owned restaurant for over a year all i did was wash dishes the owner hated me and always made my shift miserable because her creepy husband loved being around me and talking to me and she accused me of hooking up with him more than once my last straw was her calling me a filthy w in front of not just my co-workers but also some customers i was 15. my wife was about to give birth and i took the job as a temp thing was only there for three weeks it just moved to the city worked there while i continued to look for an office job in engineering the super i called to let know my wife was having contractions and her water broke told me to get to work and that the baby wouldn't be born till later anyways i said no i'm driving my wife to the hospital now and he told me to get the frick to work i simply said i quit and hung up on him ten days later i found a job and have been employed here for four years now i can't see any situation when somebody would react like that unless that person suddenly found themselves in a game show where the objective was to say the most offensive thing possible over the phone but no you can't help your wife give birth just get back to work i worked at a gas station delhi and right before i went in for my shift my mom called me to tell me my sister had been rushed to the hospital and that i needed to go there to be with the family i called my manager and they said to find someone to cover your shift i called a few people and one person said they would come in and cover my shift i called manager back and let them know that so and so was covering my shift and they said okay i came in two days later for my next shift and the manager starts flipping out on me how they were fricked because i didn't show up for my shift i proceeded to remind them that i had to go to the hospital for my sister and that so and so was covering my shift she then proceeds to tell me how so and so didn't show up therefore it was my fault and that i cost them money and all this bulls i was like are you freaking kidding me i'm sorry you were too md out to remember our call but i had a family emergency so frick you and frick this place i walked out the door and proceeded to frick them one more time that's one thing that drove me crazy at my first job you were responsible for making sure the person who was covering your shift showed up if they know called no showed you both got fired idk how normal that is though when i first moved to nyc i got a bartending job at a pub in williamsburg the manager was always mere and the staff was usually left to their own devices one weekend a huge blizzard hit the city i had made it into work when the city declared a state of emergency and started shutting down the trains i called my manager to tell them the trains were shutting down and the staff wanted to leave and catch the last trains home before it was too late he said no one to stay at this point the snow was getting deep enough to make opening the front door difficult i texted my manager that we were leaving and we packed up and closed the store the next morning the manager texted to say that we were opening for brunch despite all the trains being shut down i told him i couldn't make it and so he said he would come pick me up in his car and asked for my address i gave him a fake address turned off my phone went back to bed and found a new job later that week was working my second job as a welder book two weeks holiday paid for a trip to canada to see the now wife's family the day before we are set to leave my manager tells me he's going to have to cancel it as he's booked three people off on the same weeks i explained i'd paid out thousands on a holiday he then said i booked mine last so i'd have to lose it i spoke with everyone on site yet no one else had hold of the booked i went to hr and he was called in to explain he came out with the same crap hr backed him up i said okay got up and walked off sight 45 phone call missed by the time i'd driven home one voicemail demanding i get my butt back in or i'm fired i called the owner and explained i'd quit and my reason turned my phone off and went in holiday after math i returned from the holiday to nearly 50 voicemails from manager telling me him and deep crap act and should watch my back when in public send them all to a solicitor and police in case anything happened along with sending former boss everything he was dismissed and i was offered his job as i'd been there longer than most of the team didn't accept has wanted to become self-employed and it was the push i needed it's so freaking unreal that adults who act this way get hired to supervisory positions i got a job relocating large fully grown trees the shop workers were talking this company up while i was doing my orientation saying this place was a feel-good career first week we tore down an old house on our tree farms land or love the drywall which is technically toxic because of how old it was was supposed to be removed for a fee by the dump they dug a ditch on a customer's house and buried in on their land when they weren't home i then was asked to change crews there were only two and the one i moved to had a very high turnover rate todd was the boss of this crew todd was a freaking dong he was a 35-ish year-old man with a 18 year old girlfriend he bragged about how he banged her at her family camping trip with her parents in the next tent about how he cheated on her etc he also loved calling everyone names on my first day with him he called me a freaking loser because i had a rhcp sticker on my car i had literally zero experience in that field was hired as a laborer and was made to drive an excavator never used one before got the hang of it pretty okay after a day or two i was trying to get it in between two houses that were pretty close together taking my time he yelled at me to hurry your dumb boss up i got out of the excavator threw the key in the middle of the ditch and got in my car and left i hope you told the customer that they buried drywall on their land worked in an independent cafe as a lone chef ours were good free reign with the menu was great and the quality of produce that came in was second to none unfortunately the owner had misplaced aspirations towards being a chef and instead of hiring help ran the kitchen himself on my day off after repeated conversations about food safety and his apparent lack of care for customers well-being i came in after my day off to find a single breast of chicken cling filmed sarin wrapped together with ready to eat ham freaking expensive ham i told him this wasn't safe and if he continued to violate food safety i'd walk he told me to serve the ham walk and a much needed phone call to the authorities that i cannot recall right now i was 18 and working at a movie theater concession stand on an extra busy day my co-workers made themselves busy doing things that didn't need to be done like checking toilet paper or organizing candy instead of helping me with a line that wrapped itself around the stand one lady got extremely nasty with me because i didn't butter the middle of her popcorn she was literally screaming at me for it i looked and saw one of my co-workers just watching me and laughing as they pretended to clean the ticket booth window i logged out of the pose walked out of the concession stand slammed the door behind me told the customer she was being a complete bee and didn't need more butter told my coworker to go f himself and walked out i never went back despite them willing to apparently forgive me because this wasn't my usual behavior working at a theater is only fun if you're an usher since you can flick off with the other ushers all night concession is a nightmare i worked in a kitchen at an irish pub in small town colorado we had an irish guy worked his way up from bartender to grams nasty mean drunk loud dude i mean this guy was either on one or ten no in between so we're in the kitchen getting set up for lunch and apparently it was really busy the day before and we had some late ticket times in the kitchen due to lack of preparation nothing horrible just some things out of place irish boss walks in all right i want everything set up well nothing you have to go back into the walk-in for i don't want to hear about anything not being ready on the line so we're busting but getting this line set up got all the bread potatoes meats and veggies and the like everything looks good awesome lunch starts rolling in and i don't have barbecue sauce freak me so i get over to the walk-in grab some go right back into the kitchen to finish this chicken sandwich boz walks in where is that chicken sandwich me i've got it right here just had to grab some barbecue sauce i said i want everything ready to go why the frick is there no goddamn barbecue freaking sauce on the freaking line goddammit listen to what the frick i told you godda so i guess absolutely blowing up over bbq sauce was the last straw for me you should have squirted the barbecue sauce at him lol i was looking for a part-time job in between some seasonal work i was doing saw711 advertising hiring for graveyard shift for an extra 1.50 hour figured that would be a tolerable gig got hired on was sent to a different location than the one i applied at and my schedule was all over the place there were days i'd work a graveyard go home for six hours and then come back for another shift they were paying minimum wage i didn't get the extra shift premium then the new schedule came out and i popped in to see it and i saw they'd scheduled me to work alone on christmas day policy was minimum two people and i'll be so for new employees until their probation was up after three months and it was only my third week i didn't even talk to a supervisor just left my 7-eleven shirt at the counter and left no regrets i had the manager of 7-eleven chasing me around while i was mopping and yelling at me to go faster i'm not a fast person but i am a good worker and thorough gas stations suck boss asked me to think outside the box regarding a project that was so outside the box already that it wasn't even legal in 49 states i worked at an animal shelter i loved my boss manager everyone that worked there were like family to me but the board of directors kept freaking with us cutting our budgets and hiring people without our knowledge one day when i was off my boss arranged a walk out to go complain to the county executive about the unfair behavior of the board and the mistreatment of our staff including extremely xenophobic remarks towards our manager all of the animals were taken care of before the walk out and they were only gone for an hour we thought things were finally going to get better but 10 days later the bod came in and fired my boss most of the staff quit and walked out with him i wish i did too within the next month the new management let the place go to crap cats not getting their medications being given the wrong food and a massive ringworm outbreak they had to open a new building just for the cats that needed to be quarantined and the remaining original staff was thrown into the mess to supervise the new buildings ourselves it just kept getting worse spreading around the shelter like a wildfire new management had no idea how to handle it and one day a couple of veterinarians came into our building and put down three cats they actually had to restrain us from the room they were euthanizing in and after that i sat in the break room and refused to work for the rest of the day just crying with my other co-workers instead i went home that day and never showed back up i now volunteer with an amazing organization with my old boss and other staff members still rescuing animals and doing all that we can i wholeheartedly hope that you old board of directors have felt their crappy decisions deep in their wallet since that's the only thing they seem to care about i'm glad you've gotten to a better place i have several degrees and certifications in manufacturing engineering i was in charge of a project that earned a small company with military-based contracts over 300k in less than four months i requested a 25 cents an hour raise which would have brought my wages up to 19.25 hourly goddamn texas tight asset manufacturing right to work state the two bosses said sure no problem it will be in your pay in two weeks during the two weeks i revealed the ins outs of the project to use f officials it was a prototype of a new jet planes cockpit it was enthusiastically received and the company profits were over 300k as i stated earlier now there are only 11 people total working at this company including two bosses an hour rep and a secretary they could have given everyone ali a 25 cent raise for less than 10k per year but i was the only employee who had asked for the raise i personally busted my boss creating this thing and definitely still feel like i deserved it two weeks later i open up my check and it's still 19 an hour when i inquired about the raise the supervisor told me that the owner had changed his mind i packed my toolboxes up rolled them out and loaded them into my truck i then went into the owner's office and read him the riot act then i walked out two weeks later the use of people got back to me directly they had an offer for me at a plant that created new prototypes for bell helicopter in the us military the wage offered was forty dollars per hour i graciously accepted and eventually retired from that position freaking bad ass way to go man glad you got paid hearing they laid off the one other person who could handle any of the work in our area then expecting me to pick up a workload as well as my own she wasn't even supposed to be laid off but the depth director was eliminating a potential threat to her position see people fire a and b people so i had enough i'd beg them to get someone to help with the workload and when she turns out to be a top quality hire she gets axed i quit within a few days and 10 minutes after i told my boss who realized she freaked up in a big way the cio has me in his office offering me a blank check what would it take to get you to stay literally in admission they knew they'd been underpaying me by a significant amount for a critical role in the organization top of all the rest of it possibly the worst thing he could have done in that moment last i heard a year after that they'd hired three people to try to keep up with the work backlog was still falling behind and sometime after that the company went under i think good riddance should have replied with rehire the other person with back pay fire the debt director and give me a 50 raise if they decline whatever you are quitting anyway if they accept you've just scored a big raise while also improving your work environment i was about 22 working at a call center for sprint there was a three-week training class before you got out into the workspace i was in the last week of training and i needed the afternoon off to go to a funeral i was miles ahead of where people needed to be at that point it was training for idiots who didn't know what a cell phone was i got told i couldn't have the afternoon off but if i did go i would have to restart my training on monday and do it all over again i walked right out told them to mail me my last check you could have gotten three more weeks of training without having to deal with customers and being paid for it inbound call center my sales stats went up because i reversed the order of two upsell paragraphs boss told me to just read the script i handed in my notice not really a rage quit but definitely a spontaneous one if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 19,463
Rating: 4.9312716 out of 5
Keywords: rage quit job, rage quit job reddit, rage quit job stories, rage quit, quitting job like a boss, quitting job in style, quitting job, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, reddit on tap
Id: 9UsRkvdaWwQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 20sec (1460 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 26 2020
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