Former Spoiled Rotten Kids, When Did the Real World Really Hit You?

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former spoiled rotten kids when did the real world really hit you i've had an odd experience i grew up in extreme wealth then went to living very humbly i'm half saudi so i had maids all my young life practically wiped my ass i remember whenever me and my bros got off the airplane and we were driven to the executive gold lounge basically we were minted however my parents got divorced and my mother decided rightly i should live with her back in the uk so i went from maids in a mansion where my bedroom was bigger than most people's entire floor in the uk at least to sharing a tiny bedroom with my brothers i remember my first time washing dishes at school and i did it with cold water and the other students laughed and said you're supposed to do it with warm hot water i went from buying whatever i wanted to buying second-hand school clothes but it was the best thing to happen to me ever because holy crap when i went back and met some of my old friends their minds they were just not normal people this is when it really hit me because i just saw how different they were fully grown men being catered for my maids in their old age do they have no shame rich coming from me but hey i'm ended my ways whenever i visit my father i see my step bro who continued being spoiled 35 year old man never had a job leeches off his mum our maid is like 60 she cleans his clothes washes his dishes might as well squeeze his arse of cheeks whilst he takes a crap i refuse to let the maid do anything and i give where i can from money i earned to see such a difference is what made me grateful and hit me i am so freaking glad i didn't continue growing up spoiled frankly i didn't grow up poor either my perspective of poverty was warped compared to real poverty our tiny shared bedroom was luxury i've learned never to take anything for granted i'm so glad i grew up normally i couldn't stand the person i'd become if i continued growing up spoiled i work hard now i support my mother i have pride something i'd never have if i continued being a leech good for you bro it's so much more satisfying growing and having struggles but knowing in the end that you will be a better person for yourself and the people around you my roommate in college was a former marine he was basically like one i am not cleaning up this crap for you and two this crap will be cleaned up this wasn't me but my wife she grew up well to do i grew up in a trailer like i can't watch trailer park boys because it's too real trailer we met in college which took everything in my power to get to she on the other hand had it all paid for we met fell in love etc the first break i took her home to my parents again tpb so drugs dirty dinghy broken trailer she met everyone and was nice enough that night tiwi went to bed and i woke up to her just sobbing she had never realized how great she really had it and how broken and rough the world can be as to where i was just thankful to be home with my family on my nice bed which in hindsight is the sketchiest thing ever a bed w no sheets and alcohol stains and all that crap had i known what i know now about the upper middle class wealthy world i would have never taken her home until i knew her better i was surprised she stayed with me i just grew up thinking that the way i lived was perfectly normal until i met her parents the ellipses at the end have people wandering on her parents i mentioned in the comments but they're your typical white college-educated church-going rich white people who own land in northern va and have a really nice house where formal where to house dinners partiers are big deals with a lot of decorum etc also commas my dad grew up in a trailer and i showed him the boys last time he visited he said you know it's a bit exaggerated but not as much as you'd think first time i went a week living on beans and ramen because that's what was in the house and i didn't have any money i learned that in the real world everything is not just handed to you i'm still a bit spoiled and i still have issues with prioritizing expenditures but i'm much better than i was when i was 21. i'm 23 and realized yesterday that i have 50 dollars to get me through the next 10 days after paying rent i have a lot of ramen in my near future and i just bought a nintendo switch i'm still figuring out this prioritizing expenditures thing too i grew up in a midwestern town middle class neighborhood private school etc i never needed anything but my dad grew up poor and my parents wouldn't give in to any of my big wants super nintendo i never got haha my neighbor and best friend got everything he asked for i loved hanging at his house because he had the best tv the best food the newest video games 100 pairs of shoes and 1 000 hats after we moved away i found out that his parents gave him anything he wanted because they were in a loveless marriage and constantly fought around him they were buying love when my parents were showing me love i always wondered why he would prefer to stay at my house with a crappy tv and an outdated nintendo with no games turns out he wanted to stay at our house because my parents didn't fight and would actually listen to him my parents became surrogate parents for him and to this day he calls them mom and dad i'm happy to call him brother if it weren't for him i would never have known how i won the parental lottery i grew up with my mother doing everything for me i was never taught many things because she would do everything she's an amazing mother don't get me wrong but i wish i was taught more well i have a job now where i take care of mentally disabled adults you basically have to do everything you have to do all of the cooking or love the cleaning or love the laundry and you have to shower clients and change their clothes and diapers some of them can change themselves i'd say that this job is helping me a lot it's giving me more experience in the real world and a great opportunity to help my patients and spend time with them i wasn't necessarily spoiled but i definitely grew up in a very privileged family upper middle class academic dad and lawyer mum i was 17 and i got a job as a porter at a hotel to save and travel for a bit before going to uni my dad lives in singapore so i figured that he asia i went to indonesia yogyakarta to see borobudu and i was staying in a decent but not crazy fancy hotel near the temple it was my first night and i had no idea if tipping was the normal thing and didn't have any rupiah on me so i put a us5 bill under my plate when i left working in a hotel you get foreign currency tips the note was worth more as a novelty tbh as the waitress cleared the plates and i was walking away she freaked out thinking i had left it there she didn't speak a lot of english but i got it across that it was a tip and she basically broke down it was frick all money so i was really confused made the mistake of googling median wages of the area when i got back median not even minimum salary is about 3 000 us dollars a year what i made in about two hours at a minimum wage hotel job she made in a week busting butt for 80 hours i tipped well all through my trip even bought the crappy knickknacks from the hawkers by the temple it was freaking gutting since someone asked why i knew a tiny bit about indonesia this was my first trip in uni i've been studying primatology and human biology and i've done field work in java went back to borobudur and got better photos and sumatra i've traveled to quite a few countries now most of which are relatively or severely impoverished like ethiopia and rural highland peru and i'm convinced that that first trip to indonesia colored how i view the world i realize that some people really struggle with money i thought people didn't buy things they need cars appliances clothes a nice house because they were really frugal and saving up it's not even that i didn't know about poverty but i thought it was a third world thing and that everyone in the us is pretty comfortable this didn't sink in until college i'm terrified for after college military boot camp wanted to eat an orange didn't know how to peel one slyly waited for someone else to start peeling before emulating him end up with a badly squashed untiedly peeled orange ball that tasted like sour reality boom evolved clarification if given the choice i usually don't eat oranges not a fan of the taste and some of you are right on rare occasions that i ate oranges they are usually peeled by someone else or packaged in wedges or juiced this was basic military training in singapore during training boy was i hungry like a vampire at a blood bank and the fruit of the day was oranges hole unpeeled orangey balls of untouchable glory the trick was to eat my food relatively slow enough which is still pretty damned fast considering meal time was borderline 10 minutes so that i didn't finish my food too early and end up staring at my orange as if it's an alien's testicle and i can peel oranges by hand with relative ease now i had a buddy in eight who didn't know how to eat one either regular guy just didn't know how he took a bite of it without peeling it or anything we all had a good laugh at that one i grew up in indonesia a third world country where you definitely have maids if you're posting on reddit i grew up thinking it's common to have multiple maids moved to singapore a first world country where people still have maids but it's more of an upper middle class and above thing got a sign to sweep the floors by the teachers and that was my first time holding a broom swept it back and forth like in cartoons and everyone was looking at me going what the frick are you doing turns out i was just creating a dust cloud around me you have to sweep in one direction and gather all the dust into the dustpan mind blown i was raised by my great grandmother she was well to do active well until her 80s and her world revolved around me ballet gymnastics all the music classes i could fit in my schedule i had a menagerie of pets christmases were obscene she catered to my every whim as a child now that i'm an adult and my wonderful grammar has passed i've learned that what i had was really unique the world does not wait on me i'm not special to everyone i struggle with entitlement and narcissistic tendencies it's isolating at times and i miss her the easiest way to get lots of positive attention is to be outwardly humble kind and gracious with people you just have to minimize your ego same destination different paths i grew up in a small town and my parents were not rich but they had me late in life and were both retired they were living off of my dad's pension i had them both at home all day every day dad focused all of his energy on parenting which meant i had a problem solver at home all the time with nothing to do but solve problems for me whatever went wrong he could usually make it go away he told my mom i shouldn't have to get a job in high school because he is going to have a job every day for the rest of his life let him enjoy this even if he doesn't understand right now so i spent my teenage years hanging out playing video games and working semi-hard at school then i went to college not too far from home dad paid to put me up in the swanky dorm and i would go home every weekend to get my clothes washed and such then dad died within about two months time i lost my dad and my mother informed me she was going to move back to where her family was from then sold my childhood home and moved away i found out what rent costs i found out what food costs i found out what utilities cost i learned about the laundromat i got into a wreck guy came over a blind hill in my lane replace the car my dad bought me with a crappy here's what you can afford car i had one or two good friends who stuck by me and helped teach me how the world works and dealt with my issues related to grief good friends grew up in a fancy home more rooms than you could ever need on a large property in a pretty rural area i got everything i wanted whenever i wanted huge plasma tv dslr camera motorbike pony etc i never knew what my parents really did for a living i remember kids always asking what my parents did as a job in the playground and i never really knew how to respond i soon figured out what my parents did when my dad was arrested for drug trafficking in the house cars and everything else was repossessed by the government as prophets of crime i now live in a crappy house that barely stands in a dodgy area of town it definitely was a shock to the system but i'm adjusting just fine i guess when i was 16 my parents left for a week vacation and gave me money for the week since i didn't know how to do laundry never even seen it done i took all my clothes to the dry cleaner even my panties the cleaners asked three times if i was sure i wanted them dry cleaned i said yes two days later i got eight pair of panties safety pin to individual hangers my laundry cost about 90 that week i just assumed this was all normal real world hit me only much later it's only in retrospect i see i was spoiled sort of around when i had a limited allowance and budget in college i was spoiled but not rich more naive than anything we get a lot of guests at my hotel who do this we have one guest who routinely had 200 worth of dry cleaning it's almost cheaper to just buy new socks underwear etc i was a spoiled rotten child and also into my teen years my parents bought me a brand new red convertible for my 16th birthday i threw a fit over it because what i actually wanted was my brother's old car that we still had which was dark blue in color i was so shallow and a horrible person back then so what really turned me around that next summer i took a job as a camp counselor at a local day camp i did not have to work but i was bored and sounded like something easy to do god i was so wrong this day camp was specifically geared to the lower classes who could not afford child care during the summer we served them breakfast lunch and an afternoon snack for a lot of the camp kids this was all they would eat that day and on fridays they would beg for extra food snacks to take home for themselves and or their siblings because they may not get to eat again until monday this really hit me hard but the part that got me the most this one kid around five six would refuse to take their shoes and socks off even if we were going to the public pool that day i couldn't understand why until one day he came in limping like his feet were causing him so much pain i convinced him to let me help him get his shoes and socks so i could see what might be bothering him once i did it took everything in me not to break down right there his socks were covered in blood his poor tiny little feet were covered in sores and his toes seemed to curl under a bit he was in so much pain from the state of his feet as it turns out he had been wearing shoes about three sizes too small his family couldn't afford new shoes i took my lunch break and went out to buy him new socks and a few pairs of shoes this broke me which i definitely needed it changed my way of thinking forever wow i'm glad it changed you i'm sure you changed that little boy's life for the better from the subcontinent things went downhill after i got into an engineering university a mom had to sell her wedding jewelry to get me through the semester now here i am thinking i should get her some gold jewelry because now i can mom i love you do it at 20 when i started dating my now husband he was raised by a single mom who worked three jobs and they still barely got by while my mom was a sam and my dad was as successful in his line of work husband and i went to high school together at the beginning of every school year my parents would easily drop 15 k on me and my sister for school clothes my husband would go with our hs secretary to get clothes that were paid for by the school district i didn't even know that was a thing yes i am aware and i agree that this is a stupid amount of money to spend on clothing but to clarify a large portion of that amount was spent on designer items accessories i have no idea why we went to the same school i wasn't in charge of creating the imaginary dividing lines of our city my husband and i have known each other for years and were always friends we got together a couple years after high school for a drunken night complaining about exes and discovered we share a lot of the same ideals about relationships in general we moved in together three weeks later lol yes he makes decent money now and yes he's handsome as frick sometimes i just stare at him and i'm just like how also my parents are wealthy i am not we live modestly and have very little wiggle room every month but i truly and honestly don't give a crap because we are really freaking happy 15k for clothes everything i own combined is barely worth that lol when i was removed from my parents and put through a year of foster heck sadly my brother didn't get the same rude awakening i did spez we were in the same foster house it's just he didn't fully grasp that the world doesn't revolve around him while i mostly have i'm still trying to fight off some demons from both eras i grew up living in a huge hotel kind of like your sweet life of zack and cody thing except that i was a spoiled young kid when i was seven i'd have a nanny put on my socks wear my school uniform every day etc i had four nannies before that and they all left i made one cry once because i yelled at her for not helping me with my math homework i slapped another one she left three months later it hit me hard a year or two later when my dad had to travel overseas to work so i was stuck with that one particular nanny named stina my dad didn't really send a lot of money back to us and so we had to live in a cramped apartment since we needed to move out of that particular hotel i hated my nanny at the beginning because she was just so dang strict turns out that she was doing this because she wanted us to change and we did because my dad didn't send enough money and didn't want a stingy guy we had to ration our food on some days and i couldn't go to many school activities because we didn't have a car like we used to and we didn't have enough money this was hard on my brother and i because we went to a private international school so it was really hard not trying to show others our personal struggle it was even harder on me as i was a prefect at that school and so not attending school activities extracurricular stuff was the worst during that period i learned so much and begun to empathize properly i learned to socialize with my neighbors be independent and this made me enjoy my childhood living in that apartment more than i ever did living in a hotel i owe it all to my nanny to be honest i consider her my surrogate mom now regardless of the rough beginning and i honest to god would not have changed one single bit if it wasn't for her now i wouldn't say i was spoiled by any means but i sure as heck was lazy as frick when i eventually moved out on my own the word consequences meant nothing to me it took me nearly starving a couple of times including a particularly unpleasant three weeks in which i did some things i'm not very proud of and eventually getting kicked out on my book to learn my lesson i was taken in and given a job by the family of a guy i barely knew from high school and we're close as brothers now but to this day i'm still working on paying back the kindness of friends i don't deserve who paid my rent multiple times got to college and my roommate washed his plastic silverware for reuse he'd never held an actual metal fork plastic was cheaper i've bought forks from a thrift store before i don't believe you well i believe it happened but they're dirt cheap i never had a job until the age of 19. up until this age i assumed people started working when they felt like it as in you wake up one day and say hey you know what i feel like working now i'll go sign up to this company of my choice and i'm going to choose to work this amount of hours per week fast forward three years and due to parental abandonment i have no car no education will soon have no place to live no license and no work skills because i never had to dad worked for someone and that someone promised to sell in the company when the day actually came he sold the company to someone else and my dad quit his job we were broke and i could no longer ask for things we almost went bankrupt and nearly sold the house dad started his own company and we're still in debt haven't had enough money for anything and i have to make do with 12 bucks for a week or even two sometimes i'm in college now and it's still the same we live in malaysia btw i remember when i was 12 my dad was broke and we sat in a small stool to eat he didn't have enough money to eat but promised me that we would have a life that's secure i'm in college today and pretty thankful for that despite the lack of money i tend to make do here and there i grew up very privileged when i look back on it i never even appreciated it when i was 17 i came out and went from privilege to getting kicked out and living on the street that was some years ago now and i've made a pretty amazing life for myself in fact i'm almost 100 positive that i'm better off than if i kept on my previous track in every way between junior and senior year of hs got a job at a local tire shop because i liked cars and manual work and needed beer money i was a straight a student and actually prided myself on being a hard worker but didn't really understand the degree to which no one gives a crap what your problem or excuses this work needs to get done a two moment stick in my memory almost 20 years later mexican probably legal co-worker asks me what do they teach you in school because you can't work for crap a dude was working six nearly 11 hour days per week and i was barely doing 40 hours i freaked something up in the shop think it was mounting white walls the opposite of the customer's request and the shop manager was calling me an idiot for it i said something like you know i have a 4.2 gpa right to which he responded i don't give a crap quit screwing up in those moments i came to realize my golden boy gifted status didn't excuse me from getting the freaking job done right no matter how simple i should be actually ushered in an attitude of reverse snobbery against upper middle class and above people and their incredible helplessness tl dr privelge gifted kid gets job at tire shop learns what real work is and that no one assumes he's special yep once high school ends it doesn't matter if you aced all the ap classes they offered now you're just an adult like all the rest of the sad saps and no one is going to look at you differently for being smart even if you do tell them what your gpa is by far cringiest moment of that story glad you're not that guy anymore if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] so bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 180,984
Rating: 4.9385171 out of 5
Keywords: spoiled brat, spoiled girl, reality hits, reality hit you, reality hits you hard, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh, reddit stories 2020
Id: _bz8jSmqCHo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 38sec (1478 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 24 2020
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