God of War, Spirited Away, Dance Dance Revolution

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from nibbler to niddler nerds like a lot of things but there's something they love above all else and that is correcting people this is um actually [Music] joining us on today's episode we have iffy wadi way hey everybody it's me again it's emma5 it's also me again and it's liam senior me again it also is yes it's a lot of me again uh also me again i remain your host uh uh for now uh well it's so great to have you all back um uh you've all played before so you don't need the game explained to you so i won't explain it no um uh game is simple these are incorrect statements about the things that you know and love do you find what's wrong buzzing and correct me you have to proceed your corrections of the phrase um actually if you don't i won't give you the point and you can interrupt me whenever you want um all right well we'll jump right in here we'll go to our first statement buzzers in hand let's begin in the hobbit bilbo baggins and the dwarves traveling with him found three elvish swords and a troll horde sting glamdring and orchest all three blades helpfully shone with a cold light whenever orcs were nearby yes um actually uh glamdring was not one of the swords that they found incorrect okay um actually only sting uh would glow when orcs were nearby nope they were all glowing ass swords awesome glowy glowy swords i only read the comic book version of the hobbit which is even more embarrassing because it's visual so all of them would glow yeah awesome yes they didn't find it in the troll horde uh it isn't a troll horde yeah uh no i'm gonna call this no one gets this one you're all gonna hate this but that's the nature of the game uh uh technically sting is not a sword it's a dagger uh but but bilbo being a hobbit a dagger it's sort of like for a hobbit um actually that sucks save hey bring it up it's a dagger for an elf uh they explicitly call it out it's like oh this is intended to be a dagger but it's a great sword uh which also raises the question what uh what is a hobbit dagger like and how big is that it is a push pin yeah it's just like a thumb thing yeah yeah you just watch scrolls yeah you get stabbed with a hobbit dagger it's just like ow yeah did i sit on something hell oh geez i will bring you down it's just like a minor annoyance yeah uh well unfortunately no points for that one um except uh general sense of annoyance uh uh from everyone on the couch that's the game what's the point for you though that's the point for me hooray um what a crazy rule if i just said what questions that no one got right i just get right it's like you're playing against v now um all right here we go next question here's this video game question 2018's god of war 4 is not only the most recent installment of the series but it is also the most current in the in-universe chronology unlike the previous games that focused on greek mythology such as god of war chains of olympus god of war 3 and god of war ghost of sparta god of war 4 switches it up and explores the norse pantheon um actually not all of them did focus on greek mythology previously i like the broad bookshot approach there it's like let's have a real wide thing unfortunately that is incorrect um actually it doesn't really explore the norse pantheon because they're like shallow well no no because it's like just starting out i like you're taking issue with are you used to the word explore blanket it's just like scratching the surface it's not because i like what you want to finish this game and it ends with being like hey we might go furth like further into the real norse pant but i i feel like you're gonna give me a no on this i'm gonna give you a no but i will say we this is an annoying uh correction okay okay uh chains of olympus uh isn't chronological because it doesn't follow kratos uh uh an interesting guess but incorrect okay i'm gonna call that again you're all gonna hate this yeah you're all gonna hate me that's just the way this goes the game technically is not called god of war four oh of course it's just called god of war um that's for me as a as a gamer you know we use a lot of fake names yeah also i did i didn't play uh god of war so yeah never never played any just yell do you have a son just be disappointed in him for four hours and then feel bad about it that's the game oh man no that's a good one this is a very annoying question no i don't really hate that one as much because yeah i should have yeah the the sting being a dagger thing i will never let go yeah but this one that's a good one it is yeah uh well uh once again i'm sorry no points for that one oh yeah yeah this is going to be a long string of annoying ones this episode hell yeah but you're all being very good sports about it so i appreciate it my brain sees what you're kicking at yeah all right here we go here's our next question twilight and underworld have some notable similarities both feature a rivalry between vampires like edward cullen and celine and werewolves like jacob black and william corvinus both series also feature hybrid characters in twilight we meet vampire human hybrids and in underworld we meet vampire werewolf hybrids which don't exist in twilight yeah is this gonna be super pedantic and go in underworld there aren't werewolves there's lichens um you no you're on the right track i'm actually they're not called werewolves they're called lichens uh someone forgot the name of the show [Laughter] well [ __ ] i believe technically speaking lichens are a type of werewolf but you are sniffing around the right tree but since you said um actually if we don't end up finding it i'll give you the point but there's but there's there is something there's a more correct correct answer so if we land on that that point we'll go to whoever could find the more correct answer emma i'm taking a guess here go for it actually there are vampire werewolf hybrids in all all the fiction incorrect no no no no in every everywhere every fiction if you if you really read great expectations super closely you'll see that there is in fact a victim all right i might call we're uh this is this feels like a dirty point for liam we're gonna go ahead go ahead anyway the only way i can play this this is someone's gotta get up this is this this is a this is like a half correction that you stole from iffy but but you know what we're we're going to count it we'll give it to you you are stiffing at the level of pedentry that we're looking for which is that jacob black technically is not a werewolf within twilight uh lore he is a shapeshifter which is distinct and different from a werewolf both werewolves which are called children of the moon in twilight and uh uh shape-shifters exist within this so he is not a werewolf that is something completely different within the twilight thing is in twilight the shapeshifters all shape-shift into wolves yes that is correct and like in the silky stackhouse books like they the shapeshifter shape there's a bunch of different things that and they're not like you know like sam shape-shifts into a dog you know what i mean yeah i think that's like the distinction between whether you can do it uh of your own volition or whether you are like forced into it through the changing of the movement uh a bit of a dirty point but i'm realizing after going through these how many how many of these early questions are super picky but it's like i gotta i get i gotta give some points here sorry so we'll do that i gotta listen um uh at one point so i'm done our next uh question is a fan submitted question so this comes to us from from one of our viewers thank you so much this comes from shini tenshi thank you nitenshi for this question miyazaki spirited away starts with a ten-year-old girl named sen on a trip to see um actually her name is chihiro that is correct uh her name is shiro she's given the name sen by you baba uh and called that for for much of the series but that is not her name wow i thought that was a good point that was a clean point i thought this would be another one where people be like [ __ ] you you got that thank you that is fast and clean and on it that is a point for emma um all right well this will bring us to our first shiny question of the game [Music] any questions like shiny pokemon or the same number of points a little bit different a little bit rarer uh this is a new game we're gonna try here uh this is called ah my one weakness so in just a moment we're going to show up on the screen here we're going to show you an image of a character these are characters that have notably one ish weakness one major thing that's like this is how you destroy this thing all right let's take a look at this first one liam water that's correct next one not staying awake not staying awake no no staying awake um or fire that uh dreaming about who ink or fire uh uh neither uh neither is what we're looking for yeah killing him in your dream um uh not not not not really the real world uh the answer we were looking for is to stop believing in him oh i didn't know that yeah um all right let's take a look at this next one [Laughter] [Music] it's diff that's what we're looking for nickelodeon robin williams vehicle kills roger rabbit uh let's see the next one iffy oh uh slicing the back and killing the human inside um um it's actually just like the the spot on the back of the neck yeah the nate specifically yeah the humans is not that but that is true he's not wrong there is a human inside well interesting we were looking for just a sort of generalized name for the neck i guess you know what i'll count that for iffy and then uh he deserves it i just talked about the neck but then went yeah you went deeper that's fine i went deeper that's that's fine it keeps it interesting uh all right let's take a look at that next one iffy stabbing him with dragon blast with dragonglass we accept we also would have accepted valerian steelers we've got one more left here here we go and let's see it iffy oh you got a s who's gonna say you gotta suck them off oh one time once a while you gotta stop being horny on me there's a petition going around i don't know why it came out but uh it's like a a sound like a you know one of those uh like venom uh no you i guess you think of either venom or the monsters from a quiet place um but that is not we are not looking for either suck him off or a very specific specific sound any other soda or something i feel like it's something he consumes uh it's not soda oh okay um i got nothing nothing uh uh it is uh drowning stitch is so dense that he cannot swim or float so he gets some water he will settle down like good that it's because of density because i was gonna be like [ __ ] that drowning lack of air it's not yeah it's not just like i don't know how to swim it's like oh no you were like physically incapable of being in water gotcha another way to say drowning is sucking someone who would say that a lifeguard wait wait wait wait wait wait i've had three people sucked off and one person ate by a shark are you watching like lisa anne's like movies like [Laughter] i guess i can't say it's not like yeah totally iffy that checks out um will oh boy uh unfortunately i'm going to say the after all that i think that point goes to if yeah the game does uh for uh attack on titan and um but so yeah so that shining point will go to iffy what a long strange trip it's bad um uh yikes i feel like i feel like i need to smoke well we got a bunch of things wrong in past episodes and you caught them here are some of our favorite corrections from you the viewers from our exclusive dropout discord mulligan trap 2020 says i'm actually for a death note to work you need to write the person's name down and picture their face in your mind in order to kill them gosh it seems like it might be easier just to kill them instead of using this damn death note m7 meme lord says um actually zerglings are much larger than dogs and are at least the same size if not larger than a bioraptor you don't know how big my dog is but fine one point for you all right our next question uh is about harry potter this is a harry potter question the owls and newts are important wizarding exams taken by students to advance in their academic wizarding careers and beyond both tests use the same grading system failing grades are p for poor d for dreadful and t for terrible passing grades are o for outstanding e for exceeds expectations and a for acceptable um actually it doesn't help with their academic like further academic career it's just for their like post school career uh that's not what we're going for um it's not called owls and newts they are owls and nudes they are owls and nukes yeah yeah i remember those so you know you know no i don't know what's the answer then am i i don't know since you over you're correct actually uh yeah it's got it's something to do with the the grading system where something is okay it is something to do with the grading system can you be more specific uh uh actually there's a mistake in the statement yeah yes that is correct there's something wrong with what i've just said uh no i know that it's like one of the letters is not the right take a stab maybe you'll get lucky i'm going with um actually it's not t for terrible that's correct done i was gonna guess dreadful do you want to take a stab at what what it what it is i will say it is t for something t four [Laughter] thanks for trying uh it is actually t for troll uh with the implication that you are as dumb as a troll um uh which is cruel f stood for you already got the lowest possible grade and it's like hey [ __ ] it you [ __ ] idiot yeah [ __ ] loser stupid i totally knew that yeah obviously hey guesses are as good if you'll if you landed this so t for troll that point will go emma um here's our next statement dance dance revolution features music by a wide variety of different artists like naoki 190 revenge zz 200 nmr runners and visa uh um actually it's not a wide variety of music it's all dance clubhouse nice try uh um incorrect read me the in my head me iffy in high school yeah in the arcade playing looking for healing vision version two yep here we go oh let's go that was a good time yeah that's exactly how it sounds great job yeah thank you uh naoki 190 revengey zz 200 nmr runners and dsi i'm just gonna go um actually there's no music by nmr runners incorrect i'm actually 190 isn't a artist incorrect i'm actually zzz [Laughter] incorrect and in fact i might call it because uh you're all in fact barking up the wrong trees [Laughter] here we go okay dance dance revolution features music by a wide variety of different artists like naoki 190 revenge zz 200 nmr runners um actually they didn't write that music it's all remixes good guess no [Music] okay here it is my last guess though dance dance revolution doesn't feature that it's for a future one because dance dance revolution it's like in the groove or something like that yeah yeah those are just dance too very good guess no that's not what we're doing no i'm not going to go yeah we've wasted so much time here's the answer and again there's another one of those like you're going to you're going to hate this um all those artists i listed are in fact they are not different artists they are the same person uh [Music] yeah when you're traveling to a destination and you don't speak the language it can be challenging to accomplish even the simplest tasks like when i wanted a quarter kilo of prosciutto but i could only remember the word for half so i wound up with a half a kilo of prosciutto and as it turns out that's a [ __ ] ton of prosciutto don't let that happen to you use babel the number one selling language learning app through belle's bite size lessons you'll learn language skills you can actually use in the real world from greetings menus and directions to gaining a deeper understanding of the culture babel is a travel essential 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b-a-b-b-e-l.com promo code actually babel language for life all right here's our next one look hogwarts is impressive but breakbill's university from the magicians boast students who have actually had the power of gods like julia wicker and alice quinn julia gained the power of trickster god raynard the fox and alice once had the power of the chaos god ember um actually raider the fox is not the trickster god no yeah uh the chaos god didn't sh she didn't have the power of it she was uh she was uh possessed incorrect um actually you said that she you once had the power of the chaos god she still hasn't uh no no no no it was a temporary thing called uh the what we were looking for is that julia actually didn't attend break bills she was rejected uh from the school and had to basically horrible yeah it's uh um if you haven't read the books i do highly recommend that um because it does kind of like it hits some of these things that are like uh but yeah like uh uh quentin who's sort of the protagonist and julia like are friends and they both sort of like learn about this magic school and like have that sort of like you have this kind of owl moment where it's like yep come take the entrance exam and like we'll let you know who gets in so they were both there they both saw each other taking this entrance exam and he gets in and she doesn't and it basically like drives her insane for a little bit did you include this question so you could secretly have a magician's book club right now guys come on let's read it what's this what's book under the couch if everyone looks under you can find it now we'll meet every thursday we're going to talk about a chapter at a time so it's going to be a nice short thing and like don't worry about it um well we're going to move on to our next shiny question [Music] uh all right this is a game we're calling what's wrong with this picture so on the other side of this card you're gonna see an image we've manipulated in some way to make something wrong with it it's up to you to identify what is wrong first person who can do it will get the point and flip yes iffy the so like based on the way that the red and the yellow and the red and the white are connecting you wouldn't be able to solve this rubik's cube uh you're on the right track but that's not the cube that's the issue emma um actually uh the uh this one of these from that same corner so like this red with the um yellow here that uh should be white incorrect incorrect william you gotta guess yeah i'm just is it the the cube with the orange on the top blue on the left yell on the right like those colors i i know there's something about like there's two colors that can't uh that's not it that's not iffy it's the yellow the the way the yellow is there can't be two yellows in the middle that's correct that's correct um yeah the way a rubik's cube works you rotate the sides the centers are stationary so it would be impossible to have two center yellows yeah wow well if i said something wrong and it's just driving you crazy you don't just have to sit there quietly you can correct me by tweeting at i'm actually show or by going to the dropout discord and correcting me on the um actually corrections channel if we like what you have to say we might feature it in a future episode um okay uh we'll move on to our next statement here characters in the redwall books are typically small anthropomorphic mammals though birds and other creatures do make their way into the mix whether or not characters are good or evil can generally be determined by species good species include mice hares squirrels otters and badgers while evil species include cats weasels ferrets foxes bats and rats um actually uh rats are good characters too because they're rodents and most of the rodents are good uh that's a great line of thinking but it is incorrect i'm actually i hate to do another like buckshot hey sometimes that's what you got to do uh it's not that's all it's not that those species are some are good some are bad some are neutral oh good guess but no um actually the bats are good that's correct [Laughter] pull from out of [ __ ] nowhere not from nowhere because you said generally the rodents are good and they're like bats i almost said that's our good yeah i was also thinking mate it's the bats uh damn once again buzzer beater uh getting in there it feels like there's something wrong about just sort of blanket statement going like these are evil those are good one would argue that irl like domesticated situation rats are way bet like they're they're way more of protagonists yeah like if you're defining these creatures by like their uh their general tolerance of humans like uh rats are way more than yeah they're way more affectionate yeah um well that point will go to iffy if he just crushes this game uh this is a doctor who questions alrighty originally it was stated in doctor who that time lords were limited to 13 regenerations since then the show has changed things a bit and repeatedly suggested that the doctor might be able to regenerate many more times than that that's good news for the most recent protagonist since she is the doctor's 13th iteration i'm actually did they say many more times or i think it was like three more times uh that's not what we're going for it's not you know yes um actually she's technically not the 13th generation because isn't there like an obscure tv movie thing where there's like an extra doctor that technically isn't part of the main canon you sound very tired but that is correct um actually though no yes please not it's not that the the tv movie doctor isn't part of the main canon he is it's that john hurt is considered to be the hurt doctor and so like he doesn't really have a number assigned to him whereas he's talking about paul mcgann who does have a number assigned to him um that is true i am i i yeah um well uh i i think what leaves said is correct i think even though you added more information i don't think i just think i was more correct i also think but it's fine but i don't care i think what you answered was correct enough to get the point but i appreciate emma adding adding more correct information um yes the the yeah the war doctor very good uh so this will bring us to our last shiny question of the game [Music] uh and this is a game called needs more pixels um we've done this a couple times before i don't know if anyone on this couch has played it uh so the way this one works is we're going to put an image up on the screen that is an iconic um uh shot or image from movies or tv but we have pixelated it all to hell so it's really hard to tell what it is now there's several levels of pixel pixelation so uh for this one you can only guess once so we're going to show the most pixelated version you can either guess or if everyone passes it will get a little bit clearer but if if someone guesses does everyone have to guess or no if someone guesses but you can't if it gets clear you've you've used your guess you only get one guess so you can either wait for it to get clearer but it'll get more competitive or you can you can risk it and go early now if now there's an obvious issue here which is that if two people use up their guess then the one person can theoretically run rampant so the rule that we're saying is if if two people guess and they don't get it right the last remaining person gets gets one more level of clarity so they can picture the next little clarity then they can guess very good um rules are clear there yeah all right let's take a look at this image what is this iffy uh this is from uh space odyssey uh this is the uh the door um you know i can't do that yeah you're you're in 2001 a space honestly uh actually it's 2001 a space out hey uh you are you are correct uh uh it's how 3 [Laughter] so some of the details [Laughter] you saw that on edibles i saw that high at the movie movie the video store i worked i thought i still remember it was at the egyptian and it was very big and then the scene where he's fixing the thing in space i was breathing at the same time and i was gone i was like oh this is the best movie ever made uh just you guys deep in chinese food watching it on the shitty tv you have the food to keep you afloat yeah i know in my words i was like oh i'm in space very different viewing experiences one of us is being paid minimum wage to do this uh well if you will get that point uh let's just roll through these different levels of clarity to see it slowly come into focus here there you go um very good jumping in there right on that first level that was awesome and this will bring us to our last question of the game so if you've clinched it if he's already won but uh second place is still in the room and you know those are those real world it's those real world ones i'm not happy about questions all right uh here we go this last question as always concerns real life skills it's important to use a screwdriver that matches the design of a screw or else you risk stripping the head or simply not being able to screw it in at all flathead screws have a simple straight line across the top freeerson screws look like a plus sign or cross torx screws have a six-pointed star and yeah no the second screw you just i'm actually the second screw you'd described was a phillips head screwdriver phillips heads are plus shaped but so are for yourself [Music] we were like we were like phillips head i've had to put up shells i thought about it i thought about it i was like nope it's too easy we're all sponsored by big phillips drivers when you need a screwdriver use a phillips head screwdriver don't push pin for that post you know what to do i'll read it again here or get through it it's important to use a screwdriver that matches the design of a screw or else you risk stripping the head or simply not being able to screw it in at all flat head screws have a simple straight line across the top freeerson screws look like a plus sign or cross torx screws have a six-pointed star and a robertson also called a square socket or allen key screw has a simple square um actually the last one the simple square that allen thing is it it's a hexagon it is a hexagon i was trying to figure out which one was the hex yeah i just couldn't yeah i was counting the corners ikea furniture it's that classic allen wrench wrench it's not a square yeah someone left an allen wrench on my desk the last two weeks so i've literally just been like playing with it the only reason i know that is because i've been procrastinating work by throwing an allen wrench on the ground i feel like i'm like slowly collecting allen wrenches because every every cheap piece of crap that i buy is put together with allergies and they always give you one so it's like it's like oh i just haven't yeah yeah you don't want to throw it away just put it in the drain exactly who wants allen wrenches like next party i have the party favors allen wrenches for everyone uh well uh that point will go to liam uh making friends goes at four two three is that right yeah uh great 452 for emma for liam uh making iffy our winner for this episode coming in with those buzzer beater what charity were you playing for uh i was playing for uh gamers with goo it's people who are traumatized after using like a credit card or a pin to scrape the in-betweens of their controllers and see how dirty it is freezing up i've got an orange xbox 360 controller that i'd like you to look at because it was white when i bought it okay yeah yeah gamers on google take care of that well we will send these four points to gamers with goo hopefully they can buy all kinds of stuff with it uh these four points thank you so much for joining us on this episode thank you to our contestants uh join us next time for even more pedantic corrections here on um actually
Channel: Um, Actually
Views: 289,656
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CH2
Id: 6RlH27uEwL4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 4sec (1924 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 01 2021
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