I Am Hot = Comedy?

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What's up, Greg? I hope you're all having a great day! Welcome back to my channel. this of course is another episode of: HOW TO SELL YOUR BODY ON INSTAGRAM. That... might sound a little bit different than I... (pause) Meant it to... Today we're talking about Ray Diaz I recently discovered Ray Diaz' on the Instagram explorer page, and after looking at a lot of his content, I've sort of realized that he has created a new genre of Instagram content. I would say he's Instagram's first Instagram Comedian Fitness Guru Hot guy. Let's take a look at his bio to see what I mean. Ray Diaz 18 plus advised single What does that mean 18 plus advised, single, cuba So I think the beginning 18 plus advised is saying this content is for mature audiences only. Like maybe there's some racial jokes in there given that it's Instagram comedy I wouldn't be surprised if there were a butt or two to be quite honest but is the single part does that mean like you have to be 18 plus AND single? That's a rating that I've never heard before like I've never seen a trailer for a movie. That was like Coming soon this summer rated R Also, please don't come in here if you're married, or are they just like two separate thoughts like 18 plus advised? Please don't watch this if you're under 18, also I'm single and Cuba. The next line is DM at I am Ray Diaz. This dude has a separate Instagram account just to take DMS Why? At first it like it almost made sense to me and seems smart like Oh He has a whole separate account so that the DMS on his main account Aren't flooded with people who want to DM him but then like net that doesn't really change anything now He's just gonna have two Instagram accounts that he has to check the DMS for. I don't think that that would really help What is this other account? Oh here he posts on here. Lots of pictures of him working out This account seems to be exclusively for... people who want to DM him and people who want to see him sweat He says he posts daily videos... that bodes well for him, right? I don't know about you guys, but nothing says "I'm committed to quality content" quite like committing to posting every day You know what they say about quality and quantity They're... They're the same if you have more of one you have more of the other, they both go up. And then it says AB routine fit plan Nutrition guide all pointing down to IamRayDiaz.com. IAmRayDiaz.com looks like a fitness website where you can um buy Fitness programs nutrition guides stuff like that. There's like monthly memberships and stuff I guess all of this is based around the premise that you found Ray Diaz's Instagram account, you like the way he looks, you like his six-pack, and you want that also So you're going to pay him... to teach you how to do it. It's just kind of interesting because his Instagram account Isn't really like a fitness guru Instagram account. The majority of his content is like... Shitty Instagram comedy... but before we get into that Let's talk a little bit about today's sponsor, me. Take it away me. Thanks, Danny Some of you have probably noticed that under my videos lately. There's been a button that says join It's right next to the subscribe button and a lot of you are probably wondering what is that? What are we joining? Is that a button to join Greg? Is this a button that was put there by Greg's enemy Craig to try to trick me into joining them? Well lucky for you It's not I'm here today to tell you that it's actually a button to join my secret Club. Please don't tell anyone It's a secret. If you join my secret Club you get some amazing perks I'll be doing an exclusive Livestream once a month for all of my secret Club members where we'll be having Greg family dinner You can ask me questions. I can ask you questions or we can just... stare at each other you'll also get discounts on all of my future merch which Could come in handy soon because I might be coming out with new merch soon If you're a member of my secret Club, you'll also get a little badge next to your name in the comments of my videos Which will change depending on how long you've been a member in my secret club. That way everybody can see that you're in my secret Club, which no one should know about because it's a secret you'll also get exclusive emojis that only secret club members can use like cringe face, Greg, little nut cracker guy, and a spooky pumpkin and now you're probably thinking Danny that sounds great and something that I would honestly spend upwards of five dollars a month on, but all of these exclusive perks can be yours for $4.99 as long as you sign up right now or... Anytime after right now I'm really excited to get to talk to you guys in a little bit more of a smaller casual setting So if you're interested just click the join button below. I think it might not show up on the YouTube app So you might have to do it on the computer, but it should be right next to the subscribe button, and remember guys most importantly... Please don't tell anyone about this. It's a secret and I can't have anyone knowing. Okay. All right back to you. Thanks me Alright, let's get into some Ray Diaz content So it won't take you very long if you're scrolling down where Ray Deaz's instagram page to realize he's pretty into the way he looks but what does comedy sketches written by someone who's so obsessed with their own body look like...? this *Random House Music plays* *Jammin' out to the house music* OH SHIT! To me this video is just dripping with irony. It's dripping with irony Like Ray Diaz is dripping with sweat on his second account. cause I feel like the premise of the joke when you thought of it Was probably like man... some people are so obsessed with how they look you can't get him to stop Thinking about their own body and how hot they are for two seconds. Ha ha ha Oh, what a bunch of narcissistic doofuses. Alright guys well are you ready to shoot this video where the entire premise is showing off how hot I am so people will want to buy my Workout routine to look just like me. Not all of his videos are about how hot his body is though Which is actually kind of strange to me... you would think that... he would try to make his body like the main focus of every single video so that you know, No matter what video you come across of his you immediately realize holy shit. This dude's a smoke show! So while all of his videos aren't about his body... that doesn't mean that any of them make sense Because all of them still don't make sense. Yo w hy you crying? My ex girlfriend. You got to make her jealous or something. Really? How? Okay... so... Ray Diaz has been dumped. He's all sad about his ex. He's standing ten feet away from where she is with her new boyfriend, and he's just sobbing You know... like you do when you see your ex out in public with her new man You just stand ten feet away and cry while looking at them. Also. These are bad friends Like if they walk up to their friend and he's crying because he misses his ex-girlfriend and their advice isn't like. Oh, hey, man... It's all right. It wasn't because of anything you did. There's other fish in the sea instead They're just like you have to make her jealous. It's the only way she'll want you back. Don't worry, buddy And also, why would that even work if she broke up with him and she's clearly moved on now I don't think she's gonna be jealous seeing him with another girl. So like that's not even good advice Um just show her what she looks. Find another girl. OH SHE'S HUGGING! OH My GOD *Panics* And then there's this whole montage that doesn't make any sense he's like crossing the street He's chugging water and then stealing a scooter. Like what what does any of those things have to do with what's going on? He also stops this guy in yells at him if he yells so hard I can't I can't even understand what he's saying Is he saying where are the girls? He just shakes this guy and he just yells. Where are the girls? So he can't find any girls He runs around this whole city and can't find a single girl somehow. So he decides to just kiss his friend's girlfriend Like that *Music continues* Life must be tough without me, huh? So it turns out that making the girl jealous didn't work after all cause all it did was get him punched in the face Who would have thought that idea wouldn't work now? I know a lot of you are probably thinking What the fuck was that? It didn't make any sense What was the punchline was there even a joke in that video and that's fair you may have missed it But I've watched this video a few times and I think I found the joke. It's uh, It's the way he rides the scooter off when he steals it from that guy. He's so silly Why does he ride it like that? Here's another one called when you look better in person than you do in pictures Amazing. You're killing it. Let's go. Oh great. Oh, Man this sucks... Nah look at this. My god, these are amazing. Oh shoot me next! Wow he's good! Yeah, Check these Good I'd like to hear him pitching this idea He's like in a room with his friends and he's like so the joke is that when you take pictures of me, you know Who we can all agree is pretty fucking hot right when you take pictures of me The pictures turned out ugly somehow. Can you imagine that pictures of me ugly now? That would be funny. He does occasionally post fitness stuff on his profile every so often like this What is this like without having watched this video I'm just trying to figure out like how and More importantly why you'd ever be in this position where your friend is like? horizontal in midair he's doing like Luigi's side-b from Super Smash Bros, and you're over him just like looking like you're about to just I Don't know poop on him. I guess now, I gotta watch the video to find out how they did this Okay, that's how he did it Still doesn't explain why though wait this one - he's horizontal. How did he get like that? Why would that ever be a thing that you do working out isn't there? He's got the ropes like isn't that when you go like this? Why would you ever be like in midair doing that? it's being like horizontal in midair and a big thing in the fitness community that I didn't know about is the expectation that somebody who knows about like fitness and stuff would come across this picture and be like Holy shit He's done it he's gone full horizontal. This man knows what he's doing and I like his abs, I'm gonna pay him money Do you think that's hard going to fold a horizontal like that? He doesn't he makes it look so easy Oh, *Music* *intense dubstep* Did I do It? Ow I hit my knee How does he do that how does he even get out of that position he has to fall right He just falls on his face and hurts his knee like I did that's not cool my knee hurt and the worst part about it is I don't even know if I did it or not because I won't know until I look at the footage cause to me it that just felt like like flailing in midair, so I don't know what I'd have No idea what that looked like I sort of feel like someone just smacked me in the knee with a baseball bat and then punched me in the stomach But you know what that's Fitness. That's what it's all about baby that burn that pain I think I need to go to the doctor when I watch Ray Diaz's Instagram videos One thing that comes to mind is Lele pons Instagram videos they both sort of have this feel where like they thought of the start of a joke and Then they started filming like they didn't think of the start of the joke and then write out the rest of the video They just thought like hey This is a funny thing to start a video with let's go film it and just see where it goes. Take this video for example that person who says they don't care like that's going to be our new apartment Oh Your cute. hey thats my boyfriend boyfriend. I don't care Call me Okay. I don't care. So that's the premise there's gonna be a few scenes of her not caring. So let's see what funny things she doesn't care about Let's see how this joke progresses *Spanish music plays* Good solid ten seconds of her butt great Can you lower your music down? I am studying I dont care Okay, that was crazy she didn't even care about that dude studying My bad. I don't care. Oh you care. I dont care! I was watching this video and I was trying to figure out like how is this going to end? Like what's the punchline gonna be? It's this girl who doesn't care about anything, even though this like somewhat devastating thing has just happened to her She gets something spilled on her. She doesn't care. She doesn't care about this girl's boyfriend She doesn't care about this dude trying to study. So my Hypothesis was you know being that these are generally pretty predictable I thought maybe something really small and inconsequential would happen and that would be the thing that she does care about like she would get really upset about something really small I thought That would be like a valid punchline to the video It seems like that that might be where it was going, but I was actually wrong and instead of doing that the video ended That was the end of the video I dont care It just ends with Her not caring about anything Still it's just like three scenes of her just saying I don't care and then that and then it ends now that's a girl who? Truly does not give a shit. They're gonna write that on her tombstone She didn't care that is if she even cares enough to have a tombstone or to die at all She might just live forever because she doesn't care I feel like every time I click on another radius' video just gets more and more confusing like this one called overprotective cousins Who are you? I'm here to take Angelica out. You are taking out my cousin You are black? RaCisT We have white! Honey you're talking about. You like peanut butter no. What the fuck is going on what a horrible first impression to make on your girlfriend's family First of all, her cousin comes to the door. And the first thing he says is you're black Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, what's going on here my girlfriend? Is white I'm pretty sure of it and you You you're black. So explain that Mister cousin. Why are you black? And you know what? I sympathize with this guy the cousin we all know what it's like to be protective of your cousin This guy comes over saying he's gonna take your cousin out on a date. So you gotta test him You got to make sure this guy is good for your cousin So, of course you're gonna make sure that he likes peanut butter sandwiches That's the only way to make sure this guy's right for your cousin You can't protect my cousin little bitch you couldn't even eat a peanut butter sandwich let alone protect my white cousin The next one's gonna be a lot faster Yeah, see he's just trying to be a protective cousin if he finds out you're not a good guy he's gonna Shoot you tag people who can relate hashtag Ray Diaz. Hashtag comedy Hashtag Wednesday. This is the most Wednesday shit I've ever seen. All right guys Well, I hope you enjoyed this little dive into the sweaty abs of Radia's if you're new here and you enjoyed this video Make sure you subscribe to join Greg Greg is what I call my family here on YouTube all you have to do to join Greg Is subscribe and turn on my notifications and you can be Greg to. being Greg has a lot of benefits You'll instantly be notified anytime. I post a video you get to feel like you're a part of a family you'll be immortal That's right. You will never die and every single Greg gets one free complimentary kiss blown from me So if you're not Gregg yet Please close your eyes at this point as I will be administering the the kiss to all the Gregg's okay. Here we go All right, so now if you're not Gregg You can open your eyes and please subscribe and turn on my notifications you can get the next one All right Thank You Christy sterling for turning out my notifications. You are truly Gregg I'll see you guys next time with a really interesting video where I get caught in a snowstorm, and die. BY- (Meant to say bye) captions by Golden Dragon211
Channel: undefined
Views: 6,808,760
Rating: 4.9633846 out of 5
Keywords: danny gonzalez, funny, commentary, comedy, ray diaz, hilarious, lele pons, instagram
Id: k2BaqbbgSiU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 12sec (972 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 17 2018
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