Jaw Dropping Finds Trash Picking In Rich Neighborhood

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hey guys i've never done this before but uh i wanna let you guys know right up front at the beginning of the video go to the bathroom get your popcorn get your drink get your snacks whatever you gotta do and hang tight cause this is gonna be one of the best videos you've ever seen trash picking ever [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] boy looks like he's in rough shape [Music] [Music] i really don't have room for this guy [Music] not to pass all right looks like we got some patio furniture here now some of the pieces are ruined right here so i'll leave those behind this table is ruined but i'm gonna take the pieces that i can and we could rig this up make it look halfway decent so i'm a little bit up right now [Music] oh look at that [Music] that's cracked cracked cracked correct [Music] boxes in there [Music] [Music] what's up this one though [Music] nice little glass piece here as you can see guys within the first two stops i'm pretty much full so i have to be careful on what i take might be a little bit more picky tonight we'll see [Music] very cool [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] so [Music] wow [Music] i'm not sure about these um christmas decorations guys be honest nice pillows hmm i'm gonna pass on that stuff i know y'all gonna start telling me that i should have taken those frames but i've tried to sell frames and i just can't sell them look at this guys it's a huge what is this laminator printer [Music] no idea huh god dawg is a prince [Music] but i've got no room and that's like a boy's a ton too oh man [Music] now we'll take this [Music] [Music] man i got a feeling about that tv usually i don't take tvs but i got a feeling that that sucker works there's a box there that got a new one and just throw up the old one the only thing that sucks is that there's no there's no stand to it no i'm not taking it all right let me tell you guys why i'm not going to take that thing [Music] there was a lot of dust on the back of that tv which tells me that i mean it looks like that tv was used outdoor it's not dust like inside this is brown like uh like it's dirt like it does from outside and if they use that tv outside it's probably been used for a long time it's probably really old tv i don't want to mess with it so i know something i'll get mad but that's just the way it is i have limited space today i don't have a lot of room in the back so i gotta pass up but i did take that onkyo that um that's a good receiver all right on to the next one [Music] we'll go ahead and take these trees [Music] [Music] this one it's a vintage ride let's see we have space folks run out of space some telescoping see if we clean this up [Music] double garcia [Music] decent shape [Music] let me be cleaned up a little bit um there's anything in here [Music] i don't know what that is but i do want to get this guy there we go that is a pretty little thing it's very nice very nice as you see i rearrange stuff back there put some stuff in here i can still stack this up to always make more room if it's the front of there so we're gonna make it work let's look in here oh little squirrel oh man this buddy broke his foot this one's all jacked up put him in here i think he's too far gone guys holes everywhere that's it [Music] look at that [Music] man [Music] i'm not sure what could be wrong with this thing i think someone would try to fix it huh [Music] wow okay well i think this one needs to go up front we're on to the other side that's pretty neat [Music] that's going to be one of the most interesting final fine i've ever found very cool some scissors so [Applause] come with me [Music] kidding me okay i think we hit a little gold mine here [Music] i'm opening up these bags that was a nintendo 64. in the first one [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] chunks so so so [Music] [Music] [Music] okay [Music] so i really don't want to dig around through here too much because there's a bunch of knives in there and i want to stick my hands so i'm going to take this and be done with it i might have seen one other thing hold on hold on one more thing okay nevermind [Music] so [Music] so i bet you this is some kind of towel warmer or something i bet you that's what it is [Music] nice little fan [Music] nothing in there [Music] a clothing rack [Music] all right [Music] let me rearrange this stuff right here real quick get my gloves on so i can get that and set everything there [Music] like them up in this pile some clothes more clothes so taking both those bags [Music] [Music] whoops so [Music] [Music] fudge [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] all right guys so we made it home and um i gotta say this is one of the best nights i've ever had picking and be honest with you i had to stop early because i just i just don't have any more room and i really don't have time to come unload all this stuff and then try to go out there and do it again so i'm just going to stop right here i'll show you guys real quick out there what we got going on and then i'm gonna do this recap in the morning because i really want to go through everything in the daylight because we found some really good stuff so all right it's almost impossible to really see everything that we got but we got obviously remember the patio furniture some stuff in this bag i'm thinking there's a nintendo 64 in there with other video games and other stuff i saw what looked like a nintendo 64 and i just grabbed it back and left uh the clothes hanger i think that's a towel warmer the fan these two bags full of clothes and shoes um i'm gonna do that see what kind of stuff we have in there the two christmas trees um you missed it and i didn't show this in the video because this guy caught me off guard but he waved me down and let me know that those trees are in really really good condition they don't have any uh lights on them but he said that he just got him and he hit it to throw them away but he didn't have nothing else to do with them um to me sounds like confused he could have taken it to goodwill or something else at least so they don't end up in the trash luckily i was driving by so i'll pick that up what else do we have here i mean we're just packed full guys packed full we got stuff inside in here crazy the stuff i found today and we have some stuff in here too so so we'll pick this back up in the morning and we'll take a closer look all right it's next day let's get to it so the first things i want to show y'all is i'm going to do this little by little so that i could uh show you the stuff take the pictures put it away and uh not have much stuff cluttered up in the front yard but uh you got the two little disney uh desks got one that's themed from that frozen movie and one that's just minnie mouse they're pretty conditioned not really wobbly this one here had a bunch of mark markings all over it i was able to get a lot of it cleaned off but some of it just scraped pretty deep into the into the material so i won't get as much as i can as i can for this one but still good stuff i actually got that red box all wood i don't know if this is vintage or not kind of neat how it opens up like this i didn't notice this last time it says cutting board so it's probably not that old all right let's see we have this thing here like tea lights a little candle holder looks real pretty got that green vase all right now this next piece i was completely blown away that was stoned in the trash it's one of those uh pachinko pinball machines they're from like the 60s or 70s i believe and um this one's called the super deluxe you drop the ball in the back i believe the ball comes down and it does this thing or does it come out to here i forget i don't know if the way to look at it but the thing is super cool i don't know if it works probably not i looked in the back to see if there was like some kind of power cord or something and um i'm not really seeing anything whether it be a power supply so i don't think just disconnected and pulled it out very cool very cool piece show you the front one more time this is probably the most interesting thing i found all right next at this one house we found these three items it was a towel slash blanket warmer i'll plug these in to let you know if they work found this fan i'm almost positive that this stuff works and then you got this clothing rack we're gonna go through that first bag uh this is the one i think that has a nintendo 64 in it pretty sure it is we got some food some pizza you know what there's something else that i picked up out of that trash there you go some more food these things kind of hold together in halves by like styrofoam i mean that's our foam uh velcro so um we'll see if there's a set or something in there so see here's yeah here's the controller yep here's a game now this is what caught my eye was this uh psp game that's why i picked this thing up because i knew there was going to be a good chance for some stuff in there okay that's ups melissa and doug i bet you it's like a picnic thing all right tucked away way back in here it's definitely the n64 so this thing looks to be in really good condition it's missing the the the media outlet there for the for the audio and image i guess to connect to the tv but i think i have an extra one upstairs i usually keep all these cables when i find find them because you never know when you find something to message but let me keep looking through there see if it's in it but if not i'm pretty sure have one upstairs but n64 guys and keep looking through here to see what else we can find so it wasn't too much we had that n64 this other old game set here it's called a zone 40 wireless gaming never heard of it but i'll see if i can find a power cord and see if it'll work some cards a couple little things little toys probably donate all this stuff here all right um i did go through those two bags there really wasn't anything special a bunch of men's clothes in here pants shirts shoes and other men's clothes in here uh what's neat is that there is some ups clothing in there um maybe i'll pull it out so you guys can see it it's like some vest pants jacket stuff like that and i do see that that stuff sells on ebay so i might keep the ups stuff and just donate the rest of this other thing all right next we got these two christmas trees um i'll put here in the video so you can see what they look like i took a this number and looked up the the tree online as well as this one so you see what they look like this one's like a white frosted one it's slim one looks real nice and this is a multi-color just green tree seven and a half feet but i already got these listed before i even started filming i want these gone quick i only put them for 20 bucks each and hopefully they sell fast all right next we got this um i guess it's a large dog crate now the only thing i don't like about this one is uh well it's actually two things the first thing is that there's a hole down there so i'm gonna sell it as is i'm going to include this in there so they can see that there's a hole there um either the owner can just buy a new pan that goes at the bottom or maybe patch that up somehow i'll leave that up to them i don't want to throw it away and then it's something that they can fix the other thing is that the handle up here broke which is fine um shouldn't be a problem i'll just take these off and if you know if they want to buy new handles they can buy new handles so can y'all see that okay so i know a lot of y'all been waiting but this is the patio set that we found it's a really good condition i found one just like that a few months ago if you guys remember except the other one had one more end piece which this one did have it but the wicker was totally gone on that one so i didn't pick it up it's fine just like that this piece right here is a little bit worn at the top but other than that it's in really good condition all right next we have a few little knickknacks little basket looking flower pot this here is like a sample of what a meter looks like and i guess they use this as a diagram for training so let's see if there's any value in this still as a training mechanism or tool this guy here that's kind of cool [Music] hook up wire [Music] yeah the suitcase is here i'm gonna check them out see if they're any good but they look to be pretty good to me and there's a small one inside so it's a set see check them out guys that's in condition i am thinking about keeping those if the wife says she likes them we're going to keep these likely so that's kind of nice super clean inside too nothing wrong with them next we have our buddy the little squirrel [Music] his buddy was all cracked up and broken so we had to leave him behind but this guy's in pretty good condition oh looks like he's peeing all right and also this old-timey phone it's not really old but some of these uh elderly people like it because it's got the big numbers on it makes it easy to see and to dial without having to accidentally hit the wrong buttons so these actually i bet will so pretty quickly then we got these two bags this one has pillows in it i probably just saw the pillows and this one's got a bunch of stuff in here you can go through i'll show you guys here in a minute [Music] fishing poles this is a telescoping pole it's called the power scope periscopic pole pretty neat we'll see if it's any good moving right along in that bag we had a bunch of socks these are actually good socks they're nike some of them are dry fit so those are probably going with those other clothes to get donated i always look at these just in case because i know some of these beanie babies are worth some money this little rainbow colored one with the peace sign on it and this ostrich so we got those two baseball slinky i think those are real cool this insta max mini 8 it's a fujifilm camera and uh you put the film in there and i believe this is what this is here and you take the picture and it prints out the film right there so i don't know if it works or not this on akuma gaming uh mouse somebody's gonna go for some good money so we'll plug this in to see if it works it did have the little usb connector so it can connect bluetooth to it this little guy here it's uh like a sketch sculpture like a model some of these could be worth some money a bunch of stink bombs oh boy really cool rubik's polygon not really a cube but this one here is a rubik's cube the old 9x9 some drumsticks the spiderman toy makes a little noise when it puts his arm up and this little vote for pedro this napoleon dynamite little statue figure thingy and of course that one house had that nintendo um power cord so definitely kept that um i think i have one more thing over here [Music] yeah we're gonna call it oh we have two more things so we have this onkyo it's like a receiver turn around so you can get a good look at it and a lot of times these things work i have two of them upstairs right now that plug them both in they both worked so i'll take this up there plug it in see if it works and i'll put it on facebook here shortly and then i thought this is really neat it's like a hatchet throwing toy i don't know my daughter might want to keep that one she tries like she tries that like she's a grown up but i bring home stuff like this she likes to play with it so let's see how good it is going to put this right here don't throw it pretty good they stick so that should be fun to play around with at the house pretty neat pretty neat all right guys as you can imagine i've got a lot of work to do i got a lot of stuff to put away take pictures posts clean up all that good stuff so we'll end the video right here thanks so much for watching uh until next time peace [Music] you
Channel: Texan Picker
Views: 312,352
Rating: 4.8175139 out of 5
Keywords: trash picking in rich neighborhood, trash picking, trash picker, garbage picker, garbage picking, making money trash picking, making money, how to make money, how to make easy money, finding free stuff, free stuff, easy money, dumpster diving, dumpster diver, environment, environmentally friendly, save the earth, green energy, curb side, curb side picking, curb side shopping, thrift, resell, hoarder, hoarding, hoarders, nintendo, N64, Super Nintendo, pachinko
Id: aYMrRJEZ4kk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 6sec (2526 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 13 2021
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