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all right good morning everyone so we're going to be trying something a little bit different today look at this the another beautiful day in paradise crisp bright Morning Sun is coming up behind us and we are about to head out to the Collingwood flea market with a load of different stuff not the greatest stuff ever but some cool stuff for sure and we're gonna be selling up at the flea market today our first time doing this specific flea market so we're kind of excited about it but yeah I think a little before 7:00 I know we probably should on the road already but we are and it's the best we can do is just go now but what's up everyone what's going on so flea market big sale day never been there before but hopefully we sell it all see you guys in a bit [Music] are you getting excited about this new flick Santa Jack Haram life we are about to pull into the Collingwood fully market first time here dollar stretching bargains that's their claim we'll say we got a sea where we can sign in here because I have no idea it looks like this whole area out here is not popping but entrance there you think that's where it is all right I'll just park right here for now you just set up at whatever color table I have to one day well that I should we do - I know you got to pay for each one I think so is it $7 a table it's pear should we keep going down more yeah maybe because these are so close together so explain again I'm sorry so you just set up at a table and they come around at the end or like in another like hour or so and collect the money for the table and certain people have the tables reserved but if they're not here at a certain time this is what the guy made it seem like then they're kind of like beat for their table I'm just gonna go to this end here right because I don't think they paid like it's just like word amount like this table is mine but is this one on the end look idea yes nice Adler on that side more right here I was thinking right here or should we keep going down more it seems like the actions over there right yeah it's good or not yeah yeah getting that feeling right or here but how do you I don't get it how do you just set up one table and then they're gonna you're in front of three cables if you park there think about that these Evo's are big these ones right well I just want to have numbers on it that's tripping me out right all right we're gonna take this table here at the end because there's like a lot of people set up on this row right here and we've never been here before so we don't really know what's going on but we're just gonna set up because there's no no use in procrastinating any longer I guess we're gonna do a little time lapse of this setup all right let's do this you looking for anything specific Oh [Music] thank you I can get the rest of the mirror three what's the claim claim is good today yeah I don't know we've never been here so I don't know how it's treating us it's it's good here what's your name Nick talk her out of it [Music] pretty heavy care out here huh we have one right here I don't know here the bag we have what does it go - yeah it's like the old old computer so like like the IBM stuff yeah you actually like all that stuff I love getting this one dude I knew not right now but yes I mean I've got I've got a 64 [Music] all right so we're set up here white tables I don't know what the difference is is white blue red I guess America that guy look like he has a cold sore pass and by that he just bought so yeah this traffic is pretty steady so far we sold a bunch of stuff already I would say there's more vendors here even though it's not filled than the other flea markets that we've been to recently and it is like an hour away from our house which is it not applause but we're gonna see how we do here today and then at the end of the day we'll say whether it was worth coming the extra mile or not so far so good thanks al making a little sale there nice comforter it's originally like like 56 56 dollars and if you guys remember from the last video we got that out of one of the pallets and it was brand-new had it on our bed for like maybe like two weeks I washed it I told her I was like I literally just washed it like a week ago probably and put it in a trash bag so shouldn't even question the price so she knew it's nice that's the thing a couple people here aren't really worried about the price either so far I realized so here's what we got I think you pay this is our spread right here two tables set up so that guy just came over here I was starting upset how much for all the DVDs which I would have done I already think $1 the DVD is cheap personally but he was trying to charge $15 and there was like a hundred DVDs so I was just like you got a guy dude that's just too crazy are you set up here yeah the clerks lon yeah I remember and then the lady letters come she watches she came by and gave us I thought I was recording but I didn't five ounces of copper solid Lady Liberty coin one for me one for her tuxedos are life like that guys thank you we just the first time we ever set up here and it's been good so far yeah it's okay that's a good one nice antiques there yeah it's a little pricey expensive but we'll see how it goes it's always good to do new one sometimes yeah what do you took her to the vet tuxedo toxie's yellow white moustache so I went through all the slides that we had and look at this one it's a kid it's hard to say on the camera I thought this was really cool no this is some kind of engraving or something but if anyone knows what this is let us know because it's cool my daughter's they have a dance this nopperz you feel me you've given yourself like selling on the FEMA yeah for YouTube yeah it's nice Thanks can't beat that right new leather jacket well that's a stretch but it's nice thank you thanks you want to put it in a bag big enough yeah I think so we did right I never even looked at it so not good shape I got you know I just me this thing yeah I could be honest I don't know look at the thing that's attached to it it looks like it goes on your head hey doesn't that what that looks like to you I don't know electric shock therapy sure it might really I mean I might need that you better keep it I think you should keep it no uh something they use it Marber Allstate this guy it looks like it does you know what it's like you like those CDs they call alpha brainwave you can play the song you choose in your mind what is this did you find tried to look it up I couldn't find it I don't think so yeah okay so what is it biddies now look to the Alpha simulator okay Nabila here but when you push that one and the batteries go right here to nine volts well what is it that you wouldn't like it to do I really have no idea well no that's what it is that's actually well this is this is oversized you want this to be about this big for your pecker and then you get it and then you get a buzz it's pretty crazy though look try it look it's got spikes thank you have a good one can't go wrong with a little froggy right all I have is $20 can you give me I got cheese I think [Music] Oh we got it [Music] Star Trek but yeah the ones you put like different slides in some detective work yes yeah like the old stuff usually it's better yeah yeah trying to find the tapes I mean the temperature when we left was even bad thank you all right so this is where we're at at the flea market it's right under the main power line here I can see that but this is as far as you can get back to the back and I'm about to go down to the first row here give it a little look-see metal detectors a couple of vintage climis fishing gear see so I think probably in the summer these these tables are all filled in I would assume but I'm going to give you guys a little tour here right there think these are motorcycle nice nice nice nice tube tester come and hand it out for someone five dollars each for those keys what is this thing yeah it's an old target it's just piles of gold everywhere little x-men action figure I walk I think I got two quarters in here what he probably made that it's someone like that I've never seen one exactly like that it's pretty cool yeah and it was like embroidered on to something because then they had to cut the the actual like felled out you know I mean yeah like it wasn't a patch I don't think it's cool thanks yeah this is some old stuff on this table this row here I should say cold signs oh snap on rat guy up there it has all the places to put the toes on that school ever knew they made these kind of figures these are really cool with that movie cabinet of dr. Caligari insane vintage toys here Jackson Pollock that's the same all right so I'm seeing this right here is the big dog he's on this side look at its insanity yeah this is a three of the flea market that would this going on stuff everywhere it's kind of awesome though I remember these blocks though just to play with those sometimes a wooden box Green this is how you do it I'll tell you some jerseys now they want I got some serious gold and here if you looked hard enough what's up nice to meet ya say you watch some of the videos I started seeing with the tank when you had to draw it's gone out and I was like that's not a good idea in the winter I know what happened my neighbor had filled up a water somehow that's bad no good cuz we live in a windy we live by the railroad tracks actually a wrong way so we were to stand here somebody was giving us stuff in Craig's but free of some machine and a serger nice so when Jackson I don't know where I would have uh I don't even know yeah nobody realizes how it looks so much more simple on videos until you do it yourself and then it's like wow this is a lot of work I don't have a dry place on my car down the street all the way out yeah I try and just pull up to like my shed it's still a lot and sometimes it's like you're unloading to then load again because I just you know it's just crazy yeah it is and I'm gonna get a picture thank you all right let's do it I've been wearing it a lot cuz you're more likely good accident closer to your house cuz your guard is down they always want to tell you guys that's true that's true you to be in the driver's manual I'm trying to stay alive I'm after 40 years looks like this guy cleaned up shop and wasn't interested in this stuff that's not bad someone might take that mirror let's see so now this is like the blue tables here I'm not really sure what the difference is honest I'd have to look at that sign over there it has the pricing on it these cameras here hey Jesse that would be like the one that those tapes we got from Sammy's dad would work in and this is literally a VHS tape in that one I thought this place is set up so nicely that they have like different categories of tables on that side of the market and over here they have basically setups where people just bring in trailers and box trucks and set up their whole own setup so it's kind of like it's just a giant yard sale about to cruise through it real quick and just give you guys a little show of it I don't even know what this is actually it's so crazy wait until you see this see they're bringing in like trailers and just stuff look at this that just looks like all trash to me this is insane it's like something out of Mad Max back here this is a hoarders paradise in here it's twice this is just like a gold mine down here it's like a whole storage facility worth of stuff is this your setup over here mine and fishes yeah you got any skateboards in here thank you anyway that carry these lights have all these lights are that's a nice jacket they're real nice what's up man how are you how's it go how are you I'm Alan I watch your I've been watching your videos for the past 30 days or so okay and then yesterday when I saw your video you said you were coming here so I used to post on Sammy I used to frequent this place yeah full of time I used to sell records here I was telling her my really good days and she goes oh really record she goes we get records sometimes but honey we were having a nice then this guy came here and I told her I said I must have brought a good look this guy just was picking things out like I'm gonna bring my car here because I might buy a lot of your stuff and buy your old table so I said I said I must have brought you some good look at her sure what's going on today well I just came here to LA well because I saw your last video you're gonna be here if I figured I'd chat with some of you and then I told or ice to come here all the time regularly sellin stuff all right Hank its ass what do you got those two you know the bag so they're just too boxy how about seven all right let's do it might be able to use it it's three dollars you bring it 20 yeah thanks Oh [Music] thank you thank you have a good one house what sighs I don't know nein are you checking out the scenes over here how do you feel about it put out to the view of the people you know lot of vintage lot of vintage video games this guy has stacks of them all right so we didn't know how this place worked until now but they just collect the money and come around so you don't have to pay so we should have really been here early because it's an early market and now everything's closing down there's not really any traffic left and it's only one o'clock we're normally at the flea just going back here because of the music but normally at the fluid it goes runs hot until like 3:00 at mostly markets that we've been to so this one seems like an early early bird market but we sold a lot of stuff doesn't really look like it because we had so much but we unloaded for sure good getting a woman out right warmer it's kind of cold even when he was cool this morning was really cold you come on $1 you want this to wonder no not the turtle you know what is not fun business hats thank Facebook are we talking about myself I like you already told you plenty but you talk too much you freaking wait ever she bought me a five thank you thank you for don't worry it just about ready to break down most of it I'm gonna pack it up and get out of here though but a lot of mostly everyone's gone are goin City he's pulling away good to go ja what's the claim today I dude we're all packed up so these were the two tables we use that one in this one and we're gonna go inside and check it out because we didn't get to yet screen the graybeard Oh sir for though vintage claim epoxy pro glass works now that smells coming off there this is very you find the gold down here this is what happens when you mix Kevin Costner Waterworld and flea markets I mean he's really sick TV out I'm saying that right now you know I mean do you feel what I'm saying now is this gold in here that there is you know that's an interesting thing it's uh maybe like Waterworld for like Mad Max oh yeah that's what this reminds me see ya look played yeah but for the Gucci glasses you didn't damn you didn't want this crazy holy race just in this in the mess of this these hats though this place is nuts this is where I gotta check out this last right here alright this is the last setup we haven't seen yet here these benches a nice little pain look at this this is for Megan like tons of stuff out here see this those sluggers no they're not we got almost no battery but we're on the inside now super variety store in here yeah variety right look at this this is the variety in here what were you looking at bag Oh scraps 15/0 cloud what's in their facial bar this booths kind of interesting right he just he just goes outside and scoops up gold and that brings me here look at his setup you can't even get into it it's so filled with treasure [Music] what did you say he said so smells the same that's what great with all these haunted objects and that flicker right somebody does there's a nice empty booth for you fencing masks this is a crazy little shop in here this is a true true flea market in here that it's a nice receiver right there this place this restaurant we and will counter this is for like four dollars it is I don't know what it's called though I'll try and show it on the way out all right that's the name of the restaurant we were just at really good all right really good experience at the Collingwood flea we're definitely gonna come back we know that this place in the spring and summer has to pop off it's huge here and it's just setup so nice like you get a table for $7 in this section that we're in and on Fridays it's only $2 a table so you could get like four tables and just spread all your stuff out I don't know maybe we'll try Friday next time a couple people said it was the way to go we are [Music] you
Channel: Tucker Upper
Views: 46,395
Rating: 4.858942 out of 5
Keywords: first, time, selling, at, collingwood, flea, market, flea market, swap meet, making money, sell, flip, junk, liquidate, farmers market, vintage, old, antique, car boot, yard sale, food, eating, making claims, freedom to dream, tuck and sammie, sammie j., tuckerfupper, nj, new jersey, collingwood flea market, central jersey, north jersey, toms river
Id: leBR1ijz2lg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 34sec (2734 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 25 2020
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