Double Town Center... SUDDEN DEATH!

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how ironic is that we were talking about bob barker and the host's name is dusty balls oh god yo betty white's 99 too dad and and that doesn't even seem surprising at this point full of energy in life as far as i know anyway it's not that i'm that informed on her well i'm in all right where are we i'm in 10 seconds so well we're this is live so we can just fast forward to lifetime that's true all right let's just do that yeah they're not that far ahead of us so um this is going to be a wild one and one that even i haven't or just dave and i haven't cast community games together in a very long time so to everyone who's watching wherever i'm looking forward to it hope you are too a little fast here at the start as this is a 2tc map it is budapest and it's sudden death so if you lose both these town centers you are defeated and i'm not up to live time now um i am too looks like uh tuda our blue player has gone for the worst possible sieve with two tc start which is humans and uh yeah i yeah true true he's kind of neutralizing his sieve bonus let's be honest here i mean everyone else gets it it's a fair playing field he's given everyone or he's giving himself a handicap rather and uh beside him slabs i guess that's a decent sieve we keep moving around the circle we got vietnamese i guess you'll know where 14 tcs are going to be we got ethiopians for or orc warrior i think oak warrior is the name and then twotins or frederick livingston sounds like a proper gentleman um 50 flat nosed geezers is that nosed i think it's latin supposed to be nosed why is there why is there no e i don't know can you messed up okay okay yep uh we just been watching too much faster than and furious uh he's playing as a khmer and then we got uh dusty balls 1000 as the spanish and then finally question mark as the chinese so a word to describe what this has looked like to me so far is messy um i'm seeing players scramble up houses because they're getting population capped i'm seeing players almost lose villagers to boars uh it has not been clean but this is really hard to play managing one tc is already very difficult but managing two um is is even more difficult and ideally what you'd probably do as well is like get docks up and fish which we haven't seen too much of but this is no we see one dock for orange and he's got a fishing ship on the shore fish yeah ideally if you guys ever play this you need to get the food income fast so like i was saying before dock next to the shore fish send like five villagers out collect super quickly and you can get your fishing chips producing at the same time and if you want to simplify it granted there's a lot of sheep and whatnot so you might not want to do this full-on but you could almost have a wood tc and a food tc that's how a lot of people do it yeah yeah yeah and just it helps you split focus and then you're just churning out fishing ships yeah and if you get your fishing ship count up like as we see gray losing a villager to the boar you don't have to bring in the boars because bring in the boris with two tc's you have to manage yep you're gonna lose villagers most of the time anyway yep but i'm actually pleasantly surprised with how the everyone's been able to handle this so far um man there's just so like players are so close quarters you're going to be bringing in resources and it's a straight up free-for-all so castle drops rams anything could work i don't think yellow got your straggler tree memo [Laughter] i guess he's looking for a boar now like can't find it or he's struggling dude well he maybe he's confused the question mark explains uh explains everything to me these stragglers are getting crazy over here but some walling i like uh walling on the left side actually looks really good and walling on the front is also good so that's a common approach here oak warrior's really bothering me i love the fact he went out there for a dock early but he's got four fish on that he's got five fishing ships now on that shore fish and i i don't think he's even looked for deep fish this is like when someone does the right thing but they just lack the follow through yeah um and and i guess he's killing the boy right in between his two tc's so that it's efficient equally efficient to go to each one but the mining camp dave the mining camp not the one on the left that's that's the mining camps the mining camp is beautiful that is maybe one more tile towards the south east and that's perfect so that could work well did lose his scout but that's not terrible here why do you need a scout it's just taking up pop space right you're just gonna run into other people's tc's you don't need a scout delete them honestly at this point i'd probably auto scout both of them you can do what yellow and green are doing and attack each other um but that it's also not hugely necessary uh wow red's in feudal right now which is a little faster than i expected yep he's got fishing ships too he's got another one coming out so that's good looking good for red what is these slabs yes slavs maybe you want to you know eventually prioritize farms but fishing is still good seems like he's not very happy with gray being here though they're having a border dispute oh he's not happy at all it's a whole lot of villagers he's trying to get the forward walls down to secure the berries i'm not even sure if those are those aren't even his berries those are graze berries he might be sometimes when there's so much going on you're a little tunnel vision so maybe he doesn't even realize the other berries are there yeah not many farms here gray's attacking with the scouts now welcome to to t double tc start and this will only get crazier guys uh holy orange you see a deep fish oh my god is he is he doing us to doing this to tilt us i mean it's like he's doing it on every shore fish yeah clearly so i i feel like i should clarify this because there's a lot of these details that are missed out on uh for your average player who might be returning uh collecting shore fish with fishing ships is actually one of the slowest sources of food income granted it's still seven or yeah seven more units collecting food which is good but uh fishing ships on deep fish are a lot more efficient so that would be why dave and i are talking about that so much but he's got a duck red's got a duck grey's got a duck but he orange has prioritized fishing more than any other player and is on the way to castle age with a lot of villagers on stone so orange is one of the favorites from what i've seen so far yeah he had a decent start there and he's fully walled yeah so no one's gonna bother them they're gonna bounce off each other actually where he spawned in he's probably got the most room out of any player maybe other than teal teal's tc's spawn really far apart and right it's some of these players i guess it depends on what what they've done with it uh as we see gray now towering um but like yeah some of these players just don't have as much room to breathe yeah like if you look at question mark he's got no space right he's stuck in between green and blue and he's actually going for an archery range which okay i mean if you think about it maybe you just want to get up to the castle age a bit earlier in this map and start booming up yeah i think there's a lot of fear right now because of how close players are also probably one of the most important elements there's stress man these people know how many people are watching them they just closed this stream there's two and a half thousand people especially if you waited such a long time to get into a game you might be like this is it man i've gotta deliver so i think there's gonna be some some uh scared players out there a little fearful of what's to come go to gray's point of view it's it's like really oddly intimidating if you turn on fog of war yeah right enemies everywhere oh yeah there's there's just you're right it just adds a little bit more clutter and stress but i like the approach from almost everyone here i think that even though yellow's making some military he's upping the castle he's working on walls um green is actually the one who's confusing to me dusty balls has been i think following the stream more or longer than any other player and this guy's making spanish archers dave and still hasn't clicked up the castle age so uh dusty balls certainly has the stone for a castle but needs to have the eco to make it there first it's a bit weird isn't it i love the fact that orange is stone walling behind his palisades he wants to just i think this is the this is the correct order for a game like this you're only ever going to get those two tc's so getting to you know castle age and booming into more tc's doesn't make sense but walling your res and getting it all secured early really does i like how orange made a dock in the exact same location that way the fishing stays just as efficient as it was before he's thinking fish traps long term the thing is the thing is orange is clearly the best player so far but it's it's still real easy for for us to say a few tweaks could be made but look at that transitioning into farming eco dropping a castle has the stonewalls i mean he's my favorite right now dave and um there's also somewhat weaker players around him it doesn't seem like teal or gray or are necessarily destroying at the moment so maybe they'll have to worry green has just dusty balls has not walled at all not he's just kind of he's sitting here he's playing like me right now it's just kind of open doesn't care fortunately for him he's in like the corner area where he can go to that right side yeah have all that um secured i think if you're if you're smart here and you're in green's position you're walling that off early right securing all of that area in the back so even if you're pressured on the front you'll have ecobind i guess though it doesn't matter because if you lose your two tcs you're dead yeah right yeah you're still gonna need to protect that and just i mean could maybe even use a market here uh has 900 gold 1200 stone but only 400 food all right well um things have have gone a very different pace for different players oak is sitting at 87 eco uh you have he's gonna lose his tc no way oh the castle dropped i just saw that yeah yeah one down well you know what this is somewhat manageable though if he just drops a castle behind this tc it at least protects the other one you have to lose both tc's to be defeated here but let's see red might kill blue's tc as well if that's within range oh wow i don't i think it might be one tile that'll be close i mean either way you could probably siege push if you really want to so red's approach seems to be uh offense is the best form of defense um and i like it i mean it i think it protects you and it also does damage to their town centers then you're right it does range so i don't see how blue saves that he doesn't love you guys unfortunately oh yellow dave yellow's about to die question mark has knights on him and capped ram from cummins so maybe that's a reason to i think they went random sid but that is a bonus of having cummins i was saying it's the worst sieve in double sudden death but uh apparently not as tuta is just rolling on in here with a capped ramp question mark big question marks in the chat for his strategy because there's nothing in defense here and he's gonna charge the ram with the villagers at this point the knights can clear them all up yeah this dude's dead man nice commitment from blue now it i think blue just didn't not that there was much he could have done but i don't think he noticed right away that red had castled him because he's probably like i'm killing a guy i'm killing a guy and then oh i'm about to lose one of mine whoops well i always say it especially with this type of a setting it's very cutthroat so i hate to see someone struggle like this and go out but please salute and to pay respects to question mark as a boy probably kill the units first but uh yeah job done there for blue and you know what that actually is perfect for dusty balls because dusty balls could now he doesn't have to worry about a real threat from that side he's on his way to castle age and he will have the stone for not one not two but three castles when he gets there did great grace save that tc whoa grace dc is up and so is a castle wow i did not think he was gonna save that i thought he was gonna be down to one but gray showing some resilience here it's a little panicky still because i think trying to ram down a castle that has magnels next to it is it's going to be tough um but yeah i mean he's keeping the tc up for now dave i am worried about him though because of how good oak warrior's position is on the other side i think he's about to click imperial and i could see going arbales traps and bomber cannons if i'm i'm worried about teal as well because of that castle that oak warrior put down oh yeah yikes on that hill there too oh boy i have to say and i'm not gonna have time to check this i think that frederick has added the most farms in the game he's got 28 farms around the tc on the left and that's before you even count the like 12 on the other side so he's definitely got the farming eco but a lot of this farm's denied obviously well he is students yeah so he's taking advantage yeah i probably need to cancel or delete half of these drop a castle similar to what gray did next to your own tc oh blue is blue is now pushing red from the other side oh well if he if he controls his knights yeah that's the problem he needs his knights to attack the bowiers it might give gray an opportunity though yeah maybe i think you need six rams if there's no magnels if there's magnels you well six actually might do it still so red has made some enemies uh he does have a really high score right now he's getting murder holes he's making bowiers i mean i'm hyped about that at the very least do you rarely see boyar i feel like i mean they're a really sick unit in melee engagements so that's all he's fighting against right now i'm just loving how dusty balls has somehow made it to amp behind this like his position was so rough and now he's got a castle next to one tc a castle next to another tc another castle going up and he's imping if this becomes a race to trebs his spot's not bad yeah i know if he can get bodkin and bracer and chemistry for those artists like god damn he could send those in look at teal's base look at that castle frederick back it up a little bit like he's building a castle directly beneath an enemy castle who i guess he didn't know was imping but it just seems like it's badly misjudged here and this is where you've just gotta you just gotta delete it and back it up i don't know if you commit this much uh he says no he's coming with knights okay it's kind of ironic how his name is livingston when he's pretty getting right now oh god oak warrior is on the other side dave yeah he might get it up it might go up and and then on the other side patrice patrici is gonna try but patricia's completely out text uh units on the hill from orange aren't says hold up that's what we said about the first tc going down and it never went down true dave look at red's castle on the left side yeah so or i guess the right side of gray depending on how you look at it so that might actually go down red's panicking and he's gonna swing his bow yards over um feels like he oh i think he can save that castle gray is a warrior okay so teal's tc on the left went down and blue's tc on the left went down finally as well okay so blue is one tc teal is one tc the castle from red is going to stay up he's got so many boyers wow and orange has a really good position on both sides of his base i think i mean seems clear that orange is in the best spot because he's not being attacked by anyone and both people to his planks are weak i'm feeling 50 flat-nosed geezers because no one has touched him yeah nothing has happened to him and he's expanding he's like expanding in a line out to the center of the map true yeah i mean it depends on how aggressive dusty balls wants to be with his spanish archers feel like we didn't put enough focus on that uh guys spanish are one of two civilizations that do not get crossbow and i love dusty balls big supporter of the channel but i feel like he might not have listened to anything i've said over the last few years if he's made this many spanish archers but it has happened to the best of us so i like the way purple builds his holdings break it die grey could die grey repair the tc and be fine you seem pretty sure of that yeah he's gonna be fine yeah i think you're right i shouldn't have doubted i'm sorry what did you say about someone a moment ago i was zoned out saying purple he i like the way he builds his cities he has two universities next to each other yes houses are in like straight lines his production buildings are in straight lines is it really worth winning if your base doesn't look good exactly well i'm not really sure what he wants to make and the way he's built his buildings would imply he's not sure what he wants to make because he's kind of making a little bit of everything elephants helps one crossbow big push from teal here big push ooh regular rams yeah you got me all excited you got me all excited evie will be in archers those rams aren't gonna make it will it get one hit come on baby but orange has been an imp for a while and hasn't hit hasn't clicked arbalest yet yep okay it's on the way so frederick earlier said thanks to finding your content two years ago i finally got some friends into the game and i'm teaching them everything i know uh frederick if you're teaching them things teach them to get capped ram and him i hope he hears that oh it must be so panicked right now he's only got one tc left so i really want gray to have some type of a miracle here i know it seems unlikely but he's just done such a good job what's a miracle is that an american miracle did i did i miss okay you said miracle why listen if we're gonna judge judge the viewers do you know how it goes we don't judge the streamer on this channel [Laughter] i i must admit my pronunciations are not my strongest uh strongest area push blue look at blue man look at him go what yo he's got sea dram yeah oh my god he's got hussar c dram honestly take out that castle and just click the tc it's a miracle i knew that was coming i just didn't know how long it would take that was like i need to know when this is gonna come again as you see gray with a miracle and he's gonna keep his tc up this is this guy's like a cat he's working on life number eight right now how is grace still alive red survives again though i mean this has been a real good fight here in the south i think poor frederick is about to be the next one to go down though dude if patricia lives longer than frederick like come on man right crazy survival he's still in the castle he's chilling here with pikeman plus one crossbow plus one i mean something to be proud of if he doesn't get the w um speaking of things to be proud of uh dusty balls is actually getting value with his skirmisher archer army uh how he's getting absolutely destroyed got a few kills the konks are gonna do most of it though yeah dusty balls was is pushing it after one of the town centers though for 50 flat-nosed geezers yeah i think the tc goes down and purple's got a lot of idols i think he might have rang the bell or something yeah they were all in houses and stuff yeah purple purple had a good base set up you know i i was thinking about buying stock in purple but now it's just kind of yeah yeah it's depreciated a little bit he doesn't have any military on the field he's not using his production buildings his economy is tc's going down it's only a matter of time ray is fully surrounded still trying to survive orange is pushing it against frederick who is is i think going to lose all units here in a moment frederick is he sent the barn he said all of the villagers three pop i don't even know purple's there with villes too i don't know what's going on but they're gonna die too okay oh great so we think rey's eventually gonna die we know teal's eventually gonna die dusty balls has actually done a real good job and he's got crazy resources so i think purple dies here as well purple has nothing the thing here is that red and blue are going to spend all their time fighting each other true and they're probably the two next strongest people in this game yep after orange and they're just going to distract each other and orange is going to wipe up purple he might make his way over to green he might finally kill why he did kill grey great greyhound yeah i mean i i'm actually really impressed with uh blue and red's ability to deal with the chaos here obviously they they kind of started some of that chaos but the the adapting skill that you need in late game age of empires those two definitely seem to have and i think dusty balls is kind of my my dark horse just because he's not gonna be focused on at all yeah so he's gonna take out purple and he could really he could soak up in resources he could just boom up the paladin under reaction would be an understatement to what's happening at purple's base right now he's got one treb attacking the tc and at no point did he think to either repair or kill that trap i mean his name does in some ways imply that he's slow whoa his trips from the dead are actually attacking the tc from dusty balls now that's what i call tunnel vision right there dude he hit a sheep there a second ago he didn't do damage because he hit sheep can he take out a tc come on honestly one more volley away there it looked like yeah that that explains why he like maybe he he figured he was dead and so he just was going in there and look at the army that blue has his face it's a lot of units but it's not a lot of power yeah but but what i like is every time he fights he has siege whereas red is just like well let me run underneath 16 castles and hope for the best i think especially when you're slavs and your siege is discounted you want to have some siege in there have you seen orange's fishing economy oh boy [Laughter] wow i told you it was setting up for the fish drops dude wow and that's you know that's pretty solid right all of them pretty close to the dock yep all right and he's got 95 military dave he's got showtel warriors out there this is now at a point where i think if orange were to lose this game is scott he's going to look back and be very upset with himself he's got 53 on gold with 6k gold i'm not joking he's stealing all the gold from frederick that's the way to do it and there's lots more gold to be found too if you expanded the corners here so dave we're just at this point blue is just waiting for all blacksmith upgrades except for about i i don't know if he's ever gonna get more blacksmith upgrades but it just seems like he's been waiting to make a push against red and red's been expecting it too the red doesn't have elite oer and he doesn't have anager yeah he's like nothing really he's got a lot of castles and that's about it and well he's got a fishing echo of his own too oh my god okay that's a lot more neat than oranges this is just something we never see in all the high level games we watch because there's always some presents on water but in these types of games it makes sense yeah no one's ever gonna like go out of their way to make a fire ship to ruin your day weird positioning of the hustlers for blue i feel like you'd want to protect your siege here a little bit fred's mag and else will actually be in a good position to take out ramps so i do like that yeah that's actually really good positioning right behind the castle yeah and he's going to block the hussars and the kip jacks on the north side as well so siege isn't really going to do anything well the traps might do something from behind also the magnet stopped firing yeah why i don't oh there we go oh he killed his own trap okay that's right nobody saw that what's green up to okay so we just got a bunch of conquistadors from dusty balls and most next competitive event for you to follow is this right here my friend crone this is the most competitive event happening right now the whole world is waiting to see how this ends yup i'm i'm i've actually been really interested in crochet league 2021 crochet league yeah if you guys want to check it out i'm very excited and you and i will get to talk about it a little bit all stream but for when i finally make liquor league happen again i've got a lot of ideas it will be competitive but it will also uh be a lot of fun the problem with liquor league tristan is that you stream for an eu audience and you're going to want to start liquor league live in the afternoon yup i'm going to start it no no i started like six or seven make it three or four hours this should be pretty good onager's in now for sultans the amount of my eu audience has stayed up to four or five am anyways is pretty high and we have a lot more uh viewers in our time zone than we did a couple years back so i think they'll be pretty good rent's not really getting the best of shots he's killing more of his own units yes moment and orange is still a problem like orange is still a massive problem that no one's dealt with well i mean you aren't just trying to trying to advance into purple's territory and green has a lot of conchs right there 50 elite conquistadors yeah you can see how inaccurate conks are though against the bills and the castle is just gonna go here comes here comes the big army from orange or one of the big armies anyway he's got the arbalets coming over ethiopian herbalists yeah i feel like if these kong's so distracted with that castle and those villagers orange can kill all of them here if there was a paladin or like or even since you have a lot of these upgrades maybe even a lead skirm would work really really well ethiopians don't have a ton beyond their siege to deal with skirm but yeah it does feel to me as i just realized red's getting bloodlines what an upgrade to miss when you've been making bow yards this whole game yeah um but yeah it does seem to me like blue's got the edge it's just reds being really stubborn and still has two tc's so with that many castles i think for now we're just going to see 1v1s on both sides and 1v1's so either way oh it's only blue is only one misclick away from losing that entire army yeah blues micro has been pretty good but kip checks are so low hp and this isn't you know expert level that i could definitely see mistakes being made with those gift checks there the hell boninger is extremely hard to micro towards red's face trebuchet's on the way red his second tc is safe but that one can definitely be arranged interesting on the other side green's researching onager dave so he's gonna i mean honestly is a good move there as he backs up with his kongs for now orange having the confidence to switch sides earlier he was attacking teal and gray he's going to lose him 15 times though yeah yeah true and he's got tons in the queue as well the the mangano pops out and orange kills it right away yeah conks will get the rest this will soon be on yours so it's good for green that he's at least able to clear this is it possible that orange is switching sides too early like does he need to do this i think orange could uh dude orange can 1v4 in this game yeah or 1v3 or whoever's left it would be interesting though if he were to kill red right now let's say orange just magically takes out the tcs blue and green might have a conversation and say hey let's 2v1 that guy so in winning this battle for blue it might end up backfiring on him a little bit yeah he almost he almost has to go for green first because no matter what blue and red are going to fight each other yeah but he to be fair though he doesn't know that true he doesn't know like that they had castles on each other that they've been fighting forever yeah blah blah blah blah and while we all love our chats and we can't know what they're saying because of no spec chat i can guarantee you there's very little chatter this is intense man like this is more intense than most community games normally you don't see this much movement this many kills this much aggression look at look at red's next castle he is really looking to keep that tc alive i i mean red's got a lot of monitors there dave i'm waiting for the shots this could be coming in soon here lou's got to be real careful here microwave backs and the hustlers in front all right there you go and uh yeah some decent shots but good micro with the hussars i would just be getting mad at this point if i was red like really man you're still attacking me i'm getting attacked by orange yeah come on green what are you doing come on yeah it doesn't really benefit green to be all that aggressive here i guess but i feel like at the same time this is an opportunity no i think if you're green you have to be aggressive against orange but it you don't know you don't know we're sitting here like gods yeah we we can see everything right he doesn't know the current position but green definitely needs to do something and he is pushing to be fair he is he is pushing back the forward castles but like by the time he's done those red's already gonna be dead dude he's got 60 conchs with oniger i i could see orange having killed problems yeah he could kill the tc with those conks if he runs in true yeah that as well i'm thinking more so as long as there's five or six onagers there i mean in theory the r blessed and bomber cannon combo from ethiopians could do it but would be a little awkward speaking of taking out tc's orange is not prioritizing red's tc he's prioritizing the castle first which isn't the worst actually because then he can advance through it's fine i mean there's two tc's you have to kill right yeah red spring oniger's over there though and and orange had actually clicked his entire armed army against the wall there's a slight chance if orange isn't paying attention that he could lose all those arms uh never mind camels went in well orange is playing this really well yeah i think red is gonna be the next one to crumble here he's just he's got too much going on right now hip jacks oh man they're just you look at a kipcheck and you just think it's gonna be so much better than it really is it's just such an underwhelming unit in all ages i'd say six range 65 hp and an imp is just brutal i like how the monks are there to heal them though that's good and blue's just got to be careful oh big shot oh yeah blue boop micro is that down as green is making a push dave is taking out one castle we'll take out another castle green is at least keeping orange honest right now orange is just walling up behind it he knows he just needs to delay as long as possible delay delay delay kill red make your way into blue's face kill him and then turn your attention on green yep red down to one tc it's protected by these three castles although is taking his sweet time killing red yeah he really is also only has five on gold i know that with 3 000 gold it's you know it does feel like things are still fine for him but for green green's got 36 on gold with 2k gold so i mean there's a chance the big thing i keep circling back to is i think that aren't just the most capable players we've seen however once red's out of the picture blue is gonna be orange's problem as well so this could be easily be a 2v1 situation which is fascinating because it's always an opportunity for blue or green to surprise each other because they're so close to each other so crazy game here i'm really enjoying this lose red or rez is not looking great though like you said they don't have enough on gold blue has nobody on gold he does have gold available but he hasn't gone out to it yet yeah i guess he'll actually get some gold uh if he's able to finally finish off red which orange is you can tell he's kind of he's uncertain aren't you sending his orbs back home now he doesn't want to advance any further against red so green is making orange worry a little bit to be fair orange could have killed red about 10 minutes ago and he's been stalling out now now green's knocking at the door he bought himself all sorts of time with those forward castles and he just kind of wasted it i i'm pro dusty balls right now and i mean in the game not elsewhere um just don't kill your own units by running up to the gate here green do not click that gate with your onagers don't don't do it okay he's trying to protect his traps here yeah orange is is is definitely sending the arms back i don't see them anymore oh there they are they're actually right next to all this action right now oh he they're not patrolling oh no all of those are dead oh my god dude i i mean conks miss a lot they're not gonna miss and now watch close the oniger shots on the gate would smash this he's just realized oh what a disaster for oak warrior who is just looked like a looked like such a god imagine rewatching this later you're like man i'm such a beast best game ever and then that happens oof yeah i'm astounded which are not going to be good at all against the kongs true i mean he he made heavy camel he made elite shotel he also tucked into cavalier i think it's like he was rich for a time granted his q's insane and his eco is still probably the best but um you have to be a little careful about wasting resources i'm just questioning like why he was so slow with red he wasn't doing anything else like just kind of seemed very nervous in the front of red space he could have easily gone and killed that tc yeah one thing i would like to see players do a little more granted it takes a lot of creativity is is docking the pawns and transporting trebs around yeah orange is so actually he made a really good castle on the back of his base but he's most vulnerable there blue would be most vulnerable from the shoreline but all players that are remaining here have done a great job defending and you could actually say for all the players who died except for maybe yellow sorry yellow that the defense was quite strong here uh shotel warrior what about sending shotels in for the town centers and just avoiding the conchs yeah i mean we're a good strike yeah the the problem is they go down really easily right if you send 40 in it could easily kill tc's i i can't help i think it was 2014 or 2015. it was right after ethiopians came out back when zero empires streamed community games and he would play for most of his at this time and i just remember him read without raging but just getting so frustrated because so many people within show tells would just run underneath his tc's and take them out in sudden death games i just had a blast from the past seven years ago now green is gonna attack blue which i think is a mistake here yeah right and now blue this could give an opportunity to red honestly yeah i think green like i think the thing is here is players really want to they think less about how it will work out for them long term and they just want tc kills so green probably just gave up and wow the kites are looking real good here so many of them on the hill so yeah maybe maybe green's like well i give up hip tech seems better than conch at least based on this fight this green is falling apart castle goes down for blue orange is now pushing red again this is like musical chairs it's moving all around and red is now going into blue with rams oh my god come on what i feel like by the time this game ends every person would have been 2v1 it's now blue's turn you know this is this is amazing i wish the alps would have been there initially for red we're in the rams but that's enough rams where at least i'm gonna take down one the kick jacks are doing well though it's true and hustlers there that's not worth it and he's getting pushed on the other side dave as he has to react to that um and good micro from orange as he backs away so orange is not being pressured i think that's the big thing but blue have having reacted to red's attack now has to deal with more from green this is such a good game such a good game i think the only thing this lacks is that that small possibility that everyone always looks for that there's gonna that the the current best player is gonna lose right are you still looking like the king but overall just well played to all these players orange i think about 20 minutes ago orange hit with that stage of the game you know that lull yeah where nothing's really nothing pressing is happening and you just kind of fall into complacency that's what's happened with him like no more forward castles no siege to back up his army he's just kind of sitting there mining his resources and and hoping for the best well it's also very it's it's such a slow sieve like i think if this player had spanish he would have paladins running around yeah um or he might be using mobility a little bit more um that said we're seeing the mobility from these concs when's the last time you've seen 90 conquistadors in a game he's he's close to that right now he's looking at 73. it's fun to see this unit uh dominate not fun if you're blue i'm sure okay is red's finally gonna die it's a good unit yeah it's uh it's got a lot of hp it's got decent pierce armor right it's got decent attack it just can't hit anything [Laughter] yeah i feel like for post-imp it might be good that the accuracy is a little awkward yo green has bomber kanan's cue dave i think he's reacting to orange's little attack here on the hill uh green will have to delete his own walls to get over there i hope he hasn't clicked the whole way around that's purple's gate does he think that's his own gate green oh i actually he'll melt that so okay he'll be through there in no pro in no time i think this is finally time to say goodbye to red he is down to 74 pop oh blue is going to help red no well okay again blue probably didn't know that that orange was there until now and he's just going to collect tattoos yeah and he's got enough kick checks i think he could just kill the tc with kip jacks to be honest yeah he will not from not from max range yeah i get close so all of them can fire at the same time but yeah i mean just follow it up with some trebs here blue yeah you can just kill it with tip tracks yeah or even at this point yeah okay green uh kind of lost my uh my spot here is going to clear up orange because orange just split it in two spots this is the problem for orange and it it comes back to the lull but also lack of commitment it worked earlier when he was an imp against castle age splitting forces i think he needs to snowball people i think he's got to pick a side and we're going to see what side he needs to choose here fairly quickly because what we said 20 minutes ago is top scorer and i think orange would die to a 2v1 honestly i see a world in which blue kills green and then blue kills orange because he's just using his military so much more effectively than oranges yeah yeah and you know if blue goes in to green's base with rams and kip checks i i don't see what green's gonna make to really stop that like sure he'll have some bombard cannons but from what i've seen from blue like he follows up his siege with with uh units really nicely so i think there's potential for him to do so unless blue decides to target orange at this point i think logically it makes sense because you see the score and you know that most of the players on the other side of the map died early and orange is now he this lack of commitment is now going to make things fall apart because he's got units on the left you see it all going down now he has to he doesn't know which side to prioritize here yeah i think blue has definitely been the best player in terms of using siege and he's also been the best player in terms of unit comp he's had hussars and kip checks which is a good melee range combo always combined with siege which is strong as well and orange is going to fail with that castle this is crazy orange is panicking now yeah and he's i mean he might actually end up moving his entire military back in response to this as blue is trying to get in but orange is taking a big fight against the coast oh probably not a fight that dusty balls wants to take up a hill against ethiopian uh arvelis yeah let's see if orange can manage this because he's very focused at home you notice this green green green green green blue only has one tc left green is coming in with a bunch of white lumber cannons what what if blue punch a bunch dude blue can take up oranges tc's with hussars green could win here if blue takes out orange's tc's and doesn't realize that he's about to lose his final tc what a finish blue's even moving out of his base right now or no he's going to react he sees it he sees it yep blue's been really good in terms of awareness and he's going to spot this right away go kill those he does lose the castle so maybe it's easy for green to run into yeah yeah yeah there was some conchs and try and get that expensive loss there for the bomber cannons though for green remember he hasn't tucked into a trash unit and actually dude every player is going to defend here orange defends and blue has to run away green also was thwarted by blue and then green denied orange this is the perfect game yeah like i think it's easy to say that he could have done a better job with his position earlier but you can understand why he was so confident making such a weird mix of units but it's gonna work out and i think blue now has to shift back to solely fighting green green might see you know an opportunity there or might need to react to that and then it gives orange the upper hand again to pick somebody and push once he gathers his units he's got 140 military so good luck 140 military and it's like five different types of units right yeah okay green has to be careful not to lose his tc either he's got his army back there yeah blue's definitely looking for opportunities yeah i think i think you can justify throwing away husky he doesn't notice this blue could actually kill it but he's gonna notice it and he's gonna save it as long as he gets his units there yep double castle fire plus the conchs i think green won't even ah yeah i don't even think he needs repairs to save this right now but he should repair it anyways just in case i don't think he loses that blue with more hustle screen repair that i mean i mean that's a pretty weak tc there dude the bombard cannon fired on a hustler next to the tc that's that's that's a pretty weak tc there tristan and he's not repair okay he's repairing now it was just a b oh god blue's gonna lose everything oh no yeah oh she's coming from the other side now but blue's sending more gift checks in dude blue doesn't have the gold for this how many units did he just lose we'll be down to 100 pop pretty soon oh my god dude that was incredible i really wish i would have looked a green score before all of that i'm sure his score went way up and blues went way down as blue just resigns he gives it up that's awful though for green i think because now orange has this 1v1 battle that he wanted yep wow blue just maybe well he might have saw orange pushing in and thought well i'm gonna die to that but the reality is him resigning wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait hold the phone oh i want you to pick up the phone and hold it yeah cuz i just saw it careening coming in for green what the is going on in that pond over there tristan i got excited and there's only one treb how dare you dave he's only gonna send conks i mean kongs aren't bad against buildings but shouldn't you send more than that you yeah okay there is a castle on the shoreline that he is not aware of so i think where he's gonna go is right around where that castle is it is very possible that um the ten conquistadors plus the nine conquistadors and treb go down here great castle from orange i have to say like that is the one vulnerable area you can have on this map let's see if green reacts yep oh oh wow matrix yeah how did he dodge that okay so the problem here is that orange still has two tc's right yeah one one could go down though and that's that's the start and it also might take orange a long time to react to this only one treb though you've gotten so much effort there and only one trip aren't just messing his units on the front there's no way orange sees this there's no way he ever expects this to be a possibility he notices see garrison i mean he's gonna go down yeah yep and we'll see what he can do he probably needs to make showtills out of the other one and try and uh kill that trap but he is housed let's see green's got to click that treb over there immediately and just just go right over for that tc hope for orange to make mistake orange is pop capped orange is 200 pop orange can't make units at home can't do anything but green's not moving the trebia okay now he's moving it to the center here bombard cannons out for orange though camel's out for orange arms needs to delete bills right now dude he needs pop space he doesn't have anything at home it's all forward he is pushing orange not like this dude don't die to one trap no davey's he's making bombard cannons no way no way okay now if you're green don't kill any units because if you kill units he's gonna have more palm space do not kill anything orange repair utc do something he he he doesn't know how to repair it okay here he goes he's repairing now if you use the repair hotkey your villagers stack in the middle and sometimes the trip will hit the villes instead of the tc armor genuinely no way these things don't hit anything they never hit anything no one hates this unit man you're kidding he's gonna save this with the freaking shotels isn't he green why one trebuchet orange where are you green it's oh my god we still have a game the panic was real there but it's one tc to two this is epic bro epic stuff you know both of these players their heart beat was like you know when your heart gets so fast it's in your ears i mean i that even got to the point where i was i was feeling that myself now i know i mean i just i remember once you know back before i had a channel and whatnot i played in a community style game when there was like a hundred people watching oh my god the conchs green what are you doing oh god all the show tells that is not how you want to engage confirm tell let me tell you that much he's still gonna win but geez geez that was so bad dude i mean listen both players have have shown that they're human right i have a youtube upload which is coming this week which is a regular joe 1v1 this is a regular joe community game right both players could say that they feel they could have done better afterwards but both players have also shown these solid macro solid micro and you know not so solid macro and micro at times hey by the way only 58 villagers for orange and zero on gold but 160 military you know orange hasn't really scouted for the dock from green either and green is making a castle with one villager over there granted she is a spanish villager so a little bit faster maybe make some more trebs and land he did make another transport ship there and orange only making a castle at the left side background space not over on the right side where green could theoretically land i like the castle on the left side though that is good uh i would say focus more on the shoreline but i guess that that is better overall defense concern i've had with green is just how he's sticking with just one unit it's um it's a very hard unit to counter don't get me wrong but it'd be really good if he had halvadir in front granted i guess when you're up against ethiopians you can kind of get away yeah i i think conk is probably the best unit for him i think he's doing the right thing against other sieves you might want help that's true i'd love to see supremacy from him though i don't know why he hasn't gone that yeah i think he's trying to micro down bomber cannons right now i'm not really sure why he's sitting here but it's worked before it'll work again and he will keep the castles up dave orange is losing like all of his gold units there he cannot replenish that bomber cans especially as we see some juicy shots come in who's your favorite right now who do you think wins this game i think green i just orange has been but let me okay orange has been amazing in terms of eco yeah and in terms of like positioning and whatnot and making his castles on hills and everything but his progress with the military has been unconvincing i think i think if if the big thing i come back to is dusty balls has a sneaky way to change the game with the transport and also he has tons of gold dusty balls has 10 trebuchets queued up in one castle all right so we're going to be here for a bit [Laughter] we're going to be here for a bit transports um that said when he does eventually get 10 trebs you can just roll underneath castles as long as you get them on land don't even worry about losing your trebs because it's a 1v1 battle now click them to the town center don't be cute about it and that should win him the game and orange is really green wins this 100 there's no world in which orange wins this yeah i guess green could just defend with the conchs if they both have 100 military the konks seems stronger plus double tc for green yeah and green actually like the one thing that green did that nobody else did on this map is he expanded out to the right to this area collected all that gold and everything i guess orange kind of had that at the very far north yeah like there's that whole left side of the base where he didn't take the res there's gold out there the stone out there there's also gold in like underneath the castle that aren't built next to where blue's base was there's relics big fight here i mean with the hill skirmisher shotel hussar all that i feel like green's going to lose a lot of conks here yep but now trickle trip like now the treb goes down and now you can't really push and that's more capable it's more pop though and he needs more pop space for more trebs he's got gaming galleons too i like it what yeah well he's got to make sure that timing's right on this you don't want to show up too early he's actually getting away with murder even getting a second chance here so if you're in orange's position you we were talking about the castles along the shoreline and everything why not just make a few fire ships yeah i think it would make sense but also green is asking green is playing this in a way that forces some real good plays from the opponent i feel like yeah he's he hasn't been quite as predictable as orange could have been so yeah as you can see skirm is probably like your best go-to if you're orange but not good enough yeah just just defend your tc's with conks if you're dusty balls dude you know what bothers me so much about this is the fact that dusty balls made 30 spanish archers and here he is after making spanish archers and he's about to win the freaking community game it's just baffling to me we'll work t90 you know i saw uh dusty balls won with his spanish archers it could be good that was good man who was that was that ducks that's no that's just twitch kind of sounded like ducks did it though i think it's just my twitch chat in general you sound very attractive chat ducks shows up dude i can't wait to watch green with these transports he's got he's got so much value here dude i love this this is a great match up here we got a player who's like hesitating so much in orange he couldn't quite bring himself to kill red he couldn't quite bring himself to push in far enough against green and then we got green going for the sneak tactics right he's like seal team seven over here he's got the cannon galleons heading in now he's got all the transports loaded if he just unloads and kill targets the tc it's over it's over but will the execution be there c dramz and bombard cannons now over here for orange green the last couple times have just gone into snipe the siege which is a good approach yep siege is your threat here just kill the bomber cannons it doesn't matter if you lose 15 conks so you can't push that castle okay cannon galleons are now attacking a lumber camp on the shoreline nice cog so it gives orange some time to react but that's that's because green's distracted and maybe rightly so oh my god they can only be in one place at once i thought green only had one tc left he's got two tc's he does he's fine he's laughing dave he's almost out of gold but he does have kong skewed if he loses the castles on the front here could potentially be some problems i think he's heading over with the ship soon i mean it he he set one the first time and now he's sending like 12. he learned his lesson if nothing else tristan yeah here they come i also like how he's on the way he's got trebs in three out of the four transports so if he loses them he'll be fine i don't think he'll aren't i don't think he's gonna go yeah yeah yeah and green wins this dusty balls coming from no not orange not your transformer position oh your transports that one had all the drebs okay okay it's fine i think it's fine i think it's fine i think it's fine it's like they do everything they can to not win the game sometimes people oh that's right yeah the trebs are still there i assume they're focused on the on the tc oh my god oh what a roller coaster what are you gonna be kicking himself dude he was in such a good position in this game and i think dusty balls may be more of a community game veteran here looking for different avenues to win and wow that was a hell of a game it was a great game it was well worth the wait we had a lot of time a lot of struggle getting into this um and i think you hit the nail on the head there i think that oak warrior is probably the if they were to play a 1v1 in standard settings he's probably the player that would dominate but uh just a little bit too meta-oriented and playing in these settings and sometimes you know losing and getting surprised can can kind of teach you a little bit and uh dusty balls has been around the community a long time after his start and his very very very late castle age i did not have him uh as a winner here dave he had like in comparison a 25-minute castle age time and oak warrior was in castle at 16 minutes the man made a spanish archer army look at look at the timeline for both of them though this is very satisfying greens at the top oranges at the bottom and you can see how they slowly took control of the game freaking dusty balls did it uh kd here uh 1100 kills okay conchs are seriously strong um they're no joke uh economically oh dusty balls had more gold and oak warrior had uh more food wood and stone so those were definitely the two players who dominated yeah relics paid off there as well and and that's about it man um this is why i love this map i encourage viewers to watch the game i forget the freaking title i think it's pros vs noobs or something it's on this map here where you had mbl against some uh players a few years back transporting on that map is so tough to stop it's so hard to expect and as we saw orange couldn't even defend from it with one castle on the shoreline so makes a difference dave that was good yeah that was great yeah yeah well i don't know what to say after that yeah sure i agree i agree i concur well imagine if that game was just the worst ever after the amount of time it took to set up oh god well i'm happy um that left me satisfied and that's actually going to be it for the stream tonight everybody
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 45,706
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch, age, of, empires, two, definite, definitive, edition, AoE2, AoE, AoE2DE, DE, lul, lol, funny, silly, elo, wow, crazy, insane, double, tc, town, center, centers, towncenter, towncenters, dead, death, sudden, snipes, snipe
Id: o6oHd1zZwog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 26sec (3746 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 19 2021
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