Professional Player vs 4 Beginners | Aoe2

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okay okay teal let's see let's see it i did say i was not scared of him he's here to prove me wrong okay i'm gonna try to kill his whole army without losing a single unit i gotta test if he has ballistics first he does not okay i should have used a single clasp from here [Applause] oh failed already [Music] [Applause] and before they're awesome i just get pounded all right let's go good luck good luck let's do this one if he opens they got cubans sicilians vikings hands oh i don't have okay there's not really that good of a star stuff i can go our blesses are later okay we can go for some some archers i will go for archers maybe go met arms kill one guy with that archers mr rest we'll see what do you guys think do you think it's possible to win 1v4 i don't i don't think so i don't think it's possible i think i'm waiting over my head here [Music] it's not possible to spike down not with that attitude that's for sure i think one refers too much if you pull it off i'm very impressed cat okay okay i want i like to impress people if everyone have been four versus ai so it should be possible no viper would never won that viper never won one before did viper everyone run before i don't i think he failed every time no issues still going yep still got another hour a day on the clock yeah he never won one before yeah my friend everyone went before um it's just too hard just too much even with ai it's hard human players i think with this yellow should be easier than ai but we'll see we're waiting for you good luck thank you thank you yeah late game is definitely easier maybe early game will be harder versus humans though but either are they uh there's a couple 1k there's one 1k one uh one 950 one nine hundred and one six hundred glhs extreme fighter instead of two months really appreciate that thank you so much welcome back survive till late game i can go our blessed to start on this game maybe did i open metatars or do i go r i think going arch like just straight arch is probably best i think straight arches makes sense fc no i think fc sucks because then america is going to be constantly constantly like terrible i need to put pressure early i think fc i just gave out all map control and then i'm just screwed i'm 1v5 bro i'm even i'm against myself send one man arm to each base sounds promising [Applause] committed to get one deer at least dude there's so many trees in the way like it's so hard to get this dirt down thank you all right let's go scout one all right all right let's do it one before yep are you though i would not recommend learning dear true [Applause] true actually can they all send their bills and scouts to tara's base yep they can are they good enough to do that that's the question are they coordinator enough to do that the question it's kind of hard to do that they're not on voice yet so it's like you have to type find me everyone has to find me x i don't know strongest one out first i think that's a good idea dupin yeah but it just depends on who i find who's close to me though what's either these four cuties one of them is 1100 the other one's 950 that was 900 that one's 600. so you got a pretty good spread there of cutie yellow oh oh buck 104 stop savage you're just running through okay okay okay now this is back there i'll take it back i take it back okay red is closed i'm gonna take out red first arch red screwed himself yeah true he should not have scouted me but he should have played he should have played uh as hidden as possible i have more yelled at all them combined no [Applause] already okay okay damn yeah exactly twenty-one bills plus scott exactly okay sorry bud it fell apart real fast for red yeah i'm slaying here he's auto scouting no the 650 yellow he's out this is so cute man 600 yellow auto scouting okay okay going forwards i feel bad oh fighting back let's go good stuff good stuff respect respect not about your time okay how does that scale faster than it's based on elo fat higher you're a little faster than the scout basically that's why i keep my rank one going to tournaments and have a really really fast scout i'm just kidding when you hit feudal age your scout gets to get the speed boost that's why that's the real reason no man good question though good question you're right he's getting some good defense here i think he misfits unfortunately i need to run from walling okay uh okay i can defeat him with these arch um [Music] activity that's pretty dead but doing a good job of uh trading fading down against me you shouldn't be targeting that scouts instead of this grouping is the next group is the next person [Music] [Music] oh he's doing a good job of targeting the low speed always [Music] i just messed up i jinxed them it's gonna cost me booming let me love you 600 euro are we doing some damage to him now here's bloom fighting with bills thinks twice about it oh coming at a really good time here not the cuties that is the guys the cutie has to die i'm sorry this feels harsh 1v4 is just business send that another hit group another squad dungeon defense four dungeons i love that more dungeons oh god look at these 10 of those okay let's leave below this team alone he's not harming anyone he's not harming anyone let him do his thing i'm do this thing come on give him back the goals as well i respect this guy you gotta find the next guy in line though hair the mass murderer it's going well so far it's a 1v4 though i gotta keep that in mind if this goes late game they should be able to win like they have 800 pop so wait let's see all right this is uh this is jam you just hit castleage oh perfect timing stream shooting bro i'm hitting these guys at the perfect time oh oh yellow no the last guy just threw he was the only hoping he threw yellow no don't do it man he was the only hope oh god no no no please uh probably go back to red soon i'm interested in the in the thicker things here yellow [Music] michael's back like you're back these guys are hitting me with all sorts of combinations here you got like one of everything going on okay okay what's here spearman i tell you it's one of everything oh no yellow oh no he's not having luck with the castles honestly it's kind of unfortunate green village why is it green right here what's going on guys get it together what is going on oh no another he has another castle let's plus two on those guys i wonder what green was doing there's my question oh no oh god that's hilarious man he needs a tc here but he realized oh he did oh back up he did he did usually when your cc is like far out like that you might not realize but he did well he did well good stuff he's surrounded at the main base [Music] yellow is actually playing really well though he's got the right counter which is skirms buck is still defeated his skirt his score is not very high so i can let him be fine i'm going to attack yellow constantly here ah i think the best thing to do is just boom now i need more wood though oh my god that was missing all with upgrades that's why that makes sense uh that castle up now i think that castle might be up who who got who got cast glitch till is the feudal we don't gotta worry about him for now yellow's hard though yellow has the right army [Music] green is still defeated at home [Music] um not a good idea bro all right let's play ready to visit yeah green is really really defeated there let me let you still quite quite far behind we don't gotta worry too much about him he's still in feudal edge my macro slip in here i need i got i get that and get a market okay i'll start with the markets here i love the ethiopian machine gun and castle can be pretty good well why is it wordpress so huh i think i'm hoping we might have forgot about cc now those rats [Music] this is a slaughter um okay i really am trying pretty hard here i'm not gonna lie i don't want to slip from it from me i think i have this building omega so green is dead yellow is the strong one i'm gonna text yellow again tio we can leave alone i'm not really too scared of him so i attack yellow again i think he's the scariest guy green is really dead though kids have scored yeah but he's the lowest rated so if this becomes a 1v1 between me and tl i don't mind i guess it makes sense to some degree it's not food i'm not gonna need that much food mostly gold oh [Music] okay okay teal let's see it let's see it he's got fully upgraded crossbows okay i did say i was not scared of him he's here to prove me wrong let's see it's yo let me love you he wants to love all right okay i'm gonna try to kill his whole army without losing a single unit i gotta test if he has ballistics first let's do the test he does not okay i try not to use a single crossbow here oh it failed already splits [Music] oh um all right we lost all army but we're good good play from killer good play from kyo he's coming out big i hate that's not gonna lie roxy i'm destroying all the cuties man i felt bad i think i feel like chat things lowered me after this one chat thing is very low with me after this one okay everybody clean me up leave the screws alone definitely should honestly i got i got like the most oppressive as well like look at green this is literally oppression bro [Music] i got i got ethiopians i got i got like the most micro intensive sieve that's pretty very lucky [Music] uh i have to trap them all once now [Music] queen is here green is everywhere man green is everywhere but his own base he just migrated his uh his teammates i respect that man i just like that listen he wasn't liking life at his uh his town he just left that is playing well here i don't need any more farms to be fair although i can talk about food and go ahead oh he's got too many here okay [Music] yellow is there let's make sure i'm killing them fast though they still have way more pop than me ethiopians also get more more more uh minuscule than outposts that's important i have to go oh geez soon not yet but soon [Music] knock knock green hasn't had a break [Music] shouldn't be canceling shots like that i'm terrible he was is overperforming here he's forgetting ballistics though where does he have it i'm sure let's see if he hasn't he has blistex beast [Music] what for where is it behind my base how did he get those guys there how did you sneak those guys there okay i think this is over guys running out of gold though that's the thing gg g to the g well that's one guy down yo gg red buck 104 gd man sorry for attacking first just business yeah i got like the sweatiest tip for this though can i agree on that [Music] i don't think green has a shy scc everywhere that guy expanded like crazy man here oh i have gold here fantastic whoa i'm tired [Music] agreed with the monks i didn't play arena match no not yet yo this guy's been killing me all game [Music] machine gun look at that gasoline gun sorry man i know corbin's crying thanks for the 10 extra 10 months man i did i'm gonna lose exactly four subscribers after this game exactly four didn't your mother teach you not to play with your food is this my nature to it just my nature to style and i have a chance man these are too fun to play with the ethiopian crossbows if you have an arbor just too much fun you're losing me why why you delete that's that's my viewer right there that's my fear right there go for the delete respect green has earned my respect let's go man that's not like to see i i i teach you guys well man i teach you guys well good good y'all green i'm about to resign off that leave good that's like to see we yo green is like only thing missing is hussars and green just did everything he did farmers everywhere boom everywhere he did the lee trick gg mr j-rob j-rock played really well actually he just went for a titanic castle and kind of kind of crossed him the early game but high risk high reward gg tsutil gg everyone where's the shotel i canceled him man no shotels wow one before i didn't think it was possible but uh we did it unsubbed why are you why are you mad you didn't even play oh guys everyone's unsubbing to them okay [Music] you
Channel: Hera - Age of Empires
Views: 219,851
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aoe2, hera, guide, best, civ overview, how to, daut, aoe2 DE, age, empires, tierlist, age of empires, tatoh, theviper, Definitive Edition, t90official, build order, spirit of the law, pro aoe, pro age, age of empires pro, viper, aoe lan, aoe tournament, aoe tutorial, age of kings, voobly, definitive edition, aoe competitive, age competitive, sotl, t90, aoe civ, zero empires, highlights, meme, troll, moment, epic, funny, animation, ram, seige ram, onager, boom, drush, feudal, castle, imperial, tips, tricks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 59sec (2099 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 05 2021
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