Day 2 of being disowned (sticking to it) | #grindreel

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ah anyways yeah so it doesn't really matter what I make the stream about nobody wants to talk about it so I've almost talked about yesterday so we'll talk about that today first I just say you know thanks for the emails and the support and I'm sticking to it everybody's blocked you watching the stream you're blocked a lot people were like DME deeming me yesterday and I went to go change my locks right after that video so I changed all my locks in my house because my family has keys so and then today this morning I woke up and I went to I drove down to his house to make sure the car was there I kind of did like a stakeout right and kind of I was there and I wanted to make sure that the car was still at his house so I went down to get the car and I wanted to go knock on the door and ask for the keys to the car but I can't risk I can't risk that so you know I wanted to be amicable about it but I know he would be like I'm not giving you the keys Josh I'd be like it's my car and then if you want to get the keys basically you have to go to court and all that stuff and so I just called the tow truck to come and get it and then I'm gonna get my own new key made for myself since it's my car and also I didn't want to go knock on the door and see him again and there's like a chance that he could have like damaged the car so I got my car back cost me $1,000 to do it I've got to go get it probably sometime during their stream he's gonna call me and that was really really hard to watch the tow truck you know I felt like I was stealing from him anyways thanks for being here guys it was really like it was hard because I didn't want to become outside and see me sitting down the road of his house you know so like I I took it I got videos of it right I was recording the whole time for legal reasons so in case something happens or he goes crazy right everything's recorded so I was recording everything and it's in the garage so they don't come to your house and take it he can't take it it's got new keys or it's gonna get new keys it's my car I pay for it it's in my name but that was really difficult to I guess not gonna have any transportation now but you can walk to the store and get a job just around the corner I show you I'll probably just I probably I probably post that as a video tomorrow like this is what it looks like when you actually cut cut someone off it's freaking hard hold on sucked [ __ ] sucks so much and that that guy right there in the video that's my dad's upstairs neighbor as he lives in the basement he started mowing the lawn right as I got my car towed it was really really really hard because my dad never came outside I couldn't even drive past it on the way back I hadn't had to go in Reverse [ __ ] sucked I thought about just letting him have the car and just paying it you know but it's it's more than that like I'd have to pay for maintenance on the car the back tires are almost shot I'd have to pay for registration every single year if anything happened to the car car gets damages the car damages someone else's car my insurance goes up I just can't be tied to it like that anymore it's not just as easy as just pay the insurance in the car it's like I have to pay the registration I have to be respect my I'm responsible for everything that happens it's like I got my car back everybody think this shit's fake I wish I wish it was fake I wish I was making other stuff up like it was like a stakeout I was sitting down the road from my dad's house just making sure that he wasn't gonna leave because if he tried to leave tried to back out I had to I had to drive up forward and block it it was so stressful just sitting here dude take your car back and move on with your life yeah bro it's easier said and done actually you can't even repo your own car you have to go to court because it's not I can't even I can't even report it as stolen I called and asked I can't report a stolen cuz it's not stolen it's just a breach of trust see I was just that little brake light right there that was my dad's car and I was just sitting in the back just waiting sell the car it doesn't matter even if I sell the car I still owe on it but I'll probably sell one of my cars why tow it don't you have a spare key no I don't have a spare key there was only one key to the car and he's not gonna give it to me what the girl thing about the experience so how's your dad gonna pay rent it's not my problem anymore it's been my problem for years then you have a second set of keys No No thank you for the donations you don't have to do that I appreciate you man time to go to Oregon yeah where do you have with your private pilot's license yeah last night I just did my night flight this Saturday will be my last flight with an instructor and then I just have to get four more hours on my own and then I could take the test and get my private pilot's license so TLDR I'm about six hours away from getting my private pilot's license yeah yesterday last night was I went to I went to the Nevada border and back did some night landings school it was really hard it was really hard after a hard day oh he moved to a different state yeah so my business isn't two years old yet I can't get him another mortgage from a bank they say we want two years for tax returns from your business I don't have a business that has two years of tax returns so that was pretty dope I've been working I've been working real hard on the side when I'm not posting videos trying to get this pilot's license so I can fly out and meet you guys your dad get a job I don't know I got a pig yes that was last night it was pretty cool it's kind of scary but cool finally get IFR I can afford it maybe I think I'd just like to get a plane in VFR be alright but IFR would be gold when you hit the two-year mark in August keep your head up hey thanks Tony you don't have to do that man I appreciate you day two of being disowned yeah fly out to meet us yes so the goal is to buy a plane somehow and fly out and like help you guys build your business and your brand that's what I like doing is like I like doing marketing and like like all you guys out there was side else is like I don't know where to start okay well let me come to you I will film it your dad doesn't have dogs yeah yes dogs I really just I hope that my dad doesn't do anything to himself say - easier than day one no because I got my I had to go repo my car MA it was hard to watch it's really really hard to watch like and the thing is like I'm gonna have to go through the car I'm gonna have to search the car and clean it out so I can sell it and his stuffs probably gonna be in there and I'm really hoping that I don't find any drugs I'm really hoping like everyone says like he's got an addiction gambling whatever like either like he's like the best Closet addict did in a whole world or he just sucks at spending money you know like I so whenever they finished with my car I'm gonna go get it and clean it out and try to sell it I took him off the insurance mmm everyone in my family is blocked yeah you know it's always been like a step-by-step kind of like Josh just pay the rent one last time every single time one last time like three months ago one last time yet last month everyone's like just pay it one more time and I said you know okay fine I'll pay one last time the next month one last time don't just give him some time one last time and so then I say no I'm not paying the rent and then they say okay we'll just pay the car then just let him use the car okay fine I'll pay the car and now this time I'm not doing it I told I told him get a job or I'm not paying rent taking the car and that's exactly what I did I'm sticking to my [ __ ] guns nobody believes me and it's my fault because I kept not put my foot down so [ __ ] them can you support them if you have the means I'll support people who can't support themselves and who are trying but I'm not gonna support people who complain about having nothing it's not my job to support my parents when they're fully capable people that you give them money and they say that's not enough money but they don't want to do anything to make their own I'm not okay with that everyone's talking you know they're all blocked [ __ ] them I never want to talk to them again I mean it wasn't it wasn't easy I hope he doesn't come to my house I hope nobody comes to my house I changed the locks is it scary to land an airplane at night last night I bounced the plane it was so dark he just then run away just comes up on you and I was like oh [ __ ] that's the runway let me pull up I'm I didn't crash it but I just want my go up and I just bounced a little bit how does it flying on I have six hours left until I can take the private pilot's license check right but I don't think I'll be ready in six hours but technically I'm at thirty four hours right now I need four hours left or six hours something like that I don't know they're really difficult don't let him move in no I'm not everyone says why don't why don't you make him go to the therapists or forget medicine right I can't make him go and it was like why do you just keep texting him because he won't answer the phone if I call he doesn't answer if I go to his house I'd knock on the door he doesn't answer if I buy him a one-way ticket back to Georgia he won't get on the airplane if I buy him a greyhound ticket back he won't go on it and I don't blame him I don't blame him for not wanting to go live with my grandparents because they're batshit crazy dude they tried to exorcise demons out of me for playing World of Warcraft they sent me to a speaking in tongues camp for two weeks where all you dude everyday was speak in tongues 24/7 obviously I couldn't do it and I went and they put me in a corner and told me that I was had some sins that I wasn't confessing like I grew up in a [ __ ] cult apparently and like that that's what they did to my dad even worse like my they came here to visit my dad and they made my dad sit down and they put like oil all over his face and [ __ ] they tried to exorcise demons out of him and like I don't blame him for not wanting to go back because I wouldn't go back either so it's like but it's not it's nuts dude like give him money to go to a therapist he won't go he won't go I'm not gonna give him money to go because he'll be like yeah I've been going and he won't go Brad yeah dude let's see what else they tried to do oh they tried to exorcise some demons out of me for other reasons they tried uh I don't know bro like so I get it you know I'm saying like I would want to go live there either and then when you don't do it they hit you with the Bible verses and say you know look here's the here's the two books every one I said I said that she sent the same book twice she sent the same book twice bro just help your dad I have been not anymore Karen what's up they sent me to a camp my grandparent sent me to a camp one time where you know like you've seen the the fus-ro-dah beam so Skyrim memes where he's like touches your forehead and you're supposed to fall over right they did that to me where they sent me to a camp where they tried to do that to me and they were like speaking in tongues and yelling at me and fire and brimstone you're going to hell if you don't confess for some sins and so I'm like over here trying to think about what sins I didn't confess for I'm like uh I don't I'm like I will have my twelve years old I'm like uh I think I like I think I gave one of the dogs more food than the other dogs and it wasn't exactly like equal amounts of food on their plate and so I'm sorry I sent you know and like it was that kind of [ __ ] bro like um and then what else yeah so they tried to like push me over you know and they're like Josh fall over Josh Josh fall over but they didn't say that right but they kept pushing me on the forehead to like fall over in front of everybody and I'm like I was it wasn't working and so then he like leaned forward and whispered in my ear and he's like follow her and I was like yeah bro like uh its culty dude it's nuts bro yeah and so like they did that to him like that's how both my grandparents are so like you know it's always like so when people say why don't they go like live with their grandparents like I don't blame them I wouldn't do it I'd pick homelessness over that you understand posting this stuff publicly makes it harder to get a job I don't care I gave him a new life like five times not my problem anymore wait both sets of parents my mom's parents my mom's parents are like like they're they like the guilt trippers they're the they're the ones who are like here's a Bible verse of why you should do this thing here's a Bible verse why you should and it's just like whenever it's convenient and then my dad's parents are like fire and brimstone Josh you like you should oh all right so here's the thing y'all remember like [ __ ] them [ __ ] you guys watching this a grandparent's not not the actual streamers but grandparents if you're watching this I don't give a [ __ ] so this is what you did to me um I would say about 15 years ago we went out to shop for my Christmas gifts and you know like backgammon like skinny jeans we're becoming the cool thing it was not my proudest moment right but like skinny jeans were the cool thing and I kind of like was a skater kid I've long hair and stuff and then I went to go get skinny jeans but they didn't make skinny jeans for four firm in yet four guys so you had to go buy girls jeans to get skinny jeans for guys and I went to go get skinny jeans for my Christmas present for myself and they took me shopping and they bought it and then the next day they called me back and they said the Lord has put it on my heart that it is wrong for you to buy women's clothing and I was like bro it's just skinny jeans I think they live it's my style and so anyways they brought me back and they told me that they couldn't do it and I've been committing sins for wanting to buy skinny jeans and because they were girls they were from the girls aisle whatever right and so that it was put on their heart that I was sinning and there was something wrong with that and they couldn't they couldn't they couldn't handle it so they made me go back to the store and trade it in and buy some like some old boomer jeans I didn't want just I'm not making this up like I can go on and on and on and on and on and there's some people like I'm not super really just one time I was looking for batteries in my house and there was like this six CD set that they gave my mom because all I was doing was just playing World of Warcraft all day cuz I didn't want to go to church I didn't want to play football so like I didn't really have any friends in Georgia it's so like I just played Wow all day and then I went to go get some batteries for like controller or something and I found this sixth set six CD set and my mom's drawer and it was like video game addiction how the demons of video games and the devil is infecting your son with world of warcraft and it was just like my mom never gave us me she thought it was funny but like it was nuts bro like it was like yeah he's crazy I'm go on I got stories for years bro maybe I should make videos about how that it religions not really a good topic cuz people say this and that and I think obviously if you're religious in the stream you can agree that the way that they are utilizing religion is not how you do it right so oh what else did they do they they they told my dad and I that we were possessed by demons because we live in Utah and Utah is mainly an LDS state right Mormons so they think that because we live in Utah we are actively being persuade by the devil to not be Christian anyway so sometimes I just [ __ ] with them honestly I just [ __ ] with them and sometimes they'd be like Josh you go into church and I'd be like I'm actually Mormon I've converted grandma and they'd be like no Josh you know that's the devil's work and I'm not a four Mormon in the stream I'm not saying like you're the devil or anything I'm just saying my grandparents I [ __ ] crazy yeah like and they tell them you converted Islam I've told them that I've told them that I'm a I'm a Pastafarian you know they just won't leave it alone dude and so like the thing is they will only help you if you do religious things and that's what they would do to my dad right so I tell my dad constantly I'd be like dad look I know that you're not super religious stop letting them push this on you like just tell them to stop it's their weaponizing it and you know but he wouldn't do it because he wanted their money you know because if he said hey look I don't want to deal with this anymore I stopped sending me books stop send me articles stop you know that he wouldn't get money anymore and that's how that's how they do it they don't it's not an unconditional love it's like you have to follow the religion or you're lost and they can't help you and so yeah Rastafari know Pastafarian anyways the stream is not supposed to be about different religions it and all the different religions are welcome in the chat you know I'm saying just like you do you right I'm just saying like that's how I grew up and so I mean your practice flights have you seen the man and the sky you turned out well I didn't think I survived it I don't I don't understand how I I think this is what this is what I think has happened I think that I've been raised by narcissists that were raised by narcissist and being raised by narcissists it has made it difficult for me to recognize them such as my exbest friend who [ __ ] my girlfriend all right I think that that's why I was like I couldn't see the narcissist because I've been raised by them and so I didn't see the difference and now everyone's like yo bro these people had issues and like you know they kind of do and that explains why they always told me I was the weird kid my mom and dad would when I'd say I don't want to do this or that I don't know like I don't feel welcome doing this or that they'd be like have you ever considered there's something just wrong with you Josh maybe you're the weird one Josh maybe you're the one causing all the problems if you think that everyone else is weird I was just like no I just don't want to go play football give me like I don't care about College like and so I just I don't think I think that if I wasn't able to see them but now if you disrespect me you're dead to me right that's how it's gonna be coming forward have you told them you're not religious and their religious beliefs don't concern you yeah of course I've said that many many times I've said hey look no offense but please stop sending me books and stuff like that like I still love you would select making contact with you but you know just don't push it on me okay thank you that's it how's your jacket money I gave it to him did they also ban Harry Potter like my family did my family wasn't particularly religious it was just my grandparents pushing it on my parents to push it on us so my dad my dad would always a low-key go to church with my mom but whenever I'd look over at my dad because it would be like the fire and brimstone Church we're like everyone in the the pews is supposed to speak tongues the whole time when everyone would start speaking in tongues for like no reason at all you couldn't like you mean my dad would just look at each other and I'd be like it's a little weird right he'd be like he wouldn't say anything right but like I knew my dad was like thinking the same as me it was just very uh yeah Bible camps for days but they weren't like it was crazy like one time they made all of the guys come up to the front when we were in eighth grade at the Bible campus and they made all the guys come up and they made everyone admit that like have you ever you know have you ever jerked the gherkin in public in front of everyone they asked every single guy they were like have you have you jerked the gherkin but they said you know masturbate but and and I remember thinking at 13 years old why is a grown man asking me about what I do you know I was like [ __ ] culty dude culty mega culty so like I definitely don't would not go back and live with him ever and I don't blame my dad for not wanting to go either yeah bro you must have a video talking about the cult you went through as a kid not happening cuz I typically don't talk about religion too much but like the more and more thing about it I think it was people would find it absolutely culty Oh oh [ __ ] I forgot about this one oh my god how did I forget about this one my what what so when Hurricane Katrina happened like whatever mm whatever it was and at that family Christmas my dad's dad sat everyone down he sat everyone down at the Christmas tree in a circle and he said I have received revelation that the world is coming to an end and then he handed out pamphlets for how to farm your own food and make your own clean water and because at that time my family was the only one that didn't want to go to church he gave the [ __ ] pamphlets to us because we weren't the saved ones we were going to get left behind he gave everyone else in the family or he didn't give everyone else in the family the pamphlets he gave my family the pampu pamphlets because he assumed that we were just screwed and we were just going to be left behind and so yeah so like uh he said here's your chance Josh and Tyler my cousin he said he said here's your chance to come clean and be saved before Hurricane Katrina and earthquakes and global warming take us all out and blah blah blah the Lord's coming back and then I remember looking at my dad I was like 17 and I just looked at him I was like you think is crazy right like they'd be what like why'd they give us pamphlets kind of offensive right like and then I remember my cousin he like broke down and started crying and he was like I'm so sorry you know and then like the rest of the family did a big prayer circle around him and they started praying the demons out of him and they're like you're gonna be okay you're gonna be okay Tyler and I'm never just looking at him like this little [ __ ] you know like this is crazy this is not acceptable well apparently we survived the end and here we are how did you justify it when the end of the world didn't happen nothing no one talked about it except me thinking this is dumb anyways it's a little nutty like that's the kind of stuff that I've experienced you know my grandma that Harry Potter was a devil etc etc I don't I don't expect the stream to get monetized at all so whatever might as well just be Who I am when I don't have to think too much oh the rest of my family uh yeah I got a couple cousins my I got a few cousins that are pretty chill me and my me and my bro Wesley he's always been real chill he's been super chill his brother his sisters were pretty chill like we're always just like you do you you know we play Halo is tough but everyone else in my family got like a free ride like Mike my my one cousin like my dad has a brother he's a rich rich guy sucking that corporate [ __ ] all day and oh wait for watching the stream [ __ ] you too and he's this rich dude at climb the corporate ladder he's got no actual skills right so like all he can do is suck that dick so like my cousin's on that side of the family got like new cars when they turn like 15 years old and stuff you know college paid for but again you know they go and get useless degrees all that stuff you know so um that was my dad my dad's brother I think oh I think he was like he's like loaded right he bought like eight hundred thousand dollar house with like a saltwater pool or something something something just got like 9,000 square foot house invites us my broke-ass family over for Christmas and and I remember I remember thinking he gave me like we would give each other Christmas gifts right and he gave me a lassie book now I didn't feel particularly entitled to anything right nobody know owes me a single gift of course right but he gave me a lassie book a dude's got brand-new card he's got millions of dollars loaded absolutely loaded and he gives me a lassie book like for like $2 are you [ __ ] kidding me why can't he help your dad I always piece of [ __ ] yeah I don't know I don't know that's the thing like it makes me very resentful either there's a couple things my dad screwed him over at some point before that I don't know about and that's why he doesn't help him or he just doesn't help him either way your family owns you 40k not in my family owes me way more than 40k I'd say over the lifetime over the course of helping my family probably like a hundred K the meaning behind the gift not the cost what the what is the meaning behind lassi our upbringing is so similar now I know why I resonate with you I hate the south hey Lassie maybe because you thought you were a little baby oh that's good that's good oh here's some [ __ ] I didn't put in the video when I told when I told my grandma that my exbest friend [ __ ] the ex-girlfriend she laughed and she goes ha ha ha ha ha Josh josh Josh you're still young don't worry it happened to your cousin Tyler too well not really she just moved out I was like you understand we've been - we've been dating for late I almost like five years and she just laughed and I was like you remember you remember my best friend my ass best friend because you met him he came over to your house like you should get that that's the guy ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha grandma are you serious why you laughing it's not funny I was like I just I've been married before I know how relationships work you're not supposed to cheat I'll never forget dude so your family hates you for not giving the money when your dad's brother doesn't give his own brother money yeah I mean my dad has a sister and a brother my mom has two sisters I mean there's a lot of people in the family that could help my family yet I'm the only one that helps the [ __ ] family now my grandparents have given them money before right but like I'm just saying like my dad's brothers loaded my dad's sister as a husband they make some decent money like my it's like my dad's got answered uncles so you know like I'm just saying like you need to talk more about these grandparents idiots laughing about someone's pain yeah it was like I was like almost like she called me on the phone she was like how are things and I was like well thanks for calling you're the only one that's talked to me lately but my girlfriend ex-girlfriend cheated she's like oh honey what but that's not how you respond you see more Christian than your family I'd like to think I if I die and I see mr. Jesus there I'd be like hey bro I tried I did my best bro as you can see what do you want from your family nothing nothing absolutely nothing nothing I would I would hang out with a few people uh my aunt's one uncle I'd hang out with one uncle that's not blood-related he helped me a lot when I was younger when I was like 17 18 what motivates you to make it public people say you know talk about what's going on with your mental health talk about real issues right stop stop trying to hide behind YouTube and try to look like you know youryour youtuber and your life is all famous and like you know nothing at nothing wrong ever happens in like nobody just I'm real this is real I want to talk about it like this happens to be hold on I got answer this cool you I have to go get my car from the repo place FBI oh no I was just is that I got my car back so forgot 2600 people here in a chat look I went and repo'd my car today I I drove my car down there like a secret stakeout and make sure my dad had the car and then I I called a tow company to come ninj it and take it away and it was absolutely heartbreaking to watch having said that let me show you here's my here's here's me telling my car back from my dad it was absolutely heart-wrenching to watch putting a piano while you rant is a good movie you'll be all right you made the right choice eh thanks fan there's some great content yeah I do make sure you get the keys now he won't give me the keys so that's why like I wanted to go ask for the keys I wanted to go knock on the door and ask for the keys but there's a there's a risk that he goes to damage the car you know and I can't have that because it's damaged happens to the car my insurance goes up and I don't wanna deal with that and he didn't damage the car and not give me the keys and so then I have to deal with that so I want it to be amicable about it and I wanted to be like that please just give me the keys I can't do it anymore but the risk is too high so that's a nice car yeah it's a 2014 it's a newer than my car I Drive a 2008 2008 old rust Jeep and that's a 2014 Nissan what's the plan for your dad I don't have one that's not my job anymore I'm done and since I've already burned all the bridges you might as well just come come out and say everything I wanted to say you know like I used to I used to feel some semblance to be like well I shouldn't I shouldn't talk about my family like that but since they just cut me well now everybody's gonna know about the time you try to pray demons out of me because I wanted to play World of Warcraft the time that you told me it was the devil playing tricks on me because I was sad when one of my girlfriends like nope doubt or something I don't know have the cops not I couldn't come did you finance that car yeah I still owe money on it is your dad still with your mom my mom is currently very upset that my dad is not sending her money so that's interest that's an interesting perspective right if your dad would make videos he'd probably earn a new car yeah dude all my dad had to do is just show up and talk I filmed the videos I edited the videos I gave him the topics for the videos I made the thumbnails I ran the channel I posted the videos I ran the whole thing all he had to do was come over and talk and then after that I would make a video for my channel edit it post it manage my whole channel and then livestream on top of that every single day while I gave everything I made to my dad so that he could get on his feet and he just he just dropped the ball and stopped coming over well I'm sorry I got sick Josh you can see yourself the golden toilet or the scapegoat both what is your mom even need money for yeah dude she's gotta buy cigarettes so you know I'm saying was he an engineer yep it's funny that money isn't everything but it seems like they fight more about money and all their arguments yeah it's like we love you unconditionally as long as you give us money didn't even try working for - when you sign him up I don't know I don't know maybe he got a stimulus check and then he used that money instead but I know right now when I went there today the car was there so he definitely wasn't [ __ ] working it was 10:00 a.m. when I went there dude if someone was paying my life if someone was paying my living I would [ __ ] be up there I would be up at 5:00 a.m. 4:45 a.m. every day hustling say hey stop being a burden on people I wouldn't be sleeping in Johnson has hit that was 20 bucks thanks dude you'd have to do that maybe one day I can get that passive income level that you have that's all I really want I just would like to generate enough money to have assets so I don't have to think about working and I could make videos because I want to not because I'm stuck in the algorithm that's really the goal not a cash cow yeah Nissan Juke yep how was your dad 58 you've allowed to become the norm yeah and they've they've I I was weak I was weak like no one took me serious don't believe me you know I'm sure no one thought I would just like snap like this and finally just go take the car I'm sure no one in my family thought I would actually do it and now they're all ashamed and sad and mad and angry at me because there's nothing they can do to me at all nothing and I don't need them anymore so they can't hang anything over my head I thinks John YouTube seems like good free money uh I wish it was free thank you for all the donations if I'm missing anything sorry I'm not intentionally stay strong thank you sympathy is a weakness you took the car yeah I took the car I repo'd the car this morning are they watching right now I don't know if they're watching right now if they are watching right now they're probably either angry or sad or whatever it is I don't care uh but I do know that I made my own family fighter dad an airline ticket to your mother I've told him that I've told him look dude I'll buy you a one-way ticket anywhere you go anywhere you want right but he won't get on the airplane and in again as I said if you weren't here at the beginning of the stream my grandparents are religious fanatics and I'm not saying there's anything wrong being you know you go ahead you do your religion right but like these people have tried to exorcise demons out of me they sent me to Bible Camp where I had to speak in tongues every day all day for two weeks where the pastor asked you if you jerked off like they say they told us that the world was going to end and my family wasn't going to be saved right like I wouldn't want my dad to go back to live with him anyways they're [ __ ] nuts dude like they told me that I was possessed by demons for buying skinny jeans but when I had a skater style as a kid like they told my dad he had he was possessed by a demon when they came over to visit like last summer they they exercised my dad like brought like are you Elias no no no my family is not Mormon is Pentecostal or what they say is Pentecost like what do you mean speaking tongues just type it in gibberish and YouTube go washed it and so like I like he's not gonna go oh thank you for the 50 CT you'd have to do that man instant hell if you wear skinny jeans they told me uh one of my cousins has told me I had a I had a fight with the devil once because I didn't wake up to go to church on Easter as I was I stayed up till like 3:00 a.m. doing arenas twos I was playing while doing some twos in arena on my mage then one week I've got Church like want to sleep so like having a personal fight with the devil what else just non-stop stuff dude like I and if you're Christian in the chat you know that's not what Christianity is all about right like that's just culty that's like cults like you can't wear like earrings earrings and makeup is bad they told they told my dad that he's head of household and she should always provide for my mom no matter what in fact my mom my dad told me that my mom said that she hated him because my dad was not providing for her even though my mom is currently living rent-free with free food a car for my dead grandpa and like she has no expenses at all and she gets everything paid lives for free does absolutely nothing and then is upset at my dad for not providing for her and giving her more money when my dad is over here like just struggling you know like so [ __ ] up thank you for all the donations you don't have to do that Denisha thank you thanks were you doing 45 sitting WebDAV your channel give me a final not should go for it hang in there it's awesome man Krish I appreciate that you know that's not what we're not about yet I definitely yeah it's like you do you like you know it was very cool - how are you normal I asked myself that question a lot when I was a kid growing up and I'm pretty sure everyone would tell everyone told me I was the weird kid because I didn't you know you religious at all and I really I'm more like I'm just more like on the fence I'm more like I don't really know maybe maybe not but I do know that I have to get back to work so I can pay this rent you know what was your peak and twos bro hey bro look I hit twenty to twenty two hundred I north hey thanks welcome aboard you don't have to do that how would you relationships be with your parents if money didn't exist I think it'd be fine like I would I don't want to say that my I don't I don't want to say that my dad is like a bad person you know and everyone the child would be like well yeah yes but like he's a smart guy he can build things he can fix things if he's working he works hard send him to the Springville field missouri rent can be lower I'm not spending any money to send him anywhere you can send himself somewhere he can go door - on foot for all I care was a chart thing about all this she probably thinks it's kind of crazy if you own your house and why do you have to pay rent owning your house means you have a mortgage on it usually what do you think will happen for the next years I'm just gonna focus on doing what I want and try to like help viewers of the channel now I never thought this would be the most interesting content that I make ever and I wish it was fate I like the more I post and the more I realized like I always just thought it was kind of normal which apparently I grew up in a cult and I was raised by narcissists that were raised by narcissists and now that has affected my ability to recognize them and I didn't see them but everyone else in the chat did right and so what's for dinner tonight that's a real questions bro I don't know I'm gonna go I'm gonna go the gym dude chess today maybe some chicken and rice do you think they were watching this video if you are [ __ ] you don't care please never talk to me again do you still use your one-wheel yeah HR and I go we ride uh one wheels all the time drama to this new tube yeah family's overrated yeah I'd agree you have to start your own cult yeah do what with the flu bloopers today's a leg day dude what have you seen the subreddit called raised by narcissist yeah I've seen it but I mean when I read it some of like when I read the subreddit raised by narcissists I I read it and I'm like wow those parents are crazy and then I look at my parents and I'm like no I don't think that they're anything like that like I've you know but from an outside perspective you'd be like wow those parents are crazy right and I don't see it but like they never did anything like super crazy okay all right I take that back see look look I don't even they I would say they never did anything super crazy like they didn't like physically abuse or anything you know like I got they got spanked but like they didn't like lock me in my room for like a week or something you know but they sent me to all these crazy Bible camps instead watching from the flipper office hey welcome aboard why do you call her HR went up by her name I still want don't want to get in trouble for associating with me you'd advise some pursuit of learning coding go to free code camp dude they got you got her in the Odom projects pretty good sue they're both free always star free learn for free I'm Pentecostal I've definitely seen the cult e sides of it thanks for giving the benefit the doubt despite your awful experiences Randy you get what it's about bro I'm sure you can understand like Pentecostals some churches have a tendency to be very fire and brimstone you know like my grandma would always threaten me with Judgment Day a lot she would say you need to remember Josh what you say always just you know and then they'd be but we love you would you save your child you I would say you're completely normal you're completely normal these people don't know what they want in life but they think they know what they want for you in life good disowned you my parents your emails yeah follow him did your dad had a code he doesn't want to learn how to code I thought about doing a whole series I had plans and plans and plans and plans for content for my dad's channel if my dad had just kept him post posting videos right now he would be at a hundred thousand subscribers and he would be getting tool sponsorships from all of the different big tool companies he would be getting mechanical sponsorships he'd be getting car sponsorships he'd be getting so much opportunity if he had just kept coming over and working on YouTube all he had to do was talk and I did everything else he had the easiest job in the world like I figured out how to do it and I could wanted to share that with someone close to me so that he could be successful and get the recognition that he deserves and finally get back on his feet and it didn't happen it just you disown them or they disowned you they told me because I didn't pay rent they were disowning me and so I just gave a big middle finger and say you know what fine I'm putting my foot down I'm taking a car I'm not paying anything never talked to me again you have any family left any relatives that care about you they'll care about you if you gonna go to church with them I got a cousin I got a cousin Wesley he's he's we've always been real chill we've always been real chill he respect me I respect him we goof off he went to school for mechanical engineering he just graduated like a couple days ago congratulations on graduating I hope you enjoy spreadsheets how many sponsors do you have I don't I get a lot of offers for sponsorship but I don't take them because I don't want to sell out I don't want to like like I get a lot of like hosting website sponsorships like please go to go to host your website like I'm not gonna [ __ ] recommend to host your website when I know that I'm gonna go to github pages or natla Phi or Heroku and do it for free as a broke person that's trying to learn how to do a skill so that they can make money I'm not gonna tell those people to go spend money that they probably don't have and so I don't take a lot of sponsorships because I know that if I'm not going to use the product I'm probably not going to endorse it and I just don't get a lot of offers from products that I would actually use and I don't want to be known for making a video and every time I make a video I'm just asking for money I don't want you to think that I'm the guy that's just after your wallet I'm just here to share experiences and try to give tips and say hey look this is how you can work a job if you want this is why it's kind of sketch but you know like I leave a lot of money I'll leave a lot of money on the table because I don't wanna be known as a guy going after your wallet every video oh yeah I got I get a lot of VPN stuff and it's like VPNs only protect sort of you know go watch get bogus video that he just released on how VPNs are lying to you you know like they can help you like get out of regional restrictions I'm not saying there's anything bad with taking sponsorships I'm just saying I just don't be known as the guy is like alright what's a sponsorship in today's video like you do you you get your money you get your bag I leave money on the table because whatever I could sell out and have a lot of money at the cost of my brand you know like I know it's not what I'm about great shadow of Legends has reached out to me once and they said we know what you've heard about Rey Chado legends but we promise we've changed and it's like wait so you admit that yours what I love the gentleman Oh leave Shannon's gonna bring the table once this stops and you can learn a lot about corporate nonsense and how businesses work and hopefully I can get an airplane and come out and fly out and help you guys build your business at least a marketing side of it I think I'm pretty D's in our marketing you watch Kate bogus ooh ok Pogue is the best I think it'd be really cool to like if he was doing Edna and a call I could do like Herbert Herbert from Family Guy like this and he will be Edna and we just both talked to some scammers that'd be fun how about audible I've never had a sponsorship from audible I'd probably endorse audible how much rage shadow legends offered they didn't we didn't make it that far I never responded why are you paying rent it's not my job to pay someone else's rent would you accept to play Valerie I don't have Valerie well that's your dad work as a mechanic I don't know have you market a YouTube channel I mean there's a lot of different ways to do it it just depends someone says speak in tongues bro I can't do it I don't know how to do it I don't have the gift of speaking in tongues and I'm pretty sure like most kids at the bible camp didn't either they were just trying to fit in and I was just like y'all dumb just stupid I'm gonna go sit in the corner well they put me in the corner and told me I was bad because I couldn't speak in tongues you must have some unconfessed since Josh you just need to you need to confess those sins okay well my bed you know plain would you fly it it'd be down to fly me around you got at you if you if you cover like some yes yeah we can fly are you an introvert extrovert I'm an intp if you look it up I took the MBTI to sciencv there's does that include business not focus on tech and programming any businesses bro I could do video marketing all day long that is like my thing I don't have a video market I know how to edit videos I'm out of film videos I got I go make you a website I could do SEO I could do all the things like I help people make side hustles and that's what I want to do my side hustle is helping other people make side hustles I just don't have any real like app ideas or you know that kind of business ideas like you guys do you play while classic I did for like a day and a few times for too long so I stopped Paul welcome aboard thanks for being here take your family of five plus two babies and five dogs I pay all the bills and no one works I understand your issue it's hard dude what are you passionate about I like flying airplanes I like making movies I like editing videos I like cameras motorcycles I like riding my motorcycle like paragliding I like hiking I like traveling I like geocaching I like lots of stuff just none of this stuff really I'm not super passionate about talking trash about corporate but like also I am besides YouTube what else does your business do that's that's all it does that's all I like to do I do some consulting you want to know how to open a business difference between I incorporated LLC S Corp sole proprietor you want to know how to open one or the other you want to know how the regulations work with bank accounts you want to know how to open a business bank account you want to know what you can't business pencil what you can't businessman so you want to know how to run a lifestyle business so that you can you know there's a lot of stuff a lot of stuff I could do you read your Instagram diems yeah I do that's what you contact you about creating an app idea like you want me to create it I get a lot of like requests for people asking me to be their CTO like they're like I have a great app idea Josh I just need you to make it for me and we'll give you 10% equity I'm like what No ask Amazon for audible did I be I'd be definitely down for audible go read MJ DeMarco is unscripted go read MJ to Marco's Millionaire Fastlane go go read gary vaynerchuk's crushing it like I made the video on gary vee right but i still like him like its thoughts on brand and marketing in a bowl on for sure like definitely on point go read war of art go read the choco willings book chocolate would be cool it'd be cool to meet all these all these youtubers that i'd like looked up to for so long like you know like some people watch TV and they're like i wouldn't want to meet my celebrity fangirls on like let me follow up with lambda school i don't have access to their slack anymore so i can't talk to any students they swap they swap slack over to some other like api thing and so i don't have access to anyone at lambda school anymore the dark side of self-help is that i think there's this real thing that's called like it's called like hustle porn where people are like i rather work 24/7 and slave a nine-to-five and it's like or hustled 24/7 and it's like you can't do that that's not real like i tried it you just how you get burnt out any good videos for learning PHP and go to lehre cast what's the fanmeeting i don't know if i'd be down into a fanmeeting but like i don't know what we do misses regular guy how's Patrick he seem to be doing good would land a school sponsor you they've never they've never sponsored me they've never given me any money to make any videos they've only given me an affiliate link so it's totally up to me if I want to make content on it or not that's the only way I've ever made money but if YouTube stops paying one day we'll cross that bridge when we get there mean you know that Family Guy impersonation I thank you so much shout-out to uh what soon damn real quick can you contact audible yourself so a lot of these bigger sponsorships that you see on YouTube the way it works is that like they use a middleman they use what's called an influencer marketing agency and it's just a middleman that reaches out to a bunch of youtubers and says hey we have a company that wants to work with you this is what they are are you interested and then you have to work with the middleman company and the middleman company negotiates the contract and all that stuff and so very rare to companies like audible directly reach out I'm just a regular guy description of half of YouTube yeah but I don't think I'm any better than anybody else you know like maybe I'm just brave enough to share the stuff that nobody wants to share how can I be disowned if your dad works for you he doesn't anymore you're helping them by cutting them off yeah you should read the book in Herbert yeah whether if the channel takes off and you suddenly make much more I don't think I just want to give back mainly I mean I just want enough money I just want enough money so I don't have to think about how I'm gonna pay my mortgage and my dad I don't have to pay my dad's my rent anymore I don't even know why I said that like that's how ingrained it is it's like I'm so conditioned to say I just want enough money so I can pay my mortgage in my dad's rent and I don't have to pay my Nezzer anymore like that's it's so psychologically ingrained that I have to work work work work work work to pay for him to the drugs your sister addicted to you I don't know she stole my birthday money wants to buy 420 to buy weed that was that was shitty your life is like a movie bro sometimes I think about that too it'd make a pretty good book huh it doesn't feel real uh-uh a lot of times I'm driving in my car to it from the gym and I just look around I'm like is this real light is this a simulation maybe Elon is right the back flip I can do it on trampoline here's for your dad's fun hey thanks it's but a potential sponsor list include audible dude I definitely be down to do audible you like tea at Baba's he's pretty good so you don't consider other people above or below you because if we don't we have something in common I mean I try not to if you mmm-hmm I try not to I try to give everybody the benefit the doubt my I'm just pretty neutral stealing money yeah have you seen a therapist no I got to work audible sponsor this man for sure why don't you want financially support parents I do I do but it's not helping them I want I would like to help my parents I would like to financially just say here you go here's all my money dad but it's like it wouldn't mean anything it'd be gone the same day you got it you know like it's saying for my mom anyway I don't know how to say this but like when you don't have money money is everything to you and you don't have money you think that you money's just gonna solve all your problems and it will solve a lot of those problems that bring stress in your life like how am I gonna pay this bill and how am I gonna afford this and then then you have too much money and now you can buy the toys that you want but none of those toys stop you from going into a job that you hate on Monday none of those toys stop you from working 80 hours a week none of those toys or material items stop other people from wanting to suddenly be your friend it's just very like what do you ever poor ya do I was almost homeless how much did it cost you you start up Conrad for paragliding it was $1400 to get the paragliding package to get my license you don't actually need a license but for a lot of places here's some money don't disown me oh no thanks man you don't have to do that cxg I appreciate you man even after hearing this stories some of you are asking how his sister got where she is my sister my sister used that used to buy weed at my house in Georgia and she'd bring the dealer over and they would do they would do the transaction in the garage and I would be in there like working on like model planes or my drone or my RC helicopters or something and I'd have to leave and I remember like going to my dad saying hey Dad there shit's illegal right like my sister like why are you letting my sister buy weed you know like and again my parents smoked so like who are they to and I was like dad like what you hate why why you let my sister buy weed in the garage they and they'd be like well Josh you just need to get out for a few minutes and I'm like I'm working on my RC car I'm not gonna let a drug dealer come in here and like sell my sister weed Oh Josh just get out are you serious is illegal but you live with him how do you live with myself and my dogs who's behind you hrs over there what kind of trans actually talking about like apparently the the dealer had some sort of weird fetish and so he would always pull up these adult videos on his phone and he would show my sister and then if my sister sat through and watched them with him he would give her free weed were you doing I don't have any thoughts on I don't have any thoughts on weeds or anything like that like I don't you do you bro like but at the like at the time it is illegal in Georgia Georgia has not legalized it so like I don't actually care it just seemed really stupid just seemed really like not as long as a smart way to go about it but it just seemed like you're just gonna get in trouble eventually you just come over here wait oh yeah wait for sake just chilling yeah there's a reason you never did anything nah dude I've never I'm pretty straight edge I don't drink I don't smoke I'll do drugs you do you right like don't hurt anybody don't steal money tell your parents and sister apply to welfare technically my dad has been getting paid by me as a contractor every month so he won't be able to get any government assistance because he's been making money via me do you live with HR No why is she hiding she's just sitting on the floor on her laptop she's just chillin she's working don't your grandparents want to united and peaceful family yeah well this is this is how you do the opposite this is how you I don't know bro like I don't know like they told me at lunch that my dad was possessed with the demon so I don't know when you're like 10 years old and your parents tell you that there's like demons in your house and in inside of you for playing Sonic the Hedgehog on Sega you start to you start to raise an eyebrow a little bit what your grandparents think about your sister I don't know they don't talk to her my sister will only talk to you if she wants something from you same as rest my pin good luck I'll give him the $2 out your dad was technically employed can he claim unemployment insurance fund no she fired him only be eligible no I paid him as a contractor he was not an employee I would never hire employees I would only hire contractors so like you don't like it's actually beneficial for you to be a contractor for your company and cost them less money to pay you because you're not on payroll tax so I paid my dad as a contractor he's not an employee he's just a contractor so like technically some guy that does work and so all the taxes and stuff are on him anxiously update the comic circuit thanks for being here man why don't you force them to move in with you that way you don't pay his rent I'm not living with my dad I've actually offered my parents to come live with me many many times many many times I've said hey parents just come live with me it'll be a lot easier it's gonna be cramped but you know we'll make it work and now I'm glad that we didn't [ __ ] do that I'm glad that we did not live together and I do not want to live with my fam I do not want to live with my dad or my sister or my mom I never wanted to live in the same household I never you want to see them again none of it it's just my parents used to smoke like cigarettes and stuff and so when I was in like middle school I remember my parents would smoke inside the house and my room was upstairs and the smoke would come up upstairs and my room and my clothes and everything would smell like smoke and cigarettes and then I remember going to school the next day and kids were asking me if I smoked or if I had any cigarettes to give them because I smelled like cigarettes and like my whole house would smell like that and some of my friends just straight-up weren't allowed to come over because they would go back to their house smelling like cigarettes and it was the most embarrassing [ __ ] as a thirteen-year-old when your friends are just not allowed to come over because they smell like [ __ ] when they come back to their house it's just very how many subs leading stop worrying about money yeah I wish it was about subs but it's not are you familiar with narcissistic personality disorder [ __ ] it feels like your family members and exes have many traits I am now I am now thank you for the donation by the way Josh you don't have to do that I think just being raised by them I've I haven't been able to recognize him got a two out of five review by my manager after working hard and getting told I'm doing an awesome job do you have any thoughts and why should do that two out of five that's weird hold on you all right just watching the ads on the video help you make money I'm actually not sure I'm not sure if you skip the ads I'm not sure what happens if you have a adblock I'm really not sure one second I'm just looking at some taxes stuff here okay stop I will go for a beer sure you know phone conrod Thanks you don't have to do that data science position I'm not sure about they too much I'm not sure just say what I block just for you hey appreciate you man so much for whole livestream nah we're not gonna do that could you do a video on taxes no cuz I'm not an accountant I don't wanna get in trouble what model one will I have an X R I have 2x ARS my company my corporate culture is cool my company is like my second family I love my CEO consider this dream right now as part of your job yes sort of I know it doesn't matter if I give this title of like hey we're we're talking about resumes and business today nobody's gonna ask about that sometimes I watch the ads forbidden click I'm sure that helps more than just skipping hey thanks Nick you know I would say you don't have to do that but I'm not actually sure how it works honestly do a series on how to open business I probably just make a course on that I haven't sold any courses yet all the courses I have a well I have one I don't really talk about it yep I just make of course CK people are really watching this is Shane it seems that way if you're here in the new support me maybe just leave a thumbs up thanks man I appreciate you all the donations in this stream are going to basically okay for my car to get repo'd at a new key so thank you why don't you indulge in other activities last night I went knife flying that's pretty dope what can you give yourself money when you're CEO what you're awesome and left caret Kelly thanks if it's not about subs how will you escape the algorithm um you have to buy assets that generate passive income like real estate nor mutual funds I need enough money I still watching microwaves yeah that's pretty funny you can't be disowned sound like you were asleep yeah I know what happened to your car I went to go take my car back from my dad called the tow company and towed it hey that was five hundred dollars look at that it's like a thousand dollars it's like $1,000 just to tow my car back and get a new key for it so that I can sell it and still owe on the loan I just can't be responsible for my what my dad does with the car if I let him if I let him keep the car and I pay the $700 a month so that he can get to and from work that's not that's not all there is I have to pay the registration I have to pay if he gets in any accidents my insurance goes up I have to pay for maintenance on the car like I hit so much that more than just paying the fee for my dad's car so he can use it and it's not paragliding what else are you excited do for yourself flying airplanes anything in the air I like the geocache I like to ride my motorcycle I like to go outside and do stuff but nobody likes that content he didn't give the key back I can't I thought about asking him for the key but he wouldn't give it to me so we tried meditating sometimes I go to the gym I appreciate your advice the question hey thanks man unedited Requiem thanks for joining also there's another one that I missed as well Jack Kenzi thanks seven or a month yeah so the car payment is four hundred fifty eight dollars a month and it's two hundred and sixty-two dollars a month for insurance so seven hundred bucks right there so the reason that my car payment is so high is because when I got my last job as soon as I got that job I went and I traded my Jeep my lovely Jeep that I loved and always remember I traded it for a Nissan Juke so that I could do door - and uber if that job ever fired me and it's not a lot of money but it was something that got good gas mileage and I chose to get that as an investment and I had to roll what I owed on the Jeep into that car and it sucked Vimal one-way ticket to his parents he won't get on the airplane I wouldn't get on the airplane I am a ticket by like people say you know make him go to the doctor for therapy for depression he won't go to the doctor all right what do you want me to do you want me to be like I can't do anything if I knock on his door if I knock on his door he won't answer if I buy him a plane ticket he won't go to the airport if I buy him a bus ticket he won't get on the bus like I can't hey thanks Marion why would the dudes who stole your credit card give you a key bit yeah exactly right I was like y'all need some Dave Ramsey I'm fine like I've been working on building my credit back up for the past seven years since my dad marked off $10,000 in bad debt in my name I have been building it back up slowly in fact in fact I almost got a house I almost got a house my dream house I almost got that house on the mountain right next to paragliding it was my absolute dream for years and I I made the down payment on it and I what I put the money in escrow and I was about to get the house on the mountain absolute gorgeous house my dream house I did the home inspection paid $100 $500 for the home inspection and then last minute they found that $10,000 on marked off as bad debt on my credit report when they ran the hard credit report to get the house mortgage and they said yeah so Josh we just found out about this it looks like you're gonna have to bring $11,000 more to the table if you still want to buy this house because your credit yeah we discovered on your credit and the bank's requesting eleven thousand dollars more for escrow and I said I don't have eleven thousand dollars mom I gave you everything I had and I had to give that house up and I already paid for the home inspection and I was like well can I sell the home inspection to the people who bid behind us and they're like well no they don't want to buy it but you can give it to them I was like are you [ __ ] kidding me and so now I have this piece-of-shit house yeah yeah like Oh also my my my interest rate on this house is 5.4 percent my mortgage on this house this 900 square foot house is $1,800 just the mortgage because my credit was so screwed up because all this my car interest rate on the on my car is 12% on a car Josh can I borrow 500 pounds to me to kind of bite you have I both us a Triumph Speed Triple 1050 what's wrong with your current house it's very very very old I mean it I'm not saying like I appreciate having house and having the ability to have a house and all I said because a lot of you guys live in apartments or you you would be your dream to have a house new alright what I'm saying like this house cost more than an apartment and it was opposed to be cheaper right and I'm paying down a mortgage basically I've applied for loans and I've applied for other things and I've just been straight up tonight because my credit was ruined and now I'm finally building a zx6r oh nice dude go apply for jobs and use your dad's name that's not my job anymore did your credit increase yet yeah I've been building it back up for like the past years and years and years and so it's it's finally getting back to where it was but your big YouTube will help you have the dream motovlogs I have to figure out a way to stream it with quality audio how much did your insurance go up after your sister stole it and crashed it into another car yeah so my sister stole the car police raided my house and I was like what what's going on there like you were just in a hit-and-run sir and I was like no I don't what he talked about oh that car yeah no that's the one my parents use a well was just involved in hit-and-run and the tags came back to your name sir well why do I have to deal with that I didn't wasn't driving it well she had no insurance the person driving it had no insurance we're still looking for her but it looks like you're gonna have to pay and so my insurance went up by like it's like 200 bucks mm 6800 that's nice why need you credit repair there kind of credit repairs are kind of hit or miss honestly I do I do credit repair I'm 100% on all of my payments ever since this has happened I've never missed a payment I've never been late on a payment I pay all of my debts on time I pay all of my credit cards on time I pay my student loans on time I pay my mortgage on time I pay my car loans on time I pay everything on time I've done everything just the way you're supposed to do it to get your credit back to normal and it's finally working hang tight my man hey ding mark thanks mark what paragliding wing he use I only have the paramotor wings I have a Geo for should encounter with nav was stolen I did say I said the car was stolen and they said yeah but the cars coming back in your name so somebody has to pay for this lady's damages and I was like well the person driving in there like well we can't find the person driving it right now so it's coming back to you and I was like yeah change your number and move probably will I thought you went to college for free in Finland I did I did but before I went to college in Finland I was going to school in the United States for mechanical engineering and I went for two years here and then I had to restart in Finland all over again so I have two years worth of mechanical engineering student debt here in the United States so yep how much you still owe on student loans about ten thousand dollars I have fifteen thousand dollars on one car ten thousand dollars on another car ten thousand dollars in student loans two hundred and twenty five thousand dollars in mortgage and probably like $1,500 in credit cards it so that's my net worth they send you any more nasty texts not everybody blocked everybody is blocked Dawson Graham Stefan he makes money talking about how to make money he's okay he's achieved the dream what school in Finland Alto nos imma will take you to Finland I married a girl and then she divorced me and kicked me up yeah I took the second car loan out for my dad so even when I sell the Nissan Juke I will still owe $5,000 on it no $10,000 on it yeah the Nisa so it's a 2014 Nissan Juke that they used and they smoked in it so that's gonna take the value down and if you look at like the trader value for Nissan Juke right now there's like $5,000 to $7,000 so if I owe $15,000 on it and I trade that car and I'm still gonna owe 10 grand on it it's not gonna lower the payment I'll just pay it off quicker sucks 10 10k in student loans no no no no it's 10k in student loans now I was I've been paying it off since it was like 18 thousand dollars in student loans HR ladies better than Finland lady L for sure a motto Jeep is it that's a Jeep Wrangler do you owe anything for the bikes nah I paid I paid for my motorcycle outright that was my gift to myself for surviving business for one year Jordan and LeBron and Jordan who to Texas I don't want to live in Texas I want to go to Oregon I want mountains and I want ocean lowering that car loan will save you money in the long run interest rates yeah but I don't care about money in the long run because I want to rebuild my credit so I'm okay with making the payments if I just pay it off then your credit doesn't just jump up you get credit by paying overtime won't be better to use the money of the car as a buffer no I've got a triumph been pining it over a wrangler wish you the best dude it's an older angular it's a it's a 2008 jeep wranglers gets negative miles per gallon and then when you turn on 4x4 mode on a Jeep Wrangler you go from 13 miles a gallon to like seven you literally you press the gas pedal and the Jeep Wrangler and just watch the gas just go to empty I do them in Georgia I was born there yeah I think airing putting your parents on blast is the best thing to you you'd be surprised I got a lot of dams that said you're a piece of [ __ ] for putting this stuff online and that's like no I'm not I think a lot of people could learn a thing or two from this don't be me don't do what I did don't tell how much people don't don't tell people how much money you make don't mix family and money don't mix friends and money don't you know put your foot down and this is what it looks like and it looks like ass it looks if this is what it looks like when you tell them no and you stick to it and it hurts and it's hard and watching my car being repo'd from my dad's driveway felt like stealing from him even though it was my car and it's absolutely trash and I think I'm I don't know everyone says talk about your mental health talk about what's going on talk about real issues and then you go and talk about real issues and everyone says stop stop talking about that that's shameful you're gonna regret this one day like okay well then like how come nobody's not allowed to talk about this stuff like who am I supposed talk about it when within it's like my well I suppose go talk about my family because they're the ones doing it how am I supposed to help other people go talk about with therapists okay that's just one person I have to pay money like why can't I help other people with this story fly the plane king of random died paragliding he was flying low with a pair motor through like a like a cavern and he got hit with some rotor it's kind of unsafe flying conditions pilot error sucks right as everybody but me big plans to fix your life I don't think my life is super broken think about salary because I'd already make to be using us everyone yeah I haven't alight yeah my light died I get a new one I guess hold on Andrew thanks for the tin go to school in Georgia next to your house of weather and people out there the weather is super humid the people are super I want to say it's like a fake hospitality almost like if you want to go to church with them they'll be nice to you I guess it's very humid got good music got good fried foods they're gonna be kind of a sense people say southern hospitality but it's kind of conditional southern hospitality as long as you're not as long as you're conservative walked away five years ago things are so much better I almost forgot how good life can be sometimes I wondered that like I was talking to a chart lady I was like hey hey char how do you like how you stop think about paying other people's bills for a day how do you like how you have fun again how you do something cuz you want to not because you have to do it for somebody else I forgot I forgot what that's like ever since you know it was one thing with the ex-wife just trying to escape the ex-wife and live on my own and then from there I was just trying to help my parents support themselves because I was living such a my life had totally changed after I left the ex-wife and I was on my own making money on my first engineering job and then I found out my parents were having a hard time it was like let me help you out I'm living in my best life right now I'll help you out and then slowly I didn't help them out they just dragged me down and so now I'm I have to remember what that's like to finally live and do something that I want to do you know yeah so people asked about Georgia like people people like it really it really depends like do you like like college college ball who like college ball a lot because we got we got dogs you know go dog so Georgia yu-gi-oh you know we got a NASCAR we got muddin you can go muddin and your truck your big ford f350 that's your daddy bought you when you turn 15 years old and you've actually never taken that thing off road once in your life but you put a two foot lift on it and you don't actually your license got taken away you know like I don't know that's like Georgia in a nutshell a bunch of people driving huge trucks with big lifts that they've never taken off road and the people that get out of the truck are wearing complete camouflage in a city because southern pride yeah that's Georgia that's how I would describe Georgia in a nutshell Georgia is the new Hollywood yeah because of tax benefits how do you make your money it's just YouTube I have a website occasionally like get affiliates scraps even a role model for you I don't have enough money to do real estate so not not not like that you sound like you've got ESPN yeah you know any southern boy if you don't know about that Bama ball oh you look you got Bama you got the dollars you know roll tide I can't Atlanta it's not like that at all yeah just like go outside of Atlanta go to Savannah go to go to Cobb County or Marietta where I'm from she's so code only if I want to make something Josh was your father into you for life insurance joke's on him I don't have insurance bruh hey thank you for the ten unit i sat free it's unfortunate reality people like us had to set boundaries my family and my siblings wanted me to buy them Gucci and things I didn't wait what really I got an offer from software in your position on fan company videos help me out thank you Kevin Kevin Kevin thanks man I'd love to share a beer one day hey man just as long as you keep those boundaries with work life like I'm always talking about work life boundaries and how you should like limit that you know go live life don't if you don't work a job that's fine just don't make sure to live try to live your life too but and then Here I am having trouble setting personal life boundaries think you had a secret addiction I don't think so well you everyone says my dad's on drugs I don't think he's on drugs I've never had any indication that he's on drugs he stopped smoking like a couple months ago that was good but I don't think he ever did drugs or anything 40,000 in the span of one year seems like actual extortion it's probably a little bit more than that I know my grandparents told me that he hadn't my grandpa told me I had an excel sheet and he has given over $70,000 to my parents over the course of like three or four years my other grandparents I don't know how much money they give but I know that they've been just given hundreds of thousands of dollars and nobody knows where the money goes my dad's never been a gambler he's never gambled he's never gone to Vegas can't gamble in Georgia like I don't know I really don't know did you get the car yeah I rebuilt it I towed it back I got to go pick it up after the stream mmm $1,000 on a shirt bro give me that clearance I let Ross she's how you talk about Josh's money thing is very much indication he's on drugs I don't know make pieces with him I think he's made pieces himself obviously family needs to be let go yeah watching your buddy make it pretty sad it's clear to see your dad is done wrong but seeing him apologize every time must feel so dehumanizing for him knowing your son pays for at all I don't know I think it's dehumanizing to me to pretend to be interested in my passions just so that you can put me in a public place where you can corner me and ask me for money because you know it's really [ __ ] difficult for me to look my dad in the face and say it look dad no well I don't have gas to get home Josh no dad I'm not giving you money well how am I supposed to go home well how did you get here why did you just show up you know like that's what he would do he would just why did you drive all the way here if you don't have gas to go home well because I needed to I needed some money [ __ ] off I'd offer a one-way ticket to Georgia he's not gonna go I've done that I flew my mom back on a one-way ticket to Georgia and she went but my dad will not will not go and I don't blame him he won't go to the airport he won't get on a bus he won't yeah if you go back in time what would you do differently I would have probably just not brought them to Utah imagine being unemployed and having to pay two peoples rents I was unemployed one my job late laid me off I had to pay my current rent and my other apartment rent that was in my name because none of those three people were working save me telling on a locksmith cop cuffs I literally just had to tow it and get a locksmith today look I'll show you whoa what is this do not give anything I've given everything I can't why don't they want to go back to Georgia coz my grandparents are crazy go rerun the stream a little bit to find that part but yeah it's possible you - strong I don't drugs I've never seen any I have to go search the car after the stream and I really hope that I don't find drugs in it I really really really really really hope that there's no drugs or anything like that in the car because it's locked right now I just have to mail him his stuff back how did you struggle while unemployed yeah I was almost homeless I was literally almost homeless I had $300 in my bank account and I was very I I hated my parents because they kept missing their utility bills and because the apartment was in my name the utility company came after me and I had to pay their rent and I had to pay my rent and my utilities and my car payment and their car payment and their phone and give them food and grass money and I didn't have a job all I did was just work and save money and play well and that was it while I was like 15 bucks a month right but it was a great way to spend some time great way to not spend other money updates from tomorrow maybe the next day why didn't my sister work for the family my sister she's she's 29 she's turned 29 a few days ago I think yeah my my sister is just like the type of girl that thinks that she has to have a guy to be happy and she ends up picking guys that are very manipulative basically just piece of trash guys and she can't function without a guy so she finds these felons like her boyfriend I googled her boyfriend's name and I looked it up on the prison records or whatever and he has literally like 13 felonies he's been charged for having a gun as a felon which is a big big big big no-no he's been charged for like meth possession he's been charged on that a few times he's been charged for forgery like forging blank checks at banks he's been charged for distributing drugs having drugs he's just like I don't I don't know what my sister does dude what's your gram in twitter Shawn white it's just at Joshua flute what advice would you give someone in his early 20s make a side hustle of some sort so that you can make money never try not to put yourself in the position where if you lose your job you're hopeless on making money just felonies on felonies on felonies with that guy like and then and then he and then he would like he would call me and my dad asking us to bail him out of jail why don't you move I can't get a loan from the bank yet until August's did you go to Finland to get away from your family 100 [ __ ] percent actually i member telling my grandparents that i wanted to go to finland i said hey i really want to go to finland and i want to go like get away from georgia and they were just like absolutely obsessed with georgia because like if you're religious like kind of cos when you live in Georgia everything is great they like college football and they like Jesus and guns and all the southern things right like and I wasn't really interested in college football or Jesus but I told them I was I said hey I want to go to Europe and I wanna be a pastor and then all of a sudden their demeanor changed and they're like wow you go get those heathenistic Europeans will pray for you and all of a sudden they went from supporting my idea of wanting to explore the world or or not supporting my idea to wanting to explore the world to going oh wow Josh Wow you're bringing religion in with you yeah definitely to it we appreciate everything you do but just wanting to go explore other cultures they said no oh look you might keep my battery it's on the wall in the kitchen I'm still here don't worry um it was just very like you know conditional you know I'm saying three hundred dollars what the heck Grim Reaper you don't have to do that man holy smokes Wow holy [ __ ] hey thanks dude Wow huge huge Gigi I had a terrible and awesome upbringing everyone event hit me up how do I hit you up how do i DM you and say thanks but did but they didn't financially support you to be a pastor like they want no no no no no my grandparents never supported me to be a pastor financially to do anything no one ever supported me financially in college or anything like that the only thing they supported me was I lived at home which was pretty normal I think but they didn't pay for college they didn't pay for my car they didn't pay for my gas they didn't like you know I wasn't like given anything I just remember saying I want to go to Finland I met a girl in Finland I'm going to marry her you know I just what everything was very conditional if it had to do with religion they would support you if it didn't they was [ __ ] you that's a car key and then some right there that's the car key it's $700 that's what they call the guy called and told me on the phone a lot earlier keep it up have a great business model my best wishes hey thanks dude turn your bones yeah how did you pay for college I took student loans that I still pay off to this day it cost me 168 dollars a month last thing you know you need now is a surprise you know for sure as you get your car back yeah I told it they won't give you the key if I ask for the key there's a chance that he can damage the car and run and I didn't want to deal with that so yeah my friend might one of my only I have I have like two two friends two childhood friends left in my life my best friend Dino and my best friend Thomas these are the only two friends that I've had in my life there's Dickinson and anyways he sent me his pic of him going to learn flying so today was his first day flying airplanes he's getting a pilot's license with me it's been our dream since we played games together as kids so Dino Congrats my dude that looks dope I remember my first flight it's kind of scary can your dad steal the car of the current key now I got a new key and this is any idea to start a YouTube channel now oh I would definitely keep soup channa now like a lot of people are going hard on YouTube because on Instagram you can't make ad revenue LinkedIn you can't make ad revenue like this the only platform your dad saw the donor was truly my dad did say that once one time when my dad was doing a livestream with me someone donated $100 and he said hey Josh like he always he would always use this phrase with me this is actually what he said paragliding he said hey Josh do you think you can give me like some something just give me a little something I was like what he's like just like 50 bucks you know and he looks at me he goes it's 50 bucks gonna break the bank josh is to kind of break the bank and that's what my grandparents would say they but is it gonna break the bank nobody's gonna break this [ __ ] relationship mr. dad no the car's gone yet I don't know I haven't talked to him in what music do you listen to right now I'm listening to famous decks on these headphones that you guys can't hear famous decks rich the kid right now on the headphones I'll pay your des rent once for June nah I wouldn't uh I wouldn't here's the thing because of because of what's going on it's a it's illegal to evict people until like July so even if he doesn't make his rent this month they can't evict him and even if they could a victim it still takes six sixty days to to evict someone so he's got at least four months at least four months so he's got June you can't pay all right he's got July he can't pay all right well starting in July they could start the eviction process well in that takes 60 days they have 60 days to leave so he can still be there he's got four months right it's not just all of a sudden he's gonna be homeless he's got four months to figure this out I think they use you as a soft spot yeah what was more scary first time flying or riding a motorcycle first time flying for sure so I have to go through this yeah me too dude you should try streaming well I thought about HR and I'm playing some video games HR is always down to play video games I just feel guilty for playing video games cos like I should be working right so I can pay my dad's rent and then I don't have to do that anymore but my brain is so conditioned I shouldn't be doing this I have to work so I can pay my dad like that's that's the exact sentence that just subconsciously I hear thank you for the donation the room is is in his name right yeah the apartment that he lives and now is his in his name if I start sitting on the most earned money you could I don't know what I got to get a job I guess if you just want to earn money what would you do if your dad hurt himself because of this yeah that is the number one thing I don't want to happen I do not want my dad to hurt himself he has two dogs the dogs that I grew up with as a teenager right before I left Finland and I wouldn't want anything to happen to him or those two dogs or anything like that that's not why I did this it's not why that's not why I did any of this I don't want him to hurt himself but I feel like the people who threatened to hurt themselves physically would have done it they wouldn't have wait waited for someone to pay them or not you know like it's not good it's very like signs that he's depressed or something but it's very like I don't want him to hurt himself I really and when I watched the car getting towed today I was thinking please don't do anything stupid please don't do anything stupid please don't come outside please don't run outside please don't make me get out of this Jeep and come over there and tell you to sit the [ __ ] down I'm taking this car there's nothing you can do please don't make me turn this into a situation please please please please that's all that was the only thing I was thinking when I was when I was towing the car today I was just I didn't want to have to fight my dad physically to take the my car back and then he didn't come out and nothing happened his neighbor was outside mowing the lawn right when the tow guy came which was like [ __ ] awkward but cuz the HR lady have similar traits to your ex-girlfriends no none of the ex-girlfriends would even hold a camera for me let alone be in a video let alone play video games let alone but yeah yeah all that stuff never go ride a motorcycle like I just did the last thing that I wanted today taking the car was to fight my dad taboo thanks for the three let me go read these donations sorry I'm astounded by the generosity I'd never do this should I feel guilty for my lack of charity bility no darth you don't have to donate i'm not asking for any donations i'm not asking for any financial support i'm just here to show you what this looks like hit in real life and now this affects someone's emotions is there anything your dad could say to get back in your good graces there's nothing he could say he's said everything he said Josh I never meant to hurt you Josh I love you Josh but can I have some money yeah Josh I never meant to hurt you Josh you're my only son please do this for me one last time every time there's nothing there's no words that could come out of that man's mouth that I haven't heard I have an excel sheet I have an actual excel sheet I remember one time I told him to apply to our jobs and I was messing with YouTube on his account like setting up his YouTube and I saw that he had a job application I saw that my dad was supposed to go to an interview and he didn't go to the interview instead he sent that person an email and said I'm sorry so I I couldn't make it to the interview there was a death in the family and I remember reading that there was a death in the family like no there wasn't you know alright so you just didn't go the interview when you said that you were looking for jobs you just said that there's a definitely there's nothing you could say I wish I was making this up dude I [ __ ] wish I was making this up you when you leave the car I can't leave the car I can't just leave the car to my dad I can't just pay it and I can't just leave it because I'm responsible for everything that happens to that car you dad seemed cool in your videos my dad seemed really cool in all of my videos I still still love my dad I shouldn't I really shouldn't you know I'm sure if he's watching the stream he's pretty [ __ ] mad at me and I'm not doing this I'm not doing this I should be mad at you honestly but like you've got to figure it out and I know that you will you're very resourceful person anytime something broke in the house or something broke with the car or something broken in when I was growing up as a kid you figured it out and so now that's what you got to do because that's what I've been doing for the past six years it's figuring it out and now you have to do it on your own dad so I think this is the best thing to do and this is the shittiest for me but yeah how's your dad gonna move around now with his legs with his feet can't you just buy a crappy car so you don't have monthly payments yeah except I still have monthly payments on the car that I just took hey Charlie yelling how old is your dad yeah get him a bicycle no how do I sit in my info grim grim reaper uh can you DM me on Instagram just F my name rent the car I could rent the car but I don't know if anyone will rent it they smoked in it so it kind of smells bad you need to move yeah keep the nissan and sell your jeep that's what I'm thinking even though I just fixed my Jeep and redid the registration sometimes people need a bit of a push yeah and now let him keep the car at least so he can get a job see that's how it that's how it [ __ ] starts that's how it that's how it's been every single month every month I'm like okay well I'm not paying the right and they're like okay well let him keep the car so he can pay his own rent and then he doesn't get a job and that's what happens first it's like okay well just don't pay the rent but pay the car now I'm taking both I'm done I'm tired of it we're done get walk there's a store literally a quarter of a mile away from his house walk to the store work as a bad boy do whatever you need to do to make some money so that you can get a bicycle and then take the bicycle to go to your real job whatever you know like figure it out that's what I would go look for government assistance go sign ups we'll go mow some lawns I don't know why'd you take the car it's $700 a month and if I don't take the car and he does something stupid with it like he drives it or damages it right like my insurance goes up if he gets into an accident not to mention I'm paying his insurance and the car payments and I have to pay the registration in order to pay the registration I have to go physically take the car to get it serviced and pay for that service and then I have to go take it and get the sticker physically take it to go get the sticker which means I have to interact with my dad and then I don't want to do any of that like like it's more than more than that it's hard it's hard but like I figured it out everybody figures it out what you say this hill company I said hey that's my car I go I don't have access to the keys take it okay you know what I would really love to see is I would love to see the ultimate comeback I would just absolutely love to see my dad just 100% turn it around one hundred two hundred percent just turn it around and be like you know why Josh nothing I can say is gonna work you know what I'm gonna start making youtube videos I'm gonna figure out how to edit I'm gonna watch youtube videos about how to edit and how to post and I'm gonna get my [ __ ] together and you know I'm just gonna look let me take you out to lunch something you know even if you don't want to go let me door - sure - you let me show you something like I would love to see him just torch and turn is a whole life around and just be happy and I think everyone in the chat would - I like everyone's like y'all he's a piece of crap alright but like I'm pretty sure like it's a pretty long fall from grace right but like he could he could get it back together and be the mechanical dad that he should be and I would love to see it and I'd be like yo I wouldn't I wouldn't I would do my best not to hold any resentment towards him I would try to say hey you know good for you I don't really want to hang out with you but I'm glad you're making a man and stay healthy you know like I'm sure everyone would look people like to see people help themselves people will help people that can't help themselves but people like to see people that can't help themselves pick themselves up by the bootstraps and figure it out that's what people like to see that's inspiration sadly that won't happen it's nice nice thing bout you go on dr. K dr. K wants to talk to me yeah sure as your father done you wrong yeah he stole money from me he maxed out my credit cards behind my back and he took out a loan in my name a fraudulent link he's committed fraud got no Jo oh my gosh you grim reaper made $20 an hour delivering pizzas yep he had a chance no he had like six years of chances it's not a chance did you two have drug problems I don't think so would you ever forgive them I don't know I just want to see him successful like everybody else does nobody wants to see him stay no nobody wants to see my dad go homeless nobody wants to see my mom be homeless nobody wants to see any of that I don't want to see it that sucks I don't see him hurt himself I don't know I want to see to see him succeed and I want everyone to be like wow good job mechanical dad you really turn it around it's really crappy what you did but you turn it around and I'm really glad you're living your best life you know you're trying to do whatever it is this is a Charlie do you have good parents I think you got like half good parents well half is a bloomer a half is good right yeah but by your uncles or cousins can they help yeah they could but they don't that's why we don't talk hmm how are you dealing all this I go to the gym I lift heavy weights lift big y'all if y'all wanna go lift weights at the gym with me today I will be I will be at what what why not you don't go then I'll go I'll go you come with weights if you want going meet some fans yes he asked me my childhood my childhood seemed pretty normal I mean I had a house I had dinner we weren't rich we weren't like I'm streets though we're like lower middle class but what about my sister how much do you live I got weak legs my right knee is all messed up I was thinking about hiring Greg to set to be my coach cuz I like Greg style hiring Greg or whatever paying Greg to be my coach I like I like Greg style of like calling out the BS that'd be cool that'd be cool to do like a progress I mean I hired Greg to sit to be my coach here's my progress I'm actually really into like bodybuilding I'm just not I just know I have a I don't got the genetics no genetics how long were you paying his rent years years and years what happens if he wins the lottery there's no lottery in Utah the lottery is illegal here yeah you can't go to the gas station and buy lottery tickets it's illegal it's kind of crazy right Greg isn't OPI yeah people scream you to greatness yeah don't hop on the sauce though joke's on you I am already on TRT so doesn't matter don't hop on the juice oh hi I'm Marti on testosterone replacement therapy so the same thing why you live in Utah that's where I got my first job how long to your debt is resolved all right maybe actually just sell some courses on how to sell courses and become a millionaire and then I'll resolve my debt illegal lottery how come didn't they pass some weird law recently they just don't have a lottery here it's not illegal you can go to another state and bring the lottery ticket back to Utah they're not gonna be like hey so in a lottery ticket from another state take it from you and put you in jail it's not gonna happen but you just can't buy a lottery tickets here what's the point in gas station TRT WTF yeah just get off the hair-loss DHT blocker actually that's not how it works at that actually raises your testosterone or did you move you could probably or again what does the tattoo on your hand represent my dream of like paragliding that's what I did what dose of TR TR you want to fight what is it 250 250 milligrams once a week I think what it is yeah no it doesn't it lowers it that's not true it lowers your DHT well as your dihydrogen testosterone it doesn't lower your free testosterone house period lighting dude it's so awesome well I just wish I had a bunch of paraglider flip friends you know everyone's talking about the lottery like people when people win the lottery and then then they're back to where they started like a year later when people win the lottery bad things happen like crazy things happen to lottery winners that's 90 artistas I'd say like anything over 300 probably would be what you do if you won the lottery probably just buy a bunch of assets and then invest the rest when different different things that generate income like CDs or I'll see these are trash but like maybe some usual phones or something coach Greg yeah coach Greg would be cool to have that's not true about lottery winners it depends most of them are just you know most tend to live out just fine it really depends like you can give him at a million dollars but doesn't mean he's a millionaire I know that if you I've given okay so this is what happened I gave my dad seven thousand dollars up front it just lump sum here's seven thousand dollars from my bank account to your bank account and I was like alright this is enough money to to move to Utah that's enough money to pay your rent for three months and buy food while you all look for groceries and he got here and he said hey Josh do you think I could get like $400 your parents are nice people I think so 250 a day no no I'm not to 150 a date how much she make I don't know putting testosterone lowers it depends on what your estrogen levels I don't know I'm gonna go get my car I'm gonna go get my car feels weird cuz it's not my I mean it is my car but it's not my car you know I'm saying so I'm gonna go I'm gonna go get my car and I'm gonna clean it up and hopefully I don't find any drugs in my dad's car my car uh thank you for other donations thank you for the support and tomorrow I'll probably post a video about what it was like to tow the car since I filmed all of it anyways maybe maybe maybe leave a leave a thumbs up or something could he account for it any receipts nope make sure you check the trunk isn't it it's a Nissan Juke there's no like trunk what's your real net worth like negative $200,000 because I have a house all right I'll be back you candy me on Instagram or something if you want tomorrow day three of being disowned that's the new meta new meta titles for the stream hash tag day 365 all right have a good rest of your day thanks for being here have a good Friday tomorrow and good Thursday today so thanks guys thanks for being here for me it means a lot honestly I was just kind of sitting around waiting for them to finish the car so see you guys later bye
Channel: Joshua Fluke
Views: 156,735
Rating: 4.9170823 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 143min 3sec (8583 seconds)
Published: Thu May 28 2020
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