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that looks like just any old regular corporate cringe a bunch of people in a meeting that shouldn't be a meeting but should be an email writing down their feel feels putting it on the the window in the meeting room with the glass walls and we're all coming together and one big happy company family which it just looks like any other old regular corporate cringe that I show except it's gary vaynerchuk's office i've been thinking about making this video for a very very very long time in fact Gary Vee is one of the main reasons I have this channel when I was like open my job and I was trying to figure out how to work for myself and just do it on my own I was walking my dogs listening to his book I'm fully on board with those ideas and he's on my list of people that I've always wanted to shake hands with and me making this video might throw that opportunity to shake his hand and say thanks away because I mean I assume that he'll probably see it or someone will show this to him because Gary if you ever see this I just seriously I went from 0 to 250 K subs in a year because of you because I read your book but having said that someone in a live stream said what would you do if you lost your job Josh and then I thought to myself I just go work for Gary Vee on a whim I googled and I started looking at the careers and what the office was like at his company so that video you just saw there was Gary's chief heart officer giving people some emotional connection or something like that what did what the hell is the chief heart officer it was that just HR I was understanding human behavior and how I could sell more toothpaste I knew how I could sell more toilet paper I understood how I could bring peace of mind to a mom in Italy with spaghetti sauce I don't understand why she exists I don't understand why writing all of our feelings down matter and talking about how we can be one big happy family because company the company is not your family here's another guy in that same meeting talking about how I think it's our responsibility to make our work feel like home home values music and I think that like you talk about this a lot if you want I don't want to feel when they come to where I feel like they're in a place that's comfortable for them to save space like home I feel like is like a word means oddities things like it means empathy amis inclusion it means trust like you go at home and that's where you're safe yeah yeah I think we have a responsibility like create a home here I think that's a very bad idea to make work feel like home there's a clear separation there unless you're working at home here's another clip of the chief heart officer going around the office and hugging people you're the human resource lady you're not supposed to hug people you know better than that especially the bigger the company the more excites the lawsuits and stuff that you get and you should know better than not to hug people any HR person would tell you that you guys know that I'm a pretty big proponent of open offices being terrible and they're completely trash and they're very distracting you got people's lunch smells wafting through the office you got people throwing things through the office you got people singing and chewing and whatever and it's just annoying and noise canceling headphones just don't work for that here's a clip of Gary Vee talking about how he wants to cram more people into an already pretty crammed space he wants to go from 48 inches per person down to 36 inches per person wait there's 16 people in a hell of a lot less space there than there is 12 here there are desks I don't same width as each of these desks 48 inches is the width of all these desks great make make anybody associated directly with me get comfortable 36 inches squeeze everybody buying if Danny David you how many inches is yep how many inches do you need of desk space Danny David is how much 16 my man no no he's getting 16 right so then you have the company man here Danny David saying I only need 16 inches to space to do my work for you Gary which is just like gargling Gary like I never thought in a million years that Gary would be a huge fan of this corporate nonsense and if it is like instead of squeezing people in wait there's 16 people in a hell of a lot less space there than there is 12 here maybe let them go work from home or pick where they want to sit or do whatever they want to do and give them that autonomy I have shared a desk before with that kind of space and you end up bumping elbows you set stuff on your desk you have a keyboard and a mouse and you're moving around and you end up bumping people and it's just not fun and and it's just people need some space so as I started to dive deeper into gary vaynerchuk's office there's this other I don't know I guess some guy who has his own YouTube channel that works for Gary Vee but he's just a dude bro that says macro uniformity and on the macro and on a level of macro and he talks about how gary vaynerchuk's office is so unique because people have freedom and flexible to express themselves like they get to name the meeting room like this one's called an elephant each now just has its own little thing the individuality and how it leads to just kind of the macro uniformity of the whole company which i think is just a common theme throughout Vayner in general it's just made sense and you can see now it's called elephant people are gonna like bring that stuff and like put it on the wall and it's now part of Vayner but it's theirs and so that again back to like that individuality kind of turns into the macro uniform of the company little brick by brick by brick one day at a time that keeps adding to the macro of it I'm gonna assume this guy sat down in one of Gary's meetings one time and heard Gary say the word macro and now that's literally all that's all he can say that's his total vocab on the macro uniformity in the macro and the micro levels and it's like an even on a more macro of like Hudson Yards and like how we were one of the first people to move in why we keep adding stuff to the walls we keep doing things that just add a little more character a little more character to the company on a macro like what do you be telling that there's water fountains don't work at all and when people are always like well combined they're like what's going on like why do we have these water fountains and now if you look someone came by and put up like this like you know I don't even know it's called it a museum kind of piece of like descriptive and it says unknown artist infinite you're out 2017 and just like gave like you know water comes in here that don't even work and 99% of the company doesn't realize but like if you like just take the time to like sit and song really put that no one even knows who they'll put that out there but that person know is right and so that adds their layer to it the micro how was my micro like what the [ __ ] is this and I noticed just even in here yeah there's no faking at any point like it's all like really real yeah it's like no faking it is it's just like on YouTube it looks the same in personally well yeah that's it's a video as you can see it's very dudebro kind of culture so far everyone kind of started or like buzz a little bit and it was really cool we were all just so happy people that hadn't met her before were confused but knew that it was a special moment so so I'm gonna show you a couple drops that I found that are pretty recent and I'm to be honest I was very disappointed at them the Creator this position is first of its kind entry-level position with an annual salary at 32 K 32 K in New York City is basically minimum wage $15 an hour in New York City but look at the skills look at the skills skilled and streaming AR music film interactive etc you can design you can edit you can social media SEO and copyright actual videography adobe premiere adobe after effects adobe creative suite design templates and canva Google Docs sheets slides tic toc Instagram Facebook live etc as a creator because I do all of these things this is six figures this is easily six figures they are especially AR AR that's like development that's coding people that do AR right now make six figures by themselves and you want that in addition to being able to make music you want that in addition to being able to film which is cinematography sound design editing directing writing a story those are all people's individual jobs as well and he wants someone to do all of this forty hours a week in the office this is not a remote position in the office for 32 K this is called the design residence so this is just an intern design resident Adobe Photoshop Premiere After Effects again this is a design job this is an editing job this is a motion graphics job these are three individual jobs as one job 3d design ability so 3d design are we talking SolidWorks we talk and blender we talk in Maya those are all someone's job this is a dedicated job motion graphics a dedicated job photo editing that's a photographer job skill created for social media when using nothing but a phone that's a videographer job photography that's a job animation that's a job rigging is someone's job ui/ux knowledge that's someone's job now let's see how much money this pays $15 an hour so $15 an hour as a salary is thirty one thousand two hundred dollars a year that's eight hundred dollars less than a full-time non-resident position that I was showcasing you previously and you're doing the exact same thing pretty much as the other physician was doing is our hope that all team Gary residents grow within their role and eventually could find a place within our team or within the Gary Vaynerchuk media family your work is not your family your coworkers are not your brothers and sisters the problem is that this money is low and it's undercutting the market because these skills are worth more and you're devaluing the other people that are getting paid what they should be getting paid by saying it's okay to pay you this much it's like for development and software people take super super cheap jobs that live in Cheaper countries which then devalues the whole market and brings the total compensation that everyone would normally get paid down and the only way to counter that is again by having a brand and I learned that from Gary Vee do they take the work because they say Iowa I work for Gary Vaynerchuk yo at me fam it's like the people who are get Tesla or SpaceX because all of these companies are known for paying their employees less than the market rates because they get the cloud I'm genuinely curious why you would accept such little money to be able to do this because it's not like it's it's entry-level like it says you need experience to be able to do this and this is a lot here that's worth a lot of money if you can successfully do all of these things $32,000 in New York City you would have to have six roommates I know it's right next to New Jersey I know I know you could drive over from New Jersey and work there and then drive back to New Jersey when you're done and maybe it's cheaper in New Jersey so after I saw these jobs I went and I looked at Glassdoor to see some reviews of these jobs and what are other people think about working for him is it as culty as it looks is it as dudebro as it looks they don't pay you what you're worth given the opportunity to work for Gary Vee so there's one review confirming what I said you you get to work for Gary Vee so you take [ __ ] pay higher less pay more gary strategy is to hire and fire really quick and I don't have any problems with that right if you hire someone and they're not performing where you want them to perform and they're not expecting to give you what you want out of them from the employee employer relationship you fire them right they don't do their good work you're fired whatever but he just has like a a wheel that's turning and just pulling people in spitting them out non-stop and I'm going to assume he does this because he gets the most creative ideas out of that if you bring lots of new people in all the time you're going to get lots of new and fresh ideas and that kind of keeps them on the leading edge of things so I can understand that the only benefit was the paycheck and even that was low doesn't recommend negative outlook doesn't like Gary full-time salary and benefits that's it those are the pros about working their CEO Gary's ego is seen absolutely everywhere rooms are named after his personal and random favorite things with seemingly no relevance to anything other than his whims art on the walls are cringy and out of touch motivational quotes from Gary good salary no adults around so hard to find accountability that's true if you go look at any of the day in the life of the office at gary vaynerchuk's company you'll see just a bunch of young adults pretty much they preach culture but the culture is more like a sorority than a business I get that vibe too from watching it feels like a ton of people that were picked last growing up that now get to be popular in best friends chief heart officer is not a real thing or innovative here's another review fantastic companies start your career in media but has underlying issues there are too many bodies in such a tight space it is very clear that veiners trying to grow and expand at a faster rate than it can handle increased budget cuts around the office are subtle but definitely noticeable very few snacks compared to last year paper towels and the bathrooms can run out midday here's another one bit of a Gary Vee personality cult there's some really talented people here even if they're all 21 years old it's an immature business run by people without experience of large scale agencies which rely too much on slogans and not enough fun regularly we're a real world experience a room full of people reciting models like sheep doesn't make a strong team they goof now there is a clip where Gary talks about how he thinks that free cereal on Tuesdays is stupid and a foosball table is stupid and free massages all day is stupid they're just band-aids for bad companies you know the foosball tables and the good cafeteria the free you know granola I just think that's worship but then he also says yeah we have that at my company but I'm not in charge of making those decisions nice and we have them but I'm not the one who's ever making that happen that's other people my company that decide those things so it'd be my question for Gary like if you're aware that all of these things are BS and all these things are silly and stupid and they don't make people feel safe or make them feel empowered to do their job and motivate them more then why do you do is there some semblance in you that realizes that you're kind of buying them off with these little things because here's a clip where everyone's lined up to get food the same food that you just said I don't I don't know why we're given everyone free food because that's just a band-aid this is Marcus Marcus can give us a review of his food that he just got it looks really good they feel like safe and they feel like they can grow that's the that matters not the king free Cheerios on cooking Tuesday now let me wrap up this video and say again I like Gary Vee I like his message about entrepreneurship in brand and leveraging different platforms for cheap attention since that is the new currency of the world as a content creator I'm well aware of that and so is he and I would preach that right it's the same thing if you're making an app you could have the greatest app in the world but if you can't get attention to it the app will die marketing is everything in 2020 that's all I'm saying so again I like you Gary I wouldn't want this video to take away my chances at shaking your hand and saying thank you if you guys thought this video was thought-provoking or interesting or you agreed with it or you disagree with it let me know in the comments down below hit subscribe if you haven't already subscribed I make videos about corporate cringe & Bs business practices and people that try to take advantage of employees if you're into that kind of stuff maybe hit subscribe got some links down there in the description that helps support the channel keep me doing what I'm doing make videos like these and I'll see you guys in the next one you
Channel: Joshua Fluke
Views: 299,633
Rating: 4.8976631 out of 5
Keywords: joshua fluke, code bootcamp, javascript, how to code, web development, brand, developer interview, developer jobs, corporate cringe, divorce, story i dont talk about, entrepreneurship, digital brand, gary vaynerchuck corporate cringe, vayner media cringe
Id: mJHDjNfn1vM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 0sec (960 seconds)
Published: Tue May 12 2020
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