3 CEOS RESPONDED TO MY VIDEOS! - WE ARE MAKING A DIFFERENCE! #proplogix #sambaisla #johnbuie

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what a great start what more can i say even got trolled oh even got trolled on youtube what about the part where you slide you slide this frame up a little bit and then you you show the comment where you call me an uneducated boot camp salesperson you don't want to show that on your homepage do you it's right here that's your comment you know i've always wondered if these videos that i make on youtube complaining about corporate actually make a difference so i did a little bit of research and it turns out that these videos do have an effect on some companies and those companies are righting their wrongs sort of and we're going to take a look at that today we're going to take a look at three ceos from three different companies that i've pointed to in previous videos and we're going to see what they're up to now we're gonna see if they've improved we're gonna see if they've changed their opinion we're gonna see if they're treating their employees a little bit better and um i think you might be surprised to see some of the results this channel is making a difference i'm not just ranting on the internet at least not 100 of the time all right guys before we jump in here i put a lot of research into this just do me a solid go ahead and smash the thumbs up button promote this through the algorithm so it gets some visibility and if you don't like these videos double smash thumbs down duh the first ceo we're gonna look at his name is john bowie i made a video about him before uh january 12 2021 smug ceo brags about how he tracks his workers man wrote like a friggin novel about himself and everything that he can do for you and um it's like it's like an e-commerce company or something they have a page about how they do great website design really website design how can you claim that i didn't even know these buttons were up here until i accidentally moused over it so let's pause right there he did make that change you took my you took my free advice and you made that change so if we go to this website right now we can see up here he changed his buttons to be white he did listen you should pay me for that but you know you can have it i i understand um he however did keep his giant 10-page novel about himself on the page but we did we did make a difference on his website hopefully you're getting some more clients there john now he did have a youtube channel this is it right here he had a few more videos on here but he deleted a bunch of videos and then he turned off comments but he left the like dislike ratio bar as you can see the video where he's talking about how he's going to get a 65-inch monitor so that he cannot watch us his employees like he took that video down this video that i'm reacting to the first time we've always had multiple offices and they've always just slightly been on different start and end times he's got he's got his uh creepy black rubber gloves on and stuff yeah he he deleted this video but uh it does look like he took some advice the next ceo we're gonna take a look at his name is sam baisler i know a lot of you guys are familiar with sam beisel because he thinks that interns should not be paid he thinks that his interns are there to learn and they have no business making any money if they have to learn what to do and i've made a few videos about this sam beissler guy before and then he eventually saw my video and he responded you know i made a video about that sam baislow responds about why interns should not be paid and he tries to defend why free work is good for you and him um so i figured we'd follow up and see what he's up to these days and it turns out sam vicela on linkedin is still the same old sam baisler posting spaced out motivational things on his page but he did post something a week ago this post will get you remote work from home opportunities part time and full time comment below if you need one what does that even mean sam what are you doing how does your linkedin post give people remote jobs are these jobs internships or are they paid what's going on here you don't even say what kind of jobs you're offering you're just saying comment below and i'd like to call you out here again sam you're saying comment below which perpetuates your post through the algorithm which promotes your page on linkedin so you're trying to big brain these people by saying hey let's uh i got a job opportunity for you just comment down below and you're gaming linkedin's engagement system so they push you my team will share a form that you can fill explaining your preferences post that we will match with the requirements with our database and you will be connected with the right opportunities what opportunities sam what sort of jobs are you offering you're not saying anything also tag someone who needs such opportunities again you're trying to game the linkedin algorithm here i can see straight through your bs sam and if you are a company looking for such resources let us know and then a bunch of these people that i guess don't know any better are leaving comments saying interested interested i'm interested i'm interested do you guys not understand you're just giving this man free promotion on linkedin i highly doubt that he has jobs for you but he is giving you a google form that you can fill out and this is what that google form looks like modern team applications for candidates and companies so this man is just collecting information from people on linkedin he's getting your name he's getting your email he's getting your phone number he's getting your linkedin profile he's just making a database of a bunch of his followers i hope you guys are okay with that seems a little bit like he's just using this as a way to collect emails so that he can further use that to uh email you guys later if something ever happens to his brand and he posts the same thing hi please fill this requirement form our team will evaluate the requirement and get in touch with you accordingly now who knows if this actually happens or not there's nobody following up with him here look at how much engagement this has generated on sam's post here what are you hiring for what are you recruiting for we don't know sam but this seems a little bit sketch you know i pretended to offer jobs on linkedin too as the ceo of google facebook microsoft and amazon because you can change your titles to whatever and i got banned from linkedin sam how come you're still on here i'll link this form for you guys uh down below so you guys can check it out if you're interested in a job i guess all these poor poor naive people thinking that they'll actually get a job by engaging with this post so sad somehow sam has now 267 000 followers on linkedin i always forget his education is so funny proudly dropped a master's degree in psychology didn't go for the degree and marks don't matter anyways okay well then how come you're asking for education when you hire people i never attended a regular college down here it looks like you did attend a regular college well it doesn't look like we've made much of an impact on sam beisel he's still looking for unpaid people to build his company up because you're learning right the last company we're going to look at is prop logics i've already made a bunch of videos about prop logix they're the company that makes these year-end wrap-up videos where it just shows their employees dancing around acting like a bunch of children and you know i i made an entire corporate cringe video about them how they bought a 10 million dollar building when they could have just let everyone work remote but they needed you know that that tax deduction that business expense i mean i see what you're doing jesse beider the ceo we're going to get to you too anyways they saw this corporate cringe video that i made about them and they started calling me an uneducated self-employed boot camp sales person which they've since all deleted because that wasn't very professional of them and you know if we go to their website it turns out that they have another year-end wrap-up video with the same amount of cringe and i'm actually featured in that video they shouted my channel out so let me shout you guys out again one thing i'd like to note before i hit play is that they've moved all of their videos off of youtube now onto this platform called wistia which is like their own personal hosting website which i don't know if they are doing that because they don't want me to find it because this video isn't on their youtube channel anymore it's just on their website but anyways here it is i like how they're just doxing people in the video with the first frame no matter what we kept our head up [Music] let's go started this year off it was so thrilling had high hopes that we bought a big building even had a slide hey there's the slide that i was mentioning i could only find pictures of it from a news article but that little uh this black thing here is a ball pit she's about to fall into a ball pit then it had an arcade an arcade still as cringe as i remember what a great start what more can i say even got trolled oh even got trolled on youtube what about the part where you slide you slide this frame up a little bit and then you you show the comment where you call me an uneducated boot camp salesperson you don't want to show that on your homepage do you it's right here that's your comment uneducated self-employed it's it's very convenient how you chop that off for the video you don't want your clients to see that part do you i see what you're getting at here but hey proplogics i appreciate it thanks for the shout out that's very very nice of you on youtube no doubt yeah we're cringy but we're so proud yeah we're cringy but we're so than a month proud covered hit ya it was completely empty it was completely empty except for the part where they make it and finance still come in we'll get to that in a second time to assembly 100 are they doxing more people oh looks like they left their slack channels open we can see emails that's cool 167 oh we're doxing more people did all these people agree to be on this video employees working from home but we did it as a team no stress no drama working in pajamas to have such a ride why didn't you let these people work from home to begin with i don't understand prop logics why did you need a a global pandemic to let people work on their computers at their house accounting in it still came in the office we stayed in the office home style like trust we got this i'm be honest the beats actually pretty good i mean the lyrics and but like if it was just like instrumental i think that's actually pretty solid song so got this brand new website they've redone everything nothing about the reading program that they offer where you have to read a certain amount of books and then you get a raise and you have to write a book report just like you're in grade school they took that all off but you can find out about that on glassdoor if you're real curious so the dude on the left is the ceo of prop logics his name is jessie bider and as i was doing a bunch of research on jesse bider i discovered that he has a youtube channel where he showcases how rich he is for example this is a video where he takes his daughter for her 18th birthday on their private jet to the bahamas or the beach of some sort and he just leads a very very privileged rich af lifestyle which i think is pretty funny because he pays his employees kind of low basically under under the market it's like junior web dev get paid 41k to 44k a year and the rest of his positions that he's offering right now they pay like 15 bucks an hour i thought it would be fun to kind of compare how much it costs to fly his private jet because if you don't know flying private jets or even owning a private jet costs a lot of money and i thought it'd be fun to compare that cost to how much he pays his employees so the first thing we have to do is figure out what jet is his and if you don't know anything about aviation you can find the tail number on the aircraft which is n906kb and it will show you what model aircraft it is what business owns that aircraft and you can even see where the aircraft goes and you can kind of figure out uh how many hours they're flying each year so i did all that and i discovered that jesse bider here owns a phenom 100 and the number here is n906kb we can see that here from this screenshot in 906 kb so if you figure out what that is it's a phenom 100 how much does it cost to operate a phenom 100 to fly 200 hours a year it costs roughly 471 000 now that is quite a bit of money but this is counting the crew and the crew training but the ceo jesse is the crew and he knows how to fly it so we need to deduct these costs so we'll take 471 000 and we will deduct 104 682 and we'll deduct another 13. so it's going to cost 343 000 a year just to fly this airplane for roughly 200 hours so if we take this and we divide this by 200 we can see that it costs 1 715 an hour to fly this jet so let's go back to the glass door salaries here and we can see that the junior web dev makes 41 to 44 000 a year so let's take that let's put 44 000 and let's divide that by how much it costs to fly his plane for one hour so if he flies his jet for 25 hours he has paid someone an entire year's salary so again i think this is an interesting thing to think about as the ceo right that's the ceo advantage his company his money his business expenses he can do whatever he wants right i'm not you know before anyone calls me a socialist i'm not saying that these employees here are entitled to any of his money i just think the difference in lifestyle is um large to say the least if i was working at proplogics and i discovered that my ceo had a private jet that cost 1 715 an hour just to fly i would be pretty motivated to get the [ __ ] out honestly uh to know that every hour i'm getting 15 and he's paying 1700 just to fly his private jet to the bahamas which by the way he was just there yesterday i'm gonna show you so i thought that was funny actually to own one of these private jets it costs you know between 2.8 and like 1 million like this is won a 2010 phenom 100 which is the aircraft that he owns you can see that here 1.8 million dollars 1.7 million dollars uh costs a lot of money to own one of these private jets here so anyways i plugged in his tail number from his phenom 100 and to this website called flight aware and when you do that you can see all the places that they've created flight plans for and you can see just on april 5th he flew from sarasota florida to nassau the bahamas and he's actually coming back from nassau the bahamas today april 7th and you can see how long their flight durations were so um 46 minutes 55 minutes one hour 55 minutes to to go from florida to the bahamas dekalb atlanta to sarasota was an hour and a half so i mean this right here that's three hours of flight time in just these two flights we got 17 15 times three hours this man has paid 5 145 to fly his private jet just in these two flights that's 15 of one of his junior dev salaries in two flights again i'm not saying that the employees of prop logics are entitled to any of this man's money i am just again i'm saying the the difference in money and the difference in lifestyle is very big and i know if i was working there knowing that what was yesterday tuesday that my boss was in the bahamas while i'm sitting at home in my apartment making 15 an hour i'd be pretty pissed off about it but hey that's the ceo advantage right let's actually count how many hours he's flown his plane since january 7 2021 which is as far back as i can go so the rough estimate this man has flown is about 43 hours so let's see how much it's cost him to fly his airplane for 43 hours three thousand five hundred and seventy three dollars that's two junior devs pretty much like that's privilege taking a 19 minute flight you must be living a pretty good life i did some more research on our boy jesse bider here and i discovered that he owns a bunch of businesses at least this is what comes up under the official state of florida division of corporations website he has former hn bider enterprises jmb leasing jmb parent llc biter idea vault biter income property cjes football biter d giovanni financial bd investment fund one srq phenom 100 leasing llc srq king air leasing srq yacht charters so the ceo owns probably a yacht or at least does some yacht chartering i'm not saying that he owns these businesses to business expense these things but it would make sense if he owned businesses that business expense these things i mean that's what ceos do right you create a business you business expense things that you enjoy that's this is what people do i can't say that's what he's doing here but um srq phenom 100 leasing and he owns a phenom 100 so maybe he leases it to himself every time he needs it for business and just writes that off with taxes i don't i don't know i'm who knows but um the man is definitely business savvy the man definitely knows what he's doing and uh you know he's spending two grand an hour while he pays you 15 an hour sounds good sounds good so anyways it doesn't look like prop logix has learned almost anything they're still making cringe wrap-up videos they're still paying their people under the market senior software developer for c 55k and they're generally they're just balling out at the at the cost of you so if you can appreciate the research i put into this video make sure to click like and subscribe leave a comment let me know what you think down in the description below and proplogics employees um i hope this has been informative for you and thanks for the free shout out and your video uh jesse keep on being a pilot man i wish i owned a private jet and a yacht that would be cool maybe you should make a leasing company for exotic cars next business expense those that'd be cool right anyways that's all i got for you guys i hope you enjoyed it thanks so much see you in the next one [Music] you
Channel: Joshua Fluke
Views: 96,153
Rating: 4.9603343 out of 5
Keywords: joshua fluke, code bootcamp, javascript, how to code, web development, brand, developer interview, developer jobs, corporate cringe, divorce, story i dont talk about, entrepreneurship, digital brand
Id: aYh3CeTql1g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 11sec (1091 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 07 2021
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